Page created by Leslie Wong
                Effective Date 01/01/22
Welcome to the University of Arkansas. Choosing your employee benefits is one of the most
important decisions you will make as a new employee. Review the information in this booklet and the
information available from the New Employee Benefits Section of Human Resources website carefully
to make sure that you are making informed decisions.

You must be 50% appointed (average 20+ hours) or greater and not in a student position, such as
Senior Graduate Assistant, to be eligible for employee benefits through the University of Arkansas.

Participation in certain benefits is mandatory and considered a condition of employment. Mandatory
insurance benefits are 100% paid by the University. Mandatory benefits are:

   •   Basic Life Insurance
   •   Basic Short-Term Disability Insurance (for Classified Staff only)
   •   Basic Long-Term Disability Insurance
   •   Employer contributions to retirement
   •   Required employee contributions to retirement

The other University of Arkansas benefits, like health coverage, dental coverage, vision insurance,
accidental death & dismemberment insurance, are optional and can be waived. Employees pay for all
or a portion of the premiums for optional benefits. Completion of the enrollment process is required,
even if you only plan to enroll in the mandatory benefits. See the “How Do I Enroll?” section of this
booklet for enrollment instructions.

New employees have 31 days from their benefits-eligible appointment dates to enroll in their benefits.
Mandatory benefits are effective with your benefits-eligible appointment date. Optional benefits are
effective the first day of the month following your benefits-eligible appointment date or the date you
complete the benefits enrollment process, whichever is later. Documentation of dependent eligibility
is required to cover eligible family members on your health and dental coverage and vision insurance.

Check the Human Resources website for your options for new employee orientation. Go to the
Human Resources website at http://hr.uark.edu/ and click on Working Here under Getting Started,
then click on Enroll in Benefits.

Contact Human Resources at 479-575-5351 or by email at hrbenf@uark.edu if you have any questions.
How Do I Enroll?                                         2
Retirement                                               3
Health Coverage                                          6
Dental Coverage                                       12
Vision Insurance                                      14
FSAs and HSAs                                         16
Life, AD&D & Disability                               18
Voluntary Products                                    22
Wellness Benefits                                     24
Making Changes                                        26
Resources                                             27

                          Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits 1
How Do I Enroll?
                                   Now it’s time for you to complete your enrollment in your University of
Dependent Documentation            Arkansas benefits. Remember you only have 31 days from the date of your
You must submit dependent          benefits-eligible appointment to complete the enrollment process. Your
documentation if you are
                                   optional benefits will be effective the first day of the following month
covering dependents on your
UA health, dental or vision        following the date you complete the enrollment process.
insurance. Send legible
copies, not originals. Required    Here’s what you’ll need before you begin:
documents are:                                •    Your UARK ID and password.
• Spouse – government issued
                                              •    Covered dependents names, dates of birth, gender, and social security
  marriage license signed by
  the county clerk, state                          numbers (required for enrollment in health insurance).
  registrar or other assigned                 •    Beneficiaries’ names, dates of birth, gender and relationship to you.
  government official.                        •    Documentation of Dependent Eligibility (government issued marriage
• Biological child –                               licenses, birth certificates, etc.) is required for covering any dependent
  government issued birth                          on your UA health, dental and vision insurance plans.
  certificate identifying you as
  certificate acceptable only
  for children less than 31        You can complete your benefits enrollment online using Workday. Additional
  days old).
                                   information is available from the New Employee Benefits Enrollment section of
• Step-child – government
  issued birth certificate         Human Resources website.
  identifying your spouse as a
  parent AND a government          ❶              Open Google Chrome and go to http://myapps.microsoft.com/.
  issued marriage licensing
  showing you married to a         ❷              Click on the Workday application.
• Adopted child – court            ❸              On your second day of employment, you will have an Inbox item labeled
  document showing adoption                       “New Hire Benefits Change”. Click on the inbox item and complete your
  placement, petition for                         enrollment. Note: If you are covering dependents, you will be
  adoption or final adoption
                                                  prompted to upload your documentation
  certificate (must include
  date of birth)                    ❹             Your enrollment will go to the Benefits Partner for approval. Benefits
• Legal Ward/Guardian                             are effective the first day of the following month after your enrollment
  Child/Foster Child under                        and documentation is submitted to the Benefits Partner.
  age 18 – court or agency
  documentation AND a              You can also complete a paper enrollment process and submit the forms to
  government issued birth
                                   Human Resources. Partial enrollment paperwork will not be accepted. Do not
• Medical Support Order –          complete and turn in enrollment forms if you complete the Workday enrollment
  court documents ordering         process above. Forms are available from the New Employee Benefits
  you to provide insurance for     Enrollment section of Human Resources website and from the Human
  your biological child            Resources office. Submit completed enrollment forms to Human Resources:
• Adult Disabled Child –
  government issued birth                         University of Arkansas
  certificate identifying you as                  Human Resources
  a parent AND medical                            222 Administration Building
  certification of disability                     Fayetteville, AR 72701
  prior to age 26. If a                           FAX 479-575-6971
  stepchild, a government
                                                  Email hrbenf@uark.edu
  issued marriage license also     ide to G


2   Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits
UA Retirement Plan – 403(b)/457(b) plan                                            Additional Information
                                                                                   Go to the Human Resources
Participation in a retirement plan is required for all University of Arkansas      website to find the
benefits-eligible employees. The University of Arkansas Retirement plan is a       Retirement Summary Plan
403(b)/457(b) Defined Contribution Plan. A Defined Contribution Plan is a plan     Description and other
that does not pay a specific benefit when you retire and where the retirement      additional information.
benefit is dependent on the earnings or losses of your chosen investment            • Go to http://hr.uark.edu/
options. At retirement or separation of service from the UA, you can withdraw       • Go to “Benefits”
your vested contributions in lump sum amounts over time subject to plan             • Click on Retirement
limitations.                                                                          Benefits

Employee and Employer Contributions
Effective 7/1/2021, employees are required to contribute 5% of their gross pay
to their UA retirement plan. The University’s contribution will not be less than
                                                                                   Required Contributions
5% and will increase to match your combined required and voluntary                 The required employee
contributions in excess of 5% up to a maximum employer contribution of 10%.        contribution will be 5%
Employees may contribute additional unmatched contributions in excess of           effective July 1, 2021.
10%. Contributions are subject to IRS limits.                                      Note that the required
                                                                                   employee contribution must
                                                                                   be tax-deferred.
      Your Required        Your Voluntary    University      Total
            5%                  0%               5%           10%
            5%                  1%               6%           12%
            5%                  2%               7%           14%
            5%                  3%               8%           16%
            5%                  4%               9%           18%                  What is Vesting?
            5%                  5%              10%           20%                  UA Retirement Plan -
            5%                  6+%             10%           21%+                 Nonforfeitable ownership by
                                                                                   employees of retirement
                                                                                   contributions made by the
Vesting                                                                            employer on their behalf. In
                                                                                   addition to the 24-month
Employer retirement contributions for all faculty and staff hired July 1, 2016,    vesting rule, you will also be
and after will be vested at the end of 24 consecutive months of employment in      vested if, while employed in a
a benefits-eligible position. Employee contributions are 100% vested               benefits-eligible position:
immediately. Employees not vested when UA employment ends will forfeit              • You die;
any employer contributions made by the University of Arkansas. The                  • You reach age 65;
University of Arkansas has a once vested, always vested rule. If you previously     • You become disabled as
worked for any UA System campus and were vested when you left                         determined by Social
employment, you will retain that vesting status when you are re-employed by           Security or UA’s Disability
any UA System Campus. Be sure to let HR know of any prior UA System                   Insurance provider.
employment. If you are not vested when you leave UA employment and
return to the UA with a separation of more than 30 days your vesting period
will start over again.

                                                                         Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits   3
 Employee Required              How Much Can I Contribute?
 Contributions are not
 included in the 402(g)         Employees can contribute up to 100% of their salaries, not to exceed the limits
 limits but will be included    imposed by section 402(g) of the IRS code. Your voluntary contribution limits
 in the overall 415(c) plan     for 2022 for combined tax-deferred and Roth contributions are:
 contribution limits            You

                                      2021 Plan Limits   Employees Below Age 50        Employees age 50 and Above
 (combined employee and
 employer contributions) of           403(b) Plan               $20,500               $27,000 ($19,500 + add’l $6,500)
 $61,000 for 2022. The                457(b) Plan               $20,500               $27,000 ($19,500 + add’l $6,500)
 additional $6,500 402(g)             Total                     $41,000                          $54,000
 limits for employees 50 or     Additionally, under IRS limits in 2022, the UA can only make the employer
 older do not apply to the      contributions on $305,000 of your gross pay.
 415(c) limits. Contributions
                                The 403(b) plan is the UA Retirement Plan’s primary plan. You will only
 to the 457(b) plan also do
 not apply to the 415(c)        participate in the 457(b) plan if you reach your 402(g) limit in your 403(b) plan
 limits.                        before the end of the calendar year. You will provide your directions for
                                handling your contributions if you reach your 403(b) or 402(g) limits when
                                completing your retirement plan enrollment.
 Prior Contributions Your
 retirement limits              How Do I Contribute?
 accumulate from all
 employer sources for the       You may contribute to your 403(b) plan in two ways:
 calendar year. If you think           • Traditional tax-deferred – contributions and earnings will be subject to
 that your combined
                                         income taxes when withdrawn. The required contribution is tax-deferred.
 contributions for the
 calendar year will reach              • Roth after tax – voluntary contributions made on an after tax basis and are
 your retirement limits,                 included in current taxable income; earnings are tax exempt if they are
 contact HR with other                   part of a qualified distribution (at least 5 years from the year of your first
 retirement plan                         UA Roth 403b contribution and after you have reached age 59½).
 participation information.
                                You will want to choose your Roth and tax-deferred contributions based on
                                your age, time horizon and current/future tax bracket.
 Can I change my original
 retirement elections?
 You can change your
                                Where Do I Contribute?
 voluntary retirement           The UA Retirement Plan offers many investment options through one or both
 contribution elections         fund sponsors:
 every month. This
 includes the amount you               • Fidelity Investments –Go to netbenefits.com/uark or call Fidelity directly at
 are contributing and                    1-800-343-0860 to learn more.
 changing your vendor                  • TIAA - Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association. Go to
 choice between TIAA &                   www.tiaa.org/uasys or call TIAA directly at 1-800-842-2252 to learn more.
 Fidelity. You cannot
 contribute to both TIAA &
 Fidelity in the same pay       UA employees have the option of investing their contributions in a streamlined
 cycle. You can change your     selection of funds or setting up a self-directed brokerage account to invest in
 contribution or vendor any     their choice of thousands of mutual funds. TIAA and Fidelity will continue to be
 time online through            the investment providers but funds from Vanguard, JP Morgan and others will
 Workday.                       be available in the core lineup through both Fidelity and TIAA. See the next
                                page for the funds available. If you do not make a fund election you will be
                                defaulted to the Target Date Funds closest to your 65th birthday.

4 Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits
 To simplify your choices, the University has created the following investment tiers                      Contact Fidelity
 within Fidelity and TIAA’s lineup so you can choose an investment style that helps                       directly:
 you meet your retirement goals and needs. You do not need to choose from just                            1-800-343-0860
 one category; you may invest using any or all of these categories.                                       netbenefits.com/uark
                                                                                                          To schedule Individual
                                                                                Ticker                    Counseling, call:
 Tier 1: Target Date Funds                                                                    Plan
                                                                               Symbols                    1-800-642-7131
 Vanguard Institutional Target Retirement Income Fund Institutional Shares       VITRX
 Vanguard Institutional Target Retirement 2010 Fund Institutional Shares         VIRTX
                                                                                                          Contact TIAA directly:
 Vanguard Institutional Target Retirement 2015 Fund Institutional Shares        VITVX
 Vanguard Institutional Target Retirement 2020 Fund Institutional Shares        VITWX                     1-800-842-2552
 Vanguard Institutional Target Retirement 2025 Fund Institutional Shares        VRIVX                     www.tiaa.org/uasys
 Vanguard Institutional Target Retirement 2030 Fund Institutional Shares        VTTWX                     To schedule Individual
                                                                                           Fidelity &
 Vanguard Institutional Target Retirement 2035 Fund Institutional Shares         VITFX                    Counseling, call:
 Vanguard Institutional Target Retirement 2040 Fund Institutional Shares         VIRSX                    1-800-732-8353
 Vanguard Institutional Target Retirement 2045 Fund Institutional Shares         VITLX
 Vanguard Institutional Target Retirement 2050 Fund Institutional Shares        VTRLX
 Vanguard Institutional Target Retirement 2055 Fund Institutional Shares         VIVLX                    Individual Counselors
 Vanguard Institutional Target Retirement 2060 Fund Institutional Shares         VILVX                    from both Fidelity &
                                                                                Ticker                    TIAA are usually available
 Tier 2: Passive Funds                                                                        Plan
                                                                               Symbols                    on campus to provide
 Vanguard Extended Market Index Fund Institutional Shares                         VIEX                    free, on-site, individual
 Vanguard Institutional Index Fund Institutional Shares                          VINIX                    retirement planning
                                                                                           Fidelity &
 Vanguard Total Bond Market Institutional Shares                                VBTIX
 Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Institutional Shares             VTSNX
                                                                                              TIAA        counseling sessions.
                                                                                Ticker                    Contact Fidelity & TIAA
 Tier 3: Actively Managed Funds                                                Symbols
                                                                                              Plan        directly for
 American Funds Europacific Growth Fund                                         RERBX                     appointments.
 CREF Money Market                                                                n/a
 CREF Social Choice Account                                                       n/a                     In-Service Cash is
 CREF Stock Account Class                                                         n/a
                                                                                              TIAA        available to active
 Harbor Capital Appreciation Retirement                                         HNACX
 Metropolitan West Total Return Bond Plan                                      MWTSX                      employees age
 TIAA Real Estate Account                                                         n/a                     59 ½ and older. Using
 TIAA Traditional                                                                 n/a                     this option, active
 Fidelity® Contrafund® - Class K                                                FCNKX                     employees can have
 Fidelity® Diversified International Fund – Class K                             FDIKX                     access to their
 Fidelity® Total Bond Fund                                                      FTBFX
                                                                                            Fidelity      (employee) contributions
 Lincoln Stable Value Fund                                                        n/a
 Principal Real Estate Securities Institutional Call                            PIREX                     while still employed.
 Vanguard FTSE Social Index Fund Investor Shares                                VFTSX                     Employees must
 Eagle Small Cap Growth Class R6                                                HSRUX                     separate from service to
 Goldman Sachs Small Cap Value Class R6                                         GSSUX
                                                                                                          have access to the
 JP Morgan Value Advantage Fund Class L                                          JVAIX                    employer contributions.
                                                                                           Fidelity &
 MassMutual Select Mid Cap Growth Equity Fund II Class I                        MEFZX
 MFS Mid Cap Value Fund Class R6                                               MVCKX
 Vanguard Federal Money Market Fund Investor Shares                            VMFXX
                                                                                                          You should review the
 Tier 4: Self Directed Brokerage                                                              Plan        UA Retirement Summary
 Provides you with the opportunity to invest in a broad range of investment options                       Plan Description (SPD)
 beyond those offered directly through the plans. Contact Fidelity at 800-343-0860 for                    for a more detailed
 a fact sheet and a commission schedule for applicable fees and risks. Contact TIAA at                    summary of plan
 800-927-3059 if you have questions about a TIAA Brokerage Account. The self-                             provisions. See the
                                                                                           Fidelity &
 directed brokerage tier includes investments beyond those in the plan lineup. The                        Investment Options
 plan neither evaluates nor monitors the investments available in the self-directed
                                                                                                          Guide for descriptions of
 brokerage tier. It is your responsibility to ensure that the investments you select are
 suitable to your situation.                                                                              the funds available.

                                                                                           Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits    5
Health Coverage
 Additional Information       The University of Arkansas Health Coverage Plan is a self-funded plan. Claims are
 Go to the Human              administered by UMR (a division of United Healthcare) and participants use UMR
 Resources website to         providers as their in-network providers. The prescription drug portion of the
 find the Summary Plan        University’s Health Coverage plan is administered by MedImpact. Both UMR and
 Description, Plan
                              MedImpact offer nation-wide networks of providers.
 Prescription Formulary,      You have a choice of three health plans (all administered by UMR) for you and your
 and other additional         family’s health coverage:
   • Go to                     CLASSIC PLAN
     https://www.uasys.e       If you select the Classic Plan, you will have mid-range premiums & mid-range out- of-
                               pocket costs. There are no benefits for out-of-network providers other than for true
  • Go to “Benefits”           emergencies. Participants are eligible for a healthcare FSA—see pages 16 &17.
  • Click on Health &
    Wellness - Medical
                               HEALTH SAVINGS PLAN
  • Click on Medical
                               If you select the Health Savings Plan, you will have the lowest monthly premiums but
    Benefit Summary
                               will have the highest out-of-pocket costs. Services for out-of-network providers will be
    Plan Description
                               covered at reduced rates. Participants are eligible for a Health Savings Account (HSA)—
                               see pages 16 and 17.

                               PREMIER PLAN
                               If you select the Premier Plan, you will pay the highest monthly premiums but will have
                               the lowest out-of-pocket costs. Services for out-of-network providers will be covered
                               at reduced rates. Eligible for a healthcare FSA—see pages 16 & 17.
 Who can I cover?
 • Your lawful spouse
  • Children from birth to
    the date they turn 26
  • Children include
    biological child,
    legally adopted child,
    stepchild, and eligible
    foster child
  • Dependent Eligibility
    required. See “How                                          Find A Provider
    Do I Enroll” pages 28-
    29 for additional                        Medical – UMR                           Pharmacy - MedImpact
    information                •   Go to UMR’s website – www.umr.com        •   Go to MedImpact’s website –
                               •   Click on “Find a Provider”                   mp.medimpact.com/uas
                               •   Choose the “University of Arkansas       •   Click on “Create an account” and set up
                                   System” to search for an in-network          your login
                                   provider                                 •   Click on “Pharmacy Search”

6 Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits
University of Arkansas System Medical Plans Comparison Summary
Beginning January 1, 2022, here’s what you’ll pay under each medical plan.

                                             Classic Plan                               Premier Plan                    Health Savings Plan

                                 SmartCare         Non-SmartCare            SmartCare         Non-SmartCare         SmartCare      Non-SmartCare
                    Individual       $800                  $1,350               $400                   $800                      $2,800
                     Family         $1,600                 $2,700               $800                  $1,600                     $5,400
 Coinsurance                         20%                    25%                 15%                    20%             5%                  10%
                                   $4,750;                                    $2,550;
 Out-of-            Individual     Wellness:            $5,250;               Wellness:            $3,050;           $6,250               $6,750
 Pocket                             $3,350          Wellness: $3,850           $2,050          Wellness: $2,550
                                   $9,500;                                    $5,100;
                     Family        Wellness:           $10,500;               Wellness:            $6,100;           $12,300              $13,300
                                    $6,700          Wellness: $7,700           $4,100          Wellness: $5,100

 Primary Care Office                  $20                    $35                 $10                    $25
                                                                                                                     5% after          10% after
 Visit                                                                                                              deductible        deductible
                                                                                                                     5% after          10% after
 Specialist Office Visit              $40                    $55                 $30                    $45         deductible        deductible

 Preventive Care
 ACA- and ACIP-                          Plan covers 100%                           Plan covers 100%                      Plan covers 100%
 compliantwellness and
 well-baby visits,
 immunizations, and
 Disposable Medical
                                  Plan covers 100%, up to $800 in            Plan covers 100%, up to $800 in
 Supplies                                                                                                                10% after deductible
                                        disposable supplies                        disposable supplies
 Test strips, oxygen filters,
 lancets, etc.
                                   $150 copay,            $300 copay,        $150 copay,             $300 copay,
 Hospital Inpatient              then 20% after         then 25% after     then 15% after          then 20% after    5% after          10% after
 Services                          deductible             deductible         deductible              deductible     deductible        deductible

                                    $350 copay, then 25% after                 $350 copay, then 20% after
 Emergency Room Visit             deductible (waived if admitted)            deductible (waived if admitted)             10% after deductible

 Therapy Services
                                   $40 copay,             $55 copay,          $30 copay,             $45 copay,
 Speech, physical,                                                                                                   5% after          10% after
                                 then 20% after         then 25% after      then 15% after         then 20% after
 occupational (copay                                                                                                deductible        deductible
                                   deductible             deductible          deductible             deductible
 on initial evaluation
 visit only)
 Outpatient Diagnostic               20%                    25%                 15%                    20%
                                                                                                                     5% after          10% after
 Lab Services                                                                                                       deductible        deductible

 Outpatient Diagnostic             20% after
                                                          $160 copay,
                                                                              15% after
                                                                                                     $80 copay,
                                                                                                                     5% after          10% after
 Testing and Surgical             deductible
                                                        then 25% after
                                                                                                   then 20% after
                                                                                                                    deductible        deductible
 Services                                                 deductible                                 deductible

 Advanced Imaging                  $75 copay,             $150 copay,         $50 copay,             $100 copay,
                                                                                                                     5% after          10% after
 CT, PET, MRI (prior             then 20% after         then 25% after      then 15% after         then 20% after
                                                                                                                    deductible        deductible
 authorization required)           deductible             deductible          deductible             deductible
 Urgent Care Visit                                $55                                        $50                         10% after deductible

                                                                   Prescription Drugs
                    Individual                 $1,700                                     $1,700
 Out-of-                                                                                                               Combined medical and
 Pocket                                                                                                             prescription drug out-of-pocket
 Maximum             Family                    $3,400                                     $3,400                               maximum
 Tier I                                      $18 copay                                   $14 copay
 Tier II                                     $62 copay                                   $57 copay                       10% after deductible

 Tier III                                    $97 copay                                   $92 copay

                                                                                             Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits                 7
Definitions and Other Information
      Coinsurance: The percentage you pay toward the           Prior Authorizations (PA): Required for many
      cost of covered services after you pay the deductible.   complex or inpatient services and procedures.
                                                               Check the plan document or contact UMR for
      Copayment (copay): The fixed dollar amount you pay       information on PAs. These are some examples
      each time you receive a covered service or supply.       of services requiring PA:
      Deductible: The fixed dollar amount you pay each          •   Admission to inpatient facilities or partial
      year before the plan pays for covered services. In-           hospitalization units
      network and out-of-network deductibles accumulate
      separately and do not cross apply.                        •   Referral to out-of-network care
                                                                •   Prenatal/maternity care
      EBRx: A UAMS service that provides prior
      authorization, appeal, and exception support for          •   Home health services
      the health plan pharmacy program. Contact EBRx            •   Infusion services
      at 501.214.2156 or toll-free at 833.650.0475.             •   Hospice
      Emergency Room Visits: The emergency room                 •   Transplants
      visit copayment is waived if you’re admitted to           •   All advanced imaging (e.g., MRI, CT, stress test)
      the hospital.

      MedImpact: Provides pharmacy network access,             SmartCare: An additional benefit for participants
      customer service, and formulary support for              using University medical facilities at the University of
      the health plan pharmacy program. Contact                Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), University
      MedImpact Pharmacy Services at 800.788.2949 or           of Arkansas Fayetteville, and University of Arkansas
      mp.medimpact.com/uas.                                    at Little Rock. Not all covered services and supplies
                                                               are available through SmartCare; the SmartCare
      Out-of-Network Care: Not available to those              benefit does not transfer to other non-University
      enrolled in the Classic Plan (other than emergency       providers or facilities.
      services and services with prior authorization).
      The health plan has an extensive network of local         •   UAMS SmartCare: 501.686.8749
      and national providers, facilities, and centers of        •   University of Arkansas Fayetteville SmartCare:
      excellence. Additional out-of-pocket expenses apply           479.575.4451
      to non-network providers and services.
                                                                •   University of Arkansas at Little Rock
      Out-of-Pocket Maximum: The most you pay toward                SmartCare: 501.569.3188
      your deductible, coinsurance, and copayments
      (combined) in any calendar year. The out-of-pocket       UMR: Provides customer services, prior authorization,
                                                               network access, and appeals reviews for the health
      maximum does not include the prescription drug
                                                               plan. Contact UMR Health Plan Customer Service at
      out-of-pocket maximum (Classic and Premier plans)
      or non-covered services.                                 888.438.6105 or umr.com.

      Preventive Care Services: Include well-baby/
      child visits, annual wellness exams, screenings, and
      immunizations, as provided in the ACA and ACIP

8   Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits
Infertility Treatment

In 2019, Infertility Treatment was added as a benefit of the University of Arkansas Health Plan. The maximum lifetime
benefit is $17,500. Coverage includes: Associated IVF prescription drugs, Artificial insemination, Gamete intrafallopian
tube transfer (GIFT), Intracytoplasmic sperm injections (ICSI), Medical costs for donor sperm/eggs, and genetic testing to
diagnose infertility. Some exclusions apply. Talk to a Benefits Representative for more information.

Claims Appeals
Employees who disagree with a denial of a medical claim or a rescission of coverage determination can request that the
Plan review its initial determination by submitting a written request to the Plan. There are two levels of internal appeal
and a third level through a right to an external review. There are timelines and specific procedures for all three levels of
the appeals process. For more information and assistance with filing an appeal, please reach out to a Benefits
Representative or refer to the Plan Description found on the UA System website: https://benefits.uasys.edu/health-and-

Monthly Health Coverage Premiums
Health Insurance premiums at the University of Arkansas are divided among six different salary bands. Employees in the
lower salary bands receive a larger percentage employer contribution than employees in the higher salary bands. On
the next page you will find listed the employee premiums for Health Coverage. Note, employees who are less than
100% appointed will be in the salary band of their equivalent 100% appointed salary. See page 11 for a graph of all
health premiums.

Prescription Drugs
The prescription part of the University of Arkansas Health Coverage plan is administered by MedImpact. MedImpact has
a nation-wide network of pharmacies, including most chains. The UA prescription drug formulary is maintained by the
University of Arkansas System Pharmacy Advisory Committee, which is composed of faculty and clinical pharmacists,
physicians and nurse practitioners who advise the Committee on the most recent medical research results. The
Committee’s recommendations are based on the latest available evidence-based studies.

You pay one co-payment for each 30-day supply of drugs. Certain maintenance medications will allow you to get a 90-
day supply (one copayment for each 30-day supply) after you have filled two 30-day supplies.

Specialty Drug Distribution Program

MedImpact Direct Specialty will handle claims for all specialty drugs. These drugs will be filled through one of three
partnered pharmacies: UAMS, Kroger, and US Bioservices. If you are on one of the following medications, you will need
to set up an account with one of the partnered pharmacies to fill your prescriptions: Humira, Enbrel, Otezla, Xolair,
Imbrucvica, Revlimit, Ibrance, Xtandi, Jakafi, Venclextra, Imatinib, Deplixent, Gilenya, Stelara, Tecfidera, Cimzia, Glatopa,
or Capecitabine. Please call 1-877-391-1103 for questions regarding this program. This program does not affect your tier,
copay, or coinsurance.

                                                                                  Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits   9
Wellness Benefits
The University of Arkansas health coverage plan promotes wellness. Annual physicals, annual OB/GYN exams and
well-baby visits are covered at 100%. New employees enrolled in UA health coverage will be required to complete
a Tobacco/Nicotine Pledge. Employees who do not complete the Tobacco/Nicotine Pledge or do not certify their
enrollment in a tobacco cessation program or who elect to continue to use tobacco/nicotine will be charged a $50
per month Tobacco Surcharge, in addition to the monthly premium. Nine-month appointed faculty will pay a
prorated amount over nine months. All employees will recertify annually.

Nutritional Counseling
One annual visit with a dietitian and up to 3 additional visits in conjunction with health coaching for those who have a
BMI of 27 or above. For 3 additional visits, prior authorization is required and continued approval contingent upon
program compliance.
Real Appeal
Real Appeal is an online weight loss program available to you at no additional cost through our health benefits plan.
With Real Appeal, you get a transformation coach who leads online group sessions; online tools to help track your food,
activity, and weight loss progress; and a success kit with recipes, scales, workout DVDs and more shipped right to your
door. Get started today at www.enroll.realappeal.com. Have your health insurance ID card accessible during enrollment.
Bariatric Surgical Procedures
Bariatric Surgical Procedures are covered if you have a body mass index of 40 without co-morbidity or BMI of 35 or
greater with obesity-related co-morbid medical conditions including hypertension, cardiopulmonary condition, sleep
apnea, diabetes, or any life threatening or serious medical condition that is weight induced. You must demonstrate that
dietary attempts at weight control have been ineffective through completion of a structured diet program such as
Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig; and within the 12 month period immediately prior to the request for the surgical
treatment have completed a structured physician-supervised diet program of no less than six months duration and
including all the following: documentation in the medical record of participation by the physician, no weight gain during
the program, behavior modification supervised by a qualified professional, consultation with and participation in a
reduced-calorie diet program supervised by a dietician or nutritionist, and exercise regimen (unless contraindicated).
Completion of a psychological examination of the member’s readiness and fitness for surgery and the necessary
postoperative lifestyle changes must also be completed. Facilities for procedures are restricted to accreditation under
ACS, ASMBS and MBSAQIP. No experimental or investigational procedures will be covered. Procedures are limited to
one procedure and one revision per lifetime. Cosmetic procedures are not included. Patients must be 18 years of age or
older. See the plan document for more information.
Disease Management
• The Smoking Cessation Program provides free PCP visits and $0.00 copayments for Chantix, a medication for
  nicotine addiction.
• By participating in the Pregnancy Management Program, you’ll receive a $300 discount off of hospital expenses if
  you enroll in the 1st trimester or $150 if you enroll in your 2nd trimester. For more information, call UMR at 1-888-
• The Metabolic Weight Loss programs can qualify you for up to a $1,000/lifetime benefit for individuals with a BMI of
  30 and above who participate in coaching. Prior authorization required. Call UMR at 888-438-6105 for more

10       Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits
Jul 2021             Salary Tiers                      Classic Plan                Health Savings Plan                    Premier Plan
75%-100%         Salaries Below $39,000               12-Month         *9-Month        12-Month       *9-Month            12-Month        *9-Month
Appointed       Employee Only                          $79.16           $105.55          $55.73         $74.30            $304.72           $406.30
                Employee & Spouse                     $317.94           $423.92         $143.00        $190.67            $864.94           $1,153.25
                Employee & Child(ren)                 $227.41           $303.21         $108.91        $145.21            $646.87           $862.49
                Emp., Sp. & Child(ren)                $407.78           $543.71         $179.74        $239.66            $1,160.20         $1,546.94
                 Salaries $39,000-$54,999             12-Month        *9-Month         12-Month       *9-Month            12-Month        *9-Month
                Employee Only                          $87.08           $116.11          $62.85         $83.80            $312.64           $416.86
                Employee & Spouse                     $340.65           $454.20         $165.71        $220.95            $887.65           $1,183.53
                Employee & Child(ren)                 $250.15           $333.53         $131.65        $175.53            $669.61           $892.81
                Emp., Spouse & Child(ren)             $439.15           $585.53         $211.11        $281.48            $1,191.57         $1,588.76
Note:            Salaries $55,000-$99,999             12-Month        *9-Month         12-Month       *9-Month            12-Month        *9-Month

Employees       Employee Only                          $94.18           $125.57          $69.24         $92.32            $319.74           $426.32
who are         Employee & Spouse                     $363.36           $484.48         $188.42        $251.23            $910.36           $1,213.81
less than       Employee & Child(ren)                 $272.89           $363.85         $154.39        $205.85            $692.35           $923.13
100%            Emp., Spouse & Child(ren)             $486.20           $648.27         $258.16        $344.22            $1,238.62         $1,588.76
appointed       Salaries $100,000-$149,999            12-Month        *9-Month         12-Month       *9-Month            12-Month         *9-Month
will be in      Employee Only                          $95.79           $127.72          $70.69         $94.26            $321.35           $428.47
the salary
                Employee & Spouse                     $386.07           $514.76        $211.13         $281.51            $933.07           $1,244.09
tier equal to
                Employee & Child(ren)                 $291.08           $388.11        $172.58         $230.11            $710.54           $947.39
their 100%
                Emp., Sp. & Child(ren)                $525.41           $700.55        $297.37         $396.50            $1,277.83         $1,703.78
                 Salaries above $150,000              12-Month        *9-Month         12-Month       *9-Month            12-Month        *9-Month
                Employee Only                          $97.34           $129.79          $72.09         $96.12            $322.90           $430.54
                Employee & Spouse                     $420.14           $560.19        $245.20         $326.94            $967.14           $1,289.52
                Employee & Child(ren)                 $318.37           $424.49        $199.87         $266.49            $737.83           $983.77
                Emp., Spouse & Child(ren)             $564.62           $752.83        $336.58         $448.78            $1,317.04         $1,756.06
                 Salaries Below $39,000               12-Month        *9-Month         12-Month       *9-Month            12-Month        *9-Month
                Employee Only                         $180.92          $241.23         $147.31         $196.42            $406.48            $541.98
                Employee & Spouse                     $522.33          $696.44         $347.39         $463.19            $1,069.33          $1,425.77
                Employee & Child(ren)                 $397.97          $530.62         $279.47         $372.62            $817.43            $1,089.90
                Emp., Sp. & Child(ren)                $697.93           $930.57        $469.89         $626.52            $1,450.35         $1,933.80
                 Salaries $39,000-$54,999             12-Month        *9-Month         12-Month       *9-Month            12-Month        *9-Month
                Employee Only                         $186.86           $249.15        $152.66         $203.54            $412.42           $549.90
                Employee & Spouse                     $539.36           $719.15        $364.42         $485.90            $1086.36          $1,448.48
                Employee & Child(ren)                 $415.02           $553.36        $296.52         $395.36            $834.48           $1,112.64
                Emp., Sp. & Child(ren)                $721.46           $961.94        $493.42         $657.89            $1,473.88         $1,965.17
                Salaries $55,000-$99,999              12-Month        *9-Month         12-Month       *9-Month            12-Month        *9-Month
                Employee Only                         $192.19          $256.25         $157.45         $209.93            $417.75           $557.00
                Employee & Spouse                     $556.39           $741.86        $381.45         $508.61            $1,103.39         $1,471.19
                Employee & Child(ren)                 $432.08          $576.10         $313.58         $418.10            $851.54           $1,135.38
                Emp., Sp. & Child(ren)                $756.74         $1,008.99        $528.70         $704.94            $1,509.16         $2,012.22
who are
                Salaries $100,000-$149,999            12-Month        *9-Month         12-Month       *9-Month            12-Month        *9-Month
less than
100%            Employee Only                         $193.40           $257.86        $158.54         $211.39            $418.96           $558.61
appointed       Employee & Spouse                     $573.43           $764.57        $398.49         $531.32            $1,120.43         $1,493.90
will be in      Employee & Child(ren)                 $445.72           $594.29        $327.22         $436.29            $865.18           $1,153.57
the salary      Emp. Sp. & Child(ren)                 $786.15         $1,048.20        $558.11         $744.15            $1,538.57         $2,051.43
tier equal to    Salaries above $150,000              12-Month        *9-Month         12-Month       *9-Month            12-Month        *9-Month
their 100%      Employee Only                         $194.56           $259.41        $159.59         $212.78            $420.12           $560.16
appointed       Employee & Spouse                     $598.98           $798.64        $424.04         $565.39            $1,145.98         $1,527.97
salary.         Employee & Child(ren)                 $466.19           $621.58        $347.69         $463.58            $885.65           $1,180.86
                Emp. Sp. & Child(ren)                 $815.56         $1,087.41        $587.52         $783.36            $1,567.98         $2,090.64
*9-Month Premiums. Faculty on a 9-month appointment and staff members paying benefits over 9 months’ pay an additional premium September through
May to prepay for the following June, July, and August. These 9-month premiums are calculated assuming that the premiums will begin in
September and will remain unchanged for a 12-month period (through the following August). If changes are made October or later, 9M employees will have
to pay an extra premium through the following May to assure that sufficient premiums will be collected to pre-pay for the following summer.

                                                                                                  Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits 11
Dental Coverage
 Additional Information           The University of Arkansas Dental Coverage plan is designed to assist you in
 Go to Human Resources’           maintaining good oral health. The plan helps you pay for basic dental exams,
 website to find the Dental       restorative care, cleaning services and preventive services. It also covers more
 Plan Summary and other           intensive and specialty dental needs including fluoride treatments, extractions, oral
 additional information.
                                  surgery, crowns, bridges, spacers and implants. The dental plan is administered by
  • Go to http://hr.uark.edu/
                                  Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield but is self-insured by the University of Arkansas.
  • Go to “Benefits”
  • Click on Dental Coverage        SCHEDULE OF DENTAL SERVICES
    Claims, and Appeals
                              Individual Deductible – (Basic and Major Services) $50
                              Family Deductible – 2 Family Members (Basic and Major Services) $100
                              Annual Maximum Payment – Per Person Per Calendar Year $1,500
 Who can I cover?             Orthodontic Lifetime Maximum – $2,000
 • Your lawful spouse         Benefit Period – A benefit period for each eligible participant shall mean a calendar
                              year, the period from January 1st to December 31st of each year. Applies to
 • Children from birth to the
                              Coverage A, B and C
    date they turn 26
  • Children include                                                                     In Network       Out-of-Network
    biological child, legally                 TYPE A CHARGES: PREVENTIVE SERVICES (not subject to deductible)
    adopted child, stepchild         Exams                                                  100%                90%
    and eligible foster child        Radiographic Images (X-rays)                           100%                90%
  • Dependent Eligibility            Fluoride Treatment                                     100%                90%
    Documentation required.          Prophylaxis (cleaning)                                 100%                90%
    See “How Do I Enroll”            Sealants                                               100%                90%
    pages 28-29 for additional                          TYPE B CHARGES: BASIC RESTORATIVE SERVICES
                                     Fillings                                                80%                72%
                                     Extractions                                             80%                72%
                                     Surgical and Non-Surgical Periodontics                  80%                72%
                                     Endodontics (root canals)                               80%                72%
                                     Anesthesia                                              80%                72%
                                                       TYPE C CHARGES: MAJOR RESTORATIVE SERVICES
                                     Inlays, Onlays, Crowns                                  50%                45%
                                     Partials and Dentures                                   50%                45%
 How to register for                 Implants                                                50%                45%
 Dental Xtra
                                        ORTHODONTICE SERIVCES limited to covered persons to age 18 (not subject to
 Go to Arkansas Blue Cross
 Blue Shield’s website at
                                     Diagnostic, Active, Restorative Treatment               50%                40%
 ansas.com and select the                                           DENTAL XTRA (Included)
 “Enroll Now” button in the          Two additional cleanings covered per year (a total of four) for members with one of
 Dental Xtra section. You’ll         the following qualifying conditions: diabetes, coronary artery disease, oral cancer,
 receive a letter telling you        Sjogren’s syndrome, stroke or pregnancy. Dental Xtra benefits may not be combined
 about the additional dental         by members with more than one condition.
 benefits you’re eligible to                                           ROLLOVER BENEFIT
 receive.                            In-Network calendar-       Yearly     Available Rollover amount       Accumulated
                                          year aggregate      Threshold     to use next year/beyond           Rollover
                                            maximum            Amount                                        Maximum
                                              $1,500            $750                  $375                     $1,500

12 Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits
Dental Coverage
ROLLOVER BENEFIT                                                                            Find a Provider
If no more than $750 claims dollars are paid in a calendar year and if you have              • Visit Arkansas Blue Cross
at least one dental claim for the calendar year, your calendar year coverage                   Blue Shield’s website:
maximum will increase by $375, up to a maximum of $1,500. You can stockpile                    uasdental.blueadvantage
$1,500 total rollover dollars.                                                                 arkansas.com
                                                                                             • Click on Search
CHOOSING YOUR DENTAL NETWORK                                                                 • Enter your zip code and
You have the freedom to choose any licensed dentist for covered services.                      select the number of
However, it works to your advantage to choose a dentist from the Arkansas                      miles you are willing to
Dental Select Plus network. You’ll get the deepest discounts and pay less out of               drive
pocket when you choose a dentist from the Arkansas Dental Select Plus                        • Enter name or specialty
network of providers. If you visit an out-of-network dentist, you may be                       type
required to complete forms yourself or pay a service charge to the dentist.                  • Click Search
Payment to the out-of-network dentist will be based on Arkansas Blue Cross
Blue Shield fee schedule and not billed charges. You are responsible for paying
100% of any amounts over the fee schedule, plus your percentage portion of
the fee schedule amount.

Monthly Dental Premiums

                                               Campus, System Office,
                                                  CJI, Arch Survey
75%-100% Appointed                                   12 Mon                    9 Mon*
Employee Only                                         $16.00                    $21.33
Employee & Spouse                                     $33.00                    $44.00
Employee & Child(ren)                                 $27.85                    $37.13
Emp. Spouse & Child(ren)                              $44.85                    $59.80
50%-74% Appointed                                    12 Mon                    9 Mon*
Employee Only                                         $21.44                    $28.59
Employee & Spouse                                     $44.22                    $58.96
Employee & Child(ren)                                 $37.32                    $49.76
Emp. Spouse & Child(ren)                              $60.10                    $80.13

*9 Month Premiums: Faculty on a 9-month appointment pay an additional premium
September through May to prepay for the following summer, paying for 12 months (Sept-Aug)
over 9 months (Sept-May). Nine-month faculty starting after September will pay a higher
premium to adequately fund the following summer. For example, if a 9-month faculty
member begins benefits Oct 1 and selects Family coverage, he would need to pay for 11
months of coverage (Oct-Aug) over 8 months (Oct-May). Using the 12-month premium to
calculate, monthly premiums through May would be: ($44.85 x 11) ÷ 8 = $61.67.

                                                                                 Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits 13
Vision Insurance
Additional Information              Vision Insurance, in partnership with EyeMed, is available to you through your
Go to the Human Resources           employment with the University of Arkansas. Vision Insurance helps lower your
website to find additional          out-of-pocket costs when getting an eye exam and purchasing glasses or
info about Vision Insurance.        contacts.
 • Go to http://hr.uark.edu/
 • Go to “Benefits”                 EyeMed provides primary vision care benefits including eye examinations,
 • Click on Vision Plan             prescription eyewear, and contact lenses through a nation-wide network of both
                                    ophthalmologists and optometrists. EyeMed contracts with both local providers
                                    and many national and regional chain locations.

                                    Participation in Vision Insurance is required for the full calendar year; you cannot
                                    cancel coverage or delete eligible dependents during the calendar year.

                                                    BASIC PLAN                                         ENHANCED PLAN
Co-Payments                       Exam¹                                $10              Exam¹                                $10
Services/Frequency                Exam                     1 per plan year              Exam                          1 per plan year
                                  Frames                1 per 2 plan years              Frames                        1 per plan year
                                  Lenses                   1 per plan year              Lenses                        1 per plan year
                                  Contact Lenses           1 per plan year              Contact Lenses                1 per plan year
Benefits⁵                              In-Network           Out-of-Network                   In-Network               Out-of-Network
Frames                             $125 retail allowance¹      Up to $91                $150 retail allowance¹           Up to $105
Contact Lens Fitting                    $25 co-pay             Up to $40                     $25 co-pay                  Up to $40
Contact Lens Fitting                      $25 co-pay                 Up to $40                $25 co-pay                  Up to $40
Lenses (standard) per pair:
   Single Vision                       $25 co-pay                    Up to $30              $20 co-pay                    Up to $30
   Bifocal                             $25 co-pay                    Up to $50              $20 co-pay                    Up to $50
   Trifocal                            $25 co-pay                    Up to $70              $20 co-pay                    Up to $70
   Lenticular                          $25 co-pay                    Up to $70              $20 co-pay                    Up to $70
   Progressive (standard)              $80 co-pay                    Up to $50              $20 co-pay                    Up to $50
   Progressive (premium)             $110-200 co-pay                 Up to $50            $50-195 co-pay                  Up to $50
Contact Lenses³ ⁴                  $120 retail allowance             Up to $84          $150 retail allowance             Up to $105

Co-pays apply to in-network benefits; co-pays for out-if-network visits are deducted from reimbursements.
¹Exams at Plus Providers are $0 co-pay. Frame allowances at Plus Providers increase by $50.
²Standard includes contact lens fit and two follow-up visits; Premium includes 10% off retail price, then apply $40 allowance
³Conventional & Disposable (in network): $0 copay; 15% off balance over $120 allowance; Medically Necessary: $0 copay; paid in full
⁴Contacts – Out of Network: Conventional/Disposable: up to $84; Medically Necessary: up to $210
⁵Plan allows member to receive either contacts and frame, or frames and lens services

14 Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits
Vision Insurance
                                                                                           Who can I cover?
                                                                                           • Your lawful spouse
                                                                                           • Children from birth to the
Participants should check the EyeMed provider directory for providers who                     date they turn 26
offer discounts for additional purchases. Discounts may vary by lens types and              • Children include biological
are subject to change without notice. Discounts do not apply if prohibited by                 child, legally adopted child,
the manufacturer.                                                                             stepchild and eligible foster
                                                                                            • Dependent Eligibility
   LENS OPTIONS                                                                               Documentation required.
                                            In-Network          Out-of-Network                See “How Do I Enroll” pages
                                                                                              28-29 for additional
    Anti-Reflective Coating – Standard      $45                 Up to $23                     information.

    Anti-Relective Coating – Premium        $57-85              Up to $23
                                                                                           How to use the plan -
    Photochromic – Non-Glass                $75                 Not covered                Network Provider
                                                                                           • Identify yourself as a
    Polycarbonate – Standard                $40                 Not Covered                  EyeMed Vision participant
                                                                                             and present your EyeMed
    Scratch Coating – Standard Plastic      $15 bas/$0 enh      Not Covered
                                                                                             ID card.
    Tint – Solid and Gradient               $15                 Not Covered                • Provider will call EyeMed to
                                                                                             verify your coverage and
    UV Treatment                            $15 bas/$0 enh      Not Covered                  obtain an authorization
    All Other Lens Options                  $20% off retail     Not Covered                • Network provider handles
                                                                                             all claims & paperwork.
   •   Hearing Care from Amplifon Network: Up to 64% off hearing aids; call
       1.877.203.0675 for more information                                                 Find a Provider
   •   LASIK or PRK from U.S. Laser Network: 15% off retail or 5% off promo price;           • Go to EyeMed’s website
       call 1.800.988.4221 for more information                                                  at www.eyemed.com
                                                                                             •   Click on Find an eye
                                                                                             •   Choose Insight network
 Monthly Vision Insurance Premiums                                                               and select either Use
                                                                                                 My Location or Enter
                                        BASIC                   ENHANCED
                                                                                                 your zip code and select
                                   12 Mon 9 Mon*           12 Mon         9 Mon*                 Search by Zip; you can
  Employee Only                      $4.69  $6.25             9.48         $12.64                also search by doctor’s
                                                                                                 name or by Online
  Employee & Spouse                  $9.31 $12.41           $18.74         $24.99
  Employee & Child(ren)              $9.11 $12.15           $18.37         $24.49                providers
  Family                            $13.85 $18.47           $27.92         $37.23

        *9-Month Premiums: Faculty on a 9-month appointment pay an additional
        premium September through May to prepay for the following summer,
        paying for 12 months (Sept-Aug) over 9 months (Sept-May).

                                                                                Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits 15
 Additional Information          Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
 Go to Human Resources’
 website to find the FSA SPD     Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) are tax-exempt accounts that you can use to
 and other information:          pay for eligible medical, dental, vision, prescription, and dependent day care
  • Go to                        expenses. Your contributions to an FSA are deducted from your pay before
    http://hr.uark.edu/          taxes, which lowers your taxable income. You have two FSA options:
  • Go to “Benefits “
                                     • Healthcare FSA – Employees who participate in the Health Savings Plan
  • Click on FSA’s & HSA’s             are not eligible for the Healthcare FSA. All other benefits-eligible
                                       employees are eligible to participate in a Healthcare FSA.
 Important FSA Info:                 • Dependent (day) Care Account – All benefits-eligible employees are
  • There can be no transfer           eligible to participate in the Dependent Care FSA.
    of funds between             You elect your contribution for the remainder of the calendar year within 31
                                 days of your benefits-eligible appointment date and annually after that during
  • Expenses must in
                                 Open Enrollment. Contributions will be deducted from your paycheck exempt
    incurred from the 1st
    day of the plan year, or     from taxes. You will have access to your full Healthcare FSA annual contribution
    your eligibility date,       amount any time during the year.
    through December 31,                                 Healthcare FSA                  Dependent Care FSA
    or your termination
                                    Eligibility          All eligible employees,         All eligible employees
    date, whichever comes
                                                         excluding those participating
                                                         in the Health Savings Plan
  • You must re-enroll in
                                    2021 Contribution    $2,750                          $5,000 (married & filing jointly
    FSAs every year during
                                    Maximum                                              or single)
    the annual enrollment
                                                                                         $2,500 (married and filing
  • Reimbursement                   Plan Year Rollover   Any amount between $50 up       Unused funds are forfeited*
    requests must be made
                                                         to $550*
    no later than March 31
                                    Eligible Expenses    Medical, prescription drug,     Dependent care expenses for
    of the following year.
                                                         dental & vision expenses,       daycare or after-school care
  • If you use your FSA                                  including copays, coinsurance   expenses for a child under age
    Benny Card to pay for                                & deductibles                   13, an elderly person or a
    your healthcare                                                                      person with disabilities as long
    expenses, save your                                                                  as you claim them as a
    receipts. You may be                                                                 dependent on your tax return.
    required to provide                                                                  Expenses must be incurred
    documentation that it                                                                because you & your spouse are
    was an eligible expense.                                                             working or looking for work.
                                    Paying for           Pay for expenses directly       Receive a reimbursement by
  *You have until December
                                    Expenses             with a UMR FSA debit card or    submitting a reimbursement
  31, 2022, to spend your
                                                         receive a reimbursement by      claim form & itemized receipt
  2021 Dependent Care and
                                                         submitting a reimbursement
  Healthcare FSA balance;
                                                         claim form & itemized receipt
  you must submit claims by
  March 15, 2023; unused
  2021 funds after March         Additional information about eligible covered services
  15, 2023, are forfeited.       You can get additional information from the New Employee Benefits Enrollment
                                 section of HR’s website or UMR’s website at www.umr.com. Publications 502
                                 (Health Care Reimbursement) and 503 (Dependent Care) will provide the most
                                 detailed information and are available from www.irs.gov.
16 Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits
Health Savings Accounts (HSA)                                                           2022 UA HSA Contributions
Once you enroll in the Health Savings Plan, you will open a Health Savings               • Individual: Up to $500
Account (HSA) with Optum Bank. You’ll receive a debit card to pay for your               • Family: Up to $1,000
eligible health care expenses, along with detailed information about your               Half of the UA contribution
account.                                                                                will be deposited in January
                                                                                        and half will be deposited in
The IRS requires the following in order for you to enroll in an HSA:                    September. Contributions for
 • You must be enrolled in the Health Savings Plan.                                     new hires whose coverage
 • You can’t have other health coverage that pays for out-of-pocket health              begins after January will be
   care expenses before you meet your plan deductible.                                  pro-rated based on your start
 • You or your spouse can’t have a Healthcare FSA or Health Reimbursement
   Account (HRA) in the same year that you have an HSA.
 • You can’t be eligible for or enrolled in Medicare, covered by TRICARE, or
   have received Veterans Administration (VA) benefits in the three previous
   months.                                                                              It’s Your Money
 • You can’t be claimed as a dependent by someone else.                                 Money in your HSA is always
                                                                                        yours – if you don’t use your
What’s Right for Me – FSA versus HSA                                                    entire balance, it will roll over
                                                                                        to the next year. Also, if you
                          Healthcare FSA                        HSA
                                                                                        leave UA employment, you
2021              $2,750 pre-tax                    • Individual: $3,650 pre-tax        can take the account with you.
Contribution      Elect contribution amount for     • Family: $7,300 pre-tax
Maximum           the year at new hire and
                  during Open Enrollment. No       Includes University
                  changes allowed during the       contributions. $1,000
                  year without an eligible         additional catch-up
                  qualifying event.                contribution allowed if you
                                                   are 55 or older.
Plan Year         Any amount over $50 up to        Any amount
Rollover          $550
Account           Account is owned by the          You own the account. You
Ownership         University. If you leave, you    can take it with you if you
                  can continue to use it through   leave the University or retire.
                  COBRA; once COBRA ends
                  account balance is forfeited.
Account Growth     • Your contributions              • Your contributions
                                                     • University contributions
                                                     • Transfers
                                                     • Interest
                                                     • Investment income
Access to Funds   Full yearly contribution any      Only funds deposited in the
                  time during the plan year         account
Reimbursement     File eligible claims for the plan HSA funds can be used to pay
                  year by March 31 of the           for any eligible services
                  following year                    incurred after your start date
Eligible          Copayments or deductibles, dental care, vision care, qualifying
Expenses          prescriptions, certain medical equipment. For a full list of
                  qualified medical expenses, visit www.irs.gov.
                                                                               Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits 17
 Additional Information            LIFE INSURANCE
 Go to Human Resources’
 website to find the Life          Life insurance provides a payment to family or other beneficiaries in the event
 Insurance SPD and other           of death. Coverage is provided by Standard Insurance Company (The
                                   Standard). The University of Arkansas provides Basic Life insurance to you at
  • Go to http://hr.uark.edu/
                                   no cost. Participation is mandatory and your coverage is equal to one time
  • Go to “Benefits”               your Annual Earnings, rounded to the next higher multiple of $1,000, if not
  • Go to “Catastrophic            already a multiple of $1,000, not to exceed $50,000.00.
                                   You may purchase an additional one, two, three or four times your salary (up
                                   to a maximum of $500,000), by enrolling in the Additional Life insurance.
                                   You pay 100% of the cost for Additional Life Insurance.
 Who can I cover?                  You may purchase Dependents Life Insurance to cover your eligible family
 (Dependents Life &                members. The benefit is payable to you in the event of their death. You may
 AD&D)                             choose $10,000, $15,000 or $20,000 coverage for your spouse. Children are
  • A person to whom you are
                                   covered at one-half of the elected spouse’s coverage.
    legally married.
  • Children from live birth to
    the date they turn 26             Coverage                       Monthly Cost – paid with after tax dollars
  • Disabled child                    BASIC LIFE INSURANCE           Coverage is mandatory & 100% paid by the University.
    (documentation required)                                         Coverage is optional & 100% paid by the employee.
                                      ADDITIONAL LIFE
  • Children include biological       INSURANCE                      Current Age            12 Mon        9 Mon*
    child, legally adopted                                           Less than 30          $0 .037      $ 0.049
    child, stepchild, foster                                         30 but
    •     Pre-trip Assistance;
    •     Trip Assistance;
    •     Medical Assistance;
    •     Legal Assistance
    •     Emergency Transportation Services;
    •     Personal Security Services.
                                                                                            Additional Information
ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT (AD&D) INSURANCE                                           Go to Human Resources’
You may purchase Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance for yourself,                   website to find the AD&D
your spouse and your eligible dependent children in the event of accidental                 Insurance SPD and other
death (full benefit) or dismemberment (partial benefit). Coverage is provided               information.
by Standard Insurance Company (The Standard). If you enroll in family                        • Go to http://hr.uark.edu/
coverage, your spouse is covered at 60% of your elected dollar coverage and                  • Go to “Benefits”
children are covered at 20% of your elected dollar coverage (up to a maximum                 • Go to “Catastrophic
coverage for children of $25,000).                                                             Care Benefits”
Coverage amounts are available in $25,000 increments up to a maximum
coverage of $300,000.

   Coverage           Monthly Cost – paid with after tax dollars
                   12Mon Single      Family          9 Mon* Single        Family
         $25,000         $0.38        $0.75                 $0.51          $1.00
                                                                                            AD&D Reduction Due to
         $50,000         $0.75        $1.50                 $1.00          $2.00
         $75,000         $1.13        $2.25                 $1.51          $3.00
                                                                                            Coverage reduces by:
        $100,000         $1.50        $3.00                 $2.00          $4.00
                                                                                              • 35% at age 70
        $125,000         $1.88        $3.75                 $2.51          $5.00
        $150,000         $2.25        $4.50                 $3.00          $6.00              • 55% at age 75
        $175.000         $2.63        $5.25                 $3.51          $7.00              • 70% at age 80
        $200,000         $3.00        $6.00                 $4.00          $8.00              • 85% at age 85.
        $225,000         $3.38        $6.75                 $4.51          $9.00
        $250,000         $3.75        $7.50                 $5.00         $10.00
        $275,000         $4.13        $8.25                 $5.51         $11.00
        $300,000         $4.50        $9.00                 $6.00         $12.00
*9-Month Premiums: Faculty on a 9-month appointment pay an additional premium
September through May to prepay for the following summer, paying for 12 months (Sept-Aug)
over 9 months (Sept-May). Nine-month faculty starting after September will pay a higher
premium to adequately fund the following summer.

AD&D Coverage
 Loss of: Life                              100% of Principle Sum Payable                   AD&D loss must occur:
          One hand or one foot               50% of Principle Sum Payable                   Within 365 days of the date
                                                                                            of the accident.
          Sight of one eye, speech,          50% of Principle Sum Payable
               or hearing in both ears
          Two or more of loses listed above 100% of Principle Sum Payable
          Thumb & index finger of same hand 25% of Principle Sum Payable
          Quadriplegia                      100% of Principle Sum Payable
          Hemiplegia                         50% of Principle Sum Payable
          Paraplegia                         75% of Principle Sum Payable

                                                                                 Guide to University of Arkansas Benefits 19
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