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16 | SPRING 2022

                                THE MODERN

                              MEET OUR UP-

                                                 Dean’s Message

                        4     THE MODERN

                                                 GREETINGS TO OUR ENGINEERING COMMUNITY. It’s been just over nine
                                                 months since the release of our last Engineering Magazine, and we have a lot
                                                 of great news to share.

                              IMPROVING THE      The Faculty of Engineering is pleased to announce the upcoming launch of its
                              HEALTH OF ASTHMA   new strategic plan. Since September of 2021, we have been developing our plan
                              PATIENTS           in consultation with a diverse group of stakeholders including faculty members,
                                                 leadership, students and community partners. The plan maps a new direction and
                                                 vision in engineering education.

                                                 The plan takes a forward thinking approach with an emphasis on building the
                                                 “Modern Engineer.” The Modern engineer is a theme you will see throughout this
20          FACULTY NEWS                         issue of the magazine.
            NEW DOORS IN BIOMEDICAL              Today’s students are driven by the power of technology and a stronger awareness
            ENGINEERING                          of the global challenges we face, including health, equity, economic growth and
                                                 climate. Our students are looking for careers where they can make a positive
24          ALUMNI PROFILE                       impact on our community, and companies are seeking engineers who possess the
            REMEMBERING THE GREAT                desire for innovation, creativity, interdisciplinary efforts, and the confidence to take
            PEARL SULLIVAN                       on bold projects and become bold leaders.

                                                 While the Faculty of Engineering will continue to teach and train the traditional
                                                 technical competency of an engineer, we are also investing in professional skill
                                                 development, experiential learning opportunities and industry experts to coach
                                                 and mentor students to be future leaders and innovators of tomorrow. These
                                                 enhancements will lead to engineers with the capability and power to positively
                                                 change our world.
EDITORIAL                                        In this issue of our spring magazine you will meet a variety of students and young
Theresa Anne Salah, Merilyn Layne,               alumni who are destined for future success. These engineers are developing
Mark Campbell, Jennifer Cameron                  key skills and experiences through participation on our student design teams,
                                                 academic programs, opportunities available in our Emera ideaHUB, and key
                                                 research work within the faculty. We are proud to call these students and alumni
DESIGN Erin Lee                                  our “modern engineers.”
CONTACT Theresa Anne Salah,
Editor,                           We hope you enjoy the 2022 issue of Engineering, and we look forward to sharing
                                                 our full strategic plan with you soon.

           @DalhousieEngineering
           @DalEngineering                      Sincerely,
           DalhousieEngineering
                                                 Dr. John Newhook, P. Eng., FCAE
instagram   Dalfacultyofeng                      Dean, Faculty of Engineering
2005             575             2580

   23%             77%              
  FEMALE            MALE

   30%             69%              61%
    119           18,589         INTERNATIONAL

   97%          580   SEXTON
                                  NOVA SCOTIA

    632               60              12
                                         ENGINEERING | 1

Prepare for
Natural Disasters
AS THE WORLD GRAPPLED WITH                  shipping routes to assess the potential      those larger vessels could take a couple
how to manage a once-in-a-lifetime          for ship damage and interruptions.           of days to a couple of weeks to start
pandemic, Dalhousie University              Almeida drew on that research to             moving efficiently again.”
Industrial engineering graduate students    develop a logistics and multimodal                “This was quite an undertaking for
Lauryne Rodrigues and Luana Almeida         transportation model that identified         Luana and Lauryne not just because they
dedicated themselves to helping us          communities that might be cut off from       did most of the work on this project but
prepare for another potential crisis.       relief supplies. Through workshops, they     also because they had to learn what data
  “We have research indicating there will   shared progress with stakeholders and        was available and apply methodologies
be a major earthquake within the next       used feedback to expand and refine their     to gathering and assessment that
500 years on Canada’s west coast,” says     efforts, such as considering the impact      were not taught in class,” says Faculty
Rodrigues. “That will have a significant    of an earthquake and tsunami on the          of Engineering Professor Dr. Floris
impact on marine transportation             Gulf Islands.                                Goerlandt, the Canada Research Chair
systems and the communities that rely                                                    in Risk Management and Resource
on them in British Columbia. We wanted                                                   Optimization for Marine Industries.
to better understand the vulnerabilities    “WE WANTED TO BETTER                            “They also faced the added challenges
in the systems so that decision-makers
can be better prepared.”
                                            UNDERSTAND THE                               of communicating with stakeholders
                                                                                         online and working remotely due to the
    Collaborating with Dalhousie faculty
and researchers, Almeida and Rodrigues
                                            VULNERABILITIES IN                           pandemic, which was not easy given the
                                                                                         scale of an undertaking like this. The way
developed detailed models and analyses      THE SYSTEMS SO THAT                          that they persisted and completed the
of potential earthquake activity and                                                     work was admirable.”
infrastructure damage for Shipping          DECISION-MAKERS CAN                              Now that the project has wrapped,
Resilience: Strategic Planning for                                                       Goerlandt and Dr. Ronald Pelot, a
Coastal Community Resilience to Marine      BE BETTER PREPARED.”                         professor in the Department of Industrial
Transportation Risk (SIREN). Funded                                                      Engineering, are developing a book that
by Emergency Management British             — LAURYNE RODRIGUES                          will summarize the findings and how
Columbia and the Marine Environmental                                                    they can be applied to address similar
Observation, Prediction and Response           “It’s a model so it cannot capture all    challenges. For Almeida and Rodrigues,
Network (MEOPAR,) the project’s             the variables and everything that could      SIREN created invaluable opportunities
objective is to assess the potential        happen, but I am trying to make it as        to connect with other academics, apply
damage to marine transportation             realistic as possible so stakeholders        their learning, and work with a range of
systems from natural hazard events to       and decision-makers have the insights        stakeholders to achieve a collective goal.
help authorities to prepare for the risk.   they need to be prepared for a natural          “It was really good to see those
  “We were not trying to predict what       disaster,” Almeida says.                     interactions and different views on how
the emergency response should be,”              One insight that emerged from their      to solve problems,” Rodrigues says. “But
Almeida explains. “We were trying to        work was the realization that barges will    it was also a great experience in that
project which roads, ports, and ships       likely play a key role in the distribution   I got to work with a lot of data analysis
are likely to be damaged or remain intact   of relief supplies. “Barges are flexible     and science and that is something
and how could those projections be          assets in that they do not require the       I would like to continue doing.”
used to maintain supplies to affected       port infrastructure that many ships or
communities.”                               ferries require to deliver goods,” Almeida
    Over the course of the project,         says. “However, Lauryne’s research
Rodrigues conducted data collection         suggests that barges are likely to see
and analysis of Vancouver Island-related    more damage than larger vessels, but


Dalhousie Researchers Set to
Make a Big Impact on our Water
Fresh, clean water is vital to all life on earth. But human activity, and climate change
related to that activity, poses significant threats to this vital resource. Dalhousie
engineering researchers are addressing this challenge through innovative new initiatives.

                                              the same. We might see one monomer is         such as streamflow and water levels
                                              incorporated more readily than the other.     in wetlands and, potentially, deep
                                              By figuring out how to better control         groundwater wells.
                                              the incorporation of those components,           “We are looking at which landscapes
                                              we can predict and manipulate the             are most important for sustaining
                                              structure of the resulting polymer.”          streamflow or feeding community
                                                  Understanding that will facilitate the    wells,” says Somers, a professor in
                                              development of polymers that target           the Department of Civil and Resource
                                              specific contaminants in drinking water,      Engineering.
                                              municipal wastewater, or wastewater              “Eskasoni, Ingonish, Baddeck,
                                              from industrial processes such as             Cheticamp—they all get their water
                                              mining. The work is still early stages, but   supply from groundwater that comes
                                              Scott is already thinking about other         from Highlands or the foothills. Through
                                              applications, such as hydrogels—a mesh        this research, we hope to discover where
                                              approach to polymer design that could         that water comes from and the extent
                                              have absorbency applications in a range       to which the quality and quantity may
                                              of industries from agriculture to diaper      change as the mountain climate shifts.”
                                              manufacturing, and biobased polymers              Somers is also collaborating with
                                              that could replace synthetic ones.            Department of Civil and Resource
                                                                                            Engineering colleagues Dr. Barrett
                                              Meanwhile, DR. LAUREN SOMERS                  Kurlyk and Dr. Rob Jamieson on
                                              is exploring hydrological systems—how         research involving the consequences
                                              they function, how climate change and         of agricultural-related coastal nitrogen
                                              human actions can impact them, and            pollution on water systems in
                                              how to improve the functionality of           Tatamagouche and PEI’s Basin Head
DR. ALISON SCOTT is exploring the
                                              these systems from an adaptation and          Provincial Park. Somers will assess salt
potential of customized polymer design
                                              mitigation standpoint. One research           marsh ecosystems. Through efforts such
to facilitate water treatment. Her work
                                              project will explore the role of wetlands     as this, she hopes to enhance our ability
involves synthesizing small batches
                                              in recharging or storing groundwater in       to mitigate or adapt to changes in our
of polymers to better understand the
                                              the Cape Breton Highlands. Somers will        water system from climate change and
design process and thus the structure,
                                              install hydrologic monitoring equipment       human impacts.
properties, and performance of the
                                              at selected wetlands to assess factors
resulting polymer chain to assess
its efficacy for different treatment
applications. She is particularly
interested in multicomponent polymers—
chains with different repeating units.
   “These different units impart different
properties to the polymer,” says
Scott, an Assistant Professor with the
Department of Process Engineering and
Applied Science. “For water treatment,
one aspect we are focused on is
incorporating monomers with different
charges to understand how they
incorporate into the chain. If we have
a formula that has 50 percent of one
monomer and 50 percent of a second
one, the reactivity of the two is often not

                                                                                                                   ENGINEERING   | 3

 At first glance, it may seem like the role of the engineer
 hasn’t changed over the years, and in many respects,
 this is true. At their core, engineers will always be critical
 thinkers and problem solvers. But as our society rapidly
 evolves, so has the role and the face of the modern

 Technology has played a huge part in this change.
 Today’s engineering students are entering post-secondary
 education with a world of knowledge at their fingertips
 and stronger global interconnections influencing their
 career decisions.

 Over the years, Dalhousie’s Faculty of Engineering has
 made a concerted effort to train the modern engineer. This
 includes introducing new programs and opportunities into
 their curriculum. The campus is now filled with students
 poised to have a big impact on society. But who are these
 future engineers, and how will they change our lives?

 Meet four students who are defining the role of the
 modern engineer.

                                                                  ENGINEERING   | 5

Designing Sustainable
Solutions to Global Challenges
IF YOU ASK 4TH YEAR                           Dalhousie’s Solar Race team after
electrical engineering student Gina           learning more about the project from
Park why she created Dalhousie’s first        other solar car team alumni across
solar car team, she’ll list several reasons   North America. Now she and thirty other
why the initiative has had a remarkable       engineering students at Dal are in the
impact on her educational journey.            process of building a solar vehicle for the
    From multi-disciplined experiential       Formula Sun Grand Prix 2022 in July. The
learning to project management, Park          collegiate competition is open to teams
says building a raceable car takes more       from around the world.
than technical skills. She adds that many         “I wanted to work on an extremely
people fail to realize that the project is    hands-on project that is focused on
more than just the experience of building     renewable energy,” she says. “There is a
a vehicle to race in a competition.           huge network of brilliant minds within
    “Look at the conflict in Ukraine and      the solar car community. It was also the
the effect on gas prices. More and            spirit of sportsmanship and teamwork
more people are made aware of our             I’ve observed within this community that
dependence on non-renewable sources           encouraged me to start the team.”                 Next fall, the team will begin work
and are adopting to sustainable ways of           The group has now started creating        on designing and creating a brand-new
living life,” she says. “All the problems     a new battery pack, reconfiguring the         solar car from the ground up. Park hopes
that are happening in the world are           solar array, developing a new electrical      the team will compete in the 2025 World
going to come to us and we will need to       power system and making several major         Solar Challenge.
solve them. Solar car is our take on what     mechanical upgrades on the body of a              “I want my team to start and lead
we are going to do about it. We want          retired vehicle they acquired from an         conversations about sustainable
to leave a legacy that adds value to the      American team. Park says it typically         transportation in Atlantic Canada,”
planet and to us.”                            takes two years to build a solar car          she says. “The foundation on which
    With an increased interest in             from scratch, but with limited time this      I want to build this team is grit and
sustainable energy systems, solar             year, her team will revamp the solar car      willingness to learn. Such qualities teach
cars could change the future of               body to meet regulations for this year’s      us a wide set of skills to use in
transportation and the automotive             competition.                                  our engineering careers.”
industry. Park felt inspired to start


                                             Gregory, it was time to lead them in a
                                             new direction.
                                                 “If you connect the dots between

with Leadership
                                             what we need from a sustainable society
                                             and what we are developing here, there
                                             are direct linkages. If you do that with a
                                             gas car, there’s a disconnect,” he says.
                                             “Building battery systems and building
                                             electric vehicles, whether it’s big or small
co-op term, the 5th year mechanical
                                             is a skill set that’s applicable to a future
engineering student saw a unique
                                             career in many different industries.”
opportunity for his career growth.
                                                 Now captain of Dal’s FSAE team,
Instead of accepting a position with a
                                             Gregory is leading the design and
company in the mechanical engineering
                                             development of the University’s first
field, he decided to pursue an
                                             electric powered vehicle sponsored by
entrepreneurial placement of his own. He
                                             Emera. Gregory says he hopes to have
created and launched his own start-up,
                                             the car ready for competition in 2023.
Mavio Technologies. The new venture
                                                 Partnerships are key to successful
focused on developing clean technology
                                             innovations, and with a generous
solutions and applying them to today’s
                                             sponsorship from Emera, the team now
real world problems.
                                             has the ability to add an electric motor
    Since starting his engineering degree
                                             to their vehicle. Throughout the years,        fall. Down the road, he is also hoping
at Dal in 2017, Gregory’s educational
                                             Emera has continued to empower the             to push his ambitions one step further,
journey has been driven by his interest in
                                             next generation of engineers at Dal            developing stronger partnerships with
renewable energy technologies. Joining
                                             through the Emera ideaHUB.                     external companies, and collaborating
Dalhousie’s Formula SAE (FSAE) team
                                                 “I think industry supports this            on initiatives that will positively impact
in his third year of studies, he pushed
                                             because it’s what we need to see,” says        the growth of his teammates.
the team to move from an internal
                                             Gregory. “There are so many different              “One thing that I would love to
combustion engine car to an electric
                                             opportunities for collaboration because        do is work with industry to test their
powered vehicle.
                                             there are so many different areas of an        innovative technologies. There are a
    The team, which provides students
                                             electric vehicle development that are          lot of companies who have motors for
with the opportunity to design, build
                                             relatable to areas that are being rapidly      example that they’re testing, and what I
and race an open-wheeled race car for
                                             developed.”                                    think we could do is to collaborate with
competition in the Formula Student
                                                 Gregory says he hopes to have the          industry to test their systems and help
Collegiate Competition, has built ten
                                             electric vehicle ready for testing this        develop them further.”
gas-powered vehicles since 2007. For

                                                                                                                    ENGINEERING     | 7

Taking on
                                             engineering student from taking the lead
                                             on the project. She and her teammates
                                             are now participating in the Launch

Bold Projects
                                             Canada Challenge. This will be the first
                                             time a rocket has been designed in the
                                             Atlantic Canada region.
                                                 The Launch Canada Challenge
                                             provides post-secondary students with
                                             the opportunity to build their expertise
always been fascinated in the space
                                             and interact with the larger rocketry
sector, but as a chemical engineering
                                             community. Teams are required to build
student, she wasn’t sure how to connect
                                             and launch a solid rocket motor to an
her skillset with the right opportunities
                                             altitude of 10,000 feet. While some teams
in Atlantic Canada. When she learned
                                             build sophisticated vehicles using large
about the Faculty of Engineering’s
                                             off-the-shelf rocket motors, others teams
Dalhousie Space Systems Labs (DSS),
                                             develop their own hybrid and liquid
she jumped at the chance to join the
                                             rocket engines.
student team.
                                                 Although this year Vinogradova says
    DSS primarily focuses on the
                                             she and her teammates will use solid-
research and development of small
                                             fuel to propel their rocket, she feels a
satellites called CubeSats. These are
                                             sense of exhilaration thinking of the
square, miniature satellites that perform
                                             possibilities for the future.                 industry. Vinogradova says without the
specific tasks in the Earth’s orbit. The
                                                 “One of the reasons I wanted to start     team, she may not have found the right
team’s original satellite, known as the
                                             rocketry is because I have a specific         path.
LORIS project, will be the first satellite
                                             interest in propulsion and fuel,” she says.       “I was always interested in the space
fully designed in Nova Scotia. Recently
                                             “My hope is that within the next couple       sector and I didn’t know how to get into
however, the student team has taken
                                             of years the team will have designed and      the industry and get exposure. This has
on a number of bold new initiatives
                                             built a hybrid fuel engine instead of using   100 percent made me want to work
including the design and creation of
                                             an off the shelf solid motor.”                in the industry. I’ve figured out what I
a rocket.
                                                 Since their launch in 2017, DSS has       don’t like and what I do like within the
    “Neither me nor my other teammates
                                             been working to make Nova Scotia              sector, and the avenue I want to take is
have any experience designing a rocket,
                                             a hub for space exploration in the            propulsion, developing liquid fuel and
building a rocket or testing
                                             province. Their hope is to retain students    hybrid fuel.”
a rocket,” says Vinogradova. But that
                                             interested in a career in the space
hasn’t stopped the 3rd year chemical


Understanding                                 teams to build self-driving marine vessels
                                              capable of crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

the Value of                                      When Covid-19 hit in March of 2020
                                              there were only six students remaining
                                              on the sailboat team, Farr included.

Interdisciplinary                             Understanding the significant impact
                                              interdisciplinary collaborations would

                                              have on the success of their project,
                                              Farr has spent the last two years working
                                              to recruit a wide-range of students to
                                              the team.
                                                  “When you go into classes you are
DALHOUSIE ELECTRICAL                          only with your own discipline, you
engineering student Jade Farr loves           only do projects with students in your
talking about the Dalhousie Microtransat      discipline, but that’s not the real world,”
Autonomous Sailboat. And she should.          she says. “In the real world, you’re
Once a Faculty led project, the team is       working with different people who
now driven by student leaders from every      have different backgrounds, and you’re
discipline on the engineering campus.         working together on a common goal.”
“When you look at where we started                The team is now divided into four
and where we are now, there is so much        sub groups: Management, Electrical,
growth within the past two years. We’ve       Software and Mechanical. In addition
rebuilt this group from the ground up,”       to engineering students, Farr has also            She adds that as a leader, she has a
she says.                                     recruited students from the Faculty of        lot of trust in the team around her and
   The student design team is a               Management and Computer Science.              has worked to build the team as a family.
continuation of a project originally          Together, they have raised around             She says she’s amazed at how many
overseen by the Faculty of Engineering.       $10,000 for the project, and are gearing      students have joined and remained on
Their famous sailboat, the SeaLeon, set       up to set sail off the shore of Cape          the sailboat team over the last two years
a record for the longest distance travelled   Breton this fall. Their autonomous            and commends her other team leads for
by unmanned marine technology in 2018.        sailboat is equipped with a number of         their hard work.
Since then, the project has been taken        new features this year including two 40W          “We’re really lucky to have this many
over by Farr and a team of over fifty         flexible solar panels.                        students who want to work with us and
students on campus. Together they’ve              “Depending on how many batteries          contribute to the project. And that’s why
been analysing the previous vessel, and       we are using for the sailboat, the solar      I joined the team. You get the experience
working to design and create a new            panels may provide the extra push in          of working in a team and combining all
and improved sustainable, small-scale,        energy required to make the entire trip.      of those people together to finish your
autonomous sailboat. The project is part      If not, they are just an added bonus,”        one goal.”
of an international competition known as      explains Farr.
the Microtransat Challenge, which tasks
                                                                                                                   ENGINEERING   | 9


SARA FEDULLO (BENG’21)                         the dose of medicine slower and more
didn’t want to be a small ant in a big ant     smoothly.
farm. She wanted to stand out and make            “Spacers tend to be very bulky, they
an impact on society. Her gateway to do        are the size of a water bottle, but
that: her engineering degree.                  they’re also very essential,” says Fedullo.
    When her partner, Dal medical             “Unfortunately because of how big these
student David Hodgson, came home               spacers are, people don’t use them as
one evening with the idea to create a          much as they should.”
solution that would help children with             Interviewing respiratory therapists,
asthma more effectively administer             allergists, people with asthma, and
their medication, the Dal chemical             the parents of children with asthma,
engineering grad was inspired.                 Fedullo and Hodgson discovered that

                                                                                             Inspiring Future
    She says that when children use            many children felt embarrassed carrying
their asthma inhaler (also known as the        around their bulky spacers, leading to
common puffer), there’s a 90 percent           missed doses when they need them

chance that they aren’t doing it correctly.    most.
That’s because the pressurized inhalers            In the summer of 2021, Fedullo
release the medicine too quickly, making       and Hodgson launched their start-up
it difficult for children to coordinate        HOLLO Medical and turned to Dal’s
inhaling their medication. As a result,        Emera ideaHUB which helps ventures            Fedullo is leveraging her training
much of the drug is deposited to the           accelerate the development of innovative      as an engineer and expertise in 3D
back of the throat and swallowed,              physical-products. The pair are now           printing to accelerate HOLLO Medical’s
increasing the risk of side effects and        working on a pocket-sized spacer that’s       product development. Although she
minimizing the intended relief.                portable, effective, easy to use and easy     only graduated last year, she says she
    Spacers are traditionally used by          to clean.                                     left Dalhousie feeling confident in her
people of all ages to improve an inhaler’s        “This is not as simple as just making      abilities as an engineer, an innovator and
performance. They attach to the inhaler        something portable. You also have to          an entrepreneur.
and act as holding chambers for the            think about matching the features of the         “I knew from the start that engineering
medication. The medication is dispensed        devices that are currently on the market,     would help me grasp how to create this
and then suspended in the spacer's             and trying to make it so that this new        device and how to make it functional,”
chamber. This gives the user more time         device overcomes the issues that the          she says. “With my chemical engineering
to breathe normally so the lungs absorb        other devices face,” says Fedullo.            degree, I understand at the microscopic

how the medication should travel inside           In addition to launching a successful         In just over a year, HOLLO Medical
the device. David also has a mechanical       start-up company and designing a device        has expanded their team three-fold,
engineering degree, so he was quite           that could help millions of people who         won the Ready2Launch People’s Choice
confident designing and prototyping           suffer from asthma and other respiratory       award, secured a place in the Volta
initial concepts.”                            illnesses, Fedullo hopes to inspire            Cohort, Innovacorp Accelerate, the
    When she moved from Italy to              other women in STEM who sometimes              ideaHUB BUILD program and Bridge
Canada to pursue a degree at Dalhousie        struggle to find their path within the         Residency, and are well on their way to
University, Fedullo says she didn’t fully     industry, especially those hoping to           bringing this solution to the pockets of
understand the correlation between a          pursue their entrepreneurial goals.            those in need.
degree in engineering and its universal          “We can talk about how great our
application.                                  solution (HOLLO Medical) is going to
  “But I knew that engineering was a          be and all of the things that we’ve
broad word for a specialty that applies       accomplished, but at the end of the day
to everything, from the medical field,        what’s most important to me is to show
to the food processing and automotive         people that this is possible,” says Fedullo.
industries. Anything that has to do          “ Our goal at HOLLO is to help bring this
with making something work requires           solution to people in need, but one of
an engineer. “Because we are in so            my personal goals is to inspire women
many fields, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly    in STEM.”
what an engineer does because we do

                                                                                                                  ENGINEERING    | 11


WITH A FORWARD-THINKING                      tech incubator in Canada that has the
                                                                                         1. BUILDING INNOVATION AND
approach aimed at helping future
leaders recognize opportunities and
                                             best equipment and the best expertise on
                                             hand to help people build products that
                                                                                         ENTREPRENEURSHIP SKILLSET:
                                                                                         “Learn the skillset to build a financially
embrace challenges, Erin O’Keefe             matter and impact the world,” she says.
                                                                                         viable venture and a collaborative team.
Graham has a clear vision for                “But we’re trying to make sure that while
                                                                                         We partner with Dal Innovates and MIT
Dalhousie’s Emera ideaHUB.                   these teams are building these technical
                                                                                         (Martin Center for Entrepreneurship)
    Recently appointed the Director          products, they’re also learning to become
                                                                                         to help our technical founders build the
of the HUB, Graham has fostered              better leaders, building stronger teams
                                                                                         business skillset and entrepreneurial
partnerships and introduced programs         and building viable businesses.”
                                                                                         mindset to build a financially viable
designed to help aspiring entrepreneurs         Graham’s vision stems from three
                                                                                         venture and a collaborative team.”
thrive in today’s economy.                   main pillars of success:
    “Our vision is to be the leading tough                                               2. SOLVING COMPLEX PROBLEMS
                                                                                         FUELED BY INDUSTRY INPUTS:
                                                                                         “In partnership with select industry
                                                                                         advisors, collaborate on customer
                                                                                         research to yield rich innovation
                                                                                         opportunities. Founders will develop
                                                                                         solutions with greater precision thanks
                                                                                         to new customer data and industry
                                                                                         insight to impact our communities,
                                                                                         society and the world.”

                                                                                         3. BUILDING LEADERSHIP CAPACITY:
                                                                                         “Uniquely developed for “makers”,
                                                                                         leadership development happens
                                                                                         through an iterative habit-design process
                                                                                         while actively working in team settings.
                                                                                         When participants link new behaviours
                                                                                         to positive outcomes, they develop new
                                                                                         habits and learn that they can adapt
                                                                                         change. This means really understanding
                                                                                         what it means to develop as a leader and
                                                                                         working in a team setting.”

                                              THE NEWEST RESIDENT IN THE
                                              Emera ideaHUB is catching a lot of
                                                  Combining sustainability and
                                              innovation, Katchi Tech is developing a
                                              smart fishing net using technologies to
                                              improve the efficiency of conventional
                                              bottom trawling fishing while also
                                              reducing its footprint on the ocean floor.
                                                  Bottom trawling is a method of
                                              fishing where heavy nets are dragged
                                              along the seabed to catch large
                                              quantities of fish. In doing so, everything
                                              along the ocean floor that happens to be
                                              in the way, including all forms of marine
                                              life, are swept up into these nets.           also working on technology that will
                                                  While working for his family’s fishing    use lights and bioacoustics to help
                                              company in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia,             fisherman efficiently capture their target
                                              Marc d’Entremont couldn’t help but            species while also reducing by-catch.
                                              wonder if there was a better way to           Within the industry, by-catch refers to
   Within the Emera IdeaHUB,                  execute their fishing activities.             marine life that is unintentionally caught
Graham says their culture and success             “I started to notice that industry        in a fisherman’s net.
are strongly influenced by diversity,         and DFO (Department of Fisheries and              “Because the net can move up and
inclusivity and equity. Her team has been     Oceans) were always butting heads,” he        down the water column, we can target
working to instill an inclusive mindset       says. “Industry wants to be profitable        the species based on where they are in
that allows students, innovators and          and DFO wants to save the environment.        the water column,” he says.
company founders to view the world with       At some point we needed everyone on               Joining the Emera ideaHUB in
a wider lens.                                 the same path and the only way to do          February, d’Entremont and his team
   “We think inclusion has to happen          that was to get a new fishing method          have begun utilizing 3D printing
from the very beginning” she says. “If        that could adapt to the environmental         equipment to develop the sensors and
want to enable early stage product            challenges that we were facing.”              electronics required in building their
innovation and be a tough tech leader,            In 2019 d’Entremont founded Katchi        SmartNet.
the ambition that we have here is beyond      Tech and is now working on a net that             “For a startup like us, having access
the product, it’s into educating engineers    uses hydrodynamic blocks on the top           to that equipment is huge because it’s a
to be inclusive, values-led-leaders.”         and bottom of the net to ensure that          cost that we don’t need to incur. It helps
   A generous $10 million donation from       it remains open while in the water,           you build your prototypes and build
Emera led to the creation of the Emera        and doesn’t touch the ocean floor.            your proof of concepts, and that’s a big
ideaHUB in 2018. In only a few short          The technology replaces existing trawl        struggle for startups,” he says . “At the
years, the Emera ideaHUB has helped           doors and reduces fuel emissions and          ideaHUB, you have the right people and
54-start-ups create 106 new jobs and          greenhouse gases.                             you have all of the equipment to build
secure $28 million dollars in funding. The        “What we’re doing is measuring how        what you need."
research and new technology born at the       high the net is off the seabed, measuring         In September, d’Entremont is hoping
Emera ideaHUB has put Atlantic Canada         cable payout, taking lots of sounds           to have his full-scale net ready for sea
on the map for innovation globally, and       from the GPS vessel, and plugging it all      trial. His team will board the Scotia
a key part of that success is attributed to   into our algorithm which keeps track          Harvest trawler Léry Charles, and will
the opportunities available to students       of where that boat is,” he explains. “As      test their net’s control system to see
and future founders to explore their          the boat is pushing the net through the       how it performs in real-world conditions.
innovative and entrepreneurial spirits.       water, it measures what’s on the seabed           “We’re going to follow another
                                              from the vessel. If it sees a certain         trawler with traditional gear, he’s going
                                              structure, it automatically adjusts the       to make a pass somewhere and we’re
                                              net to avoid that structure.”                 going to go to the same spot and see
                                                  d’Entremont says his team is              what we catch.”

                                                                                                                 ENGINEERING     | 13


THIS YEAR, 30 MILLION E-BIKES                  barrier for people to make the shift to
will be sold around the world. At first        more environmentally friendly modes
glance, those figures may seem like an         of transportation. But it is the battery
environmental sustainability success           technology developed by Dr. Dahn’s
story, but there is a catch: by 2025, the      team that may prove to be the true game
lithium-ion batteries powering those           changer for the industry.
bikes will need to be recycled.                    “What we have found is that even
    “That waste and the price are              after 1,000 hours, the battery still has
the main pain points associated                92 percent capacity,” Kempaiah says.
with e-bikes,” says Ravi Kempaiah, a           “That means that, after 10 to 12 years
propulsion engineer who is completing          of riding, it will still have 90 percent
a post-doctorate with the Jeff Dahn            capacity, which will significantly reduce
Research Group at Dalhousie University.        waste and enhance sustainability. No
“I was thinking about how to address           other e-bike company has access to such
these issues, which led me to Dr. Dahn,        technology. We want to be the first ones
who is the leading researcher in lithium-      to commercialize it with our e-bikes and
ion battery technology. I shared my ideas      show the world what is possible.”
for a new company that could resolve               There are other notable advances in
those pain points and he said, ‘come to        design and engineering that set Zen’s
Halifax and I’ll support you.”                 e-bikes apart from their competitors.
    Kempaiah is the co-founder of Zen          The drive system uses a high-resolution
e-bikes, a new company in the Dalhousie        torque sensor instead of a cadence
Emera ideaHUB. The company is                  sensor, resulting in a smoother ride
dedicated to producing high-quality, net-      that almost feels bionic. The motor has
zero alternatives for urban transportation     a quick release system that enables it
and energy storage products using              to be unlocked with one hand. And the
cutting-edge battery technologies. Its         Samurai swaps out the standard chain
first two e-bikes will launch this year: the   for a more durable carbon fibre belt.
mass market Shakti and the premium                 “With the belt, you can use the
Samurai. Kempaiah believes the pricing         Samurai all year long, even in winter
for the Shakti will help break down the        conditions such as slush and road

salt without any real impact to the
system,” Kempaiah says. “It really is low
maintenance and very well suited to
North America’s climate.”
    Based on these advantages,
Kempaiah is hopeful that more North
Americans will invest in e-bikes both
to reduce their carbon footprint and
for their health. Each year, he notes,
Canada spends billions on hip and knee
replacements, and much of that could be
eliminated if more people commit to 20
minutes of exercise each day.
    “Once we have the scale, we will be
exploring the benefits of e-bikes through
a pilot study with Dalhousie Medical
School,” he says. “If the data shows that
you can gain three to four years of extra
life from investing $3,000 to $4,000 in a
bike, that’s an easy decision to make.”
    The company will begin fulfilling
pre-orders for its bikes later this year.
Kempaiah has ambitious plans for
growth, including cargo bikes, which
could significantly reduce last-mile
delivery costs for organizations such
as FedEx and Canada Post, and
other transportation modalities once
the company’s battery and motor
technologies are perfected.
    “We hope to achieve that over the
next two to three years,” he says. “Once
the technologies are mature, that will
enable us to enter tangential markets
such as electric boats and snowmobiles.
The possibilities are endless.”

    Kady Leard and Ravi Kempaiah,

    members of Zen-e-bikes

                      ENGINEERING   | 15

                                                DALHOUSIE ALUMNA
                                                   HELPS IMPROVE
                                                        IN AFRICA
BAI BINTOU KAIRA (BENG’18)                    you can book appointments with your           working engineers, Kaira says
 didn’t always know that she wanted           providers, whether virtual, in person,        “I think the modern engineer is a better
to study engineering, but her plans           or over text. Users can also set personal     representation of our community.
for medical school changed when she           medication reminders.                         I think people should be able to Google
started university in Canada. After                This is a personal area for Kaira, who   an engineer and find variations; ones
transferring to Dalhousie University from     before her mother’s passing took on           that look like them, ones doing different
studying microbiology and immunology          the role of a care supporter in tracking      things. It’s also having a way
in Africa, she was looking for advice on      the medical information and medicines         of connecting to those people.”
what to study when friends and family         associated with her mother’s diabetes.            “I think it is difficult to be what you
suggested she apply to engineering.               “The whole point of this app is to        can’t see,” she says on the value that
    At first, she was hesitant, but the       give patients the ability to own their        comes from having visible differences
consensus of those around her was that        health. They can share all, or parts of       represented in the industry. Further to
she could do anything with a degree           their records with any provider in the        that, Kaira says it’s important that people
in engineering. That decision resulted        network,” she says. This is a task that is    or communities that are experiencing
in lifelong friends, new skills, and the      a common accessibility barrier between        a problem are also a part of creating
launchpad for Kaira’s career.                 providers.                                    the solution.
    Combining her interest in medicine            Another barrier that GAPhealth helps          “A modern engineer is someone that
and engineering Kaira co-founded              overcome is support for people who may        defines their path; whether on the road
GAPhealth Technologies Inc, a company         not want to go to the hospital. The app       less travelled or sometimes there’s no
focused on using technology to solve          now provides them with an alternative         trail at all.” Kaira believes it would be a
health challenges in Africa.                  for getting quality care within their         person who lifts as they climb, pulling
    Finding that phones were the most         community. “Increasing accessibility          from a quote from Mary Church Terrell,
accessible tool for individuals in the        of care makes a tremendous impact,”           a well-known Black American activist.
area, Kaira and the GAPhealth team            says Kaira. “We know once people are          “It should always be easier for the next
based their technology in the mobile          healthy that has a ripple effect on their     person. We all have a voice, and the
space. Special considerations were            kids, their families, and their economic      ability to help and provide opportunities
implemented to tailor the technology to       gaining power. We think about health          to help others.”
the realities of the region and to ensure a   and have a holistic approach to care.”            Kaira has an exciting year ahead, with
very user-friendly experience.                    “Long term, we are trying to solve the    GAPhealth expanding in Ghana and then
    The mobile application hosts              biases in health.”                            Gambia. She says she’s excited to share
telemedicine and electronic health                In addition to GAPhealth, Kaira works     the app with the world.
records for users. There is also a provider   full-time with a potash mining company            “Our hope is that GAPhealth and
portal that gives the medical provider        in Saskatchewan where she uses                healthcare is accessible to people.
access to telemedicine. This gives            technology to improve operations. She         Quality healthcare is a right. People
them the ability to prescribe medicine        does this all while completing her MBA        should not have to choose between
to patients and view medical records.         at the University of Saskatchewan.            going to work and seeing a provider.
Additionally, the patient portal acts as a        In reflecting on what features            Opportunities should not be limited
comprehensive care medical app where          contribute to the next generation of          based on where you live.”


ANDRÉS COLLART (BENG'14, MASC'16)            this is the problem that you're out to              Through the acquisition of Trip Ninja,
is a Dalhousie engineering alumnus           solve. You solve that and then they're          Collart has stayed on with the company
and entrepreneur. He is also the co-         like, Oh no, I'd like you to solve a slightly   as CEO. Together with co-founder Brett
founder and CEO of Trip Ninja, a travel      simpler problem because we can use              Zeigler, they continue to move Trip Ninja
technology company.                          that more broadly.”                             forward: “We are continuing to grow
    His time at Dalhousie not only                                                           quite rapidly again. Right now, we have
introduced him to the world of Startups      GROWING, CHANGING, AND                          five or six open job postings.”
and their ecosystems, it also introduced     RESPONDING
him to two very important people: his            “We originally developed the                FROM ADVICE GIVEN TO
wife and the co-founder of his company.      technology during evenings and                  ADVICE-GIVING
    When undergraduate convocation           weekends, starting in 2014. And then, I            With this leadership role in a growing
rolled around, Collart saw many of his       think it was 2017, I quit my job. Shortly       company, Collart enjoys empowering
classmates considering trips to Europe.      thereafter, Brett quit his job. We started      others to build great products.
He noticed that most people didn’t           raising some capital, put together a               For people considering
care about the order of the places they      small team, and we’ve grown since               entrepreneurship, Collart’s advice is to
visited, they just wanted to choose where    then… until the pandemic,” says Collart         look at what options you have available.
they went. This was where the idea for       when reflecting on the company’s path.          “There's the ‘standard’ path around,
Trip Ninja began. Collart realized he            The travel industry was acutely             going off and getting a job and having a
could find a solution to the issue from an   impacted by the pandemic: “95% of               great career on that front. Then there's
engineering perspective.                     travel was gone, almost overnight”              starting a business and doing that full-
    He and co-founder Brett Zeigler          he adds.                                        time. But in the middle, there's a whole
(BEng'14) figured out how to optimize            Trip Ninja entered the pandemic with        gradient of possibilities that you can do
the best order of flights for the cheapest   around ten employees. “It was tough             as well. So, it's not binary.”.
price: “It used to take seven and a half     to be able to navigate that. With the              Collart is a big believer of going all-in
minutes to run the whole program, now        burden of ‘I’ve hired these people and          for something you are passionate about,
it takes 20 seconds.”                        I’m responsible for them.’” With this           whether or not it's from the moment
    Beyond the engineering, Collart had      challenge, Collart worked hard to retain        that you have the idea.
to immerse himself into learning the         his staff, “I didn’t want to lay off my staff
industry, especially how flights were        due to the pandemic. We were able to
commercialized. He soon realized that        keep them employed throughout the
in addition to optimizing the order of       pandemic.”
flights they could also improve the issue        It was during the pandemic that Trip
of “split ticketing.” Their solution ended   Ninja was acquired by WebJet. In rising
up having a broader impact than the          and responding to this challenge, Collart
original idea, with over 42,000 travellers   says, “I'm proud of being able to retain
using their technology.                      the people that we hired and being able
    “This has been interesting to go         to figure out a path forward that didn't
through,” says Collart, “you think that      involve mass layoffs.”

                                                                                                                    ENGINEERING     | 17

WHEN DALHOUSIE MECHANICAL                   Headquartered in Dalhousie’s Emera
engineering student Liam Maaskant           IDEAhub, the company has teamed
co-founded Axtion Independence              up with experts at the Hub to design
Mobility with business savvy partner        a mobility device that combines a
Tracey McGillivray, his career path took    four-wheeled rollator walker with a
a new turn.                                 mechanical seat to help those who
    Once a former defencemen with           have fallen get back up on their own
the Ontario Hockey League and former        with minimal assistance. They’ve also
Captain of the Acadia Axeman hockey         teamed up with Occupational Therapist
team, Maaskant never imagined he’d          and Dalhousie alum, Suling Duong, who
one day launch an up-and-coming             opened their eyes to new possibilities for
medical device start-up company. But        the device.
while completing the first two years           “She really paved the way for what our
of his engineering degree at Acadia         device could do and all of the features
University, he received a phone call from   it could help with,” says Maaskant. “I
McGillivray whom he’d previously met        came in and I was really focused on just
through Acadia’s Athletics Program.         getting a seat that lifts. I didn’t see all of
She wanted to discuss the design of         the constraints that it had to meet. So
a mobility device that would allow          for example, lowering the seat flush with
her father to live more independently.      the ground.”
Although her father already used a             “Our design started as a fall recovery

walker, he had been experiencing regular    device and then moved into something
falls at home, and wasn’t able to get       that could support users in their
back up on his own or with assistance       daily activities,” he adds. “So users

from her mother.                            transferring themselves on and off a
    Now, two years later, Axtion is set     couch or a bed for example. Then lifting
to revolutionize the rollator walker        themselves back up to a position that is
so that it can better help its users in     much easier to stand from.”
the prevention and recovery of falls.
                                                                                             These new possibilities meant new
                                                                                             opportunities for two groups of Dal
                                                                                             engineering students working on their
                                                                                             senior year Capstone projects.
                                                                                                Each year, Dalhousie’s Capstone
                                                                                             program matches engineering student
                                                                                             teams with industry partners to design
                                                                                             innovative solutions to real-world
                                                                                             challenges. Their projects typically
                                                                                             involve open-ended problems that
                                                                                             companies may not have the resources
                                                                                             or expertise to tackle alone.
                                                                                                Maaskant, who is a senior mechanical
                                                                                             engineering student himself was also
                                                                                             required to complete his Capstone

   From left to right: Adam Dorrance, Liam Maaskant (me), Matt Ingham,
                                                                   Will Houser, Ben Abraham, Danielle Dey, Lara Mullally, Aya Ghalib

    As co-founders of Axtion, he and         have really come on board and taken            support,” she says. “He (Maaskant) has
McGillivray saw the Capstone program         control,” he adds. “They’re the brains         taken a backseat in terms of directing us
as an opportunity to partner with            of the operation, so I learned a lot from      and he lets us have the freedom to really
students and gain a fresh perspective        them and from their concepts.                  make big changes as opposed to having
on the design of their device. With the      I was ecstatic with how much input they        a specific direction they want us to go in.”
goal of completing their prototype for       had and how much value they added to              With the device’s brakes and seat
testing by this summer, Maaskant says        the product.”                                  now ready for action, Maaskant says it’s
the device’s braking system and a strong,         At the same time, Danielle Dey and        been a unique experience working as
foldable seat for the lift still needed to   her teammates, who include Aya Ghalib,         both an industry partner in the Capstone
be designed. So, they teamed up with         Lara Mullally and Ben Abraham were             program, and a member of one of the
two student groups from the mechanical       responsible for designing a mechanical         student teams.
engineering program to work on each          seat for the rollator walker. Taking into        “I’m part of the team and I never really
component of the project. One of those       account a list of general requirements         wanted to be the boss. All of those guys
Capstone teams included Maaskant’s           including building a foldable product          have done a really great job and are
group. He, along with his three              that can also support the full weight          doing things that I probably wouldn’t
teammates, Matt Ingham, Will Houser,         of its users as it lifts up and down, Dey      have thought of or wouldn’t have been
and Adam Dorrance, were tasked with          says both Maaskant and McGillivray             able to do originally,” he says. “For us we
building the device’s braking system.        have given their team the freedom and          couldn’t have been happier.”
   “For me, I love working with my peers.    confidence to experiment with their
I guess it’s very valuable to me. Going      design.
through school you learn a lot from class       “The seat had to be able to fold in two
lectures, but you also learn from your       directions, so it folds for storage and
study groups and meeting up with your        it flips up and out of the way for the
peers,” he says. “Matt, Will and Adam        user to stand in the centre for added

                                                                                                                  ENGINEERING     | 19

Advancing the Role of Biomedical
Engineering in Nova Scotia
DR. JANIE ASTEPHEN WILSON                     patients,” she says. “The robotics system        “Once we know this, we can come
is helping Nova Scotia Health develop         is a new innovation that we’re adding          up with interesting technology-driven
and oversee a world class research            to this space that provides us with a          solutions for optimizing patients
program around its first orthopaedic          significant ability to tailor surgeries that   before surgery and during surgery. And
surgical robot.                               are specific to a person’s anatomy and         optimizing the surgery itself to suit
    Appointed the Director of Dalhousie’s     biomechanics.”                                 the needs of the individual. And then
School of Biomedical Engineering last                                                        implement a technology and data
September, Wilson is among a team of          ENHANCING PATIENT CARE                         driven approach to monitoring clinical
researchers at the QEII Health Sciences       THROUGH COMMUNITY                              outcomes.”
Centre who will utilize the Mako
SmartRobotics system to inform and
                                                  While at McMaster University, Wilson
improve patient care.
                                              worked with surgeons to develop a
    Only the second of its kind in Canada,
                                              world class research program around
the innovative robotic arm assists
                                              orthopedic robotics. The program
doctors in joint replacement surgery.
                                              focused on the country’s first Mako
The robot’s first use in Canada was at St.
Joseph’s Hospital in Hamilton, Ontario
                                                  Wilson is now bringing that
where Wilson was collaborating with the
                                              research to Dal’s School of Biomedical
orthopaedic team in developing research
                                              Engineering. As Director of the school,
and clinical protocols while working
                                              she says these types of programs play
as a Professor of Surgery at McMaster
                                              a significant role in attracting new
                                              students to their program and training
    Now back in Nova Scotia, Wilson says
                                              the next generation of biomedical
residents requiring partial or total knee
                                              engineers. But they also play an equally
replacements may be offered an option
                                              vital role in broadening Dal’s future
for robotic surgery. The technology will
                                              collaborations with health authorities
increase the precision and success rate
                                              and industry partners within the Halifax
of these surgeries by assisting doctors
in more accurately mapping out surgical
                                                 “We want to continue to support
areas using a 3D Cat scan.
                                              growth of the biomedical sector in Nova
    Already leaders in orthopaedic
                                              Scotia which is now a well-established
technologies, Wilson and her team
                                              and growing enterprise, and the
have long been using research tools
                                              School of Biomedical Engineering has
such as instrumented gait analysis,
                                              a significant role to play in supporting
high precision image processing, and
                                              this industry,” she says. “Part of what I’m
data mapping and analytics to study
                                              interested in as a biomedical engineer is
the orthopedic patient population.
                                              how we augment the health care system
Although still in the research phase of its
                                              with innovation and technology to
development, she says the groundwork
                                              support things such as patient selection
for using cutting-edge technologies
                                              and triage, preparing for surgery
such as a surgical robot to offer patient-
                                              and developing clinical monitoring
specific surgery has already been laid in
                                              and rehabilitation programs with
Nova Scotia.
                                              wearable technologies and outpatient
   “What we’ve found in studying the
biomechanics of patients and failure
                                                  Wilson adds that the current work
of implants after surgery is that there
                                              under way with the Mako Robot will lay
are patient factors that affect these
                                              the foundation for future projects within
outcomes that we can study and model
                                              the province by helping researchers
in greater detail. And we can use
                                              understand how to tailor patient care
innovative approaches to understanding
                                              based on a person’s needs and response
the complex differences between
                                              to surgical procedures.

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