FOCUS - First Evangelical Church

Page created by Marc Cobb
FOCUS - First Evangelical Church
                                                                   735 RIDGE L AKE BOULEVARD | MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE 38120

PA S T O R ’ S P E N S É E S                                                               The Principality and Power of News
                                                                                           happened. Where we stand politically or
                                                                                           socially is everything now. This is not to
The News                                                                                   our betterment. Even among evangeli-
By Cole Huffman
                                                                                           cals, the News has replaced the Word as
  “Societies become modern . . . when                                                      our central authority, and I believe the
  news replaces religion as our central                                                    petty divisions among us are a kind of
  source of guidance and our touch-                                                        resulting judgment on us. Judgment al-
  stone of authority. In the developed                                                     ways starts with God’s people (1 Peter
  economies, the news now occupies                                                         4:17). God gives us over to being led by
  a position of power at least equal to                                                    punditry. Cultural resentment replaces
  that formerly enjoyed by the faiths                                                      repentance. Eventually, God shelves us
  . . . We approach it with some of         mative power it has. Media sources play        and gives His gospel to a people more
  the same deferential expectations         up their trustworthiness in fact gather-       fully His, who will produce its fruit.
  we would have harbored for the            ing, but much of modern journalism is
  faiths. Here, too, we hope to receive     styled. That means we’re conditioned to        Charles Spurgeon said that discernment
  revelations, learn who is good and        take sides. The point in News-making is        is not knowing the difference between
  bad, fathom suffering and under-          no longer to inform but interpret. Pun-        right and wrong, it’s knowing the dif-
  stand the unfolding logic of exis-        dits function like quasi-religious fig-        ference between right and almost right.
  tence. And here, too, if we refuse to     ures. If I like their interpretation, I give   News, even when it reports accurately,
  take part in the rituals, there could     them my trust if not my devotion.              will never be more than almost right.
  be imputations of heresy.”                                                               Democracy may die in darkness, but
                                            What’s wrong with that, you ask? Take          News is insufficient light by itself.
Those words are from Alain de Botton’s      Alain de Botton’s last two lines above:
book The News: A User’s Manual. Please                                                     My calling is to promote the unity of
read his sentences again. He’s saying the     “Here, too [in News], we hope to             the church around the centrality of Je-
News is more formative than the Word.         receive revelations, learn who is            sus’ preeminent way, truth, and life. The
                                              good and bad, fathom suffering and           News is hardly an ally or asset in this
Christians reflexively deny that. Nothing     understand the unfolding logic of            when we immerse ourselves in its polit-
is more formative or powerful than the        existence. And here, too, if we refuse       ical and social preoccupations. We need
Word of God, we say. But what is being        to take part in the rituals, there could     to come up for air more.
pointed out to us is a kind of reigning       be imputations of heresy.”
power we give the News (I’ll capitalize                                                    I’ve drafted a small prayer to say before
it, opposite Word). The News is even a      If everybody has been glued to a               turning/clicking on the News. Feel free
principality, to think biblically about     major News event all week but the              to use it if you like:
the kind of influence “principalities and   pastor doesn’t address it on Sunday, he
powers” exert (Eph. 6:12).                  is thought by some to be unconcerned,          “Lord, I’m about to peruse things hap-
                                            uncaring, or complicit in silence. If he       pening in the world, with commentary.
My contention here is not that we should    does address something from the News,          This world is Yours, and eventually your
give up the News. There is a public         others hold their breath: Does he take         glory will fill it whole. Keep me from
service to journalism, and my critique      the “right” view? (Which is the view of        filling up on fear and agitation and dis-
does not apply evenly to every pundit.      their favored News personalities, and          trust. Keep me from gullibility and self-
We often speak of “the media” in whole-     Christian radio personalities.) If he’s        righteousness. May I not invite worries.
sale terms, mostly negatively, and that’s   out of step with that messaging, there
not entirely fair. The purpose of this      is no burning at the stake anymore—the         “I seek to be informed by reports but
article is to second Alain de Botton’s      fate of ancient heretics—but there is the      formed by your Spirit. May the Word be
notion that News is “our central source     firing squad of social media, and some         more to me than the News. If I can do
of guidance and touchstone of author-       moving toward the exits hoping to find         anything about where the world is most
ity,” to admit this is true even of the     a church whose pastor has the right po-        broken, show me the way and give me
evangelical church, and to call this out    litical and social opinions.                   the courage to follow it. Let me not be-
as a form of being “blown about by every                                                   come preoccupied with lesser kingdoms.
wind of doctrine” (Eph. 4:14).              You really haven’t lived until you’re
                                            considered too liberal for rock-ribbed         “Keep falsehood and lies far from me.
The News doesn’t just report, it indoc-     conservatives and too conservative for         Yours is the kingdom, and the power,
trinates. We give a lot of thought to the   woke evangelicals. Whatever happened           and the glory, forever. Amen.”
News but almost no thought to this for-     to just teach the Bible?
FOCUS - First Evangelical Church
CHURCH-WIDE                                                                                    New On Staff

The Votes Are In
A huge thanks to all members who            Session 2020–2021
participated in our unprecedented,          Chairman of Session, Eric Fuhrman
COVID-driven vote by mail “congrega-        Vice Chairman of Session, Ken Eriksen
tional meeting” to elect officers, Global   Secretary of Session, Jack Pepper
Missions Team members, and affirm the       Lynn Ballinger
budget. We are happy to announce that       Mickey Bowdon
ALL candidates for positions and the        Chris Cannon
budget were approved overwhelmingly.        John Reid Curlin
                                            Hickman Ewing
                                            Bryan Miller
Board of Deacons 2020–2021                  Andy Pierce                                          Luke Hall
Chairman of Deacons, Ralph Hughes           Joel Scoggins                                     Technical Director
Vice Chairman of Deacons, Jim Graham        James Taylor                             Luke was born and raised in the
Secretary of Deacons, Jeff Shifflette       John Touliatos                           Mid-South area and has been
Treasurer, Frank Cook                       Kevin Weaver                             married to his wife Kourtney for
Assistant Treasurer, Rob Westmoreland                                                three years. Luke has worked in
Randy Anderson                                                                       the AVL industry for the past eight
Wes Banks                                   Global Missions Team                     years as a news videographer and
Gil Brandon                                 2020–2021                                at Briarcrest Christian School this
David Coates                                Chairman, Scott Arnwine                  past year. Luke is passionate about
Chuck Downs                                 Brittain Ball                            using his gifts and experience to
Ben Duffy                                   Zoe Bozeman                              serve the Lord.
Mike Fergus                                 Jan Carrier
Dan Frazier                                 Bill Granger
Lex Hester                                  Bernie Housholder
Sam Hezlep                                  Liz Jarvis                              GriefShare
Jonathan Klassy                             Lauren Jordan                           Thursdays, beginning September 10
Matt Mrok                                   Kate Patrick                            6:30 p.m., Zoom | Cost: $15
Pat Person                                  Nelle Percer                            Facilitated by Lorinda Hill
Nate Roelofs                                Bethany Scoggins                        Are you going through a season of grief
Justin Templeton                            Shea Ward                               and not sure how to handle it? You do
Terry Tippett                               Steven Yeo                              not need to grieve alone. GriefShare
                                                                                    will walk you through the journey of
                                                                                    grief and provide support along the
                                                                                    way. This 13-week series includes vid-
                                                                                    eos, workbooks, small group discussion
                                                                                    via Zoom, personal study, and reflec-
                                                                                    tion. Register at
                                                                                    griefshare. A Zoom link will be provided
                                                                                    after registration. Workbooks can be
                                                                                    picked up at First Evan.

Sunshine Boxes for Seniors                  1. Books, devotionals, puzzle books,
Boxes due Sunday, September 6                  coloring books, and pencils
These boxes will be given out to            2. Journal with pens
people in our congregation who are          3. Non-perishable snacks such as
homebound or due to the pandemic,              microwaveable popcorn, pretzels,
are unable to attend church services.          chips, chocolates, granola bars,     Blood Drive
These Sunshine Boxes are a tangible            sweets (sugar free options too)      Wednesday, September 30
expression of our love for these special    4. Non-slip slippers and non-           4:30–7:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall
members of our congregation. Boxes             slip socks                           The COVID-19 pandemic has only
can be dropped off at the church dur-       5. Toiletry items such as travel-size   accentuated the need for blood dona-
ing church hours or on Sunday. To the          shampoo, conditioner,                tions. First Evan is sponsoring a blood
right is a list of recommended items to        deodorant and toothpaste,            drive at the church with social distanc-
include. Thanks in advance for minis-          lip balm, lotion                     ing. Masks will be required. Sign up
tering to our church family in this way.    6. Pictures colored by kids             to donate beginning Friday, Septem-
                                            7. Note from and photo of family        ber 4 here.
FOCUS - First Evangelical Church
                                                   Recreation and Fellowship Director Jeffery Johnson
                                                   Wrote and Published a Coaching Book.
                                                  Youth sports coaches, many of        mentor young lives. Great Coaches
                                                  which are volunteers, are the        Have Faith: Sports Guide For Aspiring
                                                  foundation of youth sports in        Coaches will provide a framework for
                                                  the United States. Forty million     training young athletes that any sport
                                                  young people between the ages        lover can follow. You will learn a step-
                                                  of six and eighteen, participate     by-step process for using sports as a
                                                  in youth sports and deserve to       tool to grow the athletes you love. For
                                                  be taught by caring and compe-       details and to purchase your copy, visit
                                                  tent individuals. “It has been
                                                  estimated that 90% of youth
                                                  sports coaches in the United
                                                  States do not have formal
                                                  training in coach education
                                                  or youth development” (Ew-
                                                  ing et al., 1996) Everyone be-
                                                  lieves they can coach until they
                                                  are in a position to lead and

All About Health & Wellness
By Jeffery Johnson
I'm convinced that COVID-19 has             Tend to SELF, then everyone ELSE.
stolen more than just our physical          Mandie has done hair and make-up
health. For many, it has stolen our         professionally for Netflix, and wants to
sense of peace, and stability while si-     teach women how to love themselves
multaneously affecting our mental           well physically, emotionally, and spiri-
health. As a Certified Personal Trainer,    tually. I’m thoroughly impressed with
I’m not legally allowed to give medi-       her attention to detail in helping
cal advice on any wellness area outside     women, and I’m sure you will be as well.
of physical. However, I’ve decided to                                                  Drive-In Movie Night
partner with individuals certified to do    Below are some consequences of not         Friday, September 25, 7:30–9:30 p.m.
so. The Recreation Ministry has com-        practicing self-care:                      West Parking Lot (by Gym)
mitted ourselves to provide you with           • Increase in stress                                         FEC families are
as many wellness resources as possible         • Decrease in mood, energy, and                              encouraged      to
to survive this pandemic intact.                   focus                                                    register for this
                                               • Struggle expressing yourself in                            free     drive-in
To start, I want to bring to your at-              healthy ways                                             movie night to
tention the wonderful opportunity              • Lack of empathy and compas-                                enjoy together-
my wife Mandie has been laboring in                sion for others                                          apart time as we
for months. She is a Licensed Cos-             • Decrease in self-esteem                                    grab snacks and
metologist, and started a Beauty                                                                            unbuckle for a
& Wellness company called Bawse             Looking forward to sharing what I have                          great      family-
Wives Club which is a premier quar-         in store next!                                                  friendly movie:
terly self-care box for women. Her                                                                          Toy Story 4. All
primary goal is to serve wives that                                                                         are     welcome!
have been caught in the hustle and                                                                          Limited      spots
grind of family life, kids, house duties,                                                                   available.     So,
and that pay little attention to their                                                                      sign up today
own needs. She believes that every                                                                          here.
woman deserves to be pampered and
should establish a routine of relax-
ation, maintenance, and intentional-
ity into their day. Her motto is simple:
FOCUS - First Evangelical Church
KIDS                                                                           MEN
Back Porch Bible Study                  Child Dedication
COMING SOON!                            Sunday, October 11
This month we will have Bible study     9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m., Sanctuary
for 4th and 5th grade boys and girls!   If you wish to dedicate your child,
Details to come in the parent           please register at www.firstevan.
SHINE! email.                           org/childdedication by no later than
                                        Friday, September 25.

                                                                               Men's Bib le Stu d y
                                                                               “ Th e G o sp el A ccord i ng
                                                                               t o Jo h n” Led by B ud d y J one s
                                                                               Mondays, September 14–December 7
                                                                               6:30–8:00 p.m., Zoom or
                                                                               Wednesdays, September 16–December 9
                                                                               6:30–7:30 a.m., Zoom
                                                                               This fall we will study the first twelve
                                                                               chapters of John. Participants will be
                                                                               sent a weekly study guide and will meet
                                                                               via Zoom for discussion groups led by a
                                                                               group leader and a lecture based on the
                                                                               assigned passage. Men can join in at any
                                                                               time, even if they miss a week. To regis-
                                                                               ter, click here. Contact Buddy Jones at
                                                                      with questions.

                                                                               Worship Services
                                                                                Please make sure and register for
                                                                                in-person 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
                                                                                services. Masks are required.

                                                                               Bap tisms
                                                                               During the coronavirus, baptisms will
                                                                               occur on a rolling basis. Only one per-
                                                                               son or family will be baptized per week
                                                                               so that water is not shared. Please
                                                                               contact Jan Spurlin in the Worship
                                                                               Office if you would like to be baptized.

                                                                                              Ellie Tashie
                                                                                        Baptized August 16, 2020
FOCUS - First Evangelical Church

                                             Impact Home Group Book Study             Impact Midweek in the Park

      Miss Impact
                                             Sundays, September 13–November 1         Wednesdays, 7:00–8:00 p.m.
                                             7:00–8:00 p.m., Jake Ferwerda's          Johnson Road Park (2970 Johnson
                                             Home in East Memphis                     Road, Germantown, TN 38139)
                                             Students will meet in-person and         Middle school students will meet at
              SEPT 11 , 2020                 discuss David Platt’s book, Something    Johnson Road Park every Wednesday
Miss Impact6(girls
             pm - only)
                   10 pm                     Needs to Change. Students will be        night to play games and talk about
Friday, September   11,
               anna's     6:00–10:00 p.m.
                        house                asked to sign up for this 8-week study   our theme this year, “This is Living.”
Anna Phillips's House:-) (1347 Wilbec Rd.,   as we will be providing the books.       We encourage students to wear masks,
Memphis, TN 38117)                           Registration here.                       bring their own chair, and a Bible.
Girls, join us for a night full of teach-
ing, fellowship, and FUN! We are go-
ing to have dinner, listen to a speaker,
do some crafting, and finish the night
out with a movie! This is a FREE event!
Sign up today here.

                                                                                      College Bible Study:
                                                                                      A Deep Dive Into Paul's Epistles
                                                                                       Wednesdays, September 2–October 7
                                                                                       8:30 p.m., Outside Locations TBA.
                                                                                      We will be taking a deep dive into some
                                                                                      of Paul’s New Testament writings. Over
                                                                                      six weeks, we will take big picture looks
                                                                                      into his Prison and Pastoral Epistles
                                                                                      starting with Ephesians. We are so
                                                                                      excited to start out this fall semester
                                                                                      by immersing ourselves in the Word.

Common Ground Midweek                                                                 Stay tuned for location (as it might
Wednesdays, 7:00–8:00 p.m., Johnson Road Park                                         change from week to week), but it will
(2970 Johnson Road, Germantown, TN 38139)                                             be taking place outdoors/in spaces we
There will be fellowship time and a short message for the students to discuss.        can social distance. Contact Josh Hudson
We cannot wait to get back into some sort of rhythm in the fall school year.          at with questions.
FOCUS - First Evangelical Church

                                                                                                  World P rayer Focu s
                                                                                                  Sunday, September 13, 6:00–7:00 p.m.
                                                                                                  Fellowship Hall OR Zoom
                                                                                                  Pray for current missionaries, persecuted
                                                                                                  Christians, the spread of the gospel
                                                                                                  around the world, as well as Memphis
                                                                                                  ministries (local and global), our city,
                                                                                                  state, and nation. Contact missions@
A Miracle Behind the Iron Curtain              By Gabor Gresz                            for Zoom ID.
About 15 people were involved in              ning to the street, but I was in bed, badly
the underground ministry of Cru in            hurt. At that moment I felt that someone
Hungary during communism. In the              had prayed for me for a long time. This             Missionary in Residence Update
summer of 1985 we experienced the             moment was necessary for me to wake
unforgettable evidence of God’s love          up from my deadly dream of pursuing my
and power while studying the Bible            sinful life. After that earthquake, I gave
at a camp. We spent a whole night             my life to Jesus. God has blessed me with
praying through Acts 4:23-31, ask-            a beautiful family and I’m an elder in our
ing God to tear down the ‘Spiritual           church. I want to thank those young peo-
Iron Curtain’ around people’s hearts.         ple who prayed for me 35 years ago and I
It was appropriate to pray as the first       want to support this ministry.”
century believers had because we
had been intimidated by the com-              35 years ago we had no idea how God
munist police when they arrested me           would use that moment. But He con-
for sharing my faith and searched             tinues to confirm that He answers
our home for Christian literature.            prayer. He uses the weak and the aver-
                                              age, and has the power to change the
Acts 4:31 says, “After they prayed, the       course of history.
place where they were meeting was
shaken. And they were all filled with
the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of                                                             Ron Man, our Missionary in Residence,
God boldly.” Around 5:00 a.m. the                                                                 has continued his overseas teaching
whole town shook. It was the largest                                                              ministry during this time of shelter-
earthquake in the history of Hungary,                                                             ing—only via Zoom. In May he taught a
registering 5.2 on the Richter scale. We                                                          Doctor of Ministry course for Singapore
don’t think the timing of the earth-                                                              Bible College for a week; the students
quake was coincidental, hitting just as                                                           were from Singapore, Vietnam, Indone-
we finished praying. We had no idea                                                               sia, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Kenya and Myan-
of the political and spiritual earth-                                                             mar. Since they could not travel to Sin-
quakes God was preparing to bring: the        Gabor and Edina Gresz are National Partners         gapore either, the Zoom class involved
fall of communism, and the birth of a         of First Evan, providing leadership to “Church      eight countries—saving a lot of travel
ministry for thousands of students to         Movements,” a division of Cru, with over 80 full-   costs for all involved, including Ron!
hear the gospel in 62 countries.              time staff. They are originally from Hungary,       (see photo) And in June-July Ron taught
                                              but live in Olathe, Kansas now. They are            a two-week course for Jordan Evangeli-
We recently heard from a new Cru staff        examples of the axiom in missions today of          cal Theological Seminary, with 6 Egyp-
member in Hungary. She had just met           “From everywhere, to everywhere.”                   tians and 2 Jordanians (all of them se-
with a man to talk about her ministry,                                                            questered in Jordan); this was Ron’s
and she shared this “earthquake” story,                                                           first time Zooming with translation, but
as it marked an important part of our                                                             it went fine.
ministry in Hungary. The man was in
total shock because that earthquake                                                               It was disappointing for Ron to not get
led to his conversion 35 years ago!                                                               to be with the students in person, but
                                                                                                  he is thankful that the teaching can
He said, “As a teenager I lived a terrible                                                        continue in what, for the time being
life. I didn’t care about this whole ‘Jesus                                                       at least, is the “new normal.” Ron also
tale,’ I just wanted to party all night ….                                                        wrote a piece entitled “Missions in a
I woke up at dawn because the whole                                                               Covid Crisis: Creativity Implications”
ground shook beneath my bed, and a                                                                for the website of the Mission Commis-
vase fell on my head. Everyone was run-       Rahel, Renato, Gergo Gresz                          sion of the World Evangelical Alliance.
FOCUS - First Evangelical Church
MEMPHIS MINISTRIES                                                                   WOMEN
                                                                                     P recept Upon P re cept
                                                                                     “ R evel a t i o n Pa r t 3 ”
                                                                                     Tuesdays, September 8–November 24
                                                                                     6:00–8:00 p.m., Zoom
                                                                                     Explore the relationship of Revela-
                                                                                     tion to the Gospels: the prophecies
                                                                                     and teachings they contain about the
                                                                                     last days. RSVP by September 4 to
                                                                            or 901-491-0101.
                                                                                     You will need to order your workbook.

Equi p p i n g E l e c ti ve               Advance Memphis Fundraiser:
“U nc o m mon Groun d”                     Ar t for Jobs Reimagined                  Cultivate Online with Kelly Minter
Multiple Offerings Beginning the           Thursday, September 24, 5:30–8:00 p.m.    Saturday, September 12
Week of September 8                        This annual fundraiser for Advance        9:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. | Cost: $20
Uncommon Ground by Tim Keller is a         Memphis will now be virtual and there     Join Kelly Minter for an event filled
collection of essays, from Christians      are three ways to get involved: vol-      with worship, prayer, (virtual) commu-
in an array of professions, answer-        unteer, host, and support! You can        nity, and teaching from God’s Word.
ing this important question: How can       volunteer by clicking here to find
Christians interact with those around      their calendar of opportunities. You
them in ways that show respect to          can host a watch party in your home       H eart to H eart B i bl e St udy
those whose beliefs are radically dif-     of the event by contacting Advance        “O n B en d ed K n ee :
ferent while remaining faithful to the     Memphis staff member Kelsey Dees          St r en gt h en ed Th r oug h P raye r”
gospel? We will offer this book study      at You          Wr i t t en by C r i cke t t Ke e t h
multiple times per week, both in per-      can support the cause by purchasing       Beginning the week of September 14
son and on Zoom, with a maximum of         art by visiting www.advancememphis.       Cost: $10 | Register online here
eight people per offering. Click here      org the night of the event.
to find more details and to register.

St re e t s Mi n i s tr i e s Vir tual     L ife C hoices 4 0 D ays f or Lif e
Learnin g C e n te r                       Life Choices and the Memphis Coali-
Streets Ministries is hosting a Virtual    tion for Life have an annual prayer
Learning Center for Shelby County          campaign at the Life Choices office                                              F I R S T   E V A N G E L I C A L   C H U R C H

School students and is in need of vol-     on Poplar Avenue in Midtown. Reg-
                                                                                                               H E A R T   T O   H E A R T     W O M E N ’ S       B I B L E   S T U D Y

unteers. You can volunteer at their Gra-   istrants will pray in front of the Life
ham Heights location (next to Kings-       Choices building for a two-hour shift.
bury High School) or at their Vance        First Evan is sponsoring each Tues-
location (next to FedEx Forum). Click      day from September 22–October 27,
here to find a link to a volunteer         but you can sign up for any day be-       Join us for an
form, which will put you in touch with     tween September 22–November 1             8-week Bible study
a Streets staff person for follow-up.      here.                                     looking at prayers
                                                                                     to strengthen us in                         written by Crickett Keeth

                                           Life Choices has two locations in         these challenging times from Exodus,
                                           Memphis to offer care for women in        Habakkuk, Jonah, 2 Thessalonians, Rev-
Eiko n M i n i s tr i e s S c hool         crisis pregnancy, with post abortion      elation, and other books. Small groups
Sup p ly D r i ve                          care or adoption.                         will meet at various times either via
Eikon Ministries in Binghampton is in                                                Zoom or off-site in a socially-dis-
need of school supplies for students in    •   If you would like to become more      tanced setting. You can also do the
their Club Nathan ministry. Supplies           familiar with Life Choices, their     study on your own. Video lectures will
include: college or wide-ruled note-           services and volunteer opportuni-     be available online weekly.
book paper, pencils, erasers, pencil           ties: Center Tour on Thursday,
sharpeners, pens, rulers, crayons/             September 3, 6:30–7:30 p.m.,          Contact Sharon Mrok at smrok@
colored pencils/markers, three-ring            5575 Raleigh-Lagrange.       or Crickett Keeth at
binders, spiral notebooks/composi-             RSVP here.                   if you missed the
tion notebooks, subject dividers,                                                    book pickup, and we will make arrange-
and folders. You can drop off any do-      •   If you already know that you          ments. Register online at www.firstevan.
nations to the First Evan office and we        would like to volunteer:              org/h2h.
will deliver them.                             Training Session, Saturday,
                                               September 19, 9:00 a.m.–2:00           All First Evan ladies, please stop
                                               p.m., 5575 Raleigh-LaGrange.           by the Fellowship Hall foyer to
                                               RSVP here.                             pick up your free Strengthened gift!
FOCUS - First Evangelical Church FOCUS - First Evangelical Church FOCUS - First Evangelical Church
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