EDUCATION AUTHORITY ANNUAL PLAN - Dumfries and Galloway August 2018 - July 2019

Page created by Doris Stephens
Dumfries and Galloway


      August 2018 – July 2019

Priorities and Commitments                                                       2

Purpose and Context                                                              3

Planning for Improvement                                                         4

Dumfries and Galloway’s Education Annual Plan for 2018/19 –                      5
   (i) National Improvement Framework Priorities                                 5
   (ii) National Improvement Framework Drivers                                   8
   (iii) Key Strategic Projects including Regional Improvement Collaborative    11

Evidence and Impact                                                             12

Conclusion                                                                      12

Appendix 1 – Links to Priority Areas                                            13

Priorities and Commitments
Education Services continues to have high expectations and high aspirations for pupils and staff. We aim to provide a good start in
life for all and are committed to giving all our children and young people an equal chance to make the most of their potential.

We believe in the benefits of working in partnerships within a culture of collaboration and trust. We believe that the most important
decisions are made in the classroom and we expect professional excellence in our staff; we support this by building confidence and
capacity in school leadership at all levels, by listening to parents and pupils, by empowering Head teachers to make local decisions
and by trusting professional judgements. This has been the basis for our approach to delivering Curriculum for Excellence,
GIRFEC and Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) and will continue.

Our Council’s Priorities and Commitments:

Our Council has set out four priorities for the next five years. These are to:
1      Build the local economy;
2      Provide the best start in life for all our children;
3      Protect our most vulnerable people and
4      Be an inclusive Council.
 Our schools have a role in delivering all four priorities, but we make the greatest contribution to Priority 2 where the Council aims to
‘provide the best start in life for all our children’.
Within each of the four priorities, our Council has set out a series of commitments – and the work we need to do to give our children
the best start in life are set out below:

Priority 2    Provide the best start in life for all our children

Our commitment is to:
Ensure early intervention, in particular to keep our region's most vulnerable children safe.
Invest in creating schools fit for the 21st century, which are at the heart of our communities.
Raise ambition and attainment, in particular to address inequalities. Support children to be healthy and active.

Purpose and Context
What is the purpose of this plan?
Dumfries and Galloway Council Education Services produces an Authority Annual Plan to capture the ambitions and actions for all
schools in Dumfries and Galloway over the next school year (August 2018 – July 2019). It is a duty under the Education (Scotland)
Act 2016 to prepare and publish this plan and submit it to Scottish Ministers by August 2018.

Where has this plan come from?
The Annual Plan sets out areas where we want to improve and how we plan to do this based on our Evidence Report, which was
published in June 2017. At this time, each school also prepared and published a School Improvement Plan. We have read and
agreed these with Head teachers and this region wide plan now takes account of where our schools – pupils and parents, staff and
wider partners - want to see improvement.
For this Plan to be useful to schools and partners, it also needs to refer to what national and local agencies will be looking to see.
For that reason, the Plan also includes the Priorities and Commitments of our Council, the actions we need to take as part of the
Dumfries and Galloway Children’s Services Plan and the National Priorities expected by Scottish Government, including HM

Who should read this plan?
This plan will be of interest to a wide audience. It is, first and foremost, a plan about and for children but due to the needs of the
Education (Scotland) Act 2016 this document is written for those who are: parents of children; working with children; responsible for
schools and services for children; requiring schools and services to account for improvement. We have tried to balance the need to
have a short and practical plan, with having enough detail to support school communities with their own school improvement, and
national bodies with scrutiny.

How will this plan be used?
Head teachers and teachers will use this document to help them plan for improvement. It has a specific focus on differences in the
outcomes for children who live in the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation identified most deprived and least deprived areas. This
Plan summarises what we need to do to improve children’s achievement, attainment, health and wellbeing, and to support our
schools in meeting the needs of their children, as well as the expectations of local and national Government.

How will we know we have made a difference?

We expect to see improvements in outcomes for our children and young people in Dumfries and Galloway in these areas:

   •   Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy;
   •   Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children;
   •   Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing;
   •   Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations for   all young people.

Planning for Improvement
We must monitor the progress we make on our priorities and commitments to make sure we are meeting what we set out to do; our
Evidence Report was published in May 2018. This report gave us an overview of what we know about education in Dumfries and
Galloway and the context in which our children and young people learn. It brought together current evidence on achievement,
attainment, health and wellbeing and the wider education system, and had a specific focus on the differences in outcomes for
children between children living in the most deprived and least deprived areas of our region. Our Evidence Report tells us what we
are doing well, and where we should look to improve; this plan now sets out the actions we will take during the 2018/ 2019 school
year and the performance measures which tells us how we know we are making a difference. The Scottish Government has also
set out what it expects to see in the National Improvement Framework (NIF) and the Regional Improvement Collaborative and the
Council has also agreed a Children’s Services Plan; we have included these responsibilities in this Annual Plan.

The Evidence Report concludes by setting out key strengths and aspects for development which we, as an Education Service,
need to reflect when planning for improvement for next session. These aspects for improvement 2018 /2019 aligned to National
Improvement Framework Priorities and Improvement Drivers are set out in tables (i) and (ii).

Dumfries and Galloway Education Authority Plan for 2018/19 focusses on the three pillars of the National Improvement Framework:
Curriculum for Excellence, GIRFEC and Developing the Young Workforce. These Priorities have been matched into a five year
overview from the Council Priorities & Commitments (2017-2022) and the Priorities from the Children’s Services Plan (2017-2020)
and the Regional Improvement Collaborative as set out in Appendix 1.

Dumfries and Galloway’s Education Annual Plan for 2018/2019
Aligned to National Improvement Framework Priorities, Improvement Drivers and Strategic Projects

                      (i)                             NIF Priorities
NIF                                                       Aspects for Development- Planning for Improvement 2018/2019
                                                          •   To spread those interventions, including those delivered by Community Learning and Development (CLD) partners, which
 Improvement in attainment particularly in literacy

                                                              have had a significant, positive impact on learners’ achievement of Curriculum for Excellence levels in Reading, Writing,
                                                              Listening and Talking and Maths.
                                                          •   Excellence and Equity Literacy and Numeracy Groups to continue to identify key themes to raise attainment in Literacy
                                                              and Numeracy.
                                                          •   Revision of Literacy and Numeracy Strategy & Action Plans, shared with Headteachers to cascade to classroom staff.
                                                          •   Continue to support Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) practitioner’s confidence in assessing children’s learning and
                                                              development to ensure robust and developmentally appropriate next steps in learning and continuity of learning at points of
                                                          •   Continue to apply improvement methodology to gather and use data effectively to scale up Words Together as an early
                                                          •   Continue to work in partnership with Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) to support the Talking, Listening and
                                                              Questioning (TLQ) programme
                                                          •   Work with partner agencies to continue to develop a training package to support youngest children with a focus on
                                                              developing communication and early language skills
 and numeracy

                                                          •   Further develop assessment, monitoring and tracking arrangements to support learning and improve attainment.
                                                          •   Further develop staff’s shared understanding of moderation procedures and standards, especially in literacy and numeracy
                                                              to ensure accurate monitoring and tracking of learner progress.
                                                          •   Continue to develop early years education to ensure strong foundations in both literacy and numeracy to build on.
                                                          •   Develop the use of Broad General Education (BGE) Benchmarking Toolkit to support improvement in schools

•   Support schools in the utilisation of Pupil Equity Funding to improve outcomes for disadvantaged learners including
                                                                                   maximising opportunities linked to CLD partners.
Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children
                                                                               •   Further build capacity of staff including relevant CLD practitioners to create strong outcomes and measure intervention
                                                                               •   Develop a better understanding amongst our schools and broader Children, Young People & Lifelong Learning (CYPLL)
                                                                                   directorate and parents that wider achievements can count in terms of Insight Tariff points that support entry into higher or
                                                                                   further education or employment.
                                                                               •   Phase two of early access to 1140 hours places for pre-school and nursery aged children
                                                                               •   Development of the role of Senior Early Learning and Childcare Practitioners deployment to work with children and families
                                                                                   in areas of multiple deprivation
                                                                               •   Focus target interventions through Excellence and Equity groups to raise attainment linked to specific groups of children
                                                                                   and young people Looked after Children (LAC) / Additional Support Needs (ASN) / Free School Meals (FME) / Scottish
                                                                                   Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) Quintiles 1 and 2 / Males.
                                                                               •   Progression pathways in Senior Phase (Secondary School years 4 to 6) to ensure equity of opportunity and flexibility to
                                                                                   meet the needs of all learners.
                                                                               •   Further develop assessment, monitoring and tracking arrangements to support learning and improve attainment.
                                                                               •   As part of the South West Education Improvement Collaborative (SWEIC). Regional improvement collaboratives work with
                                                                                   teachers and practitioners across the four local authorities to further develop skills through collaboration to support
                                                                                   professional learning, drive innovation and improvement in learning and teaching, use data to raise attainment and close
                                                                                   the poverty-related gap, and to continue to improve the capacity of staff to self-evaluate for improvement.
                                                                               •   Continue to support schools use and apply improvement methodology to effectively plan, carry out and measure impact of
                                                                               •   Continue to support use of Insight a senior phase benchmarking tool to support and secure improvements in learner
                                                                               •   Develop and support the use of Broad General Education (BGE) Benchmarking Toolkit to support and secure
                                                                                   improvement in schools
                                                                               •   Educational Psychology Service - implementation of improvement plan
                                                                               •   Safeguarding- implementation of annual plan
                                                                               •   Roll out of the Better Relationship Better Learning programme
                                                                               •   Inclusion Support Team - implementation of improvement plan
                                                                               •   Targeted improvement work
                                                                                       o Educational attainment of Looked After Children
                                                                                       o Exclusions
                                                                                       o Autism

o   Learning Centres
                                            o   Day placements

                                     •   Excellence and Equity Health and Wellbeing (HWB) group to continue to research strategies to increase mental wellbeing
and young people’s health

                                         and continue to promote nurturing philosophy
Improvement in children

                                     •   Continue to work in partnership with National Health Services to support ‘Sugar Smart’ dental hygiene and healthy eating
                                     •   Development of a mental health framework for primary and secondary schools, ensuring a whole authority approach to
                                         mental health and resilience within schools.
                                     •   Engagement with third sector providers to strengthen schools offering within a mental health framework
and wellbeing

                                         Developing additional mental health support on an individual basis for secondary aged young people.
                                     •   Development of a digital health intervention enabling young people to gain support across all aspects of health and
                                         wellbeing through direct interaction with professional staff.
                                     •   Deliver and Evaluate ‘Stepped-Care Psychoeducation’ pilot project in one secondary school and plan to make

                                     •   Development of a Senior Phase strategy, which supports effective partnership working to deliver senior phase entitlements
school leaver destinations for all

                                         for all learners.
Improvement in employability

                                         Improve use of data on sustainability of destinations post school to evaluate delivery of planning for choices and changes
skills and sustained, positive

                                         entitlements, range of curriculum pathways and effectiveness of support and guidance to young people choosing post
                                         school pathways.
                                     •   Expansion of winter leavers pilot from Dumfries schools to include winter leavers programmes for each area if practicable
                                     •   Extension of the Land Based Dumfries and Galloway Employability Award to include Forestry and Horticulture options as
                                         well as Agriculture
                                     •   Increased embedding of skills in curricular delivery linked to the employability framework and aligned with profiling from
young people

                                         early years through the BGE to senior phase and post school.
                                     •   Evaluation and update of the Continual Professional Development (CPD) for all teachers to build capacity among staff to
                                         support development and understanding of their role in developing employability skills and sustained, positive school
                                         leaver destinations for all young people.

(ii)   NIF Drivers
NIF         Aspects for Development- Planning for Improvement 2018/2019
            • Strengthen strategic leadership to support and challenge schools’ continuous improvement through a self-improving
               system of collaborative reviews.
            • As part of the SWEIC regional improvement collaboratives, work with teachers and practitioners across the four local
               authorities to further develop skills through collaboration to support professional learning, drive innovation and
School Improvement

               improvement in learning and teaching, use data to raise attainment and close the poverty-related gap, and to continue to
               improve the capacity of staff to self-evaluate for improvement.
            • Support schools in the utilisation of Pupil Equity Funding (PEF) to improve outcomes for disadvantaged learners
            • Continue to support schools use and apply improvement methodology to effective plan, carry out and measure impact of
            • Continue to support use of Insight Senior Phase benchmarking tool to support and secure improvements in learner
            • Develop and support the use of BGE Benchmarking Toolkit to support and secure improvement in schools
            • Further use of self- evaluation to measure the impact of the participation on the range of leadership development
            • Ensure an integrated and consistent approach to teachers’ professional learning and leadership development across
               Dumfries and Galloway
            • Implement an authority approach to coaching and mentoring to build capacity amongst leaders at all levels
            • A continued focus on identifying and delivering relevant leadership activities which meet the needs of school leaders and
               aspiring school leaders to ensure they have the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to fulfil their remits
            • Improve the sharing of information/communication with colleagues at all levels in relation to leadership development
               opportunities locally and nationally, taking account of the opportunities afforded by the SWEIC
            • Plan to formally recognise and celebrate the range of achievements of our school leaders at all levels.
School Leadership

                             RIC Priority Workstream 4
                             • Build leadership capacity to improve the learner journey.

•   Improved evaluation of teachers’ Professional Learning (PL) to measure the impact of PL on meeting learners’ needs;
                           •   Develop a teacher-led professional learning approach;
                           •   Implement an authority approach to coaching and mentoring to build capacity amongst staff;
 Teacher Professionalism

                               Improved relevance of authority-led PL for teachers, including Scottish Vocational Qualifications Framework (SVQF)
                               Level 11, which meets their development needs;
                           •   Ensure an integrated approach to teachers’ professional learning with the General Teaching Council Scotland (GTCS)
                               MyProfessional Learning (MyPL) tool
                           •   Plan to formally recognise and celebrate the range of professional learning of our teaching work force
                           RIC Priority Workstream 2
                           • Improve pace and challenge for learners through consistency in teacher professional judgements

                           RIC Priority Workstream 3
                           • Share effective practice on the use of PEF and strategies for closing the attainment gap
                           • Further develop assessment, monitoring and tracking arrangements to support learning and improve attainment.
                           • Further develop staff’s shared understanding of moderation procedures and standards, especially in literacy and
                              numeracy to ensure accurate monitoring and tracking of learner progress.
                           • Development of an annual stakeholder engagement to provide an opportunity to gather children and young people’s
Assessment of Children’s

                              views and focus groups to consider themes to inform annual authority plan.
                           • Engagement with school improvement planning process
                           • Support schools in the utilisation of PEF to improve outcomes for disadvantaged learners
                           • Develop the use of BGE Benchmarking Toolkit to support improvement in schools
                           • Continue to support use of Insight senior phase benchmarking tool to support and secure improvements in learner

•   Strengthen links with parents and partners in the wider community to enhance outcomes for all learners; engagement
                              plan and impact measure (qualitative and quantitative)
                          •   Further develop the annual parental engagement survey to provide an opportunity to gather more detailed parental views
Parental Engagement

                              to inform engagement and parental involvement strategies
                          •   Engagement with school improvement planning process / standards and quality reports including parent / young person
                              and community accessible versions through focus group scenario settings
                          •   Develop and implement approaches to parental engagement and family learning to include professional learning utilising
                              CLD approaches as appropriate
                          •   Improve access to information for Parent Councils – Creation of a Parent Council Pack, reviewed School handbook
                              template in line with new guidance from the Scottish Government
                          •   Develop a template for Parental Involvement for Schools to further develop to meet their local needs
                          •   Education plan informed by relevant data and evaluations to support reduction in inequalities of outcomes experienced
                              by children and young people because of social economic disadvantage.
                          •   Data scrutiny linked to excellence and equity
                          •   Alignment of Education Plan with broader children services plan and relevant outcomes outlined in CLD Partners’
                              Plan/Local Outcome Improvement Plan
                          •   Further build capacity of staff and partners to use data effectively to identify gaps and measure intervention impact
                          •   Strengthen strategic leadership to support and challenge schools’ continuous improvement through a self-improving
Performance Information

                              system of collaborative reviews.
                          •   Review of Supporting Learners Service (improvement activity)
                                      o improvements to the delivery of additional support in schools, learning centres and inclusion bases
                                      o deployment of Additional Support for Learners Teachers and Learning Assistants
                                      o tracking and monitoring attainment, achievement and participation
                                      o introduction of a set of Professional Standards
                                      o delivery of additional support by the Supporting Learners Service - in relation to expectations of all staff.
                                      o building capacity in mainstream teachers and ASL staff
                                      o identifying wider efficiencies and economies with children’s services partners

                                                                                                                                             10 | P a g e
(iii)    Key Strategic Projects including Regional Improvement Collaborative

  Dumfries and Galloway Council are part of the regional improvement collaboration with colleagues within the three Ayrshire
  commitment to the children and young people of the South West. The 2018 plan was considered by Members at Dumfries and
  Galloway Children, Young People & Lifelong Learning (CYPLL) committee in January 2018.

  The SWEIC approach is based on building capacity to lead learning at all levels and investing trust in the professional autonomy of
  head teachers and teachers. Our four local authorities have high expectations and high aspirations for pupils and staff and we aim to
  give all our children and young people an equal chance to make the most of their potential. This plan is a summary of ambitions and
  actions for the regional collaborative, where we aim to add value by working together over the next year.

                                What Will We Do                                                                              Our Targets Are
                                                                                      By the end of Early Years:
Priority Workstream 1
                                                                                      Improvements in developmental milestone in literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing for
Maintain high quality experiences for children while delivering 1140 hours
                                                                                      all & greater for the most deprived; and improved attendance rate of the most deprived
                                                                                      children in Early Years Centres.
                                What Will We Do                                                                               Our Targets Are
Priority Workstream 2
                                                                                      Improve attainment data for all cohorts assessed by achievement of Curriculum for Excellence
Improve pace and challenge for learners through consistency in teacher
                                                                                      levels and Scottish National Standardised Assessment results.
professional judgements.
                                What Will We Do                                                                              Our Targets Are
Priority Workstream 3
                                                                                      Improve attainment, attendance, leaver destinations and reduce exclusions for the most
Share effective practice on the use of Pupil Equity Fund and strategies for closing
                                                                                      deprived children and young people.
the gap.
                               What Will We Do?                                                                               Our Targets Are
                                                                                      Raise attainment and engagement for all young people and improve post-school destinations
Priority Workstream 4
                                                                                      across the South West, especially for the most deprived, especially vulnerable groups including
Build leadership capacity to improve the learner journey.
                                                                                      deprived and looked after.

                                                                                                                                                                   11 | P a g e
Evidence and Impact
Our staff evaluate performance, measure success and manage risk every day as they work with children and young people.
Teachers and schools monitor and report on progress in children’s learning and Headteachers produce Standards and Quality
Reports, School Improvement Plans and School Handbooks to inform parents and others on the life and work of the school. There
is a national and professional requirement that these are published annually. Ongoing scrutiny, inspection and review activity from
Education Scotland evidences the performance of our services, schools and early years establishments and our authority in
meeting required national expectations. Education Scotland plays a key role in the Strategic Scrutiny Group, this shared risk
assessment process is coordinated by Audit Scotland and the outcome of which is published for Dumfries and Galloway Council.
The Dumfries and Galloway Council Local Scrutiny Plan 2017/18 stated that:

The Local Area Network noted the strong leadership of education services and positive progress that is being made across the
National Improvement Framework within the Directorate of Children, Young People and Lifelong Learning, with key strategies in
place to improve attainment whilst tackling the roots and impact of inequality of educational outcomes. The authority has spent the
majority of its allocated Scottish Attainment Challenge funding. Plans for taking forward the Pupil Equity Fund (PEF) are under

The Performance Measures for this plan will also be contained and reported on within the Local Government Benchmarking
Framework, the Regional Improvement Collaborative, Children, Young People and Life Long Learning Business Plan and the
Children’s Services Plan. During the year the actions will be scrutinised and reported at 6 months to Area Committee and CYPLL
committee and the 2018/19 Evidence Report will be prepared and reported on by May 2019.

The Education (Scotland) Act 2016 includes a number of duties to plan and report linked to both the National Improvement
Framework and the duty to address inequality of outcome. We have prepared and published this annual plan, which sets out areas
where we want to improve, and how we plan to do this. This plan also sets out the steps we will take to reduce inequality of
outcome and the educational benefits for pupils from taking those steps.

                                                                                                                          12 | P a g e
Appendix 1
LINK TO PRIORITY AREA                                                                                                               LEAD        SUPPORT            Does this area
                                                                                                                                    OFFICER     OFFICERS           have
Responsible Head of Service: Gillian Brydson.                                                                                                                      associated
                                                                                                                                    Education   School             KPI’s on
The Service Senior Management Team: Elizabeth Baxter (LB) Susan Martin (SM) Sheelagh Rusby (SR) Hew Smith (HS) John Thin
                                                                                                                         Management Management                     Pentana to
(JT).                                                                                                                               Teams
Other CYPLL Lead Officers: Jo Cochrane Development and Assurance Team Management (JC) Anne Harkness Support Service                             Partners           improvement?
Manager (AH) Lee Seton Manager Wellbeing (LS) Ailsa Freeman Customer Services Manager (AF)                                       Head
Headteachers are key strategic partners and are responsible for the outcomes for young people within their school, as stipulated
within Delivering Excellence and Equity: A Delivery Plan for Scotland and the National Improvement Framework .
Council Priority – Provide the best start in life for all our children

Children’s Services Plan Priority 1 – We will ensure that children and young people are safe and free from harm
Children’s Services Plan Priority 2 - We will ensure children and young people get support at the earliest appropriate time through prevention and early intervention

2.1 Continue to review and refine GIRFEC practice materials and embed into practice                                                 HS          Head

2.2 Provide appropriate support to staff to deliver our local GIRFEC approach                                                       HS          Head
2.4 Develop a quality assurance framework for GIRFEC                                                                                JC          Head

2.12 Undertake a Trial for increased provision of up to 1140 hours 2017-2018 in Newton Stewart and Minnigaff                        LB          Headteacher        complete

2.13 Continue to consult at a Community level, seeking the views of stakeholders and communities to reflect their needs for early   LB          Education
learning and childcare.

2.14 Develop a plan for a range of flexible Early Learning and Childcare service delivery options within communities.               LB          Expansion
2.15 Develop our infrastructure for early learning and childcare taking account of national design guidance using a phased          LB          CR / Schools for

                                                                                                                                                              13 | P a g e
2.16 Continue to explore staffing models including new models of delivery (nursery managers and nursery officers, teacher over       LB          Lifelong
two or more settings) to include appropriate training to ensure that staff are qualified and meet Scottish Social services Council               Learning /
                                                                                                                                                 D&G College

2.17 Develop a robust Early Learning and Childcare Framework -Procure quality services from commissioned providers including LB                   Procurement

2.18 Deliver increased hours of provision across Dumfries and Galloway                                                               LB           SM

Our Commitment – Ensure early intervention, in particular to keep our region’s most vulnerable children safe

C2. Develop free breakfast clubs in every primary school across Dumfries and Galloway                                                SM           EEI

                                                                                                                                                  Head teachers
C2.1. Ensure the early years’ workforce in Dumfries and Galloway has access to speech and language therapy skills to support         LB           NHS D&G
parents with the basics of early language, and identify and refer children who need extra help.

C2.2. Complete the establishment of Family Centres at the Children’s Services Centres at Park Primary in Stranraer and Lochside      Life Long    ESMT
Primary in Dumfries.                                                                                                                 Learning

C2.3. Complete the implementation of the ‘Children’s Services Plan’.                                                                 JC           ESMT
                                                                                                                                                  Head teachers

C2.4. Look at improving the flexibility of early education by aligning the nursery day with the school day and working better with   LB           Childcare
childcare partners.                                                                                                                               Partnership

C2.5. Deliver 1140 hours childcare for every eligible preschool child.                                                               LB           ESMT
C2.6 Improve the effectiveness of appropriately assessed Additional Support for Learning in schools across Dumfries and Galloway HS               ESMT
to meet growing demand and support for our most vulnerable children.                                                                              Head
Our Commitment – Invest in creating schools fit for the 21 Century, which are at the heart of our communities.

C3. Complete the delivery of Phase 1 of the Dumfries Learning Town project and develop a clear plan to fully implement Phase 2.      CR           GB

                                                                                                                                                               14 | P a g e
C3.1 Increase access to a broader curriculum in smaller or rural schools through the use of digital technology and cluster            AH/SR   Business and
C3.2 Increase community use of the school estate.                                                                                     SM      Communities
Children’s Services Priority 3 We will improve the wellbeing and life chances of our most vulnerable children and young people

Priority - Protect our most vulnerable people

Priority – Be an inclusive Council


Children’s Services Priority 4 – We will work to reduce or remove barriers so that all children and young people have equity of opportunity

4.6 Develop and deliver awareness raising campaigns on anti-bullying, ensuring that they include prejudice, and inform pupils about    HS       SM
their schools anti-bullying policy and the procedures for reporting.                                                                            Head

4.7 Review anti-bullying policies - Ensure they comply with the Council’s Schools Anti-bullying Guidelines and cover all protected     HS       SM
characteristics and socio-economic groups                                                                                                       Head

Children’s Services Priority 5 – We will deliver the best possible health and wellbeing for all children and young people

Our Commitment – support children to be healthy and active

C4. Expand the courses and opportunities available to young people in the more remote parts of our region by working more              GB       Employability
closely with Dumfries and Galloway College and other partners.

                                                                                                                                                             15 | P a g e
C4.1 Support our Active Schools including: increasing the number of children and young people                                            LS    Head
achieving 60 minutes of physical activity daily support the introducing of the “Daily Mile” as a                                               teachers
normal part of the school day

C4.2 Deliver healthy school meals and ensure they remain free for children in P1-P3.                                                     SM    Enterprising


C4.3 Support secondary schools in Scotland in having access to a qualified school counsellor, providing accessible counselling to        LS    Young People
young people who need it.

Our Commitment – Raise ambition and attainment, in particular to address inequalities

C5. Maintain teacher numbers in line with pupil numbers.                                                                            JT        SM

C5.1 Work with schools and parents to maximise the use of the attainment fund to close the attainment gap.                          SR        SM
                                                                                                                                              Head teachers

C5.2 Partner all schools across Dumfries and Galloway with local libraries to give every child a library membership.                AF        SR
                                                                                                                                              Head teachers

C5.3 Maintain a school transport contingency fund across Dumfries and Galloway.                                                     SM        EEI

C5.4 Curricular school music tuition is free.                                                                                       LB        Head teachers

C5.5 Ensure that teachers can progress their career while staying in the classroom through further developing and accrediting the   JT        GTCS / SCEL      complete
Dumfries and Galloway ‘Into School Learning Programme (ISL) and make this available to all non-promoted staff.

Children’s Services Priority 6 – We will raise attainment and be ambitious for all children and young people

                                                                                                                                                          16 | P a g e
6.1 Improve attainment for all
Our schools will work to ensure that young people across Dumfries and Galloway achieve standards of Literacy and Numeracy as   SR   Head
well as levels of qualifications which provide the best opportunities for future success                                            teachers
6.2 Close the attainment gap
Schools and partners will work to ensure that we reduce the disparity in attainment for pupils from differing levels of        SR   SM
                                                                                                                                    Head teachers

6.3 Continue to improve our delivery of services to children and young people with additional support needs, through more      HS   Head
effective partnerships with families, school, communities and other agencies by:                                                    teachers

    •    Establishing performance measures and develop satisfaction surveys to inform service improvement
    •    Agreeing challenging performance targets with stakeholders
    •    Introducing more robust assessment and planning (integrated with our local approach GIRFEC)
    •    Tracking and monitoring attainment, achievement and participation for all children and young people with additional
         support needs
    •    Adjusting out structures to maximise the support available to children and young people.
6.4 Implement a strategy to ensure that we have appropriately trained and skilled workforce to meet the expectations of        LB   Lifelong
increased                                                                                                                           learning
Early Learning & Childcare
6.5 Improve curricular choice and attainment by young people in schools as well a positive outcome for the Dumfries and        SR   SM
Galloway economy and the wider community.

6.6 We will engage with young people and parents to raise aspirations and promote opportunities and range of pathways,         SR   Employability
supporting learners to make informed choices.

                                                                                                                                               17 | P a g e
6.7 Provide support to:                                                                                                           Employability   Head teachers

Deliver co-ordinated universal and targeted support to young people in school to encourage planning for the future and
progression to positive destinations.

Coordinate tracking and monitoring of young people in order to deliver DG Youth Guarantee of 100% positive destinations
6.8 Work in partnership to support schools to develop effective, sustainable partnerships with employers.                         GB              SR
                                                                                                                                                  Head teachers
                                                                                                                                                  Partnership /

6.9 Implement and review a professional learning strategy for teaching staff including leadership development which supports      JT              Head teachers
teachers’ development and professional review & development/ professional update

Priority – Build the Local Economy

Commitment – Improve the level of Skills within our communities and workforce

C6. Tackle youth and long term unemployment with investment in initiatives such as our ‘Youth Guarantee’- a place in education,
training or employment for every young person in the region within four months of them leaving school.
                                                                                                                                  GB              Local
                                                                                                                                                  Employability    
                                                                                                                                                  Partnership /

Commitment – Invest in our Key Infrastructure

C7. Support 100% coverage of next generation broadband by 2021 and lobby for further improvements to mobile connectivity.         Business and

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