DIGITAL HEALTH & CARE STRATEGY - 2021-2026 Part of the Trust's Strategy

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DIGITAL HEALTH & CARE STRATEGY - 2021-2026 Part of the Trust's Strategy
 Part of the Trust’s Strategy

DIGITAL HEALTH & CARE STRATEGY - 2021-2026 Part of the Trust's Strategy

From our Chief Executive Dr Nick Broughton
and Trust Chair David Walker

Digital Opportunities                                     The Digital Strategy has been developed to define
                                                          how digital will be used as a vital enabler for
                                                                                                                   This document sets out the ambitions for each
                                                                                                                   theme, building on what people (both those who
                                                                                                                                                                            Despite advancements over recent years - and
                                                                                                                                                                            the dramatic acceleration of the use of digital
Many aspects of modern life have been transformed         improving: access to healthcare; the quality of          use and provide services) have told us they need and     for consultations and appointments during the
by innovations in technology and information over         services provided; the working lives of staff, and the   describing how people will experience digital services   Covid-19 pandemic - there is a long way to go to
recent decades, and healthcare is no different.           efficiency of the Trust and its collaborations with      in the future.                                           realise the full digital potential of the NHS. We want
People are increasingly able to access support online,    other healthcare organisations.                                                                                   Oxford Health to be a ‘digital first’ organisation,
                                                                                                                   In 2017 Oxford Health was one of seven mental
from advice and information to virtual consultations.                                                                                                                       a national and global leader in the use of digital
                                                                                                                   health providers nationally that were selected for
The number of physical and mental health conditions
that can be remotely monitored and treated in
                                                          Four Digital Themes                                      the five year NHS Digital Global Digital Exemplar
                                                                                                                                                                            health technology. We want this because we want
                                                                                                                                                                            to deliver outstanding care to the people who use
                                                                                                                   (GDE) programme. The aims of the programme
people’s homes and workplaces is constantly               The Strategy is underpinned by a digital health                                                                   our services and believe digital health has a key role
                                                                                                                   were to develop, deliver and spread advances in
expanding, giving people more choice and control          approach - increasing the use of digital technology                                                               to play, improving choice, access and efficiency and
                                                                                                                   digital healthcare across the NHS. Oxford Health will
over their health and wellbeing. People who need          to improve the quality of healthcare outcomes                                                                     maximising time to care.
                                                                                                                   use the GDE programme as a springboard to drive
more specialised services are benefiting from a wide      and to enhance the health and wellbeing of local
                                                                                                                   momentum in its digital development.                     We hope this document will be a guide for the
variety of innovations that make their care and           populations. From this, four digital themes have
                                                                                                                                                                            Trust’s digital working, innovation and collaborations
treatment safer and more effective, from electronic
prescribing to virtual reality therapies.
                                                          been identified:
                                                                                                                   Research and Innovation                                  and look forward to seeing its realisation.
                                                                     Supporting the digital empowerment of         Digital also has a key role to play in the innovation
Taken together, these developments are providing                     people who use our services and their         and research ambitions of the Trust, which has
clinicians and researchers with new opportunities to                 family and carers;                            strong existing relationships with academia and
access and analyse information, leading to earlier
                                                                                                                   industry. The relationship with Oxford University
identification and diagnosis of ill-health, more                     Embedding a digital organisational
                                                                                                                   is particularly well established, with a track record
effective treatments and improved health outcomes.                   culture and approach within the Trust;
                                                                                                                   of joint working on the development, testing and
                                                                                                                   implementation of new approaches to care and
Leading Trust                                                        Building and maintaining an effective         treatment. Through this Strategy the Trust intends       Chief Executive         Trust Chair
                                                                     and resilient digital foundation; and         to develop its innovation and research relationships     Dr Nick Broughton       David Walker
We want Oxford Health to be the best Trust of
                                                                                                                   further, particularly with international organisations
its kind in the country – a leading provider of
                                                                     Further developing our research,              like the Toronto-based Centre for Addiction and
mental health and community healthcare services,
                                                                     collaboration and innovation                  Mental Health (CAMH), a global leader in the use
harnessing the best of modern technology. This
                                                                     capabilities.                                 of digital technology and partner in a research and
strategy provides a routemap to achieving this and
                                                                                                                   provider collaborative alongside Oxford Health, the
delivering against the Trust’s core vision of providing
                                                                                                                   University of Toronto and Oxford University.
outstanding care by an outstanding team.

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DIGITAL HEALTH & CARE STRATEGY - 2021-2026 Part of the Trust's Strategy
About Oxford Health

Oxford Health’s services                                   To promote healthier lifestyles, identify
                                                           and intervene in ill-health earlier, address
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust is primarily            health inequalities, and support people’s
a community-based service provider, delivering             independence, and to collaborate with
physical and mental health services to approximately       partner services in this work.
two million people across a geographical area that
includes Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Wiltshire,          People
Swindon, Bath and North East Somerset.
                                                           To maintain, support and develop a
Services are primarily delivered in community-based        high-quality workforce and compassionate
settings, but the Trust also has a number of inpatient     culture where the health, safety and
facilities for both mental and physical health services.   wellbeing of our workforce is paramount.
                                                           To actively promote and enhance our

Best care and outcomes                                     culture of equality, diversity, teamwork and
                                                           empowerment to provide the best possible
The Trust’s overarching aim is to provide the              staff experience and working environment.
best possible clinical care and health outcomes
for patients, clients, their carers and families –         Sustainability
supporting them, wherever possible, to live                To make the best use of our resources and
healthier and independent lives for as long as             data to maximise efficiency and financial
possible. Oxford Health works in partnership               stability and inform decision-making,
with many other organisations to that end.                 focusing these on the health needs of
                                                           the populations we serve, and reduce
Strategic objectives                                       our environmental impact.

Oxford Health has four strategic objectives:
                                                           To be a recognised leader in healthcare
                                                           research and education by developing a
      To maintain and continually improve the
                                                           strong research culture across all services
      quality of our mental health and community
                                                           and increase opportunities for staff to
      services to provide the best possible care
                                                           become involved in research, skills and
      and health outcomes.
                                                           professional qualifications.

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DIGITAL HEALTH & CARE STRATEGY - 2021-2026 Part of the Trust's Strategy

 Our digital strategy: At a glance

                    OHFT Strategy 2021-2026                                                                    OHFT Digital Strategy 2021-2026

                            Our four strategic objectives:                                                        OHFT’s Digital Health approach refers to:

                                                                                                              1                              2                           3
                                                                                                       the use of digital               improve the                 to enhance
                                                                                                        technologies to               quality of health           the health and
                                                                                                       improve access to                 outcomes;               wellbeing of local
                                                                                                           healthcare;                                                people.

                                                                                                       The Digital Strategy is broken down into four key themes:
                Quality              People           Sustainability                Research

             Deliver the best       Be a great        Make the best use          Become a leader in
            possible care and     place to work        of our resources          healthcare research
            health outcomes                            and protect the             and education
                                                         enviorment                                                                   Experiences
                                                                                                            Digital                    & Health                  Research,
                                                                                                         empowerment                   Outcomes                collaboration
                                                                                                                                                                and insight

These objectives are underpinned by...

                                                                                                                            Digital                   Digital
                                                                                                                            culture                 foundation
     Mission                            Vision                         Values
To be the best Trust of         Outstanding care delivered
                                                              Caring      Safe       Excellent
our kind in the country          by an outstanding team

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DIGITAL HEALTH & CARE STRATEGY - 2021-2026 Part of the Trust's Strategy

    Four key themes
      Headline activities and worksteams:

                     Digital empowerment
                      • Improve access & quality of digital alternatives to
                        face-to-face appointments
                      • Improving self-help and online care
                      • Access to Personal Health Record
                      • Information at the point of care
                      • Apps, website, wearables and home devices

                     Digital culture
                      •   Digital innovation to support Quality Improvement
                      •   Development of digital pathways of care
                      •   Increasing time for care (intelligent automation)
                      •   Digital leadership and confidence
                      •   Mobile and flexible working for staff

                     Digital foundation
                      • ‘Best of breed’ electronic health care record systems
                      • Getting the basics right – devices refresh, data centres
                        and network infrastructure
                      • Interoperability between systems
                      • Sustainability and efficiency
                      • Data protection and security

                     Research, collaboration and insight
                      • Research to reality – Continuous improvement
                      • Innovation & Commercial development
                      • Whole population insight (using ‘big data’ to aid
                        prevention, predict need, and improve health)

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DIGITAL HEALTH & CARE STRATEGY - 2021-2026 Part of the Trust's Strategy
1 Digital empowerment

Improved access to and choices about healthcare                                                          Tell us once

      As a parent, carer or family member...                                                                 As a parent, carer or family member...
                                                                        Activites                                                                                           Activites
  • I will have online options that improve and simplify                                                   • I only have to tell my story once to a healthcare
    access to the support I need                                          • Suite of online options          professional and not have to repeat it to others               • Interoperability of systems
  • I can book & change appointments online                               • Self Help & Service Portal     • I am confident that information I am happy to be               • ‘Record Once, Use
  • I can access plain English advice online                                                                 shared will be available to all those involved in my care         Many Times’
  • I can have online consultations (but still choose face-to-face if preferred)
  • I can be signposted to other services and support in my local area (social prescribing)

Improved experience of healthcare services                                                               Personal health record

      As a parent, carer or family member...                                                                As a parent, carer or family member...

 • My experience of healthcare will be improved through
                                                                       Activites                                                                                            Activites
                                                                                                          • I will have online access to my health record, or the record
   digital options (takes less time, more at home)                      • Apps, wearables, home             of someone I care for, and can input into it if I wish           • Single Care Record
 • I will have improved communication with healthcare staff               devices                                                                                            • Personal read/edit access
                                                                                                          • I have confidence that my personal health information
   and can give feedback on my care quality                             • Tools to capture & analyse        is safe and secure when shared across organisations
                                                                          patient experiences /             supporting me

Improved experience of healthcare services                                                               Using data to improve the health of others

      As a parent, carer or family member...                                                                 As a parent, carer or family member...
  • I can access online resources and suitable home devices          Activites                             • I will know and be assured that only anonymised health         Activites
    that allow me to manage and personalise my care                  • Patient suite of apps                 information is used to improve care quality                     • Whole population health
  • I can better manage and personalise the care of someone          • Clinical suite of apps              • I will know that health data will be used to predict and          data collection & analysis
    I care for via digital                                                                                   prevent ill-health, address health needs and inform clinical    • Performance data
                                                                     • Patient Information
  • I can be signposted to other services and support in my                                                  decision-making
    local area (social prescribing)
  • I will be able to access devices and data that can advise on
    preventing ill-health, allowing me to be healthier and independent for longer
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DIGITAL HEALTH & CARE STRATEGY - 2021-2026 Part of the Trust's Strategy
2 Digital culture

Freeing up more time for care (reducing admin time,                                                     Digital leadership and confidence
smarter data capture)
                                                                                                            As an employee of Oxford Health...
     As an employee of Oxford Health...                                                                                                                                        Activites
                                                                                                          • My induction will give me a good understanding of
                                                                       Activites                            Trust systems                                                      • Regular ongoing training
 • I will have better access to advice & guidance at the
                                                                        • Clear pathways of care                                                                                 and ‘digital induction’
   point of care                                                                                          • I have opportunities to develop my digital skills and
                                                                        • Efficient data capture            confidence, and the time to identify and test new digital          • Visible digital leadership
 • Digital tools will reduce the time I spend on admin, giving
   me more time to deliver care and support my colleagues                 (intelligence automation)         ways of working                                                    • Accurate and timely data
                                                                        • Efficient processes             • I will feel I’m part of a ‘digital by default’ organisation
 • I can be signposted to other services and support in my local          (streamlining)
   area (social prescribing)                                                                                where senior leaders place a high value on and invest in data, digital and technology
                                                                                                            and use these to provide better healthcare and improve staff satisfaction
 • I will use digital tools to communicate more with the people I care for and can collaborate
   better with colleagues
 • I will be able to easily capture data at the point of care (improving data quality)                  Data protection and security

                                                                                                           As an employee of Oxford Health...

The tools needed to do my job                                                                            • I will be confident that the Trust has robust cyber security
                                                                                                           arrangements and high levels of IT resilience to protect            • Cyber security training
     As an employee of Oxford Health...                                                                    patients and staff records                                          • Systems to protect staff &
                                                                                                         • I will have data protection training and see it as key part of        patient confidentiality
 • I will have real-time read & write access to patient records        Activites                           patient safety
   anytime, anywhere                                                  • Clinical systems that are fit    • I can access / share data via the interoperability of our systems
 • Our systems align with those of other health and social              for purpose (interoperable)
   care organisations                                                   and allow mobile and
                                                                        flexible working
 • I will be fully mobile – having access to apps via Office365                                         Sustainability and efficiency
 • I will only need to update one system with my or my teams information - linked
   systems will then auto-populate                                                                          As an employee of Oxford Health...
 • I will have access to responsive ICT support and new kit when needed                                                                                                        Activites
                                                                                                          • The Trust will be digitally efficient
                                                                                                          • The Trust will use digital options to reduce its Co2 emissions     •   Digital care pathways
                                                                                                            (e.g. virtual working to reduce vehicles journeys)                 •   Reducing physical journeys
                                                                                                          • Procurement standards will include single sign-on and              •   Increase clinical space
                                                                                                            interoperability requirements to improve internal efficiencies     •   Procurement standards
                                                                                                            and external collaborations

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3 Digital foundation

IT infrastructure                                                                               Wi-fi provision

     Oxford Health will...                                                                         Oxford Health will...
 • Align and improve IT infrastructure, systems, devices          Activites                      • Update and improve Wi-Fi provision at Trust sites -
   and services so that the maximum benefit of digital            • Secure, reliable               providing greater coverage and more reliable access to our   • Ensure reliable, effective
   opportunities can be realised. The Trust will achieve higher     infrastructure                 network for patients, staff and partners                       and high-speed access
   HIMSS levels (Healthcare Information and Management                                                                                                            across all Trust sites
                                                                  • Higher HIMSS levels
   Systems Society) over the life of this strategy.

Data centre servers & storage                                                                   Interoperability - access to information,
                                                                                                systems & applications
     Oxford Health will...
 • Provide new resilient, reliable and expandable capacity        Activites                        Oxford Health will...
   to meet the growing needs of the Trust. The Data Centre                                                                                                      Activites
                                                                  • Install and commission       • Develop integration of systems to be able to share data
   will be physically and Cyber secure, protecting the Trust’s
                                                                    new IT data equipment          between them, improving workflow efficiency and
   Information assets                                                                                                                                           • Interoperability between
                                                                  • Migrate services to new        interoperability work with current and future suppliers to     IT systems
                                                                    Data Centre                    implement single sign on capability to core systems          • Delivery of clinical &
                                                                                                 • implement self-service support for the workforce, reducing     patient portals
                                                                                                   time spent by staff seeking advice and assistance for        • Information as intelligence
                                                                                                   common issues or tasks e.g. self-service password reset
Devices refresh

     Oxford Health will...
 • Implement a 5-year rolling refresh for workforce IT devices
   - refreshing 20% per annum of the current IT device estate,    • Provide devices for staff
   providing Staff with IT equipment capable of dealing with        that meet their needs
   the demands modern application and systems require               and worker style and are
                                                                    modern, efficient
 • Replacing desktop devices with laptops and mobile devices
                                                                    and reliable
   where possible to enable a more mobile workforce, better
   equipped to take full advantage of digital ways of working

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4 Research,Theme:
                    and insight
Research & Collaboration                                                                               Commercial development

     Oxford Health will...                                                                                Oxford Health will...                                            Activites
 • Actively collaborate with UK based and international
                                                                                                        • Explore options for strategic relationships across industry      • Explore new commercial
   academic and research institutions / networks to develop             • Academic and research           and academia – focused on innovation to improve health             relationships focused on
   and apply pioneering new methods to solve established or               collaborations                  outcomes                                                           healthcare innovation
   emerging problems                                                    • Improve access to research    • Use digital opportunities as a ‘common ground’ for
 • Open up appropriate access to research related software to             software and systems
                                                                                                          partnership-working focused on collaboration and
   conduct required levels of statistical and qualitative analysis                                        integration
   – making available: remote log-in, and remote editable
   access within Sharepoint

                                                                                                       Data-rich decisions

                                                                                                          Oxford Health will...
Whole population insight (prediction and prevention)
                                                                                                        • Improve the collection, quality and triangulation of diverse     Activites
                                                                                                          data sources (data sets, trials, records, patient feedback) to   • Accurate and timely data
     Oxford Health will...                                                                                provide greater insight with which to make decisions, for
                                                                        Activites                         example prescribing of medicines.                                • Clear pathways of care
 • Increase its capabilities to predict and/or improve early
   diagnosis to prevent or slow the onset of ill-health, and                                                                                                               • Clear understanding of
                                                                       • Install and commission         • Achieve interoperability of systems and data sets                  flow with alerts and
   reduce the future need for more urgent care. Focus areas              new IT data equipment            (CareNotes & UK CRIS)                                              triggers
   will include onset of dementia, and working with young              • Migrate services to new        • Continue to secure confidentiality of patient records by         • Development of outcomes
   people to improve school-based mental wellbeing support               Data Centre                                                                                         tracking and reporting
                                                                                                          improving early anonymisation of information and ensuring
 • Use machine learning, intelligent automation, advanced                                                 that data remains non-identifiable across systems.
   analytics, data science, risk stratification (identifying high-risk people and groups)
 • Use Population Health Management analytics will help to identify and priorities
   healthcare planning and decision-making

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Roadmap                                                                                  Objectives throughout 2021 - 2026

                                                                                            Digital pathways           Interoperability                The Biomedical
                                                                                                 of care              between internal                 Research Centre
                                                                                                                         and external                    (BRC) is the
                                                                                                                           systems                      backbone of
           2020               2021                Staff can work in
                                                                                             Performance is                                               Research
                                                 mobile and flexible
                                                                                              measured by                                              and innovation
                                                ways and from home
                                                                                            outcomes rather              The Trust
                                                                                             than volumes             consistently has
                                                                                                                       strong Cyber
                                                                                                                         Defences                         Intelligent
                                                                                              Development                                              automation and
      The Trust has access         Clinicians have                   Wi-Fi                 of digital platforms                                      business intelligence
         to population            access to patient             upgrades at                to facilitate online       Digital training is                 to improve
     health management           records through a              all Trust sites                treatments             available to staff                outcomes and
     information through            central portal                                               and care             and is mandatory                     efficiency
     Shared Care Records

                                                                                                                                            The Trust has an effective EHR
      2022                                                    The Trust aims to                                                               system for mental health
                                                              operate from new
                                                                data centres

     Patients have access      Shared Care Records
         to improved                                                                      The Trust aims to have an
                                available at place                                                                                                     The Trust aims
                                                                                           effective EHR system for
       self-help online            and region                                                                              2025                       to have removed
                                                                                         Urgent and Emergency Care
                                                                                                                                                        paper records

        The Trust has          Clinicians                                                  The Trust aims to              The Trust aims to
      Diagnostic Hubs        have single          Latest 2024, Q2                          have an effective              complete the roll
       in Community          sign on into         European aFRR                   2023      EHR system for                out of electronic
          Hospitals           IT systems          EAM (PICASSO)                          Community Hospitals                prescribing

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Getting involved
with Oxford Health

There has never been a better time to show how
much you value the NHS. Show your support
                                                    Making a difference
and become a member of Oxford Health NHS            where you live
Foundation Trust. As a member you can help
                                                   Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust operates
shape the local services and the future our trust.
                                                   across Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Swindon,
                                                   Wiltshire, Bath and North East Somerset. With
You help us make                                   the range of services Oxford Health provides –
                                                   community hospitals, mental health services,
things better                                      school nurses, speech and language therapy,
                                                   health visitors, dentistry, and talking therapy –
The trust board depends on the membership to       it is likely that nearly everyone in our region has
keep them in touch with what’s needed in our       a stake in the future of the trust. And by signing
hospitals and services. Our members help us        up you can show your support to the services
discover how best to improve services, making      you value.
sure that we put patients’ and local
communities’ needs first. Membership is free
and everyone over12 years old is welcome            For more information
to join.
                                                   If you would like to find out more about getting
                                                   involved please visit our membership page:
                                                    Email us at:
                                                    Or call our switchboard on:
                                                    01865 901 000

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Part of the Trust’s Strategy


Published by Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, September 2021
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