CHURCH OF ST. SAVIOUR - St Saviour Church.

Page created by Ross Ford
CHURCH OF ST. SAVIOUR - St Saviour Church.

5:00 pm:        Saturday Evening
9:30 am:        Sunday Morning
11:30 am:       Sunday Morning
8:30 am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

Confessions First Saturday of the month in the
church from 4:00-4:30 PM. By appointment for all
other times.

Are you a sinner? Have you been away from the church for a long time? Are you divorced or separated? Are you physically or
mentally challenged? Are you from a different culture? Are you not accepted because of your sexual orientation? Are you
elderly, a teen or young adult? Are you discriminated against because of your color? Are you feeling broken? Are you poor or
out of work? Have you been imprisoned? Have you a feeling that you are left out? You are welcome here! This is your home,
and we are your family!
CHURCH OF ST. SAVIOUR - St Saviour Church.
April 11, 2021

                            A FEW WORDS FROM OUR PASTOR
    I think everyone who was able to join us last week for any of our Holy Week liturgies would agree
they were all beautiful celebrations of faith. While we might have had to scale-down each of the
liturgical celebrations a bit because of the ongoing pandemic, they were still extremely prayerful
and beautiful. I am grateful for all the compliments we have received in the last few days from
parishioners who were able to join us. Everyone involved worked very hard at making sure each of
our Holy Week liturgies were prayerful and meaningful celebrations for the people of our parish
family. A special word of thanks to Junior for washing, waxing and buffing our sanctuary floors in
preparation for Holy Week. Thank You to Adrian and Francisco for decorating the church so
beautifully for Easter. Thank You to Emily SanPietro for making sure all the flowers were ordered
and delivered on time – they all looked so beautiful. Thank You to Sister Mary for serving as our
Lector and for all the behind-the-scenes work she did throughout Holy Week. Thank You to Geri
Anne O’Beirne and her family for filling all the Holy Water bottles that were distributed last weekend
at the conclusion of each of our celebrations of Eucharist. Thank You to Deacon Paul for the
phenomenal homily he gave on Good Friday challenging us to look at the Cross in a new way that
will forever remind us of the sacrifice Jesus made for each and every one of us and how we need to
embrace the Cross in our daily lives. Thank You to Father Terry for the great homily he gave at our
Easter Vigil challenging us to allow the Resurrection of Jesus to change and transform us, even when
it didn’t make sense to anyone else. Thank You to our Seminarian, Stephen Jankowski, for always
being there when we need him the most and for his invaluable assistance to me at each of our Holy
Week liturgies. Thank You to Nick our Music Director, who really out-did himself last week at
every single one of our liturgies leading us in music and song. It all sounded so beautiful. Thank
you to James and Emma our sacristans, who always make sure everything is prepared and ready for
each of our liturgies. Thank You to Father Kevin who helped me set everything up and was always
there to make sure we had everything we needed. And finally, a great big THANK YOU to everyone
who came out and joined us during Holy Week. It was so good to see so many of you present. We
also congratulate parishioner Lori Jung, who received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist
at our Easter Vigil. May the Lord continue to be with her and fill her with God’s Spirit. My thanks
to all the members of our RCIA team for preparing Lori for this special moment in her life and the
life of the Church. Don’t forget – while all the Easter candy and decorations might have disappeared
from the store shelves – we still celebrate Easter for 50 days – until the great Solemnity of Pentecost.
    Finally, please continue to pray in a special way this week for our young teenagers who will be
receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation next weekend. Bishop Paul Sanchez will be coming to
Saint Saviour Parish on Saturday morning, April 17th, to seal our teenagers with the Gift of the Holy
Spirit at a special ceremony. We are very excited for our young people, who have worked hard for
this moment. Please pray that they will always keep their hearts and minds open to the presence of
the Holy Spirit in their lives. My thanks to Deacon Paul, their parents, sponsors, teachers, and
catechists for preparing our teens for this important Sacrament.
    Have a great week everyone – please stay safe and healthy – and keep wearing your mask!

                                                                             Father Frank
CHURCH OF ST. SAVIOUR - St Saviour Church.
CHURCH OF ST. SAVIOUR - St Saviour Church.
                      Begin with the Our Father, Hail Mary, and the Apostles Creed. Using regular
                      rosary beads, work your way around the five decades with the prayers below.
                      On the standalone beads, pray: "Eternal Father, I offer you the body, blood,
                      soul, and divinity of your dearly beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in
                      atonement for our sins and those of the whole world."
                      On the decade beads, pray: "For the sake of his sorrowful Passion, have mercy
                      on us and on the whole world."
                      At the end, pray the following three times: "Holy God, Holy Mighty One,
                      Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world."
                      It is typical to conclude the Divine Mercy Chaplet with the words:
                      "Jesus, I trust in you."

            2021 CALENDARS
This weekend will be your last chance to pick
up the 2021 calendar. We have a few left on
the tables in back of church.

                                                                  Parish Goal: $ 64,900
                                                                    Raised: $ 17,285
                                                                      # Donors: 22
                                                     The 2021 Annual Catholic Appeal supports the
                                                     mission of our parish and the daily work of the
                                                     Church in Brooklyn and Queens in ways no
                                                     one parish can accomplish alone by supporting
                                                     the following ministries:
                                                     Catholic Youth Ministry Initiative,
                 The St. Thomas Aquinas Food         Catholic Charities;
                Pantry is in need of the following   Hospital, College and Prison Chaplains;
                                                     Diocesan Vocations Office;
                 items: oatmeal, white or brown      Catholic Migration Services; Office of Faith
                   rice, pasta, evaporated milk,     Formation; Bishop Mugavero Residence
                   canned or dried black beans,      for infirmed clergy; Futures in Education
                canned tuna, salmon or chicken,      Scholarship Foundation
                 bar soap, and shampoo. Thank           All donations made to the ACA above our
                       you so much for your            parish goal are returned directly back to our
                         generous support!              parish for operations and improvements.

    Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone,
    but in every leaf in spring-time.          ~ Martin Luther
CHURCH OF ST. SAVIOUR - St Saviour Church.
Saint Saviour Catholic Academy
                  Still accepting applications for 2021-2022
                Let your child take flight on the wings of a
                         values-based education
                Don’t miss out on scholarship opportunities!
                    Need-based tuition assistance available for
                             eligible K—8 families
             Application deadline for tuition assistance—April 30, 2021
                       To learn more call 718.768.8000 Ext. 4
                                or visit our website:
                                                 MGN Online Support Group
                                                 Friday, April 16th 8:00 to 9:30 PM
                                                 Join us for the NY Chapter online Maria Goretti
                                                 Network (MGN) support group for all those in
                                                 any way affected by abuse (physical, sexual,
                                                 mental, emotional, financial, etc) to experience
WeShare allows parishioners a safe and easy      healing in God's love and freedom through
way to donate online. If you’ve never            forgiveness. Abuse is never your fault and you
                                                 are not alone.
donated online before, signing up is easy!
                                                 Contact for more
                                                  information or visit
Visit our website:       Meeting Leader is inviting you to a scheduled
and click “Give Online.”                         Zoom meeting.
                                                 Join Zoom Meeting
Click on the collection you wish to donate to.
Click Recurring Donation, then enter your        pwd=TDZBSGRqRWRMS2JWRE1NOFFrSnR
donation amount and frequency                    OZz09

Once you’ve added your account information,
donations will automatically deduct from your
account. It’s that easy!
Sunday, April 11, Second Sunday of Easter
                                                      9:30 a.m. Rev. Louis A. Giuliano
                                                      11:30 a.m. Joan Cookson/Msgr. William Kailer
                                                      Dunn/Edward J. O’Brien (Birthday

          DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY                         Monday, April 12, Easter Weekday
                                                      8:30 a.m. Jean & Tony Rybrczyk
  The Second Sunday of Easter has become
known as the Feast of the Divine Mercy, or more       Tuesday, April 13, Easter Weekday
commonly, Divine Mercy Sunday. This devotion
to the divine mercy of Jesus has been celebrated      8:30 a.m. Brian Rybarczyk
for many years in many different parts of the
world since the 1930s, yet it wasn’t until Saint      Wednesdday, April 14, Easter Weekday
John Paul II canonized Saint Faustina Kowalska        8:30 a.m. Bill Jaenike
on April 30, 2000, that the Sunday after Easter
became known as “Divine Mercy Sunday” in the
General Roman Calendar. Saint Faustina was an         Thursday, April 15, Easter Weekday
uneducated Polish nun who kept a diary of about       NO MASS
600 pages telling the story of her revelations
regarding the mercy of God. Devotion to the           Friday, April 16, Easter Weekday
Divine Mercy of Jesus challenges us to arrive at      8:30 a.m. Kathleen Neville
a greater understanding that the love of God is
both unconditional and never-ending, and is
available to ALL people - and it challenges us        Saturday, April 17, Easter Weekday
even further to reciprocate that love and mercy       5:00 p.m. Helen & Edward Morozik
to everyone whom we encounter throughout our
life’s journey. Here at Saint Saviour parish, there   Sunday, April 18, Third Sunday of Easter
will be veneration of the divine Mercy image          9:30 a.m. Mary Joan Cappiello/
and the recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet
beginning at 3:00 p.m. this Sunday, April 11,                Shelly LaFauci/Edward J O’Brien
2021. ALL the members of our parish family are        11:30 a.m. Joseph Stachow
invited to attend and share in God’s Divine

                                                                      April 3-4
   One of the traditional practices in the Catholic               Offertory $6,410
Church during Lent is almsgiving.           Please
remember the poor today as you leave church by              Easter Gift to Church $1,775
perhaps giving alms and placing a donation in                   Retired Priests $1,086
one of our poor boxes. Everything collected is
given to the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, which           Good Friday/Holy Land $623
assists those in need of food or clothing.                         Attendance 324
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