Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs - RELEASED AUGUST 2013

Page created by Marvin Chapman
Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs - RELEASED AUGUST 2013
Caring for
Kids with Asthma:
A Guide for
Child Care Programs
Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs - RELEASED AUGUST 2013
Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs - RELEASED AUGUST 2013
Caring for
 Kids with Asthma:
     A Guide for
Child Care Programs
Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs - RELEASED AUGUST 2013
Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs - RELEASED AUGUST 2013
INTRODUCTION                                5
   About this Guide                         5
   What is Asthma?                          5

Asthma Management                           6
Monitoring                                  7
   Symptoms of Asthma                       7
   Tools for Asthma Management              7
   Asthma Action Plan                       8
   How to Use the Asthma Action Plan        9
      Early Symptoms of an Asthma Attack    9
      Symptoms of an Asthma Emergency       9
   Individual Health Care Plan             10
Providing Medication                       11
   Types of Medication                     11
   Medication and Equipment                11
Removing Asthma Triggers                   13
   Causes of Asthma                        13
   Managing Asthma Triggers                14
Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs - RELEASED AUGUST 2013
Dust and Dust Mites                           15
  Pests                                         16
  Fumes, Odors, and Strong Smells               17
  Cleaning Products                             18
  Tobacco Smoke                                 19
  Furry and Feathered Animals                   20
  Mold and Mildew                               21
  Exercise                                      22
  Viral Infections                              23
  Outdoor Air Pollution                         24
  Pollen                                        25
  Food Allergies                                26
Educating                                       27
  Communication: Working with the Asthma Team   27
  Communication: Having a Plan                  28

Glossary                                        29

Resources                                       31
Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs - RELEASED AUGUST 2013

About This Guide                                        people to develop asthma. However, it is
                                                        believed to run in families and result from

T    his guide is for childcare educators who
     work in Massachusetts – whether you work
in center-based or home-based settings. One
                                                        environmental exposures.
                                                     ■■ This disease causes airways in the lungs to
                                                        tighten, swell and fill with mucus, making it
out of eight children in this state has asthma.         hard to breathe.
Here you can find information about how to           ■■ Asthma symptoms include wheezing, coughing,
help care for these children.                           chest tightness and trouble breathing.
                                                     ■■ An asthma attack is serious. A person having an
This guide includes information about                   asthma attack may need emergency treatment,
recognizing asthma symptoms, partnering with            and may even die if they are not treated.
parents in caring for asthma, and removing           ■■ The good news is that asthma is very
things that can trigger asthma. Also, there are         treatable. With proper care, children and
tips about how you can work with parents to             adults with asthma can lead active and
manage a child’s asthma.                                healthy lives.

YOU can play an important role in ensuring
children with asthma lead a normal, active life.
This guide can help you.

What is Asthma?

■■ Asthma  is a chronic (long lasting) disease of
   the lungs.
■■ Researchers don’t know what causes

                                                                                                          Introduction | 5
Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs - RELEASED AUGUST 2013
Asthma Management

                                       G    ood asthma management helps children
                                            live full healthy lives and stay out of the
                                        emergency room.

                                        There are four parts to successful asthma

                                        1. Monitoring the child’s symptoms (such as
                                           breathlessness) so treatment can be provided
                                           before an asthma attack occurs.
                                        2. Providing medication as prescribed by the
                                           child’s doctor.
                                        3. Removing asthma triggers from the
                                           childcare environment.
                                        4. Educating everyone who cares for the child
                                           so they understand how to manage the child’s
                                           asthma – including recognizing asthma
                                           symptoms, identifying and removing triggers,
                                           and providing the correct treatment.

                                        We’ll discuss each of these on the following
                                        pages, which have tabs for easy reference.

6 | Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs
Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs - RELEASED AUGUST 2013
Asthma Management :   Monitoring
Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs - RELEASED AUGUST 2013
Asthma Management :           Monitoring

Symptoms of Asthma                               Tools for Asthma Management                       Asthma in Young Children
                                                                                                   Some young children may
The four main symptoms of asthma are:            There are many tools that can help you            have asthma symptoms and
                                                 remember how to take care of a child with         use asthma medications,
■■ Coughing                                      asthma whether you are monitoring typical         even though they have not
■■ Chest tightness                               asthma triggers or responding to an emergency:    been diagnosed with asthma.
                                                                                                   Doctors don’t always
■■ Wheezing
                                                                                                   diagnose asthma at a young
■■ Trouble breathing                             ■■ You   should have both an Individual Health    age because the lungs are
                                                    Care Plan and an Asthma Action Plan on         still developing. It is still a
It is important to pay attention to asthma          file for children with asthma.                 good idea for them to have
symptoms so you can understand if an             ■■ You and your staff should have training on     an Individual Health Care
asthma attack is starting and needs treatment.      how to give asthma medication.                 Plan or an Asthma Action
                                                                                                   Plan if they are at risk of
Monitoring asthma symptoms also helps make       ■■ You should keep this guide nearby to look up
                                                                                                   asthma-like attacks or may
sure the asthma treatment plan is working.          information as needed.                         require asthma medication.

                                                                                                          Asthma Management | 7
Asthma Action Plan

                                                                                 An Asthma Action Plan (AAP) is an important
                                                                                 tool that can help you prevent and treat asthma
                                                                                 attacks. An AAP shows you how to:

                                                                                 ■■ Recognize   well-controlled asthma (green
                                                                                 ■■ Recognize  which symptoms indicate you
                                                                                    should pay extra attention and add or
                                                                                    increase medications according to the plan
                                                                                    (yellow zone).
                                                                                 ■■ Recognize the symptoms of an asthma
                                                                                    emergency (red zone) in which you should
                                                                                    provide rescue medication and call 911.

                                                                                 Each child with asthma has different symptoms
                                                                                 and medications, so each child needs to have his
                                                                                 or her own AAP.

                                                                                 ■■ Ask  parents for an AAP that has been
                                                                                    created by the child’s doctor.
                                                                                 ■■ Blank AAP forms can be ordered free
                                                                                    online (in multiple languages) from the MA

8 | Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs
How to Use the Asthma Action Plan                    If the child has any of these yellow zone
                                                     symptoms, give the child medicine according to
Asthma symptoms can come on slowly or                the instructions on the Asthma Action Plan or
rapidly. An attack may be mild for some time         Individual Health Care Plan. If the child is over
before getting worse, or it may come on fast         age 5 and has a peak flow meter, you can use it
and get worse quickly. Sneezing, runny nose,         to check the child’s breathing and compare it to
scratchy throat and itchy eyes are common            the peak flow numbers on the plan.
allergy reactions that can lead to lung problems
for people with asthma.                              Red Zone :
                                                     Symptoms of an Asthma Emergency
Yellow Zone :                                        Symptoms in the red zone on an Asthma Action
Early Symptoms of an Asthma Attack                   Plan are serious. If a child has any of these
Symptoms in the yellow zone on an Asthma             symptoms the asthma is getting worse quickly.
Action Plan indicate that the asthma is no longer
completely controlled and the child needs more       ■■ Severe wheezing that you can hear
or different treatment. The following symptoms       ■■ Heavy  coughing
are in the yellow zone:                              ■■ Crying but not making noise
                                                     ■■ Blue lips
■■ First signs of a cold.                            ■■ Chest and neck pulled in, ribs showing
■■ Wheezing, noisy breathing, or whistling           ■■ Nose opens wide
   sounds coming from the chest, especially if       ■■ Breathing really fast (can’t speak in complete
   there are four wheezing episodes in one month.       sentences)
■■ Tight chest: Children may say their chest
   ‘hurts’ or feels ‘heavy’ and toddlers may press   Call 911 or go to the emergency room if you
   on their chest or throat.                         see any of these symptoms. Provide medication
■■ Coughing that continues over hours or days,       according to the Asthma Action Plan.
   coughing that gets stronger or more frequent,
   or coughing during sleep.
■■ Difficulty sleeping due to asthma, either
   during naps or at night.

                                                                                                         Asthma Management | 9
Individual Health Care Plan

                                                                                  Massachusetts has regulations that require every
                                                                                  child with asthma to have an individual health
                                                                                  care plan (IHCP) on file at the childcare site.

                                                                                  ■■ A  parent, teacher and health care provider
                                                                                     together create an IHCP for the child.
                                                                                  ■■ The IHCP includes information about
                                                                                     symptoms, treatments, and side effects.
                                                                                  ■■ You should ask the parent to include
                                                                                     information about a child’s asthma triggers,
                                                                                     and to show you how to give their child’s
                                                                                  ■■ Look at the “Communication: Working
                                                                                     with the Asthma Team” section of this guide
                                                                                     (page 27) for more information on filling out
                                                                                     this plan.

10 | Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs
Asthma Management :   Providing Medication
Asthma Management :              Providing Medication

Types of Medication                                  Medication and Equipment

Asthma medications are an important part of          Controller Medications
caring for asthma. These medications make            Controller medications help control swelling
breathing easier by decreasing mucus and             and build up of mucus in the lungs. They are
swelling and by relaxing the muscles that            taken daily to prevent moderate to severe asthma
tighten up the airways. Childcare educators          symptoms. They should be taken even if the child
must be trained by a health care provider or         is well. These controller medications do not give
parent about how to give asthma medication           quick relief during an attack. Examples include:
(refer to the Resource section at end of this
document for information on training).               ■■ Singulair (also called Montelukast)
                                                     ■■ Inhaled steroids: Budesonide (also called
There are two types of asthma medications:              Pulmicort), Fluticasone (also called Flovent),
1. Long-term control medications control                Beclomethasone (also called Qvar)
   daily symptoms and are taken even if the
   child appears to be healthy.                      Rescue Medications
2. Rescue (quick-relief ) medications should be      Rescue or quick relief medications relax muscle
   taken to relieve immediate symptoms. If rescue    spasms in the lungs and give quick relief during
   medications are being taken daily, encourage      an attack. They also help prevent muscle spasms
   parents to talk to their child’s doctor about     during exercise when taken 15-20 min before
   finding a better way to control the asthma.       exercise. Examples include:

If a child’s asthma is triggered by allergies, the   ■■ Albuterol   (also called Ventolin, Proventil,
child may need to take allergy medications              ProAir)
along with asthma medications to help control        ■■ Levalbuterol (also called Xopenex)
symptoms.                                            ■■ Pirbuterol (also called MaxAir)

                                                                                                         Asthma Management | 11
What should I do if the                Since children may need medication during
child’s rescue medication              childcare, ask parents if the child’s doctor can
is not nearby?                         prescribe an extra inhaler to keep at the child
ALWAYS have an asthmatic               care site.
child’s rescue (quick relief)
medication with you at all             There are several different pieces of equipment
times. This can save a life.           used in giving asthma medication. Here are
If symptoms are severe and             pictures of the most common devices used.
the inhaler or medication              Look in this guide’s “Glossary” (page 29) for
is not quickly available,              definitions of each.
call 911. While waiting
for the medicine or rescue
■■ Stay  with the child, remain
   calm and help the child
   remain calm.
■■ Encourage the child to
   inhale and exhale slowly.
■■ Try having the child sit in a
                                                  Inhaler                         Spacer   Nebulizer   Mask
   hunched position leaning
   on his or her elbows.
■■ If the item that triggered
                                       You can find step-by-step picture instructions
   the attack can be taken
   away from the child (e.g.
                                       on how to give medication here: www.nhp.
   a feather comforter) or             org/pages/providers_clinicalresources_
   the child taken away from           asthmatoolsdownload.aspx
   the trigger (e.g. pollen)
   get the child away from
   the item that triggered
   the attack. For example,
   remove the feather
   comforter from the child
   or move the child indoors
   on bad pollen days.

12 | Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs
Asthma Management :   Removing Asthma Triggers

Asthma Management :            Removing Asthma Triggers

Causes of Asthma

■■ Asthma    symptoms can be caused by exposure
   to triggers. Each child may have a different
   set of things that triggers his or her asthma.
■■ Triggers are things in both the indoor and
   outdoor environments that may not bother
   a person without asthma – but do bother
   children and adults with asthma because they
   have sensitive lungs.
■■ Important triggers include dust and dust
   mites, tobacco smoke, mold and mildew, pests,
   strong smells, and pets among other things.
■■ Removing asthma triggers from your child
   care setting is an important way to help
   children with asthma.

                                                                 Asthma Management | 13
Managing Asthma Triggers

                                       The triggers below can make asthma worse.
                                       There are many easy and low cost things that
                                       childcare staff can do to reduce or get rid of
                                       asthma triggers in the childcare setting. By
                                       managing triggers, you can play a big role in
                                       preventing asthma attacks at your childcare site.

                                                      Dust and Dust Mites                  Mold and Mildew

                                                      Pests                                Exercise

                                                      Perfumes, Odors and
                                                                                           Viral Infections
                                                      Strong Smells

                                                                                           Outdoor Air Pollution
                                                      Cleaning Products
                                                                                           and Weather

                                                      Tobacco Smoke                        Pollen

                                                      Furry or Feathered Animals           Food Allergies

14 | Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs
Dust and Dust Mites

Dust and dust mites are the most common                                                                          Center-based
asthma triggers.
                                                                What Can You Do?                                 Childcare
                                                    ■■ Use  special allergy covers on mattresses
Dust mites are tiny bugs that are impossible to        for children napping in beds or cribs.         (Family childcare should
see but live in every home. They can be found in:      Wipe the covers off with a damp cloth or       also apply this tip when
                                                                                                      possible): When making
                                                       vacuum fabric covers once a month.
                                                                                                      large purchases or doing
■■ Bedding                                          ■■ Wash stuffed animals, sheets, blankets and
                                                                                                      renovations, consider
■■ Stuffed   toys                                      other bedding in hot water weekly. You         buying furniture that is
■■ Carpeting                                           could also put these items in the dryer        smooth and wipe-able, and
■■ Mattress                                            using the hot cycle for at least 30 minutes.   choose smooth, non-porous
■■ Pillows                                          ■■ Vacuum floors, rugs, and all upholstered       flooring rather than carpet.
■■ Other   common household items                      surfaces (chairs with cushions, rugs,
                                                       curtains, etc.) with a HEPA vacuum.
Breathing in dust and dust mite droppings can          HEPA vacuums are available for a low
trigger an asthma attack and could also cause          cost at big box or home supply stores.
asthma in children who did not have asthma          ■■ Reduce clutter in the building wherever
already. The good news is there are many easy          possible. Store things in plastic bins or
things you can do to reduce household dust,            closed cabinets to avoid collecting dust.
which reduces dust mites.                           ■■ Use a damp mop to clean hard surface
                                                    ■■ Clean or change heating and air
                                                       conditioning filters regularly.

                                                                                                           Asthma Management | 15

             Center-based              Pests and pest droppings can trigger asthma
             Childcare                 or make asthma worse. Some chemicals used
                                                                                                       What Can You Do?
                                       to kill pests can also trigger asthma and can be    The best way to reduce pests, pest droppings
IPM is required for all                very dangerous for young children. Pests get        and pesticide use is to use Integrated Pest
childcare centers! Go to               into buildings through tiny cracks and openings     Management (IPM). IPM reduces pests by to
                                       and are attracted to crumbs, dirty dishes, spills   preventing them from entering the home
create your IPM plan.
                                       and water.                                          and removing any sources of food and water.
                                                                                           Pesticides are used only as a last resort. The
            Family                     Cockroaches and mice are the worst pests for        following are components of IPM:
            Childcare                  asthma. Exposure to cockroaches may cause
                                       asthma in otherwise healthy children.               ■■ Don’t feed pests:   Remove sources of food
Start IPM in your childcare!                                                                  and water for pests, clean dirty dishes
If you need help talking to                                                                   and spills quickly, store food (including
your landlord or need info                                                                    pet food) in sealed airtight containers, fix
on pest contractors go to                                                                     dripping faucets, and keep a tight lid on
                                                                                              the garbage.
First, try to use a pest                                                                   ■■ Keep pests out: Repair any cracks in
contractor who follows                                                                        the walls and close openings to the
IPM practices. If all other                                                                   outdoors. Clean up any clutter like paper,
steps have failed and
you absolutely must use
                                                                                              newspapers and cardboard.
pesticides, make sure                                                                      ■■ Trap existing pests: If possible, use bait
pesticides are kept away                                                                      traps (outside the reach of children) or
from children. Use this                                                                       sticky traps instead of spraying pesticides.
guide to understand how                                                                    ■■ Your IPM contractor should only use
to use pesticides safely:
                                                                                              pesticides as a last resort: If all other
Publications/Cit_Guide/                                                                       steps have failed, your IPM contractor
citguide.pdf                                                                                  may apply pesticides very carefully.

16 | Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs
Fumes, Odors and Strong Smells

Strong smells from common household items can
trigger asthma attacks. These products include:
                                                                What Can You Do?
                                                    ■■ Avoid chemical air fresheners or sprays. Use
■■ Cleaning   supplies                                 exhaust fans to air out rooms after cleaning.
■■ Perfumes                                         ■■ Avoid wearing hairspray or perfume
■■ AirFresheners                                       near children and consider creating a
■■ Gas/smoke from stoves, heaters                      fragrance-free policy for the childcare site.
                                                    ■■ Close windows if there are exhaust fumes
Sprays of any kind are put tiny particles into         outside, such as from buses.
the air and irritate the lungs. Even things that    ■■ Use low or no-VOC paints. These are easy
have a nice smell, such as electric plug-in air        to find at hardware stores.
fresheners, can trigger asthma. The safest option   ■■ Use non-toxic fragrance-free cleaners and
is always to buy less toxic, “fragrance-free”          clean when children are away (see next
products and avoid all strong smells.                  section on “Cleaning Products”).

                                                                                                       Asthma Management | 17
Cleaning Products

Preparing Bleach: more                 Cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting are very
is NOT better!                         important in childcare settings, but they can be        vinegar or other acids.
For food areas, mouthed                dangerous if not done correctly. You only need       ■■ The safest bleach alternative is hydrogen
toys and pacifiers (such as            to use a sanitizer or disinfectant on surfaces          peroxide-based disinfectants (e.g. Oxivir).
refrigerators, freezers, plastic       required by MA Department of Early Education         ■■ Read the labels on all cleaning products.
cutting boards, stainless              and Care regulations. For other areas, like floors      There are some cleaners and disinfectants
cutlery/utensils, dishes,
glassware, countertops, pots
                                       and windows, you can use soap and water.                that are branded as “green,” but only select
and pans, toys that have                                                                       those that are third party certified.
been mouthed, high chair               Bleach is the most common sanitizer and              ■■ If disinfecting or sanitizing, first clean
trays), add 2 teaspoons of             disinfectant. It can trigger asthma attacks and         surfaces well with soap and water or other
bleach to 1 gallon of water.           may cause new cases of asthma. It is important          less-toxic cleaners. Second, rinse with
For toilet and diapering               to reduce or eliminate children’s contact with          water using a cloth. Third, use disinfectant
areas (such as bathroom                bleach. Use bleach only when required and in            by wiping the solution on the surface.
surfaces, sinks, changing              the right amount. If possible, use bleach when       ■■ If using spray bottle, spray solution onto
tables, potty chairs, diaper           children are not present.                               cloth instead of directly onto surface.
pails, and doorknobs), add                                                                  ■■ If you must use bleach, be careful to
¼ cup of bleach to 1 gallon
of water, or 1 tablespoon of                                                                   measure correctly and do not spill when
bleach to 1 quart of water.                                                                    preparing the solution. Always put water
                                                                                               into the container first, then add the
Throw away any leftover
bleach solution, or make
                                                                                            ■■ Mix bleach with cool, not hot water and
sure it is clearly marked and
stored safely.                                                                                 don’t use more than the recommended
                                                          What Can You Do?
                                                                                               amount of bleach.
Look for less toxic certified             ■■ Use
cleaning products with
                                                  less-toxic, certified cleaning products   ■■ Let the bleach dry for two minutes before

these logos:                                 when possible. Two common certifications          touching or using the object.
                                             to look for are Green Seal and EcoLogo.        ■■ Open windows or turn on an exhaust fan
                                          ■■ Never mix different types of cleaning             for good ventilation when using bleach
                                             products. Don’t mix bleach with ammonia,          and other cleaning products.

18 | Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs
Tobaco Smoke

Being around tobacco smoke is dangerous,                                                                         Center-based
especially for children. Secondhand smoke is an
                                                               What Can You Do?                                  Childcare
asthma trigger. Being exposed to secondhand        ■■ Try to help parents and staff (and for family
smoke even makes it more likely that kids who         childcare, family members) quit smoking.        Create a smoke-free policy.
                                                                                                      Do not allow smoking
don’t have asthma, will develop it.                ■■ There is help for people who want
                                                                                                      anywhere on your center’s
                                                      to quit smoking. They can call                  property, even outside.
Kids are the most at risk because they are still      1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit www.
growing, and they breathe more times per minute for help.
than adults. This means they breathe in more of    ■■ Ask staff who smoke to change their                        Family
the chemicals found in cigarette smoke than do        clothes after they have a cigarette.                       Childcare
adults. Children can still breathe in chemicals
from smoke even after someone has finished the     If staff can’t change their clothes, ask them      Ask family and friends to
cigarette because they stay in the air.            to wear a special jacket that they only wear       smoke outside, even if
                                                                                                      childcare is not in session.
                                                   when smoking. They can take off this jacket
                                                   when they come inside.                             Can you smell smoke in
                                                                                                      your apartment? If people
                                                                                                      in another apartment in
                                                                                                      your building smoke, the
                                                                                                      smoke can come into your
                                                                                                      apartment. Talk with your
                                                                                                      landlord if you rent, or your
                                                                                                      condo association, if you
                                                                                                      own, about including a no
                                                                                                      smoking indoors policy for
                                                                                                      your building. It’s legal and
                                                                                                      could save money in repair
                                                                                                      costs! Check it out: http://

                                                                                                           Asthma Management | 19
Furry or Feathered Animals

                                       Animals with fur or feathers carry allergens in
                                       their saliva and on their skin, fur, or feathers.
                                                                                                            What Can You Do?
                                                                                               ■■ Have   pets such as fish or hermit crabs, or
                                       Pet dander may get on the clothes, blankets, and           raise and release butterflies.
                                       stuffed toys of children and staff. It can also float   ■■ If you have a furry or feathered pet, keep
                                       in the air and settle on children, furniture or toys.      it outside of the childcare rooms and
                                                                                                  play areas, and especially off furniture
                                                                                                  and carpets.
                                                                                               ■■ Tell parents before they enroll a child if
                                                                                                  you have a furry or feathery pet.

20 | Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs
Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew produce tiny spores that are
carried in the air. The spores can be harmful
                                                               What Can You Do?
to people with allergies and asthma and            ■■ Clean up mold and find its source (more
could cause asthma in a child who is healthy.         information on this can be found in the
Mold grows where it is damp. You can find             “Resources” section). Mold will come back
mold under carpets, under sinks, on window            unless you find the source of the problem.
frames and sills, and on wet appliances like air      Fix all sources of water leaks.
conditioners, humidifiers, and refrigerators.      ■■ To clean up mold, if it is a small problem
                                                      you can wipe it up, but large mold problems
                                                      require a mold remediation professional.
                                                   ■■ Use exhaust fans or open windows to
                                                      reduce moisture.
                                                   ■■ Avoid using humidifiers or vaporizers
                                                      (unless a doctor says to) – they promote
                                                      mold and spread it throughout the room.
                                                   ■■ Keep drip pans in refrigerators and air
                                                      conditioners clean and dry. Clean air
                                                       conditioner filters regularly.

                                                                                                    Asthma Management | 21

                                       Asthmatic children should be able to exercise
                                       if their asthma is under good control. Exercise
                                                                                                         What Can You Do?
                                       can help children with asthma feel better so they     ■■ Watch   the child closely during exercise
                                       can stay active just like everyone else. Children        and have rescue medication nearby.
                                       with asthma should be able to run around              ■■ Have the child warm up with about 5 to
                                       and play on a playground like other children,            10 minutes of stretching and light activity
                                       without struggling to breathe. However, for some         before starting to exercise, and cool down
                                       children, exercise can trigger an asthma attack.         afterwards.
                                                                                             ■■ Make sure the child drinks plenty of water.
                                       The symptoms of exercise-induced asthma               ■■ When it’s cold, have the child wear a
                                       generally begin within 5 to 20 minutes after the         mask or scarf to cover his or her nose,
                                       start of exercise, or 5 to 10 minutes after brief        since cold air tightens the airways quickly.
                                       exercise has stopped.                                 ■■ Avoid outdoor exercise on days that have
                                                                                                a high pollen count or high pollution
                                       Some children may need to use rescue or                  levels (see pages 23-24).
                                       quick-relief medication before exercise. Other        ■■ Restrict the child’s exercise when he or
                                       children need controller medication every day             she has a viral infection (see page 22).
                                       to keep their asthma symptoms under control.
                                       This information should be in the Individual
                                       Health Care Plan or Asthma Action Plan.

22 | Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs
Cold, Flu, and Other Illnesses

Colds, flu, bronchitis and other similar illnesses
can trigger an asthma attack. This type of
                                                                 What Can You Do?
sickness is the most common asthma trigger for       ■■ Remind   children and staff to wash their
young children.                                         hands often to avoid spreading infections.
                                                        Look in the “Resources” section for good
                                                        handwashing practices.
                                                     ■■ Keep children with asthma away from
                                                        people who have a cold or flu.
                                                     ■■ Children (and staff ) should remain
                                                        at home when they have the flu, and,
                                                        whenever possible, when they have a cold.
                                                     ■■ Encourage parents to have their children
                                                        as young as six months old get flu shots.
                                                        Children with asthma should get the flu
                                                        shot, not the nasal spray.

                                                                                                     Asthma Management | 23
Outdoor Air Pollution

                                       Outdoor air that is polluted can cause asthma
                                       attacks. Air pollution is very irritating to the
                                                                                                      What Can You Do?
                                       lungs and airways, causing them to tighten.        ■■ Try  to keep children inside if the weather
                                       Exposure to air pollution may cause asthma in         is very hot or very cold.
                                       otherwise healthy children.                        ■■ To get an air quality forecast, go to:
                                                                                          ■■ Air quality is presented using a color coded
                                                                                             system. Green zone means it is okay to play
                                                                                             outside. Yellow, Orange and other colored
                                                                                             zones mean children with asthma should
                                                                                             limit outdoor recreational activities.
                                                                                          ■■ Keep windows closed and use an air
                                                                                             conditioner on high pollution days. Clean
                                                                                              air conditioner filters regularly.

24 | Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs
Pollen and Weather

Pollen comes from trees, flowers, grass and
weeds and can trigger asthma. Pollen floats
                                                                What Can You Do?
in the air and can collect on any surface, even     ■■ Enter   your zip code at
indoors. High pollen counts in the spring and          global/nab-pollen-counts.aspx to check
fall seasons are known to be asthma triggers for       local pollen amounts.
some children. In addition, very cold or very hot   ■■ On days with high pollen, keep windows
weather can cause asthma attacks.                      closed and use air conditioners, if possible.
                                                       Clean air conditioner filters regularly.
                                                    ■■ Clean indoor surfaces, curtains and rugs
                                                       often. Keep outdoor areas clear of fallen
                                                       leaves, compost piles and cut grass.
                                                    ■■ Try to keep children inside if the weather
                                                        is very hot or very cold.

                                                                                                       Asthma Management | 25
Food Allergies

                                       Allergies to foods like peanuts, tree nuts, milk,
                                       wheat, soy beans, eggs, fish, and shellfish can
                                                                                                        What Can You Do?
                                       cause asthma symptoms. Sometimes these foods        ■■ Get training to recognize food allergy
                                       can cause a life-threatening allergic reaction         reactions, and how to treat them (including
                                       making it difficult for a child to breathe. This       providing emergency medication, such as
                                       situation can be even more dangerous for               an epipen).
                                       children with asthma and food allergies.            ■■ Have parents list all of their child’s food
                                                                                              allergies in their Individual Health Care
                                                                                              Plan, as well as the types of food products
                                                                                              that may contain these foods. Check
                                                                                              labels of all food products.
                                                                                           ■■ Post a list of children’s food allergies (with
                                                                                              the child’s photo) in the kitchen and
                                                                                              eating areas where all staff can see it.
                                                                                           ■■ Wash hands after eating or wiping
                                                                                              surfaces to avoid accidental exposure.
                                                                                           ■■ Keep the child’s emergency medication
                                                                                              within your reach at all times.
                                                                                           ■■ For more information, visit

26 | Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs
Asthma Management :   Educating

Asthma Management :             Educating

Communication: Working With the                    ■■ Create a daily communication form (download       What is the key to
Asthma Team                                           one at: to share         being on any team?
                                                      with parents. This can include any changes in     COMMUNICATION! It is
                                                                                                        important for all individuals
Managing asthma is a team effort! Parents,            symptoms, medications, or triggers.
                                                                                                        to have open and regular
childcare educators, and health care providers     ■■ Work with parents to update the Individual
                                                                                                        communication about a
all have an important role to play in helping         Health Care Plan and Asthma Action Plan           child’s asthma management.
a child control their asthma so they can live         regularly. Think about scheduling an annual       Share the information in
active, healthy lives.                                health update meeting.                            this guide with parents!
                                                   ■■ Take training on asthma management.
Here are some important communication tips:           Schedule an asthma-awareness meeting with
                                                      all childcare staff to discuss asthma in your
■■ Support   parents in helping to manage their       childcare center. Ask if any local asthma
   child’s asthma by sharing resources with them      coalitions offer trainings for childcare staff.
   (like this guide!) and asking them to talk to
   their child’s doctor or nurse.
■■ Remind parents they should ask their child’s
   doctor to create an Asthma Action Plan. The
   doctor could also help parents complete the
   Individual Health Care Plan for the child. If
   your program has a health consultant, he or
   she may be able to help as well.
■■ If you notice a child is having a lot of
   symptoms and cannot participate in activities
   like other children, their asthma may not
   be well-controlled. You should talk with the
   child’s parents.

                                                                                                             Asthma Management | 27
Some parents may be                    Communication: Having a Plan                             day at home to help control his asthma.
unfamiliar with the IHCP. Try                                                                   If John has trouble breathing, he takes
filling out the IHCP together          The Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP) is
if a parent is unsure of how
                                                                                                his Albuterol with his inahaler and uses
                                       a helpful resource for parents and childcare
to complete it on their own.
                                       educators. The plan provides information so a
                                                                                                a spacer with a mask.
Remember, you can help
parents too!                           childcare educator can successfully care for a     ■■ Any   potential side-effects of treatment.
                                       child with asthma. Children with asthma should
                                       have both an IHCP and Asthma Action Plan.
                                                                                                Sometimes John gets very grumpy after
                                                                                                taking his Singulair. When John takes
                                       Here is an example of how an asthma team                 his Albuterol, he often gets a little
                                       could complete the plan for a child with                 hyper afterwards.
                                       asthma. An IHCP should include all of the
                                       following information:                             ■■ Any potential consequences if treatment is
                                                                                            not given.
                                       ■■ A   description of the child’s asthma.                If John does not take his Albuterol he is
                                                John’s asthma is triggered by dust and          more likely to become very sick. When
                                                pet dander. He developed asthma at age          he has an asthma attack his lungs close
                                                four and it is fairly well controlled.          up and make it hard to breathe. If he’s
IHCP and Allergies
                                       ■■ A   description of the symptoms.                      having a serious attack (as described in
An IHCP should list all
allergies and instructions                      John’s early warning asthma symptoms            the red zone of his asthma action plan),
on the steps that need to be                    are a mild cough and his throat gets            he MUST have his rescue medication
taken to avoid that allergen.
For example, a parent might                     itchy. When he’s having a bad asthma            and be brought to the emergency room.
write on an IHCP to only                        attack he wheezes when he breathes and
feed the child food supplied                                                              Ask parents to work with their child’s doctor to
from home. If a childcare                       has extreme difficulty breathing.         create an Asthma Action Plan!
provides pre-packaged
food, make sure to read the            ■■ A  list of any medical treatment that may be
ingredient label every time                necessary.
a food is used.
                                                John takes Singulair and Flovent once a
28 | Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs
Allergen: A substance that causes an allergic      Controller Medication: Helps control swelling
reaction, like coughing or sneezing. For           and overproduction of mucus in the lungs’
example, dust, pollen, and mold.                   airways. They are taken daily (even when the
                                                   child is well) to prevent moderate to severe
Asthma: A chronic (lifelong) disease of the        asthma symptoms.
lungs that causes the airways to tighten, swell
and fill with mucus. Asthma can be made worse      Dander: Small particles of skin, hair, or
by exposure to allergens or irritants. Asthma      feathers. Dander often falls out when an animal
symptoms can range from mild to severe, even       sheds or molts and can be an allergen.
in the same child, and can get worse quickly.
                                                   Disinfectant: A product that kills nearly 100%
Asthma Action Plan: A document created             of germs. To be used on non-living objects only.
by a healthcare practitioner that outlines the
patient’s specific symptoms and what to do         H.E.P.A. Filter: “High Efficiency Particulate
depending on how well the patient is doing.        Air.” An air filter that traps extremely small
                                                   particles that normal vacuums or filters would
Asthma Attack: An attack happens when the          spit back out.
lung’s airways get smaller and less air can go
through the lungs. Symptoms include coughing,      Inhaler: A device that allows for the breathing
wheezing, and difficulty breathing.                in of medication.

Chronic Condition: An illness or ailment that      Integrated Pest Management: A lasting and
requires long term monitoring or management        environmentally-friendly approach to managing
because it is not curable in the short term. For   pests by a combination of approaches.
example, diabetes and asthma. There is no cure
for asthma.

                                                                                                      Glossary | 29
Irritant: A physical, biological, or chemical         Triggers: Anything (including activities and
                                       agent that makes the body react in some way.          substances) that causes asthma to worsen. An
                                       For example, bleach is a chemical irritant that       asthma trigger is something that can cause an
                                       can trigger asthma attacks.                           asthma attack.

                                       Mask: Usually used with a nebulizer or spacer         Wheezing: Breathing with difficulty that
                                       and goes over the face to help children inhale        produces a whistling sound caused by mucus,
                                       medication.                                           airway constriction, and inflammation.

                                       Nebulizer: A machine that changes liquid
                                       medication into a fine mist that can be inhaled.
                                       It is used to deliver medicine deep into the lungs.

                                       Rescue Medication: Relaxes muscle spasms in
                                       the lungs’ airways and gives quick relief during an
                                       attack. It also helps prevent muscle spasms during
                                       exercise when taken 15-20 min before exercise.

                                       Respiratory System: The parts of your body
                                       used for breathing. This includes the lungs, nose,
                                       and throat.

                                       Sanitizer: A product that kills 99.9% of germs.
                                       It is different from disinfectant and should not
                                       be used to replace disinfectants. It can be used
                                       on people (such as hand sanitizer) and objects.

                                       Spacer: A device that attaches to an inhaler to
                                       help improve delivery of the medication into
                                       the lungs and be used by all people with asthma,
                                       and are especially helpful to children.

30 | Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs

Asthma Information

■■ Asthma Prevention and Control Program at the Massachusetts
  Department of Public Health
  For information about asthma in Massachusetts.

■■ Massachusetts Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Project at
  the Massachusetts Department of Public Health
  For more information.
  Phone: (617) 624-5919

■■ Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, New England Chapter
  For information on Managing Allergies in Childcare.
  Phone: (781) 444-7778

■■ American Lung Association of the Northeast
  For information on asthma.
  Phone: 1 (800) 488-LUNG

                                                                    Resources | 31
■■ Massachusetts Asthma Advocacy Partnership
                                                                              For information on asthma and what is being done in Massachusetts.

                                                                           ■■ Massachusetts Health Promotion Clearinghouse
                                                                              To order asthma action plan forms in eight languages and posters in
                                                                              English and Spanish.

                                                                           Safe Cleaning & Chemicals

                                                                           ■■ Policy Statement: Sanitizing and Disinfecting from Massachusetts
                                                                              Department of Early Education and Care

                                                                           ■■ Sanitize Safely and Effectively: Bleach and Alternatives in Childcare
                                                                              Programs from California Childcare Health Program
                                                                              Level_3_-_Public_Health/9. SanitizeSafely_9.09.pdf

                                                                           ■■ Eco-Healthy Childcare: Household Cleaning Products

                                                                           ■■ Informed Green Solutions: Information on purchasing
                                                                              environmentally preferable products:

32 | Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs
Information on Triggers
                           General Information

■■ Environmental Protection Agency’s “Breathing Freely: Controlling
  Asthma Triggers” video:

■■ Bureau of Environmental Health’s Asthma and Your Environment
                       Integrated Pest Management

■■ MA School & Daycare IPM Program
  For information on IPM and state regulations.

■■ EPA Integrated Pest Management in Childcare Centers
  To download pamphlets and other information on IPM.

■■ IPM in Childcare Centers, EPA
  This is a training presentation in PowerPoint.

■■ Environmental Protection Agency

                                                                      Resources | 33
Tobacco Cessation

                                                                           ■■ MA Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program
                                                                              For information on quitting and on smoke-free housing.
                                                                              Phone: 1 (800) QUIT-NOW
                                                                                                          Viral Infections

                                                                           ■■ Proper handwashing
                                                                                                            Air Quality

                                                                           ■■ To sign up to receive emails about your daily air quality forecast:

                                                                           ■■ To look online for the daily air quality forecast:

                                                                           ■■ Child Care Weather Watch:
                                                                                                           Pollen Levels

                                                                           ■■ To look online for the daily pollen count:

                                                                           Giving Medications

                                                                           ■■ Neighborhood Health Plan
                                                                              For easy illustrated instructions in several languages on using various
                                                                              asthma medications and equipment.

34 | Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs

■■ The Early Intervention Regional Consultation Programs (RCPs)
  Provide support to Early Childhood Programs on medication
  administration, including asthma medicine. Each RCP has a part-time
  nurse on staff whose role is to provide on-site training and coaching to
  educators on a limited basis. Please contact your local RCP for more
  information and training availability:

    Boston Regional Consultation Program
    Thom Boston Metro Early Intervention
    555 Amory Street Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
    Maria Cardiello, RN
    Phone: (617) 383-6522 x110

    Northeast Regional Consultation Program
    Professional Center for Child Development
    32 Osgood Street Andover, MA 01810
    Laura Eberth, RN
    Phone: (978) 475-3806 x 205

    Southeast Regional Consultation Program
    Schwartz Center for Children
    One Posa Place Dartmouth, MA 03747
    Lauren Meatty, Coordinator
    Phone: (508) 996-3391 ext. 246

                                                                             Resources | 35
Western Regional Consultation Program
                                                                                  Thom Springfield Infant Toddler Services
                                                                                  1506A Allen Street, Bicentennial Plaza
                                                                                  Springfield, MA 01118
                                                                                  Sheila Rucki, PhD, PCNS, BC
                                                                                  Phone: (413) 783-5500

                                                                                  Central Regional Consultation Program
                                                                                  Criterion Child Enrichment
                                                                                  31 Lake Street
                                                                                  Gardner, MA 01440
                                                                                  Erin Grady, RN

                                                                                  MetroWest Regional Consultation Program
                                                                                  South Shore Mental Health
                                                                                  500 Victory Road
                                                                                  Quincy, MA 02169
                                                                                  Anne Batcheller, RN
                                                                                  Phone: (617) 774-6056

                                                                           Healthy Homes and Schools

                                                                           ■■ Boston Healthy Homes and Schools Collaborative

                                                                           ■■ Greater Brockton Asthma Coalition
                                                                              Phone: (508) 588-4049

36 | Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs
■■ Pioneer Valley Asthma Coalition

■■ National Center for Healthy Homes

■■ Healthy Schools Network

                                       Resources | 37

                                       The Massachusetts Department of Public Health would like to
                                       acknowledge the following people and organizations for their work in
                                       creating this guidance document: Elizabeth Tanefis, Shari Sprong, and
                                       Katherine Connolly of Health Resource in Action for leading the research
                                       and preparation of this guide. Also, Sharon Schumack of the Asthma and
                                       Allergy Foundation of America – New England Chapter, Dr. Barbara
                                       Moore of Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates, Phil Baimas and Gail
                                       Perry from the MA Department of Early Education and Care, Tolle
                                       Graham from the Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety
                                       and Health; as well as Eve Wilder, Kate Roper, Elise Pechter, and other
                                       colleagues at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

                                       This publication was support by the Cooperative Agreement #5U59EH000502-04 from the Centers
                                       for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not
                                       necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

38 | Caring for Kids with Asthma: A Guide for Massachusetts Child Care Programs
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