FOCUS - September/October 2021 - TADCASTER BENEFICE The Magazine of St. Mary's Tadcaster

Page created by Felix Woods
FOCUS - September/October 2021 - TADCASTER BENEFICE The Magazine of St. Mary's Tadcaster
                 The Magazine of
               St. Mary’s Tadcaster
           St. Andrew’s Newton Kyme
            St. Mary’s Church Fenton
St. John the Baptist Kirkby Wharfe with Ulleskelf

      September/October 2021                        60p
FOCUS - September/October 2021 - TADCASTER BENEFICE The Magazine of St. Mary's Tadcaster
  CURATE           Lucy Brencher
                   Tel: 07940 514492          email:

  READERS          Steve West          28 Golf Links Crescent, Tadcaster, LS24 9HG
                   Tel: 01937 835098           email:

                   Tricia West         28 Golf Links Crescent, Tadcaster, LS24 9HG
                   Tel: 01937 835098           email:

  ADMINISTRATOR    Rachel Hughes       43 Grange Avenue, Tadcaster, LS24 8AN
                   Tel: 07545 516949          email:

  Editing &        Hannah Shortland           email:

  Distribution     Irene Helps         15 Cedar Drive, Tadcaster, LS24 9TJ
                   Tel: 01937 919018         email:

  Tadcaster      Celia Oldroyd         12 Sedge Rise, Tadcaster, LS24 9LQ
                 Tel: 07707 062182           email:

                   Jonathan Craig      Little Oaks, Busk Lane, Church Fenton, LS24 9RJ
                   Tel: 07703 116152           email:

  Newton Kyme      Lucinda Jennings    Plough Cottage, 8 Toulston View, Tadcaster, LS24 9LT
                   Tel: 01937 842269

  Church Fenton    Dajan Hatton        Well Garth, Hall Lane, Church Fenton, LS24 9RN
                   Tel: 01937 557330

                   Karen Leason        1 Northfield Terrace, Church Fenton, LS24 9RQ
                   Tel: 01937 557508

  Kirkby Wharfe    Quintin Komaromy    North Milford Hall, North Milford, LS24 9DQ
                   Tel: 01937 833707          email:

                   Sally Smart         Lime Cottage, Main Street, Saxton, Tadcaster, LS24 9PY
                   Tel: 01937 558680         email:

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FOCUS - September/October 2021 - TADCASTER BENEFICE The Magazine of St. Mary's Tadcaster
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FOCUS - September/October 2021 - TADCASTER BENEFICE The Magazine of St. Mary's Tadcaster

          8      Opening Letter

          10     What’s On

          19     Baptisms & Marriages

          20     Funerals

          For everything you need to know about our Benefice and for the
          latest inforrmation on services and other events, please visit our


                                  or our social media pages


   To subscribe to receiving Focus directly to your email inbox, please contact Rachel

              Hughes at with the subject ‘Digital Focus’

          FOCUS is published digitally and in print for the Tadcaster Benefice.
  The deadline for submissions to be included in the next bi-monthly magazine is Friday
     15th October 2021. Please send all submissions to
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FOCUS - September/October 2021 - TADCASTER BENEFICE The Magazine of St. Mary's Tadcaster
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                                                                         5 of 24
FOCUS - September/October 2021 - TADCASTER BENEFICE The Magazine of St. Mary's Tadcaster

                  Mon - Sat
               10am - 12.30pm

          Located at the Boys’ Sunday
          School, Alongside St. Mary’s
               Church, Kirkgate

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FOCUS - September/October 2021 - TADCASTER BENEFICE The Magazine of St. Mary's Tadcaster
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FOCUS - September/October 2021 - TADCASTER BENEFICE The Magazine of St. Mary's Tadcaster
 Beginnings and Endings

 We often concentrate on New Year to reflect on new beginnings, but
 September is perhaps even more a time of new starts. Small children head off
 to nursery or into school, perhaps leaving an odd feeling of emptiness for their
 parents at home. Even older children returning to school have been cluttering
 up the house, constantly raiding the fridge and overloading the WiFi for the
 past 6 weeks. Or, sadly, for many of them, for far longer as their school bubbles
 burst towards the end of term and they had to resort, yet again, to online
 learning. Our 11 year olds are starting at secondary schools and our much older
 teenagers are having to navigate the new world of college, university or work.

 For a lot of our young people, they didn’t have the end at school that they had
 envisaged. They missed their proms, their leaving assemblies, their sports days
 with parents cheering from the sidelines. They did exams that weren’t exams.
 They’ve graduated from universities whilst spending less time there than

 Different endings bring different feelings. We might be very happy to move on
 to something new. Or it might fill us with fear and anxiety. Many new starts
 bring an energy and renewed sense of purpose. But we might also be
 concerned about what the future will look like.

 As we think about what church might be like moving out of COVID restrictions,
 how do we feel? Are we desperate to be back together, worshipping as God’s
 family in our beautiful buildings? Buildings which have been places of shared
 experiences for centuries, whose stones are steeped in the prayers of the saints
 through all those years. Or are we still worried about the risks? Are we finding it
 difficult to move from the insulated life that has been imposed on us for the last
 18 months? The life that tells us that ‘the other’ is not safe and erects barriers
 between us.

 Each September/October we celebrate Harvest in our churches. We reflect on
 the end of the growing season, the bringing home of the gifts that God gives
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FOCUS - September/October 2021 - TADCASTER BENEFICE The Magazine of St. Mary's Tadcaster
us, the clearing of the fields and the slow dying of the leaves. But almost as
soon as the fields are harvested the new cycle of preparation, fertilisation,
sowing begins again. We need to end and clear out before we begin again.

Ecclesiastes chapter 3 begins, “There is a time for everything, and a season for
every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die.” As we live
through this time of change, in the seasons, in our world, in our church, we do
so knowing that the cycle is continuous, that death leads to new life. As
Christians we believe that new life is eternal life with God. An end leads to a
new beginning.

As we transition into a new way of living post-COVID, what things do you want
to allow to die off? What new things have you already started that you want to
continue? What end needs to come, so that you have a new beginning? Ask
God, as you pray, to show you what direction He is leading you.

A poem by Rainer Maria Rilke - Autumn

The leaves are falling,
falling as from far off,
as though far gardens withered in the skies;
they are falling with denying gestures.

And in the nights the heavy earth is falling
from all the stars down into loneliness.
We are all falling. This hand falls.
And look at others; it is in them all.

And yet there is One who holds this falling
endlessly gently in his hands.

                                                                  with love from
                                                                     Tricia West
                                                     Reader - Tadcaster Benefice

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FOCUS - September/October 2021 - TADCASTER BENEFICE The Magazine of St. Mary's Tadcaster
On Sunday 29th August 2021 at the 10.30am Benefice Holy Communion Service the
                 following letter from Bishop John was read to the congregation by Celia Oldroyd,

 Dear Friends,
 I am very pleased to be able to tell you that the Reverend Paulie Watkin has been appointed to Tadcaster
 Benefice. Paulie brings a rich experience of ministry together with creativity and passion which will add to
 the witness and mission of the parishes.
 Reverend Paulie Watkin has served for just under 10 years as a Priest-In-Charge and now Team Vicar
 within the Witham and Villages Team Ministry in Essex. Paulie is married to Tara and they have 3 young
 children – Tallulah, Esme and Asher, who are very excited to meet you all!
 On accepting the offer of the post Paulie writes; “I am absolutely delighted to be called to serve this
 wonderful benefice, and I'm very much looking forward to meeting all of you, and finding out more about
 your hopes and plans for the future. Working together in an inclusive, prayerful and positive way lies at the
 heart of my ministry, and it will be an honour to walk in faith and unity with the people of the Tadcaster
 As my family and I prepare to join you I will be keeping the Benefice in my prayers over the coming weeks,
 and I look forward to spending time with you all soon”

 The date of the Licensing Service is still to be agreed. If there is anything I can do to help in the meantime,
 then please do not hesitate to be in touch.
                                                                The Rt Revd Dr John Thomson Bishop of Selby

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              We continue to be as vigilant as possible in making our churches
                     safe places. Our updated covid procedures are:

    •      The track and trace QR code will still be displayed at each church.
           Where people do not have the NHS app we will ask them to write their
           contact details down.
    •      We will continue to ask all to sanitise hands as they enter church.
    •      We request that face coverings are worn on entry to church, and whilst
           moving around the church (including receiving communion), however
           masks may be taken off as people remain seated.
    •      Singing is permitted, but face coverings must be worn.
    •      Holy Communion will continue to be celebrated without the use of the
           Common Cup. We will receive by coming to the communion rail. Clergy
           will maintain their current practices regarding safe preparation of the
           bread and wine.
    •      The peace will be shared in a contactless way (eye contact, nods and
           sign language).
    •      We will continue to only use alternate pews for the time being for
    •      Each church will risk assess if they wish to resume refreshments after
           the service.
    •      Offering to the work of the church will be by a retiring collection.
    •      Risk assessments will be undertaken for occasional offices, each
           church will assess the numbers they can welcome into church, and will
           explain the restrictions within that church to the families involved.

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Tadcaster Benefice
         Weekly Pattern of Service from September
(please check the weekly notices for the most up to date information)

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   Last month John, Gillian and Joel Robinson visited
   St Mary’s Tadcaster. They came on a very hot
   Sunday afternoon, so we were happy to share
   refreshments before and after their talk. Many of
   you will know the Robinson family as mission
   partners to the Benefice. They work at The Place of
   Grace in Thailand. As a church we are privileged to
   support the transforming work of this Charity.

   The Place of Grace invests in the lives of many vulnerable children who are
   very poor, live in slums and come from families torn apart by drugs and

   All of us were heartened and encouraged to hear stories of how God is
   meeting with the children of this fragile community in gentle yet transformative
   ways. We saw videos and lots of photographs of children and young adults
   who testified to the love and care that they receive at The Place of Grace.
   Some explained how they have lots of fun at the youth groups and how this
   sustains them. Other spoke of the educational opportunities that boost their
   self-esteem and will ultimately change their life chances going forwards.

   The Robinsons shared how God is at the centre of all they do. They rely as
   much on our prayers for their work and their safety, as on our financial gifts.
   They gave thanks to God for a recent miraculous provision of a larger building
   for the same rent. This will allow them to expand school for more students.

   John and Gillian pray and share the love of Jesus with each of the children
   they meet. According to Gillian the children are amazed that folk in far flung
   Tadcaster pray and give money for their wellbeing. Gillian finds the best way
   to explain something so mind blowing is to keep reminding the children that it
   is only because God says that each of them is special and loved.
   It was a privilege to pray with the Robinsons and ask God for his continued
   favour on meeting the needs of the poorest in the slums. We also prayed for
   vision and strength for the team in The Place of Grace. They rely totally on
   God, especially as some children fall prey to drugs and a life outside of school
   despite their best efforts. I was reminded that in all God’s work we are not
   asked to be successful, but we are asked to be faithful. Their determination to
   shine God’s love and hope into dark places was palpable and it has left a
   lasting impression on me.
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If you would like more information or to support the work and ministry of The
Place of Grace, please contact them for more details:

Who knows maybe we could get together a small group from across the
Benefice and go and volunteer some of our time and share our love of Jesus
alongside John and Gillian. From past mission experiences I know that it would
be more life changing for us than for them.

                                                                   Love in Christ,
                                                                       Rev Lucy

                             On Friday mornings we share on Facebook a
                             slot we've called Faith Friday.

                              We are hoping for lots of people from across
                              the benefice to share an uplifting, encouraging
                              message with those who see our Benefice
                              Facebook page. Have you got a favourite
                              poem, or piece of art work, or a bible verse, or
                              hymn, or choral piece, or a book suggestion?
  Might you write a few lines about why you appreciate your shared thing
  and leave us with a message of joy, hope, comfort or peace?

  We are keen that as many voices are heard from within our church family.
  You don't have to share something 'religious' , as long as it is for
  the benefit of building one another up in love. It doesn't have to be earth
  shatteringly profound either - often the small and insignificant things stand
  out like gems and can be really helpful.

  If you have something you could contribute, please email your thoughts
  and maybe a photo to Rachel, who will help us by putting together
  thepost .

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Fund Raising and Community Outreach Plans
at St Mary’s Tadcaster

  Due to the effects of the pandemic, we are experiencing extreme pressure on our
  church finances. On top of this, the recent architect’s quinquennial inspection
  has identified some significant work which we need to undertake to the windows
  of the church building.

  As a result of these events, our Fundraising Committee has been exploring
  additional ways of raising some of the money that will be required and various
  ideas have been suggested. These include:-

           •   restarting Saturday Coffee Mornings (this could be in church or in the
               Old Sunday School). Sandra Butterworth has agreed to facilitate this.

           •   a midweek coffee morning in church to be followed by a Eucharist. This
               might also be an opportunity for the less mobile to attend, providing we
               were able to lay on some transport (help needed).

           •   a periodic organ recital on a midweek lunchtime (similar to the one held
               in July), possibly incorporating a light lunch.

  There are other events being planned, including another Tadmaster Music Quiz
  and a Christmas Beetle Drive; a wine-tasting evening is also in hand!

  All these events will require some organisation and volunteer helpers. Would
  you be able to offer your time and assistance to enabling some of these things to
  happen? Or do you have any other brilliant ideas for events which would attract
  members of the community?

  Please contact a churchwarden or any member of the PCC with any ideas or
  offers of help.

  Many thanks,

                                                                  Celia - Churchwarden

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                               6th June
                             at Tadcaster
                          Molly Ada Simpson

                              20th June
                           at Kirkby Wharfe
                             Edith Sutton

    ‘Shine as a light in the world to the glory of God the Father.’

                               3rd July
                             At Kirk Fenton
            Danielle Jade Wilson and Jonathan Colin Marshall

                               17th July
                             At Tadcaster
               Daniel Etherington and Hollie Louise Forge

                               24th July
                             At Kirk Fenton
                  Charlotte Hadden and Stephen Colley
                             At Tadcaster
                     Sam Farthing and Katie Shann

                               30th July
                           At Newton Kyme
        Rebecca Sophie Mottram Thomas and Christopher Casson

 ‘God is love, and those who live in love live in God: and God lives
                             in them.’
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  Sylvia ROOKE, aged 85
  Funeral at St Mary’s Tadcaster & Tadcaster Cemetery on Thursday 17th June 2021
  Sylvia grew up at Westfield Farm at Sutton on the Forest with her sister and four brothers. She
  showed early promise as a business woman, when as a teenager she took on the Ministry of
  Agriculture on behalf of her parents and won. Sylvia had a great love for horses from a very early
  age and would often go hunting, which was always a family affair as most of the family rode.
  Even when she had given up riding Sylvia and Gerald still loved to follow the hunt by car and
  meet up with old friends and other hunt supporters. She was very pleased when James’ two
  daughters took up riding and would love to hear what they had been up to with their ponies.
  Sylvia would give them much encouragement and she would also tell them stories of her horses,
  particularly Glen Cora. Sylvia was a member of the Soroptimists, an organisation of business
  women involved in doing good work and advocating for human rights and gender equality. In the
  past she served as chair. When her brother Ron sadly died Sylvia took over the running of the
  haulage work in Tadcaster and that’s how she met the love of her life Gerald. Sylvia and Gerald
  loved their holidays especially spending time in their apartment in Los Cristianos in Tenerife,
  going to the karaoke evenings at the Shakespeare's bistro, meeting up and having dinner with
  friends.They would often spend Christmases in Tenerife.There was also the time spent on their
  boat, which was moored at York or Goole. Sylvia also took over the running of Rookes of
  Tadcaster when Gerald became poorly and passed away in 2014. She was still running Rookes
  of Tadcaster until shortly before she died. Any one who knew her well knew her to be kind.
  Sylvia will be missed.

  Joyce MINTON, aged 91
  Funeral at York Crematorium on Thursday 22nd June 2021
  Joyce came from a large family in Hull. She was the oldest girl of eight and was looked on to
  help out at home with the care of her younger siblings. She had a spell in the Land Army and
  enjoyed the independence that this gave her and new experiences. On reflection both Christine
  and Jeanette recognize that under different circumstances and with more opportunities in
  education and employment their mum would have thrived in different ways. As it was she worked
  in a printing firm and used to hand stitch books. Later in life she wrote a story about a frog, which
  was printed and read over the hospital radio. Joyce met her husband David who worked with the
  Strensall Medical Core. They met at the dance hall above the Coop and enjoyed dancing the jive
  together. Their relationship blossomed and they later married. All throughout her life Joyce
  enjoyed music and dancing, whether it was at home dancing to Simply the best or along with the
  radiogram singing along to Nat King Cole. Although Joyce could come across as a shy person,
  once she knew you her reserve went and she could be quite strident. In the 1970s Christine and
  Jeanette remember their mum championing the cause of women’s rights. She always
  encouraged them and their brother David to take the opportunities that had perhaps not been
  open to her. Joyce and the children travelled with David’s job. This was never an issue as Joyce
  always made home feel like home and the family did many outings together to the RAC rally
  racing and they would holiday in Norfolk. With David Joyce travelled to New Zealand to visit their
  son David and his family. They went to Jersey and many countries in Europe. Joyce was an
  independent traveller, flying on her own to New Zealand to help look after her grandchildren for a
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time. Christine and Jeanette told me that their mum and dad moved from Bilbrough to Popple
Well Springs about 6 months before he passed away. He needed to be sure she was safe with
people around her. After some initial adjustment Joyce had 8 good years in Popple Well Springs.
She enjoyed the exercise classes and having her hair and nails done. Latterly Joyce lived with
rheumatoid arthritis and age related diabetes. She loved her grandchildren and great-
grandchildren. She also enjoyed her position in the family. The family struggled with not seeing
mum during the periods of lockdown and yet they would especially like to thank the Guardian
Team, under Marie’s supervision, who cared for Joyce so attentively. They did an excellent job
and Joyce felt very loved. Once allowed, Christine and Jeannette took turns to visit their mum.
Joyce was very much loved and will be dearly missed.

Olga BIRDSALL, aged 93 of Abbey Lea Care Home, Selby
Funeral at St Mary’s Tadcaster & York Crematorium on Wednesday 28th July 2021
Olga was born in Aberford; her early years were tough, and Olga learnt the value of money, hard
work and enterprise. She left school early, and found the value of education later in life. She
worked at John Smith’s and Rowntree’s. She enjoyed dancing in the Riley Smith Hall and nights
at the Regal cinema. She and Jim married in 1950, moving to Queens Gardens, where she lived
for 68 years. When Roger & Janet were born, a typical family life ensued. Olga was active in the
WI and collected for the NSPCC; she developed millinery, cake icing, flower arranging &
dressmaking skills, achieving City & Guilds teaching status in the latter, raised funds for
Tadcaster swimming pool and took up Crown Green bowling. She was instrumental in creating
the green altar frontal at St Mary’s, worked on repairing altar linen damaged in the 2015 floods
and led a team of flower arrangers in decorating the church at festivals. Time with Jim in later life
was cruelly curtailed following his illness & subsequent passing in 1993. Olga nursed him at
home through a difficult period, stoically carrying on with life as he would have wished. She
regularly visited family in Greece, and courageously holidayed as far afield as Australia. Later in
life, she was befriended by Don, a fellow churchgoer and a long companionship developed. He
brought a new perspective to Olga’s life and they spent many happy times doing things the way
they pleased, becoming ambassadors & helpers for York Against Cancer, culminating with the
Queens Award for Service in 2018. They were also part of the team assisting in the annual Old
Folk’s Christmas Treat.

                                   Memorial service
                                Carole Carlton-Scott
         You are warmly invited to celebrate the life of Carole Carlton-Scott
     at St Mary’s Church, Tadcaster on Saturday 25 September 2021 at 3pm.
         Refreshments will be served afterwards at the Boys’ Sunday School.

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ORGANIST &               Renate Sangwine
CHOIR DIRECTOR           Tel: 07950 881758         email:
                         Choir Practice:     Tuesdays, 7pm, St Mary’s Tadcaster

SUNDAY SCHOOL            John Horton
BOOKINGS                 Tel: 07768386938

(Tadcaster)              Graham Rowett       North Holme, Inholmes Lane, Tadcaster LS24 9JS
                         Tel: 01937 833443          email:
(Newton Kyme)            Tony Dawson         Manor Farm, Toulston, Tadcaster LS24 9ND
                         Tel: 01937 833219
(Kirkby Wharfe)          John Fielden        The White House, Kirkby Wharfe LS24 9DD
                         Tel: 01937 831913         email:

PCC SECRETARY            (Position vacant)

GIFT AID SECRETARY       Steve West          28 Golf Links Crescent, Tadcaster LS24 9HG
                         Tel: 01937 835098           email:

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                              Telephone: 01937 833692
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