Curb Appeal Making A Statement - Christ Lutheran Church of Aurora

Page created by Kyle Black
Curb Appeal Making A Statement - Christ Lutheran Church of Aurora
Christ Lutheran Church of Aurora, Oregon            May 2021 edition

Curb Appeal Making A
Dear Friends in Christ,

It’s time for Karen and I to paint
our house. The decision to paint
is an easy one. The color is
starting to fade a bit. No peeling,
per se, but it has been thirteen
years and the fact that many of
our neighbors have updated their
own places recently makes our
need for refreshing new paint
even more obvious. We need to house is in varying shades of
bring back some curb appeal.        green, so a red door (oxblood is
                                    the name on the can) really
The last paint job was a really
                                    made the whole look come
good one. Multiple coats of paint
                                    together. We both agree it is
were applied, partially because of
                                    time to move on from the green
a miscommunication with our
                                    main body, but having a red
painter over exactly which color
                                    door, in some form, is the one
we had chosen for the main body
                                    thing we have both said “yes” to
and which was for the trim.
                                    this time around.
Three coats on there, the last two
to cover up the mistaken first.     The church where I did my
                                  pastoral internship in the late
As I stated earlier, the decision to
                                  1980’s had a red door. It wasn’t
paint is an easy one. The choos-  always that color. In the early
ing of the color? That’s another  1960’s, when the Denver
story. Back in 2008, the last     congregation was trying to decide
time we painted, it took us weeks if it was going to stay in the city
to agree on a color. Finally, I   neighborhood where it had been
found a picture of a house in Wil-since the turn of the century or
sonville that I liked. I showed itmove out to the suburbs with
to Karen, and she liked it too.   many of its members, painting
Our marriage was saved!           the door red became a symbol of
                                  their recommitment to ministry
One of the decisions that we
                                  where they were. It is now
made in 2008 that we both really
                                  known by neighbors as the
liked was the decision to choose
                                  “church with the red door”.
a red front door. The rest of the               Continued on next page
Curb Appeal Making A Statement - Christ Lutheran Church of Aurora
Curb Appeal
Council Highlights for
March and April                 Many churches choose red front doors for specific rea-
Council Meetings and            sons. The Wittenberg church where Martin Luther nailed
Council Thank You               his ninety-five thesis was red. Some tradition says that
                                a church with a red door is indicative of the presence of
February offering was down
                                the Holy Spirit in that place. In medieval England, the
some, but March was much
                                red door was a symbol of safety. Someone being pur-
better and we ended the
                                sued could find sanctuary in the place because the
month in a good place with
                                church was not necessarily subject to civil authorities.
adequate reserves.
                                Other meanings for red doors through the ages include
A new church office             red being a reminder of the Passover and God’s covenant
computer was purchased          with the Israelites. Red is also a symbol of the sacrificial
and installed.                  blood of Christ, our entry into salvation. Finally, for
Council continues to work       some churches, the painting of a door red is a symbol of
on criteria for reopening the   the mortgage being paid off!
building that will make
doing so safe for as many       In the historical district of Aurora, picking a color is easy.
people as possible. We          White, white, and white! We could probably paint our
have ordered resources for      front doors a different color if we wanted to. But door
learning about becoming a “     color isn’t the only way to make a statement.
hybrid Church”, with both a
modified in person and          I like the statement about ministry that we have been
online presence.                creating at the entrance to our church. When the
We are looking at the possi-    sabbatical taskforce was working together to apply for a
bility of doing a drive up,     Lilly Grant last year, one of the congregational projects
curbside service May 23rd       that came up was to plant a vegetable and flower garden
for Pentecost Sunday. More      out front to symbolize our commitment to feeding the
info to follow.                 hungry and reaching out to our neighborhood. A lot of
Pastor Craig and Kimberly       the mission of our congregation is hidden behind closed
Macklin are the congrega-       doors. By putting in a garden with lots of vegetables for
tional representatives for      sharing, this puts an important aspect of our mission
Synod Assembly April 30         front and center. The task force didn’t wait for the
and May 1st. The Assembly       grant. They got started right away and are adding to the
is online again this year.      project this summer with more raised beds and pavers.
                                Red tomatoes, peppers, and flowers instead of a red
Council “thank you” for
March and April goes to
Michelle and Tom Ripple.
                                Our Sacrament of the Wagon has been a similar sign out
Michelle received the March
“ thank you” for the work       front. Collecting non-perishable food and fresh fruit at
she did helping members         the entrance to our church building. One definition of a
and friends of the congrega-    sacrament is “an outward visible sign of an inward,
tion get registered for         invisible grace.” Like a bright red door, this too is a
vaccinations. Tom got the       statement of what we want to be about as a church. A
April “ thank you" for his      congregation that remembers the hungry and seeks to
work repairing the ceiling in   help meet the needs of the people is a sign of God’s
the church office after the     grace working through them.
pipe leak back in February.
Thank you Ripples!                                                       Continued on next page
Curb Appeal Making A Statement - Christ Lutheran Church of Aurora
Curb Appeal                       Evelyn Carlson Memorial Garden

May 23rd is Pentecost
Sunday, the day the church
commemorates the gift of the
Holy Spirit coming upon the
first believers. “Divided
tongues, as of fire, appeared
among them, and a tongue
rested on each of them. All of
them were filled with the Holy
Spirit and began to speak in
other languages, as the Spirit
gave them ability.”
(Acts 2:3-4)
                                  It is time to garden. Plans are moving ahead for the
                                  Evelyn Carlson Memorial Garden at the front of the church.
Christ Lutheran Church, 122
                                  We have had a generous donation to help pay for the lumber
years young this month, is
                                  for the raised beds. The price of lumber has increased dra-
making a statement about its      matically over the past year, but we have enough to pay for
mission at the entrance to the    the beds. We do not have enough to pay for the stepping
building. Feeding the hungry,     stones that go around the beds. If you would like to help with
reaching out to the communi-      the cost you can send money to the church and mark it for the
ty, alive with the Spirit.        garden.
There is more information
about how to get involved
with the garden project in this   There are other opportunities to help with the garden. You
edition of the newsletter and     can help build the raised beds, or help lay the stepping stones
Sacrament of the Wagon hap-       around the beds. You can help plant bedding plants in the
pens every 1st and 3rd Sun-       open areas, weed the garden, pick produce as it ripens and
day from 10-Noon.                 help distribute it to people who can use it. We also need peo-
                                  ple to co-ordinate the weeding,
                                  harvest and distribution. If you would like to help with any of
We are developing great
                                  these projects please let Lance Lyon know at
“curb appeal” as a church!
                         or 503.502.8203.
Now, if only Karen and I could
choose a color for our house!
                                  We will also have produce that we are growing in the garden
Peace!                            available to members of the congregation and community.
Pastor Craig

                                      Baptized April 25th
                                      We welcome two new children of God to the Body of
                                      Christ through the sacrament of Holy Baptism. Vaughn
                                      Clark Woodard and Calvin Vincent Woodard are the
                                      children of Ashton and Jennifer Woodard and the great-
                                      grandchildren of Gail Woodard were baptized at their
                                      home. Please keep all of the family in your prayers and
                                      take a moment to remember your own baptism with
                                      gratitude for all that God has done.
Curb Appeal Making A Statement - Christ Lutheran Church of Aurora
All 2021 Joyful Servant           Backpack Buddies
Grants Fully Funded!              Update
                                  We’ve had a request for some food donation changes at the
                                  Hubbard site. Here are the foods they are looking for:
The CLC Endowment Board
                                  canned chicken and tuna, canned soup and stew, fresh eggs,
met April 28th to review all of
                                  milk, cheese, butter, peanut butter, jelly and laundry soap.
the Joyful Servant Grant
                                  We will still take fresh apples, oranges or mandarins, and
applications submitted by
                                  canned fruit or vegetables. The AWARE program can now
members this year. The
                                  provide other foods in large quantities so they no long-
purpose of the Joyful Servant
                                  er need these foods: rice, dried beans, bread, breakfast ce-
Grants are to encourage
                                  real, Spam, spaghetti sauce or noodles. We appreciate your
members of the congregation
                                  help with this and thank you for continuing to give so gener-
to think about creative ways
for the congregation and
affiliated ministries to do       Our next Sacrament of the Wagon food collection will be
outreach. The name “Joyful        on Sunday, May 2nd from 10 to 12 noon. We may be in
Servant” comes from a quote       front of the church if the weather cooperates. We will have
from Presbyterian Minister        another collection on May 16th.
Frederick Buechner regarding
                                  Scheduled helpers for May are:
                                  5/5 Dennis Lewis
“The place God calls you to is
                                  5/12 Mary and Kenton Wolfe
the place where your deep
gladness and the world’s deep     5/19 John Ries
hunger meet.”                     5/26 Sasha and Andy Shepherd

 A record number of               Your help is appreciated,
applications were submitted       Marie Gunther and
and it is with great excite-      Carolyn Popma
ment that we announce that
all grant requests this year
will be fully funded! More
detailed information about the
funded projects will be
coming in both your weekly
news and next month’s
Curb Appeal Making A Statement - Christ Lutheran Church of Aurora
In Our Hearts & Prayers
Prayers for            Requested by             Prayers for               Requested by
Bill Evans             Karen Johnson            Marlene Berquist          PC
Brenda Benson          Marie G.                 Maxine Douglass           Joyce C.
Brian Wolfe            Kenton & Mary            Mike Cross                Troy & Gina
Burt & Judi Aus        Judi                     Mike Macklin              Kim Macklin
Colin Brown            Heather W                Norma Brighton            Jim W.
Dexter Walter          Kay                      Pastor Phillip            Heather W
Eric Wechter & girls   PC                       Pastor Russell            Susan Williamson
Frank David            Helen D.                 Popma family              Carolyn Popma
Gary & Kristi Erb      Barb B.                  Raven, Meghann & Chris    Nancy
Jenno Groner           Lance                    Rob Wilburn               Cindy C
Jim Wendell, family of -                        Rochelle                  Marlene B.
JoAnn Caufield         Cindy C                  Samuel Caufield           Cindy C

Joyce Shafer           PC                       Sandy Lyon                Lance

Julie                  Kay Walter (niece)       Scott & Cindy C.          Mary W.

Kay W.                 Mary W.                  Shelley Willem, Pastor    Pastor Craig

Larry Marnella         Ilene Marnella           Shirley Ann Andreason     Ilene Marnella

Laura O                Cindy C                  Shirley Grant             Julie Perilli-Minetti

Laurie Boyce and       PC                       Sky & Shooter             Barb B. & Amy

Linda Bradley          Barb                     Tanya Lawton              Joyce C.

Linda Condon & family Lynn R.                   Traci                     Barb B.

Mankin family          Julie

                           In Loving Memory of Jim Wendell
                           It is with a heavy heart that we announce the
                           passing of longtime member Jim Wendell on April 26th at Meridian Park
                           Hospital. He was hospitalized and after numerous medical procedures,
                           experienced a serious setback. Pastor Craig was allowed into the hos-
                           pital for pastoral care and was able to provide prayers in person before
                           Jim’s passing.

We give thanks for his life, for his friendship, for his sense of humor, and for his service to the
congregation. Any information about
remembrances and future memorial service will be determined at a later date by Jim’s
family. Please remember Jim’s children, (Kim, Amy, Tiffany, Andy, and Wayne) in your

“Rest eternal grant him, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon him.”
Curb Appeal Making A Statement - Christ Lutheran Church of Aurora
Mother’s Day Steak with
                                 Grilled Scallion Salsa Verde
                                 Skirt steak is our favorite choice
                                 when grilling for a crowd for two
                                 reasons: it feeds many and cooks
                                 in a jiffy. We like to pair it with a
                                 sauce with a kick, but for a mild-
                                 er taste, de-seed your chiles be-
                                 fore chopping.

                                 8–10 SERVINGS                           Lucas Snell            5
6 garlic cloves, finely grated                                           Maria Snell            9
¾ cup plus 3 Tbsp. sherry                                                Corwin Ries            11
vinegar or red wine vinegar
                                                                         Charlie Snell          11
3 lb. skirt steak, cut into 5" pieces
                                                                         Irene Pellatz          14
1 Tbsp. plus Kosher salt
2 tsp. sugar                                                             Greg Elliott           15
1¼ cups extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for grill                      Gerry Mitchell         15
2 large bunches scallions (about 30 scallions)
                                                                         Matthew Brown          18
2 Fresno chiles, seeds removed if desired, finely chopped
                                                                         Carolyn Popma          20
Preparation                                                              Meghann Fisher         23
Step 1                                                                   Carter Hendrick        24
Whisk together garlic and ¾ cup vinegar in a large bowl.                 Derek Webb
Season steak all over with 1 Tbsp. salt and 1 Tbsp. sugar;
transfer to marinade and turn to coat. Let sit, turning occa-
sionally, 10–15 minutes.
Step 2
Prepare a grill for medium-high heat; oil grate. Grill scallions
(making sure to arrange them perpendicular across grates so
they don’t fall through), turning occasionally, until charred
and softened, 6–8 minutes. Transfer to a cutting board and let                           26
cool slightly.
                                                                         Dan & Lonnie Harms
Step 3                                                                         16
Grill steaks until charred and an instant-read thermometer in-           Lawson & Charlene Roberts
serted into the thickest part registers 120°, 3–4 minutes per
side for medium-rare. Transfer to cutting board and let rest                  26
10 minutes.
Step 4
Meanwhile, trim roots from scallions and thinly slice. Transfer
to a medium bowl and add chiles and remaining 1¼ cups oil,
3 Tbsp. vinegar, 1 Tbsp. salt, and 2 tsp. sugar and mix well to
combine. Taste and season with more salt if needed.
Step 5
Slice steak against the grain into ¼"-thick strips. Arrange on a
platter and spoon some scallion salsa verde over. Serve addi-
tional salsa verde alongside.
May 2021
      Sunday           Monday             Tuesday            Wednesday               Thursday                   Friday               Saturday


                  2              3                    4                    5                       6                        7                     8
Online Worship                                            Backpack Buddy
10:00 am Sacrament                                        Delivery
of the Wagon                                              7:00 pm Zoom
                                                          Social Hour

                  9             10                   11                    12                     13                        14                   15
Online Worship                                           Backpack Buddy                                  9:00 am Council
11:30 am Mutual                                           Delivery
                  16            17                   18                    19                     20                        21                   22
Online Worship                                            Backpack Buddy
10:00 am Sacrament                                        Delivery
of the Wagon                                              7:00 pm Zoom
                                                          Social Hour

                  23            24                   25                    26                     27                        28                   29
Online Worship                                           Backpack Buddy

                                 Communion During Worship          Sacrament of the Wagon                     Wednesdays
                                May 9 and May23                     First and Third Sunday of the Month        First and Third Wednesday of the Month
                                                                    10 am to Noon
                                                                    May 2 and May 16

                                                             CLC Aurora Connection Hour
                                                             1st and 3rd Wednesdays on Zoom
                                                             We'll meet by Zoom on Wednesday evenings at
                                                             7:00 pm and have a general welcome & sharing of
                                                             news. We look forward to seeing you soon.

                                                             Join Zoom Meeting
                                                             Meeting ID: 842 2701 4413
                                                             Passcode: 860237
                                                             Need help getting started with Zoom?
                                                             Contact Lynn Ries 503-880-8095
Christ Lutheran Church
15029 2nd Street N.E.
Aurora, OR 97002
(503) 678-5135

May 2021
Christ Lutheran Church of Aurora
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