English Long Term Plan 2021-2022 - Neroche Primary School

Page created by Henry Douglas
English Long Term Plan 2021-2022 - Neroche Primary School
English Long Term Plan 2021-2022

Reading Curriculum Intent
At Neroche Community Primary School our school aim of living and learning for life underpins our ambitious curriculum for all learners, which contributes
towards their knowledge and cultural capital. We want all children to discover a love for reading and books, and to understand the importance reading can
play in unlocking wider learning, knowledge and understanding. The aim of our reading curriculum is to develop individuals who read widely with both
fluency and comprehension to enable them to approach the next stages of their education as confident readers and learners.

Writing Curriculum Intent
At Neroche Community Primary School our school aim of living and learning for life underpins our ambitious curriculum for all learners; which contributes
towards their knowledge and cultural capital. We want all children to discover a love for writing because of their love of reading, which is also fostered
within our curriculum. We place high value on the important, intrinsic link between reading and writing.
The aim of our writing curriculum is to develop individuals who are able to apply the extensive knowledge and understanding they have gained from
reading and learning across the curriculum (from sharing a wide range of books and text-types), to writing with confidence, passion and purpose. This is
made possible through a curriculum that allows our pupils to view writing as a process involving discussion, planning, writing, reviewing and editing.
Interwoven into the writing curriculum are activities to ensure an awareness of audience, purpose and context, as well as the need for accurate grammar
and ambitious vocabulary. Writing is seen as purposeful and provides our pupils with the toolkits to approach the next stages of their education as
confident learners.
A summary of English at Neroche
Read, Write, Inc. is used as the phonics and reading scheme at Neroche.
RWI texts are used as the main writing scheme in EYFS. Extended topic writing is also carried out in the Spring and Summer Terms of Reception, linked to
the topic texts listed below.
The key texts that are listed in the table below for Preschool and Reception are used throughout the EYFS to enhance book talk and create key links
between the main topics being covered and literacy activities – reading (word reading and comprehension), writing, communication and vocabulary.
Year One
Read, Write, Inc. is used as the phonics and reading scheme at Neroche. The RWI texts are used for Guided Reading sessions to ensure phonetically
supportive texts are used.
RWI texts are used as the main writing scheme in the Autumn Term of Year 1 to ensure the mechanics of writing are embedded.
The key texts that are listed below for Year 1 are used to support extended reading opportunities in the Autumn Term, and from the Spring Term the texts
are used as the basis for English writing units, linking to the themes covered in History/Geography/Science/DT/Art.
Discrete Grammar sessions also take place in Year 1.
Year Two
Read, Write, Inc. is used as the phonics and reading scheme at Neroche. The RWI texts are used in the Autumn Term for Guided Reading sessions to ensure
phonetically supportive texts are used. From the Spring Term onwards, Accelerated Reader linked texts are used for Guided Reading.
The key texts that are listed below are used to form English units lasting 2-3 weeks in length. Grammar sessions are taught within the English units or as
discrete sessions when needed.
The key texts that are listed below for Years 3 to 6 are used to form English units lasting 2-4 weeks in length. These texts link to the topics carried out
throughout the year. Grammar sessions are mainly taught within the English units as part of the literacy skills relating to the text/writing genre, with some
discrete Grammar sessions where appropriate.
Years 3 = Weekly Guided Reading sessions within smaller groups - to focus on reading and comprehension skills.
Years 4-6 = Whole Class Guided Reading sessions 3 times a week.
Potential writing genres that could be used with the key topic texts are written in bold.
Autumn 1               Autumn 2               Spring 1                   Spring 2                 Summer 1                 Summer 2
Preschool     All about              Festivals and          Toys                       Fantasy and              Science and              Places
and           me/starting school     Celebrations                                      Adventure                investigation
                                                                                       (Storytelling )
In these
              New beginnings         Diwali                 New Year                   Signs of Spring          Growing plants           Seaside
groups        Harvest                Bonfire night          Valentine’s Day            Mothering Sunday         Animals                  Summer
planning is   Autumnal changes       Remembrance            Pancake Day                Easter                   Insects                  Transition to Yr1
much more     People who help us     Winter                 Superheroes                Superheroes              Dinosaurs                Food around the world
in the                               Christmas              Teddies                    Traditional tales        Changes                  Our environment
moment,                                                     Vehicles                                            Space
so texts      Example texts:         Example texts:         Example texts:             Example texts:           Example texts:           Example texts:
are purely    The Worrying Worries   Stick Man              Supertato                  Goldilocks and the 3     The Snail and the        Grandad’s Island
              Ruby’s Worry           The Gruffalo’s Child   The Naughty Bus            Bears                    Whale                    Rumble in the Jungle
linking to
the                                  The Jolly Christmas    Mr Men Adventures on       Cinderella and the       The Very Hungry          The Jungle Book (First
possible                                                    Wheels                                              Caterpillar              Stories)
                                     Postman                                           Incredible Techno-
themes for                                                  Super Submarines                                    Duck in the Truck        What the Ladybird
                                     One Snowy Night        Rusty’s Train Ride         Slippers                                          Heard at the Seaside
that time                                                                                                       Whatever Next
of year.                                                    Mr Grumpy’s Motor          The Emperor’s New        On the Moon              Tiddler
                                                            Car                        Clothes                  Snoopy to the Moon!      Sharing a Shell
                                                            Nonfiction vehicle texts   Little Red Riding Hood   Mr Men Adventures in
                                                            Teddy Bear’s Picnic        The Fairy-tale           Space
                                                            Where’s My Teddy?          Hairdresser and Snow     Here Come the Aliens!
                                                            We’re going on a Bear                               Baby Brains
                                                            Hunt                                                Aliens Love Underpants
                                                                                       The Three Billy Goats
                                                                                                                The Tiger that came to
                                                                                       Gruff                    Tea
                                                                                       The Three Little Pigs
Abstract Art/Our School     Remembrance/ Nature             Stable Structures             Queens & Castles /          Beside the Seaside /           Terrific Transport /
             and the Local Area           and Poppy Art              (Dragons) / The UK /            Fabricate / Animals        Seaside Snacks / Plants         Machines / Plants
                 (Art/Geography)             (History/Art)                Materials                   (History/Art/Science)       (Geography/DT/Science)          (History/DT/Science)
           Katie and the British      Katie and the British       Zog – Julia Donaldson           Castle Adventure –           The Snail and the             Non Fiction transport
           Artists                    Artists                     Letter writing                  Oxford Reading Tree          Whale                         Books
           The Dot                                                Small Knight and                Fiction and non-fiction      Character descriptions        Information texts
           The Usborne Book of                                    George – Ronda                  (information leaflets,                                     Mrs Armitage on
           Famous Artists                                         Armitage                        instructions etc.)           Seaside Poems                 Wheels
           Poppy and the Blooms                                   Narrative retell                                             Poetry                        Narrative writing
Year One   Poppy Poems                                            The Egg – M.P                   In the Castle - Anna                                       The Enormous Turnip
                                                                  Robertson                       Milbourne                    Recount writing (trip to      Narrative writing
                                                                  Fantasy story                   Fiction and non-fiction      seaside)                      Jack and the Beanstalk
                                                                  The Adventures of Egg           (information leaflets,                                     Narrative writing
                                                                  Box Dragon                      instructions etc.)                                         Character descriptions
                                                                  By Richard Adams                                                                           Plant Poems
                                                                  Invitation writing              Non-fiction writing                                        Poetry
                                                                  Michael Recycle                 Biographies                                                Non-fiction writing –
                                                                  Narrative writing               Diary entries                                              travel writing
                                                                  Dragon Poems                                                                               Diary entries
             What a Wonderful                 Nurturing               Magical Mapping /           The Great Fire of London             Sensational               Local Case Study/
               World/Moving              Nurses/Delightful            Animal Drawings /            / Recycled Art / Use of       Safari/Fantastic Food/        Impressionism/Plants
           Minibeasts/Living Things      Decorations/Living           Animals Including              Everyday Materials                  Plants                  (History/Art/Science)
              and their Habitats      Things and their Habitats           Humans                      (History/Art/Science)       (Geography/DT/Science)
                 (Geography/DT)           (History/DT/Science)       (Geography/Art/Science)
           (CLPE) Wild                (CLPE) Hummingbird          (CLPE) Lila and the Secret of   Michael Recycle              Amazing Africa Texts to       Jim and the Beanstalk
           By Emily Hughes                                        Rain                                                         support extended writing      Raymond Briggs
                                                                  By David Conway                 The Great Fire of London:    opportunities:
           (CLPE) The Storm Whale                                 Non-chronological reports       350th Anniversary of the                                   Monet non-fiction texts
                                                                                                                               Handa’s Surprise – Eileen
                                                                                                  Great Fire of 1666
Year Two                                                                                                                       Brown
                                                                  (CLPE) One Day On Our Blue      Emma Adams & James                                         Katie and the Waterlily Pond
                                                                                                                               Narrative retell
                                                                  Planet ... In the Savannah      Weston Lewis
                                                                  By Ella Bailey                                               Tinga Tinga Tales
                                                                  Poetry                          Toby and The Great Fire Of   Funny animal poster –         (CLPE) The Secret Sky
                                                                                                  London                       information text              Garden
                                                                  (CLPE) The Story Tree           Margaret Nash & Jane Cope    Bringing the Rain to Kapiti
                                                                  By Hugh Lupton                                               Plain – Verna Aardema
                                                                  Narrative writing                                            Letter writing
                                                                                                                               The Enormous Crocodile
                                                                                                                               Character descriptions
Countries and            Ancient Greeks/Seasonal        Extreme Earth/Animal           When in Rome/Plant                Mountain                     Tudors (Queen
               Capitals/Packaging/               Food/Rocks                 Sketching/Animals               Printing and               Ranges/Vincent Van             Elizabeth)/Shadow
              Scientific Enquiry Skills        (History/DT/Science)         Including Humans              Sculpture/Plants              Gough/Forces and                 Puppets/Light
                (Geography/DT/Science)                                      (Geography/Art/Science)        (History/Art/Science)            Magnets                    (History/DT/Science)
             Where the Forest Meets        King Midas – Literacy         The Pebble in my Pocket:      Escape from Pompeii by       Katie and the British          The Three Little Pigs
             the Sea – Jeannie Baker       Shed                          A History of Our Earth by     Christina Balit Avid         Artists                        (relating to puppets DT
Year Three

             Non-chronological             Narrative retell with an      Meredith Hooper and           Narrative                    Adventure narrative            topic)
             reports                       alternative ending            Chris Coady (Frances          Writing in role                                             Chronological reports
             Letter writing                                              Lincoln)                                                   Artist Fact Files              Narrative retells
                                           Non Fiction Ancient           Persuasive leaflet            Non Fiction Ancient Rome     Non-chronological              Character descriptions
             The Great Kapok Tree –        Greece books                  Explanatory text              books                        reports and biographies.
             Lynne Cherry                  Non-fiction e.g. leaflets,    Information writing           Information texts –                                         Non Fiction Tudor/Queen
             Poetry                        fact files and reports.                                     leaflets etc.                                               Elizabeth books
             Extension of a narrative                                    Storm by Kevin Crossley-                                                                  Information texts –
                                           Who let the Gods Out?         Holland                                                                                   leaflets etc.
                                           Maz Evans                     Newspaper report
                                           Myths and Legends             Writing in role – account
                                                                         of an event
                    Through the                Somewhere to                  Anglo-Saxons and                Our Changing            The Victorians/William              Comparing
                 Ages/Storybooks/             Settle/Seurat and                 Scots/Money                World/Recycled              Morris/Electricity            Countries/American
                 Scientific Enquiry          Pointillism/States of          Containers/Animals           Art/Living Things and          (History/Art/Science)           Food/Sound
                 (History/DT/Science)               Matter                   Including Humans                their Habitats                                           (Geography/DT/Science)
                                              (Geography/Art/Science)        (History/DT/Science)         (Geography/Art/Science)
             Ug by Raymound Briggs         Gregory Cool                  Charlotte’s Web               One Plastic Bag              Oliver Twist                   Hot Like Fire and Other
             Recounts                      By Caroline Binch             Character descriptions        Advertising                  Charles Dickens (original      Poems
             Postcards                     Character descriptions        Narrative descriptions        Booklets, leaflets,          author), Karen Donnelly        Poetry
             Advertisement                 Narrative descriptions        Writing in role               presentations                (illustrator), & Gill Tavner
                                                                                                                                                                   Leon and the Place Between
Year Four

             Comic strips                  Writing in role                                                                          (adapter)                      by Angela McAllister and
                                           Instructions                  A collection of non-fiction                                Narrative retell               illustrated by Grahame
             Stone Age Sentinel                                          texts                                                      Character descriptions         Baker-Smith
             Newspaper articles            A collection of non-fiction   Instruction writing                                                                       Poetry
                                           texts                         Information booklets                                       Charles Dickens: England's     Persuasive poster
             A collection of non-fiction   Non-chronological                                                                        Most Captivating               News report
             texts                         reports                                                                                  Storyteller (Biography)        Story narrative
             Booklets, leaflets,                                                                                                    Catherine Wells-Cole
             presentations                                                                                                          Biography writing              A collection of non-fiction
                                                                                                                                    Chronological reports          texts
                                                                                                                                                                   Balanced arguments
                                                                                                                                                                   (healthy eating)
All Around the                WW1/Flanders                    Marvellous              Ancient Maya/Great            Rivers/Cityscapes/Earth            Vikings/Building
                  World/Funky              Fields/Properties and             Maps/Japanese             British Dishes/Living                and Space                    Bridges/Forces
              Furnishings/Scientific        Changing Materials            Art/Animals Including      Things and their Habitats         (Geography/DT/Science)           (History/DT/Science)
                  Enquiry Skills             (History/Art/Science)              Humans                    (History/DT/Science)
               (Geography/DT/Science)                                      (Geography/Art/Science)
            The Mapmakers' Race by       Armistice Runner               Kensuke's Kingdom Michael    The Great Kapok Tree –         Journey to the River Sea       The Dragon's Hoard: Stories
            Eirlys Hunter                Tom Palmer                     Morpurgo                     Lynne Cherry                   By Eva Ibbotson                from the Viking Sagas
Year Five

            Narrative writing            Narrative writing              Narrative writing            Persuasive writing/debate      Diary entries                  Lari Don & Cate James
                                         Character descriptions         Debate                       Report writing                 Narrative fiction              Narrative writing
                                         Stay Where You Are and         The Mapmakers' Race by       The History Detective                                         Vikings in 30 Seconds
                                         Then Leave                     Eirlys Hunter                Investigates: Mayan            Cosmic Disco                   Philip Steele
                                         By John Boyne                  (some continued writing      Civilization Clare Hibbert     By Grace Nichols               Information texts
                                         Propaganda Posters             themes from Autumn 1         Information texts              Poetry
                                         Diary writing                  could be picked up here as
                                         Instruction writing            well)                                                       Dark Sky Park
                                         Letter writing                                                                             By Philip Gross
                                         Writing in role                                                                            Poetry
                                                                                                                                    Persuasive writing
            North America/Burgers/       WW2/Shelters/Evolution         Trading and Economics/            The Egyptians/                Map Skills/Express                  Crime and
             Scientific Enquiry Skills     and Inheritance              A Sense of Place/Animals     Fairground/ Living Things           Yourself/Light                 Punishment/Art
               (Geography/DT/Science)        (History/DT/Science)          Including Humans              and their Habitats            (Geography/Art/Science)        Illusions/Electricity
                                                                           (Geography/Art/Science)        (History/DT/Science)                                          (History/DT/Science)
            Wonder by R J Palacio        Goodnight Mr Tom               The Boy at the Back of the   An Egyptian Adventure          There’s a Boy in the Girls’    A text relating to the
            Character descriptions       Narrative writing              Class                        (The Histronauts)              Bathroom                       chosen performance –
            Letter writing               Letter writing                 Narrative writing            Frances Durkin & Grace         Letter writing                 variation of writing
            Diary entries                                               Setting descriptions         Cooke                          Diaries                        outcomes
            Scripts for documentaries    A collection of non-fiction    Scripted news reports        Narrative writing –            Play scripts
                                         texts – variation of writing   Posters                      graphic novel                  Contemporary narrative
Year Six

                                         outcomes (information          Postcards
                                         texts)                         Poetry                       So You Think You've Got It     A collection of non-fiction
                                                                        Pamphlets                    Bad: A Kid's Life in Ancient   texts – variation of writing
                                                                        Infomercials                 Egypt                          outcomes (information
                                                                                                     Chae Strathie & Marisa         texts, including
                                                                                                     Morea                          instructions)
                                                                                                     – variation of writing
                                                                                                     outcomes (information
                                                                                                     Explanation texts
                                                                                                     Newspaper reports
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