Everyone's Talking About It - Tax Impacts of the Pandemic on Employers and Employees

Page created by Carolyn Zimmerman
Everyone's Talking About It - Tax Impacts of the Pandemic on Employers and Employees
Tax Impacts of the Pandemic on Employers and

January 20, 2021

Everyone’s Talking About It

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed                       EMPLOYMENT EXPENSES                                       Employer’s declaration
the way work is organized in a number
                                                        For salaried          employees,1deducting                Employees can only deduct expenses if they
of ways. For example, many employers
                                                        expenses is the exception. Only those                     obtain a duly completed and signed form
are requiring employees to work from
                                                        expenditures specifically provided for in                 T2200 – Declaration of Conditions of
home, raising questions about
                                                        the Act are permitted, within the limits set              Employment (federal) and form TP-64.3 –
deductible expenses for employees
                                                        out therein.                                              General Employment Conditions (Québec)
and the treatment of reimbursements,
                                                                                                                  from their employer for the year in question.
allowances and other benefits that may                  Employment contract
be provided for this purpose. As well,                                                                            By signing the form, the employer certifies
this situation creates tax compliance                   Generally speaking, employees can
                                                                                                                  that the employee was required to use
obligations for employers. In particular,               deduct employment expenses on their
                                                                                                                  home office space and pay expenses in
the filing of T4 slips in this context                  income tax return if their employment
                                                                                                                  this regard, specifying any amounts
raises questions.                                       contract requires them to pay the
                                                                                                                  reimbursed for such expenses.3
                                                        expenses. This employment contract does
Here is a summary of the applicable                     not have to be in writing, but the employer
rules and relief announced to date,                     and employee must agree to and
including those for the purpose of                      understand the terms and conditions.
deducting home office expenses and
with respect to benefits and allowances                 Accordingly, if there is an agreement
provided by the employer.                               allowing or obliging an employee to work
                                                        from home, the employee will be able to
                                                        deduct some expenses, in accordance
                                                        with the conditions and within the limits set
                                                        out below.2

1   Special rules apply to expenses that may be         2   Employees who voluntarily choose telework, with the   3   Form T2200 / TP-64.3 also allows the employer
    deducted by commission employees whose                  employer's agreement and on terms and conditions          to certify other expenses that employees are
    employment relates to the sale or negotiation of        approved by the employer, will be considered to use       required to incur for the purposes of their
    contracts for the employer. This document               their home for the purposes of employment and to          employment (e.g. vehicle expenses).
    describes the expenses that are deductible by           pay the related expenses under the terms of this
    salaried employees; it does not analyze the rules       agreement (CRA, Views 2011-0394321E5 and
    applicable     to     self-employed      workers        Revenu Québec, interpretation letter 19-048516-
    (entrepreneurs).                                        001).

This document is published by Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton for its clients’ information. Readers should not make any decisions on the basis of
this document without first consulting a specialist.
Everyone's Talking About It - Tax Impacts of the Pandemic on Employers and Employees
January 20, 2021

Employees are responsible for compiling                   COVID-19. The online service Access to                   Revenu Québec stated that the “work
and reporting their employment expenses                   order prefilled TP-64.3 forms online                     mainly” at home criterion should generally
and for maintaining records to support                    service is available to facilitate the                   be met in the context of the pandemic.10
their claim;4 employers have no                           production of a large number of forms that
                                                                                                                   Deductible expenses
responsibility in this respect.                           employers could have to send to
                                                          teleworkers.9                                            In computing income for a taxation year,
As an administrative practice, the CRA
                                                          HOME OFFICE                                              employees may deduct an amount for
and Revenu Québec do not require
                                                                                                                   home office expenses and supplies
employees to attach form T2200 / TP-64.3                  Conditions                                               consumed directly in the performance of
to their income tax return. However,
                                                          One of the following conditions must be                  their duties,11 if their contract of
employees must keep these forms, as well
                                                          met for employees to deduct home office                  employment requires them to pay such
as all records supporting the expenses
                                                          expenses:                                                expenses and, where applicable, to obtain
claimed, in order to be able to submit them
                                                                                                                   such supplies.12
upon request for audit purposes.5                          The workspace is where the employee
                                                            mainly (more than 50% of the time)                     They may not receive any reimbursement
Relief for 2020
                                                            does work;                                             from their employer in this regard and the
For 2020, two options are available to                                                                             expenses cannot exceed employment
                                                           The employee uses the workspace
employees who worked from home due to                                                                              income for the year.13
                                                            only to earn employment income and
COVID-19: 6
                                                            uses it on a regular and continuous                    Employees using the temporary flat rate
 A temporary flat rate method whereby                      basis to meet clients, or other people                 method will not have to determine their
    employees will be able to claim a                       in the course of employment duties.                    expenses eligible for the Home Office
    deduction of $2 for each day they                                                                              Expense Deduction in 2020. They will
                                                          Whether employees perform their work
    worked from home (max. $400 for the                                                                            have to calculate these expenses if they
                                                          mainly in their home is a question of fact,
    year). These employees will not have                                                                           use the detailed method, and make sure
                                                          taking into account all the circumstances
    to obtain forms T2200 and TP-64.3                                                                              they separate the use of the premises for
                                                          of each situation. The common meaning of
    from their employer or track their                                                                             work and non-work (personal) use. For
                                                          “mainly” is “more than 50%”. Accordingly,
    expenses in detail in order to claim this                                                                      employees incurring modest expenses,
                                                          this condition will generally be satisfied if
    simplified deduction;7                                                                                         the simplified method will normally be
                                                          an employee works more than 50% of
 The detailed method, for employees                                                                               advantageous.
                                                          normal working hours from home on an
    who obtain from their employer the                    annual basis.                                            Office expenses
    completed and signed form T2200 or
    the new simplified form T2200S -                      Relief for 2020                                          Deductible office expenses include the
    Declaration of Conditions of                                                                                   portion of costs associated with
                                                          The CRA will consider this condition
    Employment for Working at Home Due                                                                             maintaining an office space, such as
                                                          satisfied if the employee has worked from
    to COVID-19.8                                                                                                  electricity, heating and maintenance
                                                          home more than 50% of the time for a
                                                                                                                   costs. The utility portion (electricity,
In Quebec, the new 2020 version of the                    period of at least 4 consecutive weeks in
                                                                                                                   heating and water) of condo fees is also
TP-64.3 form includes a section allowing                  2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
the employer to confirm that the employee
was required to telework due to

4   The record must include supporting documents          7    Revenu Québec confirmed its intention to adopt      11   Expenses paid for the salary of an assistant or
    for the expenses (invoices, monthly statements,            this simplified method in a press release issued         replacement are also deductible if the
    etc.). Employees must complete form T777 –                 on December 16, 2020.                                    employment contract explicitly or implicitly
    Statement of employment expenses (form TP-59          8    This relief allows the employer to complete a            provides for it.
    in Quebec) to claim the deduction of these                 simplified version of the T2200 form. The           12   A telework arrangement may implicitly require the
    expenses, when filing their income tax return. For         employee will have to calculate his deduction            employee to provide and pay for an office at
    the year 2020, a simplified T777S form is                  using the usual method and keep the supporting           home.
    available                                                  documents to substantiate his claim, whether he     13   Therefore, it is not possible to realize a loss by
5   Generally, taxpayers are required to keep their            has obtained the simplified or regular version of        deducting home office expenses or deduct these
    records and supporting documents (paper or                 form T2200 from his employer. CRA and Revenu             expenses from income other than employment
    electronic) for at least six years after the end of        Québec will accept electronic signatures for             income. Expenses not deducted in a given year
    the taxation year to which they relate.                    T2200, T2200S and TP-64.3 forms in 2020.                 can be deducted the following year against
6   There is an online calculator on the CRA’s Home       9    See Revenu Québec’s FAQ for Businesses for               income from the same employer.
    office expenses for employees portal and on the            details on employers’ obligations and the           14   Regarding deductible condominium fees, see
    Ministère des Finances du Québec site. These               applicable terms for producing these forms.              note 1 in the "Allowable Expenses" section on the
    tools can be used to determine the most               10   See the Revenu Québec’s FAQ for Individuals. No          CRA’s Home office expenses for employees
    advantageous method for the employee.                      specific period is mentioned to satisfy this             portal and Revenu Québec, interpretation letter
                                                               condition.                                               15-025912-001 (June 2, 2016).
This document is published by Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton for its clients’ information. Readers should not make any decisions on the basis of
this document without first consulting a specialist.                                                                                  Page 24
January 20, 2021

If employees own their home, the following             telephone service (landline or cell phone)                 also provide benefits to employees, such
expenses are not deductible as home                    or unlimited Internet access to be                         as allowing them to use property for
office expenses:15                                     “supplies consumed” in the course of                       personal purposes at no cost. If an
                                                       employment.16                                              employer provides benefits to its
 Property taxes;
                                                                                                                  employees, the employer must determine
 Home insurance premiums;                             In general, these fees will be deductible to
                                                                                                                  whether the benefit is taxable and, if so,
                                                       the extent that they are charged on a per-
 Mortgage interest.                                                                                              calculate its value, in order to include it in
                                                       use basis. This will include long-distance
                                                                                                                  the employee's income and make the
Additionally, these employees cannot                   calls and cell phone minutes that are
                                                                                                                  relevant withholding.
claim capital cost allowance on the                    directly attributable to employment.
building or deduct an amount for the rental                                                                       Allowance
                                                       The CRA has indicated that it would
value of the office space.
                                                       accept the deduction of expenses for a cell                An allowance is an amount paid by an
Employees who rent the home in which                   phone used exclusively for employment                      employer to an employee to compensate
the office space is located can deduct the             purposes.17                                                expenses incurred in connection with the
rental costs for the office space.                                                                                office or employment. There does not
                                                       Extended           Deduction          of     Internet
                                                                                                                  necessarily have to be a relation between
The percentage of deductible home office               Expenses
                                                                                                                  the amount, the nature of the actual
expenses must be determined on a
                                                       The list of expenses eligible for the home                 expenses incurred by the employee and
reasonable basis, such as the area of the
                                                       office deduction has been expanded to                      the allowance received.
office divided by the total finished area of
                                                       include reasonable home internet access
the home (including hallways, bathrooms,                                                                          An allowance to compensate employees
                                                       costs.18 Connection fees and modem or
kitchen, etc.).                                                                                                   for expenses incurred in connection with
                                                       router rental costs are excluded.
                                                                                                                  their work20 will be considered a taxable
Generally speaking, lighting fixtures (light
                                                       GST and QST                                                benefit, whether or not the employee is
bulbs, fluorescent tubes, etc.), cleaning                                                                         otherwise entitled to deduct expenses in
products and minor repairs (paint and                  Deductible employment expenses include                     this regard.
routine maintenance repairs) that apply                any GST/HST and QST paid on these
only to the home office space are fully                expenses.                                                  Expense reimbursement
deductible, unless the space is also used
                                                       If the employer is a registrant for GST/HST                The amount that the employer reimburses
for other purposes, in which case the
                                                       and QST purposes, the employees may                        an employee for the purchase of supplies
expenses are deductible in proportion to
                                                       be entitled to a refund of the taxes paid on               used in the course of employment will not
the use made of the space.
                                                       taxable expenses that are deductible in                    be taxable unless the reimbursed
Office supplies                                        computing their employment income.19                       expenses have a personal component for
                                                                                                                  the employee. For example, the
According to the tax authorities, a supply             Any reimbursement which employees                          reimbursement of items such as furniture
is considered to be “consumed” and                     received in this regard must be added to
                                                                                                                  and computer equipment would be
therefore deductible as a home office                  their income in the year in which it is                    considered a taxable benefit to the
expense if its use destroys its substance              received.                                                  employee, since the employee will have
or renders it unusable. The supply must
                                                       REIMBURSED EXPENSES AND                                    acquired property of a durable nature that
therefore have a finite use such as paper,                                                                        can be used outside of the duties of
pencils or ink cartridges. However, the                                                                           employment.
cost of purchasing or renting office                   An employer may compensate employees
furniture or computer equipment (printer,              for expenses related to work, either by                    Relief due to the pandemic
mouse, keyboard, etc.) is not deductible,              paying them an allowance or by                             In the exceptional context related to
given the reusable nature of these goods.              reimbursing them for expenses incurred,                    COVID-19, the CRA and Revenu Québec
                                                       upon presentation of supporting evidence.                  consider that the reimbursement, upon
Telephone and internet costs
                                                       In general, the payment of an allowance or                 presentation of supporting documents,21
Generally, the tax authorities do not
                                                       reimbursement of personal expenses is                      of up to $500 to offset the cost of acquiring
consider monthly costs for basic                                                                                  personal computer and office equipment
                                                       considered a benefit. The employer may

15   Commission employees may deduct a portion of      18   See the list of eligible expenses on the CRA’s Home        Application and form VD-358 – Employee QST
     insurance premiums and property taxes as a             office expenses for employees portal and Revenu            Rebate.
     home office expense. Self-employed individuals         Québec’s FAQ for Individuals.                         20   For example, to cover home office expenses or
     may be entitled to a wider range of expenses.     19   For GST/HST purposes, the employer must not                transportation or parking costs.
16   See in particular Revenu Québec, Interpretation        be a listed financial institution. The employee can   21   This relief also applies if the employer pays these
     letter 19-046430-001 (September 23, 2019).             claim this rebate on his or her income tax return          goods directly but it does not apply to allowances
17   CRA, Views Doc 2016-0634351E5 (August 22,              using form GST370 – GST/HST Rebate                         that may be paid for such purposes.
This document is published by Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton for its clients’ information. Readers should not make any decisions on the basis of
this document without first consulting a specialist.                                                                                  Page 34
January 20, 2021

required to enable employees to perform                     reasonableness of the amounts paid and                  usage do not have to notify their employer
their duties at home is not a taxable benefit               employees are required to keep records of               that they wish to use the optional method
to the employee.22                                          their use of motor vehicles in this context.            to determine the operating cost benefit for
                                                                                                                    2020 and 2021. Their employer must
          Expenses covered by the relief                    AUTOMOBILE BENEFIT
          (maximum $500 per employee)                                                                               determine the benefit using both methods
                                                            Generally, the taxable benefit for the use              and use the lower amount.
      Computer equipment                                   of an employer-supplied automobile
       (e.g. printer, monitor)                                                                                      T4 SLIPS
                                                            includes a standby charge and a benefit
      Office equipment                                     for operating costs.25                                  New codes for 2020
       (e.g. chair, worktable)
                                                            Standby charge                                          For the 2020 taxation year, employers will
Transportation and parking                                                                                          be required to use the following new codes
                                                            Regular standby charges are 2% per
Expenses related to commuting between                                                                               to report employment income and
                                                            month of the original cost of the vehicle to
employees home and their regular place of                                                                           retroactive payments made to an
                                                            the employer or two-thirds of the lease
employment and parking at that place of                                                                             employee during the given period in the
employment are generally considered                                                                                 “Other Information” area at the bottom of
personal expenses. Any reimbursement,                       The benefit may be reduced if employees                 the T4 slip:
allowance or other compensation provided                    use the automobile primarily (more than
                                                                                                                     code 57: Employment income                         –
by the employer in this regard is therefore                 50% of the time) for business purposes
                                                                                                                      March 15 to May 9;
usually considered a taxable benefit.                       and kilometres for personal use are not
                                                            more than 1,667 per month (total of 20,004               code 58: Employment income                         –
Pandemic relief23                                           kilometres a year). Regular standby                       May 9 to July 4;
In the exceptional context of the                           charges will then be adjusted based on                   code 59: Employment income                         –
pandemic, allowances to cover the                           personal-use kilometres.                                  July 5 to August 29;
following costs will not be considered a                    Operating cost benefit                                   code 60: Employment income                         –
taxable benefit:24                                                                                                    August 30 to September 26.
                                                            Under the general method, the operating
    Additional commuting costs incurred                    cost benefit is $0.28$26 per kilometre for              Example: If employment income for the
     to minimize the risk of exposure to                    employees’ personal use. If employees                   period of April 25 to May 8, 2020 was paid
     COVID-19 for employees who are                         use the vehicle primarily for business                  on May 14, 2020, the employer must use
     required to travel to their regular                    purposes, before the end of the year, they              code 58.
     place of employment to perform their                   can ask their employer to calculate this                This requirement applies to all employers,
     duties;                                                benefit using the optional method. In this              whether or not they have claimed the
 Employees commuting costs to travel                       case, the benefit is equal to 50% of the                Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy
     to their place of employment to pick                   standby charge.                                         (CEWS) or another wage subsidy. This
     up equipment enabling them to                                                                                  information will be used by CRA to validate
                                                            Relief due to the pandemic27
     perform their employment duties at                                                                             Canada Emergency Response Benefit
     home.                                                  For 2020 and 2021, employees can use                    (CERB) payments made during these
Similarly, where a regular place of                         their 2019 usage to determine whether a                 periods.
employment is closed due to COVID-19,                       vehicle is used primarily for business
                                                            purposes.28 Employees would therefore                   Don’t hesitate to contact your Raymond
the CRA will not consider an employer-
                                                            continue to benefit from the reduced                    Chabot Grant Thornton consultant who
provided parking space to be available at
                                                            standby charge benefit and the optional                 can help you identify and apply the
that place of employment for use by an
                                                            method for the operating cost benefit, as               measures applicable to your situation.
employee. Therefore, employer-provided
parking will not result in a taxable benefit.               applicable.                                             For more information, visit us at rcgt.com.
Employers are required to keep                              Employees who qualify for the optional
appropriate records to reflect the                          method because of their 2019 automobile

22    See the COVID-19 – Employer-provided benefits         24   This relief, effective from March 15 to December   25   For more information on calculating employees’
      and allowances section of CRA’s website, where             31, 2020, covers amounts paid or reimbursed by          automobile benefit, see the Tax Planning Guide.
      it is indicated that this policy applies from March        the employer and reasonable allowances to cover    26   Rate for 2020 ($0.27 in 2021).
      15 to December 31, 2020. Revenu Québec’s                   these expenses. It also extends to the use of
      position is published in the FAQ for Businesses.           employer-provided vehicles for such travel. For
                                                                                                                    27   See the December 31, 2020 Backgrounder
                                                                 employees who are required to travel to work to         published by Finance Canada and Revenu
23    Revenue Quebec confirmed its intention to                                                                          Québec’s FAQ for Businesses.
      harmonize with these measures during a recent              perform their duties, this relief applies if the
      meeting with the Tax Executive Institute.                  employee was not already using an employer-        28   Only employees who have a vehicle provided by
      However, as of the date of publication, these              provided vehicle to commute to work prior to the        the same employer as in 2019 are eligible for this
                                                                 COVID-19 pandemic.                                      option.
      measures have not been published on its website.
This document is published by Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton for its clients’ information. Readers should not make any decisions on the basis of
this document without first consulting a specialist.                                                                                  Page 44
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