Chubb Scoot Protect Policy Wording

Chubb Scoot™ Protect
                                                         Chubb Scoot™ Protect

                                                         Policy Wording

         © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
1        and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 06/2018.
Chubb Scoot™ Protect

Benefit Schedule
Benefit   Coverage                                                                                                        Return Journey                 One Way Journey
                                                                                                                          SGD                            SGD
1.        Personal Accident
          – For Insured Person between 18 years old to 70 years old                                                       100,000                        100,000
          – For Insured Person above 70 years old                                                                         50,000                         50,000
          – For Insured Person between 8 days old to 17 years old                                                         10,000                         10,000
2.        Medical Expenses due to Accident & Sickness
          Max S$750.00 for Traditional Chinese Medicine Expenses
          – For Insured Person between 18 years old to 70 years old                                                       Up to 50,000                   Not Applicable
          – For Insured Person above 70 years old                                                                         Up to 25,000                   Not Applicable
          – For Insured Person between 8 days old to 17 years old                                                         Up to 10,000                   Not Applicable
3.        Continuation of Medical Treatment After Return to Singapore
          Max S$750.00 for Traditional Chinese Medicine Expenses
          – For Insured Person between 18 years old to 70 years old                                                       Up to 5,000                    Not Applicable
          – For Insured Person above 70 years old                                                                         Up to 2,500                    Not Applicable
          – For Insured Person between 8 days old to 17 years old                                                         Up to 1,000                    Not Applicable
4.        Emergency Dental Expenses due to Accident                                                                       Up to 50,000                   Not Applicable
5.        Daily Hospital In-Patient Income
                                                                                                                          4,000                          Not Applicable
          Amount per 24 hours - $200 per day
6.        Medical Evacuation and Repatriation                                                                             Up to 20,000                   Not Applicable
7.        Repatriation of Mortal Remains                                                                                  Up to 20,000                   Not Applicable
8.        Compassionate Allowance                                                                                         2,000                          Not Applicable
9.        Loss of Luggage & Personal Effects
                                                                                                                          Up to 2,000                    2,000
          – Max $500 per Article or set of Article
10.       Loss of Travel Documents
                                                                                                                          Up to 1,000                    1,000
          – Max $300 for Money
11.       Checked-In Luggage Delay
                                                                                                                          800                            800
          – $200 per 6 consecutive hours
12.       Travel Delay
                                                                                                                          600                            600
          – $150 per 6 consecutive hours
13.       Travel Misconnection
                                                                                                                          600                            600
          – $100 per 6 consecutive hours
14.       Hijack Inconvenience                                                                                            1,000                          Not Applicable
          – $100 per 6 consecutive hours
15.       Flight Cancellation                                                                                             Up to Flight Cost              Up to Flight Cost
16.       Flight Curtailment                                                                                              Up to Flight Cost              Not Applicable
17.       Personal Liability                                                                                              Up to 350,000                  Not Applicable
18.       Terrorism Extension                                                                                             Yes                            Yes
19.       Automatic Extension of Policy period:
          – Due to overseas hospital confinement                                                                          30 days                        30 days
          – Due to Public Transport delay or Critical Medical Condition                                                   7 days                         7 days
20.       24 - Hours Travel Assistance                                                                                    Included                       Not Applicable
21.       24 - Hours Medical Assistance                                                                                   Included                       Not Applicable

           © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
2          and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 06/2018.
Chubb Scoot™ Protect

Part 1.    Interpretation                                    of the country in which such practice is                        Effective Date means the effective date
                                                             maintained.                                                     stated in the Certificate of Insurance.
                                                             Chinese Physician shall not include the                         Family Member means an Insured
In this Policy, unless otherwise defined
                                                             Insured Persons or any of their relatives                       Person’s Partner, parent, parent-in-law,
or the context otherwise requires:
                                                             unless otherwise approved by the                                grandparent, child, brother or sister.
Accident means a sudden unforeseen                           Company.
                                                                                                                             Financial Default means the complete
and fortuitous event and Accidental
                                                             Civil Commotion means a disturbance,                            suspension of operations due to
shall have a corresponding meaning.
                                                             commotion or disorder created by                                financial circumstances whether or not
Act of Terrorism means any actual or                         civilians usually against a governing                           bankruptcy petition is filed; or partial
threatened use of force or violence                          body or the policies thereof.                                   suspension of operations following a
directed at or causing damage, injury,                                                                                       filing of a bankruptcy petition.
                                                             Confined or Confinement means
harm or disruption, or commission
                                                             Confinement in Hospital for at least a                          Hospital means a legally constituted
of an act dangerous to human life
                                                             Day as a Resident in-Patient (other than                        establishment operated pursuant to the
or property, against any individual,
                                                             for day surgery) upon the advice of and                         laws of the country in which it is based,
property or government, which the
                                                             under the regular care and attendance                           which holds a license as a hospital (if
stated or unstated objective of pursuing
                                                             of a Physician and for this purpose,                            licensing is required in the state or
economic, ethnic, nationalistic,
                                                             Day shall mean a period for which the                           government jurisdiction) and meets the
political, racial or religious interests,
                                                             Hospital charges for room and board.                            following requirements:
whether such interests are declared
or not. Robberies or other criminal                          Covered Locations means Brunei,                                 (i) operates primarily for the
acts, primarily committed for personal                       Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia,                                reception, care and medicare and
gain and acts arising primarily from                         Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand,                                     treatment of sick, ailing or injured
prior personal relationships between                         Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand,                                    persons as in-patients;
perpetrator(s) and victim(s) shall not                       China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau,
be considered Act of Terrorism. Act                          Mongolia, Japan, Korea, India, Saudi                            (ii) provides full-time nursing service
of Terrorism shall also include any                          Arabia, Sri Lanka and Timor-Leste.                                   by and under the supervision of a
act, which is verified or recognized by                                                                                           staff of Nurses;
                                                             Dental Expenses means reasonable
the (relevant) government as an act of
                                                             and necessary charges for dental                                (iii) has a staff of one or more
                                                             treatment, carried out by a Dentist,                                  Physicians available at all times;
Benefit means the respective benefit,                        medically necessary to treat the Insured                        (iv) maintains organized facilities
as stated in the Certificate of Insurance,                   Person’s condition, including charges                                for the medical diagnosis and
payable by the Company under the                             for medical supplies or services, not                                treatment of such persons, and
terms and conditions of this Policy in                       exceeding the usual level of charges                                 provides (where appropriate)
respect of each event or loss covered by                     for similar treatment, supplies or                                   facilities for major surgery within
this Policy.                                                 medical services in the locality where                               the confines of the establishment
Bodily Injury means injury sustained                         the expense is incurred and does not                                 or in facilities controlled by the
by an Insured Person resulting solely,                       include charges that would not have
                                                                                                                                  established; and
directly and independently of all other                      been made if no insurance existed.
causes from an Accident and caused by                                                                                        (v) is not primarily a clinic, nursing,
                                                             Dentist means a legally licensed dentist
external, violent and                                                                                                            rest or convalescent home or
                                                             or dental surgeon duly registered
visible means.                                                                                                                   similar establishment and is other
                                                             and practicing within the scope of
                                                                                                                                 than a place for alcoholics or drug
Certificate of Insurance means                               his license pursuant to the laws of
the Certificate of Insurance which is                        the country in which such practice is
incorporated and forms part of this                          maintained. Dentist shall not include                                  and Hospital shall not include the
Policy.                                                      the Insured Person or any of their                                     following: -
                                                             relatives unless otherwise approved by
Chinese Physician means a legally                                                                                                   (a) a mental institution; an
                                                             the Company.
licensed Traditional Chinese Medicine                                                                                                   institution confined primarily
practitioner (including a Chinese                            Destination means the Covered                                              to the treatment of psychiatric
acupuncturist or bonesetter) duly                            Locations stated in NokScoot Travel                                        disease including sub-normally;
registered and practicing within the                         Itinerary for the Insured Person’s                                         the psychiatric department of a
scope of his license pursuant to the laws                    Journey.                                                                   hospital.

       © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
       and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 06/2018.                                                                                        3
Chubb Scoot™ Protect

    (b) a place for the aged; a rest                       Singapore on a Scheduled Flight to a                            maintained. Physician shall not include
        home; a place for drug addicts                     Destination, and shall commence three                           the Insured Persons or any of their
        or alcoholics.                                     (3) hours prior to the departure of the                         relatives unless otherwise approved by
                                                           Scheduled Flight and terminate three                            the Company.
    (c) a health hydro or nature
                                                           (3) hours after the actual arrival of the
        cure clinic; a special unit of                                                                                     Policy means this Policy Wording and
                                                           Scheduled Flight at the Destination.
        a hospital used primarily                                                                                          Certificate of Insurance describing
        as a place for drug addicts                        Partner means spouse or de-facto with                           the insurance contract between the
        or alcoholics, or nursing,                         whom the Insured Person has been                                Company and the Insured Person.
        convalescent, rehabilitation,                      living permanently with at least three
        extended-care facility or rest                     (3) months or more at the time of Bodily                        Policy Wording means this document.
        home.                                              Injury or Sickness.                                             Pre-existing Condition means any
Insured Person(s) means the person(s)                      Period of Insurance means the period                            condition which:
named in the Certificate of Insurance                      during which the coverage under this
                                                                                                                           (i) the Insured Person received
who is at least eight (8) days old on the                  Policy is effective, as stated in the
                                                                                                                               medical treatment, diagnosis,
Effective Date.                                            Certificate of Insurance.
                                                                                                                               consultation or prescribed drugs
Journey means a One Way Journey or a                       Permanent Disablement means                                         within a twelve (12) month period
Return Journey.                                            disablement that results solely, directly                           preceding the commencement of a
                                                           and independently of all other causes                               Journey, or
Loss of Limb means total functional                        from Bodily Injury and which occurs
disablement or loss by complete and                        within one hundred and eighty (180)                             (ii) medical advice or treatment was
permanent physical severance of a                          consecutive days of the Accident in                                  recommended by a Physician
hand at or above the wrist or a foot at                    which Bodily Injury was sustained, and:                              within a twelve (12) month period
or above the ankle.                                                                                                             preceding the commencement of a
                                                           (i) falls into one of the categories listed
Loss of Sight means the entire and                                                                                              Journey, or
                                                               in the Table of Benefits in Section 1
permanent loss of all sight in any eye                         of Part 5; or                                               (iii) a reasonable person in the
rendering the Insured Person absolutely                                                                                          circumstances would be expected
blind in that eye and beyond remedy by                     (ii) is a disablement which, having
                                                                                                                                 to be aware of within a twelve
surgical or other treatment.                                    lasted for a continuous and
                                                                                                                                 (12) month period preceding the
                                                                uninterrupted period of at least
Loss of Speech and Hearing means                                                                                                 commencement of a Journey.
                                                                twelve (12) consecutive months, is
total and irrecoverable loss of speech                          at the expiry of that period, beyond                       Public Conveyance means any land
and hearing which is beyond remedy by                           hope of improvement.                                       or sea conveyance operated under a
surgical or other treatment.                                                                                               license for the transportation of fare
                                                           Permanent Total Disablement
Medical Expenses means Usual,                              means disablement that results solely,                          paying passengers, and which has fixed
Reasonable and Customary Medical                           directly or independently of all other                          and established routes only.
Expenses necessarily and reasonably                        causes from Bodily Injury and which                             Resident In-patient means an
incurred in the medical or surgical                        occurs within one hundred eighty
                                                                                                                           Insured Person whose Confinement is
treatment of Bodily Injury or Sickness                     (180) days of the Accident in which
                                                                                                                           as a resident bed patient and whose
covered by this Policy.                                    such Bodily Injury was sustained,
                                                                                                                           confinement is due to Bodily Injury and
                                                           which, having lasted for a continuous
NokScoot Travel Itinerary means the                                                                                        is covered by this Policy and not merely
                                                           and uninterrupted period of at least
travel itinerary issued to the Insured                                                                                     for any form of nursing, convalescence,
                                                           twelve (12) consecutive months, will,
Person when he booked his Scheduled                                                                                        rehabilitation, rest or extended-care.
                                                           in all probability, entirely prevent the
Flight, which evidence payment of
                                                           Insured Person from engaging in gainful                         Return Journey means a return trip
NokScoot premium for travel insurance
                                                           employment of any and every kind                                made by the Insured Person from
under this Policy.
                                                           for the remainder of his life and from                          Singapore on a Scheduled Flight, to
Nurse means any qualified or trainee                       which there is no hope of improvement.                          a Destination, and back, and shall
nurse or general nurse duly registered                                                                                     commence three (3) hours prior to
                                                           Physician means a legally licensed
pursuant to the laws of the country in
                                                           physician or surgeon duly registered                            the departure of Scheduled Flight and
which the nurse is employed.
                                                           and practicing within the scope of                              terminate three (3) hours after the
One Way Journey means a one way                            his license pursuant to the laws of                             actual arrival of the Scheduled Flight in
trip made by the Insured Person from                       the country in which such practice is                           Singapore.

           © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
4          and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 06/2018.
Chubb Scoot™ Protect

Riot means the act of any person                             that would not have been made if no                              (c) the Insured Person being Confined
taking part together with others in                          insurance existed.                                                   in a Hospital outside of Singapore
any disturbance of the public peace                                                                                               at the expiry of the Period of
(whether in connection with a strike                         Part 2. Scope And Limits Of                                         Insurance,
or lock-out or not) or the action of any                              Cover And Benefits                                      the Period of Insurance shall
lawfully constituted governmental
                                                             Section 1 – Commencement Of                                      automatically be extended without
authority in suppressing or attempting
                                                             Coverage                                                         premium up to seven (7) days for event
to suppress any such disturbance or in
                                                                                                                              (a) and (b) and up to thirty(30) days for
minimizing the consequences of such                          Coverage under Section 15 of Part
disturbance.                                                                                                                  event (c).
                                                             5 – Flight Cancellation is effective
Scheduled Flight means the NokScoot                          upon the issuance of the Certificate
                                                             of Insurance and terminates on                                   Part 3. General Exclusions
flight and/or NokScoot Affiliated flight
which corresponds to the flight details                      commencement of the planned                                      This Policy does not cover, and the
set out in the Insured Person’s NokScoot                     Journey from Singapore.                                          Company will not in any event be
Travel Itinerary.                                            For all other sections, insurance                                liable to pay any Benefits or indemnify
                                                             commences upon commencement of a                                 the Insured Person in respect of, any
Scoot Affiliated means the non-Scoot
                                                             Journey.                                                         loss which is, directly or indirectly,
flight provider shown in the Insured
Person’s NokScoot Travel Itinerary.                                                                                           caused by, a consequence of, arises in
                                                             Section 2 – Limits Of Coverage                                   connection with or is contributed to by
Sickness means physical condition                            Any cover under this Policy in respect                           any of the following:
marked by a pathological deviation                           of an Insured Person shall terminate on
from the normal healthy state as                                                                                              1.    Declared or undeclared war or any
                                                             the earliest of the following events:
verified by a Physician.                                                                                                            act of war, invasion, foreign enemy,
                                                             (i) Upon the expiry of any Period of                                   civil war, rebellion, revolution,
Specially Designated List means                                  Insurance;                                                         insurrection, military or usurped
names of a person, entities, groups,                                                                                                power.
corporate specified on a list who are                        (ii) Upon the death of the Insured
subject to trade or economic sanctions                            Person;                                                     2.    Loss, destruction or damage to
or other such similar laws or regulations                    (iii) With respect to Return Journey                                   any property whatsoever or any
of the United States of America,                                   cover, 46 days after the scheduled                               loss or expense whatsoever arising
Australia, United Nations, European                                departure date of the Scheduled                                  there from or any consequential
Union or United Kingdom.                                           Flight.                                                          loss directly or indirectly caused
                                                                                                                                    or contributed by or arising
Strike means the willful act of any                          Section 3 – Policy Extension                                           from ionizing radiations or
striker or locked-out worker done
                                                             In the event that the Insured Person,                                  contamination by radio-activity
in furtherance of a strike or in
                                                             as a ticket holding passenger on a                                     from any nuclear fuel or from any
resistance to a lock-out; or the action
                                                             scheduled Public Conveyance, being                                     nuclear waste from the combustion
of any lawfully constituted authority
                                                             prevented from completing the return                                   of nuclear fuel.
in preventing or attempting to prevent
any such act in minimizing the                               leg of a Journey within the Period of
                                                                                                                              3.    Any willful or intentional acts of
consequences of any such act.                                Insurance, as a result of:
                                                                                                                                    the Insured Person whether sane
Traditional Chinese Medicine                                 (a) the Insured Person’s Critical                                      or insane, self-inflicted injury,
Expenses means the reasonable                                    Medical Condition (as defined in                                   suicide pacts or agreements or
expenses for treatments of Bodily Injury                         Part 6, Section 6); or                                             any attempts thereat, provoked
or Sickness by a Chinese Physician.                                                                                                 homicide or assault.
                                                             (b) the scheduled Public Conveyance
Usual, Reasonable and Customary                                  in which the Insured Person                                  4.    The Insured Person acting as a law
Medical Expenses means charges for                               is traveling being unavoidably                                     enforcement officer, emergency
treatment, supplies or medical services                          delayed due to Strike or industrial                                medical or fire service personnel,
medically necessary to treat the Insured                         actions, adverse weather conditions                                civil defense personnel or military
Person’s condition, does not exceed                              or mechanical breakdown/                                           personnel of any country or
the usual level of charges for similar                           derangement of the Public                                          international authority, whether
treatment, supplies or medical services                          Conveyance or due to grounding of                                  full-time service or as a volunteer,
in the locality where the expense is                             an aircraft as a result of mechanical                              other than for reservist training
incurred and does not include charges                            or structural defect; or                                           under the Section 14 of the

       © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
       and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 06/2018.                                                                                         5
Chubb Scoot™ Protect

     Enlistment Act (Cap. 93).                                    intended Strike, Riot or Civil                                  commenced prior to the issuance of
                                                                  Commotion through or by general                                 the travel advice.
5.   The Insured Person engaging in,
                                                                  mass media.
     practicing for or taking part in
     training in any speed contest or                       13. Any loss or expenses with                                   Part 4. General Conditions
     racing (other than on foot) and any                        respect to any applicable trade                             1.    Payment Before Cover Warranty
     professional competition or sports.                        and economic sanction, law or
                                                                                                                                  It is hereby agreed and declared
                                                                regulation or a Specially Designated
6.   Any condition, which is or results                                                                                           that the total premium due must be
                                                                List or which if reimbursed or paid
     from or is a complication of                                                                                                 paid and actually received in full by
                                                                by the Company would result in the
     infection with Human Deficiency                                                                                              the Company (or the intermediary
                                                                Company being in breach of trade
     Syndrome (‘HIV’), any variance                                                                                               through whom this Policy was
                                                                or economic sanctions or other
     including Acquired Immune                                                                                                    effected) on or before the Effective
                                                                such similar laws or regulations.
     Deficiency Syndrome (‘AIDS’), and                                                                                            Date of the coverage under the
     AIDS Related Complications (‘ARC’),                    14. The Insured Person not taking all                                 Policy, Renewal Certificate or Cover
     or any opportunistic infections and/                       reasonable efforts to safeguard his                               Note.
     or malignant neoplasm (tumor)                              property or to avoid any injury
                                                                or minimize any claim under the                                   In the event that the total premium
     found in the presence of HIV, AIDS
                                                                policy.                                                           due is not paid and actually
     or ARC.
                                                                                                                                  received in full by the Company (or
7.   Any condition which results from                       15. Any condition which results from                                  the intermediary through whom
     or is a complication of pregnancy,                         or is a complication of suicide or                                this Policy was effected) on or
     childbirth, miscarriage (except                            attempted suicide or intentional                                  before the Effective Date referred
     Accidental miscarriage) or abortion,                       self-injury.                                                      to above, then the Policy shall not
     intoxication by alcohol or drugs not                   16. Mental and nervous disorders,                                     attach and no benefits whatsoever
     prescribed by a Physician.                                 including but not limited                                         shall be payable by the Company.
                                                                to insanity.                                                      Any payment received thereafter
8.   Illegal acts (or omissions) of
                                                                                                                                  shall be of no effect whatsoever as
     the Insured Person or the                              17. The Insured Person engaging in                                    cover never attached on the Policy.
     Insured Person’s executors,                                naval, military or air force service
     administrators, legal heirs or                             or operation or testing of any kind                         2.    Entire Contract, Changes
     personal representatives, loss                             of conveyance or being employed                                   This Policy, the Certificate of
     resulting directly or directly from                        as a manual worker or whilst                                      Insurance and any amendments
     action taken by the Government                             engaging in offshore activities                                   or endorsements shall constitute
     Authorities including confiscation,                        like diving, oil-rigging, mining or                               the entire contract of insurance.
     seizure, destruction and restriction.                      aerial photography or handling of                                 No change to the terms and
                                                                explosive or loss of or damage to                                 conditions of this Policy shall be
9.   The Insured Person engaging in air
                                                                hired or leased equipment.                                        valid unless approved in writing by
     travel other than as a passenger on
     a Scheduled Flight.                                    18. Any condition which results from                                  an authorised representative of the
                                                                or is a complication of venereal                                  Company and such approval shall be
10. Any loss or expenses which is,                                                                                                endorsed hereon or attached hereto.
    directly or indirectly, caused                                                                                                No broker or agent has the authority
    by, a consequence of, arises in                         19. Any loss or expenses which arises                                 to amend or to waive any of the
    connection with or is contributed to                        in connection with or is contributed                              terms and conditions of this Policy.
    by the Insured Person undertaking                           by the Insured Person undertaking
    any Journey against the advice of                           any Journey against the travel advice                       3.    Conditions Precedent To Liability
    a Physician or for the purpose of                           of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of                             The liability of the Company for
    seeking medical attention.                                  Singapore or the Ministry of Health                               any Benefit under this Policy is
                                                                of Singapore, in relation to actual                               conditional upon:
11. Any Pre-existing Conditions.
                                                                or threatened Riot, Strike or Civil
                                                                                                                                  (a) the truth of the statements and
12. Any prohibition or breach of                                Commotion, war or warlike situation,
                                                                                                                                      information as provided to
    government regulation or any                                outbreak of disease or unsafe health
                                                                                                                                      the Company by the Insured
    failure by the Insured Person to                            conditions, or impending natural
                                                                                                                                      Persons; and
    take reasonable precautions to                              disasters, to the country or territory
    avoid a claim under this Policy                             of the Insured Person’s Destination,                              (b) the due observance and
    following the warning of any                                unless the Journey had already                                        fulfillment of the terms and

            © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
6           and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 06/2018.
Chubb Scoot™ Protect

         conditions of this Policy insofar                         Any documents or evidence required                               or an authorised representative
         as they relate to anything to be                          by the Company to verify the claim                               of Chubb Assistance reserves the
         done or complied with by the                              shall be provided by the Insured                                 right to recover against the Insured
         Insured Persons.                                          Person at his own expense. Any                                   Person the full sum which the
                                                                   medical examination required by the                              Company or Chubb Assistance or
4. Legal Action
                                                                   Company to verify the claim will be                              an authorised representative of
     No action shall be brought to                                 at the Company’s expense.                                        Chubb Assistance is liable to the
     recover on this Policy prior to                                                                                                Hospital into which the Insured
                                                                   The Company shall, in the event
     the expiration of sixty (60) days                                                                                              Person was admitted.
                                                                   of the death of an Insured Person,
     after written proof of claim has
                                                                   be entitled to have a post-mortem                         11. No Multiple Policies
     been filed accordance with the
                                                                   examination performed at its own                                 The Insured Person can only be
     provisions of this Policy.
                                                                   expense where it is not prohibited                               covered under one leisure travel
5.   Misrepresentation                                             by law.                                                          insurance policy underwritten by
     This Policy shall be voidable in the                          Failure to notify the Company                                    the Company for the same Journey.
     event of any misrepresentation,                               within the time limit prescribed                          12. Compliance With Policy
     mis-description, non-disclosure or                            shall not invalidate the claim if it                          Provisions
     concealment of any circumstances                              can be shown, to the Company’s
                                                                                                                                    Failure to comply with any of
     by the Insured Persons which is                               satisfaction, that it was not
                                                                                                                                    the provisions contained in this
     material to or connected with:                                reasonably possible to give such
                                                                                                                                    Policy shall invalidate all claims
                                                                   proof within the prescribed time
     (a) the Insured Persons’ risk                                                                                                  hereunder.
                                                                   limit for an otherwise legitimate
         experience and claim history;
                                                                   claim.                                                    13. Other Insurances
     (b) the Insured Persons’ insurance                                                                                             Except as otherwise provided in
                                                             8. Payment Of Claims
         record, including previous                                                                                                 this Policy, if the Insured Person
         refusals to grant insurance                               Any Benefits payable under this
                                                                                                                                    has or should have any other
         coverage.                                                 Policy shall be paid to the Insured
                                                                                                                                    insurance providing cover for the
                                                                   Person or to the Insured Person’s
6. Fraud                                                                                                                            same loss, damage or liability, the
                                                                   estate in the event of the Insured
                                                                                                                                    Company shall not be liable to
     If any claim under this Policy shall                          Person’s death, except under Part
                                                                                                                                    pay except for any excess beyond
     be, in any respect, fraudulent or if                          5, Section 6 – Medical Evacuation
                                                                                                                                    the amount which would have
     any fraudulent means or devices                               and Repatriation and Section 7 –
                                                                                                                                    been payable under the Policy or
     shall be used by any person to                                Repatriation of Mortal Remains.
                                                                                                                                    Policies had this insurance not been
     obtain a Benefit under this Policy,                           Any receipt by the Insured Person
     the Company shall have no                                     of any Benefit payable under this
     liability in respect of such claim                            Policy shall in all cases be deemed                       14. Notice Of Trust Or Assignment
     and the Company shall be entitled                             final and complete discharge of all                           And Third Party Rights
     to terminate this Policy with                                 liability of the Company in respect                              The Company shall not be bound
     immediate effect.                                             of such Benefit.                                                 or be affected by any notice of any
                                                             9.    Termination For Non-Payment                                      trust, charge, lien, assignment or
7.   Claims Procedure
                                                                   Of Premium                                                       other dealing with or in relation to
     On the happening of any                                                                                                        this Policy.
                                                                   This Policy shall deem to have been
     occurrence likely to give rise to a
                                                                   void from the intended Effective                                 A person who is not a party to this
     claim under this Policy, written
                                                                   Date if the premium is not paid.                                 Policy contract shall have no right
     notice shall be given to the
                                                                                                                                    under the Contracts (Rights of
     Company’s Claims Department at                          10. Right Of Recovery
                                                                                                                                    Third Parties) Act 2001 to enforce
     138 Market Street                                             In the event authorization of                                    any of its terms.
     #11-01 CapitaGreen Singapore                                  payment and/or payment is
     048946, as soon as possible and, in                           made by the Company or Chubb                              15. Arbitration
     any event, within thirty (30) days                            Assistance or an authorised                                      If any dispute or disagreement
     after the date of the occurrence.                             representative of Chubb Assistance                               arises regarding any matter
     The Company will provide the                                  for a medical claim whereby                                      pertaining to or concerning this
     Insured Person with forms for filing                          policy liability is not engaged, the                             Policy, the dispute or disagreement
     proof of claim.                                               Company or Chubb Assistance                                      must be referred to arbitration in

       © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
       and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 06/2018.                                                                                         7
Chubb Scoot™ Protect

    accordance with the provisions                               The Insured Person has seven (7)                                parties which may be sited outside
    of the Arbitration Act (Cap. 10)                             days from the date the Company                                  of Singapore, for administering
    and any statutory modification or                            issues the Certificate of Insurance                             policies taken out with the Company,
    re-enactment thereof then in force,                          to decide if this insurance meets                               customer services and to allow
    such arbitration to be commenced                             his/her needs. The Insured Person                               the Company and/or its business
    within three (3) months from the                             may cancel the Policy simply by                                 partners to perform marketing
    day such parties are unable to settle                        advising the Company in writing                                 and related activities, until the
    the dispute or difference. If the                            within those seven (7) days. If                                 Company receives the Insured
    Insured Person fails to commence                             the Insured Person does this, the                               Person’s written instruction to the
    arbitration in accordance with this                          Company will refund any premiums                                contrary. Upon the Insured Person’s
    clause, it is agreed that any cause                          that have been paid. This cooling                               written request, the Company
    of action and any right to make a                            off period does not apply if the                                shall, without charge, cease to
    claim that the Insured Person have                           Insured Person has commenced the                                use the Insured Person’s personal
    or may have against the Company                              Journey or the Insured Person has                               information for purposes other
    shall be extinguished completely.                            made or is entitled to make a claim                             than those directly related to this
    Where there is a dispute or                                  prior to the cancellation of the                                Policy. A copy of the Company’s
    disagreement, the issuance of a                              Policy.                                                         Personal Data Protection Policy
    valid arbitration award shall also                                                                                           can be found at
                                                           22. Due Diligence                                                     sg-privacy and the Insured Person
    be a condition precedent to the
    Company’s liability under this                               The Insured Person will exercise                                is deemed to have read
    Policy. In no case shall the Insured                         due diligence and precaution in                                 the same.
    Person seek to recover under this                            doing all things to avoid or reduce
                                                                                                                                 The Insured Person may write to
    Policy before the expiration of                              any loss under this Policy.
                                                                                                                                 the Company’s Data Protection
    sixty (60) days after written proof                    23. Policy Owners’ Protection                                         Officer at 138 Market Street #11-01
    of claim has been submitted to the                         Scheme                                                            CapitaGreen Singapore 048946
    Company in accordance with the                               This Policy is protected under                                  for any request to withdraw his/
    provisions of this Policy.                                   the Policy Owners’ Protection                                   her consent, access to and/or
16. Governing Law                                                Scheme which is administered by                                 correction of any information
                                                                 the Singapore Deposit Insurance                                 supplied to the Company and the
    This Policy shall be governed by
                                                                 Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for                                Company may reserve the right to
    and interpreted in accordance with
                                                                 this Policy is automatic and no                                 charge a reasonable fee to offset the
    Singapore law.                                                                                                               administrative costs in complying
                                                                 further action is required from
17. Interest                                                     the Insured Person. For more                                    with access requests.
    No amounts payable by the                                    information on the types of benefits                      25. Modification
    Company under this Policy shall                              that are covered under the scheme
                                                                                                                                 We reserve the right to modify the
    carry interest.                                              as well as the limits of coverage,
                                                                                                                                 terms and conditions of this Policy
                                                                 where applicable, please contact
18. Currency                                                                                                                     within the Period of Insurance
                                                                 the Company or visit the GIA / LIA
                                                                                                                                 by giving You prior notice of at
    Premiums and benefits payable                                or SDIC websites ( or
                                                                                                                                 least thirty (30) days, and such
    under this Policy shall be in                       or                             modification shall be applicable
    Singapore dollars.
                                                           24. Personal Data Protection                                          from the effective date as stated in
19. Clerical Error                                             Consent                                                           Our written notice to Your address
    A clerical error by the Company                              The Insured Person is deemed to                                 on file.
    shall not invalidate insurance                               give consent and authorisation                                  No modification of this Policy
    otherwise validly in force, nor                              to the Company to collect, use,                                 shall be valid unless approved
    continue insurance otherwise not                             disclose, and/or process his/                                   in writing by Our authorised
    validly in force.                                            her personal data or information                                representative, and such approval
20. Gender                                                       supplied to the Company without                                 shall be evidenced by way of an
                                                                 further notification to the Insured                             endorsement to this Policy issued
    A masculine personal pronoun as
                                                                 Person, confidentially with the                                 by Us. No broker or agent has the
    used herein includes the feminine,
                                                                 Company’s affiliated companies,                                 authority to modify or to waive
    wherever the context requires.
                                                                 third party service providers,                                  any of the terms and conditions of
21. Cooling Off Period                                           business partners and/or other                                  this Policy.

           © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
8          and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 06/2018.
Chubb Scoot™ Protect

Part 5.      Benefits                                         to any other claim originating from the                         1.     Any expenses relating to any
                                                              Accident causing such loss.                                            treatment for Bodily Injury or
The benefits payable under the                                                                                                       Sickness where such treatment
respective Sections in this Part 5                            No indemnity will be paid under any
                                                                                                                                     was first sought more than sixty
as mentioned below are mutually                               circumstances for more than one of the
                                                                                                                                     (60) days from the time the
exclusive:                                                    losses, the greatest for which provision
                                                                                                                                     Bodily Injury or Sickness was first
                                                              is made in this Section.
(i)   Sections 15 and 16                                                                                                             sustained.
                                                              No payment will be made for any loss
Section 1 – Personal Accident                                                                                                 2.     Any expenses incurred for
                                                              caused by or resulting from Sickness.                                  prostheses, contact lenses,
If, during the Period of Insurance,
whilst the Insured Person is on a                             Section 2 – Medical Expenses Due To                                    spectacles, hearing aids, dentures
Journey, the Insured Person sustains                          Accident And Sickness (Applicable                                      or medical equipment unless
Bodily Injury which results in death                          To Return Journey Only)                                                prescribed by a Physician for
and/or Permanent Disablement within                                                                                                  the treatment of Bodily Injury or
                                                              If, during the Period of Insurance,
one hundred and eighty (180) days                                                                                                    Sickness.
                                                              whilst the Insured Person is on a
after the date of the Accident, the                           Journey, the Insured Person incurs                              3.     Any expenses relating to any
Company will pay up to the relevant                           Medical Expenses as a direct result of                                 treatment not prescribed by a
Benefit amount specified in the Table                         Bodily Injury or Sickness, the Company                                 Physician or a Chinese Physician.
of Benefits read with the Certificate                         will indemnify the Insured Person in
of Insurance subject to the terms and                                                                                         Section 3 – Continuation Of
                                                              respect of such expenses up to the                              Medical Treatment After Return To
conditions of this Policy.
                                                              relevant Benefit amount specified in the                        Singapore (Applicable To Return
Table Of Benefits                                             Certificate of Insurance subject to the                         Journey Only)
                                  Compensation                terms and conditions of this Policy.
                                                                                                                              If, during the Period of Insurance,
                                  Payable % of
                                                              ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS                                           whilst the Insured Person is on a
                                  Capital sum
                                  stated in the               Where an Insured Person has been                                Journey, the Insured Person sustains
                                  Certificate of              treated by a Chinese Physician, the                             Bodily Injury or Sickness, which
 Loss Events                      Insurance                                                                                   result in a valid claim under Section
                                                              liability of the Company in respect of
 Accidental Death                 100%                                                                                        2 – Medical Expenses due to Accident
                                                              Traditional Chinese Medicine Expenses
 Permanent Total                  100%                                                                                        and Sickness, and necessarily incurs
                                                              incurred shall not exceed Singapore
 Disablement                                                                                                                  Medical Expenses in Singapore within
                                                              Dollars Seven Hundred and Fifty
                                                                                                                              thirty-one (31) days after the end of the
 Total and Permanent              100%                        (S$750.00).
                                                                                                                              Journey, the Company will reimburse
 Loss of Speech
                                                              For the avoidance of doubt, in the event                        the Insured Person in respect of such
 and Hearing
                                                              the Insured Person becomes entitled to                          expenses up to a maximum of the
 Loss of Sight in                 100%
                                                              a refund of or reimbursement of all or                          relevant Benefit Amount specified in the
 both eyes
                                                              part of such expenses from any other                            Certificate of Insurance subject to the
 Loss of two Limbs                100%                        source, or if there is in place any other                       terms and conditions of this Policy.
 Loss of one Limb                 50%                         insurance against the events covered
                                                                                                                              ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS
 Loss of Sight in one eye 50%                                 under this Section, the Company will
                                                                                                                              (a) Where an Insured Person had been
 Total and Permanent     50%                                  only be liable for the excess of the
                                                                                                                                  treated by a Chinese Physician, the
 Loss of lens of one Eye                                      amount recoverable from such other
                                                                                                                                  liability of the Company in respect
 Total and Permanent              50%                         source or insurance.
                                                                                                                                  of Traditional Chinese Medicine
 Loss of Speech                                               ADDITIONAL EXCLUSIONS                                               Expenses incurred shall not exceed
 Total and Permanent                                                                                                              Singapore Dollars Seven Hundred
                                                              In addition to the General Exclusions,
 Loss of Hearing in                                                                                                               and Fifty (S$750.00).
                                                              this Policy does not cover, and the
 i) both Ears                     50%
                                                              Company will not in any event be                                (b) For the avoidance of doubt, in
 ii) one Ear                      15%
                                                              liable in respect of any claim under this                           the event the Insured Person
The occurrence of any specific loss                           Medical Expenses due to Accident and                                becomes entitled to a refund of
for which indemnity is payable under                          Sickness section which is directly or                               or reimbursement of all or part
this Section shall at once terminate all                      indirectly, caused by, a consequence of,                            of such expenses from any other
insurance under the Policy, but such                          arises in connection with or contributed                            source, or if there is in place any
termination shall be without prejudice                        to by any of the following:                                         other insurance against the events

        © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
        and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 06/2018.                                                                                        9
Chubb Scoot™ Protect

     covered under this Section, the                        insurance against the events covered                            (i) Confinement must occur within
     Company will only be liable for the                    under this Section, the Company will                                thirty (30) days of the Accident
     excess of the amount recoverable                       only be liable for the excess of the                                causing the relevant Bodily Injury
     from such other source or                              amount recoverable from such other                                  or Sickness.
     insurance.                                             source or insurance.
                                                                                                                            (ii) Confinement must be considered
ADDITIONAL EXCLUSIONS                                       ADDITIONAL EXCLUSIONS                                                medically necessary by a Physician
In addition to the General Exclusions,                      In addition to the General Exclusions,                               in his professional capacity.
this Policy does not cover, and the                         this Policy does not cover, and the                             ADDITIONAL EXCLUSIONS
Company will not in any event be                            Company will not in any event be                                In addition to the General Exclusions,
liable in respect of any claim under                        liable in respect of any claim under                            this Policy does not cover, and the
this Follow-up Treatment in Singapore                       this Emergency Dental Expenses Due                              Company will not in any event be
section which is directly or indirectly,                    to Accident section which is directly or                        liable in respect of any claim under
caused by, a consequence of, arises in                      indirectly, caused by, a consequence                            this Daily Hospital In-Patient Income
connection with or contributed to by                        of, arises in connection with or                                section which is directly or indirectly,
any of the following:                                       contributed to by any of the following:                         caused by, a consequence of, arises in
1.   Any expenses relating to any                           1.    Any expenses relating to any                              connection with or contributed to by
     treatment for Bodily Injury or                               treatment for Bodily Injury where                         any of the following:
     Sickness where such treatment                                such treatment was first sought                           1.    Any expenses relating to any
     was first sought more than sixty                             more than sixty (60) days from                                  treatment or aid obtained
     (60) days from the time the                                  the time the Bodily Injury was first                            in Singapore.
     Bodily Injury or Sickness was first                          sustained.
     sustained.                                                                                                             2.    Any expenses relating to
                                                            2.    Any expenses relating to any                                    Confinement for any surgery or
2.   Any expenses incurred for                                    treatment not prescribed by                                     medical treatment, which in the
     prostheses, contact lenses,                                  a Dentist.                                                      opinion of a Physician, could
     spectacles, hearing aids, dentures                                                                                           reasonably have been delayed until
     or medical equipment unless                            Section 5 – Daily Hospital In-Patient
                                                                                                                                  the return of the Insured Person to
     prescribed by a Physician for                          Income (Applicable To Return
     the treatment of Bodily Injury or                      Journey Only)
     Sickness.                                              If, during the Period of Insurance,                             Section 6 – Medical Evacuation And
                                                            whilst the Insured Person is on                                 Repatriation (Applicable To Return
3.   Any expenses relating to any                                                                                           Journey Only)
     treatment not prescribed by a                          a Journey, the Insured Person is
                                                            necessarily Confined in a Hospital                              If, during the Period of Insurance,
     Physician or a Chinese Physician.
                                                            overseas as a result of Bodily Injury                           whilst the Insured Person is on a
Section 4 – Emergency Dental                                or Sickness, the Company will pay the                           Journey, as a result of an Insured Person
Expenses Due To Accident                                    Insured Person the relevant Benefit                             being in a Critical Medical Condition
(Applicable To Return Journey Only)                         amount as specified in the Certificate                          and in the opinion of Chubb Assistance,
If, during the Period of Insurance,                         of Insurance subject to the terms and                           or an authorised representative of
whilst the insured Person is on a                           conditions of this Policy.                                      Chubb Assistance, it is judged medically
Journey, the Insured Person incurs                                                                                          appropriate to move the Insured
                                                            The daily benefit amount shall be paid                          Person to another location for medical
Dental Expenses a direct result of
                                                            for each Day of Confinement from                                treatment, or to return the Insured
Bodily Injury, the Company will
                                                            the first Day of Confinement and up                             Person to Singapore, Chubb Assistance
indemnify the Insured Person in
                                                            to a maximum of the relevant Benefit                            or its authorised representative, shall
respect of such expenses up to the
                                                            Amount specified in the Certificate                             arrange for the evacuation utilizing
relevant Benefit amount specified in the
                                                            of Insurance, and for this purpose,                             the means best suited to do so based
Certificate of Insurance subject to the
                                                            every Day of Confinement as a result                            on the medical severity of the Insured
terms and conditions of this Policy.
                                                            of the same event, (Bodily Injury or                            Person’s condition. The Company
ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS                                       Sickness) shall be counted towards the                          shall pay directly to Chubb Assistance
For the avoidance of doubt, in the event                    total number of Days of Confinement,                            the Covered Expenses for such
the Insured Person becomes entitled to                      notwithstanding that such Days do not                           evacuation, up to the relevant Benefit
a refund of or reimbursement of all or                      run consecutively. Provided further that                        amount specified in the Certificate of
part of such expenses from any other                        this benefit shall be payable only if the                       Insurance, subject to the terms and
source, or if there is in place any other                   following conditions are met:                                   conditions of this Policy.

            © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
10          and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 06/2018.
Chubb Scoot™ Protect

In the event the Insured Person cannot                       1.    Any expenses incurred for services                        ADDITIONAL DEFINITIONS
for reasons beyond his control notify                              provided by another party for                             Covered Expenses means expenses
Chubb Assistance, and nevertheless                                 which the Insured Person is not                           for services provided and/or
makes arrangements for his own                                     liable to pay, or any expenses                            arranged by Chubb Assistance for the
evacuation, the Company shall, if                                  already included in the cost of a                         transportation, medical services and
satisfied that the arrangements were
                                                                   scheduled trip.                                           medical supplies necessarily incurred
medically appropriate in view of the
Insured Person’s Critical Medical                            2.    Any expenses for a service not                            as a result of the repatriation of the
Condition at that time, indemnify                                  approved and arranged by Chubb                            Insured Person’s mortal remains.
the Insured Person in respect of the                               Assistance or its authorised                              ADDITIONAL EXCLUSIONS
expenses incurred, up to an amount                                 representative, except as
which would have been payable to                                                                                             In addition to the General Exclusions,
                                                                   mentioned in paragraph two (2) of
Chubb Assistance for services provided                                                                                       this Policy does not cover, and the
                                                                   this Section.
under the same circumstances, subject                                                                                        Company will not in any event be
to the terms and conditions of this                          3.    Any treatment performed or                                liable in respect of any claim under
Policy.                                                            ordered by a person who is not a                          this Repatriation of Mortal Remains
                                                                   Physician                                                 section which is directly or indirectly,
The means of evacuation arranged by
Chubb Assistance, or its authorised                                                                                          caused by, a consequence of, arises in
                                                             4.    Any expenses incurred if the Insured
representative, may include air                                                                                              connection with or contributed to by
                                                                   Person is not suffering from a Critical
ambulance, surface ambulance, regular                                                                                        any of the following:
                                                                   Medical Condition or if the treatment
air transportation, railroad or any                                can be reasonably delayed until the                       1.     Any expenses incurred for services
other appropriate means. All decisions
                                                                   Insured Person return to Singapore.                              provided by another party for
as to the means of transportation and
                                                                                                                                    which the Insured Person is not
the final destination will be made by                        Section 7 – Repatriation Of Mortal
                                                                                                                                    liable to pay, or any expenses
Chubb Assistance, or its authorised                          Remains (Applicable To Return
representative, and will be based solely                                                                                            already included in the cost of the
                                                             Journey Only)
upon medical necessity.                                                                                                             Journey.
                                                             If, during the Period of Insurance,
ADDITIONAL DEFINITIONS                                       whilst the Insured Person is on a                               2.     Any expenses incurred for the
Critical Medical Condition means a                           Journey, the Insured Person dies as a                                  transportation of the Insured
medical condition suffered by the Insured                    result of a Critical Medical Condition (as                             Person’s remains not approved and
Person as a result of Bodily Injury or                       defined in Section 6), Chubb Assistance,                               arranged by Chubb Assistance or its
Sickness, which is determined to be                          or its authorised representative shall                                 authorised representative.
life-threatening by a Physician designated                   make the necessary arrangements                                 Section 8 – Compassionate
by Chubb Assistance at the Physician’s                       for the return of the Insured Person’s                          Allowance (Applicable To Return
absolute discretion.
                                                             mortal remains to Singapore. The                                Journey Only)
Covered Expenses means expenses                              Company shall pay directly to Chubb
                                                                                                                             If, during the Period of Insurance,
for services provided and/or                                 Assistance the Covered Expenses for
                                                                                                                             whilst the Insured Person is on a
arranged by Chubb Assistance for the                         such repatriation up to the relevant
transportation, medical services and                                                                                         Journey, the Insured Person sustains
                                                             Benefit amount specified in the
medical supplies necessarily incurred                                                                                        Bodily Injury which results in
                                                             Certificate of Insurance, subject to the
as a result of a Medical Evacuation and                                                                                      Accidental Death under Section 1 –
                                                             terms and conditions of this Policy.
Repatriation of an Insured Person as                                                                                         Personal Accident and no adult Family
described herein.                                            In addition to the transportation of the                        Member is with him, the Company
                                                             remains, the Company shall reimburse                            will indemnify the Insured Person’s
                                                             to the Insured Person’s estate expenses                         estate for the hotel accommodation
In addition to the General Exclusions,
                                                             actually incurred for services and                              and travel (economy return air travel)
this Policy does not cover, and the
                                                             supplies by a mortician or undertaker,                          expenses necessarily incurred for one
Company will not in any event be
liable in respect of any claim under this                    including but not limited to the cost                           (1) relative or friend to assist in the final
Medical Evacuation and Repatriation                          of a casket, and the embalming and                              arrangements of the Insured Person’s
section which is directly or indirectly,                     cremation if so elected, to a maximum                           death, up to the relevant Benefit
caused by, a consequence of, arises in                       of the relevant Benefit Amount specified                        amount specified in the Certificate of
connection with or contributed to by                         in the Certificate of Insurance subject to                      Insurance subject to the terms and
any of the following:                                        the terms and conditions of this Policy.                        conditions of this Policy.

       © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
11     and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 06/2018.                                                                                        11
Chubb Scoot™ Protect

Section 9 – Loss Of Luggage And                            Portable Computer means laptop and                                    indicated should not be included
Personal Effects                                           handheld computers.                                                   in checked baggage, as stated in
If, during the Period of Insurance,                                                                                              the Scheduled Flight’s operator’s
                                                           ADDITIONAL EXCLUSIONS
whilst the Insured Person is on a                                                                                                Conditions of Carriage – including
                                                           In addition to the General Exclusions,                                but not limited to, fragile, delicate
Journey, the Insured Person sustains
                                                           this Policy does not cover, and the                                   or perishable items, computers,
loss of or damage to his Luggage
                                                           Company will not in any event be                                      items of special value, such as
and Personal Effects, the Company
                                                           liable in respect of any claim under this                             money, jewellery, precious metals,
will indemnify the Insured Person in
                                                           Loss of Luggage and Personal Effects                                  silverware, valuable documents,
respect of such loss up to the relevant
                                                           section which is directly or indirectly,                              passports and other travel
Benefit amount stated in the Certificate
of Insurance subject to the terms and                      caused by, a consequence of, arises in                                documents, personal electronic
conditions of this Policy.                                 connection with or contributed to by                                  equipment, including compact
                                                           any of the following:                                                 discs;
                                                           1.    loss or damage of baggage                                 7.    loss or damage not reported
(a) The Company will not pay more
                                                                 caused by wear and tear, gradual                                to either the police or relevant
    than Singapore Dollars five hundred
                                                                 deterioration, moths, vermin,                                   authority having jurisdiction where
    (S$500) for any one article or a pair
                                                                 inherent vice or damage sustained                               the loss or damage occurred within
    or a set of articles.                                                                                                        twenty-four (24) hours of the
                                                                 due to any process or while actually
(b) In respect of articles more than one                         being worked upon or resulting                                  discovery of such loss or damage;
    year old, the Company may make                               therefrom;                                                8.    loss or damage of property whilst
    payment subject to due allowance
                                                           2.    loss or damage of baggage caused                                in the custody of an airline or
    of wear and tear and depreciation
                                                                 by mechanical or electrical                                     other carrier, unless reported
    or at its option reinstate or repair
                                                                 breakdown or derangement or                                     immediately on discovery and, in
    such articles.
                                                                 damage sustained due to any                                     the case of an airline, a Property
(c) The loss or damage must be                                   process initiated by an Insured                                 Irregularity Report is obtained;
    reported to the police or relevant                           Person to repair, clean or alter any
    authority having jurisdiction where                                                                                    9.    loss or damage to property insured
    the loss or damage occurred within                                                                                           under any other insurance policy,
    twenty-four (24) hours from the                        3.    loss or damage of baggage                                       or otherwise reimbursed by a
    incident. Any claims for indemnity                           resulting directly or directly from                             common carrier or a hotel.
    under this Section must be                                   insurrection, rebellion, revolution,
                                                                                                                           Property Not Covered
    accompanied by a copy of a police                            civil war, usurped power, or
    report or a report issued by the                             action taken by governmental                              The Company will not pay for damage
    relevant authority evidencing such                           authorities in hindering, combating                       to or loss of:
    loss.                                                        or defending against such an
                                                                                                                           (i)    animals;
                                                                 occurrence, seizure or destruction
(d) For the avoidance of doubt, in                               under quarantine or customs                               (ii) motor vehicles, aircraft, and other
    the event the Insured Person                                 regulations, confiscation by order                             conveyances or equipment or parts
    becomes entitled to a refund or
                                                                 of any government or public                                    pertaining to such conveyances;
    reimbursement of all or part of
                                                                 authority or risk of contraband or
    such expenses from any other                                                                                           (iii) artificial limbs, false teeth, any
                                                                 illegal transportation or trade;
    source, or if there is in place any                                                                                          type of eyeglasses, contact lenses
    other insurance against the events                     4.    loss or damage of property from                                 or corneal lenses;
    covered under this section, the                              confiscation or retention by
                                                                                                                           (iv) tickets, except for administrative
    Company will only be liable for the                          customs or other officials;
                                                                                                                                fees required to reissue tickets;
    excess of the amount recoverable
                                                           5.    loss or damage of property as
    from such other source or                                                                                              (v)    coupons, negotiable instruments,
                                                                 a result of the Insured Person’s
    insurance.                                                                                                                    title deeds, manuscripts, money,
                                                                 failure to take due and reasonable
                                                                 care and precautions to safe-guard                               stamps, stocks and bonds, postal
                                                                 and secure such property;                                        or money orders, securities of any
Luggage and Personal Effects means
personal goods belonging to the Insured                    6.    loss or damage of property that is
Person, which are taken by him on the                            included in an Insured Person’s                           (vi) property shipped as freight, or
Journey or acquired by him during the                            checked baggage that the relevant                              shipped prior to the scheduled
Journey.                                                         Scheduled Flight operator has                                  departure date;

           © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
12         and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 06/2018.                                                                                    12
Chubb Scoot™ Protect

(vii) cards, including but not limited to                          excess of the amount recoverable                          Section 12 – Travel Delay
      credit cards;                                                from such other source or                                 If, during the Period of Insurance,
                                                                   insurance.                                                whilst the Insured Person is on a
(viii) contraband;
                                                             ADDITIONAL DEFINITIONS                                          Journey, the departure of the Scheduled
(ix) business goods or samples/                                                                                              Flight is delayed for at least six (6)
     prototypes or equipment of any                          Travel Documents means passport,
                                                                                                                             consecutive hours at any single location
     kind or any products/components                         visas, travel tickets or driving license.
                                                                                                                             in the itinerary supplied to the Insured
     meant for trade;                                        Money means coins, bank notes, postal                           Person, due to Strike or industrial
(x) hired or leased equipment;                               money orders or travelers’ cheque.                              action, adverse weather conditions or
                                                             ADDITIONAL EXCLUSIONS                                           mechanical breakdown/derangement
(xi) foodstuff;
                                                                                                                             of the Scheduled Flight or due to
(xii) computers (including software and                      In addition to the General Exclusions,
                                                                                                                             grounding of the Scheduled Flight as
      accessories) other than Portable                       this Policy does not cover, and the
                                                                                                                             a result of mechanical or structural
      Computers;                                             Company will not in any event be liable
                                                                                                                             defect or any event leading to airspace
                                                             in respect of any claim under Loss
Section 10 – Loss Of Travel Documents                                                                                        restriction or airport closure, the
                                                             of Travel Documents section which
                                                                                                                             Company will pay the Insured Person
If, during the Period of Insurance,                          is directly or indirectly, caused by, a
                                                                                                                             the relevant Benefit amount specified
whilst the Insured Person is on a                            consequence of, arises in connection
                                                                                                                             in the Certificate of Insurance for every
Journey, the Insured Person sustains                         with or contributed to by any of the
                                                                                                                             full six (6) consecutive hours of delay
loss of Travel Documents due to                              following:
                                                                                                                             (the delay being calculated from the
theft or by force, violence, or threat of
                                                             (a) loss due to confiscation or                                 departure time of the Scheduled Flight
violence, the Company will indemnify
                                                                 detention by customs or any other                           specified in the itinerary), up to the
the Insured Person in respect of
                                                                 authority;                                                  maximum Benefit amount specified in
such loss up to the relevant Benefit
amount as specified in the Certificate                                                                                       the Certificate of Insurance.
                                                             (b) loss not reported to either the
of Insurance subject to the terms and                            police or relevant authority having                         The delay must be verified in writing
conditions of this Policy.                                       jurisdiction where the loss occurred                        by the operator of the Scheduled Flight
In the event the Insured Person sustains                         within twenty-four (24) hours of the                        or their handling agent(s) as well as
loss of Money together with the loss of                          discovery of such loss;                                     the number of hours delayed and the
Travel Documents due the theft or by                         (c) loss or damage of Travel                                    reason for the delay.
force, violence, or threat of violence,                          Documents and/or Money as a                                 ADDITIONAL EXCLUSIONS
the Company will indemnify the                                   result of the Insured Person’s                              In addition to the General Exclusions,
Insured Person in respect of the loss of                         failure to take due and reasonable
                                                                                                                             this Policy does not cover, and the
Money up to Singapore Dollars Three                              care and precautions to safe-guard
                                                                                                                             Company will not in any event be
Hundred (S$300).                                                 and secure the Travel Documents
                                                                                                                             liable in respect of any claim under this
ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS                                            and/or Money.
                                                                                                                             Travel Delay section which is directly or
(a) The loss must be reported to                             Section 11 – Checked-In Luggage                                 indirectly, caused by, a consequence of,
    the police or relevant authority                         Delay                                                           arises in connection with or contributed
    having jurisdiction where the loss                       If, during the Period of Insurance,                             to by any of the following:
    occurred, within twenty-four (24)                        whilst the Insured Person is on a                               1.     failure of the Insured Person to
    hours after the incident. Any claim                      Journey, the Insured Person’s luggage                                  check in according to the itinerary
    must be accompanied by a copy of                         that is accompanied and checked in on                                  supplied to him;
    a police report or a report issued by                    the Scheduled Flight is not delivered to
    the relevant authority evidencing                        him within six (6) hours of the Insured                         2.     Strike or industrial action existing
    such loss.                                               Person’s arrival at the scheduled                                      on the date the Insured Person
(b) For the avoidance of doubt, in                           destination overseas and in Singapore,                                 applied for cover under this Policy;
    the event the Insured Person                             the Company will pay to the Insured                             3.     late arrival of the Insured Person
    becomes entitled to a refund or                          Person the relevant Benefit amount                                     at the airport or port after check-in
    reimbursement of all or part of                          specified in the Certificate of Insurance                              or boarding time (except if the late
    such expenses from any other                             for every full six (6) consecutive hours                               arrival is due to Strike or industrial
    source, or if there is in place any                      of delay, up to the maximum Benefit                                    action).
    other insurance against the events                       amount specified in the Certificate of
    covered under this Section, the                          Insurance, subject to the terms and                             Section 13 – Travel Misconnection
    Company will only be liable for the                      conditions of this Policy.                                      If, during the Period of Insurance,

       © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
       and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 06/2018.                                                                                        13
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