Page created by Gail Armstrong

                        PROVINCIAL TREASURY


PTB No.30                                         06 November 2020

 Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30    20/21 FY 06 November 2020
             This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za


                               ERRATUM & EXTENSION OF CLOSING DATE

         DEPARTMENT OF             NUMBERS
   7     EASTERN CAPE              SCMU5-20/21-0106       APPOINTMENT OF SERVICE PROVIDER
         DEPARTMENT OF                                    TO PROVIDE SAFEGUARDING AND
         PUBLIC WORKS                                     PROTECTION SERVICES TO
                                                          PROPERTIES OCCUPIED BY THE
                                                          STATE IN FOR AMATHOLE REGION
                                                          (AMALINDA) - FOR A PERIOD OF
                                                          THIRTY-SIX MONTH (36)
                                        BID NOTICES
         EASTERN CAPE              SCMU14-20/21-0008      APPOINTMENT OF A REPUTABLE
   8     DEPARTMENT OF                                    SERVICE PROVIDER TO RENDER
         SPORT, RECREATION,                               CLEANING SERVICES FOR A PERIOD
         ARTS AND CULTURE                                 OF 24 MONTHS AT NELSON MANDELA
                                                          DISTRICT IN PORT ELIZABETH.
         DEPARTMENT OF             NUMBERS
         DEPARTMENT OF             NUMBERS
         COLLEGE                   DHET/TEKO/KHC          OF 30X TEMPORARY STUDENT
                                   BID 0007/2020          ACCOMMODATION FOR TEKO CAMPUS
  25     EASTERN CAPE              SCMU6-20/21-0003       SERVICE PROVIDERS ARE REQUESTED
         DEPARTMENT OF                                    TO SUBMIT PROPOSALS FOR THE
         EDUCATION                                        INSTALLATION OF COMPUTER
                                                          ASSISTED AUDIT TOOLS AND
                                                          TECHNIQUES (CAATTS) SOFTWARE,
                                                          SERVER IF NECESSARY AND THE
                                                          PROVISIONING OF A THREE (3) YEAR
                                                          MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT PLAN
                                                          FOR THE DEPARTMENTAL INTERNAL
                                                          AUDIT DIRECTORATE.
         CORPORATION (PTY)                                APPOINTMENT OF OWNERS
         LTD                                              ENGINEERS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT
                                                          OF A 15 ML/D SEAWATER
                                                          DESALINATION PLANT.

         Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30    20/21 FY 06 November 2020
                     This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za

        DEPARTMENT OF              NUMBERS
        PUBLIC WORKS &
        DEPARTMENT OF              NUMBERS

        DEPARTMENT OF              NUMBERS
        DEPARTMENT OF              NUMBERS
        DEPARTMENT OF              NUMBERS
        DEPARTMENT OF              NUMBERS

        Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30       20/21FY 06 November 2020
                     This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
Suppliers need to be aware of the phishing scams!
“National Treasury will NEVER ask you to click on a link to provide your
CSD username and password. Please be vigilant when online.”


  More details of the bid notices and conditions are available on E-
   portal on this website:
   www.e-tenders.gov.za / ADVERTISED

              Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30    20/21 FY 06 November 2020
                          This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za

It has come to our attention that there are small businesses and co-operatives in the Province who
are manufacturing and supplying cloth masks but are not registered with the Department of Small
Business as per the requirement of Paragraph 4.6 (d) of the National Treasury Instruction Note No.
05 of 2020/2021 and as such do not appear on the list accessible from the link that I had emailed
earlier today.

You are kindly requested to take note of the attached REQUEST FOR INFORMATION and small
businesses and co-operatives are encouraged to register as advertised.

In addition, you can email Mr Kgolane Thulare from the Department of Small Business with requests
on behalf of small businesses and co-operatives for inclusion in the list. Please note that the closing
date for registration has been moved to the end of May 2020 as per the trailing email from Mr Fani
from the Office of the Chief Procurement Office within National Treasury.

Mr Thulare’s email address is : KThulare@dsbd.gov.za.

                 Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30       20/21FY 06 November 2020
                              This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/     PTB NO         BID NUMBER & PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                                   CONTACT PERSON
EASTERN CAPE    PTB NO.29      SCMU-20/21-0007, SCMU-20/21-0008, SCMU-20/21-0009, SCMU-20/21-0010,                SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES
DEPARTMENT OF   20/21 FY       SCMU-20/21-0011, SCMU-20/21-0012, SCMU-20/21-0013 & SCMU-20/21-0014                Ms V. Matha / Mrs. N. James
SOCIAL                                                                                                            Tel: 043 642 2800
                                Closing Date: 30 November 2020                                                   Mr M. Vukubi
                                In the event that the building is not accessible on the closing date, the next   Tel: 043 605 5277
                                 business day on which the building is accessible after the closing date will     Cell: 082 779 9347
                                 automatically become the closing date.                                           TECHNICAL ENQUIRES
                                Briefing sessions are not compulsory                                             Mr N. Bambeni
                                                                                                                  Tel: 072 981 8165
                               SCMU-20/21-0007: Appointment of service providers to supply Sanitary Pads at
                               Amathole District in the Province of the Eastern Cape.

                               REASONS FOR ERRATUM
                               The correct Bid number is SCMU4-20/21-0007

                               SCMU4-20/21-0008: Appointment of service providers to supply Sanitary Pads at
                               Alfred Nzo District the Province of the Eastern Cape.

                               REASONS FOR ERRATUM
                               Briefing session will be held as follows:
                               Date: 17 November 2020
                               Time: 10h00
                               Venue: Department of Social Development,1881 Garane Street, Mount Ayliff

                            Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30             20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                          This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
SCMU4-20/21-0011: Appointment of service providers to supply Sanitary Pads at
                              Joe Gqabi District in the Province of the Eastern Cape.

                              REASONS FOR ERRATUM
                              Briefing session will be held as follows:
                              Date: 13 November 2020
                              Time: 10h00
                              Venue: Greenslade Hall, Broadway Street, Aliwal North

                              SCMU4-20/21-0013: Appointment of service providers to supply Sanitary Pads at
                              OR Tambo District in the Province of the Eastern Cape.

                              REASONS FOR ERRATUM
                              Briefing session will be held as follows:
                              Date: 18 November 2020
                              Time: 10h00
                              Venue: Empilweni Old Age Home, next to Bedford Hospital, Mthatha


DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS               SEE BELOW                                                           SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES
                                                                                                       Mr. Z. Billie
BID NUMBER & DESCRIPTION           DETAIL AS PER      ERRATUM                                          Tel No: 040-602 4563 / 4000
                                   BID                                                                 Cell No: 082 885 3425 during office
                                   DOCUMENTS                                                           hours
SCMU5-20/21-0106                         -             A. Fort Jackson Camp with 3 guards (day) and    Email Address:
  APPOINTMENT OF SERVICE                                 3 guards (night) added on bid document.       zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za
  SAFEGUARDING AND PROTECTION                                                                          TECHNICAL/PROJECT SPECIFIC
  SERVICES TO PROPERTIES                                                                               Enquires: Ms U. Jack
  OCCUPIED BY THE STATE IN FOR                                                                         Email Address:
  AMATHOLE REGION (AMALINDA) -                                                                         unathi.jack@ecdpw.gov.za
  FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY-SIX                                                                           Tel No: 040 602 4525 / 4000/ 072 673
  MONTH (36)                                                                                           6827

                           Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30         20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                        This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /    PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                         CONTACT PERSON                 CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                 TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU14-20/21-   Appointment of a reputable service provider to render       SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES         30 November 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE   0008            cleaning services for a period of 24 months at Nelson       Ms A. Mbodla                   11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20    Mandela district in Port Elizabeth.                         Tel No: 043 492 1308
OF SPORT,                                                                                  Cell No: 079 503 5219          BID BOX
RECREATION,                    COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                 Email Address:                 Wilton Mkwayi
ARTS AND                       18 Nov 2020- Nelson Mandela District at 11:00               andiswa.mbodla@ecsrac.gov.za   Complex, no. 5 eales
CULTURE                        Unit Corporate Place No 66, Ring Road, Second Floor                                        street, buffalo road,
                               Greenacres, Port Elizabeth                                  TECHNICAL/PROJECT              King Williams town
                               AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                    Ms Nokonwaba Mengu
                               Dept. of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture Room 80,       Tel No: 041 492 1245
                               from 08h00 on 06 November 2020 at a                         Email Address:
                               non-refundable deposit of R100.00 per document or at        nokonwaba.mengu@ecsrac.gov.z
                               www.ecsrac.gov.za                                           a

                           Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30              20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                         This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /       PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                           CONTACT PERSON                   CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                        TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU7-20/21-0009   Appointment of a service provider for the development /                                        30 November 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE                      upgrading of the audio visual and video conferencing          SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES           11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20       system for the eastern cape provincial disaster               Mr T. Ncontso
OF                                management centre.                                            Tel No: 040 940 7022             BID BOX
COOPERATIVE                                                                                     Email Address:                   Main entrance, foyer
GOVERNANCE                        COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                   thembani.ncontso@eccogta.gov.z   of the department.
AND                               13 November 2020 at 11:00 am                                  a
TRADITIONAL                       Venue: EC Disaster Management Center                                                           The Director: Supply
AFFAIRS                                                                                         Ms. B. Aplom                     Chain Management
                                  AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                      Tel No: 040-940 7033             Department of
                                  Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional          Email Address:                   Cooperative
                                  Affairs, Supply Chain Management: Demand                      Busisiwe.aplom@eccogta.gov.za    Governance and
                                  Management unit, 3rd Floor Room 3164. on the 09                                                Traditional Affairs
                                  November 2020                                                 TECHNICAL/PROJECT                Tyamzashe Building
                                                                                                SPECIFIC                         Phalo Avenue
                                  submit one (1) sealed envelope marked the ‘’description       Mr Lunga Mxulwa                  Bhisho
                                  of the bid’’, ‘’name of the bidding company’’ and the ‘’bid   Tel No: 040 940 7578             5605
                                  number’’.                                                     Email Address:

                              Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30              20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                            This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /         PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                           CONTACT PERSON                   CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                          TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU7-20/21-0003     Appointment of a service provider or an institution of        SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES           30 November 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE                        higher learning to train twenty (20) traditional leaders on   Mr T. Ncontso                    11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20         leadership and governance programme.                          Tel No: 040 940 7022
OF                                                                                                Email Address:                   BID BOX
COOPERATIVE    QCITO, CHE and       COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                   thembani.ncontso@eccogta.gov.z   Main entrance, foyer
GOVERNANCE     SETA                 N/A                                                           a                                of the department
TRADITIONAL                         AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                      Ms. B. Aplom                     The Director: Supply
AFFAIRS                             Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional          Tel No: 040-940 7033             Chain Management
                                    Affairs, Supply Chain Management: Demand                      Email Address:                   Department of
                                    Management unit, 3rd Floor Room 3164. on the 09               Busisiwe.aplom@eccogta.gov.za    Cooperative
                                    November 2020                                                                                  Governance and
                                                                                                  TECHNICAL/PROJECT                Traditional Affairs
                                    submit one (1) sealed envelope marked the ‘’description       SPECIFIC                         Tyamzashe Building
                                    of the bid’’, ‘’name of the bidding company’’ and the ‘’bid   Nomsa Mabanga                    Phalo Avenue
                                    number’’.                                                     Tel No: 079 514 8792             Bhisho
                                                                                                  Email Address:                   5605

                                Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30               20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                              This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /           PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                          CONTACT PERSON                   CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                           TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU7-20/21-0010       Request for Expression of Interest (EOI)                     SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES           30 November 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE                          Supply and delivery of goods and services for disaster       Mr T. Ncontso                    11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20           relief                                                       Tel No: 040 940 7022
OF                                                                                                 Email Address:                   BID BOX
COOPERATIVE    ACCREDITATION          COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                  thembani.ncontso@eccogta.gov.z   Main entrance, foyer
GOVERNANCE     Active CIDB 1,2,3 in   Date :13 November 2020                                       a                                of the department
AND            GB, CE, EB, EP         Time :10:00 am
TRADITIONAL    COID(A)                Venue: Eastern Cape Disaster Management Centre               Ms. B. Aplom                     The Director: Supply
AFFAIRS                                                                                            Tel No: 040-940 7033             Chain Management.
                                      AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                     Email Address:                   Department of
                                      Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional         Busisiwe.aplom@eccogta.gov.za    Cooperative
                                      Affairs at Tyamzashe Building, Phalo Avenue, Bhisho,                                          Governance and
                                      Supply Chain Management: Demand Management unit,             TECHNICAL/PROJECT                Traditional Affairs
                                      3rd Floor, Room no. 3164                                     SPECIFIC                         Tyamzashe Building
                                                                                                   Ms. Lunga. Mnxulwa               Phalo Avenue
                                                                                                   Tel No: 040 940 7108             Bisho
                                                                                                   Email Address:                   5605

                                 Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30                20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                                This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /       PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                             CONTACT PERSON                   CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                          TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU7-20/21-0011   Appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver and        SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES           07 December 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE                      install locally manufactured office furniture for the Eastern   Mr T. Ncontso                    11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20       Cape Department of Cooperative Government and                   Tel No: 040 940 7022
OF                                Traditional Affairs.                                            Email Address:                   BID BOX
COOPERATIVE                                                                                       thembani.ncontso@eccogta.gov.z   Main entrance, foyer
GOVERNMENT                        COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                     a                                of the department
AND                               17 November 2020 floor boardroom at 10h00 am.
TRADITIONAL                                                                                       Ms. B. Aplom                     The Director: Supply
AFFAIRS                           AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                        Tel No: 040-940 7033             Chain Management
                                  Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional            Email Address:                   Department of
                                  Affairs, Supply Chain Management: Demand                        Busisiwe.aplom@eccogta.gov.za    Cooperative
                                  Management unit, 3rd Floor Room 3164. on the 09                                                  Governance and
                                  November 2020                                                   TECHNICAL/PROJECT                Traditional Affairs
                                                                                                  SPECIFIC                         Tyamzashe Building
                                  submit one (1) sealed envelope marked the ‘’description         Owethu Vellem                    Phalo Avenue
                                  of the bid’’, ‘’name of the bidding company’’ and the ‘’bid     Tel No: 040 940 7047/7045        Bhisho
                                  number’’.                                                       Email Address:                   5605

                              Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30               20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                            This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /        PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                      CONTACT PERSON                   CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                    TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU7-20/21- 0007   Appointment of a service provider to render and manage   SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES           30 November 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE                       call centre and dispatching services on behalf of the    Mr T. Ncontso                    11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20        eastern cape provincial disaster management centre.      Tel No: 040 940 7022
OF                                                                                          Email Address:                   BID BOX
COOPERATIVE    ACCREDITATION       COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                              thembani.ncontso@eccogta.gov.z   Main entrance of
GOVERNANCE     AND                 13 November 2020 at 13H00, Eastern Cape Disaster         a                                Cooperative
AND            REGISTRATION        Management Centre at Department of Cooperative                                            Governance and
TRADITIONAL                        Governance & Traditional Affairs                         Ms. B. Aplom                     Traditional Affairs,
AFFAIRS                                                                                     Tel No: 040-940 7033             foyer.
                                   AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                 Email Address:
                                   09 November 2020 at 11H00, Department of                 Busisiwe.aplom@eccogta.gov.za
                                   Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs,
                                   Tyamzashe Building, Phalo Avenue, Supply Chain           TECHNICAL/PROJECT
                                   Management: Demand Management unit, 3rd Floor            SPECIFIC
                                   Room 3164.                                               Ms. Lunga. Mnxulwa
                                                                                            Tel No: 040 940 7108
                                                                                            Email Address:

                              Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30          20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                            This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /        PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                          CONTACT PERSON                   CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                        TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU7-20/21- 0008   Appointment of a service provider for supply, delivery,      SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES           30 November 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE                       training and licensing of integrated commercial drones for   Mr T. Ncontso                    11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20        the Department Cooperative Governance and Traditional        Tel No: 040 940 7022
OF                                 Affairs.                                                     Email Address:                   BID BOX
COOPERATIVE                                                                                     thembani.ncontso@eccogta.gov.z   Main entrance of
GOVERNANCE                         COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                  a                                Cooperative
AND                                13 November 2020 at 12H00, Eastern Cape Disaster                                              Governance and
TRADITIONAL                        Management Centre at Department of Cooperative               Ms. B. Aplom                     Traditional Affairs,
AFFAIRS                            Governance & Traditional Affairs                             Tel No: 040-940 7033             foyer.
                                                                                                Email Address:
                                   AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                     Busisiwe.aplom@eccogta.gov.za
                                   09 November 2020 at 11H00, Department of
                                   Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs,              TECHNICAL/PROJECT
                                   Tyamzashe Building, Phalo Avenue, Supply Chain               SPECIFIC
                                   Management: Demand Management unit, 3rd Floor                Ms. Lunga. Mnxulwa
                                   Room 3164.                                                   Tel No: 040 940 7108
                                                                                                Email Address:

                              Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30             20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                             This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /        PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                          CONTACT PERSON                     CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                          TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU3-20/21-0180-   Provision of security services at Sarah Baartman district                                       04 December 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE   EMSCA               office ems health facilities, in the Eastern Cape                                               11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20        Department of Health for a period of 19 months.              SCM & TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES
OF HEALTH                                                                                       Mrs ST Tswane                      BID BOX
                                   COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                  Tel No: 0414088031                 16 Grace str, Govern
                                   Briefing will not be held due to COVID 19 regulations.       Email Address:                     Mbeki, Laboria
                                   Bidders must send email with queries to the email            Stella.tswane@echealth.gov.za      House, Port
                                   address provided on the bid document.                                                           Elizabeth, security
                                                                                                                                   entrance bid box
                                   AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT
                                   Due to COVID-19 regulations the electronic bid document                                         No late bids will be
                                   can also be downloaded on www.echealth.gov.za as from                                           accepted on the
                                   the 06 November 2020                                                                            closing date and time.

DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /        PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                          CONTACT PERSON                     CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                          TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU3-20/21-0140-   Supply and delivery of patient food (bread) at Alfred Nzo                                       07 December 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE   AL                  health district facilities, in the Eastern Cape Department                                      11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20        of Health for a period of 36 (thirty-six) months.            SCM & TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES
OF HEALTH                                                                                       Zoliswa Lurwengu/ Zoliswa          BID BOX
                                   COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                  Basi                               Alfred Nzo District
                                   Briefing will not be held due to COVID 19 regulations.       Tel No: 0397976014                 Office, 81 Murray
                                   Bidders must send email with queries to the email            Email Address:                     Street, Kokstad,
                                   address provided on the bid document.                        zoliswa.lurwengu@echealth.gov.z    4700, (Please deposit
                                                                                                a / zoliswa.basi@echealth.gov.za   in the tender box).
                                   AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT
                                   Due to COVID-19 regulations the electronic bid document
                                   can also be downloaded on www.echealth.gov.za as from
                                   the 06 November 2020

                             Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30                 20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                             This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /        PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                          CONTACT PERSON                     CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                          TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU3-20/21-0141-   Supply and delivery of patient food (dairy and poultry) at                                      07 December 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE   AL                  Alfred Nzo health district facilities, in the Eastern Cape                                      11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20        Department of Health for a period of 36 (thirty-six)         SCM & TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES
OF HEALTH                          months.                                                      Zoliswa Lurwengu/ Zoliswa          BID BOX
                                                                                                Basi                               Alfred Nzo District
                                   COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                  Tel No: 0397976014                 Office, 81 Murray
                                   Briefing will not be held due to COVID 19 regulations.       Email Address:                     Street, Kokstad,
                                   Bidders must send email with queries to the email            zoliswa.lurwengu@echealth.gov.z    4700, (Please deposit
                                   address provided on the bid document.                        a / zoliswa.basi@echealth.gov.za   in the tender box).

                                   AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                                                        No late bids will be
                                   Due to COVID-19 regulations the electronic bid document                                         accepted on the
                                   can also be downloaded on www.echealth.gov.za as from                                           closing date and time.
                                   the 06 November 2020

DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /        PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                          CONTACT PERSON                     CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                          TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU3-20/21-0142-   Supply and delivery of patient food (dry goods) at Alfred                                       07 December 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE   AL                  Nzo health district facilities, in the Eastern Cape                                             11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20        Department of Health for a period of 36 (thirty-six)         SCM & TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES
OF HEALTH                          months.                                                      Zoliswa Lurwengu/ Zoliswa          BID BOX
                                                                                                Basi                               Alfred Nzo District
                                   COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                  Tel No: 0397976014                 Office, 81 Murray
                                   Briefing will not be held due to COVID 19 regulations.       Email Address:                     Street, Kokstad,
                                   Bidders must send email with queries to the email            zoliswa.lurwengu@echealth.gov.z    4700, (Please deposit
                                   address provided on the bid document.                        a / zoliswa.basi@echealth.gov.za   in the tender box).

                                 AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                                                          No late bids will be
                                 Due to COVID-19 regulations the electronic bid document                                           accepted on the
                                 can also be downloaded on www.echealth.gov.za as from                                             closing date and time.
                                 the 06 November 2020
                             Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30          20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                             This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /        PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                          CONTACT PERSON                     CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                          TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU3-20/21-0143-   Supply and delivery of patient food (fruit and vegetables)                                      07 December 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE   AL                  at Alfred Nzo Health District Facilities, in the Eastern                                        11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20        Cape Department of Health for a period of 36 (thirty-six)    SCM & TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES
OF HEALTH                          months.                                                      Zoliswa Lurwengu/ Zoliswa          BID BOX
                                                                                                Basi                               Alfred Nzo District
                                   COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                  Tel No: 0397976014                 Office, 81 Murray
                                   Briefing will not be held due to COVID 19 regulations.       Email Address:                     Street, Kokstad,
                                   Bidders must send email with queries to the email            zoliswa.lurwengu@echealth.gov.z    4700, (Please deposit
                                   address provided on the bid document.                        a / zoliswa.basi@echealth.gov.za   in the tender box).

                                   AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                                                        No late bids will be
                                   Due to COVID-19 regulations the electronic bid document                                         accepted on the
                                   can also be downloaded on www.echealth.gov.za as from                                           closing date and time.
                                   the 06 November 2020

DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /        PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                          CONTACT PERSON                     CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                          TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU3-20/21-0144-   Supply and delivery of patient food (meat and meat                                              07 December 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE   AL                  products) at Alfred Nzo health district facilities, in the                                      11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20        Eastern Cape Department of Health for a period of 36         SCM & TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES
OF HEALTH                          (thirty-six) months.                                         Zoliswa Lurwengu/ Zoliswa          BID BOX
                                                                                                Basi                               Alfred Nzo District
                                   COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                  Tel No: 0397976014                 Office, 81 Murray
                                   Briefing will not be held due to COVID 19 regulations.       Email Address:                     Street, Kokstad,
                                   Bidders must send email with queries to the email            zoliswa.lurwengu@echealth.gov.z    4700, (Please deposit
                                   address provided on the bid document.                        a / zoliswa.basi@echealth.gov.za   in the tender box).

                                 AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                                                          No late bids will be
                                 Due to COVID-19 regulations the electronic bid document                                           accepted on the
                                 can also be downloaded on www.echealth.gov.za as from                                             closing date and time.
                                 the 06 November 2020
                             Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30          20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                              This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /        PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                       CONTACT PERSON                 CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                   TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU3-20/21-0184-   Procurement of catering services for Port Alfred and                                     02 December 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE   CA                  Settlers Hospital for twenty-four (24) months                                            11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20                                                                  SCM & TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES
OF HEALTH                          COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                               Mr D Makuluma                  BID BOX
                                   The briefing session will as follows                      Tel: 041 408 8145              Sarah Baartman
                                   Port Alfred hospital - 16 November 2020 @ 12h00,          Email Address:                 District Office, No 16
                                   Settler Hospital - Grahamstown - 17 November 2020         dan.makuluma@echealth.gov.za   Grace Street, Laboria
                                   @12h00.                                                                                  House, Room 102,
                                   Note: Briefing is not compulsory                                                         Port Elizabeth

                                   AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                                                 No late bids will be
                                   Due to COVID-19 regulations the electronic bid document                                  accepted on the
                                   can also be downloaded on www.echealth.gov.za as from                                    closing date and time.
                                   the 06 November 2020

DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /        PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                       CONTACT PERSON                 CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                   TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU3-20/21-0187-   Procurement of cleaning services for Port Alfred and                                     02 December 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE   CA                  Settlers hospital for twenty-four (24) months                                            11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20                                                                  SCM & TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES
OF HEALTH                          COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                               Mr D Makuluma                  BID BOX
                                   The briefing session will as follows                      Tel: 041 408 8145              Sarah Baartman
                                   Port Alfred hospital - 16 November 2020 @ 10h00,          Email Address:                 District Office, No 16
                                   Settler Hospital - Grahamstown - 17 November 2020         dan.makuluma@echealth.gov.za   Grace Street, Laboria
                                   @10h00.                                                                                  House, Room 102,
                                   Note: Briefing is not compulsory                                                         Port Elizabeth

                                 AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                                                   No late bids will be
                                 Due to COVID-19 regulations the electronic bid document                                    accepted on the
                                 can also be downloaded on www.echealth.gov.za as from                                      closing date and time.
                                 the 06 November 2020
                             Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30          20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                             This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /        PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                       CONTACT PERSON                 CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                   TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU3-20/21-0188-   Procurement of laundry services for Port Alfred and                                      02 December 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE   CA                  Settlers hospital for twenty-four (24) months                                            11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20                                                                  SCM & TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES
OF HEALTH                          COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                               Mr D Makuluma                  BID BOX
                                   The briefing session will as follows                      Tel: 041 408 8145              Sarah Baartman
                                   Port Alfred hospital - 16 November 2020 @ 14h00,          Email Address:                 District Office, No 16
                                   Settler Hospital - Grahamstown - 17 November 2020         dan.makuluma@echealth.gov.za   Grace Street, Laboria
                                   @14h00.                                                                                  House, Room 102,
                                   Note: Briefing is not compulsory                                                         Port Elizabeth

                                   AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                                                 No late bids will be
                                   Due to COVID-19 regulations the electronic bid document                                  accepted on the
                                   can also be downloaded on www.echealth.gov.za as from                                    closing date and time.
                                   the 06 November 2020

                             Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30              20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                             This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /        PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                        CONTACT PERSON                   CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                      TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU3-20/21-0193-   Request for supply, delivery and commissioning of an                                        04 December 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE   HO                  endoscopic system (colonoscope, duodenoscope,                                               11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20        gastroscope) in the ECDOH for a period of 36 months        SCM & TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES
OF HEALTH                                                                                     Mr M Magula                      BID BOX
                                   COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                Tel: 0605579601                  Department of Health
                                   16 November 2020 @ 11h00, Amathole District Office,        Email Address:                   Tender Box, Ground
                                   Medical Centre, St Matthews Road, East London              mzuhleli.magula@echealth.gov.z   floor, Global Life
                                                                                              a                                Building, Phalo
                                   AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                                                    Avenue, Bhisho
                                   Supply Chain Management Unit, Department of Health,
                                   Ground Floor, Global Life Building, Phalo Avenue, Bhisho                                    No late bids will be
                                   on payment of a non-refundable fee of R100 (One                                             accepted on the
                                   Hundred Rands) per document. The deposit must be                                            closing date and time.
                                   paid to the Department’s Cashiers, 2nd Floor; Indwe
                                   House , Bhisho before collecting the document. Bid
                                   documents will be available from 06 November 2020 from
                                   08:00 to 16:30 on Mondays to Thursdays and from 08:00
                                   to 16:00 on Fridays.

                                   For downloads at no cost visit www.echealth.gov.za

                             Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30               20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                             This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /        PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                        CONTACT PERSON                   CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                      TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU3-20/21-0202-   Request for supply, delivery, commissioning and                                             03 December 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE   HO                  maintenance of motorised digital mobile x-ray machine                                       11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20        for Eastern Cape Department of Health Facilities
OF HEALTH                                                                                     SCM & TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES        BID BOX
                                   COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                Mr M Magula                      Department of Health
                                   12 November 2020 @ 11h00, Clinical Engineering             Tel: 0605579601                  Tender Box, Ground
                                   Lecture Room, Frere Hospital, Amalinda, East London        Email Address:                   floor, Global Life
                                                                                              mzuhleli.magula@echealth.gov.z   Building, Phalo
                                   AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                   a                                Avenue, Bhisho
                                   Supply Chain Management Unit, Department of Health,
                                   Ground Floor, Global Life Building, Phalo Avenue, Bhisho                                    No late bids will be
                                   on payment of a non-refundable fee of R100 (One                                             accepted on the
                                   Hundred Rands) per document. The deposit must be                                            closing date and time.
                                   paid to the Department’s Cashiers, 2nd Floor; Indwe
                                   House , Bhisho before collecting the document. Bid
                                   documents will be available from 06 November 2020 from
                                   08:00 to 16:30 on Mondays to Thursdays and from 08:00
                                   to 16:00 on Fridays.

                                   For downloads at no cost visit www.echealth.gov.za

                             Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30              20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                             This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /        PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                         CONTACT PERSON                   CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                       TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU3-20/21-0206-   Request for the supply, delivery, installation,                                              11 December 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE   HO                  commissioning and maintenance of digital general-                                            11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20        purpose radiographic systems, (floor-mounted) for           SCM & TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES
OF HEALTH                          Eastern Cape Department of Health Facilities for a period   Mr M Magula                      BID BOX
                                   of 36 months                                                Tel: 0605579601                  Department of Health
                                                                                               Email Address:                   Tender Box, Ground
                                   COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                 mzuhleli.magula@echealth.gov.z   floor, Global Life
                                   12 November 2020 @ 11h00, Clinical Engineering              a                                Building, Phalo
                                   Lecture Room, Frere Hospital, Amalinda, East London                                          Avenue, Bhisho

                                   AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                                                     No late bids will be
                                   Supply Chain Management Unit, Department of Health,                                          accepted on the
                                   Ground Floor, Global Life Building, Phalo Avenue, Bhisho                                     closing date and time.
                                   on payment of a non-refundable fee of R100 (One
                                   Hundred Rands) per document. The deposit must be
                                   paid to the Department’s Cashiers, 2nd Floor; Indwe
                                   House , Bhisho before collecting the document. Bid
                                   documents will be available from 06 November 2020 from
                                   08:00 to 16:30 on Mondays to Thursdays and from 08:00
                                   to 16:00 on Fridays.

                                   For downloads at no cost visit www.echealth.gov.za

                             Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30              20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                             This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /        PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                      CONTACT PERSON                 CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                  TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU3-20/21-0208-   Glen Grey Hospital: urgent repairs to doctor’s                                          08 December 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE   HO                  accommodation                                                                           11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20                                                                 SCM & TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES
OF HEALTH                          COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                              Mr Silumko Gazi                BID BOX
                                   19 November 2020 @ 11h00, Glen Grey Hospital (main       Tel: 0458071100                Chris Hani District
                                   gate), Lady Frere                                        Email Address:                 Office, Ward F,
                                                                                            silumko.gazi@echealth.gov.za   Komani Hospital
                                   AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                                                Office Park,
                                   Bid document will be available at Chris Hani District                                   Queenstown
                                   Office, Komani Hospital, Ward F, Revenue Office,
                                   Queenstown on payment of a non-refundable fee of R200
                                   (Two Hundred Rands) per document. Bid documents will                                    No late bids will be
                                   be available from 06 November 2020 from 08:00 to 16:30                                  accepted on the
                                   on Mondays to Thursdays and from 08:00 to 16:00 on                                      closing date and time.
                                   Fridays. CIDB Grading 3GB

                                   For downloads at no cost visit www.echealth.gov.za

                             Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30             20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                             This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /       PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                         CONTACT PERSON            CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                               TIME AND VENUE
               CIEG               Supply deliver and installation of 30x temporary student                              17 November 2020 at
KING HINTSA    DHET/TEKO/KHC      accommodation for Teko Campus.                                                        11:00 am
TVET COLLEGE   BID 0007/2020                                                                  SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES
               P/BEE: 80/20       COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                 Ms. B Cwayi               BID BOX
                                  N/A                                                         Tel No: 047 401 6400/36   Reception of
                                                                                              Cell No: 071 175 5478     Administration
                                  AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                                              Centre, 218 Mthatha
                                  Tender documents will be available from 05 November         TECHNICAL/PROJECT         Road, Butterworth,
                                  2020 up to 13 NOVEMBER 2020 from 08:00 to 16:30             SPECIFIC                  496.
                                  (Monday to Thursdays and 08.00-14.00 on Fridays). A         Ms P Hlaba
                                  non-refundable bid fee of R250.00 for each set is payable   Tel No: 047 401 6400/15
                                  by means of electronic transfers to Account Name: King      Cell No: 063 444 8160
                                  Hintsa TVET College, Account No: 62387644125,
                                  Branch Code: 250655 Ref: 00052020BIDKHC, Bank
                                  Name: First National Bank

                              Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30            20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                            This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /       PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                       CONTACT PERSON                  CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                   TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU6-20/21-0003   Service Providers are requested to submit proposals for   SCM & TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES       07 December 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE                      the installation of computer assisted audit tools and     Mr. P. Nxozana                  11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20       techniques (CAATTS) software, server if necessary and     Tel: 040 608 4524
OF EDUCATION                      the provisioning of a three (3) year maintenance and      Email Address:                  BID BOX
                                  support plan for the Departmental Internal Audit          pakamile.nxozana@ecdoe.gov.za   Bids & Contracts
                                  Directorate.                                                                              Office, Private Bag
                                                                                            TECHNICAL/PROJECT               X0032, Bhisho 5605,
                                  COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                               SPECIFIC                        or may be deposited
                                  N/A                                                       Ms GV Toyi                      in the tender box
                                                                                            Tel No: 040 608 4022            situated at the
                                  AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                  Email Address:                  Reception area of the
                                  Bid document with the necessary terms of reference        glory.toyi@ecdoe.gov.za         Department of
                                  could be downloaded from the Eastern Cape Department                                      Education, Steve
                                  of Education website: www.ecdoe.gov.za as from                                            Vukile Tshwete
                                  Monday, 9th November 2020 to the closing date Monday                                      Education Complex,
                                  the 7th December 2020.                                                                    Zone 6, Zwelitsha.

                              Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30           20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                            This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/   BID NUMBER /       PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                        CONTACT PERSON              CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION   CRITERIA &                                                                                                TIME AND VENUE
              CDC/500/20         Request for Proposals for the appointment of owners                                    18 January 2021 at
COEGA                            engineers for the development of a 15 ml/d seawater                                    12:00pm
DEVELOPMENT   P/BEE: 80/20       desalination plant.                                        SCM & TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES
CORPORATION                                                                                 Ms Zine Mtanda              BID BOX
(PTY) LTD                        COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                Email Address:              Coega Development
                                 There will be a Non-compulsory Virtual Briefing Meeting    tenders@coega.co.za         Corporation's Port
                                 to be held on Friday, 13 November 2020 at 10h00. A link                                Elizabeth’s Offices at
                                 on how to attend the Virtual Briefing Meeting will be                                  corner of Alcyon &
                                 provided on the CDC’s website. Briefing Notes will be                                  Zibuko Streets,
                                 packaged and placed on the CDC’s website.                                              Coega SEZ, Port
                                                                                                                        Elizabeth 6100.
                                 AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT
                                 The CDC is inviting capable and competent Service
                                 Providers with proven experience to submit their
                                 Proposals for the Appointment of Owners Engineers for
                                 the Development of a 15 ML/D Seawater Desalination
                                 Plant that will be located in the Coega Special Economic
                                 Zone (SEZ) in Nelson Mandela Bay.
                                 Request for Proposal (RFP) documents can be
                                 downloaded from the CDC’s website: www.coega.com
                                 from 12h00 on 06 November 2020 at no cost. No hard
                                 copies of the RFP Document will be made available by
                                 the CDC to the Prospective Bidders.
                                 One original of the completed bid document:
                                 “CDC/500/20 - REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR
                                 APPOINTMENT OF OWNERS ENGINEERS FOR THE
                                 DEVELOPMENT OF A 15 ML/D SEAWATER
                                 DESALINATION PLANT “to be placed in the tender box
                                 at the CDC main office Coega Business Centre, Cnr
                                 Alcyon Rd and Zibuko Street, Zone 1, Coega SEZ, Port
                                 Elizabeth. Bids will not be opened in public and no late
                                 submissions will be considered.
                                 For more details on the advert, please visit the Coega
                                 website (www.coega.com) under current tenders.
                             Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30            20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                           This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /       PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                                   CONTACT PERSON                 CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                              TIME AND
               ACCREDITATION                                                                                                           VENUE
               SCMU5-20/21-0094   Bid for the appointment of service provider(s) to provide             SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES         08 December
EASTERN CAPE                      security services to various state properties on an urgent basis      Enquires: Mr Z. Billie         2020 at 11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20       “as and when a need arise” for period of 36 months for Head           Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000
OF PUBLIC                         Office.                                                               Cell No: 082 885 3425          BID BOX
WORKS &                                                                                                 during office hours            Department of
INFRASTRUCTU                      AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                              Email Address:                 Public Works and
RE                                Tender documents can be downloaded free of charge from                zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za   Infrastructure,
                                  National Treasury’s eTender Portal:                                                                  Qhasana Building,
                                  http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised-tenders or from         TECHNICAL ENQUIRES             Ground floor,
                                  the Department of Public Works website:                               Enquires: Mr M Bilatyi         Bhisho
                                  www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 06 November 2020. Due to                Email Address:
                                  Covid19 Tender documents will not be available at the office.         mawethu.bilatyi@ecdpw.gov.z
                                                                                                        a                              Due to Covid-19
                                  COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                           Tel No: 043 711 5754           safety regulations,
                                  N/A                                                                   Cell No: 071 603 4712 during   no prospective
                                                                                                        office hours                   bidders will be
                                  SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS                                                                               allowed at the
                                                                                                                                       opening of the
                                  1. Bidders must have a minimum 24-hour operational office in                                         tender box;
                                     the Eastern Cape.                                                                                 register will be
                                  2. The Department intends to appoint three (3) service                                               published on the
                                     providers.                                                                                        departmental
                                  3. Bidders must have a Fire arm Licence for business                                                 website
                                     purposes.                                                                                         (www.ecdpw.gov.z
                                  4. Bidders are invited to bid on a basis of “as and when the                                         a/tenders)
                                     need arise”.
                                  5. Bid offers invited is for a percentage “mark-up and
                                     overheads” on minimum PSIRA.
                                  6. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the closing
                                  7. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid

                              Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30               20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                            This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /       PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                                   CONTACT PERSON                 CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                              TIME AND
               ACCREDITATION                                                                                                           VENUE
               SCMU5-20/21-0095   Appointment of service provider to provide safeguarding and           SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES         08 December
EASTERN CAPE                      protection service to various state properties on an urgent basis     Enquires: Mr Z. Billie         2020 at 11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20       as and when a need arises for period of 36 months for Alfred          Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000
OF PUBLIC                         Nzo.                                                                  Cell No: 082 885 3425          BID BOX
WORKS &                                                                                                 during office hours            Department of
INFRASTRUCTU                      AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                              Email Address:                 Public Works and
RE                                Tender documents can be downloaded free of charge from                zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.z    Infrastructure,
                                  National Treasury’s eTender Portal:                                   a                              Qhasana Building,
                                  http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised-tenders or from                                        Ground floor,
                                  the Department of Public Works website:                               TECHNICAL ENQUIRES             Bhisho
                                  www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 06 November 2020. Due to                Enquires: Mr M Bilatyi
                                  Covid19 Tender documents will not be available at the office.         Email Address:
                                                                                                        mawethu.bilatyi@ecdpw.gov.     Due to Covid-19
                                  COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                           za                             safety regulations,
                                  N/A                                                                   Tel No: 043 711 5754           no prospective
                                                                                                        Cell No: 071 603 4712 during   bidders will be
                                  SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS                                                office hours                   allowed at the
                                                                                                                                       opening of the
                                  1. Bidders must have a minimum 24-hour operational office in                                         tender box;
                                     the Eastern Cape.                                                                                 register will be
                                  2. The Department intends to appoint three (3) service providers.                                    published on the
                                  3. Bidders must have a Fire arm Licence for business purposes.                                       departmental
                                  4. Bidders are invited to bid on a basis of “as and when the need                                    website
                                     arise”.                                                                                           (www.ecdpw.gov.z
                                  5. Bid offers invited is for a percentage “mark-up and overheads”                                    a/tenders)
                                     on minimum PSIRA.
                                  6. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the closing
                                  7. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid

                              Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30             20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                            This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /       PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                                   CONTACT PERSON                 CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                              TIME AND
               ACCREDITATION                                                                                                           VENUE
               SCMU5-20/21-0096   Appointment of service provider to provide safeguarding and           SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES         08 December
EASTERN CAPE                      protection service to various state properties on an urgent basis     Enquires: Mr Z. Billie         2020 at 11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20       as and when a need arises for period of 36 months for OR              Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000
OF PUBLIC                         Tambo.                                                                Cell No: 082 885 3425          BID BOX
WORKS &                                                                                                 during office hours            Department of
INFRASTRUCTU                      AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                              Email Address:                 Public Works and
RE                                Tender documents can be downloaded free of charge from                zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.z    Infrastructure,
                                  National Treasury’s eTender Portal:                                   a                              Qhasana Building,
                                  http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised-tenders or from                                        Ground floor,
                                  the Department of Public Works website:                               TECHNICAL ENQUIRES             Bhisho
                                  www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 06 November 2020. Due to                Enquires: Mr M Bilatyi
                                  Covid19 Tender documents will not be available at the office.         Email Address:                 Due to Covid-19
                                                                                                        mawethu.bilatyi@ecdpw.gov.     safety regulations,
                                  COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                           za                             no prospective
                                  N/A                                                                   Tel No: 043 711 5754           bidders will be
                                                                                                        Cell No: 071 603 4712 during   allowed at the
                                  SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS                                                office hours                   opening of the
                                                                                                                                       tender box;
                                  1. Bidders must have a minimum 24-hour operational office in                                         register will be
                                     the Eastern Cape.                                                                                 published on the
                                  2. The Department intends to appoint three (3) service providers.                                    departmental
                                  3. Bidders must have a Fire arm Licence for business purposes.                                       website
                                  4. Bidders are invited to bid on a basis of “as and when the need                                    (www.ecdpw.gov.z
                                     arise”.                                                                                           a/tenders)
                                  5. Bid offers invited is for a percentage “mark-up and overheads”
                                     on minimum PSIRA.
                                  6. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the closing
                                  7. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid document

                              Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30             20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                            This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /       PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                                   CONTACT PERSON                 CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                              TIME AND
               ACCREDITATION                                                                                                           VENUE
               SCMU5-20/21-0097   Appointment of service provider to provide safeguarding and           SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES         08 December
EASTERN CAPE                      protection service to various state properties on an urgent basis     Enquires: Mr Z. Billie         2020 at 11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20       as and when a need arises for period of 36 months for Amathole        Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000
OF PUBLIC                                                                                               Cell No: 082 885 3425          BID BOX
WORKS &                           AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                              during office hours            Department of
INFRASTRUCTU                      Tender documents can be downloaded free of charge from                Email Address:                 Public Works and
RE                                National Treasury’s eTender Portal:                                   zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.z    Infrastructure,
                                  http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised-tenders or from         a                              Qhasana Building,
                                  the Department of Public Works website:                                                              Ground floor,
                                  www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 06 November 2020. Due to                TECHNICAL ENQUIRES             Bhisho
                                  Covid19 Tender documents will not be available at the office.         Enquires: Mr M Bilatyi
                                                                                                        Email Address:
                                  COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                           mawethu.bilatyi@ecdpw.gov.     Due to Covid-19
                                  N/A                                                                   za                             safety regulations,
                                                                                                        Tel No: 043 711 5754           no prospective
                                  SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS                                                Cell No: 071 603 4712 during   bidders will be
                                                                                                        office hours                   allowed at the
                                  1. Bidders must have a minimum 24-hour operational office in                                         opening of the
                                     the Eastern Cape.                                                                                 tender box;
                                  2. The Department intends to appoint three (3) service providers.                                    register will be
                                  3. Bidders must have a Fire Arm Licence for business purposes.                                       published on the
                                  4. Bidders are invited to bid on a basis of “as and when the need                                    departmental
                                     arise”.                                                                                           website
                                  5. Bid offers invited is for a percentage “mark-up and overheads”                                    (www.ecdpw.gov.z
                                     on minimum PSIRA.                                                                                 a/tenders)
                                  6. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the closing
                                  7. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid

                              Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30             20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                            This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /       PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                                   CONTACT PERSON                 CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                              TIME AND
               ACCREDITATION                                                                                                           VENUE
               SCMU5-20/21-0098   Appointment of service provider to provide safeguarding and           SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES         08 December
EASTERN CAPE                      protection service to various state properties on an urgent basis     Enquires: Mr Z. Billie         2020 at 11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20       as and when a need arises for period of 36 months for Sarah           Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000
OF PUBLIC                         Baartman                                                              Cell No: 082 885 3425          BID BOX
WORKS &                                                                                                 during office hours            Department of
INFRASTRUCTU                      AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                              Email Address:                 Public Works and
RE                                Tender documents can be downloaded free of charge from                zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.z    Infrastructure,
                                  National Treasury’s eTender Portal:                                   a                              Qhasana Building,
                                  http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised-tenders or from                                        Ground floor,
                                  the Department of Public Works website:                               TECHNICAL ENQUIRES             Bhisho
                                  www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 06 November 2020. Due to                Enquires: Mr M Bilatyi
                                  Covid19 Tender documents will not be available at the office.         Email Address:
                                                                                                        mawethu.bilatyi@ecdpw.gov.     Due to Covid-19
                                  COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                           za                             safety regulations,
                                  N/A                                                                   Tel No: 043 711 5754           no prospective
                                                                                                        Cell No: 071 603 4712 during   bidders will be
                                  SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS                                                office hours                   allowed at the
                                                                                                                                       opening of the
                                  1. Bidders must have a minimum 24-hour operational office in                                         tender box;
                                     the Eastern Cape.                                                                                 register will be
                                  2. The Department intends to appoint three (3) service providers.                                    published on the
                                  3. Bidders must have a Fire Arm Licence for business purposes.                                       departmental
                                  4. Bidders are invited to bid on a basis of “as and when the need                                    website
                                     arise”.                                                                                           (www.ecdpw.gov.z
                                  5. Bid offers invited is for a percentage “mark-up and overheads”                                    a/tenders)
                                     on minimum PSIRA.
                                  6. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the closing
                                  7. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid

                              Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30             20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                            This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /       PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                            CONTACT PERSON                 CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                       TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU5-20/21-0099   Appointment of service provider to provide safeguarding        SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES         08 December 2020
EASTERN CAPE                      and protection service to various state properties on an       Enquires: Mr Z. Billie         at 11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20       urgent basis as and when a need arises for period of 36        Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000
OF PUBLIC                         months for Chris Hani                                          Cell No: 082 885 3425          BID BOX
WORKS &                                                                                          during office hours            Department of Public
INFRASTRUCTU                      AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                       Email Address:                 Works and
RE                                Tender documents can be downloaded free of charge              zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za   Infrastructure,
                                  from National Treasury’s eTender Portal:                                                      Qhasana Building,
                                  http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised-tenders          TECHNICAL ENQUIRES             Ground floor, Bhisho
                                  or from the Department of Public Works website:                Enquires: Mr M Bilatyi
                                  www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 06 November 2020.                Email Address:
                                  Due to Covid19 Tender documents will not be available          mawethu.bilatyi@ecdpw.gov.za   Due to Covid-19
                                  at the office.                                                 Tel No: 043 711 5754           safety regulations, no
                                                                                                 Cell No: 071 603 4712 during   prospective bidders
                                  COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                    office hours                   will be allowed at the
                                  N/A                                                                                           opening of the tender
                                                                                                                                box; register will be
                                  SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS                                                                        published on the
                                                                                                                                departmental website
                                   1. Bidders must have a minimum 24-hour operational                                           (www.ecdpw.gov.za/t
                                      office in the Eastern Cape.                                                               enders)
                                   2. The Department intends to appoint three (3) service
                                   3. Bidders must have a Fire Arm Licence for business
                                   4. Bidders are invited to bid on a basis of “as and when
                                      the need arise”.
                                   5. Bid offers invited is for a percentage “mark-up and
                                      overheads” on minimum PSIRA.
                                   6. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the
                                      closing date.
                                   7. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid

                              Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30              20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                            This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /       PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                               CONTACT PERSON                 CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                          TIME AND
               ACCREDITATION                                                                                                       VENUE
               SCMU5-20/21-0100   Appointment of service provider to provide safeguarding and       SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES         08 December
EASTERN CAPE                      protection service to various state properties on an urgent       Enquires: Mr Z. Billie         2020 at 11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20       basis as and when a need arises for period of 36 months for       Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000
OF PUBLIC                         Joe Gqabi.                                                        Cell No: 082 885 3425          BID BOX
WORKS &                                                                                             during office hours            Department of
INFRASTRUCTU                      AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                          Email Address:                 Public Works and
RE                                Tender documents can be downloaded free of charge from            zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za   Infrastructure,
                                  National Treasury’s eTender Portal:                                                              Qhasana Building,
                                  http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised-tenders or          TECHNICAL ENQUIRES             Ground floor,
                                  from the Department of Public Works website:                      Enquires: Mr M Bilatyi         Bhisho
                                  www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 06 November 2020. Due to            Email Address:
                                  Covid19 Tender documents will not be available at the office.     mawethu.bilatyi@ecdpw.gov.za
                                                                                                    Tel No: 043 711 5754           Due to Covid-19
                                  COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                       Cell No: 071 603 4712 during   safety regulations,
                                  N/A                                                               office hours                   no prospective
                                                                                                                                   bidders will be
                                  SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS                                                                           allowed at the
                                                                                                                                   opening of the
                                     1. Bidders must have a minimum 24-hour operational                                            tender box;
                                        office in the Eastern Cape.                                                                register will be
                                     2. The Department intends to appoint three (3) service                                        published on the
                                        providers.                                                                                 departmental
                                     3. Bidders must have a Fire Arm Licence for business                                          website
                                        purposes.                                                                                  (www.ecdpw.gov.z
                                     4. Bidders are invited to bid on a basis of “as and when the                                  a/tenders)
                                        need arise”.
                                     5. Bid offers invited is for a percentage “mark-up and
                                        overheads” on minimum PSIRA.
                                     6. The bid will be valid for a period of 120 days after the
                                        closing date.
                                     7. Other bid conditions and rules are detailed in the bid

                              Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30             20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                            This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /       PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                                  CONTACT PERSON                 CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                             TIME AND
               ACCREDITATION                                                                                                          VENUE
               SCMU5-20/21-0129   Leasing and development of 33 properties identified for              SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES         25 February 2021
EASTERN CAPE                      revenue generation                                                   Enquires: Mr Z. Billie         at 11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20                                                                            Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000
OF PUBLIC                         AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                             Cell No: 082 885 3425          BID BOX
WORKS &                           Tender documents can be downloaded free of charge from               during office hours            Department of
INFRASTRUCTU                      National Treasury’s eTender Portal:                                  Email Address:                 Public Works and
RE                                http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised-tenders or from        zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za   Infrastructure,
                                  the Department of Public Works website:                                                             Qhasana Building,
                                  www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 06 November 2020 Due to           TECHNICAL ENQUIRES                  Ground Floor,
                                  Covid19 Tender documents will not be available at the office.   Enquires: Mr H B Simon              BISHO
                                  COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                     hewitt.simon@ecdpw.gov.za           Due to Covid-19
                                  A Compulsory Pre-tender Briefing meeting/s with bidders and                                         safety regulations,
                                                                                                  Cell No: 082 781-6468
                                  Department of Public Works & Infrastructure personnel will take                                     no prospective
                                  place at the Bhisho Massacre Memorial Centre at Bhisho on                                           bidders will be
                                  Thursday, 26 November 2020 starting at 11h00. Due to Covid-                                         allowed at the
                                  19 restrictions, the compulsory Pre-Tender Briefing may be held                                     opening of the
                                  in groups. Prospective Tenderers are to meet at the main                                            tender box;
                                  entrance gate of the complex. Bidders must ensure that they                                         register will be
                                  have face masks all the time during this compulsory Pre-tender                                      published on the
                                  Briefing meeting. Covid-19 Restrictions are to be adhered to at                                     departmental
                                  all times.                                                                                          website
                                  SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS                                                                              a/tenders)
                                  1. Due to Covid-19 safety regulations, no prospective bidders
                                     will be allowed at the opening of the tender box; register will
                                     be      published     on    the     departmental      website

                                  2. Validity period is 120 days.
                                  3. The preferred bidder will have to undertake or complete the
                                     proposed development in no longer than 36 months unless
                                     determined otherwise by the Department. In the event that

                              Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30              20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                            This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
the bidder fails to complete the project within the stipulated
         time of 24 months, the bidder will be liable for occupational
         rent which shall be determined by a professional registered
    4.   The Department will contract with the successful bidder by
         signing a long term lease agreement. 3.2.3         Due to the
         nature and extent of the development of vacant land which
         normally leads to escalation It would also be the successful
         bidder’s responsibility to pay for property rates & taxes as
         well as all municipal services over the lease period.
    5.   The rent will commence after 24 months to allow for
    6.    The DPWI reserves the right to award to one bidder more
         than one erf except those that are grouped.
    7.   The Department reserves the right not to award the bid to the
         highest rental offering bidder

Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30               20/21FY 06 November 2020
                This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
DEPARTMENT/    BID NUMBER /       PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                                   CONTACT PERSON                CLOSING DATE,
INSTITUTION    CRITERIA &                                                                                                             TIME AND VENUE
               SCMU5-20/21-0131   Appointment of service provider for fire protection contract for a                                  03 December 2020 at
EASTERN CAPE                      period of two (2) years in OR Tambo to various departments.           SCM SPECIFIC                  11:00 am
DEPARTMENT     P/BEE: 80/20                                                                             ENQUIRIES
OF PUBLIC                         AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT                                              Enquires: Mr Z. Billie        BID BOX
WORKS &        CIDB GRADING –     Tender documents can be downloaded free of charge from                Tel No: 040 602 4563/4000     DEPARTMENT OF
INFRASTRUCTU   4SF OR HIGHER      National Treasury’s eTender Portal:                                   Cell No: 082 885 3425         PUBLIC WORKS
RE                                http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised-tenders or from         during office hours           AND
                                  the Department of Public Works website:                               Email Address:                INFRASTRUCTURE,
                                  www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 06 November 2020 Due to                 zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov     KD MATHANZIMA
                                  Covid19 Tender documents will not be available at the office.         .za                           BUILDING GROUND
                                                                                                                                      FLOOR, LABELLED
                                  NON-COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION                                       TECHNICAL ENQUIRES            “TENDERS”,
                                  A None compulsory site briefing meeting with bidders and              Mr. A Mtambeki                MTHATHA.
                                  department of Public Works & Infrastructure personnel will take       Tel No: 047 505 2711/071
                                  place at KD Matanzima building, Corner Owen and Victoria              8734 525                      Due to Covid-19
                                  Street, Mthatha 5100 South Africa on Tuesday 17 November                                            safety regulations, no
                                  2020 starting at 11:00. Due to covid 19 restrictions, the briefing                                  prospective bidders
                                  may be held in groups. Prospective Tenderers are to meet at the       o@ecdpw.gov.za                will be allowed at the
                                  main entrance gate. Bidders must ensure that they have face                                         opening of the tender
                                  masks all the time during this briefing meeting. Covid 19                                           box; register will be
                                  Restrictions are to be adhered to at all times.                                                     published on the
                                                                                                                                      departmental website
                                  SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS                                                                              (www.ecdpw.gov.za/t
                                   1. The minimum specifications, other bid conditions and rules                                      enders
                                      are detailed in the bid document under Tender Data.
                                   2. The Department of Public Works SCM policy applies.
                                   3. Due to Covid-19 safety regulations, no prospective bidders
                                      will be allowed at the opening of the tender box; register will
                                      be      published     on    the     departmental      website
                                   4. Validity period is 120 days.

                              Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 30               20/21FY 06 November 2020
                                            This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za
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