Elenco delle pubblicazioni del Think Tank del PE - European ...

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Elenco delle pubblicazioni del Think Tank del PE - European ...
Elenco delle pubblicazioni del Think Tank del PE

             Criteri di ricerca utilizzati per generare l''elenco :

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                       Parole chiave "consultazione pubblica"

                                70 Risultati(i)

                      Data di creazione : 14-12-2021
Recovery and Resilience Plans: stakeholders’ involvement
    Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita
     Settore di interventoProblemi economici e monetari
            Parole chiave consultazione pubblica | epidemia | erogazione di prestiti da parte dell'UE | malattia da coronavirus | relazione |
                          ripartizione del finanziamento dell'UE | ripresa economica | Stato membro UE
               Riassunto This paper aims to support the scrutiny of the national Recovery and Resilience Plans and its implementation by
                          providing an overview of EU stakeholders, other relevant institutions and bodies’ assessments/opinions related to
                          these plans, including specific monitoring activities by think tanks and civil society organisations. Furthermore, it
                          includes a summary of the Commission assessments of the overall involvement of stakeholders in the recovery and
                          resilience plans. The paper will be regularly updated.
     Analisi approfondita EN

The NIS2 Directive: A high common level of cybersecurity in the EU
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreNEGREIRO ACHIAGA Maria Del Mar
     Settore di interventoIndustria
            Parole chiave Agenzia dell’Unione europea per la cibersicurezza | consultazione pubblica | criminalità informatica | direttiva (UE) |
                          guerra dell'informazione | proposta (UE) | protezione dei dati | sicurezza delle informazioni | sicurezza delle
                          infrastrutture critiche | sicurezza europea | studio d'impatto
               Riassunto The Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive is the first piece of EU-wide legislation on cybersecurity, and its
                          specific aim was to achieve a high common level of cybersecurity across the Member States. While it increased the
                          Member States' cybersecurity capabilities, its implementation proved difficult, resulting in fragmentation at different
                          levels across the internal market. To respond to the growing threats posed with digitalisation and the surge in cyber-
                          attacks, the Commission has submitted a proposal to replace the NIS Directive and thereby strengthen the security
                          requirements, address the security of supply chains, streamline reporting obligations, and introduce more stringent
                          supervisory measures and stricter enforcement requirements, including harmonised sanctions across the EU. The
                          proposed expansion of the scope covered by the NIS2, by effectively obliging more entities and sectors to take
                          measures, would assist in increasing the level of cybersecurity in Europe in the longer term. Within the European
                          Parliament, the file has been assigned to the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. The committee adopted
                          its report on 28 October 2021, as well as a mandate to enter into interinstitutional negotiations.
                 Briefing EN

Public hearing with Elke König, Chair of the Single Resolution Board 1 July 2021
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                      Data 28-06-2021
                            SLOCOCK OLIVER
     Settore di intervento Problemi economici e monetari
            Parole chiave attività bancaria | audizione pubblica | consultazione pubblica | gestione delle crisi | liquidità monetaria | recesso
                            dall'UE | Regno Unito | relazione d'attività | rischio finanziario | statistiche dell'UE | Unione bancaria dell'UE
                Riassunto This note is prepared in view of an ordinary public hearing with the Chair of the Single Resolution Board (SRB), Elke
                            König, which will take place on 1 July 2021. The Chair will present the SRB’s annual report for 2020. This briefing
                            addresses (i) the review of the crisis management framework, and in particular the SRB’s input to the Commission’s
                            public consultation; (ii) MREL policy and statistics; (iii) liquidity in resolution; (iv) the relationship with the United
                            Kingdom: contractual recognition of bailinable liabilities issued under third country laws; (v) developments in respect of
                            particular resolution cases; (vi) contributions to the Single Resolution Fund; and (vii) SRB and some other publications.
                   Briefing EN

Digital Services Act
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreKRAMER Esther
     Settore di interventoMercato interno e Unione doganale
            Parole chiave commercio elettronico | consultazione pubblica | dimensione transfrontaliera | mercato unico digitale | prestazione di
                          servizi | proposta (UE) | protezione del consumatore | studio d'impatto | tecnologia digitale
               Riassunto The IA underpinning the proposal for a Digital services act contains a lot of valuable information and is based on solid
                          sources and broad consultations. However, the analysis could have been more coherent in its problem definition and
                          more specific regarding the practical implementation of the assessed three broad option packages in addition to the
                          status quo. It could have been also more transparent, precise and complete regarding the data and methods used for
                          the analysis, and regarding the quantitative estimates (namely in relation to SMEs). Some important information, for
                          instance on liability rules or other elements of digital services, would have been useful in the main text instead of the
                 Briefing EN

14-12-2021                                        Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                                 1
Updating the Crypto Assets Regulation and establishing a pilot regime for distributed ledger technology
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreZANDERSONE Laura
     Settore di interventoProblemi economici e monetari
            Parole chiave applicazione dell'informatica | consultazione pubblica | garanzia degli investimenti | moneta elettronica | piccole e
                          medie imprese | principio di proporzionalità | principio di sussidiarietà | proposta (UE) | protezione del consumatore |
                          servizi finanziari | studio d'impatto | valuta virtuale
               Riassunto The markets in crypto assets (MiCA) proposal intends to adapt to the latest technological trends in the FinTech sector.
                          The briefing analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the impact assessment (IA) accompanying the MiCA and DLT
                          proposals. The IA is quite technical and difficult to read for a non-expert. The policy options were compared against the
                          criteria of effectiveness, efficiency and coherence, but not against proportionality, which is required by the better
                          regulation guidelines. The preferred option is a mix of various options, and one of the preferred options is transferred
                          into another, new legislative proposal, i.e., on the DLT. The IA foresees cost reduction for business due to the use of
                          DLT, which saves costs compared to the traditional trading activities, with new entrants facing one-off costs similar to
                          multilateral trading facilities (MTFs).
                 Briefing EN

Democratic institutions and prosperity: The benefits of an open society
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreSAULNIER JEROME LEON | SGUEO Gianluca | ZAMFIR Ionel
     Settore di interventoDemocrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare
            Parole chiave Centro comune di ricerca | consultazione pubblica | democrazia | diritti politici | governance | monocrazia | rivoluzione
                          industriale | società civile | sviluppo economico | trasformazione tecnologica
               Riassunto The ongoing structural transformation and the rapid spread of the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution are
                          challenging current democratic institutions and their established forms of governance and regulation. At the same time,
                          these changes offer vast opportunities to enhance, strengthen and expand the existing democratic framework to reflect
                          a more complex and interdependent world. This process has already begun in many democratic societies but further
                          progress is needed. Examining these issues involves looking at the impact of ongoing complex and simultaneous
                          changes on the theoretical framework underpinning beneficial democratic regulation. More specifically, combining
                          economic, legal and political perspectives, it is necessary to explore how some adaptations to existing democratic
                          institutions could further improve the functioning of democracies while also delivering additional economic benefits to
                          citizens and society as whole. The introduction of a series of promising new tools could offer a potential way to support
                          democratic decision-makers in regulating complexity and tackling ongoing and future challenges. The first of these
                          tools is to use strategic foresight to anticipate and control future events; the second is collective intelligence, following
                          the idea that citizens are collectively capable of providing better solutions to regulatory problems than are public
                          administrations; the third and fourth are concerned with design-thinking and algorithmic regulation respectively.
                          Design-based approaches are credited with opening up innovative options for policy-makers, while algorithms hold the
                          promise of enabling decision-making to handle complex issues while remaining participatory.
                 Briefing EN

Controversial legislative elections in Venezuela
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreGOMEZ RAMIREZ Enrique
     Settore di interventoAffari esteri
            Parole chiave consultazione pubblica | crisi politica | democrazia | elezioni politiche | elezioni presidenziali | nullità di una elezione |
                          opposizione politica | situazione politica | Stato di diritto | Venezuela
               Riassunto The mandate of the Venezuelan National Assembly, democratically elected in 2015, comes to an end on 5 January
                          2021; to renew it, the Maduro government called new legislative elections for 6 December 2020. While the government
                          tightened its grip on power to secure a favourable outcome for itself, including through the appointment of a new
                          electoral council, the opposition-led National Assembly presided by Juan Guaidó insisted on holding free and fair
                          presidential and legislative elections with recognised international observers. The main opposition parties boycotted
                          the 6 December elections – which were also ignored by at least 70 % of eligible voters – and held an alternative public
                          consultation from 7 to 12 December, which resulted in a slightly higher turnout. The opposition described the elections
                          as fraudulent, claiming that they had not met the minimum democratic requirements to qualify as free, fair and
                          transparent. This position was shared by international players such as the European Union, the United States, the
                          Organisation of American States and the Lima Group. Though the outlook of the Venezuelan crisis remains uncertain,
                          there is still hope for a negotiated solution.
                 Briefing EN

14-12-2021                                        Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                                  2
What future for democracy?
    Tipo di pubblicazione   In sintesi
                      Data  11-12-2020
                    Autore  NOONAN EAMONN
     Settore di intervento  Democrazia UE | Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare | Governance globale | Istruzione | Occupazione |
                            Pianificazione preventiva | Politica sociale | Problemi economici e monetari
             Parole chiave consultazione pubblica | democrazia diretta | democrazia partecipativa | democrazia rappresentativa | diffusione delle
                            informazioni | disinformazione | opinione pubblica | populismo | pubbliche relazioni | tecnologia digitale
                Riassunto A panel at the 2020 ESPAS conference discussed the future of democracy in the light of the coronavirus pandemic.
                            Participatory democracy was seen as a potential remedy for polarisation, while digitisation brings a need for careful
                            governance. Misinformation and disinformation needs to be addressed through education. A poll of attendees identified
                            tax equity as a key innovation for successfully rebuilding democracy.
                 In sintesi EN

Legge sui servizi digitali
    Tipo di pubblicazione   In sintesi
                      Data  14-10-2020
                    Autore  MADIEGA Tambiama André
     Settore di intervento  Adozione della legislazione da parte del PE e del Consiglio | Diritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario |
                            Diritto internazionale privato e cooperazione giudiziaria in materia civile | Mercato interno e Unione doganale |
                            Protezione dei consumatori
             Parole chiave commercio elettronico | consultazione pubblica | direttiva CE | impatto delle tecnologie dell'informazione | impresa
                            multinazionale | industria dell'informatica | media sociali | mercato unico digitale | misura nazionale di esecuzione |
                            motore di ricerca | tecnologia digitale | trasformazione tecnologica
                Riassunto Il Parlamento voterà durante la tornata di ottobre II tre relazioni, della commissione per il mercato interno e la
                            protezione dei consumatori, della commissione giuridica, e della commissione per le libertà civili, la giustizia e gli affari
                            interni, che illustreranno la posizione iniziale dell'Istituzione sulla revisione del quadro UE per i servizi online, in vista
                            della proposta della Commissione riguardante un pacchetto relativo alla legge sui servizi digitali.
                 In sintesi ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL

EU initiatives and funding to support sustainable urban mobility
    Tipo di pubblicazione   In sintesi
                      Data  15-09-2020
                    Autore  SOONE Jaan
     Settore di intervento  Trasporti
            Parole chiave   cambiamento climatico | consultazione pubblica | economia verde | iniziativa dell'UE | lotta contro l'inquinamento |
                            mobilità sostenibile | riduzione delle emissioni gassose | ripartizione del finanziamento dell'UE | trasporti urbani
                Riassunto In 2050, approximately 84 % of Europeans will be living in an urban area. A common challenge for all urban areas is to
                            enhance mobility and reduce congestion, accidents and air pollution. The search for appropriate solutions to urban
                            transport challenges has been part of EU policy in various fields for a long time. This paper provides an overview of the
                            EU initiatives and funding opportunities to support sustainable urban mobility in Europe.
                 In sintesi EN

Europeanising European Public Spheres
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Studio
                      Data 15-06-2020
          Autore esterno   Katrin AUEL, Guido TIEMANN
     Settore di intervento Democrazia UE | Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare | Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Valutazione
                           del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
             Parole chiave commissione PE | consultazione pubblica | diffusione di informazioni sull'UE | elezioni europee | integrazione europea |
                           mezzo di comunicazione di massa | parlamento nazionale | rapporto di ricerca | ricerca universitaria | università
                Riassunto This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional
                           Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee, provides a brief overview of the academic debates on Europeanisation
                           as well as contestation and politicisation of the EU and European integration. Against this background, it focuses on
                           the European public sphere(s), in particular those based on the media and parliaments. The study further discusses
                           current reform proposals aiming to Europeanise the European elections and concludes with recommendations on
                           increasing the legitimacy of the European Union.
                    Studio EN
                    Sintesi DE, EN, FR

14-12-2021                                         Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                                   3
Preparing the Conference on the Future of Europe
    Tipo di pubblicazione    Briefing
                      Data   03-12-2019
                    Autore   KOTANIDIS Silvia
     Settore di intervento   Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare | Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici
            Parole chiave    atto congressuale | consultazione pubblica | Europa dei cittadini | futurologia | piano di sviluppo
                Riassunto    After the many debates and declarations of principles on the future of Europe of recent years, the time for a more
                             structured reflection on the future of Europe's development has arrived. The new President of the European
                             Commission, Ursula von der Leyen has pledged to establish a Conference on the Future of Europe, in an effort to give
                             new impulse to European construction and bring Europe closer to citizens. At this stage, details of this initiative are still
                             up for discussion. For Dubravka Šuica, the Commissioner who will take charge of the process, the inclusion of all
                             citizens' voices will be an essential characteristic of the Conference. However, how to ensure that European citizens
                             are properly represented remains to be clarified. Preparation of the Conference, in von der Leyen's approach, will
                             follow three steps: first, the elaboration of the concept, structure, timing and scope with Parliament and Council; then,
                             design of a means to ensure that citizens participate as much as possible, including by fostering online participation for
                             younger people; and last, making sure that appropriate follow-up is provided to the actions agreed by the Conference.
                             The Parliament has created a working group to contribute to the design of the Conference, in particular in respect of its
                             structure, with a view to a vote in plenary. Parliament's Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) has also launched
                             discussions, confirming the eagerness of Parliament and its political bodies to play an active part from the beginning of
                             this process. The Conference on the Future of Europe should be an excellent opportunity to engage in more structured
                             debate, with the intention to find concrete proposals to improve the way in which the EU works not only in terms of
                             institutional dynamics, but also of its policies. Some have however cautioned that the initiative needs to be carried out
                             with the utmost care, in particular on the follow-up to be given to its outcomes, so that it can remain a meaningful
                  Briefing EN

Ensuring more transparent and predictable working conditions
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreKISS Monika
     Settore di interventoAdozione della legislazione da parte del PE e del Consiglio | Occupazione
           Parole chiave  condizioni di lavoro | consultazione pubblica | contratto collettivo | contratto di lavoro | elaborazione del diritto dell'UE |
                          informazione dei lavoratori | licenziamento | periodo di tirocinio | politica dell'occupazione dell'UE | proposta (UE) |
                          studio d'impatto
               Riassunto An employer's obligation to inform employees of the conditions applicable to their contracts is regulated by Directive
                          91/533/EEC. Major shifts in the labour market due to demographic trends and digitalisation, spawning a growing
                          number of non-standard employment relationships, have made it necessary to revise this directive. The European
                          Commission therefore came forward with a proposal for a directive aimed at updating and extending the information on
                          employment-related obligations and working conditions, and at creating new minimum standards for all employed
                          workers, including those on atypical contracts. In the European Parliament, the Committee for Employment and Social
                          Affairs (EMPL) considered the proposal and adopted a report focusing in particular on the scope, on employees'
                          working hours, on the conditions for making information available to them, and on employers' responsibilities.
                          Following trilogue negotiations, the European Parliament and the Council reached an agreement on the content of the
                          draft legislation. The final act was signed on 20 June 2019 and published in the Official Journal on 11 July 2019.
                          Member States have until 1 August 2022 to take the necessary measures to comply with the new directive. Third
                          edition. The ‘EU Legislation in Progress’ briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.
                 Briefing EN

Establishing the 'Customs' programme 2021-2027
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreKONONENKO Vadim
     Settore di interventoMercato interno e Unione doganale
            Parole chiave consultazione pubblica | cooperazione doganale | dogana | finanziamento dell'UE | paesi terzi | programma dell'UE |
                          proposta (UE) | sistema di informazione | Stato membro UE | studio d'impatto | unione doganale
               Riassunto The impact assessment provides a good overview of the problems facing EU customs cooperation that need to be
                          tackled after 2020, and sets out well the rationale for the new programme. However, the overall analysis is undermined
                          by the limited range of viable options and the absence of a proper comparison of the options and assessment of their
                          impacts, contrary to the Better Regulation guidelines. A more thorough assessment would have helped to better
                          explain the choice of the preferred option.
                 Briefing EN

14-12-2021                                          Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                                  4
Research and innovation in the EU: Evolution, achievements, challenges
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreKARAKAS Cemal
     Settore di interventoPolitica di ricerca
            Parole chiave bilancio dell'UE | consultazione pubblica | politica di ricerca dell'UE | programma quadro di ricerca e sviluppo |
                          statistiche dell'UE
               Riassunto Research and innovation have become indispensable elements in many areas of our daily lives, including health and
                          wellbeing (e.g. radiotherapy, vaccinations), the search for a sustainable environment (e.g. weather forecasts, solar
                          energy), safety and security (e.g. tsunami alerts, biometric border control) and end-user products (e.g. smart phones,
                          e-cars). Despite the correlation between research, development, innovation and competitiveness, when it comes to
                          international comparisons, most Member States lag behind the 'Barcelona target' to invest 3 % of national gross
                          domestic product (GDP) in scientific research and innovation. Better coordination of transnational research activities
                          and the completion of the European Research Area (ERA) could benefit the EU economy by an extra €16 billion per
                          year. The instruments, governance and scope of the framework programmes (FP) for research have changed
                          dramatically over time. These changes include the development of public-public and public-private partnerships, the
                          establishment of the European Research Council (ERC) and the European Institute for Innovation and Technology
                          (EIT), and the introduction of specific instruments for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as individual
                          mobility grants. To date, the current FP, Horizon 2020, has supported over 18 000 projects with more than €31 billion
                          in funding. Nevertheless, Horizon 2020 has shortcomings, including complex procedures, a high administrative burden,
                          a lack of flexibility when it comes to reacting to unforeseen circumstances, and insufficient synergies with other EU
                          funds and public interventions and/or private finance.
                 Briefing EN

International Agreements in Progress: EU-Singapore trade and investment agreements closer to
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreBINDER Krisztina
     Settore di interventoCommercio internazionale | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
           Parole chiave  accordo bilaterale | accordo di libero scambio | competenza degli Stati membri | competenza istituzionale |
                          competenza istituzionale (UE) | consultazione pubblica | Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea | investimento diretto |
                          investimento estero | parere della Corte di giustizia (UE) | Singapore | studio d'impatto
               Riassunto On 18 April 2018, the European Commission proposed to the Council of the EU to sign and conclude two agreements
                          with Singapore. These agreements were created by dividing the free trade agreement reached between the EU and
                          Singapore (EUSFTA) in 2014, but not ratified, into separate trade and investment protection agreements. When
                          presenting the agreements, the Commission underlined that they demonstrate the commitment of Singapore and the
                          EU to fair trade and open markets. The Council of the EU is expected to authorise the signature of the agreements in
                          October 2018. The Commission aims to have the trade agreement come into effect before the end of its mandate in
                          2019, after its approval by the Council and the European Parliament. Singapore will be the first member state of the
                          Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to sign bilateral trade and investment agreements with the EU. The
                          EU views bilateral agreements with ASEAN members as steps towards achieving the final objective of a region-to-
                          region trade and investment agreement with ASEAN. Therefore, the EU Singapore agreements are considered a
                          reference as regards the EU's ambition to conclude trade and investment agreements with other ASEAN members.
                          Second edition. The ‘International Agreements in Progress’ briefings are updated at key stages throughout the
                          process, from initial discussions through to ratification. To view earlier editions of this briefing, please see: PE 607.255,
                          June 2017.
                 Briefing EN

    Tipo di pubblicazione Studio
                      Data 03-10-2018
          Autore esterno Rafael AMARO, Associate Professor at the University Paris-Descartes, France
                           Maria José AZAR-BAUD, Associate Professor at Paris-Sud University, France
                           Sabine CORNELOUP, Professor at the University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, France
                           Bénédicte FAUVARQUE-COSSON, Professor at the University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, France
                           Fabienne JAULT-SESEKE, Professor at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France
     Settore di intervento Diritto internazionale privato e cooperazione giudiziaria in materia civile
            Parole chiave armonizzazione delle norme | azione giudiziaria | composizione delle controversie | consultazione pubblica | diritto di
                           agire in giudizio | disputa commerciale | interesse collettivo | risoluzione alternativa delle controversie | Stato membro
                Riassunto This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional
                           Affairs at the request of the Committee on Legal Affairs, aims to assess the current state of play of collective redress at
                           national and European levels, evaluate the opportunity of a European intervention in the matter and provide the
                           European Parliament with concrete recommendations. Both the assessment and the recommendations have been
                           drafted keeping in mind the essential issue raised by collective redress: access to justice. This principle, which is
                           essential in a Union enforcing the rule of law, is currently challenged by the existing divergences. As such the creation
                           of harmonised collective redress mechanism is becoming an increasingly pressing matter.
                    Studio EN
                  Sintesi DE, FR

14-12-2021                                        Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                                 5
Workshop on “Free Flow of Data - a Cornerstone of the Digital Single Market"
    Tipo di pubblicazione Studio
                      Data 14-09-2018
          Autore esterno Dr Simon Forge, SCF Associates
                           Dr Kristina Irion, University of Amsterdam
                           Ms Zlatina Nikolova, Counsellor, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Bulgaria to the European Union
                           Ms Agnes Courades Allebeck, Swedish National Board of Trade
                           Mr Bertrand Deprez, Digital Europe
                           Mr Christian Borggreen, CCIA
                           Ms Danielle Jacobs, INTUG
                           Mr Lenard Koschwitz, Allied for Startups
                           Ms Gabriella Cattaneo, IDC - European Government Consulting
     Settore di intervento Adozione della legislazione da parte del PE e del Consiglio | Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Mercato interno e
                           Unione doganale | Pianificazione preventiva | Protezione dei consumatori | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella
            Parole chiave consultazione pubblica | mercato unico digitale | protezione dei dati | scambio d'informazioni | Stato membro UE |
                           trasmissione dei dati | trattamento dei dati
                Riassunto This report summarises discussion which took place at the workshop “Free Flow of Data - A Cornerstone of the Digital
                           Single Market”. The free flow of data is a complex issue with the potential to strongly influence the EU economy. With
                           the aim of discussing the main challenges related to this topic and the recently proposed draft regulation of the
                           European Commission, the workshop was hosted by Ms Anna Maria CORAZZA BILDT (MEP), Vice-President of the
                           IMCO Committee in the European Parliament.
                           This document was prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the Committee on Internal Market and
                           Consumer Protection.
                    Studio EN

EU law for an open independent and efficient European administration
    Tipo di pubblicazione Studio
                      Data 27-07-2018
                    Autore EVAS Tatjana
     Settore di intervento Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare | Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Petizioni al Parlamento
                           europeo | Spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia
           Parole chiave azione dell'UE | codice di condotta | consultazione pubblica | deontologia professionale | elaborazione del diritto
                           dell'UE | Europa dei cittadini | governance | istituzione dell'Unione europea
                Riassunto The results of the public consultation clearly suggest - EU citizens want action. Citizens call for an action that wold turn
                           their EU right to good administration into solution. The workable and enforceable solution that adds value. Europe
                           needs innovation! Innovation not only in tools and technologies but also in how EU governs itself.
                    Studio EN

Review of the Directive on the Re-use of Public Sector Information (Directive 2013/37/EU)
    Tipo di pubblicazione   Briefing
                      Data  25-04-2018
                    Autore  KORVER RONNIE JOHANNES
     Settore di intervento  Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Industria | Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Politica di ricerca | Valutazione del
                            diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
             Parole chiave accesso all'informazione | base di dati | cloud computing | consultazione pubblica | dati aperti | diffusione delle
                            informazioni | direttiva (UE) | diritto d'autore | documento elettronico | impresa pubblica | sistema documentario
                Riassunto The Directive on the re-use of public sector information 2013/37/EU (PSI Directive) provides a common legal
                            framework for a European market for public sector information. It entered into force on 17 July 2013 following a review
                            of the initial PSI Directive of 17 November 2003. This implementation appraisal is written in anticipation of the second
                            review of the directive, the plans for which are likely to be presented by the end of April 2018 as part of a broader
                            package targeting the data economy. The upcoming review will attempt to identify opportunities for reducing regulatory
                            costs and for simplifying the existing legislation without negatively affecting the achievements of the underlying policy
                            goals. The ongoing evaluation of the Directive on the legal protection of databases 96/9/EC (Database Directive) will
                            feed into the review by identifying potential issues with the interplay between the PSI and Database Directives. The
                            Commission has also announced that the PSI review will be aligned with the follow-up actions to the REFIT mid-term
                            policy evaluation of Directive 2007/2/EC, 'INSPIRE' (Directive establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in
                            the European Community). For these reasons, both these directives have been included in this appraisal.
                   Briefing EN

14-12-2021                                         Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                                 6
Adapting to new digital realities: Main issues and policy responses
    Tipo di pubblicazione   Briefing
                      Data  19-04-2018
                    Autore  BENTZEN Naja | NEGREIRO ACHIAGA Maria Del Mar | REILLON Vincent | SAJN Nikolina | SZCZEPANSKI Marcin
     Settore di intervento  Democrazia UE | Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Pianificazione preventiva | Politica di ricerca | Problemi
                            economici e monetari | Protezione dei consumatori
             Parole chiave cloud computing | competitività | consultazione pubblica | dati personali | diffusione delle innovazioni | disinformazione |
                            Internet | Internet delle cose | media sociali | mercato unico digitale | numerizzazione | partenariato pubblico-privato |
                            protezione dei dati | rete d'informazione
                Riassunto Digital technologies have changed the way we live and transformed the world around us at unprecedented speed.
                            They have affected all important aspects of life, both at work and at home, and have influenced almost everything from
                            human relations to the economy, to the extent that access to the internet has now become a basic human right
                            recognised by the United Nations. This profound change presents both opportunities and threats to our society.
                            Citizens need specific skills and access to be able to meaningfully take part in society and work. European businesses
                            need an adequate policy framework and infrastructure to capture the enormous value created by the digital economy.
                            Supporting innovation, removing barriers in the digital single market, and effectively managing and using data are the
                            necessary tools to assist them and boost economic growth in Europe. The European Union takes an active part in
                            shaping the digital economy and society, with cross policy initiatives that range from boosting investment, through
                            reforms of copyright and e privacy, to removal of geo-blocking and development of e-government. This multifaceted
                            approach is necessary to facilitate adaptation to complex new realities. The European Parliament, as co legislator, is
                            involved in shaping the policy framework which will help citizens and businesses fully utilise the potential of digital
                   Briefing EN, FR

The added value of the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI), and its revision
    Tipo di pubblicazione Studio
                     Data 13-04-2018
                    Autore SALM Christian
     Settore di intervento Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare
           Parole chiave cittadinanza europea | consultazione pubblica | dati personali | democrazia partecipativa | incompatibilità | iniziativa
                           dell'UE | iniziativa legislativa | Internet | Mediatore europeo | organizzazione non governativa | petizione | potere
                           d'iniziativa | protezione dei dati | ricevibilità | trasparenza del processo decisionale
                Riassunto The European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) is aimed at bringing the EU closer to its citizens, by enabling them to invite the
                           European Commission to make a proposal for a legal act. Introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon, the ECI should provide
                           every citizen with the right to participate in the democratic life of the Union. However, the ECI in practice has had
                           various procedural hurdles, preventing the fulfilment of the regulation's objectives. The ECI is thus not fulfilling its
                           potential with regard to bringing the EU closer to its citizens. Against this background, the present study outlines the
                           weaknesses in the existing ECI procedure. Moreover, it assesses, with a view to their added value, the main reform
                           proposals that have been put forward to improve the ECI's functioning.
                    Studio EN

Transparent and predictable working conditions
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Briefing
                      Data 22-02-2018
                    Autore TUOMINEN ULLA-MARI
     Settore di intervento Occupazione | Politica sociale
            Parole chiave  condizioni di lavoro | consultazione pubblica | contratto collettivo | contratto di lavoro | informazione dei lavoratori |
                           licenziamento | periodo di tirocinio | politica dell'occupazione dell'UE | proposta (UE) | studio d'impatto
                Riassunto This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's impact
                           assessment (IA) accompanying the above-mentioned proposal, submitted on 21 December 2017 and referred to the
                           European Parliament's Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. The proposal updates and replaces Directive
                           91/533/EEC (the Written Statement Directive, hereafter WSD), which gives employees the right to be notified in writing
                           of the essential aspects of their contract or employment relationship. Taking into account that the labour market has
                           evolved and new forms of work have developed in recent years, the REFIT evaluation of the WSD found that there is a
                           need to modernise and complement the existing obligations to inform workers of their working conditions, and to create
                           minimum standards to ensure that each worker benefits from more clarity regarding his/her working terms, irrespective
                           of the type of employment relationship they have. According to the IA, the initiative would set a framework within which
                           new forms of work could develop, offering fairer protection for workers, a clearer legal framework and a more level
                           playing field for companies in the internal market (IA, pp. 6-7). The proposal, which is part of the 2018 Commission
                           work programme, is a follow-up to the European Pillar of Social Rights. In line with the Treaty on the Functioning of the
                           European Union (TFEU), the Commission conducted a two-stage consultation with the social partners on the revision
                           of the WSD. There was no agreement among the social partners to enter into direct negotiations on concluding an EU-
                           level agreement. The European Parliament has stressed the need to address the developments of the labour market
                           and protect workers in all forms of employment. It has called for a framework directive on decent working conditions
                           and for a revision of the WSD to take account of new forms of employment.
                  Briefing EN

14-12-2021                                         Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                                 7
Contracts for the supply of digital content and digital services
    Tipo di pubblicazione   Briefing
                      Data  19-02-2018
                    Autore  MAŃKO Rafał
     Settore di intervento  Adozione della legislazione da parte del PE e del Consiglio | Diritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario |
                            Diritto di proprietà intellettuale | Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Protezione dei consumatori
             Parole chiave approvvigionamento | cloud computing | commercio elettronico | consultazione pubblica | contratto | contratto digitale |
                            dati personali | fornitore | mercato unico | mercato unico digitale | numerizzazione | proposta (UE) | protezione dei dati |
                            protezione del consumatore | tecnologia digitale
                Riassunto On 21 November 2017, the European Parliament's Internal Market and Consumer Committee (IMCO) and Legal
                            Affairs Committee (JURI) adopted their joint report on the European Commission's proposal for a directive regulating
                            the private-law aspects of contracts for the supply of digital content and digital services in the internal market. The
                            Council of the EU agreed on a general approach in June 2017. Trilogue meetings began on 5 December 2017 and are
                            still on-going. The main changes proposed by the joint report of the two Parliament committees are concerned with the
                            duration of legal guarantees for digital content and services, liability for hidden defects and the short-term right to reject
                            defective digital content. An issue which is still being discussed is the relationship between the directive and EU public
                            law rules on the protection of personal data.
                            Fourth edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative
                            procedure. To view previous editions of this briefing, please see: PE 608.748 (October 2017).
                   Briefing EN

New rules on bisphenol A in food contact materials
    Tipo di pubblicazione    In sintesi
                      Data   16-02-2018
                    Autore   LAANINEN Tarja
     Settore di intervento   Sicurezza alimentare
             Parole chiave Agenzia europea per le sostanze chimiche | Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare | commercializzazione |
                            consultazione pubblica | controllo sanitario | industria delle materie plastiche | materiale d'imballaggio | prodotto
                            alimentare | protezione del consumatore | protezione dell'infanzia | regolamento (UE) | sicurezza degli alimenti |
                            sostanza pericolosa
                Riassunto A new European Commission regulation updating the rules concerning the use of bisphenol A (BPA) in food contact
                            materials was published on 14 February 2018 and will apply as of 6 September 2018. The rules aim at better
                            protecting children under three years of age, by extending the ban on the use of BPA to include, in addition to infant
                            feeding bottles, drinking cups or bottles intended for infants and young children. This is an updated edition of an 'At a
                            glance' note originally published in January 2018.
                 In sintesi EN, FR

New rules on bisphenol A in food contact materials
    Tipo di pubblicazione   In sintesi
                      Data  31-01-2018
                    Autore  LAANINEN Tarja
     Settore di intervento  Sicurezza alimentare
            Parole chiave   Agenzia europea per le sostanze chimiche | Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare | commercializzazione |
                            consultazione pubblica | controllo sanitario | industria delle materie plastiche | materiale d'imballaggio | prodotto
                            alimentare | protezione del consumatore | protezione dell'infanzia | regolamento (UE) | sicurezza degli alimenti |
                            sostanza pericolosa
                Riassunto A new European Commission regulation updating the rules concerning the use of bisphenol A (BPA) in food contact
                            materials is expected to enter into force in the coming weeks. The rules aim at better protecting young children by
                            extending the ban on the use of BPA to include, in addition to infant feeding bottles, drinking cups or bottles intended
                            for infants and young children.
                 In sintesi EN, FR

European Citizens' Initiative (ECI)
    Tipo di pubblicazione   In sintesi
                      Data  29-01-2018
                    Autore  ATANASSOV Nikolai
     Settore di intervento  Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare | Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Spazio di libertà, sicurezza e
             Parole chiave cittadinanza europea | consultazione pubblica | dati personali | democrazia partecipativa | incompatibilità | iniziativa
                            dell'UE | iniziativa legislativa | Internet | Mediatore europeo | organizzazione non governativa | petizione | potere
                            d'iniziativa | protezione dei dati | ricevibilità | trasparenza del processo decisionale
                Riassunto The European Citizens' Initiative (ECI), introduced in 2009 with the Lisbon Treaty, is a key element of participatory
                            democracy, allowing citizens to play an active role in the EU's democratic life, through addressing a request to the
                            European Commission to make a proposal for a legal act. The procedure and conditions for ECIs are governed by
                            Regulation (EU) No 211/2011, in force since April 2012. In September 2017, the European Commission presented a
                            proposal for its amendment, picking up on a number of suggestions for improvement. This is a further update of an 'at
                            a glance' note published in July 2017: PE 608.644. For more detailed information on the proposed amendment of the
                            ECI Regulation, please see EPRS' 'EU Legislation in progress' briefing, Revising the European Citizens' initiative, PE
                 In sintesi EN

14-12-2021                                          Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                                   8
Documentation from the workshop on the financing of the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI)
and the link between these and other investment funds
    Tipo di pubblicazione Studio
                      Data 09-11-2017
          Autore esterno Prof. Carlo SECCHI, Commission TEN-T coordinator
                           Mr José Fernando FIGUEIREDO, Executive President of the Instituição Financeira de Desenvolvimento
                           Mr Bernhard SAGMEISTER, Chairman of the European Association of Guarantee Institutions (AECM)
                           Ms Katarzyna DZIAMARA-RZUCIDŁO, Managing Director, Regional Development Financing Institute, Poland
                           Ms Zsuzsanna HARGITAI, Director, EU Funds Co-Financing & Financial Instruments at the EBRD
     Settore di intervento Bilanci | Controllo dei bilanci | Problemi economici e monetari | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
            Parole chiave consultazione pubblica | controllo delle conoscenze | crescita economica | fondo (UE) | Fondo europeo per gli
                           investimenti strategici | funzionamento istituzionale | investimento | strategia di crescita dell'UE
                Riassunto In July 2015, The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) entered into force after intensive negotiations
                           between European Commission, Council and Parliament. In September 2016, the European Commission presented an
                           amending Regulation to the original EFSI Regulation of 2015 (EFSI 1.0), prolonging the instrument, as well as
                           proposing changes on the content with an aim to augment its capacity and to address certain insufficiencies. The
                           speakers agreed that in one and a half years since its inception EFSI has demonstrated a clear quantitative success.
                           Nevertheless, there are certain deficiencies with regard to the way how the specific provisions of the Regulation have
                           been interpreted and implemented on the ground. Particular attention was given to the questions of additionally, roles
                           of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and National Promotional Banks, as well as transparency
                           and visibility.
                    Studio EN

Proceedings of the Workshop on Post-2020 Audit Reform: Mission Possible
    Tipo di pubblicazione Studio
                     Data 16-10-2017
          Autore esterno Mr Lazaros S. LAZAROU, Member of the European Court of Auditors, Dean of Chamber V Financing and
                           administering the Union
                           Mr Olivier WAELBROECK, Director, Directorate D for Central Financial Service, DG BUDG, European Commission
                           Ms Christina BORCHMANN, Director, Directorate H for Assurance and Audit, DG AGRI, European Commission
                           Mr Franck SÉBERT, Director, Directorate C for Audit, DG REGIO, European Commission
                           Mr Stanislav BURES, Head of Department, Audit authority, Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic
                           Ms Malina KROUMOVA, Deputy Minister, Head of the Central Coordination Unit, Ministry of Regional Development
                           and Public Works, Bulgaria
     Settore di intervento Bilanci | Controllo dei bilanci | Questioni finanziarie e bancarie
           Parole chiave Commissione europea | competenza istituzionale (UE) | consultazione pubblica | Corte dei conti europea |
                           organizzazione non governativa | riforma amministrativa | ripartizione del finanziamento dell'UE | Stato membro UE |
                           verifica dei conti
                Riassunto Audit work has changed over the years. Compliance audits look principally at the legality and regularity of payments,
                           but they say nothing about whether the political and economic objectives were achieved. A bridge in the middle of
                           nowhere may have been built in respect of public procurement rules and contract obligations. These compliance audits
                           are increasingly supplemented by performance audits, in which you try to answer the question whether the objective
                           was achieved in an economic, effective and efficient manner. In spite of the growing complexity of the audit process
                           the administrative burden for beneficiaries should remain reasonable. The key question is: How do we strike the right
                           balance between providing easy access to European public funds for beneficiaries, while guaranteeing sound financial
                           management. One element which has to be put in place for this purpose is a single audit chain, where one level builds
                           on the work of the other.
                    Studio EN

Politica di comunicazione
    Tipo di pubblicazioneNote tematiche sull'UE
                         ISKRA Katarzyna Anna
     Settore di intervento
                         Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare | Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Petizioni al Parlamento
          Parole chiave accesso all'informazione dell'UE | Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea | cittadinanza europea |
                         consultazione pubblica | democrazia partecipativa | diffusione di informazioni sull'UE | partecipazione sociale |
                         petizione | promozione dell'idea europea
              Riassunto La politica di comunicazione non è disciplinata da disposizioni specifiche dei trattati, ma discende naturalmente
                         dall'obbligo che incombe all'Unione europea di spiegare all'opinione pubblica il proprio funzionamento e le proprie
                         politiche nonché, più in generale, il significato della «integrazione europea». La necessità di una comunicazione
                         efficace ha la sua base giuridica nella Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea, che garantisce a tutti i cittadini
                         il diritto di essere informati sulle questioni europee. La nuova iniziativa dei cittadini europei, istituita formalmente nel
                         2012, ha consentito a questi ultimi di partecipare più direttamente all'elaborazione degli atti legislativi e alle questioni
  Note tematiche sull'UE BG, ES, DA, ET, EL, EN, FR, HR, IT, LV, HU, MT, NL, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV

14-12-2021                                        Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                                 9
The European Disability Strategy 2010-2020
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreANGLMAYER Irmgard
     Settore di interventoPolitica sociale | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
            Parole chiave consultazione pubblica | diritto dell'individuo | disabile | discriminazione basata su un handicap | parità di trattamento |
                          partecipazione sociale | politica sociale europea | programma d'azione | relazione | strategia UE | valutazione di
               Riassunto The European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (EDS) constitutes a comprehensive multiannual framework for
                          implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) at EU level. The EDS
                          and CRPD are thus closely intertwined. Whilst many stakeholders had called for a revision of the EDS, the recent
                          European Commission progress report suggests instead to maintain the Strategy's objectives for the remaining period.
                          However, given that the current Strategy ends in 2020, preparation of the future disability framework will need to start
                          before much longer. This briefing, prepared by the Ex-Post Evaluation Unit of the European Parliamentary Research
                          Service (EPRS), aims to outline the scope and objectives of the EDS and to analyse its implementation. It has been
                          drafted in support of the implementation report on the EDS, which is currently being drawn up by the Committee on
                          Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) in close consultation with disability organisations, in response to the
                          Commission’s progress report.
                 Briefing EN

The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA)
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di interventoRecepimento e attuazione del diritto | Sicurezza e difesa | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
            Parole chiave Agenzia dell’Unione europea per la cibersicurezza | competenza istituzionale (UE) | consultazione pubblica | criminalità
                          informatica | funzionamento istituzionale | Internet | Parlamento europeo | partenariato pubblico-privato | programma
                          quadro di ricerca e sviluppo | regolamento (UE) | relazione d'attività | sicurezza europea | statistiche dell'UE
               Riassunto Information and communication technologies play an increasing role in modern-day life and in the creation of a digital
                          society. To ensure further growth, significant investments in security are necessary. Cybersecurity is a growing
                          concern for citizens, influencing their digital activity. It is also a significant cost for the economy. In 2015, the estimated
                          worldwide economic impact of cyber-attacks reached US$500 billion. The cybersecurity market in Europe was
                          estimated at €20.1 billion. The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) was established
                          to support the EU and the Member States in enhancing and strengthening their ability to prevent, detect and respond
                          to network and information security (NIS) problems and incidents. ENISA is part of the broader legal and policy
                          environment, which includes the EU cybersecurity strategy and the recently adopted directive on security of networks
                          and information systems across the EU.
                 Briefing EN

The European services e-card
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreEISELE Katharina
     Settore di interventoMercato interno e Unione doganale
            Parole chiave consultazione pubblica | contratto assicurativo | elaborazione del diritto dell'UE | formalità amministrativa | libera
                          prestazione di servizi | mercato unico | principio di proporzionalità | principio di sussidiarietà | studio d'impatto
               Riassunto The overall impression is that the IA provides a thorough analysis of the current problems encountered. The IA
                          indicates the likely costs and benefits of the proposed options, which are grouped into four packages. The Commission
                          makes clear that, where possible, quantitative estimations were provided of the impacts of reducing administrative
                          burden and/or regulatory obstacles, but underscores that there are nevertheless many other factors which influence
                          the levels of cross-border trade and investment in services. While stakeholder consultation was broad, stakeholder
                          support for most options is not readily apparent from the IA.
                 Briefing DE, EN, FR

14-12-2021                                        Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                                 10
Emission performance standards for new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreTHIRION ELODIE
     Settore di interventoAmbiente | Industria | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto | Trasporti
            Parole chiave applicazione del diritto dell'UE | automobile | consultazione pubblica | gas a effetto serra | gas di combustione | norma
                          ambientale | omologazione | riduzione delle emissioni gassose | veicolo commerciale leggero
               Riassunto According to the various reports and assessments presented in this briefing, the existing cars and vans regulations
                          appear to be well implemented, with the majority of car and van manufacturers meeting their CO2 specific emission
                          targets in 2015, and some well on their way to reaching the 2020/2021 targets. However, the ultimate aim of the
                          regulations is to deliver a significant reduction in real-world CO2 emissions. While CO2 emissions as measured on the
                          test cycle is one element of this, there are other external trends that influence CO2 emissions from cars and vans,
                          including the total number of cars and vans and the distance covered, and the level and composition of fuels. The
                          effectiveness of the legislation should be considered in conjunction with other policy instruments, including laboratory
                          test cycles, embedded emissions or the use of CO2-linked vehicle taxation. In addition, any future evaluation of the
                          regulations and the setting of new effective emission limits should take into account the introduction of the new
                          worldwide harmonised light vehicles test procedure (WLTP) in September 2017, and the entry into force of the new
                          type approval regulation. To significantly reduce transport emissions, the setting out of new CO2 emission targets
                          could include the adoption of a number of measures that would allow for better monitoring of real driving emissions. In
                          order to achieve lasting and sustainable emission reductions in the transport sector, and rebuild the trust of consumers
                          in the regulatory system and the car industry, a much broader and holistic approach appears necessary. This could
                          consist of a systemic and integrated approach combining various policy instruments, accommodating the use of
                          alternative energies in transport, increased vehicle energy efficiency and intelligent management of transport demand
                          and infrastructure.
                 Briefing EN

Workshop Documentation on Budgetary Control of NGOs’ Financing from the EU Budget
    Tipo di pubblicazione Studio
                      Data 15-02-2017
          Autore esterno Roderick Ackermann, Victoria Gil Casado, Thomas Heckeberg, Seamus Jeffreson, Elsa Perreau, Kathrin Schick,
                           Christian Strasser, Jean-Louis Ville, Jeremy Wates, Dennis Wernerus
     Settore di intervento Bilanci | Controllo dei bilanci | Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare | Sviluppo e aiuti umanitari
           Parole chiave bilancio comunitario | Commissione europea | consultazione pubblica | controllo di bilancio | organizzazione non
                           governativa | scambio d'informazioni | trasparenza amministrativa
                Riassunto In the context of an own-initiative rapport (rapporteur: Markus Pieper, EPP), the CONT Committee decided last year to
                           contract a study on “Democratic accountability and budgetary control of non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
                           funded by the EU budget” to experts from the consultancy Blomeyer&Sanz. The study was presented in a pre-release
                           version last November. It identified difficulties in terms of data availability and transparency, stemming from the
                           fragmentation of European Commission’s systems. It also concluded that the existence of multiple, complex,
                           overlapping NGOs networks pose significant challenges to accountability and transparency, as does the emergence of
                           new and innovative funding mechanisms that do not involve large institutional donors.
                           The workshop followed on the findings of the study and aimed at providing the CONT Committee with views of NGOs,
                           in presence of European Commission’s and Court of Auditors’ representatives. The authors of the study, now finalised
                           and updated with feedback received, were also present to comment. Considering the limited timing, the workshop
                           focused on the examples of development policy, and environment policy (LIFE programme).
                           This document can not constitute an authentic record of proceedings. The workshop was public and live webstreamed.
                           The video record can be found under the following link: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/ep-
                    Studio EN

14-12-2021                                      Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                              11
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