Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy 2022 Submissions Received

Page created by Lawrence Kelly
Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy 2022 Submissions Received
Dangerous and Insanitary
 Buildings Policy 2022

 Submissions Received
Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy

                                                  ID      1                                                                Not Speaking
                                           reference     398041646221914

                                        First name       Bruce
                                        Last name        Dickson



  That the policy be updated to give effect to the Heritage Strategy by :

      ● encouraging adaptive reuse and redevelopment of building to prevent them needing
        to be dealt with under the policy;                                                                      Strongly agree
      ● taking into account the heritage values of a building in determining possible courses
        of action under this policy; and
      ● seeking to avoid demolition wherever possible.

  Minor amendments
  That the following minor amendments be made to:

      ● update the purpose to better reflect the different aspects of the Policy ;                              Strongly agree
      ● improve clarity in the procedures for considering potentially dangerous,     affected or
       insanitary buildings; and
      ● include a definition for “heritage building”.
  Further comments

  The proposed changes to the current policy are sensible adjustments to recognise the importance and value of heritage
  buildings and their potential for conversion to residential accommodation in particular .Not only does this make urban
  environmental sense but the sustainable advantages of adaptive reuse are considerable and calcuable

  Submission method                           Online

16/05/2022                                                                                                                            1
Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy

                                                  ID      2                                                 Not Speaking
                                           reference     925041750223616

                                        First name       ian
                                        Last name        bartlet



  That the policy be updated to give effect to the Heritage Strategy by :

      ● encouraging adaptive reuse and redevelopment of building to prevent them needing
        to be dealt with under the policy;                                                         Strongly agree
      ● taking into account the heritage values of a building in determining possible courses
        of action under this policy; and
      ● seeking to avoid demolition wherever possible.

  Minor amendments
  That the following minor amendments be made to:

      ● update the purpose to better reflect the different aspects of the Policy ;                 Agree
      ● improve clarity in the procedures for considering potentially dangerous,     affected or
       insanitary buildings; and
      ● include a definition for “heritage building”.

  Submission method                           Online

16/05/2022                                                                                                             2
Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy

                                                  ID      3                                                                 Not Speaking
                                           reference     088041117223722

                                        First name       Stephen
                                        Last name        Hormann



  That the policy be updated to give effect to the Heritage Strategy by :

      ● encouraging adaptive reuse and redevelopment of building to prevent them needing
        to be dealt with under the policy;                                                                         Strongly agree
      ● taking into account the heritage values of a building in determining possible courses
        of action under this policy; and
      ● seeking to avoid demolition wherever possible.

  Minor amendments
  That the following minor amendments be made to:

      ● update the purpose to better reflect the different aspects of the Policy ;                                 Strongly agree
      ● improve clarity in the procedures for considering potentially dangerous,     affected or
       insanitary buildings; and
      ● include a definition for “heritage building”.
  Additional Comments on Review of Whanganui District Council Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy 2022.docx

  Further comments

  Concern for the preservation (where reasonably possible) of our heritage buildings as this is an important feature of
  Whanganui's character and part of its lifestyle and tourism appeal.

  Submission method                           Online

16/05/2022                                                                                                                             3
Additional Comments on Review of Whanganui District Council Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings
Policy 2022

Personal submission from Stephen Hormann, 29 Turoa Road, Kowhai Park, Whanganui

In addition to my online form submission on the above policy review (which mainly relates to the
consideration of how to treat heritage buildings), I would like to give the following example of a
dangerous and insanitary building situation and make some comments and suggestions.

My wife and I have been residents and ratepayers in Turoa Road, Kowhai Park/Whanganui East for
over 30 years. We enjoy the generally quiet street and the semi-rural lifestyle that it offers.

A house across the road for us, at the base of a steep hill leading up to the Bastia Hill Water Tower,
was severely damaged by a large landslide in 2015 during the major rainstorm/flood event that
impacted Whanganui. Thankfully, no one was killed or injured by the slip as the house occupants
were away at the time. The house was red-stickered by WDC inspectors. With further slip activity a
potential hazard, the house presumably could not be easily repaired, the section reinstated and the
building reoccupied. The property owner was paid out by her insurance company and she shifted to

Since that time the building has remained derelict and probably in a dangerous and insanitary
condition. The building would be damp and mouldy inside and most likely infested by vermin. The
formerly well-kept gardens are now overgrown. As no repair or reinstatement work has been done
on the property, I assume the red-sticker status remains in place (I am also assuming that significant
engineering and repair work would be required to allow the property to be reoccupied). Other than
some barricades being erected to prevent entry and some vegetation trimming done to keep the
footpath clear, little work has been done by the current owners.

Council may be aware of what the new owner’s intentions are regarding the property but the local
residents are left wondering what may happen or when. The property’s ongoing poor condition
would likely be having some effect on street appeal and local property values. Ideally, we would like
to see the house repaired (if possible) or the building demolished, the section reinstated and (if
allowed by Council) a new house built.

We feel that seven years seems a long time to wait for this matter to be resolved, although
understand that the issue is complex. We appreciate that this concerns private property, however,
Council also needs to recognise that such unresolved matters can negatively affect neighbouring
properties and residents in the local community.

In another situation, while recently walking in the central city between Liverpool and Glasgow
Streets, I observed three neighbouring houses completely overgrown with ivy that looked derelict
and abandoned (at least, I hope, no one was living in them). In the same area, I have often spotted
other derelict buildings and some empty sections that looked abandoned. In a time when
Whanganui is experiencing a housing crisis, these properties should really be re-developed to allow
for the provision of better standard housing.

Due to the above serious housing situation and the likely impacts of accelerating climate change
(with more severe weather events such as storms and floods predicted), I would like to submit that
Council give consideration to ways that it could encourage or require property owners of derelict
buildings to resolve/reinstate them within a reasonable time period. This could involve perhaps an
extra charge on rates or fine if suitable progress is not being made. It is not responsible or fair on the
community if buildings are just left in a dangerous or insanitary state nor is it the most effective use
of available land within the city area. If rates remain unpaid or the owners cannot be contacted (i.e.
they are effectively abandoned), the Council should have the power to seize the properties and sell
them for redevelopment.

Thank you for your consideration of my submission.

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Hormann

22 April 2022
Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy

                                                  ID      4                                                 Not Speaking
                                           reference     756041537221328

                                        First name       Dean
                                        Last name        Raymond

                                      Organisation       Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga


  That the policy be updated to give effect to the Heritage Strategy by :

      ● encouraging adaptive reuse and redevelopment of building to prevent them needing
        to be dealt with under the policy;                                                         Strongly agree
      ● taking into account the heritage values of a building in determining possible courses
        of action under this policy; and
      ● seeking to avoid demolition wherever possible.

  Minor amendments
  That the following minor amendments be made to:

      ● update the purpose to better reflect the different aspects of the Policy ;                 Strongly agree
      ● improve clarity in the procedures for considering potentially dangerous,     affected or
       insanitary buildings; and
      ● include a definition for “heritage building”.
  HNZPT Submission on Whanganui Dangerous and insanitary buildings policy.pdf

  Further comments

  Refer to attached letter

  Submission method                           Email

16/05/2022                                                                                                             4
Tairangahia a tua whakarere;
                                                                                                 Tatakihia nga reanga o amuri ake nei
                                                                                               Honouring the past; Inspiring the future

         28 April 2022                                                                                  File reference: 33003-081

         Whanganui District Council
         101 Guyton Street
         Whanganui 4500


                                           Review of Dangerous and Insanitary Building Policy

         To:                            Whanganui District Council

         Name of Submitter:             Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga

         1.        Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga (HNZPT) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on
                   the review of the of the Dangerous and Insanitary Building Policy.
         2.        This letter is supplementary to the completed submission form, and provides further comments on
                   our submission.
         3.        HNZPT strongly agrees with the three main points listed in the Key Issues section of the submission
                   form. The reason for our agreement with these points is that the reviewed policy appropriately
                   aligns with the Council’s Heritage Strategy and takes into account the special circumstances of
                   heritage buildings.
         4.        HNZPT is supportive of Section 8.2 of the policy (Application of the policy to heritage buildings). This
                   section includes a are comprehensive and appropriate list of matters that Council will take account
                   of in dealing with any heritage building under the policy.
         5.        HNZPT is also supportive of other sections of the policy where heritage matters are mentioned.
                   These sections include the following:
               •    Purpose of the Policy - Section 4.1(c)
               •    Section 7 – working with other agencies
               •    Related legislation – Section 10

         6.        In several places (clauses 9.4(e) and 9.7.4) the policy refers to ‘scheduled heritage buildings’. The
                   policy would be more encompassing if the word ‘scheduled’ was deleted, so that the clauses refer

(64 4) 494 8320        Central Regional Office, Level 1, 71 Boulcott Street   PO Box 2629, Wellington 6140      heritage.org.nz
to all heritage buildings, as defined in the policy, and not just places included in the District Plan
         7.       HNZPT is supportive of the definition of heritage building in the policy. The definition is
                  appropriately broad and encompasses the New Zealand Heritage List / Rārangi Kōrero, the District
                  Plan schedule, and the Old Town Heritage Overlay.
         8.       Apart from the minor amendments suggested in paragraph 6 above Heritage New Zealand Pouhere
                  Taonga is fully supportive of the revised policy.

         Thank you again for the opportunity to provide feedback on the Policy review. Please contact us at this
         office if you would like any further discussion or clarification of our submission.

         Yours sincerely

         Dean Raymond
         Kaiwhakahaere ā Takiwā (Area Manager)

         Te Takiwā o Te Pūtahi a Māui

(64 4) 494 8320       Central Regional Office, Level 1, 71 Boulcott Street   PO Box 2629, Wellington 6140   heritage.org.nz
Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy

                                                  ID      5                                                                 Not Speaking
                                           reference     961050839223403

                                        First name       Carol
                                        Last name        waldman



  That the policy be updated to give effect to the Heritage Strategy by :

      ● encouraging adaptive reuse and redevelopment of building to prevent them needing
        to be dealt with under the policy;                                                                        Strongly agree
      ● taking into account the heritage values of a building in determining possible courses
        of action under this policy; and
      ● seeking to avoid demolition wherever possible.

  Minor amendments
  That the following minor amendments be made to:

      ● update the purpose to better reflect the different aspects of the Policy ;                                Agree
      ● improve clarity in the procedures for considering potentially dangerous,     affected or
       insanitary buildings; and
      ● include a definition for “heritage building”.
  Further comments

  I would like the council to support owners of heritage buildings to be able to maintain them and use them without excessive
  costs. If a building does need to be demolished all efforts should be made to recycle and reuse as much as possible of the
  old building.

  Submission method                           Online

16/05/2022                                                                                                                             5
Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy

                                                  ID      6                                                 Not Speaking
                                           reference     742051109225009

                                        First name       Brian
                                        Last name        Milham



  That the policy be updated to give effect to the Heritage Strategy by :

      ● encouraging adaptive reuse and redevelopment of building to prevent them needing
        to be dealt with under the policy;                                                         Strongly agree
      ● taking into account the heritage values of a building in determining possible courses
        of action under this policy; and
      ● seeking to avoid demolition wherever possible.

  Minor amendments
  That the following minor amendments be made to:

      ● update the purpose to better reflect the different aspects of the Policy ;                 Strongly agree
      ● improve clarity in the procedures for considering potentially dangerous,     affected or
       insanitary buildings; and
      ● include a definition for “heritage building”.
  Further comments

  N/A . Proposed amendments must be done.

  Submission method                           Online

16/05/2022                                                                                                             6
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