2015 -2020 ENGAGEMENT - AT MELBOURNE - The University of Melbourne

2015 -2020 ENGAGEMENT - AT MELBOURNE - The University of Melbourne
Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020   1

2015 –2020
2015 -2020 ENGAGEMENT - AT MELBOURNE - The University of Melbourne
2       Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020


    Preface                                 3

    Engagement at Melbourne                 4

    Vision                                  6

    Commitment 1
    Public value                            8

    Commitment 2
    Engaged students                        11

    Commitment 3
    Engaged research                    14

    Enabling strategies                 16

                                                      INNOVATION AND

                                                 Photographer: Andrew Curtis
                                                 The Melbourne Accelerator Program
                                                 is located at LAB-14, Carlton Connect,
                                                 the innovation and entrepreneurship hub
                                                 of the University. The program provides
                                                 residency, entrepreneurship training,
                                                 financial support and mentoring for
                                                 startups such as Scann3d who, using
                                                 the Oculus Rift device, developed
                                                 a 3D visualisation service for real
                                                 estate marketing content.
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Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020      3

                                               portfolio of efforts building meaningful     This strategy expands upon the
                                               connections beyond the academy. This         engagement elements set out in
The University of                              focus guides contemporary responses          the University’s overarching strategy,
Melbourne’s enduring                           to the enduring question of how the
                                               University can best serve society, and
                                                                                            Growing Esteem, detailing the
                                                                                            commitments that will support its
commitment to public                           live out its motto of ‘growing in the        aspiration for engagement to become
contribution has seen                          esteem of future generations’.               a defining feature of its institutional
                                                                                            character. The truly integrated nature
its engagement with                            Fundamental changes are prompting
                                                                                            of effective engagement is reflected
                                               universities globally to re-evaluate
society evolve over                            their relationships beyond the academy,
                                                                                            in the focus of this strategy, which
                                                                                            applies the lens of engagement to the
the generations.                               as universities move to a more central
                                                                                            full breadth of the University’s endeavours.
                                               place in the intellectual, economic
                                                                                            Our success in delivering this strategy
                                               and cultural life of their communities.
                                                                                            depends vitally on the efforts of the
                                               The role and value of institutions
                                                                                            entire University community.
                                               engaging with the wider world has
Since its founding, the University has         been emphatically affirmed, enriching        By 2020, we envisage a university that
held engagement as central to its values       the academic mission while deepening         stands as one of the finest in the world,
and purpose, ensuring that its ethos as a      the public value that universities create.   distinguished by its demonstrated
public spirited institution finds expression                                                commitment to public value.
through all of its endeavours.                 In 2015, the University sets its course
                                               for addressing the challenges and
In recent years, the University has            opportunities of engagement, and             Mr Adrian Collette AM
renewed its focus on the role and potential    bringing about a sustained outward           Vice-Principal (Engagement)
of engagement. Its place as the ‘third         shift to its institutional perspective.
strand’ of our triple helix conception         This will demand change to the               Professor Ian Anderson
of institutional strategy—albeit one           University’s established ways of             Pro Vice-Chancellor (Engagement)
intimately bound with teaching and             working, while retaining the values
research—framed engagement as both             and practices that make the University’s
an institution-wide approach underpinning      contribution uniquely valuable.
the academic mission and as a distinct
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4       Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020

Engagement at Melbourne

Once regarded as an unresolved question of
its time, the relationship between universities
and the communities they serve has shaped
universities for each generation.

An enduring commitment                                                                        A changing context
Since its establishment more than 160          the moral and intellectual life of the         Engagement encompasses the interactions
years ago, the University of Melbourne         city. Many of the buildings on campus in       between the academy and wider society,
has forged an evolving public role. With       2015—the Chemistry Building, Wilson Hall,      for the enrichment of both. For a decade,
an aspiration of ‘growing in the esteem of     the Grainger Museum, the Baillieu Library      the University has positioned this ‘third
future generations’, the University carried    and the Beaurepaire Centre—reflect the         strand’ as an explicit element of its
the expectations of an emerging city to        deep and wide-ranging scope of ongoing         character and strategy, formalising
educate the professionals it needed, as        philanthropic support for the University.      a public commitment made at the
well as leading many domains of public life.                                                  University’s founding.
                                               The University’s first salaried
To meet the city’s growing needs, the          Vice-Chancellor, Raymond Priestley,            As the concept and practice of
University expanded from its original          regarded the relationship between              engagement have matured, so too has
Bachelor of Arts to create new courses         universities and communities as one            recognition of its value to the University.
in law, engineering and medicine. Beyond       of the unresolved questions of the time.       The broadening mission of universities,
the campus, professors actively served         He advocated passionately and publicly         coupled with new expectations of the
the community as public intellectuals,         for the interests of the University, as an     established roles of teaching and research,
writing for newspapers, editing journals       institution that develops ‘the men and         has sharpened the focus on engagement
and participating in civic life. The           women who will lead the community              as a quality that is fundamental to
University’s sporting clubs established        of the future, the ideas upon which its        the public relevance and sustainability
links with the wider community, while the      future should be moulded, and the ideals       of the academic enterprise. This focus
campus gardens became a popular leisure        by which its people shall be inspired’.1       will continue to grow and mature as
destination for local residents. Some of                                                      expectations of engaged universities are
                                               Subsequent University leaders
Melbourne’s enduring cultural institutions                                                    embedded in government policy, student
                                               emphasised the pursuit of knowledge
can trace their origins to the University:                                                    choice and global rankings.
                                               and its dissemination, and the importance
State Library Victoria, the foundation
                                               of contributing to a global academic           As Growing Esteem observes, ‘Now,
stone of which was laid on the same
                                               community. By the 1980s, the notion            more than ever, a great university is global
day as that of the University in 1854; the
                                               of a University with three roles was           in impact and influence.’ Our institutional
National Museum (the predecessor to
                                               established: provision of education;           outlook is global, reflecting the diversity
Museum Victoria), which was once housed
                                               the advancement of knowledge; and              and ambitions of our students and staff,
at the Parkville campus; and the National
                                               a contribution to the intellectual, cultural   and the global platforms for leading
Gallery Art School, now the Victorian
                                               and social development of the community.       research and innovation. This need not
College of the Arts, which was founded
                                               This concept was at the core of the            imply a global presence, but extends to
at Australia’s first public art museum.
                                               University’s 2005 strategy, Growing            the reach of our ideas, the preparation of
Benefaction has long supported the             Esteem, which introduced the triple            our graduates as ‘global citizens’, and the
University’s development. Many generous        helix metaphor of three tightly bound          capacity to engage internationally with
benefactors in the University’s early          priorities: research, learning and             universities, governments and industry.
decades had little formal education            teaching, and knowledge transfer
themselves, but believed in the                (later becoming ‘engagement’).
University’s social role in advancing
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Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020       5

                                              A new direction
                                                                                                              ABOVE: YOTHU YINDI
Against new expectations of public            The breadth of endeavour encompassed                            FOUNDATION PARTNERSHIP
contribution has come an increasing           within engagement has, at times,
reliance of Australia’s public universities   challenged the University’s established                    Photographer: James Mitchelhill
on private and competitive funding. In this   systems, structures and ways of working.
                                                                                                         Gumatj leader and Yothu Yindi
context, engagement has become vital to       Guided by a belief in the potential of
                                                                                                         Foundation chairman Galarrwuy
connecting universities with non-academic     engagement, and encouraged by its
                                                                                                         Yunupingu AM (left of picture) was
partners that bring complementary skills,     successes, the University is now strongly                  awarded an Honorary Doctor of Laws by
resources and ambitions, enriching the        placed to offer a contemporary response                    the University of Melbourne at the 2015
value of teaching and research.               to Raymond Priestley’s question.                           Garma Festival. The award recognised
                                                                                                         and celebrated the significance of his
In part, this reflects the changing           As ever, the University’s academic                         work for Indigenous rights.
role of universities in the digital age.      mission must be central to our
Universities that aspire to excellence        engagement efforts, both in leading
and public contribution are increasingly      the agenda and being shaped by it.
collaborators in wider systems, connecting    Our engagement efforts will focus
with minds and resources from a               on where the University has distinctive                         LEFT: ADDRESSING THE
range of sectors to apply and advance         contributions to make and where the                             GRAND CHALLENGES
knowledge. In an era marked by the            benefits are compelling. These will
democratisation of knowledge, those           necessarily span the local, national and                   Photographer: Peter Casamento
universities most ably equipped to engage     global communities the University serves,                  The University of Melbourne is the lead
in partnerships—adept at discovering,         both in the focus and conduct of our work.                 organisation in the Victorian Organic
sharing, and exploiting knowledge—                                                                       Solar Cell Consortium (VICOSC), with
                                              This strategy builds upon an engagement                    the CSIRO and Monash University,
will emerge as leaders. Engagement
                                              tradition that extends beyond 160 years.                   a project part-funded by the state
is a valuable organisational capability,
                                              While acknowledging the value and                          government. David Jones (pictured)
ensuring the University’s students, staff
                                              achievements of the University’s                           is working on developing flexible
and systems have the agility, enterprise                                                                 plastic-based solar cells which can
                                              established engagement practice,
and direction to participate and thrive                                                                  be printed directly onto roofing tiles.
                                              the focus of the strategy is on directions
in a truly global endeavour.
                                              for change. These changes span new
                                              programs and initiatives, as well as
                                              systemic changes that can shift the
                                              orientation of the University towards
                                              a more engaged future.

                                                 RE Priestley & RT Ridley, 1940–2002, The Diary of

                                                 a Vice-Chancellor: University of Melbourne 1935–1938,
                                                 Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, p. 481.
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 By 2020, the University
 of Melbourne will shape
 its priorities, conduct
 its work and evaluate                                                                   PUBLIC
 its success through                                                                     VALUE
 the lens of engagement.


                                                            ENGAGED                                        ENGAGED
                                                            STUDENTS                                        ESEARCH

As engagement matures as an                  Public value: A commitment to public             Our commitments to engagement
institutional practice, it will become       value underpins our academic mission,            will be enabled by aligning our internal
embedded within our structures, systems,     shapes our operating practices, and              environment with our ambition, investing
culture and identity. Its purpose and        guides our contributions to intellectual,        in our people, facilitating rich exchanges
value will be shared across the University   cultural, social and economic life.              with the wider world, engaging our
and understood as part of our enduring                                                        community of alumni and supporters,
                                             Engaged students: A University
commitment to relevance and public value.                                                     and positioning engagement distinctively
                                             of Melbourne education prepares
                                                                                              within the University’s public profile.
We will recognise engagement as              graduates for lives of professional
fundamental to our success as a              contribution, leadership and active              Our vision will only be achieved
public university seeking to advance         citizenship as engaged alumni.                   by recognising engagement as an
and share knowledge in a context                                                              institutional ethos, shared throughout
                                             Engaged research: As a comprehensive,
characterised by collaborative approaches                                                     the University community. An operating
                                             research-intensive and globally engaged
to global challenges and punctuated                                                           plan will guide implementation across
                                             university, the University of Melbourne
by disruption. We will evaluate our                                                           the institution, outlining accountabilities
                                             engages beyond the academy to enrich
engagement performance and celebrate                                                          and coordinating roles within our operating
                                             its research and share advances that
our successes alongside teaching and                                                          structures. An annual report will chart
                                             shape the world.
research, recognising the value created                                                       our progress and capture the conversation
by the alignment of all three.                                                                about engagement at the University
                                                                                              of Melbourne.
Our efforts to realise this vision will
be guided by three commitments to
deepening the relevance and impact
of our academic mission across the local,
national and global domains of our work.
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Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020   7


Photographer: Lance Vun of Cameralance
Learning Partnerships such as that
established with the National Gallery of
Victoria in 2015 for the Masterpieces from
the Hermitage: The Legacy of Catherine
the Great exhibition, strengthen the
University’s commitment to cultural
impact through the integration of
publicly available education programs.
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8       Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020

Commitment 1                                 Public value
A commitment to public value underpins our academic
mission, shapes our operating practices, and guides
our contributions to intellectual, cultural, social and
economic life.

                                                                                                             INDIGENOUS RECOGNITION

                                                                                                       Photographer: Peter Casamento
                                                                                                       Respected Indigenous leader, Noel
                                                                                                       Pearson, has been appointed as the
                                                                                                       inaugural Dr Margaret Williams-Weir
                                                                                                       Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow in 2015. The
                                                                                                       fellowship program has been established
                                                                                                       in honour of the first Indigenous graduate
                                                                                                       of an Australian university, Dr Margaret
                                                                                                       Williams-Weir, to recognise Indigenous
                                                                                                       leaders and intellectuals.

                                                                                                 From its Victorian campuses, the
                                                                                                 University continues an established
                                                                                                 practice of global engagement. Much
                                                                                                 of this is through established channels
                                                                                                 for academic engagement: collaborating
                                                                                                 with international partners on global
                                                                                                 research programs and building an
Our commitment to public value manifests        We will pursue priorities that harness the       increasingly bilateral flow of students.
in the experiences and outlook of our           full breadth of the University’s capabilities,   Yet the University’s capabilities can
graduates, and in the focus and ambition        as well as creating environments that            also support targeted international
of our research.                                support academic divisions, staff and            engagement, where our academic
                                                students in their efforts to initiate and        contribution can serve particular
While engagement is anchored in these
                                                expand contributions in their fields. Our        communities abroad.
established university roles, the notion
                                                contributions will vary in nature across
of a distinct ‘third strand’ of endeavour,                                                       Our commitment to public value
                                                different geographies, reflecting our
encompassing the interactions between                                                            must be reflected in how we work
                                                identity as an Australian institution
the institution and wider society, brings                                                        as much as through the work we do.
                                                with a global outlook and aspiration.
into focus a diverse complement of efforts                                                       Our operations must reflect our values
that are fundamental to our public role and     The University has a particular opportunity      of fairness, diversity, environmental
identity. These span our active institutional   and expectation to enrich the life and           sustainability and active citizenship.
citizenship, cultural enterprise, outreach      wellbeing of Melbourne and the regions
                                                                                                 Alongside engagement led by students,
to communities of place and interest, and       it serves. These communities are vital to
                                                                                                 staff and academic divisions, the University
contribution to public policy and debate,       sustaining the University as a vibrant and
                                                                                                 will invest in six keystone engagement
and are united by a shared purpose              enjoyable place to study, work and engage.
                                                                                                 programs (KEPs). These will bring a shared
of public value and clear judgment              We will continue investing in our cultural
                                                                                                 institutional focus to programs developed
of the relevance and impact of the              and public engagement programs and
                                                                                                 with our external constituents. Each
University’s contribution.                      working with alliances of partners towards
                                                                                                 program will have a clear purpose and
                                                comprehensive place-based agendas.
The concept of ‘public value’2 reflects                                                          evaluation criteria, with some building on
the University’s public-spirited ethos.         As an Australian public institution that         established efforts and relationships while
While this notion extends to our traditional    is home to nationally significant academic       others represent new endeavours. The
teaching and research roles, its focus          capabilities and cultural collections, the       University will pursue at least one program
on the value the University creates             University has a responsibility to contribute    for each of its public value objectives, with
with and for the communities it serves          to national priorities. This includes leading    each program aligned to Growing Esteem.
has a particular resonance with the             policy conversations that are shaping
‘third strand’ of engagement.                   the nation: from policy responses to
                                                asylum seekers, to the sustainability
This portfolio will evolve as needs
                                                challenge and closing the gap
and expectations change and new                                                                  2
                                                                                                      s articulated in MH Moore, 1995, Creating Public
                                                on Indigenous disadvantage.                          Value: Strategic Management in Government,
opportunities for contribution emerge.
                                                                                                     Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.
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Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020     9

                                                                                                                              Commitment 1
                                                                                                                               Public value

Meeting our commitment

Lead and influence public conversations and policy development

                                           I.   Support our academic community            III. Facilitate policy discussions that
  KEP 01: An Influential                        and the wider public to understand             bring together academic expertise,
  Public Policy Precinct                        and participate in global conversations        policy makers and other stakeholders
                                                through our network of internationally         to bring new insight to complex
  This program will position the                focused institutes and initiatives,            policy challenges, including through
  University at the centre of one               including AsiaLink, the Australia India        the Melbourne Economic Forum
  of Australia’s most influential policy        Institute, the European Union Centre           and leadership in higher education
  precincts. We will draw upon our              on Shared Complex Challenges and               policy fora.
  established academic capabilities,            the Nossal Institute for Global Health.
  including the Melbourne School                                                          IV. Establish the Pathway to Politics
  of Government, the Centre for            II. Establish a Melbourne global                   Program for Women, a non-partisan
  Advancing Journalism, the Melbourne          health and development hub                     initiative that will develop an annual
  Institute for Applied Economic and           of non-government organisations,               cohort of female graduate students
  Social Research, our interdisciplinary       research institutions and private              and alumnae who aspire to elected
  Melbourne Research Institutes, many          interests in the Melbourne precinct            office at local, state and national levels.
  specialist research centres, as well         who share a commitment to global
  as our partnerships with The                 health and development.
  Conversation, the Grattan Institute
  and the Australian and New Zealand
  School of Government.

Contribute distinctively to the intellectual, economic, and social advancement of Victoria
                                                                                          I.   Engage our industry, government
  KEP 02: Engaging                              KEP 03: Engaged Campus                         and community partners in a shared-
  Melbourne’s West                              Neighbourhoods                                 value agenda, recognising that the
                                                                                               most complex public challenges
  The program aims to advance                   This program will strengthen                   can only be effectively addressed
  economic and social development               our civic contribution to the                  by participating in, and leading,
  priorities in the west of Melbourne.          communities in our immediate                   cooperative efforts harnessing
  This region has significant potential;        precincts. It aims to engage                   contributions from institutions
  it comprises 20 per cent of                   constructively with campus                     in each sector.
  the population of metropolitan                neighbourhoods and local
  Melbourne and is growing rapidly.             governments, recognising that             II. Articulate a social compact that
  However, it also faces pressing               our locality is part of our appeal            expresses the University’s commitment
  socio-economic challenges.                    as a place to learn, work and                 to developing relationships with
  The University will build upon                engage. The University will develop           communities of place and interest,
  its established presence and                  shared goals to align our efforts             providing a framework for engagement
  relationships in the region,                  with community aspirations.                   and setting core principles for
  designing a program to support                                                              developing mutually beneficial,
  cooperative efforts to advance                                                              multilateral partnerships.
  prosperity, health and equity in
  the region. To shape this role, the           KEP 04: Goulburn Valley
  University will work closely with
                                                This transformative, place-based
  established institutions, including
                                                program aims to advance our
  partner hospitals, tertiary education
                                                partnership with the Goulburn
  providers, governments and
                                                Valley to support social, cultural
  peak bodies.
                                                and economic development.
                                                With the Committee for Greater
                                                Shepparton, the Algabonyah
                                                Regional Indigenous Forum and
                                                other partners, the University
                                                shares a commitment to a long-
                                                term agenda to further education,
                                                research, workforce, health and
                                                cultural and creative industries
                                                in the region.
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10     Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020

Meeting our commitment (continued)                                                                                         Commitment 1
                                                                                                                            Public value

Contribute distinctively to the cultural life of Melbourne and our regions
                                           I.   Develop the Southbank campus            V. Establish Cultural Collisions, a
  KEP 05: Cultural Impact                       to place the University at the centre      biennial event that brings together
                                                of a dynamic cultural and performing       scholarly symposia, research, visual
  The University has the potential              arts precinct.                             and performing arts, to animate our
  to realise significant cultural impact                                                   campus and extend the reach and
  through our thought leadership,          II. Partner with cultural institutions
                                                                                           value of our University collections.
  research and education programs.             such as Australian Centre for the
  We will embed a more strategic               Moving Image, the National Gallery       VI. Provide leadership on best-practice
  approach to cultural engagement,             of Victoria, Museum Victoria and             policies and procedures for the use,
  aligned with the University’s                State Library Victoria to ensure             care and management of Aboriginal
  vision for research excellence               the University remains an integral           and Torres Strait Islander cultural
  with impact and a transformative             part of the city’s cultural life.            heritage through the establishment of
  student experience. By building                                                           the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                           III. Establish Science Gallery in
  an evidence base for cultural                                                             Cultural Heritage Oversight Committee.
                                                Australia, an international platform
  impact, the University will guide             for engaging the public on the          VII. Extend creative industries research and
  decision-making in the cultural               collision of art and science and             work-integrated learning opportunities
  and creative industries.                      stimulating research outcomes.               through collaboration with international
                                                                                             cultural organisations.
                                           IV. Establish the University of Melbourne
                                               Art Museums, including the Ian           VIII. Extend our audiences and international
                                               Potter Museum of Art and the Michael           reach through collaborative
                                               Buxton Centre of Contemporary                  programming with the Melbourne
                                               Art, engaging scholars and audiences           Festival, Sydney Opera House, the
                                               through Australia’s finest university          Wheeler Centre and venues overseas in
                                               art collection.                                collaboration with alumni and partners.

Express our values through our operations

                                           I.   Ensure our staff recruitment,           III. Actively facilitate socially minded
  KEP 06: Reconciliation Action Plan            development and progression                  organisational service by expanding
                                                policies and practices reflect our           staff volunteering that aligns with
  The University will implement its             active commitment to fairness                institutional priorities and established
  second Reconciliation Action Plan             and diversity, and publicly report           partner organisations.
  (RAP). The plan will guide efforts            and recognise our progress.
  to advance reconciliation across
  the institution, spanning the student    II. Establish the University as a model
  experience, outreach and pathways,           of sustainability, to be detailed
  student accommodation, research,             in our first Sustainability Charter,
  cultural enterprise, operations              canvassing our campus operations,
  and public engagement. Progress              curriculum, research activities,
  towards the RAP will be publicly             procurement and investment.
  reported each year.
Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020       11

Commitment 2                             Engaged students

A University of Melbourne education prepares
graduates for lives of professional contribution,
leadership and active citizenship as engaged alumni.                                         ENGAGED

The University’s public contribution
is shaped by the more than 17,000
students who graduate and join our
alumni community each year.
Over the past decade, the University
has reshaped its curriculum to establish a
distinctive model and ethos that prepares
graduates to be professionals, leaders and
citizens. The opportunity now is to further
enrich the student experience through
engagement, deepening professional
preparation and developing students for
lives of leadership and active citizenship.
Our undergraduate programs develop
graduates with both disciplinary
knowledge and the capacity to evaluate
issues from alternative perspectives.
Rather than a diversion from professional
preparation, this capacity develops the
attributes of greatest professional value:
understanding and awareness of self,
critical and creative thinking, effective
communication and demonstrated
leadership and collaborative behaviours.
Our graduate programs place a strong
focus on professional preparation and
research studies, underpinned by industry
partnerships and a professionally minded
cohort of graduate students.
                                              engagement programs—the University
Over the next five years, the University      is strongly placed to affirm active
will build upon these established models                                                         OBJECT-BASED LEARNING
                                              citizenship as a distinctive attribute
to achieve its ambition to lead the           of Melbourne graduates.
nation in the employment outcomes                                                           Photographer: Sophie Lewincamp
of undergraduate and graduate students.       Engagement also holds great potential         Masters students from the University
To achieve this, we will expand work-         for enriching the learning experience of      are engaged in restoring artefacts
integrated learning experiences for           our students. The expansion of object-        belonging to the war museum collection
students through internships, applied         based learning, leveraging the University’s   of the RSL LifeCare retirement village
                                              unique cultural collections, demonstrates     in Narrabeen, on Sydney’s northern
research projects and career placements.
                                              the learning opportunities created by         beaches. Students work with the
We will also invest in developing new
                                              innovative curriculum and pedagogy.           residents and are overseen by academic
curriculum, teaching capabilities and                                                       staff from the Grimwade Centre for
delivery methods to ensure that the           The growth in the number of students
                                                                                            Cultural Materials Conservation.
Melbourne experience is recognised as         undertaking an experience abroad
providing superior graduate preparation.      as part of their degree will continue,
                                              recognising the value of cross-cultural
As a public-spirited institution, the         engagement to the student experience.
University offers an experience that
reflects a commitment to active               Critically, the Melbourne experience
citizenship. This recognises that active      is one to be shared by the most
citizenship is not a marginal endeavour,      talented students, irrespective of their
but a purpose best developed through          background. Our commitment to social
practice. Through its curriculum and wider    equity is enacted through our outreach,
student experience—encompassing the           recruitment, admissions, scholarships and
University’s cultural institutions, student   student support, with our performance
associations, sport, colleges and alumni      publicly reported, evaluated and refined.
12     Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020

Meeting our commitment

Cultivate learning environments that support students to develop the attributes,
insights and experiences to sustain successful professional lives

I.    Expand work-integrated                     II. Support professional advisory                  IV. Expand alumni–student mentorship
      learning experiences for students              boards for every graduate school                   programs across the University
      including internships, volunteering,           to ensure our programs offer                       to facilitate stronger employment
      university-based research projects             superior professional preparation.                 outcomes and a greater understanding
      and graduate placement, particularly                                                              of the student–alumni journey.
                                                 III. Foster the growth of a vibrant
      at graduate level.
                                                      environment to inspire entrepreneurship
                                                      around the University, providing curricular
                                                      and extra-curricular opportunities for
                                                      students to develop entrepreneurial
                                                      skills and build new ventures.


      Photographer: Paul Burston
      The Hon Al Gore, visiting the University
      in 2015 to present on impacts and
      solutions to the climate crisis, meets
      with a group of PhD students from the
      Australian–German Climate and Energy
      College, a partnership of the University
      of Melbourne and German universities.
Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020     13

                                                                                                                                 Commitment 2
                                                                                                                              Engaged students

Develop graduates with a practised commitment to active citizenship and creating public value
I.   Improve student participation              III. Embed in our programs engagement          IV. Establish a Student Leaders in Sport
     in curricular and co-curricular                 with contemporary local, national             program, developing leadership
     engagement opportunities, support               and global issues, deepening                  capabilities across the University’s
     and expand the opportunities available,         students’ understanding and                   sports clubs through a program of
     and align these with our institutional          respect for Indigenous knowledge              mentoring and societal engagement.
     public value initiatives where possible.        and culture, the Asian region,
                                                     and the sustainability imperative.
II. Expand our support for student-led
    social entrepreneurship, through
    mentoring, student clubs and
    societies, grants, partnerships
    with residential colleges and a
    supportive campus environment.

Enrich the learning experience and deepen our public relevance and impact by continuously
innovating in our programs, curriculum, delivery and pedagogy
I.   Prepare and support our students           III. Expand our offering of professionally     IV. Explore the potential to introduce
     to undertake an international                   focused online programs and                   an advanced leadership program
     experience as part of their degree,             continuing professional education,            to support established professionals
     with graduate schools finding                   with content and structure designed           who have a demonstrated commitment
     the best mix of domestic and                    to meet professional needs, as well           to public service, assisting them
     international opportunities for                 as strengthening our community                to transition their careers towards
     their particular cohorts.                       education offerings.                          public priorities.
II. Enrich students’ experience and
    understanding of different cultures,
    eras and ideas by drawing upon
    our extensive collections in object-
    based learning.

Align our efforts in outreach, admissions, scholarships, student support and alumni relations
with our engagement agenda, realising our ambition to be the Australian university of choice
for the most talented students, irrespective of their background
I.   Engage with students in equity             III. Support our students from equity          IV. Report the University’s progress
     priority groups and their communities           priority groups and international             towards achieving our staff and
     to build capacity, aspiration and               students to participate more fully in         student equity objectives through
     pathways for higher education.                  engagement experiences (including             the Social Inclusion Barometer, a
                                                     internationally) within and outside the       public report prepared biennially.
II. Establish an Indigenous student
                                                     curriculum, recognising the particular
    accommodation program aligned
                                                     needs and priorities of these cohorts.
    with the Reconciliation Action
    Plan to significantly enhance the
    residential options for our growing
    cohort of Indigenous students,
    supported by a program to enrich
    the academic and social experience
    of Indigenous students.
14       Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020

Commitment 3                                 Engaged research

As a comprehensive, research-intensive and globally
engaged university, the University of Melbourne
engages beyond the academy to enrich our research
and share advances that shape the world.                                                                               ENGAGED

                                                                                                      UNEXPECTED CONNECTIONS
                                                                                                      THROUGH ENGAGEMENT

                                                                                                 Photo: supplied by Katie Mack
                                                                                                 An interview with The Economist about
                                                                                                 her Dark Matter research led to an
                                                                                                 unexpected offer for astrophysicist,
                                                                                                 Dr Katie Mack. Owners of a disused
                                                                                                 Victorian gold mine contacted Dr Mack
                                                                                                 to offer their mine as a research site
                                                                                                 after reading the interview. The mine
                                                                                                 now houses the first dark matter
                                                                                                 detector in the southern hemisphere.

                                                                                              funders and end users. We will position
                                                                                              the University as a valuable and effective
                                                                                              research partner, capable of working
                                                                                              within this broader knowledge system.
                                                                                              A key measure of the extent of our
                                                                                              engagement will be the scale of funding
                                                                                              we receive from industry-focused and
                                                                                              international sources, with the aim of
                                                                                              doubling our performance by 2020.
                                                                                              Achieving this deliberately bold
                                                                                              aspiration will demand new approaches.
                                                                                              To work effectively with industry, we
Our research strategy to 2025,                  more deeply engaged research profile.
                                                                                              must expand our cadre of researchers
Research at Melbourne, sets a course
                                                The University has a firm foundation          whose experiences bridge industry and
for a more engaged research enterprise.
                                                from which to build. Our most established     academic contexts, and build a culture
This reflects changes in our research           precinct, the Melbourne Biomedical            that meaningfully connects our graduate
context: collaborative approaches are           and Biosciences Campus, is a renowned         research students with industry. Our
becoming standard for researching               concentration of medical research             professional support for research,
complex, global challenges, while               and clinical practice. Our collaboration      innovation and commercialisation
public funding for research is uncertain.       with medical research institutes,             must also adapt to this environment,
The strategy also introduced the                hospitals and commercial partners             and be capable of facilitating engagement
Grand Challenges, leveraging our                demonstrates the potential of deep            that positions the University as a
disciplinary excellence through institutional   and sustained engagement, enabling            professional and valued partner. Our
priorities that reflect social imperatives:     shared appointments and access to             capital developments will reflect this focus,
understanding our place and purpose,            critical infrastructure. The development      with projects such as the Carlton Connect
fostering health and wellbeing, and             of the arts precinct at Southbank             Initiative co-locating the University in
supporting sustainability and resilience.       similarly affirms the value of co-location,   precincts with complementary partners.
                                                strengthening our ties with many of
This research strategy continues to guide                                                     We will also engage the public more
                                                Melbourne’s cultural and performing
investments to support interdisciplinary                                                      deeply with our research, recognising
                                                arts institutions, and enabling shared
and collaborative research, including                                                         this as a critical element of our mission.
                                                approaches to staff appointments,
developing the network of Melbourne                                                           Technological innovations are already
                                                student experiences, infrastructure
Research Institutes and Hallmark Research                                                     deepening our engagement with the
                                                and programming.
Initiatives. We have also strengthened                                                        public, facilitating rich exchanges that
the professional capability that supports       Much of our future research success           enable the public to contribute directly
our research effort, recognising the            will depend on our capacity to engage         to our research, including through
distinct skills needed to deliver a             with a diverse community of collaborators,    citizen science.
Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020     15

Meeting our commitment                                                                                                         Commitment 3
                                                                                                                            Engaged research

Pursue research that addresses the social, economic and environmental challenges of our
time, where the University can lead global efforts in excellence, innovation, relevance and
impact, and pursue research that advances priorities of local and national significance
I.   Cultivate an environment that enables    III. Collaboratively develop research         V. Stimulate innovative approaches
     us to leverage disciplinary excellence        agendas that advance the issues             to contemporary challenges and
     through innovative approaches, guided         of those regions and communities            opportunities by partnering with
     by the needs of the work and its              where the University has established        key organisations across the creative
     public purpose rather than traditional        partnerships.                               industries to develop a centre for
     organisational structures.                                                                cultural impact.
                                              IV. Play a central role in creating new
II. Develop our research priorities               industries and revitalising established
    and programs, informed by                     sectors through the focus and conduct
    government, community and                     of our research, and shape policy that
    industry needs and insights.                  can sustain Australia’s prosperity and
                                                  address the issues within its regions.

Form partnerships and alliances with collaborators, supporters, industries and professions
to focus, enrich and apply our research

I.   Commit to embedding public               III. Implement a strengthened,                V. Embed emerging means of
     engagement efforts within all                 scalable model of professional              evaluating our research engagement
     University research proposals,                support for research, innovation            in established performance
     in order to inform, consult and               and commercialisation, working              measures, and actively contribute
     involve the public in research.               alongside academic staff to facilitate      to discussions on embedding these
                                                   engagement that enriches our work           means more widely.
II. Establish and implement a
                                                   and positions the University as a
    comprehensive professional                                                              VI. Establish new models to support
                                                   professional and valued partner.
    development program to support                                                              our graduate students to engage
    our academic staff to develop             IV. Introduce new mechanisms to                   with industry as a formal element
    their engagement capabilities.                support and develop our intellectual          of their programs, including through
                                                  property, building a more robust              mentoring, joint supervision and
                                                  and commercially valuable portfolio           collaborative research projects.
                                                  and ensuring the substance and
                                                  management of our research
                                                  relationships are truly world-class.

Be innovative in our approaches to engaging the public with our research
I.   Appoint, develop and recognise           II. Support innovative approaches             III. Embed new digital measures
     academic and honorary scholars               to engaging the public more                    of the reach and engagement of
     with a demonstrated capacity                 deeply with our research mission               our research into our evaluation
     to engage the wider public with              through support for citizen research           of public engagement efforts.
     research and scholarship.                    initiatives, digital platforms, access
                                                  to publications, and demonstrations
                                                  of our work through our campuses,
                                                  public exhibits and partnerships.
16       Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020

Enabling strategies

Our commitments to engagement will be enabled
by investing in our people, aligning our internal
environment with our ambition, facilitating rich                                                          ENABLERS
exchanges beyond the academy, and engaging
our community of alumni and supporters.

In pursuing our engagement agenda, we
are making choices about our institutional
character and our place within a wider
higher education landscape.
Aligning our systems of support,
recognition and value with our ambitions
are vital to sustaining a culture that
attracts, develops and recognises the staff,
students and partners that can advance
our mission. In many ways, this reflects
a maturing of the place and practice
of engagement within the institution.
Much of our focus must be on developing
the capabilities of our people to support
our ambition. In the same way that
the University supports and develops
academics’ research and teaching
practice, we will introduce comprehensive
professional development across the
domains of engagement, including for
our professional staff. Much of this work
will be led through the Academic Careers
and Capacity Program, ensuring that
changes respect our institutional context
and the full breadth of expectations
of our academic staff.
A focus on physical and digital avenues
for engagement will ensure that our
strategy as a campus-based, digitally
engaged institution makes best use of
both. Co-locating with partners and allied
institutions will continue to shape the
University’s future campus developments.
A closer relationship with the city will
reflect the University’s identity as a
city-based institution. Opportunities          to support more active engagement
to enrich our campuses by digital              of our alumni in the life of the University,
means offer exciting potential for visitors.                                                        ENGAGEMENT THROUGH SPORT
                                               reflecting the strong enthusiasm for a
Investment in our digital presence will        deeper connection shown by students,
continue to grow, with digital metrics                                                         Photographer: Tobias Titz
                                               staff and alumni.
and analytics playing a greater role                                                           Marking the occasion with rainbow
in the design and evaluation of our            Over time, the University’s public              jumpers, the University Blacks football
engagement efforts.                            profile will evolve to reflect the centrality   team and MU Sport supported the
                                               of engagement to our institutional              launch of the Gay? That’s Ok! initiative
The broader University community,              mission, further supporting our                 in 2015. Developed by alumnus Lachlan
comprising our alumni and supporters,          engagement agenda.                              Beaton, the initiative encourages
will continue to share in the University’s                                                     young people to feel more comfortable
life and ambitions. Our focus will be                                                          with their sexuality and promotes
                                                                                               greater recognition and tolerance
                                                                                               within the community.
Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020       17

Meeting our commitment                                                                                                                  Enabling

Create an environment that supports, recognises and values engagement as a distinctive
and esteemed quality of our institutional character
I.   Review established models of                 IV. Support a more strategic                VI. Develop and implement a framework
     recruitment, reward and progression              contribution of our honorary fellows,       to plan and evaluate the nature, extent
     to align performance expectations                joint appointments and specialist           and value of engagement for academic
     of academic staff with our ambitions             academics to our engagement                 staff, keystone engagement programs,
     for engagement.                                  agenda and Growing Esteem.                  academic divisions and the institution,
                                                                                                  and integrate these with our
II. Support academic staff to develop             V. Establish new role classifications—
                                                                                                  established systems for performance
    tailored engagement priorities,                  Melbourne Enterprise Professor,
                                                                                                  review, reporting and planning.
    which reinforce and leverage their               Honorary Melbourne Enterprise
    academic interests, create value                 Professor, and Melbourne Enterprise      VII. Renew the opportunities for student
    for our external constituents and                Fellow—to enable the University to            engagement within and beyond
    contribute to institutional priorities.          appoint, and appropriately recognise,         the curriculum, ensuring that we
                                                     accomplished professionals and                facilitate, support and recognise
III. Expand the participation of academic
                                                     leaders in industry, government               student engagement across all
     staff in engagement-focused sabbaticals,
                                                     and community.                                domains valued by students, staff
     secondments and exchanges to
                                                                                                   and our professional advisory boards.
     include working across industries
     and professions, with public policy,
     through media and communication,
     through arts and culture and with
     community organisations.

Develop the capabilities of our academic and professional staff to realise the potential
of engagement
I.   Develop and implement a                      II. Deepen research translation and         III. Establish and support communities
     comprehensive professional                       communication capabilities in our            of engagement practice to facilitate
     development program for academic                 academic and professional staff              peer learning from across the
     and professional staff across the                through professional development,            University and share insights from
     domains of engagement, delivered                 innovation and entrepreneurship              good practices in other institutions
     by the Melbourne Centre for                      programs and expert appointments.            and sectors.
     the Study of Higher Education.


     Photographer: Hao Wong
     Providing an opportunity for the
     University’s professional staff to
     collaborate, innovate and share expertise,
     the annual Professional Staff Conference
     is a valuable forum for staff to share
     best practice models of engagement.
18       Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020

Meeting our commitment (continued)                                                                                                   Enabling

Facilitate rich exchanges with our communities through engaging physical and digital environments
I.   Invest in the development of             III. Enliven the campus through digital          VI. Apply digital metrics and analytics
     our precincts, including the                  avenues, supporting scholarly and               to evaluate the reach, resonance
     established Melbourne Biomedical              public events, engaging the University          and impact of our engagement efforts,
     and Biosciences Campus and                    community in a shared conversation              and use this information to support
     Southbank arts precinct, and in the           about campus life and conveying                 fit-for-purpose design and improve
     emerging precincts of technology,             the University’s heritage, mission              user experience.
     innovation and sustainability at the          and achievements, including the
                                                                                               VII. Broaden access to our knowledge
     Carlton Connect Initiative and the            Indigenous heritage of the land.
                                                                                                    at reduced cost through innovative
     public policy precinct at Carlton.
                                              IV. Harness the distinctive contribution              channels, and build communities
II. Embed engagement—encompassing                 of our colleges in our engagement                 of shared interest to foster exchange
    industry, and public and cultural             agenda, including through a greater               of material and resources.
    dimensions—as a foundation principle          involvement in the design and
                                                                                               VIII. Improve the visibility of our academic
    for the design of all future capital          delivery of new teaching programs,
                                                                                                     staff and their work to external
    works and redevelopments, with                and our outreach, alumni and
                                                                                                     stakeholders, enabling them to easily
    a particular focus on co-locating             advancement efforts.
                                                                                                     understand and access our capabilities.
    with partners in new developments.
                                              V. Support the Victorian Government’s
                                                 Parkville National Employment
                                                 Cluster, coordinating efforts within
                                                 the precinct and contributing
                                                 to economic transformation
                                                 and employment growth.

Actively engage our community of alumni and supporters in the University’s life and ambitions
I.   Address alumni as one of our key         III. Foster support for the University           IV. Develop the University as a leading
     constituencies, recognising their             and its work, achieving and building            philanthropic partner, recognised
     investment in our success to engage           upon the campaign target of $500m.              for the relevance and impact of
     them as informed advocates.                                                                   its endeavours, and reflected in
                                                                                                   our broadening appeal to donors
II. Work with alumni and supporters to
                                                                                                   and maturing internal orientation
    enrich the student experience through
                                                                                                   towards advancement.
    mentoring, industry advisory boards,
    internships and scholarships, and
    deepen their understanding of our
    work and its impact.

Establish engagement as a distinctive and valued attribute of the University’s public profile
I.   Establish a leading digital media        II. Apply journey mapping as a strategic         III. Integrate the University’s engagement
     platform to communicate insights             tool to tell the story of the University’s        capabilities, aspirations and
     from across the University via a             constituent experience to guide                   achievements into its brand
     compelling and interactive medium.           targeted improvements to enrich                   and external communications.
                                                  the experience.
Engagement at Melbourne 2015–2020   19


Photographer: David Hannah
The weekly Farmers Market at
the Parkville campus activates the
campus and provides an opportunity
to connect the academic mission
of the institution with the wider
community through sustainability
presentations and activities.
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