Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc - Summerville Alumnae Chapter Policies and Procedures

Page created by Chad Gibson
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
 Summerville Alumnae Chapter
     Policies and Procedures
             Chapter #784

             P.O. Box 1962
    Summerville, South Carolina 29484
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
                                                                Summerville Alumnae Chapter
                                                                Rules of Order/Policies & Procedures

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................6

ARTICLE I: CHAPTER INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................7
  Section 1: Name/Location/Number ................................................................................................................7
  Section 2: Service Area ..................................................................................................................................7
  Section 3: Contact Information ......................................................................................................................7

  Section 1: Executive Committee .....................................................................................................................7
  Section 2: Executive Board .............................................................................................................................7
  Section 3: Committees ....................................................................................................................................8
          A. Standing ...........................................................................................................................................8
          B. Special ......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
          C. Ad Hoc ......................................................................................................................................................................... 8

ARTICLE III: ELECTED OFFICERS AND OTHER LEADERSHIP POSITIONS ....................................................8
   Section 1: Duties and Responsibilities of Elected Officers .........................................................................8
          A. President ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
          B. First Vice President .................................................................................................................................................. 9
          C. Second Vice President ............................................................................................................................................ 9
          D. Recording Secretary ................................................................................................................................................ 9
          E. Corresponding Secretary ..................................................................................................................................... 10
          F. Financial Secretary ............................................................................................................................................... 10
          G. Treasurer ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
          H. Assistant Financial Secretary …………………………………………………………………………… 12
          I. Assistant Treasurer ………………………………………………………………………………………. 12
  Section 2: Duties and Responsibilities of Appointed Positions ................................................................11
          A. Parliamentarian ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
          B. Chaplain ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
          C. Sergeant-At-Arms ...........................................................................................................................12
          D. Assistant Sergeant-At-Arms ............................................................................................................12
          E. Journalist.................................................................................................................................................................. 12
          F. Internal Audit Committee Members .................................................................................................................. 13
          G. Risk Management Coordinator .......................................................................................................................... 13
          H. Committee Chairs .................................................................................................................................................. 13
  Section 3: Duties and Responsibilities of Elected Positions .....................................................................13
          A. Chair and Members of the Nominating Committee .........................................................................13
          B. Internal Audit Chair ............................................................................................................................................... 14
          C. Minerva Circle .................................................................................................................................14

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Section 4: Term of Office ..............................................................................................................................14
            A. Limits of Office ................................................................................................................................15
            B. Appointments .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
     Section 5: Impeachment ................................................................................................................................15
            A. Impeachment Process ....................................................................................................................15
     Section 6: Filling Vacancies ..........................................................................................................................15
            A. Chapter Officers ..............................................................................................................................15
            B. Other Positions ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
            C. Minerva Circle .................................................................................................................................15
            D. Full term served .............................................................................................................................16

   Section 1: Standing Committees ..................................................................................................................16
        A. Executive Committee ..........................................................................................................................16
        B. Executive Board ..................................................................................................................................16
        C. Arts and Letters ...................................................................................................................................16
        D. Budget and Finance ............................................................................................................................16
        E. Communications..................................................................................................................................17
        F. Community Action ...............................................................................................................................17
        G. Courtesy and Hospitality .....................................................................................................................17
           1. Chapter Gifts and Courtesies – Chapter members ........................................................................17
           2. Visiting Sorors for Special Occasions ............................................................................................................ 18
           3. Other Considerations .......................................................................................................................................... 18
        H. Heritage and Archives .........................................................................................................................19
        I. Internal Audit .......................................................................................................................................19
        J. Media Relations...................................................................................................................................20
        K. Membership ........................................................................................................................................20
        L. Nominating ..........................................................................................................................................20
        M. Pan-Hellenic .......................................................................................................................................20
        N. Policies and Procedures ......................................................................................................................20
        O. Program Planning and Development ...................................................................................................21
           1. Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy ................................................................................................21
           2. Delta G.E.M.S. (Growing and Empowering Myself Successfully) .................................................21
           3. E.M.O.D.I. ....................................................................................................................................21
        P. Social Action .......................................................................................................................................21
   Section 2: Special Committees .....................................................................................................................21
        A. Cotillion or Jabberwock .......................................................................................................................21
        B. Elections Chair and Committee Members ...........................................................................................22
        C. Founders Day ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 22
        D. Minerva Circle .....................................................................................................................................22
           1. Leader ...........................................................................................................................................22
           2. Minerva Circle Members ...............................................................................................................22
        C. Step Show Committee .........................................................................................................................22
        D. Cotillion/Jabberwock …………………………………………………………………………………………. 22
Section 3: Ad-Hoc Committees...........................................................................................................................23

ARTICLE V: MEETINGS ......................................................................................................................................23

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Section 1:       Executive Committee Meetings ..................................................................................................23
     Section 2:       Executive Board Meetings ..........................................................................................................23
     Section 3:       Chapter Business Meetings ........................................................................................................23
     Section 4:       Committee Meetings ....................................................................................................................23
     Section 5:       Call Meetings ................................................................................................................................23
     Section 6:       Notifications .................................................................................................................................23
     Section 7:       Chapter Meeting Business Attire ................................................................................................23
     Section 8:       Electronic Meetings and Communications ................................................................................23

ARTICLE VI: QUORUM .......................................................................................................................................24
  Section 1: Definition ......................................................................................................................................24
  Section 2: Executive Board Meetings ..........................................................................................................24
  Section 3: Chapter Business Meetings ........................................................................................................24
  Section 4: Committee Meetings ....................................................................................................................24

ARTICLE VII: RECORD RETENTION AND DESTRUCTION POLICY ..............................................................24

ARTICLE VIII: FISCAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES .....................................................................................25
  Section 1: National and Local Dues .............................................................................................................25
      A. National Dues ......................................................................................................................................26
      B. Local Chapter Dues.............................................................................................................................26
  Section 2: Collegiate Sorors .........................................................................................................................26
  Section 3: Unconsumed Dues ......................................................................................................................26
  Section 4: Transfer of Dues ..........................................................................................................................26
  Section 5: Travel Policy .................................................................................................................................27
  Section 6: Purchase Order/Reimbursement Expense Voucher Procedures .............................................27
  Section 7: Method of Payment ......................................................................................................................27
  Section 8: Unconsumed Funds: Year End Reconciliation .........................................................................28
  Section 9: Insufficient Funds or Returned Check Policy ............................................................................28
  Section 10: Fundraising ................................................................................................................................28
  Section 11: Budgeting ..................................................................................................................................28
  Section 12: Additional Fiscal Policies and Procedures ...............................................................................28

ARTICLE IX: NOMINATIONS, ELECTIONS AND VOTING PROCESSES ..........................................................29
  Section 1: Eligibility Criteria for Holding Office ..........................................................................................29
  Section 2: Nominations .................................................................................................................................29
  Section 3: Campaigning ................................................................................................................................31
  Section 4: Elections .......................................................................................................................................31
  Section 5: General Voting Processes...........................................................................................................32
  Section 6: Election Reporting ......................................................................................................................32

ARTICLE X: SPECIAL ELECTIONS ....................................................................................................................33
  Section 1: Minerva Circle ..............................................................................................................................33
  Section 2: Other .............................................................................................................................................33

ARTICLE XI: INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS ......................................................................................................33
  Section 1: Guidelines for Installation of Officers ........................................................................................33

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ARTICLE XII: TRANSITION OF OFFICERS .........................................................................................................33
  Section 1: Procedures for Conducting Transition ......................................................................................33

ARTICLE XIII: MEMBERSHIP INTAKE ................................................................................................................34
  Section 1: Membership Intake Process ........................................................................................................34
  Section 2: Minerva Circle ..............................................................................................................................34

ARTICLE XIV: CHAPTER REPRESENTATION ....................................................................................................34
  Section 1: Voting and Alternate Delegate ....................................................................................................34
      A. Regional Conference and National Convention .................................................................................................. 34
      B. State and Local Chapter Representation ............................................................................................................. 35
      C. Order of Succession ................................................................................................................................................... 35
      D. Incoming Chapter Officers ........................................................................................................................................ 35
  Section 2: Reimbursement ............................................................................................................................35

ARTICLE XV: MEMBERSHIP VERIFICATION PROCEDURES ............................................................................35
  Section 1: Immediate Verification .................................................................................................................35
  Section 2: Follow up Verification ..................................................................................................................35

ARTICLE XVI: INTERNET AND EMAIL POLICIES ...............................................................................................36
  Section 1: Internet Policies and Procedures ..............................................................................................36
  Section 2: Chapter Emails Accounts ...........................................................................................................36

ARTICLE XVII: AMENDMENTS FOR POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ................................................................37
  Section 1: Process to amend Chapter Policies and Procedures ...............................................................37

ARTICLE XVII: PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY ..................................................................................................38
  Section 1: Governing Documents.................................................................................................................32
  Section 2: Administrative Resources and Tools .........................................................................................32

ATTACHMENTS: ALL FORMS USED BY THE CHAPTER must be given to chapter members.
     Chapter Rules of Order Form
     Scholarship Application
     SAC Disbursement Voucher
     DST SAC ERT Card

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Summerville Alumnae Chapter – Policies and Procedures: Last Revised 6/30/2018   5
The Policies and Procedures for the Summerville Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (Herein
referred to as the chapter) shall be in accordance with the National Constitution and by-laws wherever applicable to
Alumnae Chapters except those identified herein. All chapters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. are governed by
the Constitution and Bylaws.

Each chapter develops its unique Rules of Order and Policies and Procedures that officially disseminates the rules
of conduct or procedures of members. These policies and procedures are specific to the Summerville Alumnae
Chapter and they describe the manner in which our chapter operates. Chapter Policies and Procedures include
areas not covered by the Constitution and Bylaws. They attempt to solve problems, make wise decisions and
maintain control to manage chapter affairs.

It is important to note that a “policy” states what must be done. A “procedure” describes how, when, and by
whom something is to be done.”

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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
                                        Summerville Alumnae Chapter
                                      CHAPTER POLICIES AND PROCEDURES

Section 1: Name/Location/Number
   A. The chapter shall be called the Summerville Alumnae Chapter
   B. The chapter shall be located in the state of South Carolina
   C. The Summerville Alumnae Chapter is assigned to the South Atlantic Region of the Sorority
   D. The chapter number is 784

Section 2: Service Area
   A. The Summerville Alumnae Chapter serves the City of Summerville and the County of Dorchester.

Section 3: Contact Information
   A. Mailing address: P.O. Box 1962 Summerville, South Carolina 29484
   C. Email address:

The ruling authority of the chapter will be the Grand Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Locally the
chapter will be governed by elected and appointed officers and other leadership positions.

Section 1: Executive Committee
   A. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the following officers: President, Vice President, Recording
       Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Financial Secretary, Assistant Financial Secretary, Treasurer,
       Assistant Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, Chaplain, and Parliamentarian
   B. The President shall serve as chairperson of the committee
   C. The President shall develop the agenda and the Recording Secretary shall prepare the agenda for the
       Executive Committee
   D. Shall meet at the call of the President or at the request of a majority of Executive Committee members.
   E. Shall represent and respond on behalf of the Chapter in emergencies when it is not feasible to present at
       either Executive Board or Chapter meetings
   F. Shall not supersede Executive Board decisions and shall be subject to ratification of/by chapter’s
       Executive Board.

Section 2: Executive Board
   A. Is composed of all elected and appointed officers as well as elected positions, and chairpersons of
       standing committees of the chapter
   B. The President shall chair the board and prepare the agenda.
   C. Is responsible for general management of chapter affairs between business meetings

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D. Shall hear and thoroughly discuss reports made by committee chairs and make recommendations for
      action to the body on said reports.
   E. Reviews proposed amendments to be recommended for revisions for Chapter Rules of Order and Policies
      & Procedures to the body for action
   F. Shall take the initiative in looking for and presenting to the chapter ideas for program development

   A. Standing
       1. Performs a continuing task related to chapter operation and remains in existence throughout the
           sorority year
       2. The Standing Committees of the chapter are
               a. Arts and Letters
               b. Benevolence
               c. Budget/Finance
               d. Delta Academy/GEMS/EMBODI
               e. Delta Emergency Response Team
               f. Fundraising
               g. Heritage and Archives
               h. Internal Audit
               i. Membership Services
               j. Nominating
               k. Policies and Procedures
               l. Political/Social Actions
               m. Program Planning and Development
               n. Protocol
               o. Public Service
               p. Risk Management
               q. Ritual and Ceremonies
               r. Scholarship
               s. Technology

   B. Special
      1. These committees are established by the President to focus on a specific area or project as needed.
         Such committees would only be established when a standing or appointed committee could not execute
         the needed duties
      2. When the task is done, the committee’s business is considered complete and the committee is dismissed
                    a. The Special Committees of the chapter are: Founders Day
                    b. Jabberwock
                    c. May Week

   C. Ad Hoc
      1. Ad-hoc committees are “one-time only” committees, appointed by the President for special assignments.
      2. When the task is done, the committee’s business is considered complete and the committee is

Section 1: Duties and Responsibilities of Elected Officers

 Summerville Alumnae Chapter – Policies and Procedures: Last Revised 6/30/2018                              8

       1. Provides leadership and gives administrative guidance and direction to the structure and programming
           of the chapter
       2. The President or her designee shall speak on behalf of the chapter in all matters written or verbal and
           officially represents the chapter
       3. Serves as chapter Voting Delegate for National Convention and Regional Conference; reports Grand
           Chapter updates back to the body at the September meeting
       4. Oversees Chapter Operations
       5. Oversees and adheres to the responsibilities of the President in the newly revised Fiscal Officers Manual
       6. Leads ritualistic services and ceremonies
       7. Appoints positions, committee chairs and members according to “Filling Vacancies” (Section 7)
       8. Assures corporate accountability reports are completed and submitted, and that chapter compliance is
           met by established deadlines
       9. Reviews and approves all chapter communications, publications, etc.
       10. Submits a copy of correspondence (National Headquarters, Regional, State, and Local) to appropriate
       11. Serves as chair of Executive Committee (EC) and Executive Board (EB)
       12. Negotiate and signs all contracts for the chapter
       13. Conducts an effective transition meeting involving incoming and outgoing elected officers, elected
           committee chairs and members
       14. Ensures the chapter operates under an approved budget
       15. Ensures internal/external audits are completed
       16. Is one of three persons authorized to sign all Purchase Order’s (PO’s), reimbursement Vouchers and
           checks, except her own
       17. Serves as member of the Budget and Finance Committee
       18. Serves as ex officio member of all chapter committees, except the Elections Committee, Nominating
           Committee and Internal Audit Committee.
       19. Serves as a member of the Minerva Circle by virtue of position
       20. Signs and ensures that all Fiscal Officers have signed the Acceptance of Fiduciary Responsibility Form
           and keeps them for as long as they are in that office and she is President
       21. Votes only in matters of secret ballot and/or to break a tie vote
       22. Decides all questions of order
       23. It shall be the duty of each chapter officer to attend all Executive Board and chapter meetings.

  B. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT (hereafter referred to as “Vice President”)

       1. Performs all duties of the office of President at the request of, in the absence of, or upon the resignation
          or incapacitation of the President
       2. Serves as Alternate Delegate to National Convention and Regional Conference; reports Grand Chapter
          updates back to the body at the September business meeting in conjunction with the Chapter President
       3. Serves as Chair of Membership Services Committee, which coordinates all membership activities as
          mandated by the National Membership Services Committee
       4. Verifies membership of new sorors entering the Chapter
       5. Records and acknowledges 25 and 50 years membership in Delta Sigma Theta
       6. Coordinates intake activities by serving as Leader of Minerva Circle

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7. Makes a special effort to see that the Chapter gives attention to the best means for integrating newly
           graduated sorors into the Chapter programs and procedures
       8. Maintains a list of non-financial sorors for the purpose of reclamation
       9. Assists the President in appointing appropriate committee chairpersons
       10. Serves as member of Executive Committee, and Budget/Finance Committee


       1. Performs specified duties in absence of the Vice President and at request of the President
       2. Serves as Chair of Program Planning and Development Committee, which coordinates service projects
          and all program committees, including National Initiatives.
       3. Serves as the Chair of Risk Management.
       4. Assists the President in appointing appropriate committee chairpersons
       5. Coordinates other activities as deemed necessary by the President


       1. Records accurate minutes of all chapter business meetings, Executive Board, special and called
       2. Ensures minutes of previous Executive Board or Chapter meeting are presented to the President within
          two weeks following the meeting
       3. Distributes copies of previous minutes to members at current Executive Board, Chapter Meeting or if
          applicable posted in the Members Only section of the chapter website
       4. Responsible for accurate records of attendance at chapter and Executive Board meetings
       5. Records all chapter votes
       6. Forwards minutes to Corresponding Secretary so minutes can be mailed to Sorors not online
       7. Obtains, maintains and secures all minutes in a permanent media of record
       8. Adheres to document retention policies


       1.   Assists the President with the official correspondence of the Chapter
       2.   Reads correspondences to membership
       3.   Sends meeting notices to membership
       4.   Picks up the mail weekly from chapter’s post office box and makes President aware of all incoming
       5.   Advises chapter President of all correspondence received before distributing to chapter officers and
            committee chairs
       6.   Distributes committee correspondence to appropriate Chair or designee
       7.   Provides a log of National, Regional, State and Local correspondence at Executive Board meetings and
            to members at business meetings
       8.   Sends written notice via United States Postal Service (USPS) or Electronic Mail at least ten (10) days
            prior to: the election of chapter officers; election of committee chairs and members; vote to proceed or
            not to proceed with membership intake; and voting on the acceptance of applicants into the sorority
       9.   Responsible for obtaining, maintaining and securing all yearly correspondence in a permanent file/folder


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1.  Adheres to responsibilities of the Financial Secretary role in the Fiscal Officers Manual
       2.  Receives, issues receipts for and keeps records of all income and related funds to the Chapter
       3.  Issues receipts for income upon receiving funds
       4.  Distributes within 30 business days all receipts for funds collected
       5.  Turns all money over to the Treasurer to ensure the two business day deposit requirement
       6.  Signs checks only when reimbursement is for other fiscal officers or when specifically requested by the
       7. Assists Treasurer in the preparation of Grand Chapter dues payments and annual financial report
       8. Notifies Corresponding Secretary and President to alert members via chapter correspondence regarding
           the amount and deadline of chapter dues; the amount of regional conference and convention fees and
       9. Serves as member of Budget and Finance Committee
       10. Serves as a member of the Minerva Circle
       11. Transacts all business in Executive Board or, sorority meetings (including writing checks), or special
           business meetings at the request of the President
       12. Maintains an accurate list of financial members and distributes to members as part of the financial report
           of all income received
       13. Attends financial workshops at least once a year
       14. Signs and submits the Acceptance of Fiduciary Responsibility Form
       15. Reads and be familiar with the newly revised Fiscal Officer’s Manual for related financial roles and
       16. It shall be the duty of each chapter officer to attend all Executive Board and chapter meetings.


       1. Shall keep the official financial records of the Chapter.
       2. Make disbursements on written authorizations as outlined in the Chapter’s Policies and Procedures
           (usually from the President and Committee Chair)
       3. Keep actual records of income, disbursement and summary ledgers on a monthly basis
       4. Shall deposit income received by the financial secretary within two business days.
       5. Prepares a written and verbal report for presentation to chapter members of the written bank
           reconciliation at each monthly Executive Board and Chapter meeting. This report will reflect an exact
           statement of income, disbursements and summary ledger on a monthly basis.
       6. Completes the Annual Financial Report/Federal Group Authorization Return (by due date)
       7. Ensures Chapter’s books and records are audited in accordance with current internal audit guidelines
       8. Serves as Chair for the Budget and Finance Committee
       9. Signs all checks except those made out to her.
       10. Use a voucher system for the disbursements of funds
       11. Submits funds to Grand Chapter within thirty days of receipt.
       12. Submits the annual operating budget for ensuing fiscal year (prepared budget/finance committee)
           prepared by (budget/finance committee) to the chapter for approval by May of each sorority year.
       13. Monitors expenditures of the chapter budget.
       14. Attends financial workshops at least once a year.
       15. Remits all National and Regional Corporate Fees and Insurance fees to Grand Chapter.
       16. Signs the Acceptance of Fiduciary Responsibility Form
       17. Reads and is familiar with the Fiscal Officers Manual and Chapter’s Financial Policies and Procedures.

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18. It shall be the duty of each chapter officer to attend all Executive Board and chapter meetings.

      1. Assist the financial Secretary with collecting income and issuing receipts for income and assist chapter
         committees with the collections of funds for events
      2. Performs the duties of the Financial Secretary in her absence; with the exception of signing checks and
         serving as a member of the Minerva Circle
      3. Reconciles and distribute member stickers
      4. Completes the appropriate forms for notification of transfer affiliations
      5. Signs Acceptance of Fiduciary Responsibility Form
      6. Attends financial workshops
      7. Reads and be familiar with the newly revised Fiscal Officer’s Manual and Chapter’s financial policies and
      8. It shall be the duty of each chapter officer to attend all Executive Board and chapter meetings.

            1. Serve as a member of the budget and finance committee
            2. Assists Treasurer with all duties except signing checks, depositing funds and entering information
               in the red zone and managing account ledgers
            3. Attends financial workshops
            4. Signs Acceptance of Fiduciary Responsibility Form
            5. It shall be the duty of each chapter officer to attend all Executive Board and chapter meetings.

Section 2: Duties and Responsibilities of Appointed Positions

   A. Parliamentarian:
      1. Advises, upon request of the Chapter President, other officers, committees and member on matters of
         parliamentary procedures according to Grand Chapter’s Constitution and By-Laws, the chapter’s Policies
         and Procedures, and Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised
      2. Serves as member of the Policies & Procedure committee

   B. Chaplain:
      1. Sets the spiritual tone of the meeting when so requested
      2. Serves in this capacity at other gatherings at the request of the President
      3. Fulfills the role outlined in the Ritual for chapter meetings and ceremonies
      4. Participates in Omega Omega services
      5. Must keep accurate record of deceased members of the chapters

   C. Sergeant-At-Arms:

        1. Fulfills the role as outlined in the Ritual for chapter meetings and ceremonies
        2. Assists in preserving order on the floor or the meeting hall as the chair may direct
        3. Supervises admittance of all persons to chapter meetings
        4. Guards against intrusion
        5. Keeps records of all visiting sorors and submit the same to the recording secretary for the roll call of the
        6. Assists with counting of votes when necessary

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7. Handles certain physical arrangements in the hall
       8. Serves as member of the Policies and Procedures Committee to facilitate cohesiveness in Chapter

  D. Assistant Sergeant-At-Arms:

       1. Assist the Sergeant-At-Arms in her role as described in Article III, Section 2(C), except being a member
          of the Policies and Procedures Committee

  E. Journalist:
     1. Collects and disseminates timely information to the general public regarding the Chapter's community
        service and related activities that may be of interest to the public.
     2. Advises the Executive Board on matters pertaining to strengthening public relations in the community.
     3. Serves as chair of the Media Relations Committee, if appropriate.

  F. Internal Audit Committee Members:

       The committee shall consist of 2 members appointed by the President

  G. Risk Management Coordinator:

       1. Designated as the Vice President
       2. Works with President and Committees to conduct Risk Management training for chapter members and
            volunteers when appropriate.
       3.   Identifies, obtains background checks and selects volunteers to work with participants of chapter youth
            programs when needed.
       4.   Monitors youth program activities to ensure planning is based on the four forms of Risk Management;
            reputation, emotional/psychological, financial and physical
       5.   Ensures youth program activities consistently demonstrate the best interest of participating youth and
       6.   Ensures that Summerville Alumnae adheres to policies established in the Risk Management Manual

  H. Committee Chairs:

       1.  Works with the committee to carry out the programs of the Sorority’s Five Point Programmatic Thrust
       2.  Facilitates and coordinates tasks to get the committee’s work accomplished
       3.  Submits a budget by the April business meeting for the following year
       4.  Prepares written committee report summaries and presents to the Executive Board in order for the
           committee to be placed on the agenda for chapter meeting
       5. Approves only budgeted committee expenses
       6. Signs all committed POs/Reimbursement Vouchers before forwarding to the President for signature,
           prior to any funds disbursements
       7. Ensures President signs all contracts and letters to external parties
       8. Advises the Treasurer of all vendor’s payment requirements and time tables
       9. Secures/obtains general liability insurance for all programs or events attended by individuals that are not
           members of the chapter
       10. Submits all signed vouchers with receipts at Executive Board, Chapter meetings or specially called
           meetings designated by the President.

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11. Reconciles budget expenses before signing a committee member’s PO/Reimbursement Voucher
        12. When applicable, ensures POs are processed prior to deadlines included with the PO

Section 3: Duties and Responsibilities of Elected Positions

   A. Chair and members of the Nominating Committee
      1. The committee will consist of one (1) Chairperson and four (4) members of the chapter. Members of the
          Nominating Committee will be elected during scheduled chapter elections by a majority vote of the
          members present and voting
      2. Each Chapter Cluster Area will have at least one representative on the Nominating Committee
      3. Chapter Clusters shall be defined as Summerville, Ladson/Goose Creek, Charleston/North Charleston,
          and Upper Dorchester County
      4. The committee will solicit and receive nominations from chapter members for all elected officers and
          positions, including the Minerva Circle (at the appropriate time) in order to create a slate of candidates
      5. Provide to members timely notice of vacancies, requirements, and timeliness.
      6. Distribute to executive board by the March meeting prior to voting at the April meeting the names of
          candidates to be presented for consideration by the Chapter.
      7. Report their nominations to the Chapter at the March meeting prior to voting at the April meeting.
      8. The committee members shall consider the specific discussions related to potential nominees to be
      9. Committee members are prohibited from disclosing potential and final nominees to the membership
          except at the appropriate time.
      10. The committee will develop a calendar of all nominating process activities.
      11. The Chair and the members of the Nominating Committee shall serve only one (1) term and shall not be
          a candidate for any elective office while serving on the Nominating Committee
      12. A member of the nominating who wishes to resign her position in order to run for office must do so in
          writing prior to the first Executive Board Meeting of the year in which an election occurs. Resignation
          must be submitted to the Chapter President.

   B. Internal Audit Chair
      1. The Chair will be elected during the chapter election of officers.
      2. The remaining two members shall be appointed with the approval of the Executive Board.
      3. The chair and members shall serve one term and shall not be eligible for re-election or re-appointment
          to the same position on the committee.
      4. Conducts an internal audit of the chapter records quarterly and provide a report of any weaknesses to
          the chapter
      5. Nominates an independent auditor

   C. Minerva Circle
      1. The duties and responsibilities of the Minerva Circle are detailed in the Membership Intake Program.
      2. Members are eligible to serve on this committee, according to the criteria established in the
         Administrative Procedures for Membership Intake and are required to adhere to the following:
         a) Plans, coordinates and facilitates the intake process of new members for the chapter.
         b) Responsible for carrying out the duties as described in the Membership Intake Program of Delta
            Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
         c) Follow all procedures as outlined in the Administrative Procedures for Membership Intake

   Section 4: Term of Office

 Summerville Alumnae Chapter – Policies and Procedures: Last Revised 6/30/2018                                 14
A. Limits of Office
     1. Elected Chapter officers, elected chairs and positions shall be elected every two (2) years.
     2. Internal Audit Chair, Nominating Committee Chair and Nominating Committee members can only serve
        one (1) term.
     3. Chapter officers shall not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.
     4. One term equals two (2) years.
     5. No member may hold more than one (1) elected office at a time, with the exception of being elected to
        the Minerva Circle.

  B. Appointments
     1. Appointed positions will serve terms per the authority of the President.

 Section 5: Impeachment

 A. Impeachment Process
    1. The formal process used to charge, conduct hearings and remove elected chapter offices from office for
       misconduct while in office
    2. The impeachment process shall be carried out in accordance with the National Scholarship and
       Standards Committee’s revision to the Chapter Management Handbook, (Member/Chapter Discipline)
       Procedure for impeachment of and Elected Chapter Officer
    3. Appointed chapter officers are removed by the Chapter President, not by impeachment
    4. Any officer who has been impeached shall be ineligible for election to any other chapter office

 Section 6: Filling Vacancies

 A. Chapter Officers:
    1. When a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the First Vice President shall become President to
       complete the unexpired term

 B. Other Positions:
    1. When vacancies occur in other offices or committees they shall be appointed by the President within
       thirty (30) days with the approval of the Executive Board.
    2. The President can only appoint chapter members to elected offices or positions when (1) the office or
       position is vacant due to a member not being elected during the chapter elections: or (2) as a result of
       an unexpected vacancy. In both scenarios, the office or position would be filled according to
       Summerville Alumnae’s policies and procedures. Only chapter members who meet eligibility
       requirements for elected offices or position can be appointed to fill vacancies.
    3. In the event the chapter President cannot fill the vacant office or position due to chapter member(s) not
       meeting eligibility requirements, or when no member is willing to serve, she shall contact the Regional
       Director and request special dispensation to make an appointment.

 C. Minerva Circle:

       1. If a member of the Minerva Circle resigns her position or is otherwise unable to complete
          her duties, the Chapter will hold a special election as soon as possible to fill the position. If
          the MIT process has progressed to a point where a special election is not feasible, the

Summerville Alumnae Chapter – Policies and Procedures: Last Revised 6/30/2018                               15
Chapter President may appoint, with the approval of Executive Board, a trained member of
           the chapter to fill the position.
        2. If the Leader of the Minerva Circle resigns her position, or is otherwise unable to complete
           her duties, a special election will be held immediately or as soon as possible to elect a new
           Leader. If the MIT process has progressed to a point where a special election is not
           feasible, the Chapter President may appoint, with the approval of Executive Board, a
           member of the Minerva Circle to fill the position.

  D. Full term served
     1. An officer, committee chair, or committee member who has served more than half a term in an office is
         considered to have served a full term.


Committees consist of chapter members that are elected, appointed or volunteer to consider, investigate, perform a
task or oversee a project/program on behalf of the chapter.

   A. Executive Committee:
      1. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the following officers: President, Vice President,
         Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Financial Secretary, Assistant Financial Secretary,
         Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, Chaplain, and Parliamentarian
      2. The President shall serve as chairperson of the committee
      3. The President shall develop the agenda and the Recording Secretary shall prepare the agenda for the
         Executive Committee
      4. Shall meet at the call of the President or at the request of a majority of Executive Committee members.
      5. Shall represent and respond on behalf of the Chapter in emergencies when it is not feasible to present
         at either Executive Board or Chapter meetings
      6. Shall not supersede Executive Board decisions and shall be subject to ratification of/by chapter’s
         Executive Board.

   B. Executive Board:
      1. Is composed of all elected and appointed officers as well as elected positions, and chairpersons of
         standing committees of the chapter
        2. The President shall chair the board and prepare the agenda.
        3. Is responsible for general management of chapter affairs between business meetings
        4. Shall hear and thoroughly discuss reports made by committee chairs and make recommendations for
           action to the body on said reports.
        5. Reviews proposed amendments to be recommended for revisions for Chapter Rules of Order and
           Policies & Procedures to the body for action
        6. Shall take the initiative in looking for and presenting to the chapter ideas for program development

   C. Arts and Letters: The Arts and Letters Committee shall promote and support cultural arts in the community
      and develop programs in accordance with the Grand Chapter's directions.

 Summerville Alumnae Chapter – Policies and Procedures: Last Revised 6/30/2018                                 16
D.   Budget and Finance: The Treasurer serves as chair. The President, Financial Secretary, Vice
       President, and one member appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board
       shall make up the committee. A member of internal Audit shall not serve as a member of this
       committee. It shall be the duty of the budget and finance committee to :
       1. Consider the financial needs and programs of the chapter and develop a budget.
       2. Review and recommend budget modifications quarterly.
       3. Prepare the Operating Budget for the ensuing fiscal year, which is presented by the chair to
          the chapter for approval by May of the sorority year.
       4. Ensure the chapter is within the 35% limit of non-member gross receipts

  E. Benevolence: The committee is responsible for extending courtesies, such as condolences, recognition to
     chapter members, to honor visiting Sorors fulfilling a speaking engagement, etc. The committee is also
     responsible for playing a key role in setting a hospitable environment, which welcomes a sisterly spirit to our
     members, sorors and guests at chapter meetings, Delta sponsored events, as appropriate and other
     activities as deemed by the President and/or Chairperson.

       1. For Members:
               a. If hospitalized for 48 hours or longer, sends a card and gift not to exceed $35.00. If
       less than 48 hours send a card.
               b. If the birth or adoption of a first child, send a card and gift not to exceed $35.00. For
       subsequent births/adoptions send a card only.
               c. If a first time bride send a card gift not to exceed $50.00. For subsequent marriages
       send a card only. Members must send formal notification to the chapter (e.g. announcements,
       save the date, invitation, etc.) Informal notifications (e.g. email, verbal notification, etc.) will not
               d. For a new home/housewarming, send a card and gift not to exceed $35.00.
               e. If a member’s child is graduating from high school or college (first degree only), send
       a card and gift for the child not to exceed $25.00, for subsequent degrees send a card only.
       Member must send formal notification to the Chapter (e. g. announcements, save the date,
       invitation, etc.). Informal notifications (e.g. email, verbal notification, etc.) will not suffice.
               f. If a member’s spouse, child, parent or sibling dies send a flower, plant or appropriate
       gift not to exceed $50.00. For all other relatives, send a card only. Member must provide
       funeral arrangements to the chapter.
               g. If a member’s spouse, parent, sibling or child is hospitalized for 48 hours or longer
       send a card and gift not to exceed $25.00. Otherwise send a card. For all other relatives send
       a card only.
               h. For all other memorable occasions not noted in these policies (e.g. retirement,
       promotion, special recognition, etc.) a card appropriate for the occasion will be sent to the

       2. The Chapter shall spend up to but not over $250.00 on a gift for the outgoing Chapter
          President. The gift shall be presented to the outgoing President at the last chapter meeting
          of her last year in office.
                   i. If the Chapter President serves consecutive terms she shall receive one gift
                      presented at the last chapter meeting of the last year of her second consecutive
                      term in office.
                  ii. If a Soror serves nonconsecutive terms as Chapter President she shall receive a
                      gift for each term served and the gift shall be presented at last chapter meeting of
                      her last year in office for that term.

Summerville Alumnae Chapter – Policies and Procedures: Last Revised 6/30/2018                                  17
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