Conference 2021 Conference Program - IWARR2021

Page created by Floyd Sandoval
Conference 2021 Conference Program - IWARR2021
4th IWA Resource Recovery
   Conference 2021

                        Conference Program

                                5-8 September, 2021
                           Istanbul, TURKEY (Virtual Event)

Conference 2021 Conference Program - IWARR2021
Conference 2021 Conference Program - IWARR2021
Welcome .................................................................................................................................................................4

Co-organizers ..........................................................................................................................................................4

Program Committee ...............................................................................................................................................8

Scientific Committee ..............................................................................................................................................9

Local Organizing Committee ............................................................................................................................... 11

Scientific Information .......................................................................................................................................... 12

Publication in IWA Journals ................................................................................................................................. 13

Conference Opening Speech ............................................................................................................................... 15

Plenary Presentations ......................................................................................................................................... 18

Keynote Presentations ........................................................................................................................................ 19

Conference Program ........................................................................................................................................... 23

Post-Conference Workshop ................................................................................................................................ 29

Poster Presentation List....................................................................................................................................... 59

Conference 2021 Conference Program - IWARR2021
Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the organizing committee, we
are honoured and delighted to welcome
you to the 4th IWA Resource Recovery
Conference, which will be carried out on a
completely virtual platform.
In line with circular economy concept, the
topics of the conference center around the     Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökşen ÇAPAR           Prof. Dr. İsmail KOYUNCU
technologies for resource recovery and high               Director                                Rector
value chemicals recovery, followed by           Water Management Institute
economic and environmental sustainability,
industrial symbiosis and safe reuse. The             Ankara University                   İstanbul Technical University
objective of the conference is to highlight               TURKEY                               TURKEY
the importance of embedding resource
recovery as a key consideration in urban
and industrial water management.

The conference will play host to 150+ professionals and practitioners from around the globe across a range of
disciplines including researchers, water professionals, technology providers, policy makers, business developers and
consultants. The conference will provide a platform for researchers and water professionals from several countries
to present their research results and development activities, discuss the latest scientific findings as well as
technological and economic aspects of treatment and recovery of valuable resources. It will provide opportunities
for the delegates to exchange new ideas and experiences, establish business network and research relations.
All participants are warmly encouraged to attend different sessions as a means to stimulate debate and encourage
multidisciplinary collaboration.

We wish you a successful and enlightening conference!
                                                                         Gökşen CAPAR and Ismail KOYUNCU
                                                                                    IWARR 2021 Co-Chairs

                             IWA Resource Recovery from Water Cluster brings together R&D, water
                             industry and materials users, and to promote economically and environmentally
                             attractive approaches to resource recovery.

                             Ankara University
                             Water Management Institute- TURKEY

                             Istanbul Technical University – TURKEY
                             Prof. Dr. Dinçer Topacık National Research Center on Membrane
                             Technologies (MEM-TEK)

Conference 2021 Conference Program - IWARR2021
Conference 2021 Conference Program - IWARR2021
4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY


Atatürk Street, Mustafa Kemal Avenue,
NO:60, 34758 Atasehir/ISTANBUL

Before and after the Conference:
Phone +90 216 250 41 00- Fax +90 216 455 03 77
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During the Conference:
There will be live technical help desk available on the conference platform to assist you for any inquiry.

Virtual conference
Online platform
Hosted by TURKEY

  The Conference starts on September 6, 2021 at 10:30 (GMT+3).

  Attention: Before connecting to the conference please do connection test in order to make
  sure that your browser and computer are suitable to access to the conference. Please follow
  the instructions below.

  Please click following video link which will show you "How to do connection test" and give
  necessary permissions for your browser.
  Please click to watch

  Please find following connection test link as stated at the video of "How to do connection
  Connection Test (Please do not use Internet Explorer)

  After the connection test, you are ready to connect to the conference. Please also find
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     Connect to conference

Conference 2021 Conference Program - IWARR2021
4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY


IWA RR2021 Registration Fees                         LATE REGISTRATION (until September 5, 2021)
NON IWA                                                                                     €125,00
IWA                                                                                         €100,00
Conference 2021 Conference Program - IWARR2021
4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

Program Committee
 Goksen CAPAR-Turkey,
 Conference Co-Chair
 Ismail KOYUNCU -Turkey,
 Conference Co-Chair
 Ilje Pikaar- Australia,
 Co-Chair of the IWA RRfW Cluster
 Olaf van der Kolk- Netherlands,
 Co-Chair of the IWA RRfW Cluster
 Francesco Fatone- Italy,
 Secretary of the IWA RRfW Cluster
 Korneel Rabaey-Belgium,
 MC member IWA RRfW Cluster
 Ana Soares- UK,
 MC Member RRfW Cluster
 Lars Angenent-Germany,
 MC Member RRfW Cluster

Conference 2021 Conference Program - IWARR2021
4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

Scientific Committee
  Adrian Oehmen, New University of Lisbon, Portugal

  Amit Kumar, MIT, USA

  Ana Soares, Cranfield University, United Kingdom

  Anna Laura Eusebi, Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy

  Aysen Erdincler, Bogazici University, Turkey

  Bilgehan Nas, Konya Technical University, Turkey

  Bulent Keskinler, Gebze Technical University, Turkey

  Carlos Chernicharo, UFMG, Brazil

  Carmen Teodosiou, Iasi University, Romania

  Cees Buisman, Wetsus, The Netherlands

  Celine Vaneeckhaute, Laval University, Canada

  Claudio Di Iaconi, National Research Council, Italy

  Costas Noutsopoulos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

  Craig Criddle Stanford University, USA

  David Bolzonella, University of Verona, Italy

  David Strik, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

  David Stuckey, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom and Singapore

  Evina Katsou, Brunel University of London, UK

  Filiz Dilek, Middle East Technical University, Turkey

  Francesco Fatone, Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy

  Francesco Valentino, University of Rome, Italy

  Ger Bergkamp, Arcowa, Switzerland

  Gerasimos Lyberatos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

  Giorgio Mannina, Universiy of Palermo, Italy

  Glen Daigger, University of Michigan, USA

  Goksen Capar, Ankara University, Turkey

Conference 2021 Conference Program - IWARR2021
4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

Guenter Langergraber, BOKU University, Austria

Hale Özgün Erşahin, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Ilje Pikaar, University of Queensland, Australia

Isam Sabbah, The Galilee Society, Israel

Isik Kabdasli, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Jason RenPrinceton University, USA

Joaquim Comas, Catalan Institute for Water Research, Spain

Juan Antonio Baeza, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Juan Lema, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Julian Sandino, Jacobs, USA

Jurg Keller, University of Queensland, Australia

Kees Roest, KWR, The Netherlands

Lars Angenent, Tubingen, Germany

Korneel Rabaey, Ghent University, Belgium

Levent Yilmaz, Middle East Technical University, Turkey

Ludwig Hermann, Proman Consulting, Austria

Lutgarde Raskin, University of Michigan, USA

Maite Puijan, Catalan Institute for Water Research, Spain

Mari Winkler, University of Washington, USA

Mark van Loosdrecht, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Mauro Majone, University of Rome, Italy

Mehmet Kitis, Süleyman Demirel University, Turkey

Miriam Otoo, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Mustafa Evren Erşahin, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Nalan Kabay, Ege University Turkey

Olaf van der Kolk, Aquaminerals, Netherlands

Özlem Karahan Özgün, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Piet Lens, University Ireland Galway, Ireland

Riccardo Gori, University of Florence, Italy

4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

  Roberto Canziani, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy

  Sergio Ponsà Salas, University of Vic, Spain

  Siegfried Vlaeminck, University of Antwerp, Belgium

  Simos Malamis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

  Thomas Wintgens, FHNW, Switzerland

  Tim Hulsen, University of Queensland, Australia

  Ulku Yetis, Middle East Technical University,Turkey

  William Tarpeh, Stanford University, USA

  Xia Huang, Tsinghua University, China

  Ying Yu Law, Nanyang Technological University, SCELSE, Singapore

  Zhou Yan, Nanyang Technological University, NEWRI, Singapore

Local Organizing Committee
 Conference Co-Chairs         Goksen Capar and Ismail Koyuncu

 IWA Cluster Co-Chairs        Olaf van der Kolk and Ilje Pikaar

 Local Water                  Berna Topuz, Evren Ersahin, Hale Ozgun, Mahmut Altinbas, Yesim Ahi

 YWP Team                     Borte Kose Mutlu

 Responsible for YWP          Tolga Pilevneli

 Conference Secretary         Cigdem Coskun Dilcan

4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

Scientific Information
ABSTRACTS BOOK                                               PRESENTATION
All accepted abstracts will be published in the              Slides must be worded in English only; please copy
electronic Book of Abstracts “4th IWA Resource               your work - prepared using MS Power Point or
Recovery      Conference        2021”     (ISBN:             equivalent program. If your presentation is on MAC
9781789062809)                                               computer, please make sure to convert your
The Book of Abstracts will be available for                  presentation in pc-compatible Power Point.
download from the Conference website using a
password communicated by mail to registered
participants.                                                CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE
                                                             Participants attending the whole event will receive
                                                             their certificate of attendance by e-mail after the
ORAL PRESENTATIONS                                           Conference, upon request to the Secretary desk or
The oral presentation sessions will be held in 3             by    email      to    or
parallel virtual rooms as scheduled in the Oral    
Program and Program Timetable. The presentation
time for oral presentations will be 15 minutes. All
presenters are requested be regularly registered.            CHANGES IN PROGRAM / ERRATUM
All presenters are requested to upload their                 For scientific and/or technical reasons the Scientific
presentations to the dropbox link before the                 Committee and the Secretariat reserve the right to
beginning of the conference.                                 make changes to the Conference program.
Presenters must be in the virtual session room at
least 15 minutes before the start of the session and
must remain there until the end of the session.
Presentations will be given in English language

The abstracts selected for poster presentations will
be displayed in the virtual Poster Area as reported
before on the Conference website.
All the posters will be displayed for the whole
duration of the Conference in the virtual poster area
on Monday 6th and Tuesday 8th September, 2021.
Presenters will be able to discuss results and
answer questions via chat box and Q/A buttons.

4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

Publication in IWA Journals
All extended abstracts will be published in electronic book of abstracts.
Selected papers will be considered for peer review for publication in the following IWA journals. The deadline for full text
submission is October 8th, 2021.
For further enquiries, please contact Emma Buckingham (Editorial Operations Manager) from IWA

                                                      IWA WATER SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY

                                                       IWA WATER SUPPLY

4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

Conference Opening Speech
CONFERENCE OPENING SPEECH (September 6th, h.10.30-10.45- Main Hall):

                                   Dr. Kalanithy Vairavamoorthy
                                   IWA Executive Director

Internationally recognised water resource management expert, Kala Vairavamoorthy, has been appointed
Executive Director of the International Water Association (IWA). He takes up his position on 25 September
2017, and will be based in the IWA’s Global Operations Office in The Hague, Netherlands.
Vairavamoorthy has a particular interest in urban water issues, combining a strong engineering background
with practical international experience. He has published extensively and has a strong international profile
working closely with the World Bank, African Development Bank, UN-Habitat, Global Water Partnership and
the European Union.
Commenting on the appointment, Diane d’Arras, President of the International Water Association, said:
“Professor Vairavamoorthy brings many years of high-level international experience, including as an active and
well-respected IWA member. His wide scientific, managerial and cultural experience will be invaluable in
shaping the IWA’s future strategy. In particular, how we as a global network of water professionals can be
instrumental in achieving the water-related targets of the Sustainable Development Goals.”
Vairavamoorthy is joining IWA from the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), where he was the
Deputy Director General for Research. He expressed enthusiasm regarding the IWA appointment, “IWA can
help the international water sector navigate a period of rapid change, and its membership is well placed to
provide both innovative and well-tested solutions. IWA can also provide critical help to emerging economies
in their quest for sustainable water management.”
Prior to IWMI, Vairavamoorthy was the Founding Dean of the Patel College of Global Sustainability, and a
tenured Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of South Florida.
Prior to that he was a full Professor and Chair of Water Engineering at the University of Birmingham, UK, and
Professor and Head of Core of Sustainable Urban Water Infrastructure Systems at UNESCO-IHE.
Vairavamoorthy has been a member of many International Scientific Committees. Currently he serves on the
Stockholm World Water Week Scientific Program Committee and the Global Water Partnership’s Technical
Committee. He was Co-chair of the IWA’s Cities of the Future Program and also a member of Singapore
International Water Week’s Program Committee.
Vairavamoorthy has a PhD and MSc in Environmental Engineering from Imperial College, London and a BSc
(Hons) in Civil Engineering from King’s College, London. He is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the
Institution of Civil Engineers (UK).

4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

CONFERENCE OPENING SPEECH (September 6th, h.10.45-11.00- Main Hall):

                                     Dr. Gökşen ÇAPAR
                                     Co- Chair of IWARR2021

Goksen Capar holds B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Environmental Engineering. She had her higher education
in the Middle East Technical University (METU) from 1994 to 2005. Goksen worked as a teaching assistant in
METU for 7 years. When she was a Ph.D. student, Goksen was awarded Chevening Scholarship from the British
Council and visited UK in 2004 for nine months, where she carried out research activities on membrane
technology under the supervision of Prof. Kang Li in Chemical Engineering Department of Imperial College,
London. Dr. Capar worked as an Instructor in Engineering Sciences Department of METU from 2006 to 2008.
In the same period, she visited Imperial College, London again to continue research activities funded by the
British Council. She also took part in EU funded projects as trainer/expert in the period of 2005-2009.
Goksen Capar started her academic career as a Specialist in Ankara University Water Management Institute in
2010. She became an Assistant Professor in 2012 and Associate Professor in 2014. She served as Vice Director
of Water Management Institute from 2012 to 2016 and she was appointed as the Director on 3 November
2016. Dr. Capar has played an important role in the institutional structuring and physical settlement of Ankara
University Water Management Institute, which was founded in 2010. She has established Water/Wastewater
Laboratory in 2015 to conduct research on water reuse and resource recovery.
She took a pioneer role in the foundation of Water Security and Policy Department and launching of the
international program in the Graduate School of Social Sciences of Ankara University, where she was appointed
as the Department Chair in 2016. Similarly, she took active role in the foundation of Integrated Water
Management Department in the Graduate School of Natural Sciences. She developed new graduate level
courses such as EU Water Framework Directive and Implementation in Turkey; water efficiency; water
footprint and virtual water.
Goksen Capar is a member of IWA and a member of the management committee of Resource Recovery from
Water Cluster (RRfW).
Dr. Capar’s research interests are water/wastewater treatment, water reuse, water/resource recovery,
membrane processes and water quality management. She has devoted many years to a specific research topic;
that is recovery of a silk protein, sericin from textile eflfuents. She has co-authored several international
publications and national/international conference proceedings. She worked as coordinator/manager/team
leader/trainer/expert in several national and international projects.

CONFERENCE OPENING SPEECH (September 6th, h.11.00-11.15- Main Hall):
4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

                                     Tom Mollenkopf
                                     IWA President and Board Member

Tom Mollenkopf took up the Presidency of the International Water Association in April 2021, having been a
Senior Vice-President and a Board Member for seven years. He is an advisor on water sector strategy, policy
and governance; a Senior Associate with the Aither consultancy; and a Member of the Australian Water
Partnership Expert Review Panel.
Tom is passionate about the central role played by water and sanitation in the social, environmental, and
economic well-being of society. He is also a firm believer in the power of constructive engagement and
evidence-based decision-making as the foundation of sustainable water policy.
Over the past 25 years, Tom has worked extensively in the water sector. He was CEO of the Peter Cullen Water
and Environment Trust up until February 2021 and prior to that was CEO of the Australian Water Association.
He served as Deputy Executive Director of IWA in London for two years after undertaking a series of Executive
Management roles at South East Water in Melbourne. Tom’s professional career started in law, first in private
practice and then as corporate counsel.
His advisory work has covered utilities and water authorities, research centres, industry bodies and
government agencies. He has worked extensively across water sector infrastructure, regulation, policy and
Within IWA, Tom has chaired the Board Governance and Nominations Committee and is a member of the
Finance and Investment Committee. He played a leading role in the IWA World Water Congress in Brisbane in
2016 and is a former Non-Executive Director of Water Aid Australia, Western Water, Wyong Water and Chair
of the Water Industry Superannuation Fund. His other passion has been surf lifesaving and he is a former
President and Chair of Life Saving Victoria and Director of Surf Life Saving Australia. Other current Board roles
are Director, Dandenong Market; Director, Peninsula Leisure; Chair designate, Star Water Holdings. He is
qualified B. Juris. LL.B. MBA and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and The Chartered
Governance Institute.
Tom lives on the Mornington Peninsula, near Melbourne, Australia.

4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

Plenary Presentations
CONFERENCE OPENING PLENARY PRESENTATION (September 6th, h.11.15-11.45-Main Hall):
“Lessons Learnt on Taking Resource Recovery Technology up the TRL Levels all the Way
to Implementation”
                         Francesco Fatone
                         Francesco is Professor of Chemical-Environmental Engineering at Polytechnic University
                         of Marche (Italy), IWA Fellow and Secretary of the IWA Resource Recovery from Water
                         Cluster. Since 2013 Francesco has been: (a) Coordinator of the Horizon2020 Innovation
                         Action "SMART-Plant" and PI of >10 EU-funded projects. (c) Editor in Chief of the H2Open
                         Journal (IWA Publishing). (d) Associate or guest editor of ISI journals (e) Member of expert
                         committee about circular economy of the Italian Ministry of Environment. (f) Co-chair of
                         IWA international conferences; (g) Co-chair of the IWA SG on Small Water and
                         Wastewater Systems; (h) Invited speaker and/or member of scientific committee of >30
                         international conferences; (i) author of > 110 SCOPUS indexed paper; (l) Co-leader of the
                         Cluster “Value in Water” within WATER EUROPE; (m) co-leader within the European
                         ICT4WATER Cluster; (n) member of executive board of Ecomondo; (p) Water JPI
                         management board member; (o) Expert of the Body of Knowledge for the Water Scarcity
                         in Southern Europe (EIT Food).

2nd Day PLENARY PRESENTATION (September 7th, h.11.30-12.00-Main Hall):
“Urban Sanitation in Africa: Converting Human Waste into Electricity,
Fertilizer and High Other High Margin Products”
                         Karie James
                          Sanergy designs, develops and implements low-cost, high-quality sanitation solutions
                          that deliver value throughout the entire sanitation value chain (from collection to
                          conversion). Karie leads the expansion team to expand Sanergy's safe, circular
                          economy sanitation and organic waste management approach across Africa and
                          beyond. Prior to transitioning into the world of sanitation and waste reuse, Karie
                          developed strategic technology systems for IBM, PricewaterhouseCoopers and
                          Australian financial institutions. Karie applies this previous experience designing and
                          delivering successful large-scale technology transformation programs to now identify
                          and implement novel solutions to deliver value from large-scale waste conversion.
                          Karie holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of NSW, Australia

3rd Day PLENARY PRESENTATION (September 8th, h. 11.30-11.55-Main Hall):
“Applying a Water Lens to the Circular Economy”
                     Mark Fletcher
                          Mark currently leads the Global Water Business in Arup. He was made an Arup Fellow
                          in 2017. He is a Director and has worked for over 34 years with Arup. He was made an
                          Honorary Fellow of the Society for the Environment in June 2018 and a Fellow of the
                          Royal Academy of Engineering in 2019. He was made an Honorary Fellow of CIWEM in
                          March 2021. He co-developed the City Water Resilience Approach with the Rockefeller
                          Foundation, World Bank, The Resilience Shift (Lloyd’s Foundation) and Stockholm
                          International Water Institute (SIWI). He was Faculty Leader and Senior Lecturer for the
                          Arup University - MIT Sloan Business School Masters course on ‘Resilience of Urban
                          Systems’ (2017-2020). He is on the Organizing Committee for Singapore International
                          Water Week. He is also the Chairman of the Water Industry Forum, on the Leadership
                          Council of UK Water Partnership and on the Board of British Water.

4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

Keynote Presentations
1st DAY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION-SESSİON 1 (September 6th, h.12.15-12.35- Hall 1):
“Circular use of coagulants through integrated urban water management”
                         Ilje Pikaar
                          Ilje Pikaar received his Msc in Environmental Technology (2006) from the Wageningen
                          University, the Netherlands. He received his PhD degree in Environmental Engineering
                          in 2012 from The University of Queensland, Australia. His expertise involves the areas
                          of environmental electrochemistry, the global nitrogen cycle, sewer corrosion, sludge
                          management, metal recovery, integrated urban water management and resource
                          recovery with a special focus on system-wide usage and recovery of coagulants. His
                          work on integrated management has been published in Science, whereas his work on
                          the global nitrogen cycle was awarded feature article of 2017 in Environmental Science
                          & Technology. He is co-chair of the IWA Cluster of Resource Recovery from Water,
                          Scientific Advisory Panel of the International Waste Working Group, and associate
                          Editor for Waste Management.

1st DAY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION-SESSİON 2 (September 6th, h.12.15-12.35- Hall 2):
“Towards Water Smart Industrial Symbiotic Systems”

                           Gerard van den Berg
                           Gerard has a PhD in Geochemistry from Utrecht University in the Netherlands. At
                           KWR he is team leader and Project Manager. The Innovation & Valorisation team
                           plays a central role in realizing innovations, and in creating social and economic
                           impact. As team leader, he heads up a group of professionals and experts who are
                           responsible for shaping and managing KWR’s national and international research
                           programs. As project coordinator and project manager, he is involved in initiating,
                           implementing and supervising challenging international collaboration projects that
                           contribute to the expertise and ambition of KWR as leading water research institute.
                           He is currently Coordinator of ULTIMATE, a EU funded project focusing on water
                           smart industrial symbiosis. As project manager of Watershare, Gerard is involved in a
                           unique network that aims to bring together leading knowledge institutes and
                           ambitious end-users in the water sector, for purposes of knowledge sharing and the
                           joint conduct of future-oriented projects.

1st DAY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION-SESSİON 3 (September 6th, h.12.15-12.35- Hall 3):
"A Route to Low Carbon, Energy Positive Sewage Treatment"

                            Peter Vale
                            Pete is the Carbon and Circular Economy Architect in Severn Trent’s Innovation Team.
                            He has a degree in Environmental Science from the University of Sheffield and a
                            master’s degree in water and wastewater engineering from Cranfield University. Pete
                            has worked in R&D and innovation in the water industry for the last 20 years and has
                            played an important role in developing and implementing Severn Trent’s wastewater
                            treatment strategy. Over the past decade he has worked on nutrient removal and
                            recovery processes, removal of emerging contaminants and low energy processes
                            some of which have now been implemented at full scale. His current area of focus is
                            on developing and evaluating technologies that will deliver low carbon, low energy,
                            material recovery treatment flowsheets that will help Severn Trent deliver on its
                            commitment to be net zero carbon emitters by 2030.

4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

1st DAY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION-SESSİON 5 (September 6th, h.14.05-14.25- Hall 2):
“Generating sustainable value through municipal sewage: Brazilian experiences from
research to innovation”

                               Gustavo Rafael Collere Possetti
                             Gustavo Rafael Collere Possetti is Doctor and Master of Science in Electrical
                             Engineering and Industrial Informatics by Federal University of Technology - Paraná,
                             Brazil (UTFPR), specializing in Photonics in Engineering and Automation in Petroleum
                             and Natural Gas Processes. He has a degree in Electrical Engineering - Electronics and
                             Telecommunications by UTFPR and in Environmental Engineering by Federal
                             University of Paraná. He is research and innovation manager at Water and Sanitation
                             Company of Paraná State (Sanepar). He leads innovative and sustainable projects in
                             environmental sanitation area, focused on efficiency energy, bioenergy and resource
                             recovery. He also works with instrumentation, metrology and quantitative methods.
                             He is associate professor at Higher Institute of Administration and Economics, Brazil.
                             He is a board member of the Brazil's National Institute of Science and Technology on
                             Sustainable Sewage Treatment Plants. He coordinates the advisory committees
 about sewage treatment of Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (ABES) and is director
 at ABES-Paraná.

1st DAY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION-SESSİON 8 (September 6th, h.15.55-16.15- Hall 2):
“Membrane crystallisation as an enabling technology for resource recovery: From
controlling mechanism to widescale application”

                                Ewan McAdam
                                Ewan specialises in separations that enable process intensification, energy
                                production or resource recovery that are critical to net zero and circular economy
                                thinking. McAdam has delivered over €11 Mn of research, producing >95 peer-
                                reviewed publications, six patented innovations and >25 postgraduate researchers.
                                With strong emphasis on commercialisation and impact, his research has led to the
                                installation of novel separation technology into >40 water and wastewater works
                                (investment >GBP4.8Mn). His development of the 'Nanomembrane Toilet', funded
                                by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, received the 2018 IWA Innovation Award,
                                and in 2017 was identified as one of '50 Ideas to Change The World' (Financial Times).
                                He was also awarded a five year ERC grant under the 'excellent science' pillar of the
                                H2020 programme on membrane crystallisation, which received the 2017 Emerging
                                Technologies prize from the Royal Society of Chemistry. Results from this prestigious
                                grant will form the focus of this keynote.

2nd DAY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION-SESSİON 10 (September 7th, h.12.30-12.50- Hall 1):
“Phosphorus Recovery and the European Green Deal: What may be the Effect of Policies,
Strategies, Missions and Action Plans”

                               Ludwig Hermann
                               Dr. Ludwig has 35+ years of experience as technology, sustainability and innovation
                               manager on three continents, was co-founder and long-term CEO of ASH DEC Umwelt
                               AG, is co-inventor of minerals/ash decontamination, phosphorus recovery, energy
                               conversion and efficiency technologies, author and co-author of several patents,
                               reports, papers and book chapters on recovery of critical materials, nutrient recycling
                               and renewable energy. Currently Ludwig works as senior researcher and advisor at
                               Proman Management GmbH, (, a corporation founded in 2002 for
                               designing, developing, managing, and evaluating innovation, research and
                               development projects for business, policy makers and non-profit organizations. His
                               team operates at the interface of academic and industrial research in collaboration
                               with the Sustainable Mineral Resources Transdisciplinary Laboratory (SMR TD-Lab) at
                               the Faculty of Business and Globalization of Danube University Krems, bringing
                               together industry driven thinking and scientific inquisitiveness for integrated process

4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

solutions. The Proman team has authored and coauthored studies and policy recommendations on circular economy,
nutrient and phosphate stewardship - mining, processing, use and recycling - on behalf of HELCOM, Finnish, German
and Swiss governmental bodies. Ludwig is president and member of the board of the European Sustainable Phosphorus
Platform (ESPP), Brussels. He is member of the Scientific Advisory Board “Environment” of the Federal Institute for
Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, of the Steering Committee of the International Water Association’s (IWA)
Resource Recovery Cluster, The Hague and of Expert Groups dealing with plant nutrition, protection of soil, water and
management of critical raw materials on behalf of the European Commission, Brussels.

 2nd DAY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION-SESSİON 11 (September 7th, h.12.30-12.50- Hall 2):
 "Practical implementation of a modular and scalable 1m3 outdoors flat plate
 photobioreactor for resource recovery with purple phototrophic bacteria"

                                Tim Hülsen
                                Tim Hülsen studied water science at the University Duisburg-Essen (Germany) and
                                finalized his study with a Master degree. Afterwards, he worked as a technologist for
                                Paques bv, in The Netherlands. At Paques bv he was responsible for the design of
                                different anaerobic removal technologies. He was the technology expert for the
                                realisation of several full-scale installations in several countries. Additionally, he
                                became phosphate-removal and anammox technologist at the company. As such, he
                                was the product market development leader, combining laboratory research with full-
                                scale experience to optimize the technologies. These tasks included the industrial as
                                well as the municipal market. During his PhD he focused on simultaneous, non-
                                destructive COD, N and P removal from wastewater, applying purple phototrophic
                                bacteria to enable complete recovery which is also the main focus of his work as a
                                senior research fellow.

 2nd DAY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION-SESSİON 12 (September 7th, h.12.30-12.50- Hall 3):
 “The Fast & The Curious: Understanding Microbiomes to Develop High-rate Fermentation

                                Ramon Ganigué
                                Ramon Ganigue is professor of environmental biotechnology at the Center for
                                Microbial Ecology and Technology at Ghent University. He has a MSc degree in
                                Environmental Science & Technology and a PhD in Environmental Engineering, both
                                from the University of Girona. His research focuses on the development of microbial
                                technologies for the treatment and recovery of resources from solid, liquid and
                                gaseous waste streams. His research interests span microbial technologies for carbon
                                capture & utilization, the production of added-value products from wastes, advanced
                                wastewater treatment or bioregenerative life support systems for space applications.
                                Uniting these very diverse themes stands the central idea of learning from nature &
                                harnessing microbes to enable the sustainable cycling of resources in our society.

 2nd DAY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION-SESSİON 14 (September 7th, h.14.20-14.40- Hall 2):
 “Carbon fixation by mixotrophic chain elongation processes”

                                Sabine Kleinsteuber
                                Dr. Kleinsteuber is Head of the MicAS Group (Microbiology of Anaerobic Systems) at
                                the UFZ Department of Environmental Microbiology. She studied Biology at the Martin
                                Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany), where she obtained her doctoral
                                degree in 1994. From 1995 to 1999 she was a postdoctoral researcher at the UFZ, and
                                since 1999 she has been working as senior scientist at the UFZ Department of
                                Environmental Microbiology. Dr. Kleinsteuber‘s group studies the ecology and
                                physiology of anaerobic microbiota in natural and engineered environments in order
                                to identify microbial key players and their functions and to elucidate carbon and
                                energy flows as well as microbial interactions. The research aims at the
                                biotechnological application of anaerobic microbiota, a deeper understanding of their
                                functions in microbial ecosystems, and novel insights into the ecophysiology of not yet
                                cultured microbes.

4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

2nd DAY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION-SESSİON 15 (September 7th, h.14.20-14.40- Hall 3):
“Circular Economy & Sustainability in the Water Sector: from Data to Smart Water

                          Evina Katsou
                          Dr. Evina Katsou is Professor and Course Director of the Water Engineering MSc at
                          Brunel University. Evina leads the Water & Environmental Engineering group with 20
                          researchers. Authored 90 journal publications, 12 book chapters with over 100
                          presentations, invited talks and patent on biopolymers recovery. Evina leads the
                          Transformation Tools group of the Cost Action on Circular Cities and co-leads the
                          SMART-WATER group of the ICT4Water Cluster-EC. She is a member of the drafting
                          team of the new ISO standards on Circular Economy. She leads 11 national and
                          international projects focusing on the smartification of the water industry. Her
                          research is focused on: (1) Sustainable resource recovery from wastewater and safe
                          reuse; (2) Data analytics, knowledge discovery and process modelling; and (3)
                          Circularity & sustainability measurement and assessment.

2nd DAY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION-SESSİON 16 (September 7th, h.16.10-16.30- Hall 1):
“Ozone-BAC Based Advanced Treatment of Reclaimed Water for Indirect Potable Reuse
in Inland Regions”

                          Krishna Pagilla
                          Dr. Krishna Pagilla is the Ralph and Rose Hoeper Engineering Professor and Chair of
                          Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Nevada, Reno.
                          He is also the Director of Nevada Water Innovation Institute, a university-utility
                          collaboration to meet water technology and development needs, and to drive leading
                          edge research and innovation in the water sector. Dr. Pagilla’s expertise is in water
                          issues including quality, quantity, recycling and reuse aspects. He has published 115
                          peer reviewed journal papers and over 100 other publications in various aspects of
                          water engineering and science. Dr. Pagilla received numerous awards from national
                          and international organizations, and is a Fellow of International Water Association,
                          Water Environment Federation, and the American Society of Civil Engineers. He serves
                          as an International Juror for the Stockholm Junior Water Prize Competition and serves
                          on the USEPA’s Science Advisory Board.

3rd DAY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION-SESSİON 19 (September 8th, h.12.25-12.45- Hall 1):
“Safe Reuse: Cautiously Ambitious”

                          Olaf van der Kolk
                          Olaf van der Kolk is the CEO of AquaMinerals, a non-profit organization representing
                          all drinking water companies and 5 water authorities in the Netherlands. The mission
                          of AquaMinerals is to provide services to its participants for the purpose of creating
                          economic and sustainability value from resources that are or can be recovered from
                          the water cycle. AquaMinerals was founded in 1995 in response to the growing costs
                          of residual management for the Dutch drinking water companies, as well as the
                          ambition of the sector to become more resource efficient. The foundation of the
                          company marked to beginning of a unique concept in which the water companies joint
                          forces enabling development of sustainable value-chains to recover and beneficially
                          reuse residuals from the water treatment process rather than disposal. Currently,
                          AquaMinerals has been successful in commercializing various residuals, recovered
                          substances and even products reused at drinking water and municipal wastewater
                          treatment plants.

4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

 Monday, 6th September 2021

                                                                                                     All times are in Turkey Local Time - GMT +03:00 / CET +01:00 / UTC +03:00
                                                                                                                                      REGISTRATION - 5 SEPTEMBER 2021
                                                                                                                        DAY 1 - MORNING SESSION - 6 SEPTEMBER 2021
                                                                                                                  Main Hall: CONFERENCE OPENING AND WELCOME SPEECH                                                                                                                                             15 + 0
                                                                                                                   Dr. Kalanithy Vairavamoorthy - IWA Executive Director (UK)
10:30 11:15
                                                                                                     Dr. Gökşen Çapar - IWA 4th Resource Recovery Conference 2021 Conference Co-Chair (TR)
                                                                                                                    Tom Mollenkopf - IWA President and Board Member (UK)
                                                                                                                               Main Hall: PLENARY PRESENTATION
11:15 11:45                                                                  Lessons Learnt on Taking Resource Recovery Technology up the TRL Levels all the Way to Implementation                                                                                                                             25 + 5
                                                                                                                                            Dr. Francesco Fatone (IT)
11:45 12:15                                                                                                                                           BREAK                                                                                                                                                      30
                                               Hall 1: Session 1                                                                                 Hall 2: Session 2                                                                                Hall 3: Session 3
                                      High Value Bioproducts/Chemicals                                                                        Industrial Symbiosis                                                                               Energy Recovery
                                           Chair: Dr. Ilje Pikaar (AU)                                                                     Chair: Dr. Gökşen Çapar (TR)                                                               Chair: Dr. Yasemin Dilşad Yılmazel (TR)
                                                   KEYNOTE                                                                                           KEYNOTE                                                                                           KEYNOTE
               Circular Use of Coagulants Through Integrated Urban Water
12:15 12:35                                                                                                           Towards Water Smart Industrial Symbiotic Systems                                           A Route to Low Carbon, Energy Positive Sewage Treatment                                       15 + 5
                                                  Dr. Ilje Pikaar (AU)                                                                       Dr. Gerard van den Berg (NL)                                                                            Peter Vale (UK)
                  Exploring the synergy between carbon capture and utilization and microbial protein                  A novel approach in nZVI synthesis: reducing agent hydrazine recovery from                 Enhancing biogas production from the anaerobic treatment of municipal wastewater by
                                     production for a more sustainable food chain                                                           deammonification wastewater                                                                     forward osmosis pretreatment
12:35 12:50
              Lotte Rosa Van Peteghem, Myrsini Sakarika, Silvio Matassa, Ilje Pikaar, Ramon Ganigué, Korneel
                                                                                                                                     Esra Erken, Ceren Hür, Bilge Alpaslan Kocamemi                                   Soraya Zahedi, Federico Ferrari, Gaetan Blandin, Jose Luis Balcazar, Maite Pijuan
                       What is the best operational strategy to valorize protein-rich streams into              Smart water and efficient management in large industrial sites: the Italian case study of        Evaluation of electricity generation from pretreated sewage sludge with α-amylase and
                                            polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA)?                                                                             Aretusa                                                                               peracetic acid using microbial fuel cells
12:50 13:05
                                                                                                                Cecilia Bruni, Marco Parlapiano, Massimiliano Sgroi, Anna Laura Eusebi, Giovanna Darvini,      Lucía González Espinoza, Petia Mijaylova Nacheva, Edson Baltazar Estrada Arriaga, Iván Moreno
                   Alba Roibás Rozas, Ángeles Val Del Río, Almudena Hospido, Anuska Mosquera Corral
                                                                                                                                           Camillo Palermo, Francesco Fatone                                                                              Andrade
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               12 + 3
              Sustainable polyhydroxyalkanoates production from municipal waste streams: Pure cultures                                                                                                               Hyperthermophilic biohydrogen production from unpretreated cattle manure by
                                                                                                               An investigation on the potential use of waste sericin as a fish feed additive in aquaculture
                                                 vs. Mixed cultures                                                                                                                                                                           Caldicellulosiruptor bescii
13:05 13:20
                                 Kasra Khatami, Mariel Perez Zabaleta, Zeynep Cetecioglu                                                    Goksen Capar, Levent Dogankaya                                                  Berivan Tunca, Feride Ece Kutlar, Aykut Kas, Yasemin Dilsad Yilmazel

              The production of a newly discovered PHA family member, poly(3-hydroxyisobutyrate), and                                                                                                           Reinventing the solids train by incorporating hydrothermal liquefaction into a wastewater
13:20 13:35            poly(3-hydroxybutyrate), from isobutyrate using a microbial enrichment                                                                                                                                                         treatment plant

                           Chris Maarten Vermeer, Larissa Jennigje Bons, Robbert Kleerebezem                                                                                                                                   Alper Ibrahim Basar, Huan Liu, Paul Kadota, Cigdem Eskicioglu
13:35 14:05                                                                                                                                 BREAK / POSTER SESSION                                                                                                                                               30

4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

                                                                                                                             DAY 1 - AFTERNOON SESSION - 6 SEPTEMBER 2021
                                                  Hall 1: Session 4                                                                                      Hall 2: Session 5                                                                                Hall 3: Session 6
                                         High Value Bioproducts/Chemicals                                                                        Pilot / Full Scale Applications                                                                          Energy Recovery
                                          Chair: Dr. David Weissbrodt (NL)                                                                      Chair: Dr. Francesco Fatone (IT)                                                                 Chair: Dr. Hale Özgün-Erşahin (TR)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Comparative analysis on digestibility of the waste activated sludge (WAS) and aerobic
                           Survivability of accumulated PHA in municipal surplus activated sludge                      Generating Sustainable Value Through Municipal Sewage:                                                                            granular sludge (AGS)
14:05   14:25                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              15 +   5
                                                                                                                          Brazilian Experiences from Research to Innovation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Busra Cicekalan, Muhammed Furkan Aras, Sadiye Kosar, Fatme Busra Yaman Buyukbuberoglu,
                  Ruizhe Pei, Nouran Tarek Bahgat, Robbert Kleerebezem, Mark Van Loosdrecht, Alan Werker                                      Dr. Gustavo Rafael Collere Possetti (BR)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Gulin Ucas, Mustafa Evren Ersahin, Ismail Koyuncu, Hale Ozgun
                    Selective growth of PHA-storing biomass to maximize the production of PHA by waste              Nitrogen and phosphorus recovery and valorization in urban WWTP: a holistic point of view         Exploring the effect of the temperature in anaerobic digestion of slaughterhouse wastewater:
                                                      activated sludge                                                                             of the whole value chain                                                       bioenergy, pharmaceutical compounds and antibiotic resistance genes
14:25   14:40                                                                                                        Álvaro Mayor Pillado, Adriana Romero Lestido, Joana Tobella Brunet, Eva Mena Gil, Philippe
                 Ángel Estévez Alonso, María Arias Buendía, Mark C.m. Van Loosdrecht, Robbert Kleerebezem,
                                                                                                                    Rouge None, Pilar Rodriguez Gutierrez, Clement Roche None, Carmen Biel Loscos, Mar Carreras                 Soraya Zahedi, Gros Meritxell, Balcazar Jose Luis, Petrovic Mira, Pijuan Maite
                                                        Alan Werker
                                                                                                                                      Sempere, Jose Luis Cortina Pallas, Cesar Valderrama Ángel

                                                                                                                     Environmental assessment of an Italian wastewater resource recovery facility: Castelfranco        Kinetic evaluation of organic carbon degradation in large-scale wastewater treatment plants
                         From wastewater cellulose to biopolymers with strong flocculent properties
                                                                                                                                                     Salvatronda case study                                                                                with low biogas yield
14:40   14:55
                   Etienne Paul, Ana Morgado Ferreira, Jean Noël Louvet, Mansour Bounouba, Elise Blanchet,          Alessia Foglia, Corinne Andreola, Giulia Cipoletta, Cecilia Bruni, Nicola Frison, Anna Laura Eusebi, Goksin Ozyildiz, Didem Okutman Tas, Gulsum Emel Zengin, Didem Guven, Ece Sagir Kurt, Ezgi Atli,
                                        Sylvaine Berger, Dores Cirne, Yolaine Bessière                                                                       Francesco Fatone                                                                   Nigar Eyit, Emine Cokgor, Nazik Artan, Güçlü Insel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           12 +   3
                   Valorization of structural extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from aerobic granular            In-line measurement and significance of dissolved methane in anaerobic wastewater
                                                    sludge (AGS) as hydrogels                                                                treatment applied to temperate climates
14:55   15:10
                 Benedetta Pagliaccia, Sidonie Durieux, Yolaine Bessiere, Mansour Bounouba, Abdo Bou Sarkis,
                                                                                                                               Eleonora Paissoni, Richard Smith, Peter Vale, Bruce Jefferson, Ana Soares
                          Elisabeth Girbal Neuhauser, Claudio Lubello, Tommaso Lotti, Etienne Paul

                                                                                                                        Zero-liquid discharge treatability of oral liquid and oral solid formulation facility using
                Pickle brine as renewable feedstock for biopolymer production using mixed microbial cultures
                                                                                                                          membrane biological reactor, reverse osmosis system with dual effect evaporator
15:10   15:25
                Guclu Insel, Gulsum Emel Zengin Balci, Didem Guven, Didem Okutman Tas, Goksin Ozyildiz, Dilara
                                                                                                                                              Chandrabose Rushanth, Aynkaran Aymmugan
                                      Ozturk, Ezgi Ayisigi, Ayse Guventurk, Emine Cokgor

15:25   15:55                                                                                                                                     BREAK / POSTER SESSION                                                                                                                                                     30
                                                  Hall 1: Session 7                                                                                     Hall 2: Session 8                                                                                 Hall 3: Session 9
                                         High Value Bioproducts/Chemicals                                                                        Nutrients Recovery & Reuse                                                                              Urine Valorization
                                          Chair: Dr. Elif Genceli Güner (TR)                                                                     Chair: Dr. Merle De Kreuk (NL)                                                                 Chair: Dr. Céline Vaneeckhaute (CA)
                Chemostat vs. sequencing batch reactor: Do we have a choice for bioplastics production from             Membrane Crystallisation as an Enabling Technology for                                          A comprehensive mathematical model to optimize nutrient recovery and recycling during
                                                 municipal wastewater?                                                   Resource Recovery: From Controlling Mechanism to                                                                                 composting
15:55   16:15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              15 +   5
                                                                                                                                      Widescale Application
                                          Antoine Brison, Cécile Bettex, Nicolas Derlon                                                                Dr. Ewan McAdam (UK)                                                                           Eric Walling, Céline Vaneeckhaute

                       Recovery of rare earth elements from e-wastes in circular economy framework                          Recovery of crucial nutrient ions through engineered magnetic nanoparticles                                            N2O emissions during urine nitrification
16:15   16:30
                                      Ayse Yuksekdag, Borte Kose Mutlu, Ismail Koyuncu,                                        Busra Kara, Anett Gulyass, Neslihan Semerci, Zehra Semra Can, Seval Genç,                    Valentin Faust, Wenzel Gruber, Ramon Ganigué, Siegfried E. Vlaeminck, Kai M. Udert,

                                                                                                                      Enhanced secretions of algal cell-adhesion molecules and metal ion-binding exoproteins
                              The effect of pH on the removal and recovery of boron from water                                                                                                                        Enhanced phosphorus removal and struvite recovery from fresh urine using biomineralisation
                                                                                                                          promote self-flocculation of Chlorella sp. recovering nutrients from wastewater
16:30   16:45
                                              Öykü Mutlu Salmanli, Ismail Koyuncu                                                                 Zhipeng Chen, Shuang Qiu, Shijian Ge                                           Robert Edward Colston, Pete Vale, Ajay Nair, Tom Stephenson, Ana Soares,
                                                                                                                          Recovering high-value P-K fertilizer from effluents by integrating adsorption and                                                                                                                12 +   3
                        Recovery of Industrial Waste Borax Solution by Eutectic Freeze Crystallization                                                                                                                                        Nitrogen recovery from urine using clinoptilolite
16:45   17:00                                                                                                                                 electrodialysis with bipolar membranes
                                Ayşegül Okumuş, Mehmet Emre Kenar, Fatma Elif Genceli Güner                                                                  Ru Liu, Oded Nir                                                                     N. Chatzi, E Nyktari, N. Kouris, S. Malamis

                                                                                                                    Fermentation of sievings from domestic wastewater for improvement of biological nutrient             Stabilization of fresh human urine by inhibition of enzymatic ureolysis using magnesium
                     Evaluation of pickle brine as the source of organic acids for biopolymer production
                                                                                                                                                            removal                                                                             oxide: a pre-step to alkaline urine dehydration
17:00   17:15
                Ezgi Ayişigi, Didem Güven, Dilara Ozturk, Goksin Ozyildiz, Gulsum Emel Zengin, Tugba Olmez Hanci,
                                                                                                                                         Mathijs Oosterhuis, Magela Odriozola, Merle De Kreuk                                             Chinmoy Deb, Prithvi Simha, Dyllon Randall, Bjorn Vinnerås
                          Ece Tukenmez, Elif Banu Gencsoy, Bunyamin Karagoz, Guclu Insel, Emine Cokgor

4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

  Tuesday, 7th September 2021
                                                                                                                     DAY 2 - MORNING SESSION - 7 SEPTEMBER 2021
                                                                                                                                   Main Hall: PLENARY PRESENTATION
11:30 12:00                                                            Urban Sanitation in Africa: Coverting Human Waste into Electricity, Fertilizer and High Other High Margin Products                                                                                                                   25 + 5
                                                                                                                                             Karie James (KE)
12:00 12:30                                                                                                                                       BREAK                                                                                                                                                       30
                                                Hall 1: Session 10                                                                          Hall 2: Session 11                                                                                 Hall 3: Session 12
                                             Phosphorus Recovery                                                                    High Value Bioproducts/Chemicals                                                                    VFA and Organics Recovery
                                           Chair: Dr. Yang Jiakuan (CN)                                                                 Chair: Dr. Tim Hülsen (AU)                                                                 Chair: Dr. Zeynep Cetecioglu-Gurol (SE)
                                                    KEYNOTE                                                                                     KEYNOTE                                                                                            KEYNOTE
                Phosphorus Recovery and the European Green Deal: What          Practical Implementation of a Modular and Scalable 1m3
12:30 12:50
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Fast & The Curious: Understanding Microbiomes to                                      15 + 5
               may be the Effect of Policies, Strategies, Missions and Action Outdoors Flat Plate Photobioreactor for Resource Recovery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Develop High-rate Fermentation Processes
                                           Plans                                           with Purple Phototrophic Bacteria
                                                 Ludwig Hermann (AT)                                                                            Dr. Tim Hülsen (AU)                                                                           Dr. Ramon Ganigué (BE)
              Phosphorus recovery from the liquid phase of anaerobic digestate using biochar derived from A mechanistic model for purple bacteria in raceway reactors: Simulating microbial selection         Steering carbohydrate mixed-culture fermentations towards lactic acid assisted by resource
                                     ferric sludge: A potential phosphorus fertilizer                                              and wastewater treatment performance                                                                         allocation modelling
12:50 13:05
                                                                                                            Abbas Alloul, Giorgio Gardella, Marta Cerruti, Siegfried E. Vlaeminck, Edo Abraham, Ralph E. F.
                                           Xiao Keke, Wang Hui, Yang Jiakuan                                                                                                                                            Alberte Regueira, Juan M. Lema, Marta Carballa, Miguel Mauricio Iglesias
                                                                                                                                           Lindeboom, David G. Weissbrodt

                                                                                                             Implications of light attenuation for the upscaling of mixed purple phototrophic bacteria        Manipulation of mixed microbial culture by bioaugmentation for desired volatile fatty acids
                     Recovery of nutrients via struvite precipitation using waste magnesite powder
13:05 13:20                                                                                                                                           processes                                                                                     composition

                                        Feride Ece Kutlar, Yasemin Dilsad Yilmazel                                              Gabriel Capson Tojo, Damien J. Batstone, Tim Hülsen                                                        Merve Atasoy, Zeynep Cetecioglu                                  12 + 3

                                                                                                           Effect of pH and light intensity on the growth, protein content and PHA formation of purple          Closing the gap between lab-scale and full-scale production of volatile fatty acids from
                     Effect of humic substances on phosphate recovery using struvite precipitation
                                                                                                                              non-sulphur bacteria treating fuel synthesis wastewater                                                wastes: The impact of substrate variability
13:20 13:35
                           Javier Pavez, Widya Prihesti Iswarani, Jules Van Lier, Merle De Kreuk                              Afrah Siddique, Annette Shoba Vincent, Hamish R Mackey                                            Isaac Owusu Agyeman, Elzbieta Plaza, Zeynep Cetecioglu

                                                                                                                       The green biorefinery: from grass to lactic acid and microbial protein                   Volatile fatty acids from urban wastewater and sewage sludge: batch test experiments
13:35 13:50
                                                                                                             Myrsini Sakarika, Eleftheria Ntagia, Brecht Delmoitié, Ioanna Chatzigiannidou, Xavier Gabet,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Giorgio Mannina, Dario Presti, Giuseppe Gallo, Alida Cosenza
                                                                                                                                           Ramon Ganigué, Korneel Rabaey
13:50 14:20                                                                                                                               BREAK / POSTER SESSION                                                                                                                                              30

4th IWA Resource Recovery Conference 5-8 Septeber 2021, TURKEY

                                                                                                                         DAY 2 - AFTERNOON SESSION - 7 SEPTEMBER 2021
                                                   Hall 1: Session 13                                                                             Hall 2: Session 14                                                                          Hall 3: Session 15
                                                Phosphorus Recovery                                                                               Chain Elongation                                                                 Economic and Environmental Sustainability
                                             Chair: Dr. Chris Thornton (BE)                                                               Chair: Dr. Largus T. Angenent (DE)                                                             Chair: Dr. Evina Katsou (UK)
                                                                                                                                                       KEYNOTE                                                                                    KEYNOTE
                Sustainable regeneration of a new hybrid anion exchange nanotechnology (HAIX-Nano) for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Circular Economy & Sustainability in the Water Sector: from
14:20   14:40                               phosphorus removal and recovery                                       Carbon Fixation by Mixotrophic Chain Elongation Processes                                                                                                                                          15 +   5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Data to Smart Water Systems
                                              Xavier Foster, Céline Vaneeckhaute                                                               Dr. Sabine Kleinsteuber (DE)                                                                         Dr. Evina Katsou (UK)
                                                                                                                  Towards upgrading glycerol and carbon dioxide into succinic acid based on open-culture
                   Hydrothermal carbonization of sewage sludge: optimization of phosphorous recovery                                                                                                                     Life cycle assessment of sericin recovery from silk degumming wastewaters
                                                                                                                                                 anaerobic fermentation
14:40   14:55
                 Gemma Mannarino, Andrea Luca Tasca, Riccardo Gori, Massimo Aiello, Sandra Vitolo, Monica
                                                                                                                                             Patrick Schweizer, Largus T. Angenent                                                 Gökşen Çapar, Tolga Pilevneli, Ülkü Yetiş, Filiz Bengü Dilek

                Phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge ash: leaching and precipitation conditions for high-       Microbial recycling of biodegradable plastics: PLA food packaging chemical hydrolysis and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Potential of irrigation return flow (IRF) to reuse in irrigation with three alternatives in Turkey
                                              value fertilizer production                                                              consequent chain elongation to carboxylic acids
14:55   15:10
                  Gaia Boniardi, Andrea Turolla, Roberto Canziani, Enrico Gelmi, Laura Fiameni, Elza Bontempi                                David P.b.t.b. Strik, Brian Heusschen                                         Irem Karahan, Numan Habip, Arife Ozudogru, Yusuf Basaran, Bilal Dikmen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     12 +   3
                    Phosphorous adsorption and recovery from municipal wastewater with a hybrid ion              Nutritional and operational requirements to apply granular biofilms for lactic acid-mediated   Environmental and socioeconomic assessment of innovative resource recovery technologies
                           exchange resin: long-term assessment of the process performances                                                          chain elongation                                                                         on municipal wastewater
15:10   15:25
                                                                                                                 Ramon Ganigue, Quinten Mariën, Barbara Ulčar, Eline Hendriks, Benjamin Vanthuyne, Korneel       Giulia Cipolletta, Alessia Foglia, Cecilia Bruni, Anna Laura Eusebi, Nicola Frison, Evina Katsou,
                    Dario Frascari, Sara Bovina, Giorgia Rubertelli, Davide Pinelli, Samuela Guida, Ana Soares
                                                                                                                                       Rabaey, Jose Carvajal Arroyo, Pieter Candry                                                                        Francesco Fatone

                                                                                                                 Lactic acid addition increases valerate yield in granular mixed culture glucose fermentation     Water reuse in hydroponic plant production: a new facet in agricultural food production
15:25   15:40
                                                                                                                            Tomas Allegue Martinez, Ramis Rafay, Mauricio Patón, Jorge Rodriguez                                               Michaela Fischer, Martina Winker

15:40   16:10                                                                                                                                BREAK / POSTER SESSION                                                                                                                                                    30
                                                   Hall 1: Session 16                                                                             Hall 2: Session 17                                                                          Hall 3: Session 18
                                              Water Recovery & Reuse                                                                              Chain Elongation                                                                 Economic and Environmental Sustainability
                                         Chair: Dr. Özlem Karahan Özgün (TR)                                                              Chair: Dr. David P.B.T.B. Strik (NL)                                                             Chair: Dr. Kees Roest (NL)
                                                                                                                 Chain elongation fermentation enables the formation of branched medium chain fatty acids        An operational decision support tool for assessing the eco-efficiency of resource recovery
16:10   16:30
                  Ozone-BAC Based Advanced Treatment of Reclaimed Water                                                                      and alcohols for resource recovery                                                                     from wastewater                                                  15 +   5
                         for Indirect Potable Reuse in Inland Regions
                                                  Dr. Krishna Pagilla (USA)                                             Kasper Daniël De Leeuw, Theresa Ahrens, Cees J.N. Buisman, David P.B.T.B. Strik                                 Maria Faragò, Martin Rygaard, Morten Rebsdorf

                 Nutrients and brine valorization through advanced water reclamation process: The case of                                                                                                       Economic and cross-media effect analysis for caustic recovery methods from mercerization
                                                                                                                           Acid whey to MCCs and then to drop-in fuel – how to do the triple-step
                                                      the city of Murcia                                                                                                                                                                              wastewater
16:30   16:45
                  Mateo Bruno Pastur Romay, Eva Mena, Benoit Lefevre, Jose Luis Cortina, Julio Lopez, Celia      Richard Hegner, Monika Temovska, Katharina Neubert, Luis F.M. Rosa, Falk Harnisch, Largus T.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Meltem Balkan, Emrah Ozturk, Mehmet Kitis
                                              Castro Barros, Joana Tobella                                                                              Angenent

                                                                                                                  Potential novel products from extractive chain elongation: vegetable oil enriched with n-
                 Sim4Reuse: A user-friendly software platform for resource recovery in the Mediterranean                                                                                                         Circular economy – A path to full scale resource recovery in Greater Copenhagen, Denmark
                                                                                                                                  caproate and n-caprylate as functionalized feed additive
16:45   17:00                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        12 +   3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dines Erik Thornberg, Nick Ahrensberg, Jeanette Agertved Madsen, Mikkel Holmen Andersen, Ida
                                     Özlem Karahan Özgün, Doğa Binay, Onur Yılmaz Özcan                                      Carlos A. Contreras-Dávila, Cees N. J. Buisman, David P. B. T. B. Strik
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Leisner, Martin Rygaard
                    Is capacitive electrodialysis a barrier for the transport of organic micropollutants? A                                                                                                     Impact and opportunities for the urban water cycle of the ‘fully circular in 2050’ target of the
                                               decentralized desalination study                                                                                                                                                              Netherlands - Circular Water 2050
17:00   17:15
                  Lingshan Ma, Leonardo Gutierrez, Malgorzata Roman, Mingsheng Jia, Yu Xue, Arne Verliefde,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Kees Roest, Aalke Lida De Jong, Henk Jan Van Alphen, Andrew Segrave
                                                     Emile Cornelissen

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