Fourth Sunday in Advent - First Presbyterian Church December 18, 2022

Page created by Tammy Patterson
Fourth Sunday in Advent - First Presbyterian Church December 18, 2022
First Presbyterian Church
      5401 South Claiborne Avenue
        New Orleans, La. 70125

      December 18, 2022

Fourth Sunday in Advent
First Presbyterian Church
                         Fourth Sunday in Advent
December 18, 2022                                                11:00 am

             Writing in bold is for the congregation response.
                       *Please stand as you are able.

           *Please silence your phones during worship service.*
Music for meditation
*Call to Worship (all sing verse #7 of hymn #88)
  All: O come, Desire of nations, bind
       All peoples in one heart and mind;
       Bid envy, strife, and discord cease;
       Fill the whole world with heaven’s peace.
       Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
       Shall come to thee, O Israel.
Hymn 84      “Creator of the Stars of Night”
Lighting of the Fourth Advent Candle
First Scripture Reading: Micah 5:2-5a (pp. 748-749)
             Readers: elder, Tracy, Gabriel and Luke Capasso
Hymn 85 (all sing verse #4 of hymn #85)
  Light four candles to watch for Messiah:
  Let the light banish darkness.
  He is coming; tell the glad tidings.
  Let your lights be shining.
Call to Reconciliation
God’s love and faithfulness to us is sure. With confidence in that love, let’s
come to God in prayer.
Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
  Lord God, at this season we consider the power of love. Of
  your love for us humans, down through the generations, and
  for each of us, your children. You have been there for us in all
  circumstances. Sometimes we’re aware of your presence, and
  sometimes we wonder where you are.
                                                  (cont’d next page)
Even in this season of hope, peace, joy, and love, we may have
  moments when we doubt the power of your love to change the
  world. Let that change begin in us, at this season and in every
  season. Help us to open our hearts and minds to you. Thank
  you for sending Jesus to us.
                                  Silent Prayer

Assurance of Forgiveness
Jesus came to us that we might have life, and have it more abundantly. He
did not come into the world to condemn the world, but that the world
might be saved through him. Know that you are forgiven, and be at peace.

Passing of the Peace
 All: The Peace of Christ be with you!
        And also with you! Amen.


                      HEARING THE WORD
Children’s Moment (GtG #700) “I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me”
              "I'm gonna live so God can use me
                  anywhere, Lord, any time!
              I'm gonna live so God can use me
                 anywhere, Lord, any time!"

Special Music: "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" Sylvia Constance

Prayer for Illumination
Sermon Scripture Reading
  New Testament Lesson:                            Matthew 1:18-25 (pgs. 777)
    Minister: The word of the Lord
    Congregation: Thanks be to God

Sermon:                “But...”                   Rev. Kathleen Crighton

*Hymn 108 (vs.1,2,3) “Of the Father’s Love Begotten”

*Affirmation of Faith                                        Apostles’ Creed
                                        Glory to God Presbyterian Hymnal pg. 35
Tithes and Offerings
Musical Offering          "Sing We Now of Christmas" French Carol
*Doxology           Avery & Marsh
 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
 Praise God, all creatures here below;
 Praise God above, ye heavenly host;
 Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
 Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Prayer of Dedication
Prayers of the People
(…Now, please be with us as we conclude this time with the prayer, taught to us by
                               your son, saying…)
  Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy
  kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give
  us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we
  forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver
  us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the
  glory, forever. Amen.

*Hymn 110       “Love Has Come”
          + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
               Leadership in Today’s Service:
             MINISTER: Rev. Kathleen Crighton
            LITURGIST: Mary Frances Brashears
                 PIANIST: Aya Magavina
   ADVENT CANDLE LIGHTERS: elder, Tracy Rene’, Gabriel and
                     Luke Capasso
       CHILDREN’S MOMENT: elder, Bruce Robertson
             SPECIAL MUSIC: Sylvia Constance
               MUSICAL OFFERING: Choir
        OFFERING: elders, Henry and Diane Kleinfeldt
          BELL RINGER: deacon, David Rabinowitz
          + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

          This Sunday is CHRISTMAS JOY OFFERING
                       (Please give generously)
    The Christmas Joy Offering provides assistance to current and
    retired church workers and their families in their time of need,
       and develops our future leaders at Presbyterian – related
         schools and colleges equipping communities of color.

Advent books available. There are copies of three different Advent
Daily Devotional Booklets available beside the bulletins in the Narthex.
You are encouraged to take one or more to use during Advent.

 Bruce Robertson's Advent Book Study on "A Christmas Carol"
 by Charles Dickens has its last session this Sunday evening at
 6:00pm, with attendance either in the session room or on
 Zoom. Let Bruce know if you are planning to take part and if you
 need a study book!

December 24           Christmas Eve Candlelight service, 6 p.m.
December 25           Christmas Day Service, 11am.

                      FPCNO THIS WEEK

Monday        7pm-9pm             Dancing Amigos           Fellowship Hall

Tuesday       7pm-9pm          “Big Easy” AA Group         Fellowship Hall

Wednesday 9am-10am            (NO) Program of Hope         Sanctuary
          7pm-8pm            MCC Lessons and Carols        Sanctuary
          7pm-9pm               Dancing Amigos             Fellowship Hall

Saturday      6pm-7pm F.P.C. Christmas Eve Candlelight     Sanctuary

Sunday                   CHRISTMAS DAY
     11am–12pm         Christmas Day Worship Service       Sanctuary

Monday, Dec. 26 – Friday, Dec 30        CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED
                         We Are Glad You Are Here
  We welcome you to historic, progressive First Presbyterian Church this
 morning! Even if you are just visiting the city, we want you to feel welcome
in our community and to involve yourself in the life of this place. Here are a
                     few things to get you up to speed.
• If you are a visitor or guest we invite you to sign the visitor/guest register
  which is located in the Narthex and/or sign the guest/visitors card
  located in your bulletin and put in the offering plate. We care about you
  and want to know who you are.
• A bathroom is available (with a changing table) at the back of the church
  in the left hand alcove as you face the entrance doors.
• During the time of the passing of the peace, some may be comfortable
  with hugs, laughs, and conversation, but others may not. Please be
  respectful of one another’s comfort levels. If you would prefer to
  maintain a social distance, you may pass the peace by folding your arms,
  making a peace sign, or whatever is comfortable for you.
• Great news! We have resumed having coffee available in the narthex
  before, during, and after worship. Big thanks to our elder, Henry
  Kleinfeldt for preparing the coffee! We are also offering individually
  packaged snacks. Feel free to donate your favorite kinds and leave them
  on the table beside the coffee fixings.
• We were the first “More Light Congregation” in New Orleans
  which means we welcome not only the membership, but the
  leadership and talents of all genders, abilities, races, and sexual
● We appreciate the spiritual and financial support your
  attendance brings. You may put cash or a check in the offering
  plate that will be passed towards the end of the service, or give
  using your smartphone to scan this code--
Please like us on Facebook at and also follow us on
Twitter at!

We don’t have an official church newsletter, but you can find news and
updates on our Facebook page and website.
Prayer List
                    Please pray for these individuals
                            and their families.

Blaise Bennett, son of Amanda Williamson. Blaise is serving in The Army
National Guard and will be deployed to Kuwait in January 2023, from there
he will be deployed somewhere else in the Middle East or Africa.
Emily Ruppel, FPCNO member attending Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.
Kevin has returned! Prayers answered!

       Debbi Rand; Linda Robertson; Christie Ruppel; Tom Tatum;
            Nancy Wadsworth; Vanessa Nussel; Bob Sarradet.

Sara Sohr-Preston, daughter of Lydia Pollard, will have surgery on Monday.
Jane Zinn, friend of Pastor Kathy, recovering from a stroke.
                      Andy Cuccia, health issues.
           Marshall Fisher, health issues (friend of F.P.C.).
  Larry Hansen, friend of Pastor Kathy, undergoing cancer treatments.
                   Bruce Robertson, health issues.
       Eleanore Valek, David Rabinowitz mother, had a bad fall.
                Jennings Hutton, Sherri Hutton’s dad.
                Sandra Boling, sister of Randy Boling.

          Peggy Allen, assisted living, Ken Allen’s mom
             Adrian (Tudy) Manson, at her home.
       Linda Donato – assisted living, Sherri Hutton’s mom.

               Daisy Hoffmann, mother of Christie Ruppel.
               Gloria Ramirez, mother of Billye Constance,
                    grandmother of Anton and Sylvia.
                Mr. Kenneth Allen, father of Ken Allen.
First Presbyterian Church
          504-866-7409 * Fax 504-910-4477;;

           Where All Are Welcome
                  Rev. Kathleen Crighton

        Office Manager/Leasing Consultant
                    Cheryl A. Roberts

                     Choir Director
                          May Ball

        Aya Magavina-Alvarez; Amanda Wadsworth

                 Wedding Coordinator:
                       Dee Boling

                Capital Campaign Chair
                       Bruce Mather

                      Website techs:
                Terry Ruppel; Carrie Fisher

               Veronica and Walnica Gipson

                      The Session
 Clerk of Session            Assistant Clerk of Session
     Ken Allen                       Bruce Mather

Class of 2022         Class of 2023           Class of 2024
  Mary Aslan            Ken Allen            Henry Kleinfeldt
 Bruce Mather        Bruce Robertson          Lydia Pollard

              Program of Hope Director
                    Diane Kleinfeldt

  This bulletin and all paper used at F.P.C.N.O. are recycled
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