Page created by Bradley Fleming
HOLIDAY WEEK                                                      P LE A SU RE
                                                                  W IN K L ER’ S G OU RM ET

FROM 04.09. TO 10.09.2021                                         P ENS ION :
                                                                  / Breakfast:
                                                                  07:00 a.m – 10:30 a.m
IT ALREADY LOOKS LIKE THAT…                                       / Afternoon buffet:
                                                                  2:00 p.m – 5:00 p.m
                                                                  Different goodies from our
                                                                  pastry, cold cuts and fresh fruits
                                                                  from the buffet.

                                                                  / Afternoon dish:
                                                                  2:00 p.m – 4: 00p.m
                                                                  Every day there is a different
                                                                  dish in the show kitchen.
                                                                  / Dinner:
                                                                  7:00 p.m – 9:00 p.m
                                                                  A L IG HT SN AC K OR A
                                                                  HEARTY M EA L :
                                                                  / À-la-Carte-Restaurant
                                                                  12:00 p.m – 2:00 p.m
                                                                  / Hotelbar
                                                                  Small snacks, sandwiches …
                                                                  / Snack-card
                                                                  Delicious for in between, all day
                                                                  / In Room Service
                                                                  10:00 a.m – 10:00 p.m

                                                                  H OL I DA Y S F OR
                                                                  T H E SOUL
                                                                  / Beautyfarm:
                                                                  09:00 a.m – 07:30 p.m
                                                                  / Sauna area
                                                                  11:00 a.m– 07:30
                                                                  / Indoor-Pool:
                                                                  06:00 a.m – 08:00 p.m
                                                                  / Outdoor-Pool:
                                                                  7:00 a.m – 07:30 p.m
                                                                  and Honesty Bar
                                                                  (adults-only – from 16 years)
                                                                  / Pool - service:
                                                                  04:00 p.m – 06:00 p.m
                                        HOW LOVELY THAT YOU ARE   / Gym:
                                        IN OUR HOTEL WINKLER      07:00 a.m – 08:00 p.m
                                        HAVE A GOOD TIME!
HOLIDAY WEEK                                            WOR LD
                                                        / Sunday to

FROM 04.09. TO 10.09.2021                               Thursday
                                                        10:00 a.m – 01:00 p.m
                                                        / Friday and Saturday
                                                        10:00 a.m. – 21:30 p.m.

                                                        C ULI N A RY
                                                        P LE A SU RE
                                                        W IN K L ER’ S G OU RM ET
                                                        P ENS ION :

                                                        / Breakfast:
                                                        07:00 a.m – 10:30 a.m
                                                        / Afternoon buffet:
                                                        2:00 p.m – 05:00 p.m
                                                        / Afternoon dish:
                                                        2:00 p.m – 04: 00p.m
                                                        / Dinner:
                                                        7:00 p.m – 09:00 p.m
                                                        A L IG HT SN AC K OR A
                                                        HEARTY M EA L :
                                                        / À-la-Carte-Restaurant
                                                        12:00 p.m – 02:00 p.m
                                                        / Hotelbar
                                                        Small snacks, sandwiches …
                                                        / Snack-card
                                                        Delicious for in between, all day
                                                        / In Room Service
                                                        10:00 a.m – 10:00 p.m

                                                        H OL I DA Y S F OR
                                                        T H E SOUL
                                                        / Beautyfarm:
                                                        09:00 a.m – 07:30 p.m
                                                        / Sauna area
                                                        11:00 a.m– 07:30 p.m
                                                        / Indoor-Pool:
                                                        06:00 a.m – 08:00 p.m
                                                        / Outdoor-Pool:
                                                        07:00 a.m – 07:30 p.m
                                                        and Honesty Bar
                                                        (adults-only – from 16 years)

                              HOW LOVELY THAT YOU ARE   / Pool - service:
                                                        04:00 p.m – 06:00 p.m
                              IN OUR HOTEL WINKLER
                              HAVE A GOOD TIME!         / Gym:
                                                        07:00 a.m – 08:00 p.m
That you don’t miss a thing, we’ve      / SA TU RDAY 11. 09.               / SUN DA Y 12 . 09 .               / MOND AY 1 3.0 9.
put together a small overview of
the most important highlights for

                                        / Pilates                          / Hatha slow flow yoga             / Back gym with Thomas
                                        Meeting point: GYM -2 ,            Meeting point: GYM -2 ,            Meeting point: GYM -2 ,
A little time-out for myself or that
                                        09:00 a.m.                         09:00 pm                           01:00 pm
extra bit of conscious movement:
yes, it feels incredibly good!
                                        / Mindfulness meditation           / Yoseikan cardio with Thomas      / Breath - meditation
REGI ST RA T ION A T T HE               Meeting point: GYM -2 ,            Meeting point: GYM -2 ,            Meeting point: GYM -2 ,
RECEP TI ON                             03:30 p.m.                         01:00 pm                           02:30 pm

                                        / Breath – meditation              / Qi gong
                                        Meeting point: GYM -2 ,            Meeting point: GYM -2 ,
                                        04:30 p.m.                         02:30 pm

                                        Raiffeisenkasse Bruneck golf cup
                                        18 holes Stbf. 3 Cat
                                        Please register at the reception

Lots of variety with lots of degrees
                                                                                                              / Infusions in the sauna world
from really relaxing (*) to hot (***)   / Infusions in the sauna world     / Infusions in the sauna world     Registration at the sauna
                                        Registration at the sauna          Registration at the sauna          reception
Our sauna landscape is a textile-
                                        reception                          reception                           Peeling/ Rosemary
free zone, access from 16 years. A      Peeling/ Surprise peeling          Peeling / Sage                     04:00 pm / Fragrance journey
separate textile sauna is available     04:00 pm / Fragrance journey       04:00 pm / Fragrance journey       orange-cinnamon
taking a bath in a bathing suit and     larch                              mountain pine                      05:00 pm / Herbal infusion
families can use the brine grotto.      05:00 pm / Surprise infusion       05:00 pm / Power of the forest     06:00 pm / Relax trip to the
Please always shower before and         06:00 pm / Alpine-Kneipp           06:00 pm / Relaxation scent        dolomites
                                        infusion                           06:30 pm / Fragrance journey       06:30 pm / Fragrance journey -
after the sauna. Sweat well!
                                        06:30 pm / Litsea fragrance        lemongrass                         larch

                                                                           / Afternoon buffet:                / Afternoon buffet:
                                        / Afternoon buffet:
CUL INA R Y S PE CIA L S                                                                                      2:00 pm – 05:00 pm
                                        2:00 pm – 05:00 pm                 2:00 pm – 05:00 pm
                                                                           / Afternoon dish:                  / Afternoon dish:
                                                                           From 2:00 pm – 04: 00 pm we        From 2:00 pm – 04: 00 pm we
                                        / Afternoon dish:                                                     serve a warm dish at the show
                                                                           serve a warm dish at the show
                                        From 2:00 pm – 04: 00 pm we                                           cooking
SUCH A HOLIDAY DAY GOES                 serve a warm dish at the show
OVER MUCH FASTER AS                     cooking                            / „Champagner for you“
                                                                           Our sommelier Julian swings the    /Sports car tour
                                                                           saber at 6:45 pm - 7:00 pm and     Meet and Greet with presentation
                                                                           shows you the art of "sabrier".    of the tour programme Meeting
                                        / A magical dessert                Drink our most beautiful           point: Hotel bar at 18:45 (for
                                        Small, sweet dreams at our         sparkling wines from               participants of the sports car
                                        dessert buffet.                    Franciacorta, Trentino             tour)
                                                                           or France. Cheers!
You know it applies everything
is allowed, nothing must be
done. Finally, it is quite your                                            / Live-Musik
vacation! So please enjoy!                                                 With Alessandro form 9:00 p.m.
Here at Winkler, this should                                               to 11:30 p.m. He entertains you
be easy!                                                                   with Italian evergreens and fine
                                                                           guitar sounds
/ TUE SD A Y 14. 09.              / W ED NE SDA Y 15. 09.           / THU R SD AY 1 6. 0 9.             FR ID A Y 17 .09 .

                                  / Aqua cycling
                                                                    / Belly, legs and booty             /Mindfulness forest walk
/ Circuit training with Thomas    Meeting point: swimming pool,
                                                                    Meeting point GYM -2,               Meeting point: reception
Meeting point: GYM -2 ,           09:00 am
                                                                    02:30 pm                            09:30 am
01:00 am

                                  / Heart meditation
                                                                    / Yin yoga                          / Yin yang yoga
/ Full body workout               Meeting point GYM -2,
                                                                    Meeting point GYM -2,               Meeting point GYM -2,
Meeting point: GYM -2 ,           10:00 am
                                                                    03:30 pm                            03:30 pm
02:30 pm

                                  /Back gym with Martin
                                                                    / Mindful meditation                / Mindful with singing bowl
                                  Meeting point: GYM -2 ,
                                                                    Meeting point GYM -2,               Meeting point GYM -2,
                                  02:30 pm
                                                                    04:30 pm                            04:30 pm

                                                                    Cup of the club hotels
                                                                    9/ 18 holes Stbf. 3 Cat
                                                                    Please register at the reception

                                                                    / Infusions in the sauna world
/ Infusions in the sauna world    / Infusions in the sauna world    Registration at the sauna           / Infusions in the sauna world
Registration at the sauna         Registration at the sauna         reception                           Registration at the sauna
reception                         reception                         Peeling/ Lemongrass                 reception
Peeling/ thyme                    Peeling/ Lavender                 04:00 pm / Fragrance journey        Peeling/ Mint
04:00 pm / Fragrance journey      04:00 pm / Fragrance journey      lavanda                             04:00 pm / Surprise infusion
lemongrass                        orange-lemon                      05:00 pm / Dolomite- Arnica         05:00 pm / Alpine-Rock-infusion
05:00 pm / Fruity and fresh       05:00 pm / Mint-lemon infusion    06:00 pm / Winklers dream           06:00 pm / Singing bowl
infusion                          06:00 pm / Power of honey         journey                             relaxion
06:00 pm / Relax time             06:30 pm / Fragrance journey      06:30 pm / Fragrance journey        06:30 pm / Fragrance journey
06:30 / Fragrance journey -       bergamot                          mountain pine                       melissa

                                                                    / Afternoon buffet:
/ Afternoon buffet:               / Afternoon buffet:               2:00 pm – 05:00 pm                  / Afternoon buffet:
2:00 pm – 05:00 pm                2:00 pm – 05:00 pm                                                    2:00 pm – 05:00 pm
                                                                    / Afternoon dish:
/ Afternoon dish:                 / Afternoon dish:                 From 2:00 pm – 04: 00 pm we         / Afternoon dish:
From 2:00 pm – 04: 00 pm we       From 2:00 pm – 04: 00 pm we       serve a warm dish at the show       From 2:00 pm – 04: 00 pm we
serve a warm dish at the show     serve a warm dish at the show     cooking                             serve a warm dish at the show
cooking                           cooking                                                               cooking
                                                                    / Pinsa Romana
                                  / Show-Cooking                    At our show cooking
                                  Fresh Sushi at the buffet                                             / Mountains and sea
/ South Tyrolean evening
                                                                    /Sport Car Tour                     Culinary excursion from the
Yes, our South Tyrol has a lot
                                                                    18:00 Welcome aperitif at the       Dolomites to the sea.
to offer and also for             / Gin Tonic Tasting               day bar with presentation and
the palate even some              Taste 4 different gins with the   discussion of the Dolomites tour.
Joys ready. So much in advance:   accompanying tonic with our       (for participants of the sports
It will be delicious!             bartender Tobias.                 car tour)
                                  Meeting point: Hotelbar,
                                  from 06:30 p.m                    / Live-Music
/ Live-Music
                                                                    Leave the day behind you with
With Brian Christopher from
                                                                    fine live music with Jonas
09:00 – 11.30 p.m.
                                                                    Oberstaller 09:00 pm – 11:30
HIKING PROGRAM                     / SA TU RDAY 11. 09.                 / SU NDA Y 12 . 09 .                 / MON DAY 13. 09.

So that you don't miss anything,
we've put together a small
overview of the most important
highlights for you, the small
icons help you find your way
around quickly:

HIK ING G UIDE A L E X AND         / Pertinger hut                                                           /Tesselberger hut
                                                                        / Golf
MICHA E L                          For hikers and mountain lovers of                                         By no means should you miss out
                                                                        Free trial course for all
I love nature and its diversity.   all kinds, the Pertinger Alm is a                                         on the wonderful cuisine of the
                                                                        Winklerhotel guests. From 10:30
                                   recommended stop. It is a                                                 Tesselberger Alm, as the chef
Kissed by the sun and always                                            a.m. to 11:30 a.m. we will be
                                   wonderful place to take a break.                                          will spoil you with a delicious lunch.
positive, I set off with our                                            happy to take you to the golf
                                   With delicious dishes from South                                          Max 30 people
guests. All you have to bring                                           course with our hotel shuttle
                                   Tyrolean cuisine, everyone quickly                                        (8 seats in the shuttle)
with you is a strong will,                                              bus. Departure of the shuttle
                                   regains their strength. Taufers.                                          Difficulty:
                                                                        bus at 10:10 a.m. at the
because “Where there is a will,    Max 30 people                                                             medium
there is a way”.                   (8 seats in the shuttle)
                                                                                                             ca. 4 h
                                                                        / Golf
                                   Difficulty:                                                               Distance:
                                   easy                                 OUR GOLF SERVICE:
                                                                                                             7 km
                                   Duration:                            /100 % reduction on the green
                                   ca. 3,5 h                            fee
                                                                                                             600 m
                                   Distance:                            /free shuttle service to the golf
                                                                                                             Starting point:
I recommend ankle-high,            6 km                                 course and back (on
waterproof hiking shoes,                                                reservation)
                                   Altitude:                                                                 Departure time:
comfortable warm clothing,                                              /free golf taster course every
                                   300 m
eventually extra clothes to                                             Sunday                               09:15 am at the reception
change and a backpack with         Starting point:
                                                                        /equipment rental at the             Return:
provisions.                        Terenten
                                                                        Pustertal Golf Club                  about 04:00/ 05:00 pm
                                   Departure time:
                                                                        /private or group lessons with
                                   09:00 am at the reception
T O UR PHO TO S                                                         Golf PRO at special prices           Skyline Tour only for experienced
We will be happy to upload the                                                                               hikers:
pictures we made during the        about 04:00/ 05:00 pm
                                                                        / Advanced course to course
hike to a USB stick (€ 15.00) or                                        maturity for the whole family
send them to you via                                                    You have decided to learn the
Wetransfer.                                                             game of golf. A 5-day intensive
                                                                        golf course for those whose goal
HO T EL- OW N RE NTA L                                                  is to obtain a license to play
Hiking sticks, snowshoes,                                               golf. You will be taught how to
crampons, drinking and                                                  tee off with woods, irons, as well
thermos bottles                                                         as chipping, pitching, bunker
                                                                                                             / Lavinorese (Sas dla Para)
                                                                        shots, shots from the rough,
                                                                        putting.                             Max 30 people
                                                                                                             (8 seats in the shuttle)
FR E E S HUTT L E S ERV ICE                                             On the last day a few holes will
                                                                        be played on the course and golf
Free shuttle service on all
                                                                        etiquette will also be taught.       Difficulty:
guided tours. Toll and parking                                                                               difficult
                                                                        Course Details:
costs are shared among the
                                                                        - 5 days (Mon-Fri mornings).         Duration:
participants. Travel times can                                                                               ca. 6 h
be up to an hour.                                                       - 10 hours of group tuition with a
                                                                        PGA Professional.                    Distance:
                                                                                                             12 km
                                                                        Includes: Range fees, loan of
                                                                        clubs, range balls and               Altitude:
HIK ING                                                                 confirmation of attendance.          900 m
R E CO MME NDA T IO NS                                                  Price (min. 2,max. 8)                Departure time:
Do you still need an idea for a                                         €389,00 per person                   08:15 am at the reception
great hike?                                                             You will receive a 10% discount      Return: about 04:00/ 05:00 pm
                                                                        on this group course.
Our hiking guide waits for you
at the reception at Thursday                                            Please register at reception
half an hour from 08:30 a.m.-                                                                                          €3,- a person
09:00 a.m. to recommend the
most beautiful hiking tours.
/TUESDAY 14.09.                 / W EDNE SDA Y 15. 09.              / THUR SD AY 16. 09.              / FR ID A Y 17 .09 .

/ Pircher hut
Small hiking highlight in a     / Pederü                            / Lanzwiese hut                   /Kaltwassertal
picture-book landscape shaped   In a dreamlike location, right in   Ideal excursion destination for   The Kaltwassertal is a quiet
by nature                       the heart of the South Tyrolean     the whole family - traditional    valley; unfortunately, only one
Max 30 people                   Dolomites - Unesco World            farmhouse cuisine and a unique    of the original three lakes
(8 seats in the shuttle)        Natural Heritage Site.              view of the Olang mountains.      remains.
Difficulty:                     Max 30 people                       Max 30 people                     Max 30 people
easy                            (8 seats in the shuttle)            (8 seats in the shuttle)          (8 seats in the shuttle)
Duration:                       Difficulty:                         Difficulty:                       Difficulty:
ca. 3 h                         medium                              medium                            medium
Distance:                       Duration:                           Duration:                         Duration:
8 km                            ca. 5,5 h                           ca. 4,5 h                         ca. 4 h
Altitude:                       Distance:                           Distance:                         Distance:
430 m                           20 km                               11 km                             10 km
Starting point:                 Altitude:                           Altitude:                         Altitude:
Weißenbach                      350 m                               700 m                             600 m
Departure time:                 Departure time:                     Starting point:                   Starting point:
                                                                    Gals                              Gelenke
09:15 am at the reception       09:00 am at the reception
                                                                    Departure time:                   Departure time:
Return:                         Return:
                                                                    09:15 am at the reception         08:45 am at the reception
about 04:00/ 05:00 pm           about 04:00/ 05:00 pm
                                                                    Return:                           Return:
                                                                    about 04:00/ 05:00 pm             about 04:00/ 05:00 pm

                                Skyline Tour only for               Skyline Tour only for             Skyline Tour only for
Skyline Tour only for                                                                                 experienced hikers:
                                experienced hikers:                 experienced hikers:
experienced hikers:

/ Schüttlakopf
                                /Rieserferner hut                   /Piz da Peres                     /Plattspitze
Max 30 people
                                Max 30 people                       Max 30 people                     Max 30 people
(8 seats in the shuttle)
                                (8 seats in the shuttle)            (8 seats in the shuttle)          (8 seats in the shuttle)
                                Difficulty:                         Difficulty:                       Difficulty:
very difficult
                                very difficult                      difficult                         difficult
                                Duration:                           Duration:                         Duration:
ca. 7 h
                                ca. 7 h                             ca. 6 h                           ca. 6,5 h
                                Distance:                           Distance:                         Distance:
15 km
                                14 km                               8 km                              12 km
                                Altitude:                           Altitude:                         Altitude:
1170 m
                                1250 m                              800 m                             920 m
Departure time:
                                Starting point:                     Starting point:                   Starting point:
08: 30 am at the reception      Rein in Taufers                                                       Vals
Return:                         Departure time:                                                       Departure time:
                                                                    Departure time:
about 04:00/ 05:00 pm           8:30 am at the reception                                              08:15 am at the reception
                                                                    08:15 am at the reception
                                Return:                             Return:                           Return:
                                4:00/ 05:00 pm                                                        4:00/ 05:00 pm
                                                                    about 04:00/ 05:00 pm

        €3,- a person

S K I B E RG N R . 1                  S K I FA HRE N IM                   UNSERE                             HIGHLIGHT:
Der Kronplatz gilt als das            W IN K LE R                         TOP 5                              GEFÜHRTER SKITAG
modernste Skigebiet Südtirols         Ja, einem strahlend schönen
                                                                          S K IH ÜTT E N AM K R ONP LA TZ:   / DIE N STA G
und ist mit seinen knapp 120          Winter setzen wir gerne
                                                                          1 Das AlpiNN mit Sterneküche       S E L L A R O NDA
Pistenkilometern und 32               noch einen drauf. Wie schön,
                                                                          und bestem Aperitif ever!          Ein Traum inmitten verschneiter
Aufstiegsanlagen, die vielfach        dass Sie im Winkler sind!
                                                                                                             Wälder, kantiger Berge und purem
mit WLAN und Sitzheizung                                                  2 Die Lorenzihütte mit Chef
                                                                                                             Skispaß, ein Skikarussell mit
ausgestattet sind, ein Garant für     S K I- SHUTT L E                    Markus und mega Sonnendeck.
                                                                                                             bestens verbundenen
großartigen Pistenspaß.               Vom Hotel direkt zur Talstation     3 Die Obereggerhütte und ihre      Aufstiegsanlagen und herrlichen
                                      am Kronplatz und retour.            wahrscheinlich weltbesten          Abfahrten. Für geübte Skifahrer
                                      Kostenlos, versteht sich!           Marillenknödel.                    mit guter Kondition!
A LT A B A DIA                        08:00 – 11:00 + 14:00 – 17:00 Uhr
Alta Badia bietet sagenhafte                                              4 Die Corones Hütte und ihre       Kostenbeitrag: 55 €, zusätzlich
                                      Bitte klären Sie Sonderfahren                                          nötig: Dolomiti Superskipass
Ausblicke, urige Gemütlichkeit                                            fantastischen Grillspezialiäten.
                                      zwischen 11 und 14 Uhr mit der                                         Treffpunkt: Rezeption,
und ein weitläufiges Skigebiet mit    Rezeption ab.                       5 Die Geiselsberger Hütte mit      08:10 Uhr
rund 130 Kilometern Pistenspaß                                            Après-Ski und Musik.               Voranmeldung bis Montag,
im Herzen der Dolomiten. Die                                                                                 17:00 Uhr an der Rezeption.
                                      S K IP ASS -S E RV ICE
Region ist wie gemacht für
                                      Kein nerviges Anstehen an
Genießer! Mit dem Dolomiti-
                                      der Skipass-Kassa, denn Ihren
Superski-Pass ist es kein
                                      Skipass können Sie ohne
Problem, einen Tag lang die
                                      Aufpreis ganz bequem direkt an
Pisten auf dem Kronplatz zu                                               BL A CK 5 SK IP IS T EN:
                                      unserer Rezeption erwerben
erobern und am nächsten den                                               Ganze 5 schwarze Pisten am
                                      (nur mit Kreditkartenzahlung
Pulverschnee in Alta Badia                                                Hausberg Kronplatz.
                                      möglich, bei Kindern und            Nichts für schwache Nerven:
aufzuwirbeln. Legendär sind auch
                                      Rentner ist ein Ausweis             1 Sylvester
die Skirundtouren, die Sie mit
                                      erforderlich).                      2 Herrnegg
Ihren Skiern von Alta Badia aus
starten können!                                                           3 Pre da Peres
                                      PR IV AT ER SKIGUIDE                4 Erta                             / DON NE R STA G
                                      Florian, unser Skiguide nimmt       5 Piculin                          IL G IR O
DA S WE L T WE I T                    Sie gerne mit auf die schönsten                                        Ein herrlicher Skitag in den
G R Ö SS TE                           Touren und besten Abfahrten.                                           Sextner Dolomiten. Nur für geübte
S K I K A RU S S E LL                 Individuelles Wunschprogramm?                                          Skifahrer, für Snowboarder nicht
Auf die Piste, fertig, los! 1.200     Kein Thema, macht Florian!                                             geeignet. Teilnahme auf eigenes
Pistenkilometer und rund 450          Anfragen und Infos:                                                    Risiko.
Aufstiegsanlagen, verteilt auf 12     an der Rezeption                    5 SK IG EB IE T E :
                                                                                                             Kostenbeitrag: 55 €, zusätzlich
phänomenale Skigebiete mitten         (150 € Tagespauschale,              Ganze 5 schwarze Pisten am
                                                                                                             nötig: Dolomiti Superskipass
                                      60 € Halbtagespauschale)            Hausberg Kronplatz.
im Dolomiten UNESCO Welterbe –                                                                               Treffpunkt: Rezeption,
                                                                          Nichts für schwache Nerven:        08:00 Uhr
das ist Dolomiti Superski. Starten                                        1 Kronplatz
Sie in ein unvergleichliches          UNS E R E WINT E R PART NE R           Entfernung: 2 km                Voranmeldung bis Mittwoch,
Skiabenteuer – Ihre Unterkunft                                                                               17:00 Uhr an der Rezeption.
                                      Skiverleih Giggeralm,               2 Speikboden
am Dolomiti-Super-Skigebiet           Reischach                             Entfernung: 22 km
haben Sie hiermit bereits             T +39 0474 549 106
                                                                          3 Klausberg
gefunden. Entdecken Sie dieses        20 % Ermäßigung Skiverleih,
                                                                            Entfernung: 22 km
                                      Skidepot & Skiservice
fantastische Skikarussell!                                                4 Drei Zinnen
                                      (Skonto-Karte mitnehmen!)
                                                                            Entfernung: 38 km
                                      Skischule Kronplatz,                5 Gitschberg-Jochtal
                                      Reischach                             Entfernung: 31 km
                                      T +39 0474 548 474
 Sie wissen, es gilt: alles dürfen,   10 % Ermäßigung auf
 nichts müssen. Schließlich ist       Gruppenskikurse ab 3 Tage
 es ganz Ihr Urlaub! Also bitte
 genießen Sie, was das Zeug hält!
 Bei uns im Winkler dürfte dies
 ein Leichtes sein!
/ MONDAY 13.09.                         / THURSDAY 16.09 .

We know what mountain bikers want.                                          / MTB: TECHNIK TRAINING                 / E_MTB Tour
Our own guide Arnold Huber, former                                          Difficulty: easy                        Difficulty: medium
top athlete and now passionate
                                                                            Duration: approx. 4 h                   Meeting point: 16:30 Hotel Winkler
biker, accompanies you to wonderful
nature experiences around the                                               Meeting point: 10:00 a.m.               Duration: approx. 2 h
Winklerhotels.                                                              Registration: Online with Holidaypass   Kilometre: 15 - 20 km
                                                                                                                    Altitude difference: 600 m
                                                                            / Introduction to the world             Costs: € 15,- /
                                          Bosch Gen. 4 CX 625 Wh,
                                                                            of the E-MTB with subsequent            € 45,- incl. rental bike
                                          Carbon frame, Fork 140 mm
                                                                            trial tour                              Registration: Reception
                                          FOX Perform Sram “NX
                                          Eagle“ 12-speed,                  Difficulty: easy
In addition, with your personal
Holidaypass you have the                                                    Meeting point: 09:30 Hotel Winkler
opportunity to use the technique                                            Duration: approx. 1.5 h
training and bike tours of the                                              Kilometre: 5 km
Outdoor Centre in Reischach directly
at the valley station free of charge.                                       Altitude difference: 200 m
You can register here with your                                             Costs: € 15,- /
Holidaypass number.                                                         € 45,- incl. rental bike
                                                                            Registration: Reception

                                          Bosch Gen. 4 CX 625 Wh,
                                          Aluminium frame, Forkl 130
                                          mm SUNTOUR, Shift                                                         /FRIDAY 17.09 .
If you like to do your own tours, you
                                          Shimano “Deore XT” 12-
will find numerous tours to download
                                          speed,                                                                    / E-MTB: Moosner Kasern
on Komoot / Winklerhotels. For your
                                                                                                                    Difficulty: medium
free access to the offline map
material you will receive a voucher at                                                                              Meeting point: 09:30 Hotel Winkler
the reception. Click on "Follow                                                                                     Duration: approx. 4 h
friends" and off you go!                                                    / WEDNESDAY 15.09.                      Kilometre: 30 km
                                                                            / E-MTB: Sundowner
                                                                                                                    Altitude difference: 820 m
                                                                            Schwierigkeit: mittel
                                                                                                                    Costs: € 15,- /
RENT A BIKE “CONWAY“                                                        Treffpunkt: 16:30 Uhr Hotel Winkler
                                                                                                                    € 45,- incl. rental bike
RENT A BIKE "CONWAY                                                         Dauer: ca. 2 h                          Registration: Reception
You want to go off-road, rock trails,                                       Kilometer: 15 - 20 km
take jumps and berms and still do                                           Höhenmeter: 600 m
without the lift? You want a chassis                                        Kosten: € 15,- /
                                         Bosch Gen. 4 CX 625 Wh,            € 45,- inkl. Leihbike
that gives you good suspension travel
                                         aluminium frame , Fork FOX Float   Anmeldung: Rezeption
when you're pedalling, but still gives
                                         DPX 150mm, shift Shimano Deore
you plenty of support when you're
                                         XT RD 12 speed, front SCWALBE
going downhill. A real mountain bike
                                         Magic Mary, rear SCHWALBE Hans
geometry. Then test our CONWAY
                                         Dampf, brakes MAGURA MT5
                                         eSTOP, Schwalbe Magic Mary,

                                                                            Carbon frame, FOX 36 FLOAT 160mm,
                                                                            29”, shift SRAM X01 EAGLE 12 speed,
 Bike: Our bike guide                                                       HIMANO STEPS E-8000 C 630WH,
 Arnold will show you the
 most beautiful places in                Carbon frame, fork ROCKSHOX
                                                                                                                    Day €180,- (1-2 pax, +3 €15,-)
 the Pustertal.                          Lyrik Select 150mm, shift SRAM
 Private Bike Tour                       X.01, 12 speed, front SCHWALBE                                             ½ day €120,- (1-2 pax, +3 €15,-)
 Price: 2h - 70,00 Euro +                Magic Mary, rear SCHWALBE Hans
 bike (35,00 Euro)                       Dampf, brakes SRAM G2

                                                                                                                    Day € 35,-
                                                                            Frame allroad alu, shiftSHIMANO grx
                                                                            810 rd-rx810 shadow + design 11v        from 2 p.m. € 20,-
                                                                            Motor Ebikemotion X35 Plus 250W,        from 4 p.m. € 10,-
WINKIS WORLD:                         / SATURDAY 11.09.                / MONDAY 13.09.                        / WEDNESDA Y 15.09.
                                      /10:00                           /Come on, we want to make a            /10:00 a.m.
                                      Free play on the playground      lantern                                 We visit Bruneck Castle (from 6
                                                                                                              years €4,-)
                                                                       /The Winki World is open for you
                                                                       for many games                         /12:00 p.m.
                                                                                                              Lunch together
                                                                       / 12:00 p.m.
                                      11:00 a.m                         Lunch together                        / Mirror on the wall: make-up,
                                      / Welcome yoga at the                                                   dressing up and hairdressing
                                      playground                       / 02:30 p.m.                           with Lisa
DE A R K IDS ,                                                         There's something going on at the
We are especially happy to            12:00 / Lunch together           riding stables! We will brush our      / Stroll down the catwalk and be
welcome you here at Hotel                                              horses, comb their mane and help       a pirate or a princess for once
Winkler and to experience             / 02:00 p.m.                     with the stable maintenance
eventful and educational              Plitsch-Platsch - we walk
adventures with you!                  through the Kneipp facility in
                                      the Stork Walk
For kids from 3 years from Every      / Nature mandalas
day from: 10:00 –21:30                                                                                        / Upcycling: creative
                                      / We browse through picture
                                      books and listen to a story      /We listen to a horse story

                                      / 07:00 p.m.                                                            / 07:00 p.m.
                                                                       /common table games                    Dinner together
INFO S                                Dinner together
The Winki Pass must be filled out
                                                                       / 07:00 p.m.                           / Long cinema evening with
for each child and any allergies or   /Relaxed mandala painting        Dinner together
other important information must                                                                              popcorn
be given.                             /We go to the gymnasium and      /We watch a short film
Any costs incurred are booked         the climbing hall                                                       / THURSDAY 16.09.
directly to the room.                                                  /We conquer the gym
                                      / SUNDA Y 12.09.                                                        / We make salt dough together
                                                                       / TUESDAY 14.09.                       / 12:00
ME AL                                 / 10:00 a.m.                                                            Lunch together
We eat together at 12:00 p.m          Together along the Legend
(dining room Heimat) and at 7:00      Trail                                                                   /01.30 p.m.
p.m. (bar). During this time, our                                                                             Treasure hunt at the Kronplatz
Winkies World is closed.              / Massage with hedgehog balls                                           (from 7,9 years €18,-)

                                      / 12:00 Lunch together
                                                                       /We listen to a mermaid story          / We play together at Winki
We would be happy to organize
                                                                       / Swim like Ariel the Little
care for your offspring:                                               Mermaid (from 7 years)                 / 07:00 p.m.
€ 15 per hour. Babysitting is only                                                                            Dinner together
possible on request.                                                   / 12:00 p.m.
Reservation at the reception.                                           Lunch together                        /Short film

                                                                       /02:00 p.m.                            /We conquer the gym
                                                                       We will weigh, cut, bake and cook
                                       We will weigh, cut, bake and
                                                                       together                               /   FRIDAY 17.09.
                                      cook together

                                      /We will go into the woods                                              / World of experiments
                                                                       /We go to the playground and
                                                                       have fun there                         / 12:00 p.m.
                                      /Sound story
                                                                                                               Lunch together
                                                                       / 07:00 p.m.
                                                                       Dinner together                        / We go to the petting zoo
                                      / 07:00 p.m.
                                      Dinner together
                                                                       /08:30 p.m.                            / We make Indian things
                                      / Children's disco with candy    I go out into the dark night with my
                                      floss                            lantern - lantern walk                 / 07:00 p.m.
                                                                                                              Dinner together

                                                                                                              / Short film

                                                                                                              / Indian party
WINKLER IN SUMMER                     /SATURDAY 11.09.      / TUESDAY 14.09.            / THURSDAY 16.09.

                                      / Sports hall         / Waterfalls & Flyline      / Rafting
                                      10:00 a.m.            (€ 12,-)                    (€ 49,-)
                                                            09:00 a.m.                  09:00 a.m.

Weekly courses can be booked
directly at the reception:

Tennis: we are happy to book
you an hour on the tennis court in
Costs: 9,00 Euro court fee
                                      / Lunch               / Lunch                     / Lunch
                                      12:00 p.m.            12:00 p.m.                  12:00 p.m.
Horse riding: Whether
beginner or professional, at the
                                                            / Archery
Purmontes riding stable there is      / Minigolf                                        / / Hight ropes course
                                                            (€ 25,-)
something for everyone who            (€ 14,-)                                          (€ 20,-)
                                                            13:15 p.m.
loves riding.                          13:30 p.m.                                       13:45 p.m.
We will gladly reserve a private
riding lesson or a private ride for                         / WEDNESDA Y 15.09.
you.                                                                                    / FRIDAY 17.09. (FULL
- Private lesson (50 minutes):        /SUNDAY 12.09.        / Riding & Quadtour         DAY EXCURSION)
50,00 Euro                                                  (€25,-)
                                      / Golf trial course   09:30 a.m.                  / E – Bike Tour and fishing at
- Trail ride (walk, trot or gallop,
                                                                                        the Thara sea lounge
for advanced riders, 60 minutes):     10:10 a.m.
50,00 Euro
                                                                                        09:45 a.m.
- Horseback riding (walk, trot or
canter, for advanced riders, 120
minutes): 90,00 Euro                                                                    / Lunch at Thara Seelounge
                                                                                        12:00 p.m.
Quad: for the adventurous, our
in-house quads are at your
                                                                                        / Time to chill at the„Jergina
Time: 20min                                                 / Lunch – Barbecue at the
Price: adults - 45,00 Euro                                  Lanerhof
       Children - 25,00 Euro                                12:00 p.m.
                                      / MONDAY 13.09.
Swimming lessons: For                 / Fixed rope route    / Sports hall
children and adults, swimming         (€20-,)
                                                            14:00 p.m.
lessons and training are offered      09:00 a.m.
directly in the house on request.
Price: 30 min - 30,00 Euro
       50min - 50,00 Euro

                                                            / Lasergame
                                      / Lunch               20:15 p.m.
                                                            (€ 20,-)

                                      / Sports hall
                                      15:30 p.m.
                                                                                                           M A G IC M O M E N TS
                                                                                                           IM W IN K LE R
                                  P FE RD E -                        P AR A G LE IT E N M IT
                                                                                                           Endlich Urlaub, endlich
A N T HO LE R                     K U TS C HE N FA HRT               M A R T IN                            gemeinsame, intensive Zeit.
SEE                               Schlittenfahrt in traumhafter      Die gezuckerten Dolomitengipfel       Und ganz oft die perfekte Bühne,
Gerne besorgen wir Ihnen Ihre     Winterlandschaft, für 2 bis 4      versprühen unglaubliche Ruhe. Aus
                                                                                                           für ein schön verpacktes
Tageszeitung. Einfach an der      Personen inkl. Glühwein oder       der Vogelperspektive betrachtet,      „Ich-liebe-Dich“.
Rezeption Bescheid geben          Tee, Keksen und Kuscheldecke       ist dieser Anblick noch viel
                                  (1 h).                             einnehmender – überzeugen Sie         Zum Beispiel mit einem traumhaft
und sie liegt täglich um
                                  Anmeldung an der Rezeption.        sich selbst davon.                    stimmungsvoll vorbereiteten
ca. 9 Uhr druckfrisch auf Ihrem
                                  € 160,- pro Kutschenfahrt                                                Zimmer, inklusive süßer Über-
                                                                                                           raschung und Flasche Sekt oder
                                                                                                           Champagner. Oder vielleicht mit
FO T O M U S EU M                                                                                          einem schönen Blumenstrauß?

LU M E N                                                                                                   Einfach Bescheid geben,
Gerne besorgen wir Ihnen Ihre                                                                              wir halten auch dicht,
Tageszeitung. Einfach an der                                                                               versprochen!
Rezeption Bescheid geben                                             LA N G L A U FE N
und sie liegt täglich um          IC E IC E , BA B Y !               1.300 Loipenkilometer in 12
ca. 9 Uhr druckfrisch auf Ihrem   Ja, Eislaufen, macht Mega-Spaß     Dolomitenregionen stehen für das
Frühstückstisch!                  und verbrennt an die 500 kcal      Langlaufen in Südtirol.
                                  pro Stunde! Eislaufschuhe gibt’s                                         FIF T Y S HA DE S
                                                                     1 Rundloipe Stefansdorf (Start 50
                                  an der Rezeption, den
                                                                     m vor dem Hotel Winkler)              O F G RE Y
N A T U RP A RK                   Eislaufplatz dazu vis à vis vom
                                                                                                           Eine kleine schwarze Box, die
                                                                     2 Pederü
FA N E S - SE N N ES              Hotel und in Reischach.
                                                                                                           neben Augenmaske, Massageöl,
                                                                     ca. 20 km
Gerne besorgen wir Ihnen Ihre                                                                              Bandage, Massagefeder und der
Tageszeitung. Einfach an der                                         3 Gsieser Talloipe,                   einen oder andere Überraschung
Rezeption Bescheid geben                                             ca. 60 km                             für den Gaumen auch jede
und sie liegt täglich um                                                                                   Menge an vielversprechendem
                                                                     4 Biathlonzentrum Antholz
ca. 9 Uhr druckfrisch auf Ihrem                                                                            Knistern enthält. Na, wie wär’s?
                                                                     ca. 35 km
                                                                     5 Rundloipe Rein in Taufers
                                  R OD E LS PA ß                     ca. 40 km
S T RU D E LK O P F:              Bergauf zu Fuß bergab zu Rodel.
DR E I Z IN N E N B LIC K         Rodeln macht Spaß und steht
Gerne besorgen wir Ihnen Ihre     für ein Wintervergnügen.
Tageszeitung. Einfach an der      1 Moarhofalm
Rezeption Bescheid geben          ca. 10 km                                                                LO V E & FIRE
und sie liegt täglich um
                                  2 Welschellener Alm                                                      Bringen Sie die Augen Ihres
ca. 9 Uhr druckfrisch auf Ihrem
                                  ca. 20 km                          S K I TO U R E N                      Partners zum Funkeln. An einem
                                  3 Mühlbacher Talile,               In der ruhigen Weite des              exklusiven Plätzchen im Freien,
                                  ca. 60 km                          unendlichen weiß, geht es Schritt     romantisch inszeniert, genießen
B I SC HO FS S T A DT                                                für Schritt immer weiter nach oben.   Sie Ihre persönliche Feuerfontäne
                                  4 Plätzwiese
B R IXE N                         ca. 35 km
                                                                     Bergab geht es dann auf den Skiern    mit einer Flasche Prosecco und
Gerne besorgen wir Ihnen Ihre                                        und unbefahrenen Hängen.              einer süßen Überraschung.
Tageszeitung. Einfach an der      5 Drei Schusterhütte                                                     Ideal für einen Heiratsantrag,
                                                                     1 Astjoch (St. Lorenzen)
Rezeption Bescheid geben          ca. 40 km                                                                Geburtstag oder besonderen
                                                                     ca. 10 km
und sie liegt täglich um                                                                                   Anlass.
                                                                     2 Am Joch (Terenten)
ca. 9 Uhr druckfrisch auf Ihrem
                                                                     ca. 20 km
                                                                     3 Henne (Weißenbach)
                                                                     ca. 60 km

                                                                     4 Helltaler Schlechten
                                                                     ca. 35 km

                                                                     5 auf dem Kronplatz
                                                                     ca. 40 km
WINKLER IN SUMMER                      N E W S PA P E R                    YO U R A DV A N T AG ES            W IN K LE R´ S TR IP
                                       We would be happy to get you        W IT H T HE HO LI DA Y             T IP
                                       your daily newspaper. Just let
Weekly courses can be booked
                                       the reception know
                                                                           P AS S PR E M IUM
directly at the reception:                                                                                    LANDART – GUIDED CIRCULAR
                                       and you get it every day
                                                                           Unlimited, year-round use of all   HIKE IN PFALZEN EVERY TUESDAY
                                       about 9 a.m on your breakfast
Tennis: we are happy to book                                               public transport, including the
                                       table!                                                                 Hike in the woods along the
you an hour on the tennis court in                                         regional train, throughout South
Reischach.                                                                                                    Landartparcours in Pfalzen with a
Costs: 9,00 Euro court fee                                                                                    visit and guided tour of the
                                       WINKLER'S PRIVATE                                                      mountain pine oil distillery
                                                                           Numerous discounts at
                                       HAIRSTYLIST                                                            “Bergila” followed by “mountain
Horse riding: Whether                                                      participating partners (shops,
                                       In our hotel's own hairdressing                                        kick” in the hot mountain pine
beginner or professional, at the                                           rentals, restaurants).
                                       salon, you are welcome to book                                         branches.
Purmontes riding stable there is       an appointment at reception on
something for everyone who             Mondays and Wednesdays on           Exclusive participation in the
loves riding.                          request. Washing, blow-drying,      colorful activity program.
                                       or cutting - our hairstylist Lisa                                      Meeting point: Sportcenter
We will gladly reserve a private
                                       will fulfil your every wish.                                           Pfalzen at 14:00 p.m.
riding lesson or a private ride for
you.                                                                                                          No registration required
- Private lesson (50 minutes):
50,00 Euro
                                                                                                              HERBAGE AND “KNEIPP” WALK AT
- Trail ride (walk, trot or gallop,                                        S A Y IT W IT H A
for advanced riders, 60 minutes):                                                                             RISCONE
50,00 Euro
                                                                           FL OW E R
                                                                           Surprise your loved ones with a
- Horseback riding (walk, trot or
                                                                           splendid bouquet of flowers (on    The herbage and Kneipp hike is
canter, for advanced riders, 120
                                                                           advance order).                    easy and guides you through the
minutes): 90,00 Euro                   T HE W IN K LE R                    big 55 €                           surroundings of Reischach. Our
                                                                                                              expert explains you the different
                                       FA M I LY                           small 35 €
                                                                                                              kinds of herbs and how to use
Quad: for the adventurous, our
                                       The Winkler family welcomes                                            them properly. The hike includes
in-house quads are at your
                                       you in the second generation to                                        a Kneipp- bath and the experience
                                       the Winklerhotels. From what                                           of walking barefoot in the forest.
Time: 20min
                                       was once a small guesthouse,
Price: adults - 45,00 Euro
                                       dreamlike luxury hotels have                                           Difficulty: Easy
       Children - 25,00 Euro
                                       emerged in South Tyrol, where
                                       you will be pampered. A well-                                          Duration: 4,5 hours approx.
Swimming lessons: For
                                       thought-out all-round package
children and adults, swimming                                                                                 Altitude difference: 100 m
                                       will make your vacation dreams
lessons and training are offered                                                                              approx.
                                       come true. And one thing is still
directly in the house on request.
                                       the same even after years: the
Price: 30 min - 30,00 Euro                                                                                    Distance: 5 km approx.
                                       family hospitality.
       50min - 50,00 Euro
                                                                                                              To bring: hiking shoes and sticks,
Bike: Our bike guide Arnold will
show you the most beautiful                                                                                   Meeting point: 10.00am
places in the Pustertal.                                                                                      Outdoorcenter Kronplatz
Private Bike Tour
                                       The family Winkler wishes
Price: 2h - 70,00 Euro + bike (35,00
                                         you a nice and relaxing                                              Rest stop: no
                                                                                                              REGISTRATION REQUIRED
S U M M ER IN T HE                  HIGHLIGHT:
                                    W IN K LE R                         IN THE WINKLER
                                    Yes, a bright and beautiful         HOTELS
                                    winter we like to set one more
FR E E W IR E LE S S                on top. That's nice, that you are                                          C OR O N AV IRU S –
                                                                        GO L FIN G IN T H E
In the entire hotel                 at the Winkler!
                                                                        W INK L E RH OT ELS
                                                                                                               C OV I D- 2 01 9
Restaurant and wellness area are                                        The diversified and perfectly          / Basically, in South Tyrol as
phone free zone. Digital detox.                                         prepared Golfclub Val Pusteria is      worldwide: Wash and disinfect
                                                                        one of the most beautiful ones in      your hands frequently, keep a safe
                                                                        South Tyrol and lies only 1 km         distance from people who do not
W IN K LE R’ S                                                          away from the Chalet Purmontes.        belong to your relatives, always
                                                                                                               wear mouth and nose protection
B O N U SC A RD                                                         The course consists of 9-holes – Par
                                                                        34 with 2.800 m, and was               where it is required. Even
A thank you, for our loyal guest:
                                                                        constructed as the first part of a     outdoors, if you cannot keep the
the Winkler Bonuscard. With         O U R RI DIN G                      planned 18- holes golf course.         necessary safety distance of 1
every stay, every service you                                                                                  meter.
enjoy, you collect valuable bonus
                                    S T A B LE
                                                                        Winkler‘s benefits:
points for your 5-star rating or    Whether you’re a beginner or a      - 100 % discount on the greenfee
recommendation, which you can       passionate professional – at our    - complimentary shuttle to the golf
convert into exclusive benefits     hotel with horses in South          course and back to the Winkler
                                    Tyrol, everyone is sure to be       Hotel (on request)
and offers on your next stay. And
that in all Winklerhotels!          satisfied. See for yourself what
Does that sound promising?          awaits you at the Purmontes
It is!                              riding stable:
                                                                                                               /Wearing an chirurgical mask on
                                    Beginners start on the longe. We
                                                                                                               public transport, services to
                                    teach them how to sit correctly,                                           people, for example at
BIK E- S H UT T L E                 how to move when trotting, how                                             hairdressers or in cosmetic
From the hotel directly to the      to hold the reins, and how to                                              studios, is mandatory for people
valley station at Kronplatz and     build trust between horse and       PA R AG L IDING MIT MA R T IN          aged 12 and over.
                                                                        Once you have felt flying, you will
back. Gratis, of course!            rider. In the riding arena,
                                                                        walk forever on earth with your        /The Green Pass is required for
If you want to use it ask at the    beginners learn to ride             eyes directed skywards, because        access to the pools, fitness rooms
reception!                          independently. Advanced riders      that is where you have been and        and indoor wellness facilities
                                    practice the art of subtle cues     that is where you will be drawn
R E NT A B IKE                      and the ability to handle           again and again!
Our very well waited bikes are      different types of horses and can                                          /Testing stations:
available to you to the rental                                          Tandem pilot: Martin
                                    enjoy the beautiful nature                                                 Traumacenter Kronplatz:
company Cool helmets in the                                             „Saunameister „at the Hotel
                                    during a ride.
rental company .                                                        Winkler                                Monday - Friday 08:00 - 18:00
                                                                                                               without appointment.
                                                                        Phone: +39 3479158816
         Mountain bike Fully 25 €   O U R RI DIN G                                                             Costs: € 20,-
                                                                        More information at the reception
                                    O FFE R S IN
        E-MTB Fully 35 €            S U M M ER                                                                 Pharmacy Zieglauer
                                    Longen-Private lesson (20 Min.):
                                                                                                               Only by appointment via the
                                    25,00 Euro
                                                                                                               "Unilife" app
                                    Private lesson (50 Min.):                                                  Cost: € 25-,
                                    50,00 Euro                          Cable car
                                                                        Opening hours:
M O R E W IN K LE R ?               Ride out, for advanced people,
                                    60 Min.):
You are welcome to use our                                              Daily from 09.00 a.m. to 05.00 p.m.
                                    50,00 Euro
wellness facility on the day of
your departure! Free of charge                                          Olang
until 2 p.m., then for € 30 p.p.,                                       Daily from 09:00a.m. to 05.00p.m.
including afternoon snack.
                                                                        Daily from 8:30a.m. to 16:30p.m.

                                                                        Daily from 8:30a.m. to 16:30p.m.
You can also read