Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3, 2022 - Saints Peter and Paul Church July 3, 2022 - e ...

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3, 2022 - Saints Peter and Paul Church July 3, 2022 - e ...
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                July 3, 2022

Saints Peter and Paul Church • July 3, 2022 •
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3, 2022 - Saints Peter and Paul Church July 3, 2022 - e ...
                                           I N T RO D U C TO RY R I T E S
PRAYER TO SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL                                                       Lumen Christi Missal (LCM) pg. 1085
PROCESSIONAL HYMN                                       To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King; Saint Michael Hymnal (SMH) #800
ORDER OF MASS                                                                                                  LCM pgs. 804—809
GLORIA                                                                                                                 SMH #134

                                        T H E L I T U RG Y O F T H E W O R D
THE READINGS OF THE DAY                                                                                        LCM pgs. 469—472
RESPONSORIAL PSALM                                       Psalm 66 (65): 1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a, 16 and 20; Setting: Adam Bartlett (b. 1983)

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                                                                                                Setting: Adam Bartlett

                                 T H E L I T U RG Y O F T H E E U C H A R I S T
PREPARATION HYMN                                                      When I Survey the Wondrous Cross; SMH #829
SANCTUS                                                                                                  SMH #135

THE COMMUNION RITE                                                          The Lord’s Prayer and the Sign of the Peace
AGNUS DEI                                                                                                  SMH #140

COMMUNION ANTIPHON                                                  Psalm 34 (33): 2—3, 4—5, 6—7, 8—9, 10—11, 12—13

COMMUNION HYMN                                                       The Bread That We Break; Stephen Dean (b. 1948)

                                        THE CONCLUDING RITES
RECESSIONAL HYMN                                                                Rejoice, the Lord is King; SMH #731
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Mass Intentions                                        Readings For The Week
Saturday, July 2                                               Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Ps 145:2-9;Mt 9:18-26; or, for
5:00pm: Thomas Quevillon (B)                                   Independence Day, any readings from the Mass “For
                                                               Public Needs,” # 882-889, or “For Peace and Justice,”
Sunday, July 3
                                                               #. 887-891
6:45am: Colleen Fagan
8:30am: Mary Alma Cory
                                                               Hos 8:4-7, 11-13; Ps 115:3-10; Mt 9:32-38
10:30am Chinnappan Devadas
12:30pm Intentions of Karen Vest (B)
                                                               Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Ps 105:2-7; Mt 10:1-7
4:30pm: Parishioners of Saints Peter and Paul Parish
7:00pm: Maureen Roberts Bergman
                                                               Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16;Mt 10:7-15
Monday, July 4                                                 Friday
9:30am United States of America                                Hos 14:2-10; Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17;Mt 10:16-23
Tuesday, July 5
                                                               Is 6:1-8; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33
6:45am: Dr. John Tobin
8:00am: Patricia Brown (A)
                                                               Dt 30:10-14; Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37; or
5:15pm: Antonio Caminar (B)
                                                               Ps 19:8-11; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37
Wednesday, July 6
8:00am: The Schmult and Serbick Families
5:15pm: Norman Penwell
                                                                             Vocation Prayer Calendar
Thursday, July 7
                                                                                     July 2022
8:00am: Walter Prochorow                                       1    Brs. Peter Tripp, Thomas Dominic Vance,
5:15pm: Michelle Alessi (A)                                         Robert Veselsky, John Vietoris FSC
Friday, July 8                                                 2    Seminarian Frank Perrotta
6:45pm: Ruth and Joseph Dodaro                                 3    Sr. Dorothy Birk OSF, Sr. Toby Marie Bonny OSF
8:00am: Fr. John “Jerry” Bresnahan                             4    Sr. Alice Drewek OSF, Sr. Martha Friedman OSF
Saturday, July 9                                               5    Fr. Douglas Martis
8:30am: Margaret Smego                                         6    Dcns. Patrick Lombardo, Jose L. Lopez, Marco
5:00pm: Bernardine Wisz                                             Lovero, Ronald Madsen, David Mahoney,
Sunday, July 10                                                     Frederick Maier
6:45am: Margaret Rechenmacher (A)                              7    Sr. Colette Murawski PCC
8:30am: Janina Tomczyk                                         8    Fr. Robert Basler O.S.A., Fr. Thomas Osborne O.S.A
10:30am Carmen Chagolla (A)                                         Fr. Anthony Pizzo O.S.A.
12:30pm Parishioners of Saints Peter and Paul Parish           9    Seminarian Josh White
4:30pm: Mrs. Harris Farwell
7:00pm: Colleen Fagan
                                                                          Join us for Mass - Our Mass Schedule
                                                                     Monday/Wednesday/Thursday 8:00am and 5:15pm
                                                                     Tuesday 6:45am, 8:00am and 5:15pm
                                                                     Friday 6:45am and 8:00am
Terry McHugh President, Worship Commission
Brian McElmeel, Vice President, Christian Service Commission         Saturday 8:30am and 5:00pm (Vigil)
Connie Long, Secretary                                               Sunday—Church
Tom Stone, Administration Commission                                 6:45am, 8:30am, 10:30am, 12:30pm and 7:00pm
Kelly Heffron, Parish Life Commission                                Tridentine (Latin) Mass: 4:30pm
Steve Ryan, New Evangelization Commission

Julie Knox, Member-At-Large                                                         Confession Schedule
John Albrecht, Member-At-Large
Tom Gavin, Member-At-Large                                           Held in the Holy Family Chapel
Donna Pelletier, Member-At-Large                                     Monday 4:15pm—5:15pm
                                                                     Thursday 11:00am—12:00pm
             To contact Parish Council please email:                 Saturday 3:00pm—5:00pm
                                                                                   Eucharistic Adoration
                                                                     Held in the St. Francis Eucharistic Adoration Chapel
                                                                     Open to all: Mondays—Fridays 8:00am-6:00pm
                                                                                  Saturdays 8:00am—3:00pm

                                                                     JULY 4—ONE MASS @ 9:30am
Saints Peter and Paul Church • July 3, 2022 •     JULY 4—NO CONFESSIONS                                  4
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3, 2022 - Saints Peter and Paul Church July 3, 2022 - e ...
Schedule Changes
                             Monday, July 4th

             •   ONE Mass at 9:30am in the church.
                  • NO Confessions on July 4th.

                 The Parish Offices will be closed.

             COME ADORE HIM                                             Volunteers Needed
                                                                       FUNERAL SACRISTAN
                    St. Francis
                  Adoration Chapel                             Would you like to be added to the list of
                      All are welcome!                         volunteers who assist at Funeral Masses at
                   Please come visit our                       Ss Peter and Paul? Please consider joining this
              Lord Jesus and stay for a while!                 vibrant ministry.
                                                               We are looking for volunteers who can commit
           Please consider joining this vital ministry!        to a few hours (as needed) to help set up and
                                                               assist the priests with funeral Masses. This is a
        Perpetual Adoration                                    wonderful opportunity for anyone who has
 Monday 8:00am—Saturday 3:00pm                                 been looking for a way to share their time and
                                                               talent with our church community.
   Access code is not needed during                            Training will be provided.
                                                               For more information or to volunteer, please
           the following hours                                 contact Cindy @ 630-718-2119 or email:
     Monday—Friday 8:00am-6:00pm                     
         Saturday 8:00am-3:00pm
 Contact Kathy with questions or to sign up
  630-818-7897 or                               Women’s Morning of Recollection
                                                                       Tuesday, July 12
           Adoration Chapel Update
                                                               All women of the parish are cordially
In keeping with updated safety protocols, the                  invited to attend a Morning of
code to access the Adoration Chapel will be                    Recollection on Tuesday, July 12 from
changed on July 11, 2022.                                      10:00am to Noon in the Holy Family Chapel.
Please note, this code is used overnights between              The Recollection includes two meditations, a
6:00pm and 8:00am Monday –Saturday.                            practical talk and benediction. This will be di-
                                                               rected by priests of Opus Dei.
                                                               The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available.
      The Chapel will be open for                              Feel free to invite/bring your friends!
        Adoration on July 4th!
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            How do I KNOW God loves me?
 We are in the midst of a world that is crying out for men
 with courage. What are we doing to purge our sins, train
  and prepare to go to battle for the One who loves us;
                      without fear?
                   Saturday, July 9th
        Sts. Peter and Paul Ministry Center
“Here I am, I said; send me!” I know God loves me, now I
 need to take a stand and make a difference; by bringing
                the truth out into the light.
      If you cannot join us in person a Zoom link will be emailed this week.
          Email us (see below) if you want to be added to our contact list.
6:30am: Welcome, Fraternity and Prayer Need Requests
6:45am: Rosary
7:15am: Talk Theme: Courage and Fortitude versus Fear
7:35am: Small-group discussions
8:05am: Wrap up
8:15am: Closing prayer
8:30am: Daily Mass at Saints Peter and Paul
Bring your own coffee and reflection guide.
  Fellowship of Authentic Catholic Men Following Christ, Leading Families to Heaven!
                        New men welcomed every week!
                 Our Lady, Undoer of Knots, pray for us!

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Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3, 2022 - Saints Peter and Paul Church July 3, 2022 - e ...
Knights of Columbus Council No. 1369
              615 E. Ogden Ave., Naperville, IL 60563

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Men’s Fraternal
Service Organization. Our monetary donations and
volunteerism focus on our Faith, our Community, the
Family and the Sanctity of Life. Sign-Up at
Our meetings are at 7:30 on the first Tuesday of the
month at the above location. Contact Grand Knight, Jim
McCluskey at 708-732-7206 for more information.
Our Hall is also available to rent for parties and meetings
and can accommodate up to 40 people. Contact Al
Knoeck at 630-272-7592 for more information.
Our Aluminum Can Collection is ongoing and it continues
to exclusively support our seminarians. Please drop off
your cans next to the cage at the above location.
  July - 2022
   5 – Tuesday – Business Meeting – 7:30 PM
  16 – Saturday – Pro-Life Rosary at Planned
  Parenthood – 9:30 AM (John Zabinski)

       Saint Vincent de Paul
“I am sure that many of you have
discovered in your work for the poor that,
while their material needs are often great,
their spiritual needs may be greater still.
I am sure, too, that many of you have
discovered that on many occasions, when the poor
present a problem to you or seek your advice, you come
eventually to realize that their real need is not your
advice, but rather the sympathy of your listening heart.
Often I feel that I have given advice to people when what
they were really asking for was understanding and com-
passion. They were seeking a listening heart rather than
a speaking bureau of information.” (McCullen, Deep
Down Things,p. 538-9)
Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of Saint Vincent
dePaul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and
men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person
-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering        We will meet at 10:00AM on July 13th in the St.
in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam,      Paul Center. For more information, please contact
and its patron, Saint Vincent de Paul. Call 630-718-2127       Paulette Shea 630-718-2127.
to learn more or to request assistance.

                                                                   YOUNG AT HEART LUNCH GATHERING
                                                                               July 11, 2022
                                                                            Join the YAH Group at Noon the
                 Your Help is Appreciated                                       2nd Monday of each month
Please continue to donate non-perishable food items and                             for a buffet lunch at
general household items like paper towels, toilet paper,                         Golden Corral (located at)
shampoos and soaps. You may drop items off in the                               4270 East New York Street
church in front of the Communion rail by the statue of                                   in Aurora.
Mary or by the doors of the Holy Family Chapel.
Thank you!
Saints Peter and Paul Church • July 3, 2022 •                                                   9
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3, 2022 - Saints Peter and Paul Church July 3, 2022 - e ...
           “PRAYER - SCRIPTURE
Seasons of Hope will meet on July 11th 6:30pm.
We meet in the St. Paul Center (located on the
corner of Benton & Brainard).
Our door faces Benton Ave.
For more information about Seasons of Hope,
contact Deacon Joe 630-718-2155 .

                                                                     PARISH SACRIFICIAL GIVING

                                                                         We Sincerely Thank Everyone for
                                                                          Their Generosity and Support.

                                                               For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 through June
                                                               30, 2022 the weekly Sunday collection budget is $40,542
                                                               (based on 51 Sundays)
                                                               May 2022 Sunday Collections Year-To-Date compared to
                                                               Budget - Surplus / (Deficit)      $          132,400

                                                               Actual Fiscal Year to Date Average Sunday Collections
                                                               (47 Sundays)                    $         43,359

                                                          Devoted to the Works of the Lord
                                                       2022 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal
                                                               Through June 26, 2022

                                                               2022          2021       Inc./(Dec.)      2021 Final
                                        Goal                 $195,600      $201,500      $ (5,900)        $201,500
                                    Amount Pledged           $229,833      $216,529      $ 13,304         $240,446
                                     Amount Paid             $201,888      $197,878       $ 4,010         $239,598
                                     Balance Due              $27,946       $18,651       $ 9,294           $868
                                     Donor Count                551           581           (30)             633
                                     2022 Rebate              $ 4,401

Saints Peter and Paul Church • July 3, 2022 •                                                       10
Saints Peter and Paul Religious Education
The RE Commission serves as an advisory board to the pastor and his representatives in the Religious Education De-
partment. It works to establish clear and open communication between parishioners and staff regarding the formation of
children in the parish.
For the past two years, the Religious Education Commission has been on hiatus due to COVID and, more recently, lack
of members. Without a leader for the Commission, the RE program lacks a representative on Parish Council. To that
end, the Religious Education Commission is looking for interested parishioners to Þll multiple vacancies, including a
Commission leader.
SpeciÞc functions of the Commission include:
         Advise the Pastor, Parish Pastoral Council and Religious Education Director
         Assist in the coordination of our Religious Education Program with the objectives of the Diocesan Religious
         Education Program
         To recommend policy within the Religious Education Programs
         To assist in identifying and maintaining Religious Education goals
         To assist in establishing long range objectives for Religious Education programs and devise strategies to
             achieve these objectives
The Commission generally meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 6:00 – 7:30 PM. Members are asked to
serve a three year term.
Applicants must be over 18 and a registered parishioner of Saints Peter and Paul. Since the Commission’s primary con-
cern is the Religious Education program, parishioners who are involved in the RE program or who have children attend-
ing classes in the program are especially encouraged to consider serving the parish in this manner. Interested parish-
ioners should contact Theresa Pratt at for additional information.

           Saints Peter and Paul School - Alumni Association

Saints Peter and Paul Church • July 3, 2022 •                                                       11
News From the Diocese of Joliet

                                                                                  Are You Celebrating
                                                                                   Your 25th or 50th
                                                                                  Wedding Anniversary
                                                                                       This Year?
                                                                                    You Are Invited!
                                                                   The Diocese of Joliet will hold its Forty-fourth
                                                                   Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sun-
                                                                   day, August 28, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. at the
                                                                   Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet. If you are
                                                                   celebrating either your 25th or 50th anniver-
                                                                   sary this year, please contact the parish of-
                                                                   fice 630-355-1081 so that we may submit
                                                                   your name to the Diocese for a formal invita-
                                                                   tion. Those celebrating over 50 year anni-
                                                                   versaries do not receive a formal
                                                                   invitation, but will be able to register to
                                                                   attend at a later date.

Saints Peter and Paul Church • July 3, 2022 •                                                  12
Prayer Intentions
                            THE SICK                                          PRAYING FOR THE SICK AND DECEASED
Please remember in your prayers, the following people who are
seriously ill and others who are suffering with long-term or terminal   If you would like to have the name of a family member or friend
illnesses:                                                              included in the Petition for the Sick, read at weekend Masses,
                                                                        please call the Parish Office by 9:00am on Friday.
Laurie Ahrendt         Robert Gabler          Angie Mikkelson           Please make sure that you have permission from the person you
Jeanette Barczak       Tricia Gannon          Tony Modica               want listed, before you call us to add their name. We will add
Paula Barr             Dominic Gervasi        Samuel Mulay              your loved one’s name to the bulletin sick list the following
Carolyn Berger         Trey Giger             Ann Nowak
Dan Bernard            Dennis Gorecki         Matt O’Connell
                                                                        weekend. If you add a name at Mass, please follow-up with a
Leo Biundo             Judy Grady             Ruth Olek                 phone call to the Parish Office on Monday so the name will be
Hyacinth Bracken       Erin Grand             Lawrence Otter, Sr.       included on the sick list in the bulletin.
Darlene Braje          Kristen Graney         Frances Penwell           Call the Parish Office at 630-355-1081 to add to or remove some-
Kathy Brown            Chuck Gusich           Elinore Ploetke           one from the sick list. Any names received after 9:00am on
Chris Bruni            Sue Gusich             Carolyn Preston           Friday will be included in the following weekend’s prayers.
Edward Bruni           Elizabeth Haddad       Tom Priz                  Names will be kept on for three months unless otherwise noted.
Walter T. Burke        Ann-Marie Hartline     Maureen Prombo
Marybeth Cesare        Lorena Hernandez       Frank Prucha
Joe Condon             Lynn Higgins           Ramona Race
Kathy Condon           Caitlin Holcomb        Joy Quinn
Michael Condon         Penny Holtz            Mary Sagen                                         Please Remember in Prayer our Men
Kristine Coronado      Bob Hoole              Alyssa Santoyo                                     and Women Serving in the Military
Mike Cummings          Kathy Horn             Jose Santoyo
Noelle Daugherty       Eric Horn              Cayden Santoyo                                                  U.S. Army (cont’d)
Carmen DePaolo         Jessica Horn           Lynne Seurer                      U.S. Air Force                Sgt. Craig Vladika
Kathleen Desmond       Tyler Hunt             Eleanor Syoen                   Sgt. Cory Bassett              2nd Lt. Joseph Zolper
Patricia Divito        Kristin Krupka         Lena Taylor                  Staff Sgt. Joseph Burns
                                                                          2nd Lt. Daniel Caddigan                  U.S. Navy
John Dubois            Edmund Kurzawa         Joann Tutera                                                    LCDR Thomas Bock
                                                                           Lt. Col. Frank Girdwain
Margaret Egan          Hue Le                 Sharon Tworek               Lt. Theodore M. Jackson             LCDR Dustin Flaum
Jason Elsenbroek       Kathleen Long          Julie Umbreit              Master Sgt. Mike McDonnell         Captain Anthony Giglio
Marillyn Encarnado     Mike Marra             Marino Verdico               Sgt. Zachary McKenty             Captain Michael Jelinek
Susan Faraone          Sam Marra              Katherine Vucmic               Airman Patrick Neis               LCDR Tom Kuhrt
Anthony Favarulo       Jeanette McCann        Matthew Weidner                                              Commander Chris Kurgan
                                                                           Sr. Airman Daniel Shea              Lt. Patrick Marsh
Michael Field          Mathias Meagher        Maurice Willis              Sr. Airman Amanda Shea              LCDR Caleb Moore
John Fieser            Delores Meeks          Pam Willis                      Sgt. Dan Steenstra             Ensign Andrew Parent
                                                                                    U.S. Army                 LCDR Kasey Scheel
                                                                                  PFC Sam Allard            LCDR Matthew Scheel
                                                                               PVT Justin Bielefeld         Ensign Michael Schmitz
                                                                          Captain Michael Caddigan            U.S. Marine Corps
      *Names that are bolded are newly added this week*                        Major John J. Case             CWO2 John Crites
                                                                               Major Sydney Case            Major Donald J. Carlsen
                                                                              Major Eileen Cassidy
                                                                                                             Sgt. Richard DiBiaso
        We offer our sympathy and a promise of                                 Major Mary Cassidy
                                                                                 Major Tom Crane           PFC Jonathon Dragovan
        our prayers to the family and friends of                         SPC Joshua Adam Demerin               Sgt. Luke Focer
                                                                               Col. Edward Fisher             CPL Ryan Goralski
           Russell Kuczora and Dolly Zavodny                                                                  2nd Lt. Eric Hovey
                                                                        2nd Lt. Matthew Quinton Frame
                                                                                Sgt. Nick Gedvilas           Sgt. Ivan Karamysev
                                                                          Major Thomas E. Goerling            Major Pete Keough
                                                                              SPC Jarred Hampton            LCPL Matthew Prasse
In your hands, O Lord, we humbly entrust our brothers and                     Lt. Col. Sean Hermick       LCPL Thomas Dakota Reber
                                                                                 Sgt. Kellen Jones           Corporal Luke Russell
sisters. In this life you embraced them with your tender love;                  SPC Mark Keough               Sgt. Zachary Russo
deliver them now from every evil and bid them eternal rest.                    Major Stephen Laz            Corporal Joseph Taylor
                                                                             1st Lt. Connor Mulhere         Private Chris Vazquez
                                                                               SPC Steven Powell
The old order has passed away: welcome them into                             Lt. Col. Michael Predny        U.S. Air National Guard
paradise, where there will be no sorrow, no weeping or pain,                 Captain Daniel Rickert            Major Scott Paeth
but fullness of peace and joy with your Son and the Holy                       1st Lt. David Rickert
                                                                           SPEC 4 Harrison Ruzicka            U.S. Coast Guard
Spirit forever and ever. Amen                                           Sgt. 1st Class Pamela Schmecht        P.D. John McNellis
                                                                         SPC John August Sopuch IV             U.S. Space Force
                                                                                                               Major Nick DuPre

    Blessed are those who mourn,
                                                                              To arrange a welcome home for your soldier, contact
     for they shall be comforted                                             Donna Morsovillo of Operation Welcome You Home at
                                                                                630-302-2638 or

Saints Peter and Paul Church • July 3, 2022 •                                                                      13
Parish Staff Directory
Parish Office                                        Phone 630-355-1081   Parish Summer Office Hours
                                                     FAX 630-355-1179     M-Th 8:30am—3:00pm F 8:30am—1:00pm
Father Brad Baker, Pastor                            630-718-2106
Father Mike McMahon, Parochial Vicar                 630-718-2105

Father Nestor Sanchez, Parochial Vicar               630-718-2104

Fr. John McGeean, Priest in Residence                630-355-1081
Deacon Michael Crowell                               630-718-2197
Deacon Will Marrero                                  630-718-2217
Deacon Roger Novak                                   630-718-2258
Deacon Thomas Rehak                                  630-718-2158
Deacon Joe Verdico                                   630-718-2155
Annmarie Baughman, Office Administrator              630-718-2101
Meg Salzman Bulletin Editor & Calendar               630-718-2110
Mark Cummings, Finance Manager                       630-718-2100
Rhonda Mucerino , Accounting Assistant               630-718-2109
Lou Pozek, Facilities Manager                        630-718-2163
Michelle Dellinger,                                  630-718-2131
Communications - Development Manager
Tricia Weis, Principal                               630-355-0113
Bridget Evers, School Admin Assistant                630-718-2151
Colleen Zavodny, School Admin Assistant              630-718-2150
School Advancement Office                            630-718-2134
Theresa Pratt, Director of Religious Education       630-718-2133
Debbie Mulay, RE Admin Assistant                     630-718-2139
Religious Education Attendance                       630-355-1139
Religious Education Fax                              630-357-2458
Tiffany Whitaker, Director                           630-718-2135
Jay Yau, Director of Sacred Music                    630-718-2114
Cynthia Kennedy, Sacred Music Admin Assistant        630-718-2119

Deacon Joe Verdico,                                  630-718-2155
Communion Call Coordinator/ CSC Director
Paulette Shea, Parish Nurse, Pastoral Ministry       630-718-2127

Saints Peter and Paul Church • July 3, 2022 •                                               14
44 S. Mill Street • Naperville, IL
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                                                                                                                                                                    Funeral Homes & Cremation Services                                                 Ray Jones, Parishioner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Stephanie & Dave Jones-Alumni & School Parent

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ed the Plumber               Michael A. Kipp, MD
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                                                                                       WHY ADVERTISE                                                                                                                               church bulletin home every Sunday.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   GREAT VALUE - 70% of all households are aware of and look at the advertising
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in the church bulletin and 68% of households surveyed when making a choice between
                                                                                               IN YOUR LOCAL                                                                                                                       businesses are inclined to choose the one who advertised in the church bulletin.
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   GREAT PRODUCT - 62% of households keep the church bulletin the entire
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                                                                         Consumer Disclosure/Award Rules: All participants who attend an estimated 60-90 minute in-home product                                              it for FREE*
                                                                         consultation will receive a $50 gift card. No purchase is necessary. Retail value is $50. Offer sponsored by LeafGuard
                                                                         Holdings, Inc. Limit one gift card per household. LeafGuard procures, sells, and installs seamless gutter protection.
                                                                         This offer is valid for homeowners over 18 years of age. If married or have a life partner, both cohabitating persons
                                                                         must attend and complete presentation together. Participants must have a valid photo ID, understand English, and be
                                                                                                                                                                                                   • Seamless, one-piece system keeps out leaves,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     pine needles, and debris
                Installation*                                            legally able to enter into a contract. The following persons are not eligible for this offer: employees of LeafGuard or
                                                                                                                                                                                                   • Eliminates the risk of falling off a ladder to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Naper Auto
                                                                         affiliated companies or entities, their immediate family members, previous participants in a LeafGuard in-home
                                                                         consultation within the past 12 months and all current and former LeafGuard customers. Promotion may not be
                                                                         extended, transferred, or substituted except that LeafGuard may substitute a gift card of equal or greater value if it
                                                                         deems it necessary. Gift card and terms and conditions ( of
                                                                                                                                                                                                     clean clogged gutters
                                                                         such gift card will be mailed to the participant via first class US Mail within 21 days of receipt of promotion form
                                                                         provided at consultation. Not valid in conjunction with any other promotion or discount of any kind. Offer not
                                                                                                                                                                                                   • Durable, all-weather tested system not a

                  *Does not include cost of material. Expires 3/31/22.
                                                                         sponsored or promoted by Darden Restaurants and is subject to change without notice prior to reservation.
                                                                         Offer ends 3/31/2022.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     flimsy attachment

                                                                                                                                               *Guaranteed not to clog for
 Call today for your FREE estimate and in-home demonstration
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Your One Stop Shop
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000848 Ss Peter & Paul Church (A)                                                                                                                                          For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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