Connecting people and data, securely - REAL RESULTS: Delphix

Page created by Henry Clarke


people and data,

    ANZ Bank Transforms Development and Testing .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
    Healthcare Insurer Protects Member Data.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
    Molina Drives Digital Transformation .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8
    Faster, More Secure Digital Enhancements in Online Banking .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  10
    Dell Takes An Agile Approach to Test Data Management.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
    Boosting Privacy of Sensitive Claims Data.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  14
    Secure Migration, Development for e-Commerce Applications .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  16

In a world where cybersecurity incidents make headlines on a weekly basis, the
watchword is security. More than 9 billion personal records have been stolen
in the last five years, escalating security and privacy concerns. Data security
is now a top imperative for the business, and responding to regulatory pressure
a key hurdle to overcome. Yet all too often, businesses are forced to choose
between locking down data for security purposes, or making that data easily
accessible to consumers. Why not do both?

Forward-thinking organizations understand that gains in data security can’t come
at the cost of agility. And that’s exactly what the Delphix Dynamic Data Platform
provides: businesses are able to meet security objectives while making data available
to fuel their most important application projects.

In the pages that follow, you’ll see how Delphix has eliminated data friction
at several global businesses, while keeping confidential data safe and secure.

ANZ Bank Transforms
    Development and Testing


    Melbourne, Australia

    Online Payments Platform
Delphix enables fast, secure access
to data for development teams
ANZ Bank was in need of a solution that would drastically reduce process overhead
and wait times for developers to access secure copies of production data. ANZ
needed to mask personally identifiable information before delivering it to lower
environments. It also needed a solution to remove limitations inherent to environments
shared across separate project teams. Finally, existing approval and provisioning
processes meant it could take weeks or even months for secure data to land in
developers’ hands, potentially
impacting delivery timelines and
ANZ’s competitiveness. In the words                     “We’re able to say production data
of solution architect Alex Braunegg,                     will never ever leave production;
“what does it mean for your project                      only a masked golden copy by
and timeline when every time you want                    secure channels will.”
to re-run your test you have you wait                    ALEX BRAUNEGG
for data to come back from production?”                  Solution Architect

After evaluating three different
solutions, ANZ Bank chose Delphix. With the Delphix Dynamic Data Platform,
developers are given fast access to masked data, dramatically accelerating project
timelines and boosting security. The bank also expects additional benefits from
a reduction in costs associated with storage. Instead of having to request new
storage for an application program, development teams can operate more efficiently
within the existing physical footprint. ANZ can accurately identify and track
exactly what team is consuming what storage resources, which simplifies their
chargeback model.

In addition, Delphix is enabling ANZ to better comply with its regulatory obligations.
“We’re able to say production data will never ever leave production; only a masked
golden copy by secure channels will,” according to Braunegg. “We can accurately
identify who has access to what data and when for any audit items that come up,
and we can set expiry times on that data.”

*How ANZ Bank is overhauling its dev environment, IT News, October 2016
Healthcare Insurer
    Protects Member Data

    Large Health Insurer



    Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

    Provider Finder, Health
    Management Plans
As a leading health insurer, this company is focused on providing personalized,
affordable, and high-quality health benefit solutions to its members. To help
consumers make informed healthcare decisions, this insurer must provide software
applications that enable consumers to better navigate the healthcare system.
The challenge that this insurer faced was providing development teams high-quality
data for testing while also keeping their sensitive information safe.

• Due to strict company policies regarding the use of sensitive member data, the
  majority of test environments were populated with synthetic data. Many
  developers, however, required full, realistic production datasets to properly
  test new code and customizations. The absence of high-quality test environments
  resulted in late-stage errors discovered in the software development lifecycle
• With an massively growing non-production footprint, the infrastructure to
  support development efforts was increasingly difficult to manage. Developers
  often wanted more, production-sized environments, but were constrained
  by available infrastructure, limiting the number of projects the company could
  complete at any given time.

Delphix is delivering transformational benefits to this insurer’s portfolio of products
by accelerating releases cycles and simultaneously driving infrastructure cost savings.

• Instead of relying exclusively on synthetic datasets, developers now have
  asked to realistic, masked production datasets. As a result, application teams
  have realized a shift left in quality: by capturing more test cases, bugs are
  discovered earlier in the SDLC (and without running the risk of exposing
  sensitive data).
• By virtualizing test data, IT dramatically reduced their infrastructure footprint
  while providing flexibility to scale out environments with no storage overhead.
  As a result of removing this environment constraint, developers can execute
  more test cycles in less time.
By virtue of masking and virtualization in one product, this insurer is able to bring
new products to market faster at lower cost, while also shrinking the footprint
of risk for security compliance. This has enabled the insurer to better differentiate
itself in the market and provide better services to its members and providers.

Molina Drives Digital



    Long Beach, CA USA

    Claims Processing, Analytics
    and Reporting
Delphix solutions support growth while
controlling costs and increasing compliance
Molina Healthcare is a Fortune 500 managed care company. With the Affordable
Care Act driving an explosion in membership, Molina needed to develop mission-
critical applications faster while maintaining HIPAA compliance as it rapidly
scaled its business.

• At the projected growth rate, with
                                                   “The fact that we can use Delphix
  multiple petabytes of new data,
                                                    to mask our data once, and
  additional data storage capacity would
                                                    then replicate that masked data
  cost Molina tens of million of dollars.
                                                    multiple times helps protect our
• Strict privacy and data security laws             information, and it also helps
  and HIPAA compliance requirements                 us from a speed perspective….
  put an extra strain on Molina’s IT                The best ROI of any technology
  organization.                                     investment that I’ve made has
• Managing and delivering secure                    been with Delphix.”
  data was identified as the single                  RICK HOPFER, CIO
  largest process bottleneck in IT.

Delphix delivers a triple benefit for Molina: storage savings, acceleration of application
development, and compliance with HIPAA.

• Ensured that sensitive PHI data is protected with masking.
• Saved 7+ petabytes of storage across 7000 virtual databases.
• Enabled self-service data control for end users; currently deploying over
  100 virtual environments per day in minutes instead of 48-72 hours.

• HIPAA compliance
• Reduced application project schedules by 50%
• DBA headcount remained flat as Molina massively scaled from $4 to $14B
  in annual revenue
• 7 petabytes of storage savings resulting in an estimated $6-$10 million savings
  in physical storage costs over three years
• 9 minutes—the time it now takes to provision a new environment—compared
  to 48-72 hours before

Faster, More Secure
     Digital Enhancements
     in Online Banking

     Boeing Employees’ Credit Union


     Washington, USA


     Online Banking
Boeing Employees’ Credit Union (BECU) constantly strives to make banking easier,
more convenient, and secure for its members. For the IT team, that means quickly
rolling out enhancements to its online banking systems without interrupting services
or compromising security. A key challenge that IT faced was building a reliable
testing infrastructure while protecting sensitive member data in non-production
environments. They needed a data masking solution that met these specific

• Applications needed to be masked the same way every time and function the
  same using masked and unmasked data.
• With sensitive data scattered across environments, BECU needed a solution
  that would profile and find instances of the same data.
• Since the team was still new to data masking, they needed a simple solution with
  out-of-the-box masking templates that the company could start using immediately.

After evaluating three separate vendors, BECU selected Delphix for masking data
in its new testing infrastructure. The following key capabilities were among the
strongest differentiators that set Delphix apart from the competition:

• By scanning metadata to identify and classify sensitive data, Delphix consistently
  masks data across relational database platforms and flat files, even as data
  changes over time.
• Delphix addresses the first crucial step in securing sensitive data at risk:
  discovering where the risk lies by using a built-in data profiling tool.
• Delphix provides pre-built masking algorithms and frameworks that require
  no programming knowledge or administrative involvement to create new
  custom masking algorithms.
Data masking with Delphix helped BECU deliver digital features to its customers
faster, with higher quality, and more security. BECU now plans to leverage the
virtualization capabilities of the Delphix platform to reduce the overall time and
effort to distribute masked data, which will make it possible to launch new banking
products up to twice as fast.

Dell Takes An Agile Approach
     to Test Data Management


     Round Rock, Texas

     Order Management
The Delphix Dynamic Data Platform enables Dell to
meet increasing business demands with less risk*
Despite being a computer hardware company, Dell is also committed to delivering
applications in a secure, agile manner. But like many large enterprises that manage
sensitive customer information, Dell experienced challenges ensuring the security
of their development and testing platform. To mitigate security and compliance
risks, Dell required that all sensitive production data be masked before being
migrated to non-production. At the
same time, Dell faced increasing
                                                  “Delphix will facilitate the creation
business demands for data—such
                                                   of virtual databases for non-
as development and testing, analytics,
                                                   production environments and allow
and reporting—that drove the need
                                                   Dell to be more agile in its testing
to increase automation and minimize
                                                   of applications.”
the storage costs associated with
                                                   DELL IT PROFESSIONAL
data sprawl and growth.

After considering alternative solutions such as IBM Optim, Actifio, and EMC Copy
Data Management, Dell selected Delphix to meet their test data management
objectives. Dell is using Delphix to create secure, virtual databases that enable data
operations teams to overcome the internal policy issues that previously prevented
them from migrating production to non-production for development and testing.
After masked production data is migrated, development teams branch “child” virtual
databases—essentially sandboxes that can be used to run tests in isolation from
the main environment—to meet specific requirements for application testing.

Delphix has exceeded the Dell team’s expectations in terms of performance,
ease-of-use, and reliability. Leveraging Delphix to create, mask, and migrate
data to their development and testing platform has delivered the following key
benefits to Dell’s IT teams:

• Faster development release cycles and increased productivity due to less
   wait-time for environments
• An improvement in quality and reduced risk of outages, as code bugs are
   now discovered earlier in development cycles
• Strengthened security and compliance using masked data
• Storage savings for development, testing, and analytics/reporting environments

*2016 TechValidate survey of Delphix customers
Boosting Privacy of
     Sensitive Claims Data

     Large Publicly-Operated
     Health Plan



     Los Angeles, CA

     TriZetto Claims Processing
Data masking improves security of PHI data during
migration to a new claims processing system
Fast, efficient claims processing is a priority for any large, public health plan
provider. With over 2 million existing members and close to 20% membership
growth, this provider’s goal was to streamline its claims processing operations,
which would enable the company to reduce operational costs and deliver more
value to its members. To achieve this goal, the company was upgrading its QNXT
claims processing system and migrating their largest line of business (Medicare,
with over 1 million members) from a legacy system. However, the company faced
several key challenges in updating its claims processing systems.

• A major bottleneck to supporting IT projects––including the upgrade,
  migration, and QNXT rollout––was the time to copy data to a development
  or test environment. It took up to 8 days to import and export data to
   a non-production environment.
• In its existing state, the health plan lacked a mechanism to protect sensitive
  member data in development environments, which posed a compliance risk.

By implementing Delphix, this health plan was able to accelerate the completion
of key IT projects while safeguarding member information.

• IT can provision environments in minutes versus days, which has led to
  a massive improvement in efficiency and agility for high-priority projects,
  such as the QNXT upgrade and future system features and enhancements.
• Using Delphix’s profiling and masking solution in conjunction with virtualization,
  this provider secured data in their QNXT SQL server database and Oracle data
  warehouse, enabling the provider to ensure compliance with HIPAA.
IT can deliver new features and services to the business faster, which is enabling
the provider to process claims faster and better adapt to current and future
drivers such as health care reform and state timelines for member renewals.
Most importantly, this provider has enhanced member satisfaction by keeping
their personal data safe.

Secure Migration, Development
     for e-Commerce Applications

     Fortune 500 Apparel Retailer


     Privacy & Security; Data Center

     e-Commerce, online properties
With a mandate from the executive team to boost direct-to-consumer sales
as part of their digital strategy, this apparel company’s focus was on time-to-
market for their online properties, including their e-Commerce apps. However,
IT faced several key challenges:

• Existing homegrown masking solution added process overhead and inadequately
  protected PCI data in development.
• They had a highly complex, inflexible architecture that slowed development
  cycles, and consequently, their digital revenue growth. It took hours to rebuild
  a secure non-production environment using database schema import/exports.
With an upcoming data center migration, this retailer saw a huge opportunity
to simplify the complexity of their IT infrastructure, increase security, and speed
development with Delphix.

This apparel retailer completed the migration of over a petabyte of data in just
three days, which would have taken weeks without the Delphix Dynamic Data
Platform. They did this replacing the infrastructure underlying their e-Commerce
app stack with an agile, virtual data infrastructure running on Delphix in the
target data center.

After completing the migration, the customer standardized steady-state data
operations on the Delphix platform: Teams use Delphix’s integrated masking
capability to efficiently secure PCI data before delivery to development teams.
The time it took the customer to mask and provision its largest database was
reduced from 2-4 weeks to just 36 hours.

About Delphix
     Delphix’s mission is to free companies from data friction and accelerate innovation.
     Fortune 100 companies use the Delphix Dynamic Data Platform to connect,
     virtualize, secure and manage data in the cloud and in on-premise environments.

     For more information, please visit

     Delphix Corp.
     1400A Seaport Blvd, Suite 200
     Redwood City, CA 94063

     The Delphix logo and design are registered trademarks of Delphix Corp. in the United States and/or other
     jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.

     ©2017 Delphix Corp. All rights reserved.

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