Christ the King School Plan for Continuous Growth 2017-2020 Information Package - Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on Earth but ...

Christ the King School Plan for Continuous Growth 2017-2020 Information Package - Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on Earth but ...
Christ the King
              School Plan for Continuous Growth
                2017-2020 Information Package

      Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on Earth but yours.
                              (St. Teresa of Avila)

May 2017                                                                    Page 1
Christ the King School Plan for Continuous Growth 2017-2020
School Mission:
The mission of Christ The King school is to provide a Catholic Education that inspires students to learn,
love, lead and hope.

School Vision:
Inspiring minds and building leaders through Christ The King.

School Charism:
We shared with our students that charism, in general, denotes any good gift that flows from God’s love
to humans. Our students understand this to mean that Christ died for us, to save us and that we should
work to model kindness and participate in celebrations. At Christ the King, our school charism is kindness.

DATA: The district provided us a sampling of data from other schools in our area to assist us with our
goals. As well, we assessed our students using the Fountas and Pinnell Reading Benchmarks to arrive at a
reading goal.

 Goal 1: By June 2018, our students and staff will grow in their understanding of our Catholic identity
 as expressed in Mark Two of “the Five Marks of Catholic School Identity."
 District Correlation:
 Edmonton Catholic School District Goal: Live and enhance the distinctiveness of Catholic education
 Edmonton Catholic School District Key Strategies:
 1.1 Demonstrate the distinctiveness and advantages of Catholic education.
 a) Cultivate and support a Catholic ethos/environment within each site
 b) Demonstrate a way of life in the Catholic Christian call to discipleship and service.
 c) Ensure that permeation of faith remains central in all our day to day practices.

 1.3 Demonstrate commitment to and excellence in Catholic education.
 a) Deliver our Religious Education programs to all students as a spirit-filled lived experience.
 b) Continue a focus on faith formation learning opportunities for all staff.
 c) Expect the same practice of excellence, professional preparation and quality of resource materials
 for Religious Education instruction as for other academic instruction.
 d) Continue to develop the role of the school based chaplain to support the faith formation of
 students and staff.

 Strategy               Actions                                                           Measures/
                        -chaplain will present age appropriate lessons to all classes     Evidence of
 Local and Global       on the five stages of social justice                              effectiveness
 social justice         -each class will carry out a social justice project in addition   -Five Marks of
 classroom projects.    to a whole school social justice project ex: Break a rule day     Catholic School

May 2017                                                                                             Page 2
Students will            to raise money for Dreams for Kids supported by ECS           Identity
 choose social            Foundation                                                    Assessment
 justice activities for   -classes will research various social justice projects and    -project plan for
 their classes based      collaboratively decide on their social justice project ex:    each class
 on Catholic social       tabs from grade 5, recycling from grade 4                     articulates the
 teaching.                -our Business and Entrepreneurial group and Student           Catholic social
                          Leadership group will organize and run a service project      teaching
                          -each language arts teacher will incorporate a reflective     principles that it
 Students will            writing assignment on the class social justice project and    engenders
 reflect upon social      the whole school social justice project
 justice projects in      -an articulation of the project for each class will be        -students will
 an age appropriate       embedded into the March demo of learning                      lead their parents
 manner to                -chaplain will co-construct a school charism with the         through a
 articulate their         classes and determine a vision for celebrations and faith     discussion of their
 understanding of         formation of both staff and students                          project at the
 Catholic Social          -acknowledge our Christ the King Feast day with a             March demo of
 teaching achieved        school liturgy led by Father Gabriel followed with a school   learning
 through the              wide student faith day led by teachers and consultants
 projects.                -student led prayers during morning announcements
                          -student led celebrations and school wide participation in

Review Date 1:

Review Date 2:

 Goal 2: By June 2018, our students will increase their reading strategies and comprehension.
 District Correlation:
 ECSD Goal One: ECSD students are successful

 Edmonton Catholic School District Key Strategies:
    1.1 Ensure the education experiences meet the diverse needs of our learners and are available to
        all students.

 ECSD Goal Four: ECSD has excellent teachers, school and school district leaders.

 Edmonton Catholic School District Key Strategies:
 4.1 Provide professional learning opportunities that build the capacity and leadership of all staff to
 improve learner success.
 4.3 Ensure that teachers, principals and other administrative leaders have the capacity to meet the
 new Quality Standards, in collaboration with stakeholders and school authorities.
 4.4 Promote excellent teaching practices consistent with the Teaching Quality Standard, which guides
 student achievement.
 4.5 Develop and oversee the application of standards that promote excellence for school and school
 authority leaders.

May 2017                                                                                             Page 3
4.6 Support teachers and system leaders to integrate technology effectively into the learning
environment, as outlined in the Learning and Technology Policy Framework.
4.7 Ensure that every school and department create the conditions to improve student learning and
achievement within the context of a Catholic learning community. a) Engage in professional learning
aligned with our district plan, Literacy and Numeracy: Learning Deeply, which focuses on the
Ministerial Order on Student Learning (May 6, 2013) and enhances the conversation, creativity,
collaboration and capacity of our learning community.

Sub Goal a) By June 2018, our students will increase their reading level by one grade level.
Strategy             Actions                                                     Measures/ Evidence
Staff will engage in -teachers will complete a classroom profile in              of effectiveness
a variety of         conjunction with their learning coach
professional         -the learning coach will provide sessions at the staff      -classroom profiles
learning activities  meeting each month that                                     are completed and
that build their     address common themes that are identified through           update regularly
capacity to support classroom profiles
their students’      -the learning coach will provide sessions on the first      -reading levels will
diverse needs.       Friday of each month for our EAs during their monthly       be put into
                     meeting                                                     classroom profile
                     -teachers will schedule weekly visits from the Learning     and learning coach
                     Coach to target job embedded PD that is relevant to         will ensure supports
                     their classroom                                             are put into place
                     - $ will be allocated to each staff member for additional
                     professional learning                                       -Students are using
                     -guided reading will occur in classrooms daily              RAZ kids. Teachers
                     -staff will use LLI kits with struggling readers            can log on to see and
                     -parent volunteers with read with students daily            monitor their activity
                     -staff will use Daily Five and CAFÉ strategies
                     -students will be encouraged to read a variety of books,
                     fiction and nonfiction.
                     -students will take part in home reading - either online
                     with RAZ kids are with a physical book borrowed from
                     the classroom or the Learning Commons

Sub Goal b) Students will experience a variety of instructional supports that increase their
Strategy             Actions                                                     Measures/evidence
Students will        -students will participate in lessons designed using the    of effectiveness
experience a broad SIOP model
spectrum of          -students will learn one collaborative tool per month       PAT results
teaching and         with the support of the tech coach                          - Regression scores
learning                                                                         - F and P data
experiences          -ELL students will have appropriate supports                - Satisfaction survey
                     -Teachers are in COP based on observed and required         results
                     areas of growth in their subject area                       - Accountability Pillar
Students will have                                                               “Student Learning
a menu of supports                                                               Opportunity” and
available to them                                                                “Student Learning

May 2017                                                                                         Page 4
to enhance their                                                                  Achievement”
 learning                                                                          measures

Review Date 1:

Review Date 2:

 Goal 3: By June 2018, our students and staff will grow in the area of understanding mental health
 and strategies to improve their mental wellness.
 District Correlation:
 ECSD Goal Three
 3.1 Implement strategies to ensure that schools focus on the creation of inclusive, safe, healthy and
 caring environments for all students and staff.
 3.7 Continue to provide and develop services and model initiatives that promote student health, using
 the Mental Health Strategic Plan.

 Strategy               Actions                                                             Measures/
                        -student advisor will meet with each class to discuss her role      Evidence of
 Staff will engage in   and how they can access her                                         effectiveness
 a variety of           -student advisor will access specialists to assist students
 professional           -assessments will be conducted by psychologist                      TTFM Survey
 learning activities    -strategies, sharing, mental health boosters will be discussed at
 that build their       staff meetings                                                      Number of
 capacity to support    -teachers will educate students on mental wellness and mental       referrals to
 their mental           health                                                              Mental
 wellness and that      -physical literacy teacher will ensure students are active          Health will
 of their students.     -administration will share with parents information on mental       decrease
                        health and wellness at School Council meetings
                        -Mental Health Strategic plan will be shared with all staff
                        -staff functions will assist with staff wellness
                         -elementary and junior high student leadership groups have a
                        central focus on mental health and spreading kindness
                        -students will present information at CTK that they learned
                        at the JH symposium to bring awareness about positive mental
                        health, alcohol and their decisions, healthy relationships,
                        tobacco, and digital citizenship
                        -educating our students to know when they need to seek
                        professional assistance, either for themselves or a friend
                        -leadership team created a positive mental healthy vision board
                        for the school and update it with weekly/monthly news
                        -weekly morning announcements about positive mental health
                        over the intercom led by our leadership team

May 2017                                                                                           Page 5
-staff mental health board created in the staff room
                 -staff and student yoga classes will be offered
                 -snack shack available twice a week with healthy snack choices
                 -stay office offers PD to teachers, students and parents
                 -accessing supports for OT/SLP

Review Date 1:

Review Date 2:

May 2017                                                                          Page 6
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