EJOURNAL - Published by PLAIN, the international association promoting plain language around the world - Plain Language Association International

Page created by Julie Riley
EJOURNAL - Published by PLAIN, the international association promoting plain language around the world - Plain Language Association International
eJOURNAL volume 1, No 1 2019

Published by PLAIN, the international association
promoting plain language around the world.
EJOURNAL - Published by PLAIN, the international association promoting plain language around the world - Plain Language Association International
                                      Margrethe Kvarenes

                2. Dr. Neil James
Introduction: New networks for the
                                                                                       eJOURNAL                                                                                      I am proud to be introducing PLAIN’s
                  next generation                                                                                                                                                  first e-journal to you. And, as PLAIN’s first
                                                                                       The PLAIN e-journal is a publication
                                                                                                                                                                                 non-native English speaking president,
                                                                                       of the Plain Language Association

                                      4. Vera Gergely                                 International. It is published around
                                                                                       twice a year for PLAIN members.
                                                                                                                                                                              I am particularly happy to introduce a truly
                                                                                                                                                                            international journal. This journal, written in
                                          Plain language in Hungary
                                                                                       Editors:                                                                          4 languages as well as English, is an accurate mirror
                                                                                       Joanna Richardson and Dr. Neil James        Margrethe Kvarenes is a            of PLAIN today. Our organization, which has strong
                                                                                       PLAIN publications chair:                   manager at the Language
                                                                                                                                                                      roots in the English-speaking plain language world,
               8.   Beate Wiegard                                                      Miguel Martinho                             Council of Norway, the
                                                                                                                                   Norwegian Government’s             is pleased to now reflect the plain language movement
       Plain language in Germany:                                                      Designer:
                 A complex matter                                                                                                  consultative body on               at a global level.
                                                                                       Paul Silva, Paul Silva Design
                                                                                                                                   language issues. As plain
                                                                                                                                   language advocate, lecturer,       Our e-journal is available to all PLAIN’s members and
                                                                                       Copyright                                   and author she has played          gives exclusive insight on plain language today. I would
                                                                                       All articles are © 2019. Authors retain     a major part in establishing       like to thank PLAIN’s two immediate past presidents,
                                      12. Machiko Asai and                            copyright in their contributions. Anyone
                                                                                       wanting to reproduce an article in whole
                                                                                                                                   plain language in Norway’s
                                                                                                                                   civil service – a ten-year
                                                                                                                                                                      Dr. Neil James and Joanna Richardson, for putting it
                                            Sarah Ingmanson Battaglia
                                                                                       or in part should obtain the author’s       initiative which has set a         together. While this is the first e-journal, PLAIN is
                                            The ripple effect: Plain
                                                                                       permission and acknowledge PLAIN as         new standard for public            confident that we will continue to publish on a regular
                                            English in Japan
                                                                                       the source.                                 communication in Norway.
                                                                                                                                                                      basis and bring our members plain language insights,
                                                                                                                                   Her resume includes positions
       16. Christian Anker and                                                         Submissions
                                                                                       If you would like to submit an article or   in international organizations     knowledge, and developments from around the world.
              Maximiliano Nuñez                                                        advertise in future editions of             and extensive Board                We welcome suggestions for future contributions and
Strengthening citizen trust through                                                    the PLAIN e-journal, please write to:       experience from both non-          look forward to hearing from you.
                    plain language                                                     publications@plainlanguagenetwork.org       governmental organizations
                                                                                                                                   and public sector. She has a       Warm regards,
                                                                                                                                   great faith in PLAIN’s strategic
                                                                                                                                   plan, and her main goals for

                                      20. Mariana Bozetti                                                                         her term as president are to
                                                                                                                                   make more value for PLAIN’s
                                            The Plain Language Network                                                             members and
                                            in Argentina                                                                           to professionalize the
                                                                                                                                   organization and the field
                                                                                                                                   of plain language further.         PLAIN President
 24. Betsy Perafán Liévano and                                                                   We would like to
           Germán Jair Arenas Arias
         Plain language in Colombia                                                              acknowledge PEF as
                                                                                                 founding sponsor of
                                                                                                 PLAIN’s e-journal.

                                            Plain Language Association International
                                                                                                                                                                      Plain Language Association International
EJOURNAL - Published by PLAIN, the international association promoting plain language around the world - Plain Language Association International
language world. These center            Despite this diversity, the plain
                                                                                                                                          around some powerful new                language message is as clear in
                                                                                                                                          networks.                               South America as it is in Central
                                                                                                                                          Chile has been the leader. Christian    Europe or East Asia.
                                                                                                                                          Anker and Maximiliano Nuñez of          So it seems fitting that PLAIN is
                                                                                                                                          the Transparency Council outline        launching its new journal at this
                                                                                                                                          the plain language network of           time – and in our 25th year – with
                                                                                                                                          7 major public institutions in          a multilingual issue in 5 languages:
                                                                                                                                          that country, and how they have         English, Hungarian, German,                 Dr. Neil James
                                                                                                                                          hosted events, provided training,       Japanese, and Spanish. Our thanks           Dr. Neil James is Executive Director
                                                                                                                                          and promoted plain language.            go to all those who helped the              of the Plain English Foundation
                                                                                                                                          PLAIN was pleased to support the        authors with translations to and            in Australia, which combines
                                                                                                                                          Chilean network’s first international   from English: Janine Schaller-              plain English training, editing,
                                                                                                                                          seminar in Santiago in July 2018.       Boyum, Torunn Reksten, Masumi               and evaluation with a campaign
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              for more ethical public language.

                            New networks for                                                                                              Based on the Chilean model,             Kitsukawa, Joanna Richardson,
                                                                                                                                                                                  and Emilia Ghelfi.                          Neil has published 3 books and
                                                                                                                                          Argentina has set up its own                                                        over 90 articles and essays on

                           the next generation
                                                                                                                                          network in quick time, with a           The journal will continue to                language and literature. From
                                                                                                                                          wonderful model for guiding             provide short, informative articles         2008 to 2015 he served as chair of
                                                                                                                                          institutions through the plain          about plain language around                 the International Plain Language
                                                                                                                                          language process. Mariana Bozetti       the world to inspire and inform             Working Group, and from 2015
                                                                                                                                          is the coordinator of its technical     our members. In this way, PLAIN             to 2017 as President of PLAIN. In
        Dr. Neil James                          This first issue of PLAIN’s e-journal         Of particular interest in Beate’s article   committee and takes us through          continues to fulfill its own vision         2018, Neil won the Nancy Keesing
        Plain English Foundation                highlights the next generation to             is the debate over the differences          how they will work.                     as a network of practitioners               Fellowship at the State Library of

                                                join our growing network: 6 more              between “einfache Sprache” (plain           Our journey ends in Colombia,           supporting each other and                   New South Wales to complete the
           n 1993, when 2 Canadians founded     countries setting out on the plain            language) and “Leichte Sprache”             where Betsy Perafán Liévano             promoting plain language.                   research for his next book.
           the professional network that        language journey. So sit back, buckle         (easy-to-read) German, which in             and Germán Jair Arenas Arias            If there is one thing our history has
        became PLAIN, its first members         up, and get ready for a flight right          some respects are competing                 discuss the new plain language          taught us, it is that a handful of
        were mostly from English speaking       around the plain language globe.              for focus.                                  bill and manual that are helping        individuals can have a significant
        North America. Twenty five years                                                      Hopping back on our plane, we travel        institutions communicate more           impact in changing the way
                                                Simple and complex
        later, PLAIN now has members from                                                     east to Japan, where the concept of         effectively with their citizens.        their institutions, their countries,
        over 30 countries working in some       Our journey starts in Hungary,                plain language is largely unknown.          The university sector is getting        and even their languages
        15 languages.                           where in 2014 Vera Gergely started            But in a shrinking economy and a            involved, and a Colombian               communicate. But that impact is
                                                a one-woman band at a time                    globalized environment, it is the           network was launched in October         even greater when we connect
        Much has progressed in those 25
                                                when “nobody had heard of plain               push for clearer English rather than        2018 to create a plain language         through networks such as PLAIN
        years. Plain language has become
                                                language”. Exactly how does one               plain Japanese that is creating the         culture that “puts citizens at          and those now being established
        increasingly mainstream in many
                                                person reform the communications              first “ripple effect” towards plain         the center”.                            by the next generation.
        countries, and new countries
                                                of an entire language and country?            language.
        and languages embrace clearer                                                                                                     Our international impact
                                                You start a blog, of course, and
        communication every year. And                                                         Machiko Asai and Sarah Ingmanson
                                                publicly share your journey as you                                                        These stories suggest plain
        by learning from the previous                                                         Battaglia outline how a new
                                                learn.                                                                                    language is poised to reach
        generation, some have achieved                                                        consortium is about to launch in
                                                Still in Europe, we find the situation                                                    a critical mass of countries
        in just a few years what took                                                         Japan and raise awareness of the
                                                is more complex in Germany, where                                                         globally in the decades ahead.
        decades elsewhere.                                                                    benefits of clearer communication.
                                                Beate Wiegard surveys current                                                             Each country that sets out on
        For example, the September 2019                                                                                                   that journey draws on the work
                                                efforts to improve clarity. She               The new networks
        PLAIN conference in Oslo will                                                                                                     of previous generations, but is
                                                outlines exciting developments in             The final leg of our journey takes us
        highlight how Norway has gone from                                                                                                adapting that experience to its
                                                the government, health, and legal             to South America, where some of the
        a plain language newcomer to                                                                                                      own language and institutions.
                                                sectors, and how the university sector        most exciting developments have
        a world leader in less than a decade.
                                                is getting involved.                          been happening in the plain

2   |                                              Plain Language Association International                                                                                        Plain Language Association International
Plain language in Hungary
                                          Vera Gergely                                     award (we didn’t have written criteria or      Most notable among them is OTP Bank,               I’ve also worked on several projects with
                                                                                           such), but we designed it get people’s         the largest bank in Hungary. OTP is                the Hungarian Helsinki Committee,
                                          B   ack in 2014, nobody in Hungary
                                              had heard of PLAIN language.
                                          We just accepted that letters from the
                                                                                           attention and raise awareness.
                                                                                           We asked readers to send us the worst
                                                                                                                                          redesigning its website completely to
                                                                                                                                          make it user-friendly, accessible, and (last
                                                                                                                                                                                             another human rights NGO. In one of
                                                                                                                                                                                             them, we’ve rewritten the Letter of Rights
                                                                                           and best texts they have encountered,          but not least) comprehensible.                     to make it more comprehensible. This is
                                          government, banks, and other providers
                                                                                           and they sent us a lot – most of which         Achieving some firsts                              the document that people receive before
             Vera Gergely                 were mostly incomprehensible. While
                                                                                           were bad examples. Together, the articles                                                         they are questioned by the police.
            With a Master’s in            there is a long way to go, customers                                                            In the meantime, I wrote the first guide
         Economics, Vera worked as        and citizens have started to expect clear        and awards helped start a conversation         to plain language in Hungarian, and                Continuing the work
         a software tester for years,     communications. What’s more, several             about plain language. I was asked to give      published it on the web. My reasoning was          A former client of mine got so enthusiastic
        during which she recognized       large companies have embraced plain              interviews to other media outlets, thus        that I wanted to spread plain language in          about plain language that she joined me,
        the importance of clear,          language. But how did we end up here?            spreading the word further.                    Hungary, and the only available resources          so we work together now on different
        unequivocal writing.              This article outlines my efforts to promote      Working with clients                           were in other languages. Hungarian                 projects. We developed and delivered
        In 2014 she embarked on the       plain language in Hungary as the first in        Soon after, my first client approached         resources meant that those who want to             a train-the-trainers program for a state-
        ambitious task of introducing     the field here. My aim is not to boast, but      me. I had used one of their texts on my        learn more could do so.                            owned utility company, which trained
        plain language in Hungary.        to give an account of events and perhaps         blog as a before-and-after example, and        2017 brought some further firsts:                  over 800 of their customer service people
        Since then, she has worked        inspire others in countries where plain          they wanted my help to rewrite their                                                              in plain language.
                                                                                                                                          • I had my first clients from the
        as a freelancer, offering plain   language is unheard of.                          letters. This was my first real-world lesson                                                      Of course, there is a long way to go. But
                                                                                                                                            public sector.
        language editing, training,       Starting the conversation                        in navigating corporate departments,                                                              now that it has started, the move to plain
        and coaching to banks,                                                             adhering to regulations, and so on.            • I started doing training.                        language seems unstoppable.
                                          In the beginning, I faced a three-fold
        insurance companies, utility                                                       I also started teaching web writing as         • I presented at TEDx Danubia.
                                          problem. I had to:
        companies, and also human                                                          part of a recurring “Introduction to User      The most notable public sector client was
        rights NGOs. With the help of     1. learn plain language myself
                                                                                           Experience” course, which helped me in         the National Office for the Judiciary, which
        a colleague she developed a       2. e
                                              ducate other people that there              two ways. First, I developed ties with the     organized a conference on plain language
        train-the-trainers program for       is a problem that plain language              user experience community in Budapest.         in public administration. It dedicated 2017
        the biggest utility company          could solve                                   Second, I got more prospective customers.      to plain language in its work.
        in Hungary.                                                                        Most of the participants were sent there
                                          3. m
                                              ake a living by persuading people                                                          Moving into training
        In 2015 she partnered up with        to hire me to solve the problem.              by their company, and several of them
                                                                                                                                          I had been thinking of doing training for
        a news portal and launched                                                         approached me later saying that their
                                          So how do you learn, practice what you’ve                                                       a while, because it’s a much better way of
        a plain language award. Vera                                                       company could use my services.
                                          learned, and educate others all at the                                                          spreading the use of plain language than
        also wrote a comprehensive                                                         In 2016, I started to work with more and
                                          same time? You write a blog, obviously.                                                         rewriting documents alone. I practiced
        guide on how to write clearly                                                      more companies – mostly banks and
                                          I started a blog called Világos beszéd                                                          my first training plan with a human rights
        in Hungarian.                                                                      insurance companies. These were the
                                          (“clear speech”), where I shared what I                                                         NGO. This was a win for both of us, as I got
        Vera has served on the                                                             ones who:                                      to try out my ideas, and they got plain
                                          learned from my studies, some tips and
        Communications Committee                                                           1. u
                                                                                               nderstood how much it costs when          language training for free.
                                          tricks, as well as before-and-after examples
        of Plain’s Language                                                                   they are not clear
                                          that I practiced with.                                                                          Since then, I have delivered over
        Association International’s
                                          In 2015, I partnered with the news portal        2. wanted to fix it                            30 training events at different companies
        (PLAIN) Board since 2016.
                                          444.hu, which found the topic interesting.       3. had the budget to fix it.                   – always tailored to their needs and
        email:                                                                                                                            using their own materials (letters,
                                          They wrote a couple of articles about
        info@vilagosbeszed.hu                                                                                                             brochures, web pages, and so on)
                                          plain language and we launched a plain
                                          language award. This wasn’t a professional                                                      for hands-on practice.

4   |                                                Plain Language Association International                                                                                            Plain Language Association International
A közérthető fogalmazás
                                         2014-ben gyakorlatilag senki sem                 ahol megosztottam, amiket tanultam,             A legtöbb résztvevőt a munkaadója               Elmozdulás a tréningek felé
                                         hallott még a közérthető fogalmazásról           valamint olyan szövegek eredeti és átírt        küldte a tanfolyamra, és később többen          Akkoriban már gondolkoztam egy ideje
                                         Magyarországon. Teljesen magától                 változatait, amiken gyakoroltam.                is megkerestek azzal, hogy a cégüknél           azon, hogy tréningeket kellene tartani,
                                         értetődő volt, hogy nagyobbrészt                 A következő évben összefogtam a 444.            szükség lenne a szolgáltatásaimra.              mert sokkal hatékonyabban lehet vele a
                                         érthetetlenek a hivatalos levelek, valamint      hu oldallal, akik érdekesnek találták a         2016-ban már egyre több vállalatnak             közérthető fogalmazást elterjeszteni, mint
                                         a bankok és egyéb szolgáltatók levelei. Az       témát. Írtak egy pár cikket a közérthető        dolgoztam, főleg a pénzügyi szektorból.         ha „csak” egyes dokumentumokat írok át
                                         biztos, hogy még hosszú út áll előttünk,         fogalmazásról, és meghirdettük a                Ők voltak azok, akik                            érthetőre. Kidolgoztam egy képzési tervet,
        Vera közgazdászként végzett,     de ma már egyre több fogyasztó és                Világos?!? díjat. Ez nem volt egy nagyon                                                        majd felajánlottam egy jogvédő civil
                                         állampolgár várja el, hogy világosan                                                             1. megértették, mennyibe kerül nekik,
        és évekig szoftvertesztelőként                                                    szakmai díj, nem volt szabályrendszere –                                                        szervezetnek, hogy szívesen tartok nekik
                                         kommunikáljanak vele. Sőt, néhány                                                                   ha érthetetlenül fogalmaznak;
        dolgozott. Ez idő alatt ébredt                                                    elsősorban az volt a cél, hogy felkeltsük                                                       egy ilyen tréninget. Ezzel mindketten
        rá arra, mennyire fontos         nagyvállalat is felismerte, mennyire fontos      az emberek figyelmét és tudatosítsuk            2. változtatni akartak ezen; és
                                                                                                                                                                                          jól jártunk: ők ingyen jutottak hasznos
        az egyértelmű, világos           a közérthető fogalmazás. De hogyan               bennük, hogy van más lehetőség is.              3. rá is szánták a szükséges                   tudáshoz, én pedig kipróbálhattam, mi
        megfogalmazás.                   jutottunk idáig?                                                                                    pénzt és időt.                               működik és mi nem.
                                                                                          Arra kértük az olvasókat, hogy küldjék be
        2014-ben vágott bele             Ebben a cikkben arról írok, hogy én              a legérthetőbb és a legérthetetlenebb           A legismertebb közülük az OTP Bank, ami         Azóta több mint 30 tréninget tartottam
        abba, hogy meghonosítsa          mit tettem a közérthető fogalmazás               szövegeket, amikkel találkoztak. Rengeteg       elhatározta, hogy teljesen megújítja a          különböző vállalatoknál, mindig az ő
        Magyarországon a                 elterjedéséért Magyarországon, de így            szöveget kaptunk, természetesen a               weboldalát úgy, hogy az felhasználóbarát,       igényeikre szabva, az ő saját anyagaikat
        közérthető fogalmazást.          jár az, aki elsőként vág bele valamibe           túlnyomó többségük az érthetetlen               akadálymentes és nem utolsósorban               (levelek, tájékoztatók, weboldal-szövegek
        Azóta szabadúszóként             egy országban. Kérem, tartsák észben,            kategóriába tartozott. A cikksorozat és         érthető is legyen.                              stb.) felhasználva gyakorlópéldáknak.
        dolgozik, szövegeket ír          hogy nem nagyzolni akartam, hanem                a díjak együtt segítettek elindítani egy
                                         összefoglalni a történteket és talán                                                             Néhány mérföldkő                                Több közös projektünk volt a Magyar
        át, oktatja a közérthető                                                          párbeszédet a közérthető fogalmazásról.
                                         inspirációul szolgálni azoknak, akik olyan                                                       Időközben megírtam az első magyar               Helsinki Bizottsággal. Az egyikben a
        fogalmazást és tanácsokat                                                         Más sajtótermékek is megkerestek a
                                         országban élnek, ahol még ismeretlen a                                                           nyelvű részletes útmutatót a közérthető         terhelti tájékoztatót fogalmaztuk át
        ad bankoknak, biztosítóknak,                                                      témával kapcsolatban, így még tovább
                                         közérthető fogalmazás.                                                                           fogalmazásról, amit közzé is tettem             érthetőbbre – ha meggyanúsítanak
        közműcégeknek és civil                                                            terjedt a híre.
                                                                                                                                          a weben: kozerthetofogalmazas.hu                valamivel, a kihallgatás előtt ezt a
        jogvédő szervezeteknek.          Beszéljünk az érthetetlen                        Az első ügyfelek                                Az elképzelés emögött az volt, hogy             tájékoztatót kapod arról, hogy milyen
        Egy kollégájával együtt egy      szövegekről
                                                                                          Nem sokkal később megkeresett az első           szerettem volna, ha elterjed a közérthető       jogaid vannak.
        „képzők képzése” programot
                                         A kezdetekben három kihívással találtam          ügyfelem. Tőlük származott az egyik             fogalmazás Magyarországon, de nem               Folytatódik a munka
        is kidolgozott a legnagyobb
                                         magam szemben:                                   szöveg, amit átírtam a blogon, és arra          voltak magyar nyelvű anyagok erről a
        magyar közműszolgáltató                                                                                                                                                           Egy korábbi ügyfelemet annyira
        részére.                         1. E
                                             lőször is, nekem is meg kellett             kértek, hogy segítsek átfogalmazni a            témáról. Ezért első lépésként írtam egy
                                                                                                                                                                                          fellelkesítette a közérthető fogalmazás,
                                            tanulnom közérthetően fogalmazni.             leveleiket. Itt találkoztam először azzal,      útmutatót, hogy aki szeretne erről többet
        2015-ben a 444.hu oldallal                                                                                                                                                        hogy csatlakozott hozzám, és azóta
                                         2. M
                                             ásodsorban rá kellett ébresztenem           milyen kihívást jelent egy nagyvállalatnál      tudni, annak legyen hova fordulnia.
        együtt megalapította a                                                                                                                                                            együtt dolgozunk. Kifejlesztettünk és
                                            másokat, hogy igenis gond van                 szöveget írni, pl. hogy hogyan kell lavírozni   2017 tovább újdonságokat is hozott:             megtartottunk egy „képzők képzése”
        “Világos?!?” díjat. Megírta
                                            ezekkel a szövegekkel, és erre a              a különféle osztályok (marketing, jog,                                                          programot a Nemzeti Közművek Zrt.-ben,
        továbbá az első magyar                                                                                                            •e
                                                                                                                                            lőször voltak ügyfeleim az állami
                                            gondra a közérthető fogalmazás                termék stb.) között, vagy hogy mennyiféle                                                       melynek eredményeképp több mint 800
        nyelvű útmutatót a                                                                                                                 szektorból,
                                            jelent megoldást.                             rendeletnek kell megfelelni.                                                                    ügyfélszolgálati munkatársuk vett részt
        közérthető fogalmazásról.                                                                                                         • elkezdtem tréningeket tartani, és
                                         3. V
                                             égül pedig meg kellett győzzem              Elkezdtem webes szövegírást tanítani egy                                                        közérthető fogalmazásról szóló tréningen.
        Vera 2016 óta tagja a Plain                                                                                                       • előadtam a TEDxDanubián.
                                            őket arról, hogy hozzám forduljanak,          „Bevezetés a User Experience-be” című,                                                          Amint említettem, hosszú út áll előttünk.
        Language Association
                                            ha érthető szövegeket szeretnének.            rendszeresen ismétlődő tanfolyamon.             Az állami szervezetek közül a legfontosabb      De biztos vagyok benne, hogy most, hogy
        International vezetőségének.
                                                                                          Ebből két előnyöm is származott. Egyrészt       az Országos Bírósági Hivatal volt, akik         már elindult, a közérthető fogalmazás
        email:                           De hogyan tudsz egyszerre tanulni;               megerősítette a kapcsolatomat budapesti         szerveztek is egy „Közintézmények               elterjedése megállíthatatlan.
        info@vilagosbeszed.hu            gyakorolni, amit megtanultál; és                 UX közösséggel, másrészt további                közérthetősége” c. konferenciát, valamint
                                         terjeszteni az igét? Nyilvánvalóan írsz egy      ügyfelekre is szert tettem.                     2017-et a közérthető bíróság évének
                                         blogot. Elkezdtem a Világos beszéd blogot,

                                                                                                                                                                                      Plain Language Association International
6   |                                               Plain Language Association International
Plain language in Germany:
                                       A complex matter
                                       Beate Wiegard                                    in 2018. The ministers want to improve          This is also the main focus at IDEMA         of a website, and plain language for        and nominalization, and using
                                                                                        services and increase citizen satisfaction
                                       H    ow does Germany compare                                                                     Society for Comprehensible Language,         the rest. But there is some confusion       subheadings and lists to structure
                                                                                        with public institutions.                       an affiliated institute of the University    about what “leichte” (easy-to-read)         texts.
                                            internationally when it comes to
                                       plain language? At one level, there are          The health sector                               of Bochum.                                   and “einfache Sprache” (plain               While the two approaches overlap,
                                       no laws such as the Plain Writing Act in         Plain language is also vital in healthcare.     The Convention on the Rights                 language) mean.                             not every weak reader needs
                                       the United States, nor dedicated national        The Institute for Quality and Efficiency        of Persons with Disabilities                 In 2012, for example, some Social           easy-to-read texts and even good
                                       institutions such as the Language Council        in Health Care (IQWiG) has published                                                         Democratic Party (SPD) members              readers can struggle with wordy
                                                                                                                                        The Convention on the Rights of
                                       of Sweden to enforce them. Yet a growing         evidence-based health information in                                                         of the German Parliament asked              texts and complex forms. That is the
                                                                                                                                        Persons with Disabilities was another
                                       range of initiatives is helping to make          plain language for more than 10 years as                                                     the federal government about the            great strength of plain German: it
                                                                                                                                        important impetus for the accessibility
                                       public information clearer. At the same          part of its mandate to educate the public                                                    advancement of plain language in            makes texts easier to understand
                                                                                                                                        of information. This requires that all
                                       time, there is some uncertainty about the        in health. The institute designs health                                                      Germany. Among other things, they           for everybody without omitting
                                                                                                                                        people must be able to take part in all
                                       difference between easy-to-read German           information to help people live with a                                                       wanted to know which definitions of         important content.
                                                                                                                                        activities, regardless of (dis-)abilities.
                                       and plain German.                                condition and understand the pros and                                                        “einfache Sprache” (plain language)
        Beate Wiegard, M.A.                                                                                                             The German barrier-free information                                                      A glass half empty
                                       Laws and public administration                   cons of different treatments and services.                                                   and “Leichte Sprache” (easy-to-read)
                                                                                                                                        technology ordinance states that                                                         or half full?
        Beate studied English                                                           It also offers decision aids on both                                                         the government follows.
                                       In the legal sector, Germany has a                                                               every website run by a public                                                            It may sometimes be tempting to
        linguistics, literature, and                                                    treatment and screening options.                                                             The answer was that a “clear
                                       tradition of reviewing draft laws to                                                             institution must use the clearest                                                        prioritize easy-to-read German with
        economics at the RWTH                                                           In 2017, the Federal Ministry of Health                                                      distinction between the two is
                                       enhance their comprehensibility. Since                                                           and plainest language appropriate.                                                       its strict rules, certification, and
        Aachen University (Germany)                                                     commissioned the institute to develop a                                                      not possible; they are often used
                                       1966, the Association for the German                                                             The following information must                                                           easy-to-read logo, and leave plain
        and the University of Wales,                                                    concept for a national health portal. The aim                                                as synonyms”. This answer is
                                       Language has run an editorial office at the                                                      be available in both easy-to-read                                                        German aside because it is not as
        Cardiff (United Kingdom).                                                       is to pool evidence-based information that                                                   quite surprising, as there are
                                       German parliament to make laws clear,                                                            German and German sign language:                                                         clear-cut. Anyone who advocates
        She graduated with a                                                            is reliable and easy to understand. One                                                      numerous differences.
                                       and it offers advice on language and                                                                                                                                                      plain language also concedes that
        thesis on the language of                                                       focus is on improving access to healthcare      • i nformation about the content
                                       comprehensibility. The Federal Ministry                                                                                                       The rules for easy-to-read German           current practice is not always perfect.
        economic journalism from                                                        for people with low health literacy.              and navigation
                                       of Justice established an editorial                                                                                                           are clear-cut: they can deviate from        There is a lot of work to do and time
        the perspective of critical                                                                                                     • i nformation about parts of the
                                       office in 2009 to work towards more              Current research                                                                             standard German and advocate                and money to be spent: on revision,
        linguistics and has been                                                                                                          website that offer easy-to-read
                                       comprehensible laws.                             There is little research on plain language                                                   the omission of many details. For           user testing, and research. But there
        interested in language and                                                                                                        text or German sign language.
                                       A number of stakeholders also promote            as such in Germany. Some linguists                                                           example, easy-to-read German                are still far too many texts baffling far
        power ever since.
                                       plain language in public administration.         are working in the field of intelligibility     The University Hildesheim focuses on         starts every sentence on a new line,        too many people – not just people
        After finishing her studies,                                                                                                    barrier-free communication and has           uses a minimum 14 point font size,          with learning difficulties, but just
                                       The German Statutory Pension Insurance           research, such as the universities of
        she worked in various areas                                                                                                     set up a research center for easy-to-        avoids dates, large numbers and             about anybody. This fact calls loudly
                                       Scheme, for example, is working with the         Halle-Wittenberg and Hohenheim.
        of health communication, for                                                                                                    read language. And the University of         percentages, and tests texts with           for plain language, be it in Germany
                                       University of Speyer on its old age pension      The University of Hohenheim has also
        example in public relations                                                                                                     Leipzig has initiated a study on using       people with learning disabilities.          or beyond.
                                       information. The aim is to make it shorter,      launched an initiative to advocate plain
        consulting, publishing, and                                                                                                     easy-to-read German in a working
                                       more personal, and easier to understand.         language in its own work and has set                                                         Plain German, on the other hand,            Sources
        press relations. She turned                                                                                                     environment. This explores how this
                                       This will be challenging: the information        down rules for doing so.                                                                     uses standard language and is less
        to editing evidence-based                                                                                                       kind of language can improve                                                             All websites linked to in this article
                                       comes with up to 21 attachments,                 Apart from that, the focus is once again                                                     regulated. And while there are many
        health information in 2009,                                                                                                     the involvement of people with                                                           were accessed on June 16, 2018.
                                       sometimes amounting to nearly 150                on public administration. The Institute                                                      textbooks and tips on plain writing,
        focusing on plain language                                                                                                      learning disabilities.
                                       pages in total.                                  for Administrative Communication at the                                                      there is no fixed set of rules everybody
        and hard-to-reach target
                                       In another example, finance ministers            University of Speyer, for example, supports     “Plain” or “easy-to-read”                    agrees on. Some of the common rules
                                       of the federal states dedicated their last       the German Statutory Pension Insurance          language?                                    include avoiding foreign words
        email:                                                                                                                                                                       and complex sentences, reducing
                                       annual meeting to citizen-friendly language      Scheme and other public institutions to         The German barrier-free information
        beate.wiegard@iqwig.de                                                                                                                                                       passive voice
                                       in financial administration. North Rhine–        improve communication.                          technology ordinance requires easy-
                                       Westphalia has already revised 600 forms                                                         to-read German only for a few parts

8   |                                              Plain Language Association International                                                                                           Plain Language Association International
Einfache Sprache in Deutschland –
                                                    eine recht komplizierte Angelegenheit
     Beate Wiegard                                  verständlich zu machen. Die Aufgabe ist         verbessern.                                    alten werden, für alle Inhalte die klarste    oftmals werden beide Begriffe synonym          einfache Sprache links liegen zu lassen,
                                                    herausfordernd: Ein Rentenbescheid kann         Aktuelle Forschung                             und einfachste Sprache verwenden              verwendet.“ Diese Antwort ist er-              die weniger klar definiert ist. Wer sich für
                                                    derzeit bis zu 21 Anlagen und insgesamt                                                        müssen, die angemessen ist. Zusätzlich        staunlich, da es zahlreiche Unterschiede       einfache Sprache einsetzt, gesteht damit
                                                                                                    Es gibt in Deutschland nicht allzu viel For-   dazu müssen folgende Informationen in
                                                    150 Seiten umfassen.                                                                                                                         gibt.                                          zugleich ein, dass Vieles nicht perfekt
                                                                                                    schung zu einfacher Sprache als solcher.       Leichter Sprache und in Zeichensprache
                                                    Ein anderes Beispiel: Die Finanzminister                                                                                                     Die Regeln für Leichte Sprache sind fest       ist. Dass es Einiges zu tun gibt, dass Zeit
                                                                                                    Linguistinnen und Linguisten im Bereich        verfügbar sein:
                                                    der Länder haben ihre letzte Jahrestagung                                                                                                    umrissen: Sie weichen manchmal von             und Geld investiert werden müssen – für
                                                                                                    Verständlichkeitsforschung beschäftigen
                                                    der bürgerfreundlichen Sprache in der                                                          • Informationen über den Inhalt und die      der Standardsprache ab und sprechen            Überarbeitungen, Nutzertestungen und
                                                                                                    sich unter anderem damit, zum Beispiel an
                                                    Finanzverwaltung gewidmet. Nordrhein-                                                            Navigation und                              sich für das Auslassen vieler Details aus.     Forschung. Denn es gibt immer noch viel
                                                                                                    den Universitäten Halle-Wittenberg und
                                                    Westfalen hatte bis zur Mitte des Jahres                                                                                                     Zum Beispiel soll man jeden neuen Satz         zu viele Texte, die viel zu viele Menschen
                                                                                                    Hohenheim. Die Universität Hohenheim           • Informationen über Teile der Website,
     Einfache Sprache: Wo steht Deutschland         2018 bereits 600 Formulare überarbeitet.                                                                                                     in eine neue Zeile schreiben, Schriftgröße     fast in den Wahnsinn treiben. Ein lauter
                                                                                                    hat außerdem eine Initiative auf den Weg         die Inhalte in Leichter Sprache oder
     im internationalen Vergleich? Es gibt weder    Die Minister wollen die Service-                                                                                                             14 oder größer verwenden, hohe Zahlen          Ruf nach einfacher Sprache – sei es in
                                                                                                    gebracht, um bei der eigenen Arbeit den          Zeichensprache enthalten.
     ein Gesetz wie den American Plain Writing      Orientierung verbessern und so die                                                                                                           und Prozentzahlen vermeiden und den            Deutschland oder sonst wo auf der Welt.
                                                                                                    Gebrauch einfacher Sprache zu fördern.         Die Universität Hildesheim hat einen
     Act noch eine staatliche Institution wie das   Zufriedenheit der Bürgerinnen und Bürger        Im Rahmen der Initiative hat sie Regeln für
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Text immer von Menschen mit Lern-              Quellen
                                                                                                                                                   Schwerpunkt im Bereich barrierefreie          schwierigkeiten prüfen lassen.
     Language Council of Sweden, um einfach-        mit öffentlichen Institutionen erhöhen.         einfache Sprache formuliert.                                                                                                                Zugriff auf alle in diesem Artikel verlink-
                                                                                                                                                   Kommunikation. Dort gibt es außer-
     er Sprache Geltung zu verschaffen. Immer       Das Gesundheitswesen                                                                                                                         Einfache Sprache ist immer noch Stan-          ten Websites: 16.06.2018
                                                                                                    Davon abgesehen liegt auch bei der             dem eine eigene Forschungsstelle zu
     mehr Initiativen tragen jedoch dazu bei,                                                                                                                                                    dardsprache und weniger stark reguliert.
     öffentliche Information verständlicher zu      Einfache Sprache spielt auch im Gesund-         Forschung der Schwerpunkt im Bereich           Leichter Sprache. Die Universität Leipzig
                                                                                                    öffentliche Verwaltung: Das Institut für                                                     Es gibt Bücher und Tipps zum einfachen
                                                    heitswesen eine zentrale Rolle. Das Institut                                                   hat zudem eine Studie initiiert, die sich
     machen. Gleichzeitig herrscht manchmal                                                                                                                                                      und verständlichen Schreiben, aber
                                                    für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im          Verwaltungskommunikation an der                mit Leichter Sprache im Arbeitsleben                                                         Beate Wiegard, M.A.
     eine gewisse Unsicherheit hinsichtlich                                                                                                                                                      kein festes Regelwerk, das allgemeiner
                                                    Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) veröffentlicht         Universität Speyer zum Bespiel unterstützt     beschäftigt. Sie soll zeigen, wie diese Art                                                  Beate hat an der RWTH Aachen
     des Unterschiedes zwischen „Leichter                                                                                                                                                        Konsens ist. Wer Texte in einfachem
                                                    zum Beispiel seit mehr als zehn Jahren evi-     nicht nur die Deutsche Rentenversi-            von Sprache die Teilhabemöglichkeiten                                                        (D) und der University of Wales,
     Sprache“ und „einfacher Sprache“.                                                                                                                                                           Deutsch schreiben will, kann sich zum
                                                    denzbasierte Gesundheitsinformationen           cherung, sondern auch andere öffentliche       von Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten                                                         Cardiff (GB) Anglistische Linguistik,
     Rechtssprache und Verwaltung                   in einfacher Sprache. Es erfüllt damit          Institutionen bei ihren Bemühungen, ihre       verbessern kann.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Beispiel an folgenden Regeln orientieren:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Literaturwissenschaften und
                                                                                                    Kommunikation zu verbessern. Dies ist                                                        Fremdwörter und komplizierte Sätze
     Im rechtlichen Bereich hat es in               einen Teil seines gesetzlichen Auftrags, für                                                                                                                                                Volkswirtschaftslehre studiert.
                                                                                                                                                   „Einfache“ oder „Leichte“                     vermeiden, aktive Verbformen statt
     Deutschland Tradition, die Entwürfe von        alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger verständliche       auch das Hauptarbeitsgebiet der IDEMA                                                                                                       Sie machte ihren Abschuss mit
                                                                                                                                                   Sprache?                                      Passivierungen und Nominalisierungen
     Gesetzestexten redaktionell begutachten        Gesundheitsinformationen bereitzustellen.       Gesellschaft für verständliche Sprache,                                                                                                     einer Arbeit über die Sprache
                                                                                                    einem An-Institut der Ruhr-Universität         Die deutsche Barrierefreie-Informa-           benutzen, Zwischenüberschriften und
     zu lassen, um ihre Verständlichkeit zu         Die vom IQWiG entwickelten Gesund-                                                                                                                                                          des Wirtschaftsjournalismus
                                                                                                    Bochum.                                        tionstechnik-Verordnung verlangt nur          Aufzählungszeichen benutzen, um den
     erhöhen. Die Gesellschaft für deutsche         heitsinformationen sollen Menschen                                                                                                                                                          aus der Perspektive von Critical
                                                                                                                                                   für wenige Teile einer Website Leichte        Text zu strukturieren.
     Sprache e. V. unterhält zu diesem Zweck        helfen, mit einer Erkrankung zu leben           Einfluss der UN-Behinderten-                                                                                                                Linguistics und interessiert sich
                                                    und die Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener                                                       Sprache und für den Rest einfache             Dass die Regeln für einfache und Leichte
     bereits seit 1966 einen Redaktionsstab                                                         rechtskonvention                                                                                                                            seitdem für Sprache und Macht.
                                                    Untersuchungen und Behandlungen zu                                                             Sprache. Aber manchmal gerät durchein-        Sprache überlappen, heißt nicht, dass
     am Deutschen Bundestag. Der                                                                                                                                                                                                                Nach ihrem Studium arbeitete sie
                                                                                                    Das Übereinkom¬men über die Rechte             ander, was mit „Leichter” Sprache und
     Redaktionsstab berät auch bei anderen          verstehen. Das Institut bietet außerdem                                                                                                      alle schwachen Leser Leichte Sprache           in verschiedenen Bereichen der
                                                                                                    von Men¬schen mit Behin¬derun¬gen              was mit „einfacher” Sprache gemeint ist.
     Fragen zu Sprache und Verständlichkeit.        Entscheidungshilfen zu Behandlungs- und                                                                                                      benötigen. Und selbst guten Leserin-           Gesundheitskommunikation, zum
                                                                                                    (UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention) war
     2009 hat das Bundesministerium für Justiz      Früherkennungsmöglichkeiten an.                                                                2012 richtete zum Beispiel eine Gruppe        nen und Lesern können wortreiche               Beispiel in der PR-Beratung, im
                                                                                                    ein anderer wichtiger Impulsgeber für die
     zudem ein eigenes Redaktionsbüro                                                                                                              von Bundestagsabgeordneten aus der            Erklärungen und komplexe Formulare             Verlagswesen und in der Pressearbeit.
                                                    2017 hat das Bundesministerium für              barrierefreie Kommunikation. Es verlangt,
     eröffnet, das auf verständlichere Gesetze                                                                                                     SPD-Fraktion eine kleine Anfrage an die       zu schaffen machen. Genau das ist die          Seit 2009 beschäftigt sie sich mit
                                                    Gesundheit das Institut beauftragt, ein         dass es allen Menschen möglich sein
     hinwirken soll.                                Konzept für ein nationales Gesund-                                                             Bundesregierung. Sie fragte nach dem          große Stärke der einfachen Sprache: Sie        der Redaktion evidenzbasierter
                                                                                                    muss, an allen Aktivitäten teilzunehmen
                                                    heitsportal zu entwickeln. Ziel ist vor                                                        „Sachstand zur Förderung der Ein-             macht Texte für alle verständlicher, ohne      Gesundheitsinformationen mit den
     In der Verwaltung setzen sich ebenfalls                                                        – unabhängig von ihren Fähigkeiten bzw.
                                                    allem, evidenzbasierte Informationen zu                                                        fachen Sprache in Deutschland“. Die           auf wichtige Inhalte zu verzichten.            Schwerpunkten einfache Sprache
     verschiedene Akteure für einfache Sprache                                                      Beeinträchtigungen.
                                                    bündeln, die sowohl verlässlich als auch                                                       Gruppe wollte unter anderem wissen,           Ist das Glas halbleer oder                     und schwer erreichbare
     ein. Die Deutsche Rentenversicherung
                                                                                                    Die deutsche Verordnung zur Schaffung          welcher Definition von einfacher Sprache
     überarbeitet zum Beispiel zurzeit mit          leicht verständlich sind. Ein Schwerpunkt                                                                                                    halbvoll?                                      Zielgruppen.
                                                                                                    barrierefreier Informationstechnik nach        im Vergleich zur Leichten Sprache die
     Unterstützung der Universität Speyer           liegt darauf, Menschen mit geringer                                                                                                          Es ist vielleicht manchmal verlockend,         email:
                                                                                                    dem Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz           Bundesregierung folgt.
     ihre Rentenbescheide. Ziel ist, die            Gesundheitskompetenz zu erreichen und                                                                                                        sich für Leichte Sprache zu entscheiden –      beate.wiegard@iqwig.de
                                                                                                    legt zum Beispiel fest, dass alle Websites,
     Bescheide kürzer, persönlicher und leichter    ihren Zugang zum Gesundheitswesen zu                                                           Die Antwort: „Eine eindeutige Unter-          für ihr festes Regelwerk, die Zertifizierung
                                                                                                    die von öffentlichen Institutionen unterh-
                                                                                                                                                   scheidung zwischen „Einfacher Sprache“        und das Leichte-Sprache-Logo – und die
                                                                                                                                                   und „Leichter Sprache“ ist nicht möglich;

10   |                                                   Plain Language Association International                                                                                                 Plain Language Association International
The ripple effect: Plain English in Japan
                                                 Machiko Asai and Sarah Ingmanson Battaglia, A&People

                            T     ypically,
                         someone thinks
                                                   investing in the infrastructure needed
                                                   for overseas communication because
                                                   the status quo didn’t seem to have
                                                                                                 At present, the English published
                                                                                                 by Japanese companies and
                                                                                                 government agencies tends to
                                                                                                                                           By compiling resources and offering
                                                                                                                                           training and certification programs,
                                                                                                                                           we seek to improve the knowledge
                       of plain English, it is     negative economic consequences.               include difficult vocabulary and          and skills of those in Japan who
                     the English-speaking          Today, however, overseas                      sentence structures that reflect          create and transmit information
                   countries that come             involvement has become critical.              their Japanese origins. The result        in English. We plan to host plain
                 to mind. Yet Japan is             To welcome international investment           is an unnatural English with a high       English experts from other parts of
               experiencing a ripple effect        flows, we must be able to                     propensity for euphemism                  the world at our seminars, and we
             from the influence of plain           communicate effectively. As a                 and redundancy.                           will recognize Japanese companies
            English in western countries.          result, plain English has a push–pull         The promotion of plain English in         that are promoting plain English            Machiko Asai                                Sarah Ingmanson Battaglia
          In a globalized world, the flow of       feel in Japan.                                Japan is an obvious remedy to this        and excelling in clear English                         Machiko graduated from                       Sarah graduated
         everything – people, goods, money,                                                      problem and forms the basis of            communication at an annual                              Aoyama Gakuin University                     Summa Cum Laude in
                                                   As an example, when Sarah arrived                                                       awards ceremony.
         and information – is gathering            at Morgan Stanley Japan for her               a new mission.                                                                                    with a Bachelor’s in Business                International Relations and
         speed. With the ability to connect        summer internship in 2002, she was            We are looking to change the              Our international participation                        Administration. In 2002,                     Quantitative Economics
         with any number of people at any          asked to come up with an equity               “good enough” mindset in English          in plain English forums such as                     she received her MBA from the                from Tufts University. She
         point in time, we all face the issue      research sales strategy. Since the final      communication in Japan to one             PLAIN will help us influence the key           Graduate School of International          received a Fulbright in 1999 to
         of communicating in a way that can        presentation would be in English,             that sees English as a strategic tool     decision-makers in the private and             Politics and Economics, Aoyama            conduct research on Japan’s Pension
         keep up. Plain English is the obvious     she started searching through                 to genuinely communicate with             public sectors of Japan. It will also          Gakuin University. In 2015, she was       Crisis at Osaka University. In 2004,
         commercial solution to this issue.        the English annual reports of the             overseas partners, constituents,          give Japan a voice in the international        appointed as an executive mentor to       Sarah earned an MBA in Finance
         This article surveys how these            Japanese companies in her chosen              and stakeholders.                         discussions about plain English and            Women’s Innovation School of Japan.       from the Wharton School and an MA
         “plain English ripples” are arriving in   industry. Her background in Japanese                                                    international standards.                       In 1998, Machiko founded                  in International Affairs (Japan/East
                                                                                                 A new consortium                                                                                                                   Asia) from the Lauder Institute of
         Japan, and how a new consortium is        language made it apparent that the                                                      The wider benefits                             A&People Corporation to provide
         attempting to promote it.                 rather odd English she was finding            At A&People (particularly in our                                                         high-quality and trustworthy              the University of Pennsylvania. She
                                                                                                 capacity as a translation and             Beyond boosting Japanese                                                                 won the Thesis Prize for her master’s
         Investing in clearer                      came from literal translations.                                                         companies on the world stage,                  translations. In particular, she
                                                                                                 interpretation company in Japan) we                                                      sought to create Investor Relations       dissertation, “Corporate Pension
         communication                             Like many of her foreign colleagues           thought of plain English as a solution    there are many other benefits to                                                         Reform in Japan: Big Bang or
                                                   with Japanese language proficiency,                                                     consider in the face of the nation’s           solutions that would appeal and
         With a rapidly aging society and                                                        for the clients who were struggling                                                      “speak” to foreign investors. From        Big Bust?”
         declining birth rate, the economy         Sarah discarded the translated                to communicate effectively with           low birthrate and rapidly aging
                                                   reports and favored the native                                                          population. For Japan to become an             2010, A&People began co-hosting           After graduation, Sarah joined
         in Japan has been shrinking. This                                                       overseas investors.                                                                      Plain English seminars with Japan         Morgan Stanley as a point person
         is increasing the need for foreign        Japanese ones. This also explained                                                      inviting destination for tourists and
                                                   why foreign language skills were              The main challenge we experience          foreign workers (as taxpayers), plain          Investor Relations Association            for Japan on global projects in
         investment in a broad sense –                                                           stems from the lack of awareness,                                                        (JIRA) for Investor Relations Officers    Equity Research and years later, in
         including foreign workers and             deemed more critical in Tokyo                                                           English will help them to get around
                                                   than in any other office of Morgan            trust, and buy-in for plain English.      the country and live locally.                  representing corporate members            Investment Banking. She worked
         tourists – to compensate for a                                                          Aside from the communication                                                             of JIRA.                                  from both sides of the Pacific for
         shortage of local workers. Simplifying    Stanley around the globe. There was                                                     Looking ahead to the global
                                                   a real struggle to communicate and            directors and investor relations          exposure from the 2020 Tokyo                                                             the duration of her
         our visa process and making tourist                                                     officers at a handful of listed                                                                                                    11-year tenure.
         areas more friendly for foreigners        conduct analysis for anyone who                                                         Olympics and the expected surge in
                                                   couldn’t read or speak Japanese.              Japanese companies, people in             foreign labor in the years beyond, an
         are 2 areas where plain English can                                                     Japan are simply unfamiliar with
         support this demographic shift.           The value of plain English                                                              English language policy that inspires
                                                                                                 the term “plain English”.                 clear communication and deeper
         By contrast, when the Japanese            This experience explains why plain            So in April this year, we are launching   exchanges can only benefit us all.
         economy grew significantly in the         English communication is becoming             Japan Plain English and Language
         1980s, the focus was mostly on            a necessity for Japanese companies            Consortium (JPELC), the first such
         growth. Little thought was paid to        and society more broadly.                     organization in Japan.

12   |                                                Plain Language Association International                                                                                       Plain Language Association International
欧米からの波及   資をしなくとも経済が成り立っ                             す。日本語ができなければコミ     進する初の団体であるJapan              の外国人労働者の急増に対して
                    効果:日本にお   ていたため、真のコミュニケー                             ュニケーションや分析の実施が     Plain English and Language   も、明快なコミュニケーション
                   けるプレイン・イ   ションの投資よりも、それ以外                             大変でした。             Consortium(JPELC)を発足いた       方法であるプレイン・イングリ
                  ングリッシュ      に時間とエネルギーが費やされ                                                します。                         ッシュを導入することで、多く
                 一般にプレイン・イ    てきました。                                     プレイン・イングリッシュの価値                                 の国民と外国の方々との交流と
                ングリッシュという                                                こうした例もあり、プレイン・     英文情報を作成し、発信する人               理解を深め、さらに魅力ある日
               言葉を聞けば英語圏の     しかしながら、先に述べたグロ                             イングリッシュでのコミュニケ     に対して知識とスキルの向上の               本の国づくりにつながると信じ
              話を想像すると思います     ーバル化と少子高齢化により、                             ーションは日本の企業や社会に     ための諸施策(知識編纂、研                ます。
             が、日本でもプレイン・イ     待ったなしで、海外との門戸を                             おいて広く必要になってきてい     修、検定など)を提供します。
            ングリッシュの影響を波及      開ける必要性に迫られている昨                             ます。                また海外からプレイン・イング                      サラ・イングマンソン・
           的に受けています。世界のグ      今、コミュニケーションにおい                                                リッシュの専門家を招聘するセ                       バッタグリア
          ローバル化、ネットワーク化、      ても、スピーディーに誤解な                              現在、日本の企業や官公庁の作     ミナーやプレイン・イングリッ
         ボーダレス化が進むなかで、ヒ       く、双方の理解や訴求ができ、                             成する英文は単語が難しく、文     シュを推進する企業や明快な英                         タフツ大学国際関係
         ト、モノ、資金、情報が活発に       円滑なコミュニケーションのニ                             章の構成が日本語の影響で、婉     文コミュニケーションを行って                       学および数量経済学修
         行きかう現在、コミュニケーシ       ーズが高まっています。                                曲、冗長になりがちです。       いる企業へのアワードの授与な               士課程を最優等で卒業。1999年
         ョンにおいて、より多くの不特                                                                     ども行う予定です。                    にフルブライト奨学金を得て大
         定多数の人とのコミュニケーシ       ここで弊社のアメリカ出身の顧                             日本でのプレイン・イングリッ                                  阪大学で日本の年金危機に関す
         ョンが可能になりました。そう       問であるサラの体験を紹介しま                             シュの推進はこうした問題への     PLAINはじめ国際的なプレイ              る研究を行う。2004年ペンシル
         した中で、プレインなランゲー       しょう。彼女は日本のモルガン                             解決策であり新たなミッション     ン・イングリッシュの団体に                ベニア大学ウォートンスクール
         ジが常用化していくことは言う       スタンレーで2002年夏のインター                          でもあります。単に英語になっ     も所属しているため、日本の官               にてMBA(ファイナンス)お
         までもありません。            ンシップの際に株式調査の営業                             ていればよいというスタンスか     民における主要な意思決定者へ               よびローダー・インスティテュ
                              戦略を準備することになりまし                             ら、真にコミュニケーションを     の働きかけにもつながるでしょ               ートにて国際関係学(日本/東
         このエッセイではプレイン・イ       た。最終のプレゼン資料は英語                             図るための戦略的ツールとし      う。またプレイン・イングリッ               アジア)のMAを取得。修士論
         ングリッシュの波及効果の例、       であるため、彼女は日本企業の                             て、冗長的な英語のコミュニケ     シュやISO化についての国際的な             文「Corporate Pension Reform in
         またプレイン・イングリッシュ       英語版のアニュアルレポートを                             ーションを変える必要に迫られ     ディスカッションへの発言も予               Japan: Big Bang or Big Bust?」で論
         を推進する新たなコンソーシア       リサーチしはじめたところ、そ                             ています。              定しています。                      文賞を受賞。
         ムについてご紹介します。         の英語がプレイン・イングリッ
                              シュではなく不自然であり、そ                             新たなコンソーシアム              広がるメリット                 卒業後、モルガンスタンレーで
         真のコミュニケーションへの投資      れは日本語の直訳が原因であっ                             翻訳• 通訳サービスを提供するエ         プレイン・イングリッシ            株式調査、その後投資銀行業務
         日本では少子高齢化社会が急速       たことに気づきました。                                          、海外投資家         ュは日本企業のグローバ            のグローバル・プロジェクトに
         に進んでおり、マーケットの縮                                                  への効率的なコミュニケーショ           ルな躍進の後押しだけで            おける日本のコンタクト・パー
         小に伴い、海外への投資が今ま       日本語が得意な他の外国人の同                             ンという課題を抱えるクライア          はなく、直面している少             ソンとして11年にわたり日米を
         で以上に必要とされてきていま       僚のように、彼女も英語に翻訳                             ントにとって、            子高齢化対策を考えるうえでも               往復する生活を送る。
         す。さらに、労働者不足を補う       されたレポートではなく日本語                                  ュがその解決策であると   貢献します。また日本が訪日観
         ために、外国人労働者のビザの       版を使いました。プレイン・イ                             考えています。しかしその認知     光客や外国人労働者(納税者)               2015年、エイアンドピープルのプ
         緩和策、観光客誘致など広い意       ングリッシュに慣れている彼女                             度がまだ低く、一部の上場企業     に対して、安心と尊厳を守り、               レイン・イングリッシュ・セミ
         味での投資が必要です。          にとっては英語版ではなく、日                             の広報・IR担当者を除き、プレ    情報を配信する側の責任と公正               ナー講師およびIRシニア・アド
                              本語版のほうが使いやすかった                             イン・イングリッシュという言     さを全うする意味でプレイン・               バイザー就任。
         また、これまで日本国内の市場       のです。世界中のモルガンスタ                             葉さえ、知らない日本人が大多     イングリッシュがその一助にな
         規模が大きく、ビジネスが国内       ンレーのなかで日本オフィス                              数です。               ると考えます。
         で成立していたこともあり、海       が一番語学のスキルが重要視さ                             そこで今年の4月に日本でプ      2020年の東京オリンピックや今後
         外とのコミュニケーションに投       れるのにはそうした理由からで                             レイン・イングリッシュを推

14   |                        Plain Language Association International                                                        Plain Language Association International
Strengthening citizen trust
                                           through plain language
                                           Christian Anker and                               language as a tool for access to, and          To date, the network has held over 40             Plain Language Association International
                                                                                             understanding of, public information.          meetings and various educational and              and the Pontificia Universidad Católica
                                           Maximiliano Nuñez                                 In particular, we have aligned these           promotional events. Our achievements              de Valparaíso. Our aim was to highlight
                                           Council for Transparency, Chile                   initiatives with the open government           include:                                          the importance of plain language in
                                           Several surveys have pointed out that             initiative that calls for public policies      • 2 colloquiums                                   state–citizen communication, by sharing
                                           Chile is going through a deep crisis              based on:                                                                                        national and international experiences
                                                                                                                                              n institutional accountability                 and initiatives that provide access to
                                           of confidence, both in people and                 • transparency                                  day (March 2018)                                 public information for citizens.
              Christian Anker              institutions. A 2017 Transparency Study                                                                                                                                                           Maximiliano Nuñez
                                                                                             • accountability                               • a website
                                           found that in Chile:                                                                                                                               Several outstanding international speakers
             With a Psychology degree                                                                                                                                                                                                        With a degree in Public
                                                                                             • citizen participation                        • teaching resources.                             took part, including a keynote from Dr.
          from the Universidad de          • 86% of people believe “you cannot                                                                                                                                                              Policy & Political Sciences,
         Chile, Christian Anker went         trust most people” (people-to-people            • innovation                                   2. Online plain language courses                  Neil James of Australia, who spoke about       Maximiliano also earned
         on to earn a master’s in Public     trust)                                          • use of technology.                                                                             the state of plain language internationally.   a master’s in Government
                                                                                                                                            An e-learning course provides the
         Policy and an MBA at the                                                                                                                                                             Other major speakers included Cristina         and Public Policy from
                                           • 23% of people trust public                     Open Government Action Plans commit            basics on public communication and
         same university.                                                                                                                                                                     Carretero from Spain, Germán Jaír from         the Universidad de Chile.
                                             institutions and 25% trust the private          to a “work model and plain language            highlights focusing on citizen needs by           Colombia, and Gloria de la Fuente, a           He has worked in the
         Christian works in the              sector (institutional trust).                   resources in public administration”.           using plain language. It also emphasizes          member of the CPLT.                            field of transparency and
         Council for Transparency,         The survey also highlighted that many             Using this as a reference point, Chile has     the importance of plain language in
         Chile, promoting access to                                                          developed four initiatives.                    promoting democracy.                              The right to understand                        access to information,
                                           citizens “have difficulty in understanding
         information and coordinating                                                                                                                                                                                                        open government, and
                                           the information” delivered by a public            1. Plain language network                      The online training also illustrates the          These initiatives help us to engage
         training activities for public                                                                                                                                                                                                      public sector innovation.
                                           office (VI Encuesta Nacional de Derechos                                                         most common errors in public documents,           citizens so that public employees better
         employees and the general                                                           Our plain language network brings                                                                                                               Maximiliano currently works
                                           Ciudadanos, 2016), and that citizens                                                             showing how they can be improved                  understand the importance of their role
         public. He also teaches Social                                                      together 7 of Chile’s public institutions:                                                                                                      in dissemination at the
                                           perceive this to be the state “treating them                                                     with a self-correcting form covering plain        in communicating information effectively.
         and Legal Psychology at the                                                         • Supreme Court                                                                                                                                 Council for Transparency,
                                           badly” (United Nations Development                                                               language best practices.                          The language that institutions use can
         Universidad Católica de Chile.                                                                                                                                                                                                      Chile.
                                           Program, 2017).                                   • Auditors Office                                                                                marginalize citizens and create distrust.
                                                                                                                                            3. Promotion of plain language                                                                   email:
         email:                                                                                                                                                                               Plain language initiatives can foster
                                           This article outlines current efforts in Chile    • House of Representatives
         anker.christian@gmail.com                                                                                                          The network also developed and sent to            relationships based on trust between           maxnunezg@gmail.com
                                           to improve public trust through access to
                                                                                             • Congress Library                             all agencies a Recommendation to Use              citizens and institutions and boost
                                           information – and the vital role that plain
                                                                                             • Transparency Council                         Plain Language. This focuses on applying          democracy.
                                           language plays in doing so.
                                                                                                                                            the principles of plain language to offices
                                                                                             • Catholic University of Valparaíso                                                              As a result, it is crucial that we emphasize
                                           The Council for Transparency                                                                     that provide information and receive
                                                                                                                                                                                              the right of access to public information,
                                           2018 was the tenth anniversary of the             •G
                                                                                               eneral Secretariat of the Presidency        requests from the public.                         but also make sure that everyone can
                                           Law of Transparency and Access to                  Ministry.                                     The “Recommendation” document                     understand that information. This will be
                                           Public Information in Chile. This created         The network generates initiatives, projects,   emphasizes clarity as part of a citizen’s         the cross-cutting result of installing plain
                                           the Council for Transparency (CPLT) as            and measures that promote, advertise,          right to access information, and the need         language best practices in Chilean state
                                           an independent public agency that                 and facilitate the use of plain language       to avoid barriers in accessing services. In       institutions.
                                           guarantees, audits, and promotes access           within the member institutions and other       addition, the Transparency Law 2.0 is also
                                           to information.                                   state agencies.                                proposing a principle of plain language.
                                           To boost citizen trust, CPLT developed                                                           4. First international seminar
                                           several initiatives to position plain
                                                                                                                                            The network’s largest event to date
                                                                                                                                            was held with the support of the

16   |                                                 Plain Language Association International                                                                                           Plain Language Association International
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