2017/18 EDITION - Cushman & Wakefield

Page created by Peter Wheeler
2017/18 EDITION - Cushman & Wakefield
2017/18 EDITION
2017/18 EDITION - Cushman & Wakefield
                                      Who doesn’t love to eat out? There is always
                                      something exciting about being able to choose
                                      exactly what you fancy at that moment and for
                                      it to appear soon after, as if by magic, in front of
                                      you. The smells, the sounds and the people you         04 Food Halls – a definition
                                      are with all add to the sense of drama. This isn’t     06 The rise and rise of European
                                      just a meal. It’s an experience.                          Food Markets/Halls
                                      And that experience is changing, as the massive        12   Interview – Time Out
                                      and relatively sudden enthusiasm for food halls             Market Lisbon
                                      across Europe proves. Astonishingly, the total
                                      number across Europe has already exceeded              16   Future trends:
                                      100, with double that figure (covering 400,000              European Food Halls – Part 1
                                      sq. m) currently in the pipeline.                      20 Interview – FoodHallen
                                      The opportunity this growth presents also              25 Interview – AvroKO
                                      creates something of a conundrum for
                                      landlords, shopping centre owners, managers            28 Future trends:
                                      and food vendors alike. What should they                  European Food Halls – Part 2
                                      provide? Where should it go? And how much              32 Interview – London Union
                                      of it should there be? We aim to offer some
                                      clarity – and also useful food for thought –           36 Top 10 Food Halls
                                      over the following pages.                              46 Food Halls across
                                      Bon Appétit!
                                                                                                Europe directory
                                                                                             50 Get in touch
                                      Thomas Rose                 Dr. Yvonne Court
                                      Head of Leisure             Head of International
                                      & Restaurants               Retail & Leisure

Cover photo: ©Daria Scagliola/Stijn
2017/18 EDITION - Cushman & Wakefield

                          Use the term ‘shopping centre’           It would be much easier for the
                          and, from one side of Europe to          commercial real estate industry
                          the other, its meaning will be clearly   if there was a single, widely-
                          understood. Sadly, the same is not       understood term. In reality that
                          currently true for the phrase ‘food      is unlikely to occur in the near
                          hall’. The term originated more than     future. In the meantime, we can
                          a century ago in the large food          at least be clear about what a food
                          sections of European department          hall/market is not. Our definition
                          stores. Things have of course            excludes venues that are largely
                          moved on since then. The template        or exclusively open-air. Similarly, we
                          that has recently emerged in the         believe those which sell mainly
                          United States (see p. 30) and which      unprepared food fall within the
                          includes a mix of authentically          category of the traditional market.
                          prepared food and drink offers, with     Standard, more traditional style,
                          an emphasis on communal dining,is        shopping centre food courts are
                          the best indication of how European      also not included.
                          food halls are developing.
                                                                   Ultimately, though, rather than
                          In fact, the term ‘food hall’ in its     focusing too closely on which words
                          modern sense is not yet widely           are used, we suggest that what is
                          recognised across Europe, where          really important is understanding
                          the word ‘market’ (with its clear        the underlying trend:
                          heritage of high quality, fresh
                          produce) is much more common.            “diverse freshly-prepared
                          It is no accident that one of the
                          leading European operators
                                                                   authentic food and drink,
                          (Time Out Group) has chosen to           enjoyed communally!”
                          use that word in its title. However,
                          we believe that as concepts are
                          developed and refined over the
                          next few years, the use of the
                          term 'food hall' will increase.

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                                                                                                                                                                                       emand for European food
                                                                                                                                                                                   ›› D
                                                                                                                                                                                      halls has been consumer-led

                                                                                                                                                                                       ravel-savvy younger generation
                                                                                                                                                                                   ›› T
                                                                                                                                                                                      has been a key driver

                                                                                                                                                                                       uropean consumers have
                                                                                                                                                                                   ›› E

                                                                                                                                                                                      become more engaged with food
                                                                                                                                                                                      through celebrity-chef culture

                                                                                                                                                                                       rtisanal and independent food
                                                                                                                                                                                   ›› A
                                                                                                                                                                                      vendors are the bedrock of new

                                                                                                                                                                                      Food Halls

                                                                                                                                                                                       ourism has been an important
                                                                                                                                                                                   ›› T
                                                                                                                                                                                      demand-generator – but

                                                                                                                                                                                      establishing local custom
                                                                                                                                                                                      is crucial

                                                                                                                                                                                       ommunal eating has gone
                                                                                                                                                                                   ›› C
                                                                                                                                                                                      from acceptable to desirable

                                                                                                                                                                                       well times are increasing –
                                                                                                                                                                                   ›› D
                                                                                                                                                                                      but only if a diverse food
                                                                                                                                                                                      and drink offer is provided

                                                                                                                                                                                       igh quality food is a must –
                                                                                                                                                                                   ›› H
The impressive gothic battlements        that his venue’s success did not      loyal local customer base, they were     place. Regional cuisine, originally                           and value for money
of Castelo São Jorge, high above         happen overnight (see Interview,      largely invisible to a wider audience.   based on the availability of fresh
Lisbon, give a stunning vista across     p12) its rise in popularity has                                                ingredients (markedly different                                perator income is often
                                                                                                                                                                                   ›› O
the western-most city of the             nevertheless been meteoric.           That began to change with                in southern Europe and northern                               based on drink sales
European mainland. Far below,            And it is not an isolated case.       the arrival of a new millennium.         Europe, and similarly from west
                                                                                                                                                                                       ide variety of locations,
close to the water’s edge of the
Tagus estuary, Lisbon’s most
                                         From Madrid to Oslo, wherever
                                         similar food-related venues have
                                                                               As early as 2000, markets like
                                                                               La Boqueria, located off Barcelona’s
                                                                                                                        to east), has adapted to the
                                                                                                                        introduction of new foodstuffs
                                                                                                                                                               From Madrid to      ›› W
                                                                                                                                                                                      from city centre to former

popular tourist destination is clearly   opened their doors they have          famous La Rambla tourist street,         over time, while still maintaining     Oslo, wherever         industrial zones

                                                                                                                                                               similar food-
visible. This is not, as you might       almost always been met with           began to reinvent themselves and         strong local culinary identities. As                           ost food halls/markets have
                                                                                                                                                                                   ›› M
expect, a historic monument like         a steady influx of visitors.          attract interest from a new              celebrity chefs rose in popularity                            reused existing spaces, but some
the castle itself, or even a modern
addition like the always-busy            Traditional food markets are,
                                                                               generation of tourists, residents
                                                                               and office workers alike. Without
                                                                                                                        in most European countries, they
                                                                                                                        were quick to capitalise on their
                                                                                                                                                               related venues         venues have been purpose-built

aquarium. It is instead Time Out         of course, nothing new. They          necessarily realising it at the time     audiences’ appetite for food-related   have opened their       ocial media has been a key
                                                                                                                                                                                   ›› S
                                                                                                                                                                                      tool for attracting customers
Market, a bustling collection            have existed across the European      they were responding to cultural         knowledge.
of around 40 different high-quality      mainland for centuries, often         and demographic shifts.                                                         doors they have         he European food hall sector
                                                                                                                                                                                   ›› T
food vendors, grouped under
one roof.
                                         building a reputation for providing
                                         high-quality foodstuffs at            Culturally, people were becoming
                                                                                                                        Demographically, younger people,
                                                                                                                        more mobile than any generation        almost always          is still in the early stages;
                                                                                                                                                                                      much more development is likely
                                         reasonable prices. Yet towards        more interested in all aspects           before them and used to eating out
                                                                                                                                                               been met with
Attracting over 3 million visitors       the end of the last century they      of food – where it comes from,           on their travels, began to frequent                            xperience is king – the
                                                                                                                                                                                   ›› E
a year is no mean feat and while         were often housed in dilapidated      how it is produced and how it is         restaurants and other eateries         a steady influx        atmosphere of a food hall

                                                                                                                                                               of visitors.
Time Out Market chief executive          surroundings in unloved               prepared – and as a result began to      when back in their own country.                               can’t be replicated by on-line
Didier Souillat is quick to point out    neighbourhoods. While they had a      reconnect with their own sense of        With higher disposable incomes,                               meal delivery

6    CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD                                                                                                                                                                       FOOD HALLS OF EUROPE      7
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they were able to dine out more          across Europe. It started in
                                                 often, but were also becoming            Mediterranean countries, where
                                                 more demanding of the type and           climate and culture encourage
                                                 quality of food they were offered.       eating out, and in cities with
                                                 Flavours encountered abroad              populations enthusiastic about food
                                                 began to appear on local menus as        innovation. Yet the European food
                                                 part of an experience-led approach       hall revolution has really only just
                                                 to eating out.                           begun, with many venues starting
                                                                                          to welcome visitors within the last
                                                 This younger generation was              five years. 2014 was a landmark
                                                 also adept at sharing experiences        year when around 10 venues
                                                 through social media. Food Hall          opened their doors for
                                                 operators were quick to spot the         the first time (see European Food
                 Country Profile                 promotional advantages of these          Hall Round-Up, p. 36), including

                                                 digital communication channels.          Mercado de Platea in Madrid,
                                                 The photogenic nature of high            El Nacional in Barcelona and
                                                 quality food and drink meant that        Copenhagen Street Food in
    While the Spanish may not have               operators have been able, often          Copenhagen. More than 20
    invented food markets, they have             at very little cost, to build up large   have opened since then.
    certainly been responsible for shaping       followings on Facebook, Twitter,
    the trend of modern Food Halls.              Instagram, Snapchat and other            One of most striking things about
    A total of eight are now trading             online portals.                          the venues that have opened in
    across the country, including two in                                                  Europe to date are how different
    Barcelona, one in Bilbao and no less         The emergence of new generation          they are in so many respects. Some
    than five in Madrid: La Paz (2003),          food halls has not been uniform          are centrally located, while others,
    San Miguel (2009), San Anton (2011),
    Platea (2014) and San Ildefonso (2014).

    Madrid’s San Miguel has won many                               Country Profile

    plaudits for its innovative reuse of
    a century-old wrought iron and glass
    structure that is now home to 18 food
    vendors. The privately-owned venue                Europe has many cities which include a historic grand structure
    has been hugely successful and has                that was originally designed as a traditional food market.
    been able to achieve record rents                 Stockholm is a prime example of a city which has taken
    as a result.                                      one of these buildings and reinvented it for the 21st century.
                                                      Östermalms Saluhall on Östermalmstorg in the city centre is
    What is interesting about Madrid’s                currently undergoing major refurbishment by its owner, the city
    collection is that they are all different,        council and the 6,000 sq. m food hall is due to reopen in 2018
    ranging from the luxury feel of Platea            (a temporary alternative has been provided nearby in the interim).
    to the vibrant atmosphere of San
    Anton, which is owned by the city                 A similar, but smaller, venue opened in southern Sweden in 2016.
    council. Here visitors choose fresh               Malmö Saluhall covers around 1,500 sq. m and is located in the
    produce from stalls on the ground                 city centre. As in the Netherlands (see box p. 10), small food
    floor, before taking their purchases              halls are becoming popular in CBD locations. For example,
    to be cooked to order by chefs in the             food vendor Panini has brought together 10 other food providers
    food units above on the second floor.             at its 750 sq. m K25 scheme in central Stockholm.

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Scheme Profile

     Country Profile

     The Netherlands’ first two new
     generation food halls, both of                                                                                                                                                                     Situated on Koszykowa road in
     which opened in 2014, illustrate                                                                                                                                                                   central Warsaw and now billed
     very different approaches to                                                                                                                                                                       as the Warsaw Crucible, the
     the same broad concept. A                                                                                                                                                                          building housing this food hall
     group of hospitality operators                                                                                                                                                                     originally started life as market,
     created Amsterdam’s                                                                                                                                                                                built in the Art Nouveau style
     Foodhallen, a collection of                                                                                                                                                                        early last century. But the
     20 vendors, serving food within                                                                                                                                                                    central part of the property
     the huge De Hallen renovated                                                                                                                                                                       was demolished in around
     former tram depot (see                                                                                                                                                                             2009 as part of a failed
     Interview, p. 20).                                                                                                                                                                                 attempt to redevelop the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        one hectare site as housing.
     In contrast, Rotterdam’s new-
     build Markthal was designed                                                                                                                                                                        Polish developer Griffin Real
     from the start by developer                                                                                                                                                                        Estate stepped in and bought
     Provast as a mixed-use city                                                                                                                                                                        the land in 2012. The historic
     centre regeneration project                                                                                                                                                                        entrance halls at both ends,
     that includes a 96-stall ground    like Oslo’s Mathallen, are part of      Interview p. 20) venues have been        Many have adopted business             difficulty in securing food vendors     which escaped demolition,
     floor food market, surrounded      wider regeneration initiatives for      created by individuals or groups         models that are based on the venue     whose offer is to a high enough         were renovated and the whole
     by 20 shops and restaurants.       former industrial areas. Some are       of individuals, while the first          operator running bar sales which       standard. This remains a topical        site redeveloped for a mix of
     The combination of produce         completely enclosed, while others       generation of multiple food hall         provide primary income, with a         issue, though some operators            uses including shops and an
     and prepared food, together        are partially outdoors, celebrating     operators is emerging, including         modest cut of the food vendors’        now report lengthy waiting lists        art gallery, as well as space
     with the striking architectural    their connection with street            Time Out Market and London               takings (typically between 10 and      for would-be chefs.                     for events, such as a weekly live
     structure created by MVRDV         markets. Some, like Rotterdam’s         Union, owner of London’s Street          20%) adding a subsidiary revenue                                               music gig. Pride of place
     architects, has delivered a        Markthal are purpose-built, while       Feast venues (see Interview p. 32),      stream. There is widespread            The European food hall market is        in the new 8,000 sq. m
     destination that attracts and      the majority have taken over spaces     both of which have ambitious             recognition that food prices should    likely to experience unprecedented      complex, which opened
     retains up to seven million        previously occupied by other users.     growth plans. Pioneering brand           offer value for money, so at present   growth over the next few years.         in 2016, is the collection
     visitors each year.                Some operators concentrate solely       Eataly, which opened its first           there is less variation in consumer    Key themes for this period, and         of around 20 food vendors,
                                        on food and drink, while others         venue in its native Italy in 2007        pricing than in the traditional        the impact these will have on real      who serve a wide range of
     Smaller venues like                have configured their space flexibly    is considering further European          restaurant sector. Food vendors        estate owners, are examined             cuisines from Palestinian
     Rotterdam’s Fenix Food             to allow for live music festivals and   expansion after opening in               are almost exclusively small,          further on p. 16-21 & 28-33. The        falafel to local specialities like
     Factory and Amsterdam’s            other types of performances and         Moscow in 2017. Another venue            independent traders. And all           huge potential of the sector            home-made grilled sausages.
     Market 33, housing between         cultural celebrations.                  is already in the pipeline in Paris,     operators agree on one thing: that     promises plenty of excitement. And,     The scheme provides seating
     three and nine food vendors,                                               due to open in 2018.                     the quality of the food and drink      like Lisbon, many more European         for over 1,200 diners and
     have become very popular,          Street food is openly embraced                                                   should be first class.                 cities may well see their traditional   three bars provide liquid
     particularly at lunchtimes,        in some venues, while others have       There are also important similarities.                                          tourist attractions vying for the       refreshment, including a
     when they draw in local office     opted for a more upmarket, chef-        Intensive use of social media            Like any emerging sector, there        top spot with this new generation       very popular Bavarian-style
     workers and tourists alike.        led approach. In some cases, such       (as noted earlier) to draw first-time    have been teething problems.           of food venues.                         beer hall.
                                        as Amsterdam’s Foodhallen (see          and repeat custom is universal.          One of the most common is a

10     CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD                                                                                                                                                                                        FOOD HALLS OF EUROPE       11
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                           With a track record that includes            Turns out that was a very shrewd
                           successfully running food halls for global   move, as Time Out Market Lisbon is
                           retail icons Harrods and Selfridges, as      now the city’s top tourist attraction.
                           well as growing the Hakkasan restaurant      Yes, we attracted over three million
                           group, Didier Souillat is widely respected   visitors in 2016. When people ask if
                           across the industry. Now facing a new        I’m surprised by how well Lisbon is
                           challenge, he tells us what moved a          doing, I have to point out that it took just
                           publishing company to enter the food         18 months to achieve positive EBITDA.
                           and beverage sector, why size matters        And I have no doubt that the fact tourist
                           to food hall operators, the importance       visits to the city as a whole rose by 13%
                           of curating a mix of food operators to       last year also gave us a helping hand.
                           generate repeat business and discloses
                           which vegetable he absolutely
                           won’t touch.
                                                                        For us it is all about
Didier Souillat            How do you sum up Time Out
Chief Executive,           Market to people who don’t know it?          the mix, appealing
Time Out Market            It is a food and cultural market, based on
                           editorial curation – that’s what makes
                                                                        to 7 and 77-year
                           it different.                                olds alike – that’s
                           Different in what sense?                     what creates repeat                            the reasons for that is that since we                            are posting pictures of incredible food
                           The market is a physical representation
                           of what Time Out magazine and its digital
                                                                        business.                                      opened in Lisbon in 2014, we have
                                                                                                                       actually changed only a few operators.
                                                                                                                                                                                        served on proper china Time Out
                                                                                                                                                                                        branded plates.
                           equivalent is, which gives the company       We suspect some artful management
                           a 360-degree view of the market.             also played a large role. How does
                                                                        your business model work?
                                                                                                                       How important are the types
                                                                                                                       of food are on offer?
                                                                                                                                                                   The only operators   Lisbon was the first. Now other Time
                                                                                                                                                                                        Out Markets are in the pipeline.
                           So, in a way this was                        We run the beverages side and hire third       For us it is all about the mix, appealing   who will survive     In 2016, we’ve said our aim is to open in
                           a natural progression?                       parties to look after security and             to 7 and 77-year olds alike –                                    five global cities within five years. Lisbon
                           Yes, Time Out is a hugely well-known         cleaning. Basically, we provide                that’s what creates repeat business.        are those with       is already open and we have four more in
                           brand, originally for the magazines and
                           now increasingly on its digital platform.
                                                                        everything that allows the chefs
                                                                        to concentrate on what they excel at
                                                                                                                       The communal aspect is also important.
                                                                                                                       Being able to eat democratically,
                                                                                                                                                                   authority.           the pipeline. Miami, USA and Porto,
                                                                                                                                                                                        Portugal are both scheduled to start
                           It allows us to directly be in touch with
                           our readers.
                                                                        and what they love to do - cook. We then
                                                                        take a percentage of their takings.
                                                                                                                       and still enjoy good quality food.
                                                                                                                                                                   Operators who        trading in 2018, with Boston, USA
                                                                                                                                                                                        following in 2019. Our plans for London,
                                                                                                                       And we’d hazard a guess that a digital      are too small        UK have been turned down by planners,
                           That makes sense, though we                  The fact that the market is curated            publisher was quick to use social
                                                                                                                                                                   will become
                                                                                                                                                                                        but, with the landlord’s support, we are
                           wouldn’t have guessed you would              suggests an active management style.           media to the max.                                                appealing that decision. However, we
                           choose Lisbon for your first venue.
                           To be fair the decision to start in
                                                                        To be able to move fast and change
                                                                        quickly you constantly need to pay
                                                                                                                       The best PR we have is people from
                                                                                                                       abroad, like the UK and France, visiting
                                                                                                                                                                   obsolete and         can’t say how long that will take.

                           Lisbon was essentially opportunistic –       attention. Our food operators all trade        the Lisbon market more than once. Their     disappear.           Difficulties in London aside, where
                           the landlord wanted a tenant and the         under one-year renewable licences and          use of social media and word of mouth                            might the company head to next?
                           local Time Out editor made a bid.            we have a very long waiting list. One of       is super-important to us. Every day they                         We will consider new global destinations.

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Quick Questions
                                                                                                                                                                                             DIDIER SOUILLAT

                                                                                                                                                                                             FAVOURITE FOOD HALLS:
                                                                                                                                                                                             Hawker Centres, Singapore
                                                                                                                                                                                             (for the smells).

                                                                                                                                                                                             Depachika (department store
                                                                                                                                                                                             basement food halls), Tokyo
                                                                                                                                                                                             (for the visual impact).

                                                                                                                                                                                             FAVOURITE MEAL:
                                                                                                                                                                                             Japanese – it’s always
                                                                                                                                                                                             about quality and looks,
                                                                                                                                                                                             plus its healthy.

                                                                                                                                                                                             FOOD YOU’D BUY
                                                                                                                                                                                             ON A MARKET STALL:
                                                                                                                                                                                             Spices – anything that reminds
                                                                                                                                                                                             me of the South of France.

                                                                                                                                                                                             FOOD DISLIKE:
                                                                                                                                                                                             Beetroot – everything
                                                                                                                                                                                             about it!
                           So far it has certainly been easier for us     Large sites tend to be outside the                                    not just as revenue driver and take into
                           to do business in the USA! Wherever we         city centre. Are you OK with that?                                    account the impact of everything around      RATE YOURSELF AS A HOME
                           go, it has got to be a foodie city – there’s   If you want to be open seven days a week,                             us. And because our food vendors operate     COOK (WHERE 1 = DANGER
                           no point otherwise. We’re all about
                           serious food and known chefs. We need
                                                                          you need to be central – it’s as simple
                                                                          as that. I admit that finding 2,000-
                                                                                                                        We are finding          with significantly lower overheads that
                                                                                                                                                makes it interesting for everyone. The
                                                                                                                                                                                             TO PUBLIC HEALTH AND 10 =
                                                                                                                                                                                             CELEBRITY CHEF STATUS):
                           tourists, but we also need people who          3,000 sq. m in a central area can be          that landlords can      price point needs to be reasonable for       8/10 probably – depends

                                                                                                                        consider us as a
                           live and work in that city.                    difficult, but you need to be where people                            the consumer and we believe high quality     what’s in the fridge
                                                                          can find you easily and after all, Time Out                           doesn’t have to be mean high cost.           (Lesser-known fact: Didier
                           If you are targeting a lot of people,
                           that means the venue needs to be
                                                                          is a brand that is all about making the
                                                                          most of the city. Street food can be
                                                                                                                        footfall generator,     You won’t be drawn on which cities
                                                                                                                                                                                             is a classically-trained chef).

                           reasonably large.                              anywhere, however serious food can’t          not just as revenue     are next on your hit list, so how do         FAVOURITE
                           The only operators who will survive are        just be destination-led, it needs to be                               you view Europe as a whole?                  EUROPEAN CITY:
                           those with authority. For us that means        in a communal place.                          driver, and take into   It has very good prospects for the next      This is really difficult as
                           having a minimum of 15 vendors and a
                           floorspace of 2,000-3,000 sq. m. Food          Central sites are certainly accessible.
                                                                                                                        account the impact      few years. Portugal is just the beginning.
                                                                                                                                                There will always be demand from
                                                                                                                                                                                             I travel so much and see
                                                                                                                                                                                             so many new exciting places
                           hall operators who are too small and not
                           on top of their game when it comes to
                                                                          However, they usually come with
                                                                          a much higher price tag.
                                                                                                                        of everything           people who want to eat good quality
                                                                                                                                                sfood together.
                                                                                                                                                                                             all the time. OK, I have to go
                                                                                                                                                                                             with Lisbon – it’s pretty cool
                           quality of food will become obsolete           Yes, but we are finding that landlords        around us.                                                           and looks good.
                           and disappear.                                 can consider us as a footfall generator,                              www. timeoutmarket. com

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find that they have a receptive

                                                                                                                               audience already on their doorstep.

                                                                                                                               This well-travelled customer base of
                                                                                                                               young people is particularly
                                                                                                                               switched on to the food culture
                                                                                                                               issues mentioned above – ethical
                                                                                                                                                                                                onsumer interest in food is a
                                                                                                                                                                                            ›› C
                                                                                                                               production, provenance and

                                                                                                                                                                                               long-term trend - it's here to stay
                                                                                                                               sustainability are significant factors
                                                                                                                               affecting their decision on where                                ating out is set to increase
                                                                                                                                                                                            ›› E
                                                                                                                               and what to eat. New generation                                 in many European countries
                                                                                                                               food halls, with their inclination

                         FOOD HALLS
                                                                                                                               towards independent food vendors                                 emand will come from tourists,
                                                                                                                                                                                            ›› D
                                                                                                                                                                                               office workers and local residents
                                                                                                                               and suppliers, can adapt easily
                                                                                                                               and quickly to the latest consumer
                                                                                                                                                                                                iners are looking for
                                                                                                                                                                                            ›› D

                                                         Part 1
                                                                                                                               demands.                                                        unique experiences…

                                                                                                                               RISE OF THE FOOD                                                 and plenty of choice
                                                                                                                                                                                            ›› …
                                                                                                                               & BEVERAGE SECTOR
                                                                                                                               Oxford Economics figures show                                    ood offers will need to change
                                                                                                                                                                                            ›› F
While the development of new               below the most significant of these       produced food, including top              that eating out is on the increase.                             regularly to remain current
generation food halls across Europe        from a commercial real estate             quality, local ingredients with a         Average annual growth of
                                                                                                                                                                                                op quality, ethically-sourced
                                                                                                                                                                                            ›› T
may no longer be described as              perspective, along with some of the       clear provenance, built into their        consumer spending on eating out
                                                                                                                                                                                               food with a clear provenance
embryonic, it is most certainly still in   challenges which may arise.               DNA as standard.                          in Europe ran at over 4% in the
                                                                                                                                                                                               is non-negotiable
the early stages. We estimate there                                                                                            decade to 2016. In the short term,
are approximately 100 food halls           One factor cannot be overstated:          DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFTS                        food halls will enjoy a grace period                             ocial media will be a key
                                                                                                                                                                                            ›› S
either already open or currently           the success of individual food halls      People are travelling more than           as consumers flock to enjoy their                               technology for attracting
under construction in Europe’s             will be directly related to the ability   ever before and the overall number        novelty value. The most successful                              and driving footfall
major cities.                              of their operators to quickly and
                                           accurately identify and react to the
                                                                                     continues to rise. The impact of
                                                                                     this on food halls is two-fold. In
                                                                                                                               venues will be those that manage
                                                                                                                               to capture that interest on an
                                                                                                                                                                        From Madrid to          ood Halls are likely to
                                                                                                                                                                                            ›› F
Our research suggests that the             rapidly changing trends influencing       the short term, travellers are            on-going basis, particularly in          Oslo, wherever         become integrated into wider
                                                                                                                                                                                               developments, including
potential for growth is huge. At           their customer base.                      increasingly attracted to food            the longer-term, as traditional
least 200 venues, totalling over                                                     destinations. Operators have              restaurants may begin to actively        similar food-          shopping centres, public
                                                                                                                                                                                               realm improvements and
                                                                                                                                                                        related venues
400,000 sq. m, are in the pipeline         FOOD CULTURE                              expressed surprise at the number          compete for their custom.
                                                                                                                                                                                               transport hubs
for delivery within the next decade        The demand for new generation             of tourists heading in their direction.
in cities including London and
Paris (see City Profiles below).
                                           food halls is no fad. It is a long-term
                                           trend. The interest from consumers        Longer-term, when travellers
                                                                                                                               MACRO-ECONOMIC FACTORS
                                                                                                                               The European economy is currently
                                                                                                                                                                        have opened their       ocation will be important,
                                                                                                                                                                                            ›› L
                                                                                                                                                                                               but curation of the space
That number could increase                 in how their food is sourced and          return to their home (or adopted)         slightly outperforming many              doors they have        will be more so

                                                                                                                                                                        almost always
substantially if food halls become         produced has quickly become               countries, they are likely to continue    economists’ forecasts. However,
integrated into existing buildings.        embedded into many national               to seek out the food-related              the health of national economies                                 here will be failures, but…
                                                                                                                                                                                            ›› T

How quickly these new food halls
                                           cultures across Europe. Celebrity
                                           chefs may come and go, but the
                                                                                     experiences they enjoyed on their
                                                                                     travels locally. This is particularly
                                                                                                                               varies considerably throughout
                                                                                                                               the continent and the present low
                                                                                                                                                                        been met with       ››   ...visionaries will be rewarded –
                                                                                                                                                                                                 what seems implausible
will appear and what form they             interest they generate in food will       relevant to food halls sharing space      volatility levels are no guarantees      a steady influx          today could be tomorrow’s
are likely to take will depend on a        be a constant. Food halls should          with other uses (for example, within      for the future. Conventional wisdom
                                                                                                                                                                        of visitors.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 NBG (Next Big Thing)
large number of factors. We outline        have a diverse offer of ethically-        shopping centres), who may well           on the impact of economic shocks

16   CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD                                                                                                                                                                                   FOOD HALLS OF EUROPE       17
2017/18 EDITION - Cushman & Wakefield
City Profile
     Only five years ago there were no
     new generation food halls in                                                                                                                                                                             To what extent technology will disrupt
     London. The arrival of Street Feast                                                                                                                                                                      the future food hall environment is an
     began a process of change that is                                                                                                                                                                        intriguing, and largely unknown, prospect.
     steadily gaining momentum.                                                                                                                                                                               Current systems like digital food ordering
     Now under the umbrella of London                                                                                                                                                                         and order management will have an
     Union (see Interview p. 32) Street                                                                                                                                                                       obvious place, for those who wish to use
     Feast currently operates at four                                                                                                                                                                         them. Interactive apps that allow users to
     sites across the capital and has                                                                                                                                                                         choose and pay for their food beforehand
     several more in the pipeline. Its                                                                                                                                                                        and have it presented to them when they
     latest venue opens in late November                                                                                                                                                                      arrive at the venue are equally possible.
     2017 as part of the Winterville                                                                                                                                                                          But, given that human interaction, with
     temporary festival site on Clapham                                                                                                                                                                       fellow diners or food vendors themselves,
     Common, south London.                                                                                                                                                                                    is an important part of the food hall
          Both London Union and Time                                                                                                                                                                          experience, automation such as robo-
     Out Market have attempted to                                                                                                                                                                             cooks or robot baristas may well be
     secure and open large venues in                                                                                                                                                                          limited.
     former market buildings on the                                                                                                                                                                                However, social media platforms
     eastern edge of the City of London                                                                                                                                                                       have been enthusiastically adopted
     at Smithfield and Spitalfields        on consumer spending says                  withstand challenging economic           the food halls which have opened      being slightly off the beaten track      by operators, where they play a crucial
     respectively and both have been       consumers will spend less. However,        headwinds.                               to date (including Time Out Market    could be a positive advantage, as        role in marketing. Shopping centre
     frustrated by planning or land        the experience of the last global                                                   Lisbon) have successfully traded      food-loving locals and tourists alike    landlords and others who already have
     ownership issues. However, the fact   financial crisis was that although total   Even in relatively positive economic     from more peripheral locations and    seek out less mainstream venues.         sophisticated social media architecture
     that these groups are keen to open    consumer spending fell, it was             times the operators of modern            have become destinations in their                                              in place will be able to deploy it
     up large amounts of space in the      big-ticket items (such as foreign          European food halls have been            own right.                            BUILDING TYPE                            effectively with any food hall operation
     capital demonstrates how far the      holidays or large furniture purchases)     keen to ensure that their venues                                               The majority of new generation           they choose to incorporate within their
     sector has come in a short space      that were hit hardest. Leisure             deliver high quality food at             While central locations will          food halls in Europe are housed          scheme.
     of time.                              activities were less affected as           affordable prices. This focus on         undoubtedly benefit from better       in second-hand structures. Some
          And with more than 16 food       consumers opted to spend their             excellent value is therefore likely      transport connections, equating       of these are historic market halls
     halls proposed, there is potential    limited out-goings on what they            to remain a constant, whatever the       to a potentially higher footfall,     (like Stockholm’s Östermalms            rather than the other way round.
     for new food halls in the city like   perceived to be affordable luxuries.       prevailing economic conditions.          food halls which are situated in      Saluhall) re-purposed for a slightly    And in large-scale urban
     never before. As the sector becomes   Eating out was one of those luxuries.                                               other areas will not necessarily      different role, but many are existing   regeneration projects building
     more competitive each venue is                                                   LOCATION                                 find themselves at a disadvantage.    buildings that have been given          in a food hall from scratch could
     increasingly likely to focus on       Food halls which can swiftly               Some operators, like Time Out            As existing operators have already    a new lease of life. We believe         prove to be an attractive option
     differentiation and how it can        concentrate their attention on             Market (see Interview p. 12),            found, their customers are            that as the food hall concept           for landlords and food hall
     develop one or more USPs to           a certain visitor segment (for             are targeting central locations          a persistent and passionate           evolves, new-build properties           operators alike.
     allow it to maintain or grow its      example, local residents) if another       as they believe this will deliver them   crowd, so as long as the venue        will become more common,
     market share.                         segment (such as tourist visitors)         the greatest number of both tourist      is adequately marketed it should be   not least because the space
                                           is affected will be best-placed to         and local visitors. However, some of     well-patronised. In future,           can be designed for its operator,

18     CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD                                                                                                                                                                                               FOOD HALLS OF EUROPE       19
look for them. The idea was new to a lot
                                                                                                                                                   of people, and they were quite frankly
INTERVIEW                                                                                                                                          hesitant, as they weren’t sure it would be

                                                                                                                                                   a successful concept. Now we have a total
                                                                                                                                                   of 20 venders operating within the 1,200
                                                                                                                                                   sq. m Foodhallen. Additionally, we have a
                                                                                                                                                   pop-up vendor, that changes every few
                           Serendipity played a large part in                                                                                      months. We considered adding more food
                           the creation of the first indoor food                                                                                   vendors, within the same total floor area,
                           market in the Netherlands. But trained                                                                                  but we’re happy with it the way it is now
                           restaurateur and co-founder of                                                                                          and expect it to remain unchanged over
                           Amsterdam’s Foodhallen Chong Chu,                                                                                       the coming years.
                           hasn’t looked back since his venue
                           opened its doors in late 2014. Here he                                                                                  How vital to your business
                           tells us why location is paramount,                                                                                     is the mix of food vendors?
                           explains the importance of maintaining                                                                                  People get bored really, really fast.
                           an eclectic mix of food vendors and                                                                                     This means you need to go along with
                           reveals why he doesn’t rate himself                                                                                     trends and serve things people want to
                           as a home cook.                                                                                                         eat – at the moment it is all about healthy
                                                                                                                                                   food served quickly. It’s important to
                           How do you sum up Foodhallen                                                                                            have different and, ideally, unique
                           to people who don’t know it?                                                                                            concepts. The combination of vendors is
Chong Chu                  We describe it as a social concept where                                                                                very important. It’s no good having three
Co-Founder,                you can have good food and drink or just                                                                                burger providers and two hotdog traders
Foodhallen, Amsterdam      grab a quick bite. It’s like a street festival,                                                                         next to each other. We specifically avoid
                           but permanent.                                                                                                          major chains. In any case, we find it
                                                                                                                                                   easier to attract people who are based
                           Is it true that the idea for Foodhallen                                                                                 locally. Unlike the early days, we now
                           came about purely by chance?                                                                                            have vendors approaching us. We
                           Yes, absolutely. We were on holiday in                                                                                  currently have around 50 vendors on our
                           Spain and happened to visit Madrid’s                                                                                    waiting list.
                           Mercado de San Miguel (see p. 48).
                           My first thought was: ‘This is a genius                                                                                 That’s a good problem to have!
                           idea’. My second was: ‘Why hasn’t anyone          We believe that if we’d opened in a                                   How does your business model work?
                           done this in Amsterdam already?’                  brand-new building it just wouldn’t                                   We own all the bars (a main bar, plus
                                                                             have worked, as everything would have                                 speciality satellite bars for beer, wine and
                           How long did it take to turn that                 been too new and what it actually needs        People get bored       gin) and the revenue from those is our

                                                                                                                            really, really fast.
                           spark of an idea into reality?                    is a rough edge. When we saw De Hallen                                main income. We also take a 10% share
                           In total it took around two years to              (The Halls), a listed 22,000 sq. m former                             of food vendor takings. They sign a
                           refine the concept, as we were fitting
                           the new venture around our day jobs.
                                                                             tram depot complex, we knew we’d found
                                                                             a perfect fit. The local authority was quite
                                                                                                                            That means you         two-year contract with us, at the end of
                                                                                                                                                   which we review their performance
                           First, we honed the idea, then we worked          co-operative and the neighbours were           need to go along       and development prospects. So far

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Photo: ©Ossip van Duivenbode
                           up a business plan and finally we were            really supportive – they didn’t want                                  we’ve only changed eight vendors
                           ready to look for a venue.                        a nightclub there instead and they saw         with trends and        (excluding the pop-up operators).

                           Did you have a specific building
                                                                             the potential of what we wanted to do.
                                                                                                                            serve things people    Describe a typical Foodhallen
                           or area in mind?
                           We always thought we needed to start in
                                                                             How easy was it to bring
                                                                             in food vendors?
                                                                                                                            want to see.           visitor for us please.
                                                                                                                                                   We estimate that we now attract around
                           Amsterdam. Location is very important.            In the beginning we had to go out and                                 700,000 people annually. In the summer

20   CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD                                                                                                                                         FOOD HALLS OF EUROPE        21
We’re already talking to shopping
 centre developers. The vibe would
 be totally different, but we think                                                                                    Quick Questions
 we could make it work.                                                                                                CHONG CHU
                                                                                                                       FAVOURITE FOOD HALLS:
                                                                                                                       Mercado San Miguel, Madrid
                                                                                                                       (the building is really special
                           season we believe that roughly three-        abroad, to do something similar in cities      and the place has a great
                           quarters of our visitors are tourists,       like Berlin and Paris. For us it’s too early   ambience).
                           though the proportion of locals goes up to   to go outside the Netherlands. In the last
                           around 40% over the winter. Locals stay      three years we’ve seen growth, both for        Borough Market, London
                           longer (on average three hours) and          Foodhallen as a company and the                (I like the mix of retail
                           spend more on drinks, while tourists         individual vendors. I’m amazed that            and eating).
                           tend to come by for a quick lunch and        there is still growth after all this time.
                           spend less, but there are more of them,                                                     FAVOURITE MEAL:
                           so it balances out. Lunchtime (midday        We might see more Foodhallen                   Love all Italian food,
                           to 15:00h) is always busy, as is the         across the Netherlands though…                 plus Asian concepts.
                           evening (19:00h to closing). The food        We have looked, but nothing has been
                           vendors are obligated to remain open         decided for now. We would consider             FOOD YOU’D BUY
                           until 22:00h; after that, it’s up to them.   larger cities like Rotterdam, Utrecht and      ON A MARKET STALL:
                                                                        Maastricht. I’m not sure if it will happen,    Fresh and dried sausages.
                           And how do you interact with them?           but then again if we find something
                           We use a mixture of marketing tools.         suitable we could go for it very quickly.      FOOD DISLIKE:
                           We’re in a number of travel guides,                                                         Nothing I don’t like – I like
                           work with the city’s tourist promotion       And what about a Foodhallen                    to try out and experience
                           agency ‘i Amsterdam’, various websites       in a shopping centre?                          lots of things.
                           and travel bloggers and of course do         We’re already talking to shopping centre
                           plenty on social media.                      developers. The vibe would be totally          RATE YOURSELF AS A HOME
                                                                        different, of course, but we think we          COOK (WHERE 1 = DANGER
                           What elements of your venue                  could make it work. The key issue for          TO PUBLIC HEALTH AND 10
                           do you think generate repeat                 us is how we retain our independence.          = CELEBRITY CHEF STATUS):

                                                                                                                                                               Photo: © Daria Scagliola/Stijn Brakkee
                           business for you?                                                                           2/10 (I’m really not fond of
                           It’s a great social environment. People      How do you see Foodhallen                      cooking – when I do, it’s a
                           like the atmosphere and the temporary        evolving by 2020?                              simple pasta dish for the kids).
                           events. Foodhallen simulates a food          For the coming years it won’t change
                           festival, but has the advantage that it’s    a lot – but we need to keep looking at         FAVOURITE EUROPEAN
                           always there.                                trends, be flexible and able to change         CITY: Paris – I lived there for
                                                                        and adapt to demand.                           six months and it feels a bit
                           So, what’s next for Foodhallen?                                                             like a second home
                           We get a lot of people asking us to go       www. foodhallen. nl

22   CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD                                                                                                         FOOD HALLS OF EUROPE     23
                                                An accomplished design director,              understanding was critical for me when
                                                Tom Chalmers has extensive experience         trying to transport the DNA of the
                                                in the hospitality and food and beverage      market to a new venue. I spent six
                                                sectors across the globe. He has worked       months working closely with the
                                                for big name firms like Skidmore Owings       scheme architect ISA.
                                                & Merrill, Grimshaw and Gensler, as well
                                                as boutique practices. After an extended      What struck you most about the
                                                period living abroad Tom has returned         Lisbon operation and what challenges
                                                to the UK. Here he tells us of his            did you identify in transferring its
                                                impressions of food halls in the United       essence elsewhere in Europe?
                                                States, suggests what factors will transfer   Time Out Market is pretty high end,
                                                well from Mediterranean food markets to
                                                other parts of Europe and admits which
                                                food he’ll only consider after a heavy
                                                night out.
                           Tom Chalmers                                                       In northern
                           Managing Director,   You moved back to the UK with your
                           AvroKO               family from the United States nearly          Europe the space
                                                two years ago. What prompted
                                                the move?                                     needs to be heavily
                                                I was working on Timber Cove Inn,
                                                Sonoma County, California and by chance
                                                met one of AvroKO’s four partners. We         Controlling the
                                                just got chatting and I mentioned I was
                                                considering relocating and he mentioned       atmosphere is quite
                                                the firm wanted to set up a London office.
                                                It was good timing.
                                                                                              complex – but it’s
                                                                                              very important
                                                And the London office has been up
                                                and running for 18 months now.                for customer
                                                What have you been up to?
                                                One of the first projects I got stuck into    experience.
                                                was Time Out Market London at
                                                Spitalfields (see p. 45)                      with proper dishes, cutlery and wine
                                                                                              glasses and a very clean environment.
                                                Were you familiar with                        The cooking academy is very popular.
                                                the first market in Lisbon?                   All of those kinds of things can be
                                                I’d obviously heard about it, but I then      transported quite easily. In fact,
                                                spent quite a bit of time at Time Out         I’d say 9. 5 things of 10 can be moved.
                                                Market Lisbon, so that I could really         The remainder are factors like customer
                                                get to know how the space is organised        mindset – that can be very different.
                                                and the ethos of the place. That              But the biggest hurdle is the climate.

24   CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD                                                                                   FOOD HALLS OF EUROPE     25
In Lisbon it is pretty warm and sunny                                And now you’re back in London,
all year round. However, in northern                                 where do plan to take the business?
Europe the space needs to be heavily
conditioned. Controlling the atmosphere
                                              Maintaining            I’ve already grown the office from one
                                                                     to seven people. Right now I’m working
is quite complex – but it’s very important    a contextual           on a venue due to open in London next
for customer experience.                                             year and have just started on a project
                                              reference from         in Warsaw. While I was out there I
And what else have you been
working on?                                   history is crucial.    discovered a food hall with a great local
                                                                     menu, wide selection of dishes and easy
A cool members’ club in London,
a cosmetics brand interior, and a major
                                              The key is to          access to beverages. You can move with
                                                                     your food and drink anywhere within
mixed-use redevelopment taking place          tap into peoples       the venue so you can really experience
in Auckland, New Zealand. Plus, we’ve                                it properly.
just finished on China Live, a 2,000 sq. m    emotional needs
Chinese food hall in San Francisco, USA.
                                              – and that’s going     Any other food hall experiences
                                                                     that are relevant?
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Quick Questions
                                                                                                                                                                                                              TOM CHALMERS
Having lived in the United States             to be different for    Some time ago I was involved in a hotel
until recently you must have                                         project in Melbourne, Australia, and
witnessed first-hand the fast-paced           tourists and locals.   spent some time there. I was struck by                                                                                                   FAVOURITE FOOD HALL:
growth of the food hall scene there.                                 their very modern interpretation of                                                                                                      Depachika (department store
When I first went to Gotham West Market,                             food halls (not to detract from historic                                                                                                 basement food halls), Tokyo,
New York, it changed the paradigm a bit for                          examples across Europe), but I was                                                                                                       which is mindblowing, because
me – all the cool kids were under one roof.                          bowled over by the acoustics, smells                                                                                                     of the sheer array of offers.
The design was fantastic. I remember                                 and the overall atmosphere.
thinking: wow – what a different                                                                                                                                                                              FAVOURITE MEAL:
experience (I should mention that                                    Those experiences must be invaluable                                                                                                     Mediterranean food – I’m a
although it was designed by AvroKO,                                  for you on projects going forward.                                                                                                       sucker for fresh fish and salad.
I wasn’t working there at that time).                                I’ve been approached by developers
Then when Eataly opened in New York,                                 involved in the many food markets                                                                                                        FOOD YOU’D BUY
that was truly eye-opening. There were                               planned in London. From my                                                                                                               ON A MARKET STALL:
independent operators going into these                               perspective, I’m keen to get in the door                                                                                                 Fish or meat – especially tuna
spaces, which had never happened before.                             early enough to really influence the
                                                                     finish, as historically interior design is
                                                                                                                  It’s important for me to have a valid input                                                 or any freshwater fish.

If you’ll pardon the pun, what are the
key take-aways from those food halls
                                                                     brought into a project quite late.           into massing – how moving through the                                                       FOOD DISLIKE:
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Greasy fried food – maybe OK
that could be instructive for those                                  What can you bring to a food hall            space emotionally affects people.                                                           for a hangover, but still messy.
creating similar venues in Europe?                                   project by being involved early on?
Ha, ha, well good service is something we                            If you want to create a great historic                                                                                                   RATE YOURSELF AS A HOME
can always learn from. The food halls                                environment you need to expand or            for temporary events. Addressing              Market in London is so popular – it gives     COOK (WHERE 1 = DANGER
there are very attentive and customer-                               compress the space. It’s important for me    different operational needs is also crucial   you a bit of London. The key is to tap into   TO PUBLIC HEALTH AND 10
driven. It important to transfer that                                to have a valid input into massing – how     – creating an intimate environment for        people's emotional needs – and that’s         = CELEBRITY CHEF STATUS):
across.                                                              moving through the space emotionally         breakfast, but conversely ensuring the        going to be different for tourists and        6. 5/10 – I have my moments!
                                                                     affects people.                              space doesn’t feel cramped at lunchtimes      locals. Tourists are becoming more
What took you to the US originally?                                                                               and evenings.                                 educated about food and beverage and          FAVOURITE
My family moved there just as I was                                  And what are the key design aspects                                                        want a heightened local offering. So, in      EUROPEAN CITY:
finishing studying interior design at                                when creating a new food hall?               Can you identify a key ingredient for         Spain, for example, instead of paella they    Seville – I have family there;
university. I was lucky to land an                                   Adaptability is really important – how a     making a food hall successful?                want seafood, but with a Japanese twist.      it’s a very honest place with
internship with Skidmore as soon                                     venue changes – spatially, acoustically,     Maintaining a contextual reference from                                                     a great heritage.
as I arrived stateside.                                              lighting – over the day and how it changes   history is crucial. That’s why Borough        www. avroko. com

26   CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD                                                                                                                                                                                               FOOD HALLS OF EUROPE      27
City Profile

                                                                                                                                                                                                           As a world-renowned capital

                                                                                                                                                                                                           of gastronomy, with a tastebud-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           tingling array of restaurants
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and traditional food markets it
                                                                                                                                                                                                            is perhaps less surprising that

                         FOOD HALLS
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Paris has so far seen relatively little
                                                                                                                                                                                                           activity from new generation food
                                                                                                                                                                                                           hall operators. Although La Grande

                                                        Part 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Epicerie, the French equivalent
                                                                                                                                                                                                           of Harrods food hall, has been
                                                                                                                                                                                                           modernised since it opened in
                                                                                                                                                                                                           1978, it remains focused largely
                                                                                                                                                                                                           on gourmet produce.
SIZE                                      is divided into just four food zones,      and positioning of seating areas       are gifted innovators will be           hint of homogeneity.                        However, things are about
An important part of the draw of a        suggests that alternative practices        must be carefully judged,              particularly valuable to operators as                                          to change for Parisians and Paris-
food hall is the variety of food on       are feasible.                              as it is a crucial consideration       they will be able to create new         BUSINESS MODEL                         bound travellers alike. Italian
offer. How that variety is translated                                                when communal dining is such an        dishes to maintain interest. This       Larger operators who typically lease   operator Eataly, which now has
into the number of food vendors is        Larger operators like Time Out             important part of the experience.      will be easier for operators than       a whole venue and then                 20 venues in Italy, as well as others
currently a matter for debate.            Market and London Union are                Design experts (see Interview p. 24)   physically changing their vendor        assign pitch licences to food          worldwide (see European Food Hall
Operators of larger halls suggest         typically considering sites of             brought into a project at an early     line-up. This may explain why           vendors have found that operating      Directory, p. 47), is due to open a
that 15 food vendors is a minimum         between 1,500 sq. m and 2,500 sq.          stage can advise on how to optimise    although many current operators         the bar sales themselves and taking    4,000 sq. m outlet on the city’s
– without a critical mass they            m, but the venues that have opened         customer flows and interaction.        typically offer short-term licences     only a small slice of vendor takings   historic Marais district on Rue
suggest venues will struggle to           across Europe so far have fitted into                                             (one to two years for established       allows them to run the business        Sainte Croix de la Bretonnerie in
survive. However, we believe that         a wide range of floorplate sizes. In       FOOD VENDORS                           cooks) there has been remarkably        profitably. In this model individual   2018.
size is related to the local market. In   future we suggest that just as a           Whether celebrity chefs or             little churn.                           vendors may be restricted from              Also due to open in 2018
smaller cities, or districts of big       select number of food vendors can          passionate street food cooks are                                               selling drinks as the food hall         is Franco-Belgian developer
cities, a venue with fewer than 10        still be viable, smaller size              in charge of the kitchen, the key      A potential challenge for operators,    operator drives footfall to its        Bannimo’s Gare du Sud scheme.
vendors could be successful if            floorplates, particularly for food halls   expectation from European food         as food halls become more               own bars. This often represents the    A 420 sq. m food hall will be
correctly positioned, as Altrincham       which are part of larger schemes,          hall visitors is always the same:      widespread, is how to secure top        operator’s primary income stream.      incorporated in the 3,000 sq. m
Market House on the edge of               could work equally well.                   top-quality food. However, food        quality chefs. And as branded                                                  redevelopment of the city’s
Manchester (nine food vendors in                                                     excellence is just the start.          chains is anathema to food hall         We think this model is likely to       former southern railway station.
400 sq. m) demonstrates. Although         While there is obviously a link            Consumers expectations for new         consumers, operators of multiple        become common (if not universal)
it employs 200 staff, the fact that       between the number of vendors and          and unique flavours and textures       venues may well have to find ways       as the sector develops in Europe.
El Nacional in Barcelona (see p. 39)      floorspace occupied, the amount            are high. Food vendors who             of scaling vendors that avoid any       The template also works for

28   CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD                                                                                                                                                                                              FOOD HALLS OF EUROPE           29
retail and leisure uses moves steadily
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         towards the latter.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Care will need to be taken to create
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the right kind of environment for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         emerging generation of food-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         conscious consumers and good
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         design will play a large role in this.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         We do not believe that retro-fitting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         a food hall in vacant retail space
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         will typically work. These are major
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         space users and need bespoke
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         environments to be truly successful.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Landlords (of shopping centres or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         any other use type that is proposing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to share space with a modern food
                                                                                                                                          landlords who take on the role          of maintaining good relations with     hall) will probably choose to lease
                                                                                                                                          of operator. We have seen that          local communities from an early        the operation to a third party or
                                                                                                                                          drinks-led sales are increasingly       stage. Similarly, for future large-    employ an experienced individual
                                                                                                                                          important in food halls, where their    scale urban regeneration projects,     in a management contract-type
                                                                                                                                          availability increases dwell-time and   landlords/developers would be          arrangement. Top-performing
                                                                                                                                          therefore spend.                        well advised to calculate and          food halls will need active and
                                                                                                                                                                                  highlight to the relevant planning     constant curation to ensure that

                                              has been home-grown.                               New York remains at the forefront        PLANNING                                authority the considerable             the mix of vendors, menus and
                                                   What is particularly instructive about   of this movement, with over 30 food           As many new generation European         economic benefits a food hall can      additional offers is optimum

                                              the US experience is the willingness to       halls already operating and at least          food halls have inhabited renovated     bring.                                 at all times.
                                              adapt the concept as a partner use within     15 more in the pipeline (either under         buildings in regeneration areas
                                              shopping centres. Unlike in Europe (see       construction or planned) by 2019.             operators have generally found that     INTEGRATION WITH MIXED-                EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED
                                              Definition, p. 4) the term ‘food hall’ was    However, the trend is taking off across the   local authorities have been             USE SCHEMES, INCLUDING                 As the European food hall journey
Inspired by European upscale food             until recently synonymous with ‘food          US beyond just global gateway cities to       supportive and in some cases local      SHOPPING CENTRES AND                   has only just begun, it is possible
markets, operators in the US, not only ran    court’. These functional food spaces with     secondary and tertiary markets as diverse     communities have also added their       LEISURE EXTENSIONS                     that unforeseen twists and turns
with the idea but turned it into their own.   a homogenised line-up of chain fast-food      as Salt Lake City, Utah and Boise, Idaho.     voice (as in Amsterdam’s                Existing food hall operators           will present themselves over the
With a similar demographic background to      operators had been a US shopping centre       While there were just over 100 active food    Foodhallen, see Interview p. 20).       report that they have already          coming years. These could be to
Europe (a rise in food appreciation as a      staple for decades. So, the arrival of        hall projects in existence throughout the     However, not all operators have had     had discussions with developers        the benefit or detriment of the
cultural trend and an enthusiastic            independent food vendors, providing fast,     US one year ago, there are now close to       positive experiences. For example,      about incorporating their concept      sector. Landlords and operators
millennial generation leading the throng      yet cooked to order, meals in bespoke-        200 in operation. Between projects            Time Out Market’s plans for a venue     into future shopping centres.          who can not only spot trends as
of potential customers) the US market was     design settings was almost revolutionary.     currently under construction and those        next to the historic Spitalfields       Some are convinced that their          they are breaking, but can also
well-positioned to respond to the food hall   Schemes like Gotham West Market               that have been proposed, it is entirely       Market in London have stalled due       model could transition effectively.    anticipate the future demands of an
revolution. Although European operators       in New York (1,000 sq. m) and Revival         within the realm of possibility that there    to planning and licensing issues.       We agree, as the US experience (see    ever-demanding customer base, will
have a foothold in the US market – Eataly     in Chicago (2,400 sq. m) have been            may be as many as 400 food hall projects                                              box p. 30) suggests, that food         be best placed to take advantage of
got on board in 2010 and Time Out Market      enthusiastically received by consumers        open in the US by 2019.                       Whether such experiences prove to       halls could play an important part     one of the leisure and hospitality
has two schemes due to open in the US in      and a growing band of tourist                                                               be isolated cases remain to be seen,    in the tenant mix of future shopping   industry’s most exciting trends.
the next two years – much development         visitors alike.                                                                             but they highlight the importance       centres, as the balance between

30   CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD                                                                                                                                                                                                             FOOD HALLS OF EUROPE    31
                           City lawyer turned bar operator and         Market (currently a dilapidated historic
                           restaurateur Jonathan Downey has built      building in central London) would be
                           up London’s popular Street Feast food       perfect for this. It would be a tragedy if
                           market brand across multiple venues in      Smithfield becomes just a museum rather
                           the city. In 2015, he teamed up with        than a thriving food market as well, that
                           Henry Dimbleby, co-founder of               could bring 9-12 million visitors to that
                           successful UK restaurant chain LEON,        area – it would change the reputation and
                           to form parent company London Union to      centre of gravity of London.
                           further develop the food market business.
                           Here Jonathan tells us what he makes        It would also be much bigger
                           of modern American food halls, why          than anything you’ve done to date.
                           London Union is looking for longer-term     What is your preferred size for new
                           commitments from landlords, what            venues (apart from Smithfield)?
                           'terraforming' means and reveals which      Yes, Smithfield could be up to 10, 000 sq.
                           alcoholic beverage he just doesn’t get.     m. Dinerama (Street Feast’s most
Jonathan Downey                                                        well-known venue) is 1,800 sq. m,
CEO and Co-Founder,        How do you sum up Street Feast              including mezzanine space; Hawker
London Union               to people who don’t know it?                House, Canada Water is 3,000 sq. m
                           We call our venues ‘street food night       inside and 1,500 sq. m outside, while
                           markets’ and ‘street food arenas’.          Giant Robot, Canary Wharf is just 1,000      Keeping it fresh and new seems                Assuming you have a full
                           We’re doing something that no-one           sq. m. I’m not sure we’d do that again,      to be an important part of the                complement of food vendors, how
                           else is doing at the moment. We don’t       as now we’re not looking at anything         food market scene.                            does your business make money?
                           call them food halls though – that’s        less than 1,500 sq. m and ideally,           Millennials are always looking for the        Three ways: we run all the bars, we get   We’d like to take
                           a very American term and tends to
                           belong mostly to the daytime.
                                                                       something around 2,500-4,000 sq. m.          next thing. Things become old after three
                                                                                                                    or four years. So our food vendors start
                                                                                                                                                                  a 10-20% share of vendor takings and we
                                                                                                                                                                  have a modest door charge after 19:00h,   over (food and
                           So, you’re familiar with the huge
                                                                       Some people associate Street Feast
                                                                       with edgy locations and are surprised
                                                                                                                    with a six-week trial, then move onto
                                                                                                                    a three-month licence and a rolling
                                                                                                                                                                  though that’s mainly to filter out time
                                                                                                                                                                  wasters. It’s a strong business model,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            beverage) space
                           growth of food halls in North America?      to find one in the shiny surroundings        licence after that.                           based on high margins and low             in office buildings –
                           Oh yeah, some of them are gigantic and      of Canary Wharf.                                                                           staff costs.
                           really impressive. Places like Revival,     We went to Canary Wharf because              But only if they cut the                                                                the beauty of what
                           Chicago; Reading Terminal, Philadelphia;
                           Ponce City, Atlanta and Grand Central
                                                                       we were offered a very special space.
                                                                       It always makes a difference to me if
                                                                                                                    mustard with you presumably?
                                                                                                                    Actually, finding enough good quality
                                                                                                                                                                  Yet you can invest large sums
                                                                                                                                                                  in what are temporary spaces.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            we do is that we
                           Terminal, Los Angeles.                      a landlord is keen and supportive like       people on the food side is a real challenge   Yes, we’ll have spent nearly £1 million   can rotate the
                                                                       Canary Wharf Group were. In fact,            at the moment. We had a golden                at Hawker House over two years and
                           Wow, you get around and certainly           we’re keen to do more like it and take       generation who have now moved on              just about broken even. That doesn’t      offer and keep it
                           know your US food halls! Could
                           ‘big’ work in London, too?
                                                                       over some of the larger and more
                                                                       traditional food & beverage spaces
                                                                                                                    to bricks and mortar. The thing is, the
                                                                                                                    concept doesn’t even have to be new, it
                                                                                                                                                                  make much sense on the face of it,
                                                                                                                                                                  which is why we aren’t going to do        fresh and new.
                           Definitely and I would love to do a mega    in office buildings – the beauty of          just needs to be consistently good. There     two-year pop-ups any more. We’re
                           food market in London. It’s well known      what we do is that we can rotate             is definitely room for someone who can        now looking for longer-term leases,
                           that we have suggested that Smithfield      the offer and keep it fresh and new.         produce brilliant burgers, for example.       with a minimum of five years.

32   CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD                                                                                                                                                                                          FOOD HALLS OF EUROPE   33
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