E-Learning Courses Learn at your own place and pace with SKF e-learning courses. These courses cover a wide range of product and technology topics ...

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E-Learning Courses Learn at your own place and pace with SKF e-learning courses. These courses cover a wide range of product and technology topics ...
E-Learning Courses
Learn at your own place and pace with SKF
e-learning courses. These courses cover a wide
range of product and technology topics and
complement the courses taught by our specialist
training staff.
Online Courses

Online training course modules from
SKF Reliability Systems
Learn at your own place and pace                      Recommended For
The E-Learning area of SKF Reliability Systems        Application Engineer, Condition Monitoring
offers an expanding range of online courses           Engineer/Technician, Electrical Engineer/
covering a range of topics. This enables self-        Manager/Supervisor/Technician/Fitter,
paced learning to be enjoyed by the participant       Engineering Draftsman/Manager/Supervisor,
at the time and place that best suits their needs.    Mechanical Maintenance Engineer/Manager/
Course Certification                                  Supervisor/Technician/Fitter/Lubrication Fitter,
                                                      Operations Manager/Supervisor/Operator,
On completion of a course, participants have the      Planning Manager/Planner/Supervisor, Quality
option of taking a certification test. If the pass    Engineer, Reliability Engineer/Manager/
mark in the test is achieved then a Certificate -     Supervisor, Store Supervisor/Storeman.
authorised by SKF-Gothenburg – will be issued.
Learner Support Forum
                                                      Introduction to Asset Efficiency
Online training does not have to be a solitary
activity, undertaken in isolation from other          MS100
                                                      Course Overview
The Knowledge Centre forum includes dedicated         This is an introductory course on Maintenance
discussion areas to support each of the online        Optimisation. It considers the shortcomings
courses. Here, students are able to communicate       of traditional maintenance and the benefits
freely with other course participants and in an       to be gained by replacing a cost focus with
open manner with course tutors.                       one of value and risk. Tools to assist with the
This stimulates learning in a manner similar to the   optimisation exercise are briefly discussed
classroom environment, where students benefit         and a work process is outlined to ensure that
not only from the tuition itself, but also from the   the optimised maintenance plan achieves the
questions posed by others, and from the responses     desired results.
and debate that these questions generate.              Course Information
To go directly to the forum visit                      Duration               6 month subscription
www.skf.com/group/knowledge-centre                     Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST
Tutor Support                                          Course Type            Online
All of our online courses include “ask the expert”     Category               Maintenance Strategy
Visiting the links provided in the online course
will connect the individual learner one-on-one
via email with one of our subject matter experts.
Students’ questions submitted in this way are
treated in confidence, but the feedback gained
is used to guide improvements to the course in
question, and to aid development of future courses.
Please visit www.skf.com/group/knowledge-
centre for a free demonstration of the online
To subscribe, please contact
training.australia@skf.com or phone
Tel: (Australia)       61 3 9269 0763
      (New Zealand) 0800 705 705
Fax: (Australia)       61 3 9269 0886
      (New Zealand) 64 9 273 8513
Online Courses

Assessment basics                                    Operator Driven Reliability
MS101                                                MS120
Course Overview                                      Course Overview
Excellence in asset management is no more or         This interactive course provides an introduction
less complex than being able to ask and answer       to the concept of Operator Driven Reliability
structured questions routinely and accurately.       (ODR). Its origins and terminology are explained,
This course provides a general introduction to the   and the relationships between ODR and other
subject of assessing maintenance performance.        maintenance methodologies is discussed. Factors
Tuition includes guidance on the selection and       that are key to successful implementation are also
implementation of the correct assessment             described.
approach. The nature of organisational change is
also discussed and suggestions made regarding         Course Information
management of the change process.                     Duration               6 month subscription

 Course Information                                   Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST

 Duration               6 month subscription          Course Type            Online

 Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST                 Category               Maintenance Strategy

 Course Type            Online
 Category               Maintenance Strategy         Maintenance Strategy Review
Proactive Reliability                                Course Overview

Maintenance                                          The course starts with an explanation of what a
                                                     good maintenance strategy is meant to achieve.
MS113                                                It then goes on to introduce “Reliability Centred
                                                     Maintenance” (RCM) as a means of devising an
Course Overview                                      effective strategy. Some variations on the classic
A dynamic process for eliminating recurring          RCM methodology are described, including SRCM
machine failure! This course starts by               and Risk Based maintenance. A cost-based
exploring what is meant by the term “proactive       approach to RCM is also outlined.
maintenance” and goes on to discuss five of          The course goes on to suggest how a
the primary tools that are typically used in its     maintenance strategy review project might
implementation. An introduction to the use of        be organised, and concludes by discussing
key performance indicators to monitor program        the challenges that must be faced when
effectiveness is included, along with suggestions    implementing the results of such a project.
for a disciplined approach to operational review.
                                                      Course Information
 Course Information
                                                      Duration               6 month subscription
 Duration               6 month subscription
                                                      Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST
 Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST
                                                      Course Type            Online
 Course Type            Online
                                                      Category               Maintenance Strategy
 Category               Maintenance Strategy
Online Courses

Introduction to Vibration                             Introduction to Lubrication
Analysis                                              Analysis
WI100                                                 WI140
Course Overview                                       Course Overview
This interactive course provides an introduction to   The lessons provide an overview into the history
vibration monitoring and analysis.                    of lubricant analysis, evolution of maintenance
It explains many of the basic terms associated        practices, friction and lubrication basics, lubricant
with the activity. Vibration measurement              analysis techniques, wear mechanisms, and
parameters and their uses are discussed,              lubrication regimes.
including velocity, displacement, acceleration,
frequency and phase. An interactive exercise           Course Information
in relative phase measurements is offered.             Duration                 6 month subscription
The concept of vibration spectrum analysis is          Course Fee               $80 AUD + GST
explained, and basic guidance is offered regarding
                                                       Course Type              Online
selection of vibration tolerances.
                                                       Category                 Work Identification
 Course Information
 Duration               6 month subscription
 Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST                 Spare Parts Management
 Course Type            Online
 Category               Work Identification
                                                      Course Overview
                                                      This course introduces you to the terminology,
                                                      processes and activities associated with spare part
Introduction to Thermography                          and inventory management. The objective of this
                                                      course is to increase your knowledge of basic spare
WI130                                                 parts and inventory management terminology,
Course Overview                                       processes and principles with respect to your
This interactive course provides an introduction      business goals. This course will help you to identify,
to infrared thermography and the associated           structure and classify spare parts based on their
background science . It explains many of              criticality and re-order parameters, and help you to
the basic terms associated with the activity.         optimise your spare parts inventory.
Four main areas of industrial application are
                                                       Course Information
discussed, and practical examples from each of
these areas are presented.                             Duration                 6 month subscription
                                                       Course Fee               $80 AUD + GST
 Course Information
                                                       Course Type              Online
 Duration               6 month subscription
                                                       Category                 Work Control
 Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST
 Course Type            Online
 Category               Work Identification
Online Courses

Bearing Basics                                       Angular Contact Ball Bearings
GRB001                                               GRB003
Course Overview                                      Course Overview
On completion of this course the learner will be     Before taking the Angular Contact Ball Bearings
able to: Describe the three primary functions        course, it is recommended that you have passed
of a bearing. Correctly identify the component       the Bearings Basic course (GRB001), or have
parts of a standard bearing. Explain eight           some prior knowledge about bearings.
factors that will affect the choice of bearing for   Lessons focus on features and benefits of single
a particular application. List the most common       row and double row angular contact ball bearings.
bearing types. Describe, with the aid of notes,      Arrangement of universally matchable angular
the main characteristics of each of the common       contact ball bearings is also discussed. Four-point
types of bearing. Identify, with the aid of notes,   contact ball bearings are also considered.
the bearing type described by use of a basic
                                                     SKF Angular Contact Ball Bearings are used in
designation. Identify, with the aid of notes,
                                                     many pump and compressor applications. Three
variants of a standard bearing design from
                                                     examples of demanding applications are presented.
information given in prefixes and suffixes applied
to standard designations.                             Course Information
 Course Information                                   Duration                6 month subscription
 Duration               6 month subscription          Course Fee              $80 AUD + GST
 Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST                 Course Type             Online
 Course Type            Online                        Category                Work Execution
 Category               Work Execution

                                                     CARB Toroidal Roller Bearings
Spherical Roller Bearings                            GRB004
                                                     Course Overview
                                                     In this course you will learn about the features
Course Overview                                      and benefits of CARB Toroidal Roller Bearing
This course consists of a number of lessons:         performance variants. Additionally, you can go
• Introduction                                       into further details about hardening, adjustment,
                                                     catalogue values and other technical information
• Executive summary
                                                     by reading the available pdf-documents.
• Features and benefits
                                                     CARB Toroidal Roller Bearings are used in many
• Product range and designations                     types of applications. This lesson presents no less
• Applications                                       than five applications of CARB Toroidal Roller
Before taking the Spherical Roller Bearings          Bearings that highlight different aspects of the
course, it is recommended that you have passed       product benefits.
the Bearings Basic course (GRB001), or have          Before taking this course, it is recommended
some prior knowledge about bearings.                 that you have passed the Bearings Basic course
                                                     (GRB001), or have some prior knowledge about
 Course Information                                  bearings.
 Duration               6 month subscription
                                                      Course Information
 Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST
                                                      Duration                6 month subscription
 Course Type            Online
                                                      Course Fee              $80 AUD + GST
 Category               Work Execution
                                                      Course Type             Online
                                                      Category                Work Execution
Online Courses

Taper Roller Bearings                              Introduction to Lubrication
GRB005                                             GRL001
Course Overview                                    Course Overview
The course covers the following sections:          Before taking the SKF Lubrication course, it
• In this section you will learn about the         is recommended that you have passed the
  features and benefits of the three SKF           Bearings Basic course (GRB001), or have some
  Taper Roller Bearing performance variants.       prior knowledge about bearings. In this course
  Additionally, you can go into further details    you will learn about the physics of lubricants and
  about hardening, adjustment, catalogue values    the function of a lubricant within a bearing. The
  and other technical information by reading the   features and benefits of SKF standard bearing
  available pdf-documents.                         greases will be outlined, and you will be shown
                                                   how to select grease for a specific application.
• Product range and designations: This lesson
                                                   The presentation also discusses the features and
  focuses on the SKF Taper Roller Bearing range
                                                   benefits of SKF automatic lubricator systems;
  and the most relevant designations.
                                                   SYSTEM 24 and SYSTEM Multipoint.
• Applications: Taper Roller Bearings are used
  in many types of applications. This lesson        Course Information
  presents no less than five applications of SKF    Duration               6 month subscription
  Taper Roller Bearings that highlight different
                                                    Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST
  aspects of the product benefits.
                                                    Course Type            Online
 Course Information
                                                    Category               Work Execution
 Duration               6 month subscription
 Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST
 Course Type            Online
 Category               Work Execution
                                                   Power Transmission
                                                   Course Overview
Deep Groove Ball Bearings
                                                   This course presents the basics of the unique SKF
                                                   power transmission product range, which consists
                                                   of six main product categories which are belts,
Course Overview                                    pulleys, chains, sprockets, couplings, as well as
Before taking the Deep Groove Ball Bearings        bushings and hubs.
course, it is recommended that you have passed
the Bearings Basic course (GRB001), or have         Course Information
some prior knowledge about bearings.                Duration               6 month subscription
In this course you will learn the basics about      Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST
SKF Deep Groove Ball Bearings. The course           Course Type            Online
consists of the following parts:
                                                    Category               Work Execution
• Product range and designations: Working
  with bearings on a daily basis, it is useful
  to recognise the most common bearing
  designations. In this lesson, you will learn
  about the SKF Deep Groove Ball Bearing
  range and the most relevant designations
• Applications: SKF Deep Groove Ball Bearings
  are successfully used in a wide range of
  applications. This lesson illustrates four
  different applications

 Course Information
 Duration               6 month subscription
 Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST
 Course Type            Online
 Category               Work Execution
Online Courses

Bearing Damage Classification                        Balancing Basics
WE104                                                WE150
Course Overview                                      Course Overview
This course looks at bearing damage                  This course provides a basic introduction to field
classification. Understanding the root causes of     balancing from first principles.
bearing failures can not only have the effect of     Unbalance is one of the most common causes
providing reliable bearing operation, but also       of machinery vibration. Nowadays vibration
can avoid costly downtime. While most bearings       monitoring and analysis instruments typically
perform extremely well in their particular           include a dynamic balancing facility. These
application, the remaining bearing failures can      balancing programs can usually be relied upon
have expensive consequences. Bearing failure         for good results. Occasionally, however, things do
modes are defined according to ISO classification.   not appear to go as they should, and it is useful
Armed with this information, it is possible to       in such circumstances to have an understanding
make sure that a bearing can perform flawlessly      of the fundamentals of balancing in order to
in its particular role. The ISO classification       speedily arrive at a solution.
helps to improve communication, and avoid
misunderstandings. Classifying the damage in          Course Information
the right way helps to understand what has            Duration               6 month subscription
happened, to find the root cause and identify         Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST
solutions to prevent recurrence of the problem.
                                                      Course Type            Online
 Course Information                                   Category               Work Execution
 Duration               6 month subscription
 Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST
 Course Type            Online                       Introduction to Industrial Seals
 Category               Work Execution               for Rotating Motion
Introduction to Shaft Alignment                      Course Overview
                                                     This interactive tutorial aims to provide a basic
WE140                                                introduction to the selection of industrial seals
Course Overview                                      for rotating motion. The study material is divided
                                                     into six chapters: introduction, industrial seals,
This course provides a basic introduction to the
                                                     operating conditions factors, radial shaft seals,
subject of shaft alignment. The terminology
                                                     v-rings, and applications.
associated with precision alignment practices is
explained, and the benefits to be accrued from        Course Information
their implementation are discussed. The course        Duration               6 month subscription
includes consideration of a variety of methods,
                                                      Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST
including use of straight-edge and feeler gauge,
and dial indicators. The use of laser equipment is    Course Type            Online
also discussed.                                       Category               Work Execution
 Course Information
 Duration               6 month subscription
 Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST
 Course Type            Online
 Category               Work Execution
Online Courses

SKF Shaft Alignment Tool                           SKF Machine Condition Advisor
PT02-TKSA20                                        PT01-MCA
Course Overview                                    Course Overview
This course introduces the SKF shaft alignment     This course introduces the SKF Machine Condition
tool TKSA20, and covers the following topics       Advisor, and its application in assessing the condition
•      The importance of precision alignment       of rotating machinery. This involves three key tasks:

•      What’s in the kit                           • Preparing and planning for measurements

•      Use of the TKSA20 to check for soft foot,   • Collecting and recording readings
       and to align a machine.                     • Evaluating the collected data to detect changes
                                                     in machinery condition.
The course is intended for use in conjunction
with the manual supplied with the instrument.      Tuition is divided into four main lessons:
Tuition is divided into six sections:              1. The basics: This lesson introduces the SKF
1.     Introduction to shaft alignment.               Machine Condition Advisor as a predictive
                                                      maintenance tool, and describes the three
2.     Introduction to the TKSA20
                                                      determinants of machine condition that it
3.     Preparation for shaft alignment                measures.
4.     Alignment procedure overview                2. Instrument Setup: In this lesson you will learn
5.     Real-world case study                          how to prepare the instrument for use, and
6.     Alignment report                               how to configure the instrument to suit your
                                                      own preferences.
    Course Information
                                                   3. Using the Instrument: A virtual instrument
    Duration               6 month subscription       is used to collect data from a typical fan. A
    Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST              simple data recording system is discussed, and
                                                      instruction offered regarding the evaluation of
    Course Type            Online
                                                      the collected data.
    Category               Work Execution
                                                   4. Practical conditions: This lesson considers
                                                      some of the practical difficulties that might
SKF Shaft Alignment Tool                              be encountered in using the Advisor on real
                                                      process machinery. Once again, a virtual
PT02-TKSA40                                           instrument is used to collect data from a
                                                      typical machine.
Course Overview
This course introduces the SKF shaft alignment      Course Information
tool TKSA40, and covers the following topics.       Duration                 6 month subscription
• The importance of precision alignment             Course Fee               $80 AUD + GST
• What's in the kit                                 Course Type              Online
• Use of the TKSA40 to check for soft foot, and
                                                    Category                 Work Identification
  to align a machine.
The course is intended for use in conjunction
with the manual supplied with the instrument.
Tuition is divided into nine sections:
1.    Introduction to shaft alignment.
2.    Introduction to the TKSA40
3.    Preparation for shaft alignment
4.    Measuring the misalignment
5.    Correcting the misalignment
6.    The soft foot module
7.    File manager
8.    Troubleshooting
9.    Real-world case study
    Course Information
    Duration               6 month subscription
    Course Fee             $80 AUD + GST
    Course Type            Online
    Category               Work Execution
Online Courses - Enrolment form
Please complete and fax to (Australia) 61 3 9269 0886 (New Zealand)
64 9 273 8513, or scan and email this form to training.australia@skf.com
to submit your order.
Tel: (Australia) 61 3 9269 0763           (New Zealand) 0800 705 705
Description                                                  Product code Price AUD Qty.
Full site                                                      AEX101      $1250
Includes unlimited access to all articles, online
courses, and interactive services.
All training modules (Online Courses)                          AEX201          $625
Includes access to all training modules

 Specific E-Learning Course Name                                               Price   Qty.
 (Please write your options below)                                             AUD

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inquiries on the web.        Yes          No

Cheque: Made payable to SKF Australia Pty Ltd
Mailing address - SKF Reliability Systems, PO Box 301, Oakleigh VIC 3166

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