Page created by Janice Townsend
Oct - Nov 2021
                                                                                       Vol: 3 Issue 3
                                                                                      Pages 44 `20


                                      LANDSCAPE OF
                                      HOTEL SECTOR

                                                              October - November 2021 HRA Today         1
2   HRA Today October - November 2021
October - November 2021 HRA Today   3
Oct - Nov 2021

    Siji Nair*
    Mr. Kunal Gujral
    Prasad M.
    N. Vijayagopalan
    Sreekanth K.S.
    Sibu Nair
    Kiran Mohan

    National Representatives
    Mumbai                                    : Raveendran

    Kolkata                                   : Priya Kundu
    Chennai                                   : Subramaniam
    Bangalore                                 : Hans Injackel

    International Representatives
    Muscat, Oman                              : Dr. Sanjaiyan                         06 Digital Transformation
    Dubai, UAE
    Abu Dhabi, UAE
                                              : Binoy Syama Krishna
                                              : Sabari R Nair                             Landscape of Hotel Sector
    London, United Kingdom                    : Narendra Shah
    Zurich, Switzerland
    KL, Malaysia
                                              : Johnson Pereira
                                              : Sudarshan                             14 Ecotourism and
    Seattle, USA
                                              : Roshan Fernandez
                                              : Pramod Manjali
    Doha, Qatar
                                              : Jayashree Ganga Prasad
                                              : Raghesh
    Düsseldorf, Germany                       : Abraham George
    Sydney, Australia
    Christchurch, New Zealand
                                              : Rakesh Devadas
                                              : Sony Jose                             18 Is vegan food
    Canada                                    : Shinto Mathew
                                                                                          successfully penetrating
                                                                                          the Indian market?
    This issue of HRA Today contains 32+4 pages cover
    All information in the HRA Today is derived from sources, which we consider
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                                                                                      20 Hotel industry recovers
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                                                                                          faster than expected post
    shared by HRA Today. However, we wish to advice our readers that one or
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                                                                                      24 News
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                                                                                      58 Product Launches
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                                                                                      66 Appointments
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                                                                                      56 The Last Leaf
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    HRA Today monthly is Edited, Printed and Published by Siji Nair,
    R M Nivas, TMRA F 6 Pangappara (PO) Thiruvananthapuram Pin
    695 581. Published from Thiruvananthapuram, Printed at Akshara
    Offset TC 25/3230(1), Vanchiyoor, Thiruvananthapuram 695 035.
    Owned by Hotels and Restaurants Association (WI), Editor- Siji
    RNI No. DELENG/2018/76917 * Responsible for selection of news
4   under HRA      Act. October - November 2021
           the PRB
Mr Sherry Bhatia
                                                                   President, HRAWI

My Dear Members,                                   FHRAI & HRAWI have launched a
                                                 scholarship program for students interested
Greetings in the 71st year of the Hotel and
                                                 in pursuing a 3-year B.Sc. in Hospitality
Restaurant Association of Western India!
                                                 and Hotel Administration from the FHRAI
   Let me begin this message on a positive       Institute of Hospitality Management
note. Your Association has become the first      (FHRAI-IHM), Greater Noida. Children of
Indian Hospitality Association to be awarded     employees of member establishment of
the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013             FHRAI and HRAWI will be offered 50 per
certifications. These internationally            cent waiver in the admission, enrolment,
recognized standards ensure organizations        tuition and examination fees. Other than for
meet with the needs of members through           members, 20 per cent waiver will be offered
an effective Quality Management System           to children from the families of hospitality
(QMS) which is the foundation of quality         patrons or employees. In solidarity with the
assurance activities and Information Security    plights of the workers who lost their jobs
Management System (ISMS) which aims              during pandemic, as a special case, the
to protect the confidentiality, integrity and    scholarship will be provided to the children
availability of members’ information and data.   of hospitality sector employees who were
I congratulate and thank everyone in our         working in the member establishments and
office for their efforts towards making this     lost their jobs during pandemic, based on a
possible. I also wish to take this opportunity   certification by the member establishment
to welcome Mr Kunal Gujral to the HRAWI          and the Regional Association. We urge all
family. Mr. Gujral, who comes with over two      our members to kindly spread the word and
decades of industry experience, will serve as    help aspiring hospitality students to take
HRAWI’s new Secretary General.                   benefit of this opportunity.
  Moving on, after two painful years of            Lastly and more recently, the HRAWI has
lockdowns and restrictions, things are looking   appealed to the Hon’ble Prime Minster
up for the country and for our industry too.     – Shri Narendra Modi ji for urgent relief
As of mid-November, nearly 80 per cent of        for restaurants from the recent abnormal
India’s eligible adult population had been       increase in the cost of Liquid Petroleum Gas
administered the first dose of COVID-19          (L.P.G). It has become extremely difficult
vaccine while 38 per cent had been fully         especially, for standalone restaurants to
vaccinated and the number of new cases is        absorb this exponential increase in the
steadily on the decline. We’ve requested the     cost. To continue to remain affordable, the
State Govt. to restore the operation timings     HRAWI has requested that the rate of tax on
of restaurants as per the license held by        LPG for standalone restaurants be reduced
establishments, on all days of the week from     to 5 per cent from the current 18 per cent.
Monday through Sunday.
                                                 - Sherry Bhatia, President, HRAWI

                                                                  October - November 2021 HRA Today   5

6     HRA Today October - November 2021
  HOTEL SECTOR                                                           N.Vijayagopalan

          urrently, the hoteliers, mid cap and      and chatbots. In addition to these tools,
          above, are forced to face the digital     there are other concepts such as artificial
          transformation of their hotels and        intelligence and big data that are already on
          realize it is here to stay. However, it   everyone’s radar, but there could be many
  appears that not everyone is ready. In fact,      to know what they are or how they are used.
  even though the use of technological tools
                                                    When we talk about technological
  has exploded since the COVID-19 pandemic
                                                    advancement in hotel sector, we have to
  broke out, many hotels are betting on a
                                                    look at two concepts - Digitization and
  comprehensive digital transformation.
                                                    Hotel Digital Transformation. Digitization is
  Among the many changes that the sector            turning traditional operational systems into
  is experiencing, we have seen how, as a           digital ones. Digitization has been around
  result of the coronavirus crisis, many hotels     for a long time, for example, when a hotel
  have implemented contactless solutions            goes from paper posters to screens in public
  that include apps for guests, online              areas this is the digitization of its posters.
  check-in, smart upselling, electronic locks,

                                                             October - November 2021 HRA Today       7
Hotel digital transformation is the       demands.                               Big data would be the volume of
    use and integration of different                                                 data collected by the PMS or CRM
                                              When we ponder on these two
    technologies in all areas of the hotel,                                          of a large hotel chain. It is very
                                              things, it seems that the hotel
    procedures, products, and even the                                               difficult for an independent hotel to
                                              sector is still not betting on a
    building itself to improve efficiency                                            generate Big data by itself so it must
                                              transformation that helps them
    and guest satisfaction while solving                                             resort to specialized software.
                                              improve retention, loyalty and
    current and future problems. Digital
                                              acquisition, or if it does so with a   2. Artificial intelligence in the hotel
    transformation can even open up
                                              digitization that improves guest       industry is a type of technology that
    new opportunities to generate
                                              satisfaction and their personal        is automatically capable of thinking
    more revenues or increase the
                                              security.                              and drawing conclusions like
    RevPar of your hotel. Digitalization
                                                                                     humans. This technology analyzes
    is part of the path towards digital       There are a few technologies in
                                                                                     Big Data to identify patterns and
    transformation.                           which hotels across the world
                                                                                     trends among our data.
                                              have been increasingly investing in
    We already know that independent
                                              even during the pandemic as they       By combining your hotel’s historical
    of the COVID19 crisis, in the hotel
                                              want to get on the bandwagon of        data with artificial intelligence you
    sector there is a clear need for
                                              technological transformation and       could know if there is a rising or
    digital transformation to be able
                                              not end up being invisible or slaves   falling pattern of reservations if, for
    to address some of the challenges
                                              of the big online Travel Agencies      example, rain is announced, and
    that all hotels share. Two of these
                                              (OTAs).                                more specifically, you could know it
    challenges are : (1) increase direct
                                                                                     according to nationality.
    bookings or growth of the direct          1. Big data in hotels refers to a
    channel and (2) meeting the level         large volume of data, ordered as       3. Machine Learning is a type of
    of customization that the market          well as unordered. An example of       Artificial Intelligence that, in addition

8       HRA Today October - November 2021
to thinking like humans, also learns     information.                            ‘Big Data for CEOs and Directors’ by
like humans. Learning in this area                                               Isaas Gonzalez is a good read for
                                         Thanks to hotel business
means that you autonomously                                                      beginners as it explains everything
                                         intelligence, revenue managers can
analyze and study new data without                                               you need to know to understand
                                         now predict whether the pick-up will
stopping, thus identifying new                                                   Big Data in an easy to understand,
                                         go up or down and make business
patterns. This technology is essential                                           ordered schematic format.
                                         decisions based on this information.
to making predictions.
                                         It is not based solely on historical    If hotels want to increase direct
Using the previous example,              data or the manager’s own hunch.        bookings and reduce the dominance
machine learning would be able                                                   of the large OTAS, among many
                                         The long-term digital transformation
to extract new patterns of ups or                                                other things, the hotel digital
                                         of your hotel must have as its
downs from your pick-up if now                                                   transformation must help the sector
                                         objective to be able to make
suddenly people change their                                                     to answer the following questions in
                                         decisions with real and reliable
reservation behaviors as a result of                                             any scenario:
                                         data. This will augment the hotel’s
some specific factors.
                                         strategic vision. This transformation   Observe : What is happening?
4. Business Intelligence (BI) links      will mean going from being a hotel
                                                                                 Understand : Why does it happen?
this concept to all the previous ones,   that makes decisions based entirely
BI is the practice of transforming       on historical data to one who makes     Predict : What would happen?
Big Data into usable information. In     them based on detailed data-driven
                                                                                 Collaborate : What should the team
other words, it refers to the use of     predictions of the future. If you
artificial intelligence and machine      do not have access to Business
learning to translate your hotel’s Big   Intelligence, you only have one         Decide : Which way to go?
Data into reliable and manageable        opinion.

                                                                                  October - November 2021 HRA Today     9

 International Tourism Mart
 North East region is endowed
 with diverse tourist attractions
     International Tourism Mart highlights the tourism potential of the region in the
     domestic and international markets
     The delegation includes students from across the country as part of a study tour
     under Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat
     Presentation by State Governments and discussions on several aspects of tourism and
     unique tourism products in the North East Region and their potential as part of the Mart

              inister of State for        Tourism, Government of Nagaland       Speaking on the second day of the
              Tourism & Defence           Shri. H Khehovi Yeputhomi,            9th International Tourism Mart in
              Shri Ajay Bhatt             Secretary Tourism, GoI Shri Arvind    Kohima Shri Ajay Bhatt said that
              addressed the opening       Singh, ADG Tourism, GoI Smt.          the North East region is endowed
 session of the second day of the         Rupinder Brar and other dignitaries   with diverse tourist attractions
 9th International Tourism Mart for       of the Central government and         and each State has its own distinct
 the North East Region at Kohima,         the North Eastern States were also    features. The attractions are
 Nagaland today. MLA & Advisor            present on the occasion.              scattered over the entire region

10    HRA Today October - November 2021
and are largely located in remote     international markets. The coffee
areas within a highly fragile         table book on Nagaland was also
environment. These attractions        launched on this occasion. The
and the people of the Region          event was attended by over 300
constitute rich tourism resources.    delegates including government
Shri Bhatt said that North East has   officials, industry stakeholders,
a huge potential for adventure and    and local participants. The
eco-tourism.                          event was attended by the
                                      High Commissioner, Brunei
On the second day of the Mart
                                      Darussalam, High Commissioner,
State Tourism Departments of
                                      Malaysia, Ambassador Extra
Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh,
                                      Ordinary, Republic of the Union
Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya,
                                      of Myanmar, Ambassador, The
Mizoram, Sikkim, and Tripura gave
                                      Socialist Republic of Vietnam,
presentations on their tourism
                                      amongst others attending
potential and products. After that
                                      dignitaries and diplomats.
discussions on several aspects
                                      Other high-ranking officials
of tourism and unique tourism
                                      from participating Ministries/
products started and experts
                                      Government bodies are also
highlighted the Rafting, Trekking
                                      going to be part of the event.
and Road Expeditions, Potential
                                      In line with the Prime Minister’s
of Fairs and Festivals for Tourism
                                      vision of ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha
in NER, and Potential of Food and
                                      Bharat’, the delegation also
Wine Tourism in North East.
                                      includes students from across
The objective of the event is to      the country who, as part of a
highlight the tourism potential of    study tour, will be interacting
the region in the domestic and        with local students and

                                                                          October - November 2021 HRA Today   11
immersing themselves in the region’s
                                         rich heritage and culture.
                                         The event has been planned and
                                         scheduled to facilitate interaction
         “While we saw                   between buyers, sellers, media,
          a demand for                   government agencies, and other
                                         stakeholders. Around 50 buyers
        such homestays                   from different regions of the country
         just before the                 participated in the Mart and engaged
                                         in one-on-one meetings with 75
       pandemic, now it                  sellers from the North East Region.
      is through the roof.               This will enable the tourism product
        We are tailoring                 suppliers from the region to reach
                                         out to domestic buyers, to promote
        our promotional                  tourism. Domestic Buyers will be
            campaigns                    engaging in business-to-business
                                         meetings with sellers from the North
            to promote                   Eastern Region as well.
     homestays. Tourists                 To further enrich the experience of
         don’t want big                  the participants, the Ministry has
                                         organized a visit to Kisama Heritage
        hotels anymore.                  Village, Kisama War Museum and
     They want big open                  Morungs, Khonoma Village, and
                                         Kohima World War II War Cemetery.
     spaces, personalized                The visiting delegation will be
         care, and want                  familiarised with the local community,
                                         local art and culture, and the rich
       to experience the                 heritage of Nagaland.
      local flavor. We are               The International Tourism Marts
         also promoting                  are organized in the North Eastern
                                         States on a rotation basis. Nagaland
            staycations,                 is hosting this Mart for the first time.
        Homestays have                   The earlier editions of this mart have
                                         been held in Guwahati (Assam),
       emerged as a very                 Tawang (Arunachal Pradesh), Shillong
      strong vertical and                (Meghalaya), Gangtok (Sikkim),
                                         Agartala (Tripura), and Imphal
       we are focused on                 (Manipur).
       it. In February, we
        held a workshop
        on homestays in
       Darjeeling where
        500 owners had
     registered. As many
      as 725 came for the
            workshop ”

 Rupinder Brar
 Additional Director
 General in the
 Tourism Ministry

12   HRA Today October - November 2021
October - November 2021 HRA Today   13

14   HRA Today October - November 2021
                                                    V.R. Nair

        cotourism is a new approach in tourism, which has
        gained grounds in the recent times. Ecotourism refers
        to travel to natural areas to appreciate the cultural
        and natural history of the environment, taking care
 not to disturb the integrity of the ecosystem, while creating
 economic opportunities that make conservation and
 protection of natural resources advantageous to the local
 people. Fundamentally, ecotourism means making as little
 environmental impact as possible and helping to sustain the
 indigenous populace, thereby encouraging the preservation
 of wildlife and habitats when visiting a place.
 According to The International Ecotourism Society (TIES),
 ecotourism can be defined as “responsible travel to natural
 areas that conserve the environment, sustains the well-
 being of the local people, and involves interpretation and

                                         October - November 2021 HRA Today   15
Ecotourism is derived from two            conditions - ‘Global Warming’ and       The continuos denuding of
 words - ‘Ecosystem’ and ‘Tourism’.        ‘Greenhouse Effects’, both of which     forest reserves has led to Global
 Ecosystem is the system in which          will lead to the total destruction      Warming and Greenhouse Effects.
 we live - the system which include        of the Planet Earth. It is now high     Fortunately, this has led to some
 the earth, the water, the sky and         time, we should (the entire Human       realisation, and now the world
 ofcourse the living and the non-          Community) start our bit of job         has awakened for new beginnings
 living objects in all these systems.      to save our Earth from complete         about human responsibility towards
 It is a dynamic complex of plant,         destruction. It is now every man’s      nature.
 animal and micro-organism                 duty to do as much possible to
 communities and their non-living          save our Planet Earth.
 environment interacting as a
                                           Today, there are “Green Laws” of        Ecotourism in India
 functional unit. But, there is no such
 specific and particular spatial unit or   conservation, which are making          India, the land of varied geography
 scale to measure an Ecosystem.            people aware of how man and the         offers several tourist destinations
                                           environment can live beneficially for   that not just de-stress but also
 And, tourism means - ‘the practice        more time to come and Ecotourism        rejuvenate you. There are several
 of traveling for pleasure.’ Thus, a       is one way to maximise the              ways to enjoy Mother Nature in
 tourism which contains a visit to an      environmental and social benefits       most pristine way. The few places
 Ecosystem is known as Ecotourism.         of tourism, not forgetting the          like the Himalayan Region, Kerala,
 But, that is not all. Ecotourism          economic developments.                  the northeast India, Andaman
 is not only travelling to such                                                    and Nicobar Islands and the
 Ecosystems, but also conserving           Everyone is a stakeholder in the
                                           process and we clearly need to          Lakshdweep islands are some of
 them. Basically Ecotourism means                                                  the places where you can enjoy
 - “Tourism involving travel to areas      avoid our past shortcomings
                                           in taking care of nature and            the treasured wealth of the Mother
 of natural or ecological interest,
                                           environment. In India too the           Nature. Thenmala in Kerala is the
 typically under the guidance of
                                           movement is gathering momentum          first planned ecotourism destination
 a naturalist, for the purpose of
                                           with more and more travel and           in India created to cater to the Eco-
 observing wildlife and learning
                                           travel related organisations            tourists and nature lovers.
 about the environment and at
 the same time focus on wildlife           addressing the needs of the             The Indian topography boasts of
 and promotion of understanding            ecotourists and promoting               an abundant source of flora and
 and conservation of the                   ecotourism in the country.              fauna. India has numerous rare
 environment.” In short, ecotourism                                                and endangered species in its
 can be categorised as a tourism                                                   surroundings. The declaration of
 programme that is nature based            The concern for
 and ecologically sustainable.
 This is a conscientious form of
                                           Since ages, nature worship and the
 tourism and tourism development,
                                           conservation ethics have been an
 which encourages going back to
 natural products in every aspect          inseparable part of Indian thought
 of life and helps preserve nature.        and traditions. Traces go back
 It is also the key to sustainable         to ancient civilisations of India,

                                                                                   Everyone is a
 ecological development. Simply            when people used to nurture the
 put, eco-tourism is tourism with an       philosophy of the oneness of life.
 ecological conscience.                    The Indian tradition has always
                                           taught that humankind is a part of
                                                                                   stakeholder in
                                           nature and one should look upon         the process and
 We and our                                                                        we clearly need
                                           all creation with the eyes of a love
                                           and respect.
 environment                               It is tragic that since last few        to avoid our past
 The race for becoming the most            decades, the mad quest for the
                                           material end and economical
                                                                                   in taking care
 advanced and most developed
 state in the world, has led man           progress in India and abroad

                                                                                   of nature and
 to destruct the natural resource          has become identical with the
 in our stock and our biosphere.           exploitation of nature in all its
 Today, most of the underground
 and above the ground resources
                                           appearances. Today, the entire
                                           world is facing a deep crisis and is
 are on the verge of finish, resulting     in the danger of being doomed.
 in abrupt climate, natural disaster       The rich forest areas and biological
 and more. Now, man is facing              diversities have been relentlessly
 two very extreme dangerous                divested to erect concrete walls.

16    HRA Today October - November 2021
several wildlife areas and national     following are some Dos and Don’ts      n Do not use pollutants such as
parks has encouraged the growth         which a responsible traveller needs    detergents, in streams or springs
of the wildlife resources, which got    to take care.                          while washing and bathing.
reduced due to the wildlife hunt
                                                                               n Do not use wood as fuel to cook
by several kings in the past. Today,
                                                                               food at the campsite.
India has many wildlife sanctuaries     Dos
and protection laws. Currently, there                                          n Do not leave cigarettes butts or
are about 80 national parks and 441     n Carry back all non-degradable        make open fires in the forests.
sanctuaries in India, which work for    litter such as empty bottles, tins,
                                        plastic bags etc. These must           n Do not consume aerated
the protection and conservation of
                                        not litter the environment or be       drinks, alcohol, drugs or any other
wildlife resource in India.
                                        buried. They must be disposed in       intoxicant and throw bottles in the
There are numerous Botanical            municipal dustbins only.               wild.
and Zoological Gardens in India,
                                        n Observe the sanctity of holy         n Do not use Polythene
which are working towards the
                                        sites, temples and local cultures.     and plastics which are non-
enhancement of the Ecosystem.
                                                                               biodegradable and unhealthy for
Poaching has stopped to a               n Cut noise pollution. Do not          the environment.
large extent. There are severe          blare aloud radios, tape recorders
punishments for poachers, hunters       or other electronic entertainment      Ecotourism is flourishing at a
and illegal traders of animals and      equipment in nature resorts,           tremendous pace in India. The
trees. Tree plantation is taking        sanctuaries and wildlife parks.        government of India has formed
place in several places. There are                                             a 13-member community, called
several animal and plant rights         n In case temporary toilets are set-   Ecotourism Society of India, which
organisations, which fight for the      up near campsites, after defecation,   focuses on creating awareness
rights of the animals and plants.       cover with mud or sand. Make sure      about ecotourism and helps in
Numerous organisations and              that the spot is at least 30 meters    framing guidelines.
NGOs are coming forward to              away from the water source.
                                                                               What we in India can do is to
provide environmental education
                                                                               promote ecotourism as much
to the common people at the grass
root level.                             Don’ts                                 as possible. If you ever have an
                                                                               interaction with tourists, tell them
It’s high time one needs to be          n Do not take away flora and           how diverse our country is. India
conscious towards the environment       fauna in the forms of cuttings,        has a lot to offer, especially in
and make sure that his recreational     seeds or roots as it is illegal and    terms of terms of wildlife, flora and
activities don’t adversely affect the   the biodiversity of a region has to    fauna, which is why ecotourism is
natural beauty of the place. The        be protected at all costs.             growing so popular.

                                                                               October - November 2021 HRA Today       17

                     IS VEGAN FOOD
                    PENETRATING THE
                    INDIAN MARKET?

18   HRA Today October - November 2021
        he word ‘vegan’ was            decade, Takia is set to launch a
        coined in 1944 by Donald       vegan food company called Plant.
        Watson, the co-founder
                                       Celebrity couple Ritesh Deshmukh
        of the Vegan Society. The
                                       and Genelia D’Souza, too, is
                                                                               Today, people
term was initially used to describe
                                       launching their vegan initiative
‘non-dairy vegetarians’, the Vegan
                                       Imagine Meats, presumably
                                                                               have a variety of
Society updated the definition
                                       inspired by the multi-billion dollar
to: “…exclude all forms of animal
                                       success of US giant Beyond Meat.
exploitation…” in 1951.
                                       On screen, powerful documentaries       plant-based food
                                                                               options that are
No longer a novel concept,
                                       such as Cowspiracy, What the
Veganism is evolving from a fringe
                                       Health, Dominion, and most
                                                                               both healthy and
movement to a mainstream choice
                                       recently, The Game Changers, have
associated with health, ethics, and    been inspiring people across the
                                                                               tasty. And more
eco-sustainability. The meteoric       spectrum to adopt a plant-based
rise of plant-based diets around       lifestyle. In covering a range of
the world is proof that more than
ever before, we’re living in the age
                                       topics from the atrocities of factory
                                       farming to its damaging effects
                                                                               and more of them
of Veganism.                           on climate change, these thought-       are now preferring
                                                                               vegan diet and
How did we get here? A rising          provoking films have successfully
educated middle-class, increased       converted a niche campaign into a

                                                                               thus catering to
awareness of global trends, a          popular cause. Opinions of these
growing focus on personal and          films and all aspects of veganism

                                                                               this increasing
planetary health, and the appeal of    are able to spread rapidly across
a greener, cleaner way of life.        social media through Twitter and

Although veganism spans across
                                                                               number becomes
                                                                               an important task.
generations and cultures, it’s a       The popularity of vegan food has
lifestyle choice led by the youth.     been slowly gaining momentum
With veganism skyrocketing             in India. Over the last few years,
around the world, India, as a          not only have people started
young country with almost half its     to appreciate the concept of
population under the age of thirty,    veganism but have adopted it in
is keen to follow.                     their lives too. According to a UN
                                       FAO report, India has the lowest
Instrumental in the rise of            rate of meat consumption in the
veganism are influencers who           world due to 44 per cent of the 1.3     restaurants are getting increasingly
have tapped the young, tech-           billion population being Hindus.        ready to cater to vegan customers
savvy generation by increasing         According to rough estimates,           and the market is ready to take up
awareness of the cause through         there were around 500 million           the challenge of providing more
social media. Hundreds of vloggers     vegetarians in India in 2020 and        plant-based food options.
sharing wellness guides, nutritional   of these, only one per cent are         The vegan customers in India,
advice, and vegan recipes can be       strict vegans. So, the total number     although small currently, are
followed on YouTube.                   of vegans in India is around five
                                                                               growing rapidly. The product
Dr Nandita Shah, Founder of            million.
                                                                               offerings, however, are quite
Sharan, is one of the many             Today, people have a variety of         limited, especially when customers
nutritionists who have been            plant-based food options that           are looking for a replacement of
catalysts for the vegan movement       are both healthy and tasty. And         a meat-based product. Achieving
at home. Athletes like Virat Kohli     more and more of them are               the same meat-like taste, texture
and actors like Aamir Khan and         now preferring vegan diet and           and aroma, using only plant-based
Ayesha Takia have also brought         thus catering to this increasing        ingredients being a difficult task,
awareness of veganism’s health         number becomes an important             market players are understood to
and performance benefits to            task. According to market reports,      use innovations to attract more
the masses. Vegan for almost a         Indian food producers and               meat-eaters into their vegan food.

                                                                               October - November 2021 HRA Today      19


                                                                                             Our Bureau
           he hotel industry demand      seen ARRs return to pre-Covid           and sustenance of demand will
           has recovered at a sharper    levels in Aug-21/Sep-21. Travel         depend on efficacy of vaccines
           pace post Covid 2.0           during the festive season travel will   and a potential third Covid wave.
           compared to last year’s       act as a key demand booster for         The industry is currently cautiously
 lockdown, aided by the easing           the industry in Q3 FY2022.              optimistic.”
 of restrictions in Q2 FY2022.
                                         Vinutaa S, assistant vice president     Most markets reported over 50%
 Partial lockdown as well as travel
                                         and sector head, ICRA Limited, said,    occupancy in Jul-21 and Aug-21,
 restrictions in many states in April
                                         “While the first few months were        the key markets - Jaipur, Goa,
 and May 2021 post the onset of
                                         impacted, the industry witnessed        Delhi, Mumbai and Hyderabad
 Covid 2.0 resulted in the ICRA                                                  displayed healthy occupancies
                                         faster-than-expected ramp up
 sample of companies reporting                                                   whereas Bangalore and Pune
                                         in Q2 FY2021, because of lower
 a 56% decline in revenues on a                                                  lagged behind. The ARRs in leisure
                                         restrictions, high vaccination pace
 QoQ basis, in line with the ratings                                             destinations were above pre-Covid
                                         and pent-up demand, which resulted
 agency’s estimates. However, the                                                levels in Jul-21 and Aug-21. Going
                                         in revenge travel. Demand in the
 revenues are expected to improve by                                             forward, ARRs will be a function of
                                         last few months has come from
 85-90% sequentially in Q2 FY2022.                                               sustenance of demand.
                                         staycations, weddings and travel
 Occupancy has picked up, with           to driveable leisure destinations,      The demand recovery pattern has
 the August-21 Pan-India premium         and from special purpose groups.        different from other crises, with
 hotel occupancy at 44-46%. For          There is the new trend of biscations    properties with affiliated strong
 5M FY2022, the same is estimated        (which is working from a resort)        brands and in the luxury segment
 to be 32-34% (up from 13-15% in         that is picking up. Business travel     standing to benefit, as trust and
 5M FY2021), vis-à-vis 46-48% in         pickup has been mainly to project       safety are paramount. Drive-to
 Q4 FY2021. The Pan-India ARRs           sites/manufacturing locations from      leisure, staycations, social MICE/
 are estimated at Rs 3,850-3,950 for     specific sectors. The Covid-related     weddings and special purpose
 5M FY2022 and still remain at a 25-     demand which was prevalent April        groups are expected to drive
 30% discount to pre-Covid levels,       mid to June mid, waned from July        revenues for hotels for the next one
 although some high-end hotels           and we are seeing real demand           year at least. International traffic
 and leisure destinations have even      pick up. The situation is evolving,     arrivals will take time to pick-up and

20   HRA Today October - November 2021
Nevertheless, the situation is still   monetization to support capital
                                         evolving and as the estimates are      structure improvement going
                                         contingent on timelines tied to the    forward. However, debt metrics are
                                         pandemic,” added Vinutaa.              expected to return to pre-Covid
                                                                                levels only over the medium term,
                                         Moratorium and ECLGS provided
                                                                                while RoCE is expected to remain
                                         the much-needed financial
                                                                                sub cost-of capital at least for the
                                         support during Covid-19. About
                                                                                next few years.
                                         70% entities in ICRA’s hospitality
                                         portfolio availed moratorium           ICRA continues to have a negative
                                         during the first wave, though it       outlook on the Indian hotel
                                         was only 39% of rated debt. Some       industry, as the sustenance of
                                         companies also raised funding          the demand pickup in the recent
                                         through equity and debt tie-ups        months remains to be seen. A
                                         before ECLGS announcement.             potential third wave and its impact
                                         The industry has raised about          on travel and hotel occupancies
                                         Rs. 660 crore of equity in FY2021      cannot be ruled out. Further, the
                                         and has announced Rs. 3,300            RevPAR is still significantly lower
                                         crore of equity/fund raising           than pre-Covid levels. About
                                         plans in FY2022. ICRA expects          63% of ICRA’s ratings are also on
                                         further equity fund raising/asset      negative outlook currently.

in the intervening period, demand
will be supported by domestic
travel. Hotels/cities dependent
on business travel/foreign tourist
arrivals (FTAs), will also take
considerable time to recover.
In terms of supply, in the immediate
term, temporary shutdowns are
possible in affected regions, if there
is a third wave. Acquisitions and
industry consolidation are the way
forward, and rebranding in the
midscale and upscale segments
will add to share of organised
supply. Over the medium term, a
part of pre-Covid supply may be
permanently shelved, while there
could be new properties coming up
in leisure destinations.
“The hotel industry is expected
to clock at least 45-50% of pre-
Covid revenues in FY2022. Further
operating profits in the current
fiscal will be aided by improved
operating leverage and sustenance
of some of the cost-optimization
measures undertaken last fiscal.
However, pre-Covid revenues
and profits are likely only by
FY2024. As a result of sustenance
of some cost-saving measures,
the breakeven is expected to
reduce and hotels are likely to
report pre-Covid margins of 85-
90% of revenues going forward.

                                                                                October - November 2021 HRA Today      21

 Amruda Nair is Founder & Director, Araiya Hotels & Resorts. Ms. Nair has a global
 perspective on hospitality, backed by her experience with leading international brands.
 She is the granddaughter of the late Captain C.P. Krishnan Nair, the iconic businessman
 who founded the Leela Group. Amruda Nair shares her views on hotel industry
 scenario with HRA Today.

 What are the major challenges the Indian hotel                 back to hospitality. This resonates strongly with our guests
 industry is facing at this juncture?                           who are seeking brands that are independent and not
                                                                part of the mega consolidation in the industry that they
 The hospitality industry continues to struggle with
                                                                view as commodification. Our guests love that we are
 muted demand for corporate room inventory, delays in
                                                                boutique, female-owned, community focused and built on
 supply of goods, higher operating costs, restriction on
                                                                inclusiveness and transparency.
 trading hours and reduced capacities. The resumption
 of inbound international tourists and the complete             What new trends are getting established in the hotel
 re-opening of borders to foreign travel are the critical       industry after the pandemic has eased and normalcy
 turning points that the industry is looking for. Hotel         is back?
 room demand is recovering quicker than expected and,
                                                                The expectations of guests have changed forever and
 as a result, service levels are suffering. While we knew
                                                                we are seeing a normalisation of contactless, digital
 there would be an erratic recovery curve, prolonged
                                                                transactions that are hassle free and allow for more
 labour issues have intensified the challenge to meet the
                                                                genuine human interactions. The pandemic allowed hotel
 expectations of returning guests who expect a return to
                                                                brands to connect with their guests through social media
 normal, even if it’s not yet economically viable.
                                                                and enhance the engagement in future with the use of
                                                                data analytics. At Araiya we chose to invest in technology
 According to you, what is the emerging landscape of
                                                                so that we could leverage our systems to enhance the
 hotels in India?
                                                                quality of our guests’ stay experience through preference
 There has been a clear shift in the willingness of the         tracking, personalisation and customisation.
 domestic traveler to explore the country and seek new
                                                                What is your take on the role of online retail
 experiences within a drivable or single flight radius.
                                                                companies in the resurgence of the hotel industry?
 Indian guests are also showing openness to boutique
 properties with unique features or undiscovered                We have a lot to learn from online retail companies who
 locations. Trust and safety remain the key currency and        were adept in bridging the gap between physical and
 brands that establish clear communication through              digital and transformed the buying experience through
 digital channels will have a clear advantage.                  data analytics and personalisation. Using past purchases
                                                                to design future offers to guests is something hotels
 Launching a new, independent brand just before the
                                                                are only beginning to tap into. The same goes for de-
 pandemic hit was a big leap but one that has been well
                                                                packaging the offerings beyond bed and breakfast to
 received as it is exactly what guests today are looking
                                                                include other enhancements such as excursions, special
 for. Araiya which means eternal beauty to me means
                                                                meals, spa and sports features based on preferences.
 constant evolution - the ability to adapt, change and
 stay relevant. The only way to achieve this agility is         What are the strategies of your brand to augment
 to be young and fearless. As a new brand we have the           business in the post pandemic scenario?
 ability to make quick decisions and respond to the
                                                                The pandemic allowed us to engage further, build trust
 constantly evolving environment.
                                                                and establish more regular and relevant communication
 Our vision today is to bring the joy of travel and discovery   channels with our guests. Our investment in technology

22   HRA Today October - November 2021
has not only helped drive direct
  bookings but also enhanced
  the guests’ stay experience. We
  have been able to incorporate
  contactless and self-service
  technologies into our service
  offering to provide a more
  customer-centric experience
  that replaces administrative
  convenience with genuine
  What is the support that
  you look forward from the
  government for a smooth
  sail ahead?
  While domestic tourism is
  booming, the complexity of
  regulations that change from
  state to state has made travel
  expensive and cumbersome
  hence stifling demand
  particularly for business
  travelers. Liquidity remains a key
  concern for both existing hotels
  with subdued cash flows as well
  as projects under development
  that require fresh funding. As the
  largest generator of employment
  in the country, tourism has vast
  potential to contribute to the
  economic recovery and the
  industry has been lobbying
  for infrastructure status that
  will encourage investment and
  growth in the sector.
  How do you envision the
  position of your brand five
  years down the time line?
  We plan to grow in a sustained
  manner, focused on expanding
  in geographies such as Himachal
  Pradesh, Kerala and Gujarat
  where we already have a
  presence. We will also seek new
  destinations in wellness, spa and
  activity-led space to leverage
  our existing portfolio of golf, spa
  and mountain resorts. We will
  continue to add more properties
  under the Araiya flag to appeal
  to our existing guest database
  and will also be opening flagship
  properties under the luxury
  ‘Essence by Araiya’ and mid
  scale ‘Soul by Araiya’ brands to
  expand our offering in multiple
  segments and markets.

October - November 2021 HRA Today       23
24   HRA Today October - November 2021

                                                    T    he Hotel and Restaurant Association of Western India
                                                         (HRAWI) continues to expand its membership base across
                                                    the western reaches of India. In the recent past, the Association
                                                    has added hotels, restaurants, and other affiliates from Goa,
                                                    Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh among other
                                                    states. The Association’s continued efforts and support for the
                                                    hospitality industry in the regions under its ambit have helped
                                                    its membership base grow exponentially.

HOTELS                                                                     2         Kapila Garden          174, Dhole Patil Rd, next to Ruby hall
                                                                                     Restaurant             Clinic Gate, Sangamvadi, Pune - 411001
Sr. No   Name of the             Address
         Establishment                                                     3         Thambbi Veg            15, Runwal Heights, Nirmal Lifestyle
                                                                                     Restaurant             Mall, Lal Bahadur Shastri Rd, Salpa Devi
1        Sardar Sarovar          Kevadia, Garudeshwar (Taluka), Opp.                                        Pada, Mulund (W) - 400080
         Holiday Resorts LLP     Kevadiya Railway Station, Narmada,
                                 Gujarat - 393151                          4         The Café Bistro        Shop No. 5/6 Sumeru Arc, Ghogha Rd,
                                                                                                            near Roopani Circle, Bhavnagar, Gujarat
2        Hotel Ginger            Highway No. 06, Village Baradiya,                                          - 364001
         Dwarka                  Taluka Okha, Dwarka, Gujarat - 361335
                                                                           5         Subway                 Bio Green Acres Bungalows CHS, DIN
3        Mayfair Lake            Sector 24 , Atal Nagar , Raipur -492018                                    Quary Road, Chembeur (E) - 400088
                                                                           6         Ruka Luxury            462, AB Nair Rd, Juhu,
4        Grand Vicotria The      Panchgani, Plot no 555, Narayan Lodge,              Restaurant
         Fern                    Panchgani Mahabaleshwar Road,
                                 412805,                                   7         Circle of Crust        Phoenix Market City, 2nd Floor, Nagar
                                                                                                            Road, Viman Nagar, Pune - 411014
5        Silver Estate Resort    Tikamgarh, Jhansi Road, Alampura,
                                 Madhya Pradesh 472001                     8         Circle of Crust        Shop No BG, 8, DC Rd, Magarpatta,
                                                                                                            Hadapsar, Pune, Maharashtra 411013
6        Hotel Ranjeet           870/7 Lane No. 10, Bhandarkar Road,
                                 Gymkhana, Pune - 411014                   9         Swig Bar & Eatery      Shop No. 05, Balewadi High St, Laxman
                                                                                     Restaurant             Nagar, Baner, Pune, Maharashtra
7        Radisson Hotel,         Plot No - 19, 21 & 27-29, Gold Valley
         Resort & Spa            Sector D, Tungarli, Lonavla
                                                                           10        Shahi Haveli           238 A, M. P. Nagar Zonel 1, Bhopal,
8        Singhania Srovar        Great Eastern Rd, near AIIMS Hospital,
                                                                                     Restaurant and         Madhya Pradesh - 462011
         Portico                 Sarvodaya Nagar, Tatibandh, Raipur,
                                 Chhattisgarh 492099
9        Binori Hotel            Opp. New York tower, near Thaltej         ASSOCIATES
                                 Cross Rd, Sarkhej - Gandhinagar Hwy,
                                 Bhaikakanagar, Thaltej, Ahmedabad,        Sr. No.   Name of the            Address
                                 Gujarat 380054                                      Establishment

10       The Fern Residency      JCR Cinema Pvt Ltd, Survey no.612         1         Poona Hoteliers        13, Wilson Garden, Motilal Talera Marg,
         Jamnagar                Theba Cross Road, Jamnagar Dwarka                   Association            Opp. Pune Railway Station, Pune -
                                 Bypass Road, Gujarat - 361120                                              411001
                                                                           2         Broadway               8th Floor, Muttha Chamber II, Senapati
RESTAURANTS                                                                          Integrated Park        Bapat Road, Pune - 411016
Sr. No   Name of the             Address                                             LLP
                                                                           3         Spartan                 111, New Tejpal Industrial Estate,
1        Feelings Little Italy   Shop No. 21, Balewadi High Street Park,             Engineering            Andheri - Kurla Rd, Saki Naka, Mumbai
         Foods LLP               Near Express Highway, Pune - 411045                 Industries Pvt. Ltd.   -

                                                                                                 October - November 2021 HRA Today                  25

 FSSAI introduces new logo for ‘vegan’
                                                    The Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI) of India has
                                                    introduced a new logo to identify vegan products in the country
                                                    on Tuesday. Green in colour, it has a V inscribed in the middle
                                                    with a small plant on top of it and Vegan written at the bottom.
                                                    The food regulator informed that the design resonates with
                                                    the current logo, which is a green and brown dot in the middle
                                                    of a square, respectively, for vegetarian and non-vegetarian
                                                    products. FSSAI.
                                                    The logo has been developed by Kruti Manish Rathore of Mount
                                                    Caramel College, Bangalore, pursuing Masters in Food Science
                                                    and Nutrition, under the guidance of Sangeeta Pandey.

 Fortune Park Hotels to add five
 hotels in India by December 2022
                                                    Fortune Park Hotels, a member of ITC’s hotel group, will be
                                                    opening five properties with over 375 rooms in India by the end
                                                    of 2022, as part of its robust expansion plans in the country.
                                                    The company has 38 operating hotels with around 2,900 rooms
                                                    across 34 cities of India.
                                                    Apart from opening 5 hotels with over 375 rooms across 4 cities
                                                    of India from our active pipeline by the end of December 2022,
                                                    they are understood to be also in advanced negotiations for
                                                    a few more projects, some of which are anticipated to open
                                                    before the end of next year. These five hotels will be -- Fortune
                                                    Resort Benaulim Goa, Fortune Park in Hoshiarpur (Punjab),
                                                    Fortune Park in Tirupur (Tamil Nadu), Fortune Select in Goa and
                                                    a Fortune Inn in Haldwani (Uttarakhand), he added. It has clearly
                                                    defined sub-brands -- Fortune Select, Fortune Park, Fortune
                                                    Inn and Fortune Resort -- under which the hotels are being
                                                    operated by the chain.

                                  Lords Hotels and Resorts expands
                                  its footprints in Panchgani
                                  Lords Hotels and Resorts announced the sign-up of its forty third hotel at
                                  Panchgani, a serene hill station near Mahableshwar. Deriving its name from
                                  the five hills surrounding it, Panchgani is known for offering breathtaking
                                  views of wonderful valleys, forts, hills and dams. This hotel is situated in the
                                  best part of the city, with easy access to the major sightseeing attractions and
                                  rooms overlooking the infinity pool and the valley beyond it. It will offer forty
                                  well-appointed rooms & suites with a fascinating view of the valley and also
                                  feature a conference hall, game zone, infinity pool and multi-cuisine restaurant.
                                  Pushpendra Bansal, COO, Lords Hotels and Resorts stated “We are delighted to
                                  mark our presence in one of the most popular hill stations of Maharashtra and
                                  the strawberry garden of India. We aim to deliver highest level of comfort to our
                                  esteemed guests with our True Value services”. Rishi Puri, Sr. Vice President, Lords
                                  Hotels and Resorts further added “This hotel will also be a perfect destination
                                  for work and pleasure. This would surely be a Strawberry (Berry) on the cake on
                                  existing portfolio of Lords Hotels and be a boutique unit” he jested in lighter vein.

26   HRA Today October - November 2021
India’s Hotel Industry Continues
to Regain Occupancy
                                                                                  have seen a different trend in where
                                                                                  the country is regaining occupancy.
                                                                                  Whereas India’s first recovery
                                                                                  earlier this year was concentrated
                                                                                  in leisure destinations, such as Goa,
                                                                                  heavily populated markets such as
                                                                                  New Delhi and Mumbai have seen
                                                                                  improvement in this latest rebound.”
                                                                                  Mumbai’s daily occupancy reached
                                                                                  as high as 77.9% on 26 June. New
                                                                                  Delhi occupancy improved to as
                                                                                  high as 79.7% on 17 July. Those were
                                                                                  each market’s highest daily levels in
                                                                                 STR provides premium data
                                                                                 benchmarking, analytics and
                                                                                 marketplace insights for global
                                                                                 hospitality sectors. Founded in
                                                                                 1985, STR maintains a presence
                                                                                 in 15 countries with a corporate
After a rapid decline due to a second     of 50.5% on 26 June. In July, the
                                                                                 North American headquarters
COVID-19 wave, India’s hotel industry     country took another step forward
                                                                                 in Hendersonville, Tennessee,
has seen a continued increase in          with most days in the 40-60% range
                                                                                 an international headquarters
occupancy due to the progressive          and a peak of 63.2% on 17 July.
                                                                                 in London, and an Asia Pacific
approach to vaccinations in key
                                          “The progressive approach to           headquarters in Singapore. STR
markets across the country, according
                                          vaccinations has led to an increase in was acquired in October 2019 by
to preliminary data and analysis from
                                          travelers and hotel demand—leisure CoStar Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSGP),
                                          demand continues to drive this         the leading provider of commercial
India’s daily occupancy sat in the 20-    growth,” said Vidhi Godiawala, STR’s real estate information, analytics
30% range in early June but improved      business development manager for and online marketplaces. For more
by the end of the month with several      Central and South Asia. “Beyond        information, please visit and
days closer to 35% and an outlier         the noticeable improvement, we

The Leela Palaces, Hotels And Resorts announced
the opening of The Leela Gandhinagar
The Leela Palaces, Hotels and             Located near the Dandi Kutir            complex. The hotel houses 318
Resorts owned by Brookfield Asset         museum, The Leela Gandhinagar           spacious rooms and suites, with
Management-sponsored private real         provides spectacular views of the       contemporary interiors seamlessly
estate fund, announced the opening        Central Vista. The hotel’s lavish       blending grandeur, comfort, and
of The Leela Gandhinagar, in Gujarat’s    interiors draw influence from the       modern sophistication. The bevy of
capital city. The hotel is built on the   rich archaeological and architectural   suites also consists of Royal and 4
airspace of a conventional railway        antiquity of Gujarat. The flooring is   Presidential Suites each offering a
station, 22 meters above ground and       inspired by the Adalaj Stepwell and     distinct magnitude of unparalleled
is the tallest building and the largest   features elements like the famous       opulence, ultra-modern facilities,
hotel in the city. The Gandhinagar        Tree of Life at Sidi Saiyyed Mosque,    and luxurious amenities. The Leela
capital railway station has been          traditional glass beadwork, textile     Gandhinagar delivers a rich culinary
redeveloped along with the 318            craftsmanship of Bandhej, Ajrakh        experience with dining venues
room 5-star hotel atop the tracks, the    and Batik, among various other          spanning across a host of cuisines
country’s first such project.             art inspirations embellishing the       served in picturesque environs.

                                                                                   October - November 2021 HRA Today      27
Hotel Industry Witnesses Growth in
 Revenue Per Room in second quarter
 The hospitality industry in India       Demand and supply of operational       segment performing notably well.
 witnessed a growth of 84.7% in          inventory in six major cities          Guest preferences have changed
 revenue per available room (RevPAR)     increased by 186% and 14%              significantly, and people are
 during the second quarter of 2021       respectively in the second quarter     preferring to stay at secluded low-
 (April-June) as compared to Q2 2020,    of 2021 as compared to the same        density properties.
 according to property consultant JLL    period last year.
                                                                                JLL said that it expects the
                                         According to JLL’s Hotel Momentum      leisure and wedding segments
 However, on a pan India level, there    India (HMI) Q2 2021, a quarterly       to continue to drive the sector
 has been a decline by 53.9% in Q2       hospitality sector monitor, y-o-y      in the short to medium term. As
 2021 RevPAR as compared to Q1           growth witnessed in the sector         offices open and travel restrictions
 2021, because of the restrictions       during Q2 2021 is primarily due        ease further, along with the
 imposed due to the second wave of       to the low base effect of the          rise in the pace of vaccination,
 the pandemic.                           complete nation-wide lockdown          corporate travel is expected to
                                         in Q2 2020. During the months of       gain momentum towards the end
 Goa emerged as the RevPAR leader
                                         April and May this year, the country   of the year.
 in absolute terms in Q2 2021 with
                                         witnessed the imposition of full and
 a growth of 360% as compared                                                   In terms of hotel signings, a total
                                         partial lockdowns as well as travel
 to the very low base of Q2 2020.                                               of 20 hotels comprising 2,100
                                         restrictions in many states.
 Additionally, Mumbai witnessed the                                             keys were signed in Q2 of 2021,
 highest growth in occupancy level       However, as restrictions were eased    which is three times the number
 registering 17.7% increase in Q2        between the end of May and June, a     of rooms signed in Q2 2020.
 2021 over the same period last year.    sharper recovery in leisure demand     Furthermore, domestic operators
 Chennai witnessed 99.6% growth in       was seen in comparison to the same     dominated signings over
 RevPAR followed by Hyderabad with       period last year. The recovery of      international operators with the
 89.6% increase compared to the same     the sector has been primarily driven   ratio of 60:40 in terms of inventory
 period of the previous year.            by branded chains in the leisure       volume.

 The Fern Hotels & Resorts ties up with
 SpiceJet’s IFE platform SpiceScreen
                                                                     The Fern Hotels & Resorts, India’s leading
                                                                     environmentally sensitive hotel chain
                                                                     has partnered with SpiceJet’s inflight
                                                                     entertainment platform, SpiceScreen,
                                                                     to showcase its selected properties on
                                                                     the platform. SpiceScreen gives access
                                                                     to an amazing collection of unlimited
                                                                     entertainment, podcasts, magazines, and
                                                                     games along with an exclusive travel section
                                                                     that highlights hotels, vacations, and mid-air
                                                                     cab bookings.
                                                                     SpiceJet guests would be able to make
                                                                     their hotel bookings on our brand website
                                                                     booking engine. All 55 participating hotels
                                                                     will offer SpiceJet guests booking their hotel
                                                                     rooms through this platform a flat 20 % off
                                                                     on the hotel’s BAR rates. The guests will also
                                                                     get a 20% discount on food and beverages
                                                                     and complimentary room upgrades &
                                                                     late check-out till 4 pm, both subject to
                                                                     availability. This is a promo offer.

28   HRA Today October - November 2021
FHRAI-IHM Gets Affiliated With
                                          Restaurant Associations of India        3rd largest Hospitality Association.
                                          (FHRAI) to be affiliated with the       FHRAI-IHM offers the best-in-class
                                          NCHMCT. FHRAI-IHM will offer            training infrastructure backed by
                                          a 3-year B.Sc. in Hospitality and       experienced and learned faculty
                                          Hotel Administration, 18-month          for carving out a great future for
                                          Diploma in Food Production,             students in Hospitality.
                                          18-month Diploma in Bakery and
                                                                                  FHRAI-IHM is fully equipped to
                                          Confectionary and 18-month
                                                                                  provide students with all necessary
                                          Diploma in Food & Beverages
                                                                                  inputs in the area of aptitude
                                                                                  formation, personality development
The FHRAI-Institute of Hospitality        India’s only private Hospitality        and brings the right value-add for
Management (FHRAI-IHM) is now             Institute that’s run by the country’s   building careers in the hospitality
affiliated with the National Council      apex Hospitality Association is now     domain. We are also updating and
of Hotel Management & Catering            also affiliated with NCHMCT, Noida      incorporating the technologically
Technology (NCHMCT), Noida                an organisation of the Ministry         advanced practices prevalent in
an organisation of the Ministry           of Tourism, Government of India.        Hospitality Industry. Hopefully, we
of Tourism, Government of India.          This development reinforces our         will soon have put this phase of
NCHMCT, Noida presently has over          commitment to offer students the        lockdowns and restrictions behind us
seventyfive affiliated Central, State     best in Hospitality Management          and pray that tourism bounces back
and private Hotel Management              education.FHRAI-IHM is founded          to health. Hospitality has and will
institutes in the country. FHRAI-IHM      by FHRAI comprising of its four         continue to play a major role in the
becomes the first private institution     regional hotel and restaurant           progress of education and continue
that is run by India’s apex Hospitality   Associations in the North, East, West   to be a great avenue for students
Association – Federation of Hotel &       and South. FHRAI is the world’s         aspiring to make a career in the field.

Second Covid-19 wave hit BMC’s khau galli plan
                                                            2021. According       BMC officials said after initial
                                                            to BMC officials,     discussion in January, a policy was to
                                                            a policy for khau     be formulated wherein 10-12 trucks,
                                                            gallis was to be      selling different cuisines, will come
                                                            framed but there      and park trucks between 6pm and
                                                            is no development     11pm. For this, several wards in the
                                                            on the same as the    city are looking at small streets which
                                                            plan is on hold for   BMC can afford to shut between
                                                            now.                  6pm and 11pm and divert traffic to
                                                                                  alternative routes.
                                                            The idea of food
                                                            trucks was pushed     Meanwhile, the hospitality industry
                                                            by state tourism      feels they should be consulted before
                                                            minister Aaditya      such a policy is implemented. Pradeep
                                                            Thackeray who         Shetty, senior vice-president of Hotel
                                                            announced having      and Restaurant Association of Western
                                                            food trucks across    India (HRAWI), said, “Our industry is
                                                            the city to boost     the most impacted due to the Covid
                                                            tourism. In the       lockdown, and business has been hit
The plan was to set up khau gallis        2021-22 budget, BMC reserved            for hotel industry since the past 15
in all 24 administrative wards of the     `200 crore for creating food            months. We expect that such a policy
city. However, the city was hit with      hubs including beautification of        is drafted after taking suggestion from
second wave days later with cases         footpaths, beautifying space below      hospitality industry to ensure there is
starting to increase from February        flyovers etc.                           level playing ground.

                                                                                   October - November 2021 HRA Today        29
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