COVID 19 PREVENTION PLAN - 2021-2022 New Guidance - LOS ANGELES LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - Los Angeles ...

Page created by Dave Wilson
       New Guidance

New Guidance 2021-2022 School Year

Mandate: K-12 students are required to mask indoors, with exemptions per CDPH face
mask guidance. Adults in K-12 school settings are required to mask when sharing indoor
spaces with students.

 CDPH Recommendations            COVID-19 Prevention         Proposed Changes
                                 Plan (LALA) (LALPA)
  Masks are optional             Wear a mask indoors and     No mask- wearing
 outdoors for all in K-12        outdoors.                   outdoors for staff and
 school settings.                                            students K-12

 Schools must develop and        The school provides         No change proposed
 implement local protocols       facemask to all students
 to provide a face covering      and staff.
 to students who
 inadvertently fail to bring a
 face covering to school to
 prevent unnecessary

 Consistent with guidance        The school has an           Follow the previous
 from the 2020-21 school         Independent Study Policy.   Independent Study Policy
 year, schools must develop      On July 28,2021 the         and the new Independent
 and implement local             school will adopt a new     Study Policy. (Tier 1 and
 protocols to enforce the        Independent study Policy    Tier 2)
 mask requirements.
 Additionally, schools
 should offer alternative
 educational opportunities
 for students who are
 excluded from campus
 because they will not wear
 a face covering. Note:
 Public schools should be
 aware of the requirements
 in AB 130 to offer
 independent study
 programs for the 2021-22
 school year
In limited situations where     Not in the school plan       The school will provide
a face covering cannot be                                    the appropriate staff with a
used for pedagogical or                                      face shield (if the situation
developmental reasons,                                       occurs).
(e.g., communicating or
assisting young children or
those with special needs) a
face shield with a drape
(per CDPH guidelines) can
be used instead of a face
covering while in the
classroom as long as the
wearer maintains physical
distance from others. Staff
must return to wearing a
face covering outside of the

Physical Distancing
 Recent evidence indicates      The school rule 6ft          No Physical distancing
that in-person instruction      Physical distancing          requirement.
can occur safely without
minimum physical
distancing requirements
when other mitigation
strategies (e.g., masking)
are implemented. This is
consistent with CDC K-12
School Guidance.

 For indoor spaces,           The school has Marv 13         No change proposed
ventilation should be         filters, and the filters are
optimized, which can be       changed 3 times a year.
done by following CDPH
Guidance on Ventilation of
Indoor Environments and
Ventilation and Filtration to
Reduce Long-Range
Airborne Transmission of
COVID-19 and Other
Respiratory Infections:
Considerations for
Reopened Schools.

Stay home when sick
Getting tested for COVID-      The school has COVID-19       No change proposed
19 when symptoms               protocols. Suppose the
are consistent with COVID-     student or staff member
19 will help with rapid        has a temperature over
contact tracing and prevent    100.4, the student or staff
possible spread at schools.    member will be COVID-
                               19 tested by the school
                               nurse. Students require
                               parent permission.
Advise staff members and       The school has COVID-19       No change proposed
students with symptoms of      protocols.
COVID-19 infection not to
return for in-person
instruction until they have
met CDPH criteria to return
to school

CDPH has a robust State-       The school has COVID-19       All unvaccinated staff will
and Federally-funded           testing every two weeks       be COVID-19 tested
school testing program and     for all staff and students.   weekly .
subject matter experts
available to support school
decision making, including
free testing resources to
support screening testing
programs (software, test
kits, shipping, testing,

Contact Tracing
Per AB 86 (2021) and           The School have COVID-        No change proposed
California Code Title 17,      19 protocols in place.
section 2500, schools are
required to report COVID-
19 cases to the local public
health department.

Schools or LEAs should         Schools have COVID-19         The school nurse will
have a COVID-19 liaison to     protocols in place. (Mrs.     contact students families
assist the local health        Butler is the school          for contact tracing.
department with contact        liaison).
tracing and investigation.

Quarantine                 The staff and student         The student will receive
   recommendations for        quarantine for ten days and   Free Public Education and
   unvaccinated students      had no fever in the last 24   have access through the
   for exposures when         hours for close contact.      Independent Study
   both parties were                                        Program.
   wearing a mask, as         The infected student
   required in K-12 indoor    quarantine for 14 days and
   settings. These are        had no fever within 24
   adapted from the CDC       hours.
   guidance and CDC
   definition of a close
       a. When both
          parties were
          wearing a mask
          in the indoor
          students who are
          close contacts
          (more than 15
          minutes over a
          24-hour period
          within 0-6 feet
          indoors) may
          undergo a
          modified 10-day
          quarantine as
          follows. They
          may continue to
          attend school for
          instruction if
i. Are asymptomatic;
ii. Continue to
appropriately mask, as
iii. Undergo at least twice
weekly testing during the
10-day quarantine; and
iv. Continue to quarantine
for all extracurricular
activities at school,
including sports, and
activities within the
community setting.

Isolation rooms
For both vaccinated and        The school has an             No change proposed
unvaccinated persons,          insolation room for staff
follow the CDPH Isolation      and students. If the staff
Guidance for those             member can leave the
diagnosed with COVID-          school safely, the staff
19.                            member will leave the
                               school campus.
Hand Hygiene
Promote hand washing            The school promotes hand- No change proposed
throughout the day,             washing hygiene and has
especially before and after     Bathroom protocols.
eating, after using the toilet,
and after handling garbage,
or removing gloves.

In general, cleaning once a The school has Cleaning          No change proposed
day is usually enough to    protocols.
sufficiently remove
potential virus that may be
on surfaces. Disinfecting
(using disinfectants on
the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency COVID-
19 list) removes any
remaining germs on
surfaces, which further
reduces any risk of
spreading infection.

Food Service
 Maximize physical             It was not addressed in the   Maximize physical
distance as much as            school COVID-19 plan.         distance as much as
possible while eating                                        possible while eating
(especially indoors). Using                                  (especially indoors).
additional spaces outside of
the cafeteria for mealtime
seating such as classrooms
or the gymnasium can help
facilitate distancing.
Arrange for eating outdoors
as much as feasible.

Schools should limit          The school has a visitor’s    Minimize in person
nonessential visitors,        policy.                       visitors.
volunteers, and activities                                  Volunteers can support
involving external groups                                   staff and students via
or organizations with                                       zoom.
people who are not fully
vaccinated, particularly in
areas where there is
moderate-to-high COVID-
19 community

Schools should not limit      It was not addressed in the   Service providers allowed
access for direct service     school COVID-19 plan.         on campus to render
providers, but can ensure                                   services to students.
compliance with school
visitor polices.                                            Service Providers on
                                                            campus will be COVID-19
                                                            tested every two weeks by
                                                            the school nurse or outside
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