District 5M9 Convention Booklet Mid-Winter January 2023 District Governor Scott Rolfe

Page created by Lois Cohen
District 5M9 Convention Booklet Mid-Winter January 2023 District Governor Scott Rolfe
District 5M9
       Convention Booklet
     Mid-Winter January 2023

     Cabinet meeting: January 6th, 2023
     Business Meeting: January 7th, 2023
Reconvene Business Meeting: January 8th, 2023

             Cragun’s Resort
              Brainerd, MN

    District Governor Scott Rolfe
District 5M9 Convention Booklet Mid-Winter January 2023 District Governor Scott Rolfe
Table of Contents

Convention Cabinet Meeting Agenda ....................................................................................... 4
5M9 Cabinet Meeting Minutes (October 23rd, 2022) ........................................................................ 5
2023 5M9 Convention Business Meeting Agenda .............................................................................. 17
5M9 District Treasurer’s Report ............................................................................................... 20
Zone Chair Reports ........................................................................................................................ 22
Zone Chair Advisor – PCC Bert Nelson.................................................................................................. 22
Zone 1 Chair- Lion Joe Laudenbach...................................................................................................... 22
Zone 2 Chair – Lion Sharon Whipple...................................................................................................... 23
Zone 3 Chair – Lion Sue Larson ............................................................................................................. 23
Zone 4 Chair – Lion Laurie Kommer...................................................................................................... 23
Zone 5 Chair – Lion Cathe Picek. …..…................................................................................................. 23
Zone 6 Chair – Vacant …………............................................................................................................ 23
Zone 7 Co-Chairs –Lions Jake and Debbie Jacoby................................................................................. 23
Zone 8 Chair – Lion Ginny Paulson ....................................................................................................... 24
Zone 9 Chair – Lion Connie Krusemark................................................................................................. 24
Committee and Project Chair Reports .................................................................................... 25
Can Do Canines – Lions Sheri Greenwaldt and Art Schmidt ................................................................ 25
Communications Team: PR/Newsletter – Lion Sue Stebbins ................................................................ 26
Communications Team: Technology/Website – Lion Burke Almquist.................................................. 26
Constitution & Bylaws – PDG Jay Norby .............................................................................................. 26
Conventions & Forums – IPDG Jamie Huttunen ................................................................................... 27
District Administrator – PDG Margaret Van Erp .................................................................................. 28
District Chaplain – Lion Jim McGaffey.................................................................................................. 29
District GMA Champion- PDG Jay Norby............................................................................................. 29
District Governor Contest – PDG Margaret Van Erp ............................................................................. 30
District Historian – PDG Judy Brasgalla................................................................................................. 31
District Service Project- 2nd VDG Denise Laudenbach and Lion Shawn Hanson................................... 31
Environmental – PDG Rose Puckett ....................................................................................................... 31
Eyes for Mexico- Lion Dr. Armand Radke.............................................................................................. 32
Global Leadership Team Coordinator – PCC Bert Nelson...................................................................... 32
Global Membership Team Coordinator – Lion Diann Bates .................................................................. 32
Global Service Team Coordinator – IPDG Jamie Huttunen.................................................................... 32
Kamp KACE/MN Lions Childhood Cancer Foundation – PDG Linda Albrecht-Norby &
Lion Cora Hohnstadt ............................................................................................................................... 33
LCIF – Lions Larry & Zelda Novak and Erin Beck……........................................................................ 34
Leader Dogs – Lions Paul Roth and Scott Hauge ................................................................................... 35
Leo Clubs – Lions Yvonne Huttunen & Anna Tharaldson ..................................................................... 35
MD5M Lions KidSight Foundation – PDG Sandy Remington & Lion Joe Juettner............................... 36
Memorial Service – Lion Jim Johansen .................................................................................................. 36
Mid-Winter Convention 2023 – Lion Cathe Picek ................................................................................. 37
Mid-Winter Convention 2024- PDG Jay Norby...................................................................................... 38
Mid-Winter Convention 2025- Lion Shawn Hanson............................................................................... 38
Minnesota Lions Diabetes Foundation – Lions Angie Hauge and Carl Bates……................................. 39
Minnesota Lions Hearing Foundation – Lions Michele Plagman & Laurie Kommer............................. 39
Minnesota Lions Vision Foundation – PDG Jim Arvidson and Lion Don Mork .................................... 40
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District 5M9 Convention Booklet Mid-Winter January 2023 District Governor Scott Rolfe
New Club Development – PCC Bert Nelson .......................................................................................... 40
Project New Hope – PDG Dick Labraaten & Lion Sean Abernathy ...................................................... 40
Special Olympics- PDG Les Swift........................................................................................................... 41
Youth Exchange/Youth Camp – Lions Jean Driscoll & Jenny Crider..................................................... 41
Youth Outreach/Scholarships/Poster Contest – Lions Evie Ladd and Mike Kern .................................. 42
2022 5M9 Convention Business Meeting Minutes ...............................................................................43
2023 5M9 Convention Sunday Reconvene Brunch Agenda ................................................................51
2022 5M9 Convention Sunday Reconvene Brunch Meeting Minutes ................................................52

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District 5M9 Convention Booklet Mid-Winter January 2023 District Governor Scott Rolfe
                                         January 6th, 2023
                                             2:15 pm


Call to Order – District Governor Scott Rolfe
   1. Pledge of Allegiance – 1st VDG Richard Hanson
   2. Invocation – Pastor Jim McGaffey
   3. Opening Comments/Introduction of Guests – DG Scott Rolfe

  1. Bathrooms- Outside the door
  2. Tail Twisting rules for convention – PDG Dale Johansen and Friends

Approval of Agenda for January 6th, 2023, Cabinet Meeting

Approval of Minutes from October 23rd, 2022, Cabinet meeting

Treasurer’s Report – PDG Linda Albrecht-Norby

Old Business:
   1. Zone Chair Vacancy (Zone 6)
   2. Grant Updates – DG Scott Rolfe

New Business:
  1. Team Sheehan Charitable Foundation

Closing Comments
   • 2nd VDG Denise Laudenbach
   • 1stVDG Richard Hanson
   • DG Scott Rolfe
   • ID Allen Snider
Next Cabinet meeting, March 12th @ 2:00 pm at Brainerd Eagles Club, 124 front St Brainerd


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District 5M9 Convention Booklet Mid-Winter January 2023 District Governor Scott Rolfe
5M9 Cabinet Meeting
                                      Sunday, October 23rd, 2022
                                       Backus American Legion
                                            Backus, MN

                                         Minutes of the Meeting
Cabinet Members Present were as follows: DG Scot Rolfe, 1st VDG Richard Hanson, 2nd VDG Denise
Laudenbach, Cabinet Secretary Lion Sheri Greenwaldt, Cabinet Treasure PDG Linda Albrect-Norby, District
Administrator, PDG Margaret VanErp, PCC Bert Nelson, IPDG Jamie Huttunen, PDG Dick Labraaten, PDG
Jay Norby, PDG Rose Puckett, PDG Sandy Remington, PDG Les Swift, ZC Lion Joe Laudenbach, ZC Lion Sue
Larson, ZC Lion Cathe Picek, ZC Lion Jake Jacoby, ZC Lion Debbie Jacoby, ZC Lion Ginny Paulson, ZC Lion
Connie Krusemark, Lions Burke Almquist, Diann Bates, Carl Bates, Erin Beck, Angie Hauge, Scott Hauge,
Cora Hohnstadt, Yvonne Huttunen, Joe Juettner, Laurie Kommer, Evie Ladd, Sue Stebbins.

Guests were as follows: PID Bruce Beck, PDG Dick Stebbens, PDG Peter VanErp, Lions Vernon Greenwaldt,
Diane Hanson, Donna Mulholland, Pam Nelson.

Cabinet Members that were absent are as follows: PDGs Jim Arvidson, Judy Brasgalla, Dale Johansen, ZC
Lion Sharon Whipple, Lions Sean Abernathy, Jenny Crider, Jean Driscoll, Shawn Hanson, Jim Johansen, Mike
Kern, Don Mork, Larry Novak, Zelda Novak, Michele Plagman, Dr. Armand Radke, Paul Roth, Art Schmidt,
Anna Tharaldson.

Meeting was called to Order at 2 pm by DG Scott Rolfe

Call to Order – District Governor Scott Rolfe
   1. Pledge of Allegiance – 1st VDG Richard Hanson
   2. Invocation – 2nd VDG Denise Laudenbach
   3. Opening Comments/Introduction of Guests – DG Scott Rolfe
        Thank you, Backus, for hosting.
        Introduction of PDG’s, PID, PCC. 1st VDG, 2nd VDG. GMT, GST, GLT, GMA.

       DG Scott discussed how we all need to work together, together we can. Zone fairs are all done. DG
       Scott asked the cabinet members/project chairs to do a better job RSVPing. When going to a zone fair,
       make sure we RSVP! 1 zone fair had food catered in and food was messed up. Please RSVP if planning
       to go somewhere no matter if it is a district sponsored event or not. If you want to speak at zone
       meetings or fairs, make sure you let the zone chair know.

   4. Council of Governors- DG Scott Rolfe

       Interesting meeting, a lot was accomplished.
               1. Approved at COG, TEAM Sheehan Charitable Foundation to add it to the list of service
                   activities in Appendix 34.0 of the Policy Manual. This foundation was stared at the request of
                   International President Brian. The foundation’s mission is to help local Lions Clubs fund
                   projects and activities with matching grants; at least initially of $3,000 or less. These
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District 5M9 Convention Booklet Mid-Winter January 2023 District Governor Scott Rolfe
activities are usually too small to be considered for LCIF grants. One of the foundations
                goals is to build sufficient funds to use earnings only to purchase awards, such as medals or
                pins, as acknowledgements of contributions. The foundation is hoping that this foundation
                will be added to Clubs parade of green at midwinter conventions. Due to IRS regulations the
                foundation must take in less than $50,000 a year during its first 3 years and the foundations
                first year ended June 30th, 2022. The foundation is looking for an average of $4,000 per
                district, or less than $100 per club. This is something to look at going forward.
           2.   DG Scott shared that Multiple districts can be redistricted if there are districts who are failing
                with not as many clubs or members. Redistricting includes possibly moving some of our
                district to help other districts get stronger. He shared that redistricting was talked about and
                put to rest. It will be another 2-3 years before this is looked at again.
           3.   MD5M Directory- come up at the next COG. It is in committee to get legal verbiage right so
                this won’t be an issue again.
           4.   We are asked to put 2 more positions in district. GET (Global Extension Team), and
                Marketing coordinator.
           5.   Endorsed candidate for 3rd IVP, PID Lion Mark Lyon.

5. Lion Brian Sheehan Directors Meeting- PDG Jay Norby and PCC Bert Nelson
          1. This was a great opportunity MD5M to host the Lions International Board Meeting. The
              Opening board meeting was held on October 3rd. It was a wonderful experience, and it was
              neat to see the train that PDG Jay and PDG Linda worked hard on. They both did a great job
              with the train. The host night event was on October 4th, and it was an Oktoberfest theme. We
              blew the socks off of all board members and LCI chairs. Everyone had a good time. The
              souvenir program book was great. When the board went to Duluth, they had team building
              events and did service as well. They all learned a lot and enjoyed our hospitality. Thank you
              for those who bought an add from the book. It was mentioned that the international directors
              were amazed at what all MD5M did, and LCI will use our template for future international
              board meetings. Perham is known for Kenny’s candy and there was a lot of licorice donated
              and many people were coming in to get more Australian licorice. They enjoyed it.
          2. A Thank you letter from IP Brian and Lori was shared: They said on behalf of TEAM
              Sheehan, they extended a heart-felt thank you for your donation and help in making the event
              a huge success. Your generous contribution helped make our vision a reality.
              The Souvenir Program book will be handed out to over 600 lions and guests to take howe
              with them to all parts of MN, NW Ontario, Manitoba and worldwide.
              As we continue to grow as an organization, please know that partnerships with our sponsors
              are vital to the success of Lions. You are truly appreciated. Thank you again,
              Thank you for your support,
              Brian and Lori Sheehan

6. DG Scott went to the Vision foundation luncheon held in the cities- He shared that the Life source CEO
   stepped down after over 30 years. The new CEO doesn’t want to work with corneas anymore. Life
   source has been working with the Lions to make the transition back to the MN Lions eye bank. The
   contract up in March 2023. Susan M Larson, who is a chief strategy officer with Life source had IP
   Brian induct her as a member of lions. Overall, a good thing came out of a lot of struggles. We are better
   together than apart.
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7. We have secured a person for diabetes chair with Lion Angie Hauge, Lion Carl Bates will take this on!

   8. Lion Laurie Kommer has stepped up to be Zone 4 chair.

  1. Bathrooms- Back of the room
  2. Tail Twisting rules – PDG Jay Norby
      A. Rule #1, the tail twister is always right.
      B. When tail twister is wrong see rule #1.

Approval of Agenda for October 23rd, 2022, Cabinet Meeting with the addition of giving out a couple of
awards at the end of the meeting. Lion Sue Stebbins, Baxter Lions made the motion to accept the agenda with
additions. Lion Ginny Paulson, Riverside Fergus Falls Lions 2nd the motion. There were no questions,
corrections or any further additions to the printed agenda. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes from July 31st, 2022, Cabinet meeting. PDG Sandy Remingtion, Backus Lions made the
motion to accept the minutes as printed. Lion Diann Bates, Aitkin Lions 2nd the motion. There were no
questions, corrections, or additions to the printed minutes. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report –Reports in the book. Last year’s treasure accounting for 2021-2022, PDG Linda is
looking for a couple cabinet members to do the audit. Lion Cora Hohnstadt and Lion Joe Laudenbach
volunteered to do the audit. PDG Linda will send them the information. A motion to accept the treasure report
was made, subject to audit, by IPDG Jamie Huttunen, Bluffton Lions, Lion Laurie Kommer, Vergas, 2nd the
motion. There were no further questions, corrections or discussion. Motion carried.

Old Business:
   1. District Video Camera / Owl Update PDG Jay Norby

       PDG Jay is working with a video camera to see how it is working with plugging into computer. He has
       found out that the Owl is expensive. At this time, he is tabling until he finds something that will work
       for our district.

   2. Grant Updates – DG Scott Rolfe

           1. Membership development grant. Diann applied for this grant and we did get $1,000 approval.
           2. Burt applied for a grant, $500- leadership development grant. We did get that grant.

New Business:
   1. Renaming of New Club Development Team to Global Extension Team (GET)

       -   At multiple COG meeting it was voted on to add the GET to the multiple district. And they
           discussed adding a marketing chair for district. The positions are in the international bylaws. The
           positions are not mandatory for a district. We, as a district, can move it to policy manual. When GET
           is made as a mandatory position, it can be brought to midwinter for a vote. 3 districts in our multiple
           have new club development teams. Trying to get all 12 districts to have a GET team. Other districts

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in our multiple, 5M1 and 5M2, have an extensive GET team, and they are seeing wonderful numbers
       of growth. With having the GAT and GET team it will help numbers and service increase in 5m9.
   -   GAT team met and discussed it and will change the name from new club development to GET, we
       don’t need a budget, PCC Bert was club development and now will be GET.

2. Zone Chair Vacancies
    Still looking for zone 6 chair. If you want to be a zone chair, let DG Scott or PCC Bert       know. The
   future zone chair will have help and won’t be on their own.

3. Camp Confidence Learning Center
   DG Scott has heard discussion in the past regarding Camp Confidence Learning Center and, he doesn’t
   want to decide on allowing Jerry Wohlers come to the midwinter convention. He wants to hear what the
   cabinet thinks. Jerry Wohlers wants to come to our convention and have a booth. This is the actual camp
   and not regarding the New East Gull Lake Camp Confidence Lions Club. Jerry is asking to be on the
   parade of green and wants a booth. He is at a lot of other 5M district midwinter conventions.
   Things discussed within the cabinet regarding Camp Confidence:

       1. It was asked if having Jerry Wohlers at midwinter conventions was approved at the COG?
       2. We don’t ask other businesses to come to the Midwinter convention.
       3. It was brought up that Camp Confidence is in our district; they do a lot for our community and
       4. It was mentioned that Camp Confidence Learning Center is not one of our projects, he took
          gambling away from Baxter Lions.
       5. A lot of other districts have Jerry and Camp Confidence as a project, but we don’t have a parade
          of green like other districts.
       6. We still have time to decide, if anyone else has anything to say either way, please email DG

4. Grant Application – 2nd VDG Denise Laudenbach

   DG Scott had a goal to have a district picnic at the end of his year. It was just an idea and a goal, he
   tasked 2nd VDG Denise with working on this goal. He has seen how teamwork does work. 2nd VDG
   Denise ran with this goal and has done an awesome job. The Nisswa Lions is hosting the event. The
   event will be Sept 9th, 2023.

   2nd VDG Denise has a commitment from her club for $12,000 to go towards this picnic. She has applied
   for a grant from LCIF (Community Impact Grant) as a cabinet. The service part of this event will be to
   feed those in need. 2nd VDG Denise went to her club to ask them to donate money to get the event
   going. The $12,000 will go towards packing food through the Outreach program. The food that is pack
   will go to food shelves in the communities of the Lions who are at the packing event. Nisswa Lions have
   never done a pancake breakfast so the picnic will be a breakfast picnic. The Nisswa FD will collaborate
   and help with cooking food. The event will be both a service project, and breakfast. 2nd VDG Denise
   looked online to find out what the data on food security is and found that there are food security issues
   across all of the counties in our district. Hunger is one of our 5 pillars. She is asking for $25,000 grant.
   We will be able to pack 133,000 meals to give back to our communities! Clubs in attendance will take
   food back to communities for the food shelf. A lot more to come. The Grant needs approval Need
   approval. Lion Angie Hauge Riverside Fergus Falls Lions, Made the motion to apply for the Community
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Impact Grant in the amount of $25,000. PDG Sandy Remington, Backus Lions 2nd the motion. There
      were no further questions, corrections, or additions to the printed minutes. Motion carried.

   5. Letters of Intent

      Letters submitted to DG Scott Rolfe:
      a. DG- Application and letter of intent
              1. Richard Hanson
      b. 1 VDG- application and letter of intent
              1. Denise Laudenbach
      c. 2 VDG- Application and letter of intent
              1. Cathe Picek
                  a. There is a signed letter from review committee that Cathe is approved.
                  b. Correction to the letter- Cathe is named Rose Cathe Picek, but it should be Cathe Picek.

Zone Reports:

   1. Zone Chair Advisor – PCC Bert Nelson
      Report is in the book- PCC Bert would love to get the last seat filled, zone 6. He needs assistance from
      those who are from zone 6 to find a zone chair. Lion Laurie Kommer stepped up to fill zone 4.

   2. Zone 1 Chair – Lion Joe Laudenbach
      Report is in the book. Lion Joe has done 3 club visits so far, he has one scheduled for Monday, and 2 for
      November. The zone 1 meeting will be November 15th and the Brainerd Lions are hosting it at the
      Legion. Food will be $15 chicken dinner.
      Lion Joe is working with clubs on the GMA process. One of the clubs wants PDG Jay to come visit. The
      club is stagnating on membership and wants help. Lion Joe has talked to his clubs about zone wide
      service projects. They are going to work together on a diaper drive, and diabetes packets. Several clubs
      took the diabetes kits.

   3. Zone 2 Chair – Lion Sharon Whipple
      No report, not present and Cathe Picek is stepping in with a report. The Fall zone 2 meeting will be at
      the Taconite canteen on November 16th. More info will be in the newsletter.

   4. Zone 3 Chair – Lion Sue Larson
      Report is in the book. It has been busy last few months. At their zone Fair, 76 lions were in attendance.
      This coming Thursday they will have the zone 3 meeting here at legion in Backus. Lion Sue met with
      the President/secretary of Longville. She said that the clubs who don’t have gambling are out doing
      service. Gambling clubs get lazy and are not doing service. In a couple months’ time, a club has
      recruited 5 new members by being out doing service. Lion Sue has been working with Clubs on GMA.
      She is also working on Midwinter. She was in a Zoom meeting with GMA Jay on GMA process.

   5. Zone 4 Chair – Laurie Kommer
      New zone chair. Just stepped up today! She will have more to come.

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6. Zone 5 Chair – Lion Cathe Picek
   Report is in the book. Lion Cathe shared that she has completed visiting all 6 of the clubs in her zone.
   She attended Aldrich club to share about GMA and will work with them the rest of the year to help them
   increase membership. Her zone meeting will be in December.

7. Zone 6 Chair – Vacant

8. Zone 7 Co- Chairs – Jake and Debbie Jacoby
   Report is in the book. Thanks to all who came to Vergas for the Zone Fair. The Zone Fair ignited an
   interest with Vergas Lions of service outside of their town. Both Lions Jake and Debbie recently went to

9. Zone 8 Chair – Lion Ginny Paulson
   Report: As reported from others, the Zone fair with zones 7,8, and 9 was a success with good attendance.
   I have visited or had contact with several of the clubs that are struggling at this time with membership
   and the decisions of when to meet. I have also met a few times with the team working on the club in
   Pelican Rapids.
   The Zone plastics project is still very active with between 100 and 200 pounds per week. At this time we
   will be making some changes due to the death of Lion Pamela Shroden who had been the contact with
   all the groups and the recording of our collections.
   Our overall member count for the zone is down with the resignation of several members due to health
   concerns but one club recently inducted two new members.
   Our next zone meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 3rd at the Elizabeth Community Center.
   Social and registration is at 5:30 with the meal served at 6. The cost is $15 per person. We need a count
   of attendees by October 27th. RSVP to Ginny at 218-639-0921 or email to ginnyr1958@gmail.com.
   There are 2 corrections needed to be made in the directory.
            1. Jackie Brusven is the Elizabeth President.
               Email: pbrusven@centurylink.net
            2. Shana Klindt is the Cambell President.
               Cell 701-403-9409
   There are changes to the officer list for Breckenridge, but I have not gotten the information at this time.

   Ginny Paulson, Zone Chair

   Ginny reported that the zone fair successful and they had enough food. The plastics project still active
   and going well. They collect100-200 lbs. of plastic a week. Membership count in zone down, some have
   resigned due to medical conditions, physical conditions, or they are in nursing homes. Bev Norland was
   presented the Leader dog founders certificate/award for years of service. Wishes she could do more but
   can’t. Zone meeting November 3rd Elizabeth.

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10. Zone 9 Chair – Lion Connie Krusemark
      Report is in the book. Lion Connie Krusemark. She has helped screen with Kidsight just under 1,000
      students screened. Service projects are taking up some of her time between Battle Lake and Kidsight.

Project Chair Reports:

  1. Can Do Canines – Lions Sheri Greenwaldt and Art Schmidt
     Report is in the book. Lion Sheri shared information from the woofaroo this past September. It was a fun
     time with a lot of activities that happened. Thank you all for your support.

  2. Communications Team: PR/Newsletter – Lion Sue Stebbins
     Report is in the book. Lion Sue said she is not doing publicity contest at midwinter. The contest is on
     hold for a while. Lion Sue shared she changed her home email address.

  3. Communications Team: Technology/Website – Lion Burke Almquist
     Report is in the book. Lion Burke shared an update regarding 1 item from the end of his report. He is
     updating mailerlite email addresses. As new people come into the district get their emails entered into
     mylion. He also asked that secretaries look at mylion to see if emails are correct or not for their
     members. If they are wrong in mylion, they will be wrong for mailerlite.

  4. Constitution & Bylaws – PDG Jay Norby
     Report is in the book. PDG Jay discussed adding in Article III the GET and the Marketing chair to the
     policy Manual. DG Scott looking at the positions and, 1st VDG Richard wants to have positions for his
     year. Lion Ginny Paulson, Riverside Fergus Falls Lions made the motion to transfer the above changes
     over to the policy manual. Lion Joe Laudenbach, Nisswa Lions 2nd the motion. There were no questions.
     Motion carried.

  5. Conventions & Forums – IPDG Jamie Huttunen
     Report is in the book. There are forms available today for the September 2023 USA/Canada forum.

  6. District Administrator – PDG Margaret Van Erp
     Report is in the book. PDG Margaret said good luck at getting all email addresses for Lions members
     and having the changes entered into LCI. Members change email addresses and don’t get LCI updated.

  7. District Chaplain – Lion Jim McGaffey
     Report is in the book.

  8. District Governor Contest – PDG Margaret Van Erp
     Report is in the book. Plaques were awarded from last year for the District Governor Contest at IPDG
     Jamie’s awards forum. PDG Margaret didn’t get many reports last month, if you are having problems
     with reports let PDG Margaret know. She is hoping for more reports now. Lion Burke shared that he
     should have the problem fixed on the website.

  9. District Historian – PDG Judy Brasgalla

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No report in the book.

10. Environmental – PDG Rose Puckett
    Report is in the book.

11. Eyes for Mexico- Lion Dr. Armand Radke
    Report is in the book.

12. Global Leadership Team Coordinator – PCC Bert Nelson
    Report is in the book. PCC Bert asked those who have attended RLLI to stand.
    ALLI- 2 from our district just went to California for training. PCC Bert shared that
    other districts look to us for leadership. At the host night in October members of 5M9 were presented
    with Leadership medals from IP Brian. The Lions are PDG Linda Albrect-Norby, PDG Jay Norby, Lion
    Erin Beck, PID Bruce Beck, and PCC Bert. He recognized those in attendence at the cabinet meeting.

   Coming up is district orientation on Oct 29th at New Creation Church in Perham. Its for everyone and
   not just new members. It’s a wonderful oportunity. Bring someone with you!

13. Global Membership Team Coordinator – Lion Diann Bates
    Report is in the book. Lion Diann shared that a club whose membership is mainly all men, will be
    adding female members. Dianne asked how many women have joined lions in MN and in the world?
    She reached out to LCI and the answer is 5,611 women in MN and 450,867 women in the world!

14. Global Service Team Coordinator – IPDG Jamie Huttunen
    Report is in the book. IPDG Jamie shared that so far this lions year 40% clubs reporting service. There
    were 6,378 people served in our Multiple and there was 9,642 hours of service completed in our

15. GMA Report – PDG Jay Norby
    Report is in the book. 1 club asked for a visit from PDG Jay about GMA. They want more information.
    A club that currently has no women in it is currently recruiting 7 females and there are some male
    members who will leave the club. PDG Jay said he will trade new members for an old one any day.

16. Kamp KACE/MN Childhood Cancer foundation– PDG Linda Albrecht-Norby and Lion Cora
    Report is in the book. They are busy visiting clubs. Pillager Lions have donated $ to a 17-year-old,
    matching grant from MN Childhood cancer foundation up to $500. Let them know if you hear about a
    child going through cancer treatments. Cora saw a poster up in the DQ in Pine River for a benefit for a
    3-year-old who has cancer. Fleece blanket made for the child. All from a flyer. The MN Childhood
    cancer foundation is a “Young” foundation and right now the $500 just a start. As they get more funds
    into the foundation the more they can give back. Money is going back to the community and families

17. LCIF – Lions Larry & Zelda Novak and Lion Erin Beck

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Report is in the book. Lion Erin shared that she is excited to be LCIF chair, and she was just at training
   last week. She is excited for all of us, and LCIF is our only foundation. She will continue to share as she
   learns more. Lion Erin found out a lot last week that she didn’t know. She encouraged clubs to keep
   reporting service. When we report service, LCIF will get more partners and more support with the
   service we report. More information to come.

   Lion Erin said thank you for the donations, we are behind where we were last year at this point. We are
   done with campaign 100, but we need to keep up with donations. She is challenging cabinet members to
   donate $10/month as individual reoccurring donations. She wants 20% participation from cabinet
   members by midwinter convention.

18. Leader Dog – Lions Paul Roth and Scott Hauge
    Report is in the book. Lion Scott said that he has received some donations so far, if club has not donated,
    all donations are appreciated.

19. Leo Clubs – Lions Yvonne Huttunen and Anna (Huttunen) Tharaldson
    Report is in the book. Lion Yvonne is exited for Brainerd Leos new leader, Trish.

20. MD5M Lions KidSight Foundation – Lion PDG Sandy Remington & Joe Juettner
    Report is in the book. It was shared that screenings are happening again and its good to have things
    getting back to a normal. Kidsight numbers were down due to covid. They are excited to see how 5M9
    has been going out to do screenings. Been around 6-7 years that we have had some of the equipment and
    equipment does not last. Kidsight requires technical equipment that is specific. One of the things that has
    happened is they have been given service extensions to equipment and software updates and batteries
    need to be done. This is not just our district, but it’s the multiple as well. Goal is to get equipment
    updated this year. 275 children screened at the state fair with 27 referred for further evaluation.

21. Memorial Service – Lion Jim Johansen
    Report is in the book.

22. Mid-Winter Convention 2023 – Lion Cathie Pieck
    Report is in the book. Things are moving along, and they have a fabulous committee working together to
    plan the convention. In October the committee will start having 2 meetings/month. If anyone here would
    like to register, PDG Sandy will help today! If anyone needs help signing up, reach out to the committee.

   DG Scott asked the cabinet a couple of questions for this convention-
         1. Sunday when we have brunch can we have it be more casual day, and anyone wearing a suit
             will get tail twisted! PDG Sandy Remington- Backus Lions made the motion to have Sunday
             as a casual day. Lion Diann Bates 2nd the motion. There were no questions or discussion.
             Motion carried.

           2. It was discussed that with having the Cabinet meeting on Friday, and the business meeting
              Saturday morning, can we do cabinet reports at Business meeting on Saturday. Instead of both

                                                                                                     Page | 13
Friday and Saturday? All cabinet members will have to share their reports vs saying “Report
               in book.” Those attending Saturday morning may not have read the book. Further discussion
               as follows:
               a. Will there be printed books at meeting?
               b. Who needs to get book prior to meeting?
               c. Will there be Portable mics to keep things moving?
               d. A suggestion was brought up to have a QR Code going into cabinet meeting to get reports.
                   The QR Code to go to district website with a link to the Book for business meeting.
               e. More on this procedure to come.

23. Mid-Winter Convention 2024- PDG Jay Norby
    Report is in the book. Planning for the 2024 Midwinter is well on way with all plans completed. The
    plans still in the works include the final cost of rooms, which they will know more around 1st of
    December, and the cost of meals, more to come on that. PDG Jay shared that the casino is now smoke
    free, and all motel rooms have been cleaned! Sign up will be available at the 2023 midwinter convention
    and there will be 3 prizes given for for early bird registration.

24. Mid-Winter Convention 2025- Lion Shawn Hanson
    Report is in the book. The Committee had a meeting this past week. 2nd VDG Denise is excited for a
    weekend of Fun, relevance and being Awesome!

25. MN Lions Diabetes Foundation – Lion Angie Hauge
    Report is in the book. Lion Angie said welcome to Carl Bates who is her new chair. She shared that 170
   diabetes kits were given to 5M9 District, she has gone through all but 10 kits. The kits can be replicated and made
   in our clubs. There is a paper on hypoglycemia and the kits are easy to put together. Please use the paper that is in
   the kits for information for kits. She shared items and costs include: $1.00 for pencil pouches, 2 glucose pouches
   which are 12/ 24.99 at Walmart. Or Glucose tablets are $1.00/10 but Gel easier for those who can’t chew, 1
   packet of cheese ritz crackers are 16/5.98. Nov is diabetes awareness month. There are expiration dates on
   glucose, crackers. If kits given out, those who receive the kits are responsible for refilling.

26. MN Lions Hearing Foundation – Lions Michele Plagman & Laurie Kommer
    Report is in the book. Lion Laurie shared that she has done a few club visits and a couple more on the
    way. If you know of anyone who is looking for affordable hearing aids, they can apply through the
    foundation to see if they can get them.

27. MN Lions Vision Foundation – Lions PDG Jim Arvidson and Don Mork
    Report is in the book.

28. New Club Development – PCC Bert Nelson
    Report is in the book. There are currently 11 members signed up from Pelican Rapids for the new
    Pelican Rapids club. They need 9 more members. PCC Bert wants to get this club formed before the
    new year. Lions on the east side of the district, do you know of any areas that would work for a new
    club? PCC Bert will get team going on that and get a new club formed on this side.

                                                                                                              Page | 14
29. Project New Hope – PDG Dick Labraaten and Lions Sean Abernathy
       Report is in the book. The date of the COG meeting messed up the project new hope board meeting, they
       usually have the meeting 2 weeks before COG, but this past meeting they met the same date as COG.
       They had a new board retreat, almost all district chairs there. They took 1.5 days to sit and go over ideas
       for the retreats. They discussed how do they get vets back after COVID and how do they get vets in
       general. They were able to come up with good ideas. There will be a Survivor retreat. When vet dies,
       suicide, survivors still there. It may be easier to have a survivor retreat, won’t need a counselor in PTSD
       for this retreat. Greif counselor, pastor could be used. More to come.

   30. Special Olympics- PDG Les Swift
       Report is in the book. PDG Les shared that those with challenges go out 110%. Currently they are trying
       to rebuild coaches for Special Olympics in Brainerd. If any clubs are interested in helping let PDG Les
       know. PDG Les also shared that the new Camp Confidence Lions club will be coming to midwinter and
       want to help with diabetes.

   31. Youth Exchange/Youth Camp – Lions Jean Driscoll and Jenny Crider
       Report is in the book.

   32. Youth Outreach/Scholarships/Poster Contests – Lions Evie Ladd and Mike Kern
       Report is in the book. Its crunch time for them to get scholarships back. Please get the information out!
       They currently only have 1 scholarship application that has been returned another coming in. Lion Evie
       said the applications usually show up 2 days before deadline. Lion Evie did send the scholarship
       information to colleges, but they didn’t respond to her that they received them.

DG Scott shared that there are Boston pins up front on the table. Please take one. After today they will be asking
for Donations. If anyone doesn’t have a Brian Sheehan pin in the cabinet. Donna will come around and give
them out.

DG Scott recognized Nominations he submitted for the New Voices award for individual efforts.
              1. Marketing- Sue Stebbins
              2. Leadership- Denise Laudenbach
              3. Membership- Les Swift
              4. Service- Jamie Huttunen
  1. Years of service pins. He will give to clubs

Tail Twisting- Lots of great fines! $78

Drawings: 1. Lion Joe Juettner
          2. Lion Burke Almquist

Closing Comments
   • 2nd VDG Denise Laudenbach

                                                                                                        Page | 15
IP Brian- 4 goals-
                            1.   Share the joy of being a lion
                            2.   Think big when we serve
                            3.   Keep foundation strong
                            4.   Be an advocate

       2nd VDG Denise talked about the first goal in the October newsletter which is share the joy of being a
       lion. Next month (November) IP Brian’s 2nd goal of Think big will be discussed. She is encouraging all
       clubs to embrase bigger and more ambitious service. How do we do this when the same people are doing
       the work? Join forces and do service together. Work with other service organizations. Talk to those in
       your club who have not been to meetings/service projects.

   •   1st VDG Richard Hanson
       We need to grow membership. There currently are 10 clubs in our district with 15 or less members. Help
       those clubs out to grow in membership.

   •   DG Scott Rolfe
       DG Scott shared that 1 reason he does not want to have projects share their reports on Friday is because
       the meeting is early, and people work. Thank you everyone for showing up. Thank you to Backus lions
       for food and hosting the cabinet meeting.

Next Cabinet meeting will be on January 6th @ 2:00 pm Cragun’s room TBD

DG Scott asked for a motion to tend the meeting. Lion Laurie Kommer- Vergas made the motion to end the
cabinet meeting. Lion Burke Almquist, Riverside Fergus Falls Lions 2nd the motion. No further discussion, or
questions. Motion was carried. The meeting was adjourned at 4:09 pm.

Meeting minutes were recorded by District Secretary Lion Sheri Greenwaldt.

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5M9 Saturday Business Meeting Agenda
                                         Saturday, January 7th, 2023
                                             8:30 am -10:30 am
Call to Order ....................................................................................................... DG Scott Rolfe

Pledge of Allegiance ............................................................................. 1st VDG Richard Hanson
Canadian Pledge of Allegiance .................................................... 2nd VDG Denise Laudenbach
Invocation ....................................................................................... 2nd VDG Denise Laudenbach
Introduction of Guests ....................................................................................... . DG Scott Rolfe

 1. Rules ................................................................................................................. PDG Les Swift
 2. Parliamentarian ................................................................................................PDG Jay Norby
 3. Sergeant-at-arms ................................................... ...Lions Joe Laudenbach, Sharon Whipple,
        Sue Larson, Laurine Kommer, Cathe Picek, Robert and Debra Jacoby, Ginny Paulson, Connie
        Krusemark, and Julie Fritz

Tail Twister/Timekeeper Rules…………………………Lions PDG Dale Johansen and Friends

Approval of Agenda for Saturday, January 7, 2023

Approval of the Minutes of 2022 Business Session

Unfinished Business

New Business

Financial Report........................................................... District Treasurer Linda Albrecht-Norby

Convention Reports:
 1. Credentials ...............................................................District Administrator Margaret Van Erp
 2. Elections ...................................................................District Administrator Margaret Van Erp
 3. 2023 Convention Report ............................................................ Convention Committee Chair
 4. 2024 Convention City Report .............................................................................. Vergas Lions
 5. 2025 Convention City Report ............................................................................. Nisswa Lions
 6. MD5M Convention Report ......................................................................PCC Todd Neumann

Nominations ..................................................................................................... PDG Rose Puckett
Hall of Fame Award
   1. 3 minutes for nomination speech
           • PCC Bert Nelson
        2 minutes for second speech
           • PDG Jay Norby

 District Governor Nomination
   1. 8 minutes total for

                                                                                                                                            Page | 17
          • PCC Bert Nelson
       • Second
          • Lion Robert Jacoby
       • Demonstration
    2. 2 minutes total for nominee’s acceptance

 First Vice District Governor Nomination
    1. 8 minutes total for
        • nomination
           • PDG Linda Albrect-Norby
        • Second
           • PDG Jay Norby
        • demonstration
    2. 2 minutes total for nominee’s acceptance

 Second Vice District Governor Nomination
   1. 8 minutes total for
      • nomination
         • PDG Jim Arvidson
      • Second
         • PID Bruce Beck
      • demonstration
   2. 2 minutes total for nominee’s acceptance

Zone Chairs ......................................................................................... All reports are to be made
                                                                                                      from the front of the room
Zone Reports:
   1. Zone Chair Advisor – PCC Bert Nelson
   2. Zone 1 Chair –Lion Joe Laudenbach
   3. Zone 2 Chair – Lion Sharon Whipple
   4. Zone 3 Chair – Lion Sue Larson
   5. Zone 4 Chair – Laurine Kommer
   6. Zone 5 Chair- Lion Cathe Picek
   7. Zone 6 Chair – Vacant
   8. Zone 7 Co-Chairs – Lions Jake & Debbie Jacoby
   9. Zone 8 Chair – Lion Ginny Paulson
   10. Zone 9 Chair – Lion Connie Krusemark

Committee and Project Chairs ......................................................... All reports are to be made
                                                                                       from the front of the room
Committee and Project Chair Reports:
  1. Can Do Canines – Lions Sheri Greenwaldt and Art Schmidt
  2. Communications Team: PR/Newsletter – Lion Sue Stebbins
  3. Communications Team: Technology/Website – Lion Burke Almquist
  4. Constitution & Bylaws – PDG Jay Norby
  5. Conventions & Forums – IPDG Jamie Huttunen
  6. District Administrator – PDG Margaret Van Erp
                                                                                                                                   Page | 18
7. District Chaplain – Lion Jim McGaffey
    8. District GMA Champion- PDG Jay Norby
    9. District Governor Contest – PDG Margaret Van Erp
    10. District Historian – PDG Judy Brasgalla
    11. District Picnic and Service Project – Lions Shawn Hanson and 2nd VDG Denise Laudenbach
    12. Environmental – PDG Rose Puckett
    13. Eyes for Mexico– Lion Dr. Armand Radke
    14. Global Leadership Team Coordinator- PCC Bert Nelson
    15. Global Membership Team Coordinator – Lion Diann Bates
    16. Global Service Team Coordinator – IPDG Jamie Huttunen
    17. Kamp KACE/MN Childhood Cancer Foundation – PDG Linda Albrecht-Norby & Lion Cora Hohnstadt
    18. LCIF – Lions Larry & Zelda Novak and Lion Erin Beck
    19. Leader Dog – Lions Paul Roth and Scott Hauge
    20. Leo Clubs – Lions Yvonne Huttunen and Anna Tharaldson
    21. MD5M Lions KidSight Foundation –PDG Sandy Remington & Joe Juettner
    22. Memorial Service – Lion Jim Johansen
    23. Mid-Winter Convention 2023 – Lion Cathe Picek
    24. Mid-Winter Convention 2024- PDG Jay Norby
    25. Mid-Winter Convention 2025- Lion Shawn Hanson
    26. MN Lions Diabetes Foundation – Lions Angie Hauge and Carl Bates
    27. MN Lions Hearing Foundation – Lions Michele Plagman and Laurie Kommer
    28. MN Lions Vision Foundation – PDG Jim Arvidson and Lion Don Mork
    29. New Club Development – PCC Bert Nelson
    30. Project New Hope – PDG Dick Labraaten and Lion Sean Abernathy
    31. Special Olympics- PDG Les Swift
    32. Youth Exchange/Youth Camp – Lions Jean Driscoll and Jenny Crider
    33. Youth Outreach/Scholarships/Poster Contests – Lions Evie Ladd and Mike Kern

Closing Comments .............................................................. ID Allen Snider and DG Scott Rolfe

Meeting recessed until 9:00 a.m. Sunday, January 8th, 2023

Voting in the back of room, have your delegate cards ready!

                                                                                                                     Page | 19
Treasures report:

                  Beginning Balance as of October 1, 2022                           $20,556.30

10/31/22          Interest- October checkbook                         $     0.93
11/7/22           Interest- $ 25,000.00 CD                            $    31.51
11/28/22          Interest- $ 25,000.00 CD                            $    31.51
11/28/22          Interest- November checkbook                        $     2.27
12/28/22          Interest-$50,000.00 CD                              $    87.74
12/30/22          Interest-December checkbook                         $     2.24
                  Transfer from Acct 0139 to correct WT error from
12/30/22          4779                                                $ 24,996.90
                  2nd Qtr. 5M9 & MD5M Dues, Bond & Addl. Ins.         $ 2,101.82
                  District Governors Tail twisting                    $   878.00
                  College of Leadership-refund Shooting Star Casino   $   245.00
                  Directory & Postage-NYM Lions                       $     17.95

                  Environmental                                       $   100.00
                  Kamp KACE                                           $ 6,273.50
                  MN Lions Childhood Cancer Fd.                       $   160.00
                  Special Olympics                                    $   623.65
                  Youth Exchange                                      $ 2,357.50
                  Youth Outreach                                      $ 2,615.25

                  Total Income Balance as of 12/31/2022                             $ 40,525.77

10/7/22    1132   Scott Rolfe-DG reimbursements                       $   799.35
10/7/22    1133   Joe Juettner- MD5M Kidsight expeneses               $   283.19
10/10/22   1134   Burke Almquist- Website expenses                    $   164.95
10/8/22    1135   Richard Hanson- 1st VDG expenses                    $   702.59
10/20/22   1136   Bert Nelson- New Club Development-Pel. Rapids       $    97.50
10/23/22   1137   Armand Radke-Eyes for Mexico postage                $   263.56
10/25/22   1138   Evie Ladd-Youth Outreach-postage & envelopes        $    49.11
10/28/22   1139   MN Lions Childhood Cancer Fd.-Club donations        $   919.50
                                                                                              Page | 20
11/4/22    1140     Denise Laudenbach-2nd VDG reimbursements             $   452.00
11/7/22    1141     Backus Lions Club-Cabinet Mtg. meal                  $   250.00
11/7/22    1142     Scott Rolfe-DG reimbursements                        $   625.46
11/11/22   1143     Laurie Kommer-RLLI reimbursement                     $     50.00
11/17/22   1144     MD5M-Boston & Gov. Awards pins                       $   945.00
11/24/22   1145     Joe Juettner- MD5M Kidsight expeneses                $   132.29
12/15/22   Trans.   Food Packing Event-open checkbook                    $   100.00
12/17/22   1147     Lynne Krispin-RLLI reimbursement                     $     50.00
12/28/22   WT       Wire Transfer from Acct. 0139 Food Grant Acct.       $ 24,966.90
12/28/22 WT         Wire Transfer fee from Acct. 0139 Food Grant Acct    $    30.00
                    Total Expense Balance as of 12/31/2022                             $30,881.40
                    Ending balance per bank statement 12/31/22                         $30,200.67

                    Outstanding Transactions

12/13/22   1146     Scott Rolfe-DG reimbursements                        $   215.50
12/17/22   1148     Julie Fritz-RLLI reimbursement                       $    50.00
12/17/22   1149     Robert & Deb Jacoby-RLLI reimbursement               $   100.00
12/17/22   1150     Tina Foster-RLLI reimbursement                       $    50.00
12/17/22   1151     Robert Hanahs-RLLI reimbursement                     $    50.00
12/17/22   1152     Robert Sawyer-RLLI reimbursement                     $    50.00
12/17/22 1153       Cathe Picek-ALLI reimbursement                       $   125.00
12/30/22 1154       Shawn Hansen-ALLI registration reimbursement         $   125.00
12/30/22 1155       Burke Almquist-Website expenses -Oct., Nov. & Dec.   $   140.13

                    Balance of outstanding Checks as of 12/31/2022                     $   905.63

                    Ending Balance of Quickbooks as of 12/31/2022                      $ 29,295.04

CD'S                United Community Bank -12 month                      $50,000.00
                    United community Bank - 6 month                      $25,000.00
                    United Community Bank -12 month                      $50,000.00
                    United Community Bank - 6 month                      $25,000.00
                    United Community Bank - 6 month                      $25,000.00    $175,000.00

                                                                                                Page | 21
Zone Reports:

   1. Zone Chair Advisor – PCC Bert Nelson

      The Zone Fairs are all done. They were well attended. Congratulations Zone Chairs. The next round of
      Zone meetings are coming up.

      We are still looking for a Zone Chair in Zone 6.

   2. Zone 1 Chair –Lion Joe Laudenbach
      Since our last Cabinet meeting on October 23rd, I had the opportunity to visit the Brainerd Lions Club,
      Pillager Lions Club and the East Gull Lake Camp Confidence Lions Club. The focus of these meetings
      was to discuss the GMA process and to get clubs thinking about what their club membership and
      leadership is going to look like in 10 or 20 years.

     The GMA topic carried over into our Zone 1 meeting which was hosted by the Brainerd Lions on
     November 15th. We had great attendance with over 40 members present. GMA Champion Jay Norby
     was our guest speaker at the zone meeting where he encouraged round table discussions on challenges
     and opportunities. The discussions were well received.

     I had the opportunity to attend the orientation training in Perham on October 29th, the zone 3 meeting in
     Backus on October 27th, and the zone 2 meeting in Ironton on November 16th.

     Zone 1 is participating in a zone wide project again this year with the Diaper Drive on January 16th. See
     flyer attached:

     Zone chair 1 Lion Joe
                                                                                                      Page | 22
3. Zone 2 Chair – Lion Sharon Whipple

  We completed our zone meeting, and all seemed to have a good time with a lot of good fellowship. I
  have my club arranged for the spring zone meeting My clubs have been very busy with Holiday things
  and helping a lot of people in their communities., as well as getting their donations in before the
  Midwinter convention. I have slowly been trying to complete my club visits many clubs aren't meeting in
  Dec. We are all looking forward to the new year and hoping the world starts improving but as Lion we
  will continue to work together to improve our world one person at a time God Bless to all.

4. Zone 3 Chair – Lion Sue Larson

  Our Fall Zone 3 meeting was held on October 27th, hosted by the Backus Lions Club and held at the
  Backus American Legion. This meetings focus was on our GMA Process. We had members from 7 of the
  8 clubs in our Zone attending along with DG Scott, 1st Vice DG Richard, and 2nd Vice Denise, a total of
  44 people. The Backus Lions not only did a great job of hosting this meeting, but they even cooked and
  served our meal! Thank you, Backus Lions for a job well done!

  I have been working on projects for our Mid-Winter Convention and attending meetings with DG Scott
  along with other Lions from our district who have worked hard to make this convention a success. I hope
  you all enjoy yourselves at this 2023 Mid-Winter Convention!

5. Zone 4 Chair – Laurine Kommer

   Zone 4 Chair- Laurie Kommer
   There is nothing going on right now as I am very new to this. I hope that I will have something to report
   for the next cabinet meeting.

6. Zone 5 Chair- Lion Cathe Picek

   Zone 5 – Zone Chair Cathe Picek
   November MCAR reports were received from all six clubs. YTD the Zone has 192 members, 10
   drops, 5 new members, -2.5% net growth with an average of 32 members per club.
   Zone 5 has many enthusiastic and hardworking Lions! Some of the Zone 5 club service projects
   held in October through early December included: Trunk & Treat, Blood Drives, Pancake
   Breakfast, football game concessions, Oktoberfest, Big Buck/Big Doe contest, Spaghetti Dinner,
   Highway Clean Ups, Burger Bashes, blankets for Childhood Cancer, Thanksgiving Dinners, Vison
   Screening in schools and Holiday Dinners to name a few.
   I have visited all the clubs in Zone 5 in 2022. A multiple Zone 4-5-6 Meeting was hosted by Park
   Rapids and a Zone 5 Meeting was hosted Verndale. The GMA program was introduced to each
   club president with the intent of scheduling follow-up meetings in the future with me or GMA
   Champion Jay Norby.
   Zone 5 is continuing to emphasize “Together We Can”, “We Serve” and “Members Matter”.

7. Zone 6 Chair – Vacant

8. Zone 7 Co-Chairs – Lions Jake & Debbie Jacoby

  Zone 7 -Lions Robert (Jake) and Debbie Jacoby

                                                                                                   Page | 23
The Cormorant Lions club hosted a zone meeting. The meeting featured a presentation by District GMA
   Champion, Jay Norby. We thank the Cormorant Lions for hosting and providing a great meal and social.

   Several of our Lions clubs, Frazee, Four Corners, Vergas, and Wolf Lake hosted a veterans appreciation
   dinner at the Frazee community center. Veterans and their guests received a free dinner. Several quilts of
   valor were presented to area veterans. The Frazee high school band, FFA and Frazee royalty were all on
   hand to honor our veterans. We served 225 Veterans and quests!

   The clubs in our zone include Callaway, Cormorant, Detroit Lakes, Dunn Township Dunvilla, Erie
   Township 4 Corners, Frazee, Perham, Perham Area Community and Vergas.

9. Zone 8 Chair – Lion Ginny Paulson
                                              Zone 8 report
                                       Ginny Paulson Zone 8 Chair

   This Lions Year has been an adventure. So many changes with new terms to learn, new methods of
   learning, so many possibilities for learning, and more emphasis on training and learning. What a great
   way to better your knowledge and yourself. And the International President is a Lions member from
   The last couple of years has presented the opportunity, several times, to meet and get to know the
   International President personally. This probably will not happen again in the live time of many of us.
   The last time Minnesota had the an International President was 101 years ago. Something you don’t get
   to experience unless you get involved. His theme is TOGETHER WE CAN! I believe that Lions of
   District 5M9 and Zone 8 are doing just that.

   Zone 7, 8 and 9 worked together for a successful zone fair, clubs have come together for their zone
   meetings, projects have been done together and clubs have met together in zone 8 for club orientation,
   and Dist Gov Scott’s club visits are done together by several different clubs.
   Clubs are working together in several projects when there is not enough members to be able to do the
   project alone. 4 clubs continue to work with the Trex Plastics Recycling project. Several thousand
   pounds of plastic have been saved from the landfill in the last 2 years. The result of this project is that all
   four clubs have or will have there fourth bench within 2 years. Many community members are very
   complementary and supportive of this project and want to see it continue. We are also working with our
   Productive Alternative Program after they asked how they could help.
   The Lions Reading Program which was started with several clubs working together with community
   members and state agencies involved will be celebrating it’s 30th anniversary on April 1, 20023.
   I have been involved with the Zone fair, held 2 zone meetings. Visited some of the clubs, not all of them
   because some of them do not hold meetings as we think of them, but they still get the work done.

10. Zone 9 Chair – Lion Connie Krusemark

  Season's greetings from Zone 9.
  It was a busy fall with Lions activities and KidSight Vision screening. I'm working on club visits and
  presenting the Global Membership Approach to encourage membership in all of the clubs. I hear that
  clubs are "aging out" and finding it harder to get new, younger members. The Global Membership
  Approach is a great tool for clubs working on gaining membership. I'm looking forward to more club
  visits after the holidays and possibly introducing the KidSight Vision screening program to some
  additional clubs.
                                                                                                   Page | 24
Wishing you all a happy and healthy winter!
     Connie Krusemark, Zone 9 Chair

Committee and Project Chair Reports:

   1. Can Do Canines – Lions Sheri Greenwaldt and Art Schmidt
      I did a presentation at Malmo Lions Club on October 18th. That was a fun time had by all. I’m off
      my chemo treatments now, so things are looking good, but I am very sleepy. To all you great great lions,
      Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
      See you at the Mid-Winter Convention
      Can Do Canine Co-Chari Lion Art

      Can Do Canine report
      Lion Sheri Greenwaldt

      Can Do Canines is running strong. The new facility dog program is doing very well. This is a program
      that uses dogs that would have possibly been career changed in the past. The facility dogs are trained to
      work at a designated location with a variety of people rather than just one person. The tasks the dogs
      perform are done for someone other than their handler.

      In a recent Tails-for-you letter they showcased Can Do Canine dog Fern. M-Health Fairview Masonic
      Children’s hospital has Fern there to work with the children. They have seen how Fern can lower stress
      with just her presence. Fern is trained to distract children while going through procedures and can
      motivate children to walk with her through therapy. It is great to see how this program is progressing.
      They also have a dog named Clayton who is placed with M Health Fairview Ambulance. He is providing
      much needed support to the EMS professionals. I am excited to see where this program goes.

      February 25th, 2023, is the upcoming Fetching ball. It will be at the Radisson Blu at the Mall of America.
      Come join Can Do Canines for an evening celebrating the amazing teams of Can Do Canines. Enjoy
      dinner, inspiring stories, games, and silent and live auctions. Master of Ceremonies will be Rena
      Sarigianopoulos, KARE 11 Reporter/Anchor. Ticket sales begin January 3rd, 2023.

      Finally, I found a couple of stories from teams that I wanted to share. These dogs make such an impact
      in their handlers lives. They make it so their handlers can live the most normal life possible.

              Tom and Diabetes Assist Dog Freida

              Freida has been an amazing partner. I could never have even dreamed up a better buddy. She has
              saved my life and brought so much joy into the world. She is an amazing animal and I have been
              privileged to have her in my life.

              Amy and Mobility Assist Dog Ezra

              Ezra is an incredible partner. We are approaching our 3-year anniversary this January, and he has
              improved my life every day since we were matched. He not only completes many tasks that
              make my life easier, but he also makes my life happier by just being sweet and goofy. He is very
              attentive to me and is always ready to help. He makes me feel more confident to go places
              independently. He comes with me to work at a pediatric clinic and all of the kids love waving to
              him and saying hi/bye when they enter/leave my clinic room.
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