Directory Services Melville - City of Melville

Page created by Ken Griffith
Directory Services Melville - City of Melville

S e r v i ce s

Directory Services Melville - City of Melville
Age-Friendly Melville

The City of Melville continues to build on its previous achievements working
towards a vision of an Age-Friendly Melville to advance the aspirations and
wellbeing of our ageing community.

We are heading towards a time where there will more ageing adults in Australia
than there will be children. We continue to engage with our older residents, and
based on what you tell us, we continually look to improve our strategies to reflect
your aspirations for the future.

We will also continue to maintain our participation in the World Health
Organisation’s Global Age-Friendly Communities Network and work with the
state government and other local governments in Western Australia to progress
our vision of an age-friendly City.

The City has developed strategies and actions outlined in our document ‘Age-
Friendly Melville Plan 2017-2021’ which targets the key areas identified by older
people for improvements that promote active ageing. The priority areas identified
include housing, transport, respect and inclusion as well as social participation.

This resource is regularly updated and improved with the latest information about
services and activities that will support your independence and participation in
the community.

We hope that this booklet assists you to live well in Age-Friendly Melville.
Directory Services Melville - City of Melville

The City of Melville has made every effort to ensure that the information in this Age-Friendly
Melville Services Directory is accurate and up to date.

The City has no control over some of the services listed herein, with the exception of its
own programs, and cannot accept responsibility for accuracy, completeness or timeliness
of the information’s suitability, or safety of services.

This Age-Friendly Melville Services Directory is provided on the basis that the City of
Melville will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury whatsoever arising from any
incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete or out of date information herein, or arising in any way as
a result of the services listed herein.

It is not the intention of this Age-Friendly Melville Services Directory to include all services
and facilities that are available, but rather a range of information that is considered

The information on the website and this Age-Friendly Melville Services Directory
will be updated annually.

If you would like your organisation or service to be included, contact us on
1300 653 845 or 08 9364 0666.

 Reviewed February 2019

Directory Services Melville - City of Melville
Table of Contents

Disclaimer .................................................................................................................. ……2
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................... ……3
Accommodation/Housing.......................................................................................... ……4
Accommodation, Housing and Support Services…………………………………..........….5
Carer Support ......................................................................................................... ……..12
Clubs and Friendship Groups…………………………………………………………...……..13
Crafts and Arts ......................................................................................................... .……17
Cultural and Linguistic Diverse Services ............................................................... …….18
Day Centres/Respite Services ................................................................................ …….19
Education and Volunteering ................................................................................... …….19
Emergency Relief..................................................................................................... …….21
Emergency Services ................................................................................................ …….21
Entertainment/Dancing/Singing .............................................................................. …….22
Environment and Gardening ................................................................................... …….24
Health and Benefits ................................................................................................. …….24
Hospitals .................................................................................................................. …….26
Information and Advocacy………………………………………………………………………27
Library Services………………………………………………………………………….......…...31
Mobility Assistance, Aids and Equipment……………………………………………………32
Senior Citizens Clubs…………………………………………………………….………………34
Social Support…………………………………………………………………………………….34
Sport and Recreation…………………………………………………………………………….34

Accommodation and Housing for                              Accommodation and Housing
          Seniors                                                Advice Services

Uncertain about what accommodation would              Aged Care and Retirement Placement
be right for you?                                     Services (Fee for Service)
                                                      PO Box 1237
If you are unsure about what accommodation            Subiaco WA 6904
would suit you, call and discuss your situation       Phone: 08 9445 7128
with the City of Melville Community                   Phone: 0433 796 512
Development Office on                                 Email:
1300 635 845 or (08) 9364 0666.                       Web:
Remember that you have the right to decide
what accommodation you want to live in.               WA Retirement Villages
Gain as much information as you can to make           Residents Association
the best decision that suits your needs.              (Fee for Service)
                                                       PO Box 7896
Making well informed decisions about your              Cloisters Square 6850
living arrangements while you are well is              Phone: 0448 812 888
preferable to having to make them during a             Web:
time of personal health crisis or immediately          Eligibility: All retirement villages and
following the loss of a loved one. Your ability        individuals residing in a retirement village.
to make good decisions during such times               The aim of the association is to obtain
could be greatly affected.                             improvements in the lifestyle of its members
                                                       and to help people find the type of retirement
The options that are available to you are              village to suit their needs.
dependent on your choices and preferences              The objects are to act as an advocate on
about a range of things such as your social            behalf of its members for a large variety of
connections, health, and ability to live               issues.
independently and of course your budget.
                                                      Millennium Aged Care Consultants
The following organisations are able to               (Free Service)
provide advice to assist you in making                Phone: 1300 755 702
decisions that suit you personally.                   Email:
NOTE: Some of the organisations charge a              A team of aged care consultants are
fee and some offer advice for free.                   independent specialists and able to provide
                                                      accommodation solutions and advice to
                                                      individuals and families.

Accommodation - Independent Living                   Alchera Living
                                                     40-44 Worley Street, Willagee 6156
                                                     Phone: (08) 9314 5884
Independent Living                                   Web:
There are a range of styles of housing               Email:
available for people who are able to live            Alchera is a not for profit organisation that
independently and look after                         operates four independent living villages for
themselves, possibly with some minimal               over 55’s with an aim to provide affordable
support.                                             housing for seniors.

These homes are generally smaller than                   Applecross Village
family homes and are easier to maintain.                 750 Canning Highway, Applecross
Some are located in strata complexes and
some are located in retirement villages with             Bull Creek Village
a range of additional services.                          14-8 Hassell Crescent, Bull Creek

Some allow pets, storage of                              Webber Gardens
caravans, trailers, boats etc.                           69-71 Bawden Street, Willagee

Ensure you are clear about what you need,                Weeronga Village
that it can be provided and what costs are               40- 44 Worley Street, Willagee
associated with the choice you make. Gain
independent advice before signing any                Frederick Guest Village
agreements or contracts.                             Amana Living
                                                     23 Gleddon Road
If you require some assistance to remain             Bull Creek WA 6149
living independently refer to Home and               Phone:1300 920 895
Community Care (HACC) and Home                       Web:
Care Packages on page six.                           One and two bedroom homes including
                                                     established gardens for over 55’s.
The following facilities provide independent
living units and can be contacted directly to        Leeming Retirement Village
find out more information and availability.          2 Theakston Green
                                                     Leeming WA 6149
                                                     Phone: (08) 9386 8614
                                                     Mobile: 0421 631 116
Braemar Gardens                                      Web:
56 Bristol Avenue, Bicton 6157             
Phone: (08) 6279 3636                                u
Web:                          An independent living retirement village with
Email:                          60 villas, a village centre with facilities and a
An independent living unit complex,                  24 hour emergency alarm system. Minimum
which offers one and two bedroom                     age of 60 years apply. No hostel facilities.
unit options.

Airforce Memorial Estate
Royal Australia Air Force Association Inc. of
WA (RAAF) (WA Division) Inc.
2 Bull Creek Drive,
Bull Creek WA 6149
Phone: (08) 9311 4488
Self-contained independent living units in one
and two bedroom living configurations.
Mirage and Orion Terraces – Apartments.

Parkland Villas
510 Marmion Street
                                               Independent Living Support Services
Booragoon WA 6154
Phone: (08) 9330 2988
Includes 185 villas and apartments.           Home and Community Care (HACC) and
One and two bedroom or, two bed and           Home Care Packages
one study configuration.                      The HACC program provides basic support
                                              services to seniors, people with a disability
Kitchener Gardens Retirement Village          and their carers to assist them to continue
Aegis                                         to live independently at home.
4 Kitchener Road
Melville WA 6156                              To receive HACC services, an assessment
Phone: 08 9330 1911                           must be gained from the Regional
Web:                     Assessment Team (RAS) by calling
Two bedroom self-contained retirement         1300 785 415 or visiting
units featuring 24 hours emergency call
direct and services.
                                              Home Care Packages provide more
Myaree Gardens Estate                         complex support at home and are
444 Marmion Street                            accessed by the Aged Care Assessment
Myaree WA 6154                                Team (ACAT).
Phone: (08) 9330 4776                         To request an ACAT assessment, contact
Office hours: Tuesday/Thursday morning        My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.
from 9am to 12.30pm
A private strata estate for over 55’s         These assessments are designed to
comprises of 69 units managed by a            determine your requirements and a
residents committee.                          financial contribution may be

St Ives Retirement Living                     Services may include;
Phone: 1300 202 001
Web:        Social activities
Email:                                        Household tasks            Preparation/delivery of meals
                                              Minor home maintenance
     Myaree                                   Appointments
     44 Rome Road Myaree 6154                 Allied health services
     Phone: 0401196159                        Personal Care
     Intimate medium sized retirement         Respite Services
     village with homes designed for
     independent living.                      For information about services specifically
                                              for culturally and linguistically diverse
     Murdoch                                  groups or centre based respite please
     22 Windelya Road Murdoch 6150            see pages 18 and 19.
     Phone: 0448 895 470
     Freestanding villa and apartment         Home Care Assistance
     style homes.                             3/38 Ardross Street
                                              Applecross WA 6153
 .                                            Phone: 1300 548 346 or (08) 6365 3763
                                              Provide from one hour to 24 hour care and
                                              service HCP and private clients. We do
                                              personal care, cooking, cleaning, shopping,
                                              social outings etc. and specialise in
                                              cognitive therapies for clients with
Juniper Community                                Melville Cares Inc.
HACC services and care                           June Barton House
packages available                               21-23 Hammad Street
Phone: (08) 6363 6324 or (08) 9240 0313          Palmyra WA 6157
Web:                          PO Box 266 Melville WA 6956
Email:                    Phone: (08) 9319 0900
Activ Foundation
327 Cambridge Street                             An independent not for profit organisation
Wembley WA 6014                                  supporting our Community since 1986.
PO Box 446 Wembley WA 6913                       Assistance is provided to aged and those
Phone: (08) 9387 0555                            with a disability to live meaningful and
Web:                           connected lives, whilst remaining
                                                 independent, living safely and contentedly in
West Australians with an intellectual            their own homes. Offer services such as
disability are able to find employment, a        Friendship Groups, Community Transport,
place to live, travel and recreation             Home services, Nursing Care, NDIS service
options, and much more through the               provider and Veterans services provider.
state-wide network of the Activ                  We provide level 1 to 4 packages of care.
                                                 Volunteer Home Support Inc.
Home care is provided by carefully               6 Mooney Place
selected and experienced Family Care             O’Connor WA 6163
Workers.                                         Phone: 08 9331 2933
Workers employed by Activ Foundation             Email:
receive ongoing training to ensure their
awareness and currency with                      A non-profit organisation assisting aged
contemporary practices. Fees for the             people and those with disabilities.
Home Care Program are income                     As well as assisting carers with home help,
assessed and negotiated under a fee              maintenance, shopping, gardening and
structure administered by the HACC               transport.
Safeguards Policy.
                                                 People who Care
Mercy Care                                       48 James Street
38 Ord Street                                    Guildford WA 6055
West Perth                                       Phone: (08) 9379 1944
Phone: 08 9442 3444                              Web:
Web:                        Email:

Provides flexible service options tailored       A volunteer organisation assisting older
to suit an individual’s unique and               people, people with disabilities, carers and
personal needs. Basic maintenance                people with limited resources with minor
and support services including personal          home maintenance and home support
care, domestic assistance, home                  activities, for example gardening, odd
maintenance and social support to                jobs, furniture delivery, transport, visiting,
enable older people to continue living in        outings, assessments and referral.
the comfort of their own home. Services          PWC service both northern and southern
available in all areas.                          suburbs.

Chorus (Volunteer Task Force)                      Veterans’ Home Care
43 Planet Street                                   (Gold or white card holders
Carlisle WA 6101                                   only)
PO Box 2114 Carlisle North 6101                    Phone: 1800 555 254
Phone: 1800 264 268                                Email:
                                                   Provides a range of home support services
Provides a range of services for people with       including domestic assistance, personal
ongoing medical conditions or disabilities,        care, home and garden maintenance and
and are on a pension and living in their own       respite care.
home. Services include gardening, home             For general information about Veteran’s
maintenance, transport, domestic                   Home Care. To arrange an assessment
assistance and social support.                     for services, call your Veterans’ Home
                                                   Care Regional Agency on 1300 550 450.
St Ives
44 Rome Road                                       Southern Cross
Myaree WA 6154                                     Care 15 Rowe
Phone: 1300 202 001                                Avenue Rivervale WA
Web:             6103
Email:          Phone: 1300 669 189
  Day Respite Program:                             Email:
  St Ives Group offers day respite services
  three days a week to residents who are           Services are tailored to clients’ needs that
  supported by a carer and live in                 include personal care, meal preparation,
  Fremantle, Melville, Cockburn,                   nursing, home help, respite, shopping,
  Kwinana, Mandurah, Rockingham,                   dementia support, transport and access to a
  Murray and Waroona Council areas.                range of government funded programs
                                                   often at little or no cost. There are also
  Home Care:                                       psych-geriatric and dementia specific
  Services may begin with help with                services in a number of areas and services
  household tasks and activities such              to those who may be financially or socially
  as light housekeeping, laundry, meal             disadvantaged.
  preparation and personal care                    Specific services for Italian,
  including bathing, dressing and                  Spanish, Aboriginal or Torres Strait
  grooming.                                        Islander backgrounds available.

Umbrella Multicultural Community Care
                                                   Silver Chain
Services Inc.
                                                   Phone: 08 9242 0119 or (08) 9242 0347
39 Abernathy Road
Belmont WA 6104
Phone: (08) 9275 4411
Web:                   Helps people of all ages to receive the care
Email:                                             they need, to remain happy and healthy at             home. They will work with you to
                                                   understand your goals and help you to
Delivers home care service to seniors from         regain confidence in the activities of daily
58 different countries. Packages assist            living including showering, grooming,
older people to have flexibility and choice        housework, shopping socialising and more.
in how their care and support is provided.         They also have a team of doctors, nurses,
                                                   physiotherapists and podiatrists who can
                                                   support you in the comfort of your home.

Cura In-Home Care                                    Amana Living (Fremantle community
Unit 3/8 Welshpool Road                              care)
East Victoria Park 6101                              Information and Service Centre
Phone: (08) 9382 1983                                Ground Floor 541 Hay Street
Web:                      Subiaco WA 6008
Email:                   Phone: 1300 920 895
Providing a wide range of Government                 Email:
subsidised service for seniors over 65 under
a Home Care Packages. Services include but           Provides home help, assessment, centre
are limited to domestic assistance, transport,       based day care, client care coordination,
personal care, medication management and             counselling, support information, advocacy,
food service, garden maintenance etc. Offer          respite, social support and transport.
private services for seniors who are not
eligible for a Government funded package.
We have volunteers who visiting people who
may need social connections.                         Age-Friendly Melville Assistance Fund
Most staff are bilingual (German, Dutch,             (formerly known as Seniors Assistance
French, Thai, Swiss and Belgian.)                    Fund (SAF))

Chorus Kitchen                                       The City of Melville’s SAF assists residents
38A Waddell Road, Palmyra                            who are unable to access HACC or care
Phone: 08 9339 7225                                  packages for services to enable them to live
Web:             independently in the community. The fund is
kitchen/                                             managed by Chorus (formerly Care Options)
                                                     who can be contacted on:
At Chorus Kitchen all our meals are                  Phone: (08) 9550 7888 or 1300 552 935.
prepared fresh each day, Monday to                   Web:
Friday and we only use quality                       Email:
ingredients. You can choose to have
meals home delivered or you can pick up
your meals from the Kitchen. Lunch is
available at the Chorus Kitchen – please
call to make a reservation.

Avivo (formerly Perth Home Care)
Floor 2, 30 Hasler Road
Osborne Park WA 6916
Phone: 1300 428 486
Crisis Support Phone: (08) 9204 780

Avivo (Jandakot)
1/234 Berrigan Drive Jandakot
Phone: (08) 9412 3400

Provide services to the frail aged, younger
disabled, and their carers.
Services include home help, personal care,
respite care, social support, assistance with
banking and shopping.
Other services include a multicultural
program, crisis respite, dementia monitoring,
time off and a planning program for the older
carer of a younger person with a disability.

Residential Care                                    Opal Murdoch
(Previously known as low care hostels or            Discovery Way (access via Wagtail Close)
high care nursing homes.)                           Murdoch 6150
                                                    Phone: (08) 6332 6200
Residential care refers to long term care           Web:
given to adults who stay in a residential           Email:
setting rather than in their own home or
family home. There are various residential          Opal Melville
care options available depending on the             15 Cottrill Street
needs of the individual.                            Myaree 6154
                                                    Phone: (08) 9424 0500
To access residential care you must be              Web:
referred to an Aged Care Assessment                 Email:
Team (ACAT) by your GP contactor
contact                                             Regent’s Garden Bateman
Phone: 1800 200 422                                 2 Amur Place
Web:                          Bateman WA 6150
                                                    Phone: (08) 9332 7280
The following facilities are within the City        Web:
of Melville however to find further                 Email:
information or availability within these            Dementia care, Chinese speaking staff and
facilities you must go through                      Asian cuisine caters for people of Chinese                               and Asian backgrounds.

                                                    Regent’s Garden Four Seasons
Royal Air Force Association WA Inc.                 495 Marmion Street Booragoon WA 6154
Cnr Bull Creek Drive and Leach Highway              Phone: (08) 9333 7300
Bull Creek WA 6149                                  Web:
Two facilities are available in Bull Creek.         Email:
Phone: (08) 9311 4444
Web:                             Carinya of Bicton (Private)
                                                    220 Preston Point Road Bicton WA 6157
    Gordon Lodge (Residential Aged)                 Phone: (08) 9339 3760
    Phone: (08) 9311 4500                           Web:
    Email:                    Offers residential care with a wide choice of
    Bed-sitting rooms with shower                   services, in consultation with residents and
    facilities and shared meals in a                their families. Respite is available.
    communal dining room. Help is
    available with cleaning and laundry             Braemar Cooinda
    and non-nursing staff are on duty all           31 Moorhouse St, Willagee WA 6156
    the time.                                       Phone: (08) 6279 3636
    Alice Ross-King Care Centre                     Provide services for up to 108
    Phone: (08) 9324 0000                           residents; each in private rooms.
    Email:                     Includes a 31 room specialist care
    Situated on the banks of the serene             service, to care for people with high
    Lake Howard. Offers personalised                support needs.
    care accommodation equipped with
    single bedrooms with ensuites.                  Braemar Village
                                                    32/24 Charsley St, Willagee WA 6156
Brightwater                                         Phone: (08) 6279 363
Phone: 1300 223 968                                 Web:
Web:                       Services for up to 52 residents each in
Email:                 private rooms, ensuite and garden or
Services range from short and long term             courtyard access. Includes 26 room memory
residential accommodation, rehabilitation           support service
services to assistance in the home.
Home Care Packages                                   Baptist Care
The Home Care Package program provides               95 Belgravia Street, Belmont WA 6104
the next level of support if and when HACC           Phone: (08) 9282 8600
support is no longer meeting your needs.             Web:
The support provides people with higher              Providing residential aged care, retirement
level care needs this support provides               living, home and disability services for
people with higher level care needs requiring        people in the community.
care coordination and case management to
help seniors or people with disability live
independently.                                       Homecare Options
                                                     14 Resolution Drive, Ascot 6005
For more information or an assessment                Phone: 1300 606 001
contact My Aged Care                                 Offers 24 hours, seven days a week in home
Phone: 1800 200 422                                  support across the metropolitan area.
Web:                           Services include personal care, nursing care,
                                                     medication assistance, meal preparation,
                                                     respite, transport, social support and allied
                                                     health services.
The following organisation provides Home
Care Packages, however you will need an              Platinum Healthcare Group
assessment online via                                Suite 1, 22 Hardy Street South Perth WA to access                      6151
services.                                            Phone: (08) 9470 4075
Chorus (formerly Care Options                        Offers a wide range of private and
Inc.)                                                government funded services. The services
1/454 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008                  help older people and those living with
Phone: 1800 264 268                                  disabilities to stay safe and independent in
Web:                               their own home. Available support includes
Email:                           personal care, home help, transport,
Services include home help, personal and             companionship and lifestyle support, respite
respite care, home and garden maintenance.           care and nursing services.
Management of the Seniors Assistance Fund
(SAF) for the City of Melville, HACC and Care
                                                     Private Home Support Services
packages. Services are also available for
Veterans requiring Homecare services.                (Not HACC Funded check the Yellow
                                                     Pages for additional services)
Kincare Home Care Services
243 James St Northbridge WA 6003                     The Carers
Phone: 1300 733 510                                  1/4 Milson Place O’Connor WA 6163
Web:                              Phone: (08) 9331 5866
Email:                             Web:
Provides a wide range of private and                 Email:
government subsidised services. Both short           Offers a range of services to assist clients
and long term care requirements of seniors           to remain living at home with as much
and people with disabilities are covered,            independence as possible. Services
including Care packages, home nursing care,          include but not limited to domestic
personal care and attendant care. Dementia           assistance, respite, transport, personal
specific packages are also available.                care, medication management and food

Home Instead Senior Care
Unit 24 / 784 Canning Highway                                       Carer Support
Applecross WA 6153
Phone: 08 6310 0400
Web:                          Well Ways Carers
Email:                      Phone: 08 9237 8900
Provides private care to seniors in their own        Web:
home and is an approved provider of Home             Email:
Care Packages. Services include                      Programs are designed to increase the
companionship and helping older people to            capacity of families, carers and friends to care
remain living at home as independently as            effectively for themselves, other family
possible, for as long as possible. Personal          members and their friends living with mental
services range from assisting with                   illness.
showering and dressing, to meal
preparation, housekeeping, Alzheimer's               Melville Cares (Inc.) Recreation and
support, respite care and transport.                 Respite
                                                     June Barton House
                                                     21-23 Hammad Street (corner Adrian)
White Oak Home Care                                  Palmyra WA 6157
Service Unit 3, 65 Grand                             Phone: (08) 9319 0900
Boulevard Joondalup WA 6027                          Web:
Phone: 08 9301 0299                                  Assists the frail aged and younger people with
Web:                             disabilities and their carers to participate and
Email:                          remain living independently in the community.
Provides personal care, home support
services, social support and respite care.           Red Cross Carer Support Services
                                                     110 Goderich Street East Perth WA 6004
                                                     Phone: 1800 441 014
Comfort Keepers                                      Web:
Unit 1/87 Glenelg Street Mount Pleasant              Email:
6152                                                 Provides support to people who provide long-
Phone: (08) 9315 2200                                term home based care to a family member,
Web:                       friend or loved one by providing monthly
Email:                                               support groups, training and information to                assist the Carer in their caring role.
Providers of non-medical in-home care for
the aged and disabled community.                     Carers WA
                                                     182 Lord Street, Perth WA 6000
                                                     Phone: 1300 227 377
Dial an Angel                                        Web:
25 Kearns Crescent Ardross WA 6154                   Email:
Phone: 08 9364 5488                                  Provides information, programs, support
Web:                       groups and services to support unpaid
Email:                         family/friend carers.
Provides many care services for seniors
such as assistance, respite,                         Southern Districts Support Association
transportation, personal care, nursing and           Unit 8 / 122 Forrest Road, Armadale WA 6112
respite.                                             Phone: (08) 9498 4800
                                                     Provides support under the following
                                                     categories: carer support, clubs and friendship
                                                     groups, day centre/respite services, home
                                                     support services and social support.

Clubs and Friendship Groups

Bicton Men’s Shed                                 Country Women’s’ Association of WA
1 Carrington Street, Palmyra                      (Applecross/Mt Pleasant)
Open: Mon: 12 – 4                                 St Michaels Hall Mt Pleasant
      Wed-Fri: 8-12 (oct-apr)                     Phone: (08) 9457 0402
               9-1 (may-sep)                      Web:
Phone:                                            Choir practice Thursday 10am weekly.
Trevor Taylor                                     Monthly meeting on every second Thursday
9331 2330 – 0437 902 025                          after choir practice.
Colin Taylor
                                                  City of Melville Bridge Club
9330 3769 – 0427 353 575
                                                  431 Canning Highway/ LeisureFit Melville
Come and have a chat, make something in
                                                  Phone: 08 9364 9109
the new workshop or get involved in a
community project.
Bicton Uniting Church Ladies                      Speak to Club for current fees.
Fellowship/Outreach                               If you need a partner please call
Bicton Uniting Church                             Partnership Coordinator Claire Weston on
1 Carrington Street Palmyra WA 6157               (08) 9339 8101.
Phone: (08) 9319 1187
Motivating guest speakers, with devotions,        Befriend Inc.
on first Tuesday of each month at 1.30pm.         PO Box 1537, Booragoon WA 6954
                                                  Phone: 0404 831 201
Lions Club of Booragoon                           Web:
Southern Districts Senior Citizens                Email:
Centre Cnr Archibald Street & North               The easiest way to meet new people, try
Lake Road Willagee WA 6156                        new things and make friends. Befriend
Phone: 0439 918 909                               provides a calendar full of inclusive,
Web:                accessible free or low cost social events
Email:                        all over Peth for adults of any age, all
Dinner meetings held every second and             hosted by trained volunteers. Membership
fourth Tuesday of the month at 7pm.               is free, signup to our email or postal
                                                  newsletter and easily RSVPs to events.
Melville Superbowl – Seniors League
Cnr Leach Highway and Stock Road
Come down and learn the basics of ten pen
bowling, no previous experience required,
and no obligation involved.
Mondays 9:30am
Phone: Wes – (08) 9337 8434
         Pat – (08) 9418 3297
  Superbowl – (08) 9330 7466

Hall Café                                            Men’s Shed Association
64 Kitchener Road, Melville WA 6156                  Phone: 1300 550 009
Phone: (08) 9330 4339                                Web:
Email:                        Email:
Meets every Wednesday 10am - 12 noon.                Established in 2007 by the Australian
The Hall Café is a program run by the                independent community based Men's Sheds
Melville Uniting Church, providing a friendly        to represent, support and promote the Men’s
and supporting environment where seniors             Shed Movement and to act as a central hub
and other community members can feel                 for information exchange.
comfortable, respected, appreciated and
where they are challenged to participate.            Melville Friendship Club
                                                     June Barton House 21-23 Hammad St
Kulungah-Myah Family Centre Seniors                  Palmyra, WA 6157
Group                                                Phone: (08) 9319 0900
136 Le Souef Drive, Kardinya WA 6163                 Web:
Phone: (08) 9314 2798                                services/friendship-groups/
Email:                       A non-profit friendship club offering events
Meet on Mondays from 1pm – 4pm Seniors               Monday – Friday. For example bring and
can meet new people, have a                          buy day, fashion parades, plant and
Cuppa and a chat, or go on an outing.                produce days, game days.
For more information contact Lynne on
                                                     National Seniors Australia
(08) 9330 5248 or Ugo on (08) 9337 6347
                                                     Meg Olive Room, Air Force Memorial
                                                     Estate, Bull Creek Drive, Bull Creek
Lions Club of Leeming and Districts
                                                     Phone: (08) 9397 1002
Bull Creek Scout Hall
Benningfield Road, Bull Creek
Phone: 08 9310 6480
                                                     Meeting every fourth Tuesday of the month
                                                     at 10am
Dinner meetings every first and third
                                                     Returned and Service League of
Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm.
                                                     Australia (RSL) Bicton/Palmyra
                                                     30 Foss Street, Bicton WA 6157
Country Women’s Association of WA
                                                     Phone: (08) 9339 3547
Melville Branch
RSL Hall, 28 Foss Street, Bicton WA 6157
Phone: (08) 9319 1261
                                                     Meets second Sunday of the month from
Meets second Tuesday of the month at
                                                     Returned and Service League of
10am (except January.)
                                                     Australia (RSL) Applecross
The CWA supports community and
                                                     98 Pintail Road Applecross WA 6153
personal development for women through
                                                     Phone: 0401 804 624
guest speakers, fundraising, crafts, social
interaction, friendship and fun.
                                                     Monthly meetings, ANZAC
                                                     Commemoration Service (with Gunfire
                                                     Breakfast), ‘Vyner Brooke’ Nurses
                                                     Service, Remembrance Day Service, social
                                                     activities. Meets monthly on second
                                                     Thursday at 1pm & 6:15pm

Royal Australian Airforce Association              Uniting Church Community Activities
(WA) Inc.                                          Centre Applecross
Bull Creek Drive, Bull Creek WA 6149               2 McKenzie Road, Applecross WA 6153
Phone: 08 9311 4562 (Welfare Officer)              Phone: (08) 9364 7281
Aims to provide companionship for                  Web:
members and plan a program of activities 
and outings that reflect the needs and             ecross
interest of members. Mah-jong, indoor              Email:
bowls, bridge group, craft groups, art             Provides various activities throughout the
classes, tai chi, bingo, outings, all on           week ranging from, Morning & night groups,
different days.                                    craft groups, men’s fellowship and more.

Scrabble Club – Melville                           Veteran Car Club of WA (Veteran
Melville Bowing Club 592 Canning Highway           Section)
Melville WA 6156                                   Wireless Hill, Applecross
Phone: (08) 9330 3370                              Phone: (08) 9242 4541
Meets on a Monday from 10am – 4pm.                 Web:
The Scrabble club caters for players of all        Email:
abilities.                                         Meetings held first Monday of each month.
                                                   Fosters interest in restoration and
Seniors/Retirees                                   preservation of motor vehicles built before
Mt Pleasant Baptist Church 497 Marmion             the end of 1918.
Street, Booragoon WA 6154
Phone: (08) 9329 1777                              Village Club of RAAF Association
Web:                                               Air Force Memorial Estate            Bull Creek WA 6149
Seniors communion and luncheons occur              Phone: (08) 9311 4562
on the third Thursday of each month                Promotes welfare and social activities of ex-
(February to November) from 11:30 –                Airforce personnel and their families.
1:15pm                                             Services include social club, day club,
                                                   bowling club, retirement village and
Tin and Collectables Club of WA                    Museum.
6 Hickey Street. Melville WA 6156
(Located in Wireless Hill                          Vintage Wireless and Gramophone Club
Park)                                              of WA
Phone: 0419 905 966                                Blue Gum Community Centre, 33 Moolyeen
Email:                         Rd Brentwood WA 6153
Meets on the first Tuesday of every month          Phone: (08) 9319 1703
at 7.30 pm, starting in February.                  Web:
Welcome Wednesday                                  Meets on the fourth Monday of each month
Willagee Community Centre                          at 8.00pm (except December).The main
Corner Winnacott and Archibald Streets             interest of the club is the restoration of old
Willagee WA 6156                                   gramophones, phonographs and wirelesses
Phone: (08) 9364 0848                              although many members are also interested
Cost: $4.00 which includes morning tea.            in telephone, musical boxes, tape recorders,
Come and enjoy a talk and coffee morning           television, film projectors.
every second Wednesday from 9.30am to
11.30am with different guest speakers on
various topics, such as health,
environment, travel, human interest.

Probus Clubs:                                          Leeming Combined Probus Club
Club Information: Kaylah Robbins                       Bull Creek Leeming Amateur Football Club,
Phone: 1300 630 488                                    Cnr Karel Avenue and Beasley Road
Web:                        Leeming WA 6149
Email:                    Meets every fourth Thursday of the month at
Applecross/Attadale Ladies Probus Club                 Offer a range of activities such as card
South of Perth Yacht Club, Coffee Point                groups, walking group, book club and chess
Applecross WA 6153                                     group.
Meetings held on the second Tuesday
of every month at 10.00am.                             Probus Men’s Club of Booragoon
To provide gatherings of people, in                    St Michael’s Church Hall, Gunbower Road,
retirement, appreciate and value                       Mt Pleasant WA 6153
opportunities to meet others of a similar              Meets every third Wednesday of the month
level of interest.                                     at 9.30am.
                                                       Aims to advance intellectual and cultural
Booragoon Ladies Probus Club                           interests among men who have retired from
St Michaels Anglican Church,                           their former activities. Provides regular
Cnr Promenade and Gunbower Road                        meetings and activities for fellowship and
Mt Pleasant WA 6153                                    social interaction.
Meets every fourth Wednesday of the
month at 10am                                          Rossmoyne Ladies Probus Club
Fellowship and development of active                   Piney Lakes Environmental Centre
participation in the club’s activities, such as        Leach Highway, Winthrop WA 6150
speakers on topical subjects and visits to             Meets every first Wednesday of the month
places and organisations of interest.                  at 9.45am
                                                       Meetings feature guest speakers and club
Melville Ladies Probus Club Inc.                       organises monthly social outings.
Melville Bowling Club
Canning Highway, Alfred Cove WA 6154                   Combined Probus Club of Attadale (Inc.)
Meets every second Thursday of the month               South of Perth Yacht Club, Coffee Point,
at 10.00am.                                            Applecross WA 6153.
Aims to stimulate thought, interest and                Meets every third Tuesday of the month at
participation in activities and provide                9.45am.
opportunities to make new friends.                     An association of retired and semi-retired
                                                       people who join to provide regular
Murdoch Combined Probus Club                           opportunities to keep minds active, expand
South of Perth Yacht Club, Coffee Point,               interests and enjoy fellowship of new
Applecross WA 6153                                     friends.
Meetings held every second Wednesday of
each month at 9.30am.                                  Rotary Club Markets:
An association of retired/semi-retired                 Kardinya Rotary Market
businessmen and women or professionals                 Kardinya Shopping Centre,
who join together to keep minds active,                Cnr South Street and North Lake Road
expand interests and make friends.                     Kardinya WA 6163
                                                       Phone: 0432 298 325
Probus Men’s Club of Attadale                          To provide the community with an outlet to
South of Perth Yacht Club, Coffee Point,               sell used goods and raise funds for charity.
Applecross WA 6153                                     On every Sunday 7am – 10am except Easter
Meetings held third Tuesday 9.45am to                  and Christmas. Costs incurred.
                                                       Melville Rotary Club
                                                       Melville Plaza Car Park
                                                       Cnr Murray and Fifth
                                                       Street Bicton WA 6157
                                                       Every Sunday from 6.00am to 10.00am
                                                       Sellers must pack up and depart by

Rotary Clubs:
                                                    Willagee Community Centre Art Group
Rotary Club of Applecross                           Corner Winnacott and Archibald Streets,
South Perth Yacht Club, Canning Beach               Willagee WA 6156
Road Applecross WA 6153                             Phone: 08 9364 0848
Phone: 0428 472 619                                 Classes: Mondays 12:30 – 3:30
Web:                                Thursdays 11 – 2
Meets on a Tuesday at 7:30am                        A social gathering for those who enjoy
                                                    painting and drawing. All abilities welcome,
Rotary Club of Attadale                             bring your current project with you and make
Tompkins on Swan, Cnr Dunkley Avenue                some new friends. Cost $3.00
and Canning Highway, Alfred Cove
                                                    Craft Connection
Phone: 0406 003 017
Web:                         Mt Pleasant Baptist Church, 497 Marmion
Email:                         Street, Booragoon WA 6154
Meets Mondays at 6.30pm.                            Phone: 08 9329 1777
                                                    Wednesdays (excluding school holidays)
Rotary Club of                                      9:15am to 11:30am. Assorted crafts,
Booragoon                                           knitting, crochet, embroidery, handmade
Blend Café, 356 Marmion Street,                     teddy bears, candle wicking, haranguer,
Melville WA 6156                                    card making, mosaics, jewellery making
Phone: 0432 298 325                                 and completion of own work. Resources
Web:                        are charged as required.
Meets Tuesdays at 6.30pm.                           Embroiders Guild of WA
                                                    565 Canning Highway, Alfred Cove WA 6154
                                                    Phone: 08 9330 3065
              Crafts and Arts                       Web:
Alfred Cove Art Society                             Office hours 9:00am to 2:00pm Tuesday
Atwell Gallery, 586 Canning Highway,                and Thursday
Alfred Cove WA 6154                                 A learning community for anyone with a
Web:                love of embroidery and textiles. Provides
Email:                                              an avenue for those aged eight and                above to develop their embroidery and
Meets on the last Thursday of the month at          lace making skills. Beginners welcome.
7.00pm. Promote art in the Melville area.
Meetings include demonstrations of various          Sip, Sew & Socialise Sewing Group
techniques. Offer exhibitions of members’           Willagee Community Centre
works and painting excursions to various            Corner Winnacott and Archibald Streets
metro and country sites.                            Willagee WA 6156
                                                    Phone: 08 9364 0848
Covenant Bible-Presbyterian Church Craft            Classes: Mondays 9am to 12pm
47 Davis Road, Attadale WA 6156
Phone: 08 6114 4242
Meets on Wednesdays 10am to 12noon.
Bring your craft project and join the group.

Melville Community Arts Association
                                                       Cultural and Linguistically Diverse
Atwell Gallery, 586 Canning Highway,
Alfred Cove WA 6153
Phone: 08 9330 2800
Offers a range of classes and activities            City of Melville Social English Classes
including painting, drawing,                        Phone: 08 9364 1062 or 1300 635 845
calligraphy, spinning and pottery.                  Email:
                                                    Clubs provide non-English speaking
Melville Baptist Craft Group                        residents the opportunity to interact with
Melville Baptist Church, 9 Sergeant Road            residents from an English speaking
Melville WA 6156                                    background. School Terms only.
Phone: 08 9317 2006                                 To practice conversational English in a
Email:            safe, comfortable and self-paced
Meets on Tuesdays (school terms only)               environment. Beginners to Advance.
from 9:30am to 11:30am.                             Classes will be changing throughout
Socialise and engage in craft. Offers               the year due to library closures so for
various craft activities which vary to cater        most up to date information call 08
for the needs of the group. Costs $2.00             9364 1062. No cost.
Patchwork Group                                     Western Australia
Willagee Community Centre                           Multicultural Association Inc.
Corner Winnacott and Archibald Streets              PO Box 132, Hillarys WA 6025
Willagee WA 6156                                    Phone: 0468 498 532
Phone: 08 9364 0848                                 Web:
Classes: Every other Wednesday from                 Email:
9:00am to 12noon
Costs $3.00 per week                                WA Tamil Seniors Association (Inc.).
                                                    6 Third Avenue Rossmoyne
South of the River Potters Club Inc.                Phone: 0433 150 447
Atwell House, 586 Canning Highway, Alfred           Web:
Cove WA 6154                                        Email:
Phone: 08 9330 2800                                 Meets on the third Saturday of every month
Web:                       at 11.00am. Provides outreach for Tamil
Meets on Wednesdays from 10am to 3pm.               seniors. Guest speakers, outings and
New members welcome.                                fellowship.
Wood Turners Association of WA                      Chung Wah Community and Aged Care
– Melville                                          58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton WA 6155
Morris Buzzacott Reserve, 51                        Phone: 08 9328 3988
Williamson Rd, Kardinya WA 6163                     Web:
Phone: (08) 9332 7157                               Email:
Meets on Wednesdays at 9am.                         A not-for-profit organisation under Chung
To foster interest in wood turning and              Wah Association and specialized in
recycled timber. Offers fellowship,                 providing clients, especially migrants from
demonstrations and an information service.          non-English speaking background, with
                                                    culturally appropriate in-home support, day
                                                    long respite centre services (proper meals,
                                                    fun activities and events) disability services,
                                                    interesting outings and a variety of interest

Chorus                                                C.A.R.E. Centre Bicton
Phone: 1800 264 268                                   Uniting Church, 1 Carrington Street,
Web:                                Palmyra WA 6157
Email:                            Phone: (08) 9319 1187
Chorus supports seniors, those living with            Every 2nd Tuesday of the month
disability or in mental health recovery.              Provides a packed day of:
Chorus also offers opportunities for people
                                                          • Cuppas
to volunteer their time within the community.
                                                          • Gentle exercise (optional)
Villa Dalmacia Social Centre                              • Crafts
27 Gorham Way, Spearwood WA 6163                          • Lunch
Phone: 08 9434 3920                                       • Afternoon entertainment
Web:                             • Local transport available.
Provide services to CALD Clients                      St Ives Home Care - Day Respite Program
(Southern European background main                    44 Rome Road, Myaree WA 6154
target group Croatian (ex Yugoslav) Italian,          Phone: 1300 20 20 03
Portuguese) Services provided – CBDC,                 Web:
Transport to and from Centre, morning tea,            Email:
three course meals Monday to Thursday.                Offers those with a permanent carer a day of
Group Social Support – Fridays all day                activities, transport and a three course lunch at
outings.                                              St Ives Murdoch or Melville Residential Care.
                                                      Open to residents of Fremantle, Melville and
                                                      Cockburn, Kwinana and Mandurah areas.
      Day Centres/Respite Services
                                                      Silver Chain Social Centre
                                                      12 Laidlaw Street, Hilton WA
Bethanie Community Care                               Phone: (08) 9242 0119
109 Montgomery Ave, Mt Claremont WA                   Web:
Phone: 08 6222 9036 or 131 151                        A multicultural facility providing social support
Web:                              and activities. The aim of the centre is to
Email:                           improve the quality of life for older people and
Services are provided for people over 55              people with a disability and to provide support to
looking to maintain their health and                  carers who need a break.
wellbeing or requiring support to enable
them to live in the community. Services
                                                              Education and Volunteering
include nursing and clinical care, therapy
services, social support, meal preparation,
home maintenance, gardening and                       City of Melville Social Classes
cleaning. Services provided by some                   Phone: (08) 9364 0162
government funded programs or paid                    Email:
privately.                                            Learn English in a fun and social environment.
                                                      Improve your reading, speaking, writing and
Melville Cares Centre Based Day Care                  listening skills. Free, bookings not required.
June Barton House, 21-23 Hammad Street,               Join the City of Melville’s English conversation
Palmyra WA 6157                                       classes:
Phone: (08) 9319 0900                                      • Friendly teachers
Web:                              • Classes suit beginners and intermediate
Provides social and recreational activities                   students.
for frail aged and disabled as well as respite             • Classes run during school terms only
for their carers. Dementia specific days                   • Meeting people and making friends
available. Melville Cares is an independent                • Includes morning tea.
community based organisation.

Computer Courses:                                     South Metropolitan TAFE Murdoch
Melville Digital Hub                                  130 Murdoch Drive, Murdoch 6150
Phone: 08 9364 0138                                   Phone: 1800 001 001
Email:                  Email:
The Melville Digital Hub offers computer
and internet training to help improve digital         SMYL Community Services
technology skills covering a variety of               56 Marine Terrace, Fremantle WA 6160
interesting and useful topics. It doesn't             Phone: (08) 9430 4921
matter if you're new to the internet and              A government funded initiative to provide
computers, or looking to build on what you            support and assistance to help you gain
already know.                                         new skills, training, motivation and
                                                      confidence if you are considering re-
One on One Sessions                                   entering the workforce.
Phone: (08) 9364 0138
Book a one on one session for assistance              Melville Volunteer Resource Centre
with your specific needs relating to                  10 Almondbury Road, Booragoon WA 6154
computers, the internet, tablets, mobile              Phone: 08 9364 0662
phones, email, and social media.                      Email:
Cost: $5 per session                                  Our service provides a central point for
                                                      volunteering enquiries from potential
Six Week Courses                                      volunteers and are a support resource for
Phone: (08) 9364 0848                                 over 180 community organisations in the
First Stage: An introductory six week                 City of Melville that involve volunteers.
course for those who are new to                       We maintain a register of many diverse and
computers and want to learn the basics to             interesting volunteer positions, making it
get started. This course is suitable for              easy for you to access information about
anyone using Windows 10.                              volunteering, volunteer positions and
Second Stage: A secondary six week                    community organisations all in one visit. Our
course is for those with a basic                      service also assists with providing
understanding of how to navigate their                information, support and resources to
computer.                                             Volunteer Coordinators and groups
Cost: $30 per six week course.                        involving volunteers.

Group Sessions                                        Perth PC Users Group Inc.
Phone: (08) 9364 0138                                 Air Force Memorial Association, RAAFA
We offer a range of topics available in               Meg Olive Room, 1 Bull Creek Drive, Bull
class sizes of four, including but not limited        Creek WA 6149
to, Basics, safety, Intro to iPads and                Phone: 0428 941 063
tablets, smart phones, email, social media,           Web:
eBooks, internet, gumtree and more.                   Email:
Cost: Free                                            Meets on the third Thursday of the month
                                                      1pm to 3:30pm (January to November).
Open Access
Phone: (08) 9364 0848                                 Murdoch Southside Toastmasters
Open Access is a drop in service                      Bull Creek Community Centre
where no appointments are                             Hassel Road, Bull Creek WA 6149
required, just come along and ask                     Phone: 0450 067 628
your technology related questions.                    Email:
Mondays and Fridays 10-12pm.                          Meets every Tuesday from 7.00pm to
Willagee Community Centre.                            8.30pm. Encourages men and women in all
Cost: Gold coin donation                              walks of life to gain confidence and develop
                                                      their own public communication skills.

Spiritual Assembly of Bahai’s of Melville             Melville Citizens Relief Fund
Baha’i Centre of Learning, 453 Marmion                Phone: (08) 9329 9590
Street, Myaree WA 6154                                Provides emergency financial relief or
Phone: (08) 9330 6999                                 advice, bill paying assistance or food
Email:                       parcels to families in crisis.
Migrant, ethnic and Baha’i spiritual learning.
                                                      Save the Children Fund
Speaking Made Easy – Applecross Group                 9/67 McCoy Street, Myaree WA 6154
St Georges Anglican Church                            Phone: 08 9330 9204
Cnr Kintail Road and McLennan Road                    Pre-loved goods retail store.
(opposite Applecross Primary School)                  Shop Hours:
Applecross WA 6153                                       • Mon – Fri: 9am – 4pm
Phone: Pushpa Rama: 0409 112 206 –                       • Sat 9am – 5pm
Lyn Houlton : 9364 6985 – Email:                                   St Vincent de Paul
Web:                                                  4/67 McCoy Street, Myaree WA 6154                   Phone: (08) 9330 5770
Meets on the second and fourth Fridays of             Pre-loved goods retail store.
each month 1pm to 2pm, followed by                    Shop Hours:
afternoon tea. National Women's                          • Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm
Organisation that aims to meet the needs of              • Sat 9am – 4pm
all women by teaching them to develop
confidence in Speaking and Presentation               Willagee Red Cross Shop
Skills.                                               62 Archibald Street, Willagee WA 6153
                                                      Phone: (08) 9337 9255
University of the Third Age (U3A)                     Second hand clothing and household
Melville and Districts Region                         items.
Phone: 0418 947 463                                   Shop Hours:
Web:                                       • Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm
                                                          • Sat 9am – 4pm
Almost all our activities are held in venues
within the City of Melville. Open to anyone
over the age of fifty who is no longer in full
time employment. U3A gives members the                       Emergency Services
opportunity to develop new interests, learn
new skills and meet like-minded                       City of Melville Community Safety
people. Meetings are held on weekdays.                Service
                                                      Phone: 1300 653 643
             Emergency Relief                         For assistance with any safety and
                                                      security issue any time. In case of a
                                                      criminal matter phone the Police on 131
Bateman Catholic Parish St Thomas
                                                      444 or if an emergency 000.
More Catholic Church – More Care
Phone: 08 9310 1747
                                                      Murdoch Police Station
Tuesday to Friday, 9.00am to 4.00pm
                                                      120 Murdoch Drive, Murdoch WA 6150
Short term emergency help with meals, and
                                                      Phone: 08 9313 9000
                                                      Neighbourhood Watch (NHW)
All Saints’ Anglican Weekend
Food Hampers                                          Phone: (08) 9222 1513
Phone: 0415 375 823                                   A good neighbour cares about their
Residents of southern suburbs from                    neighbours and community. A great
Melville boundary on West to Tonkin                   neighbour gets to know, looks out for and
Highway on the East and from the River                helps neighbours and their community.
South to Gosnells.                                    Great neighbours make great
Ring between 4pm to 6pm Friday, or                    neighbourhoods.
9am to 11:30am Saturday. Delivery of
hamper between 12noon and 4pm
Saturday.                                             Police, Ambulance, Fire
                                                      Phone: 000 for emergency only
                                                      Phone: 131 444 for non-emergency
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