Friday 1st October 2021 - Yarrells School

Page created by Theresa Cruz
Friday 1st October 2021 - Yarrells School
Friday 1st October 2021
Dear Parents,

There has definitely been a whiff of autumn in the air this week and we have had to contend with some rain for what must
have been the first time in three or four weeks!

The children arrived at school on Monday morning full of zest, many of them on a high after the completion of grammar
school entrance tests on Saturday last weekend: very well done to all those pupils who have worked so hard towards the
tests, and to the teaching staff who have helped prepare them for the rigours of the day itself. We also returned from the
weekend with a trophy from the Football Tournament held at Milton Abbey School last Friday!

Our senior team raced across the pitches with perfectly placed passes and fantastic footwork coming out as overall winners
after some really exciting games. Very well done to them all!

Our Year 6 pupils disappeared off to Osmington Bay for their three-day
residential on Monday and what better way to shake off the shackles of exams
than to abseil and team build in the pouring rain?! They returned on
Wednesday after a challenging few days, but they all thoroughly enjoyed
themselves and they met all the tasks with great determination and
resilience. We were extremely proud of them and enjoyed hearing all their
tales of daring-do! It was lovely to have been able to organise a trip for them
so early in the term after what was a restricted year of activities in their Year
5 owing to the pandemic. I should like to thank Mr Lewis, Mrs McCully and
Miss Kyte for accompanying them so enthusiastically and for putting up with
so little sleep!

                                          Many of you enjoyed a do-si-so or two at last Saturday evening’s FOYS Barn Dance;
                                          it was a really wonderful evening of fun and fast-paced moves, and we
                                          enjoyed really balmy weather for the event, too. The band, Celtic Confusion, were
                                          superb and it was super to be able to enjoy good company and delicious fare under
                                          the stars with you all. Very many thanks to the FOYS team for their organisation
                                          and enthusiasm; I, for one, cannot wait until the next barn dance! We are
                                          now making preparations for our annual Fireworks evening in November, but
                                          before then, we have another coffee morning and second-hand uniform sale in
                                          the diary, so do please join us on Thursday, the 21st October from 08:00am.

You wouldn’t perhaps have seen very much of me last week as I was
attending the annual IAPS Heads’ Conference in Bournemouth, along
with many other colleagues from other prep schools. The lectures
and key note speeches provided valuable opportunities for reflection
and discussion on leadership in education after the last eighteen months
of challenge and crisis management. There was also an emphasis on
children’s mental health and, as a sector, we have been working with the
company ‘Tooled up Education’ to look at the effects of the pandemic on our young people. A sector wide survey was
undertaken in May of this year and the results of this provided serious food for thought for many of us in attendance.

One area that worried me was around mobile phone use by young people and the number of children who have access to
a smartphone or tablet in their sleeping area at night. Do have a look at a BBC article here around the online behaviours of

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Friday 1st October 2021 - Yarrells School
young people pre-pandemic and how parents and teaching staff can protect children
from damaging access now that online access has grown exponentially.

We are committed to the teaching of online safety at Yarrells and do so regularly through
various areas of the curriculum such as PSHCEE and Computing, but also through
assemblies and form time discussions. It is so important that children know how to
recognise signs of peer pressure to have an online profile, how to keep themselves safe
online, how to enjoy the benefits of the internet, but also that life can be managed – indeed enjoyed – without constant
access to technology. If you are concerned about your child’s use of technology or would like advice about how to manage
device time, for example, please do not hesitate to contact us; we should be happy to help.

On that note, the sun has shone for us today and it heralds a dry evening ahead. The weekend is mixed, I’m afraid, with
some blustery showers but what better than a windy walk on the beach to blow the cobwebs away and breathe in the
wonderfully fresh air by which we are so lucky to be surrounded!

I hope you all have a restful weekend ahead and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Sally Weber

              Yarrells Weekly School Diary for w/c Monday 4th October 2021
 DAY                  DATE         TIME                DESCRIPTION
 Monday               04/10/2021   14:00   -   16:00   Geography Quiz at Canford School (SP)
                                   14:30   -   15:00   Music Box - FREE Parent & Toddler Music Group
 Tuesday              05/10/2021   14:00   -   15:00   Year 3 A, B, C, D Teams Football v BCS Junior @ Upton Rec
                                   14:00   -   15:00   Year 4 Football Training @ Upton Rec
 Wednesday            06/10/2021   14:30   -   15:30   Year 6 Boys Football @ BCPS v BCPS & Park
                                   15:30   -   17:30   Scholastic Book Fair
 Thursday             07/10/2021   11:00   -   11:30   Happy Feet - FREE Parent & Toddler Dance Class
                                   15:30   -   17:30   Scholastic Book Fair
 Friday               08/10/2021   15:15   -   16:30   Canford Swim Training (SP)

     NUTKINS:               Evie W             Max W
     SQUIRRELS:             Eleni W            Ellie D
     RECEPTION:             Dexter P           Aria F                Congratulations to the winners and runners-up in our
     YEAR 1:                Oscar R            Beatrix R             recycling poster competition and a big thank you for all
                                                                     of the fantastic entries we had, they were all so creative
     YEAR 2:                Arabella P-B       Joey O                and eye-catching! We will display these proudly around
     YEAR 3:                Louis R            Felix W               the school to remind people to recycle and do their bit
                                                                     for the environment – they are also below.
     YEAR 4:                Molly H            William M
                                                                           Pre-prep winner: Harriet M
     YEAR 5:                Noah P             Jess G                      Pre-prep runner up: Kian W & Beau T-W
     YEAR 6:                All of Year 6
                                                                           Juniors/Seniors winner: Grace H
     YEAR 8:                Bella J                                        Juniors/Seniors runners-up: Poppy S, Emma U,
                                                                           Seb N & Alex A

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PRE-PREP WINNER – Harriet M (Year 2)   JUNIOR/SENIOR WINNER – Grace H (Year 3)

RUNNER UP – Emma U (Year 4)                                   RUNNER UP – Kian W (Year 2)

RUNNER UP – Beau T W (Year 1)   RUNNER UP – Alex A (Year 3)
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RUNNER UP – Poppy S (Year 5)   RUNNER UP – Seb N (Year 3)

                                                       Wednesday 6th & Thursday 7th October
                                                              From 3:30pm to 5:30pm
                                                   In Courtyard or Library (dependent on weather)

                                                  Please come to the book fair and help us to earn free
                                                  books and resources for our school. There will be a large
                                                  selection of books for all ages and it is a great
                                                  opportunity to get some early Christmas presents! The
                                                  fair will be cash only but, if you are able to access the
                                                  Scholastic website on your phone when you are at the
                                                  fair, you can make a secure payment online by filling out
                                                  your details. If you forget cash on the day then you are
                                                  more than welcome to reserve a book until the following
                                                  Monday and send the money in with your child. An
                                                  online leaflet has been sent home highlighting some of
                                                  the lovely books that will be available. Every time a
                                                  purchase is made we receive commission to buy our own
                                                  books for the school, so it really is worth a visit!

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Friday 1st October 2021 - Yarrells School
Early Years & Pre-Prep
Roll up, roll up, come and join the Greenwood Circus! This week we
started our new topic all about the circus where we learn new skills and
tricks, including lots of tricky ones like balancing, jumping and throwing
as well as life skills like getting dressed on our own and how to make
healthy choices. We started the topic with obstacle courses, fun
textures trays and a variety of art activities. In Wild Woods we enjoyed
parachute games and pie races through the woods which got a little
messy! We can't wait to see how colourful Greenwood will become
over the next few weeks as our classrooms transform into the greatest
show on earth!

 Year 6 Trip to Osmington Bay
                                                                                           Mr T Lewis, Mrs S McCully
                                                                                                       & Miss S Kyte

The children have enjoyed a fun packed few days at Osmington Bay, the weather has been changeable but has not
dampened spirits and the children have thrown themselves into every activity with gusto. We enjoyed one of the best
rainbows we have ever seen! The Year 6's have been commended for their behaviour by staff and shown great support for
each other as they approached new and challenging activities together. Staff have been very pleased with the children.
They may be tired when they return but they have really done exceptionally well in all that they have done. They enjoyed
a zip-wire, a giant swing, stealth training, building buggies and archery. We were so pleased to have taken them and we all

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had a whale of a time. Both staff and children will
sleep well this weekend we think. Thank you, Year 6,
for being so up-for-it and such good fun!
Well done, Year 6!

"It was amazing"
"It was tiring but so much fun"
"I ticked at least 4 things off my bucket-list"
"Really fun, I enjoyed everything"

 Year 5 Science                                                                                            Mrs E Barnes

How many drops of water can you balance on a 50p coin?
Rose F and Libby B exceeded all my expectations and managed 125 drops! Whilst most of the Year 5s took part in a football
tournament this week, the girls not involved had an extra science lesson. I challenged them to try different coins and see
how many drops they were able to balance. We compared the different sized coins and also thought about water tension
and animals that used this property of water e.g. pond skaters. It was a very competitive investigation but we learnt a lot!

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Yarrells Sport News
                 Yarrells Triumph at Milton Abbey U11 Football Tournament
                                                Friday 24th September 2021

Having been unable to play football fixtures for 18 months due to
COVID restrictions, the Yarrells School Under 11 football team were
thrilled and extremely excited to be competing again.

On Friday 24th September they took part in the Milton Abbey U11’s
football festival, where they beat all the other schools taking part. In
a closely contested final, they drew 1-1 with Dumpton School, but
were crowned festival winners as they had beaten their opponents
earlier during the group stage. They were also the only school to
include a girl in their squad. Read more about the tournament below
in Rafferty’s (Team Captain) match report.

Yarrells’ U11 coach Gary Schneider enthused:
“It was a real team performance, with everyone in the
squad working so hard for each other. Their attitude
and commitment was second to none, and they played
some outstanding football.”

Rafferty V (Team Captain) reports… On Friday we went to the beautiful setting of Milton Abbey school for our first football
tournament of Year 6.

Our first match was against Forres Sandle Manor. We started the game well and created lots of chances. Paddy volleyed in
a goal and Barney powered in a penalty to give Yarrells a comfortable 2-0 victory. For our second match we were up against
Farleigh School. They were tough opponents and it was a tense, close match. Thomas made some great saves. Zara was
flying down the wing and then Rafferty passed to Paddy who curled his shot around their keeper for the winning goal. It
was 1-0 to Yarrells at the whistle.

Next, we faced a really strong Dumpton team. It was a very close game but Rafferty scored a wonder goal, beating three
players and firing his shot into the top left corner. Thomas made some excellent saves again to keep a clean sheet and was
ably assisted by Alex who showed no fear with his ferocious defensive tackles. Barney and Paddy had great teamwork in
attack and the midfield of Alek, Elliot and Raff tackled hard and passed nicely throughout the game assisted by Coby and
Archie. An amazing team performance which led to victory for Yarrells.

We were now in the final and were feeling tired after already playing 1.5 hours of football. We had to play Dumpton again!
Zara maintained her pace and determination and Alex stood strong in defence. Raff got the ball and he made a run for it,
dodging the Dumpton defence to power the ball into the back of the net! We dug deep, all showing 100% commitment. As
we battled hard, Thomas kept some great shots out of the goal and then Dumpton got a free kick and it was 1-1. Yarrells
were the overall winners as we had won more matches overall! What a day and what a brilliant team performance! We
were then treated to sausages and chips in the amazing Milton Abbey dining hall. It was such a fantastic day! Many thanks
to Mr Schneider for taking us and coaching us, and to Mr Williams for arranging for us to play.

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Year 4 Football v BCS Junior School
                                              Tuesday 28th September 2021

Oliver N (A Team Captain) reports… Yarrells football teams made us very proud of our performances at the school
tournaments. On Tuesday our Year 4 teams, led by me, our captain, performed well against the BCS teams. All the children
had humongous fun!

Zachary L-W (B Team Captain) reports… Well done to BCS for winning our game 3-1. It was a close game, and we had lots
of chances but their defence was really good. Emma scored a great goal for us! Although we didn’t win, we all tried our

Harry H (C Team Captain) reports… It was an exciting and slightly nervous trip to BCS for our first away match of Year 4. We
played two matches on the day, the first match was 0-0. It was a close game with a few chances for us on goal. We were
unlucky to lose in the second match 1-0 but we all played really well as a team, with Harry C doing a great job in goal. We
are all really looking forward to playing more team matches.

Bella C (D Team Captain) reports… We played against BCS on Tuesday afternoon. We won the match 6-0. I remember Finn
and Georgie playing really well. Rory stopped the ball and was an excellent goalkeeper. I was very proud to be captain of
the team. Everyone that played enjoyed the flapjack and crisps afterwards!!

                  Yarrells Year 5 Football Tournament v Castle Court & Park
                                            Wednesday 29th September 2021

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Alek R (A Team Captain) reports… Today at the tournament at Yarrells we played really well. We lost our first match but
won our next 2 matches so we made it into the final against Park! We were happy at half time as we were 1-0 up but ended
up losing 2-1. Hope we can win next time. Thank you to all the parents for coming and supporting us as well as the players.

Tom K (B Team Captain) reports… Yesterday all of the Year 5 boys and some of the Year 5 girls football team played in the
Year 5 Yarrells football tournament. It was a really competitive and close tournament played in bright sunshine. My team
won two matches and drew two matches. I thought Jack and James played well as our attackers and Marla and Jess
defended really well. There were lots of parents cheering us all on. We had pizza and donuts for match tea. Well done to
all of my team. I felt proud to be captain as I have not had the opportunity to do it until now. Thank you to Mr Williams for
organising this for us all.

William C (C Team Captain) reports… The Year 5 Football tournament against Park School and Castle Court was held on
Wednesday 29th September and was hosted by Yarrells. The matches were closely contested, and we won our first game
against Castle Court, unfortunately we couldn't repeat that result against Park School. This placed us in second place overall,
and I am very proud of that achievement. We also played a friendly against the Yarrells B side and I am pleased to say that
we managed a draw in that game. It is worth mentioning that Abdel scored a hat-trick and had a fantastic tournament. In
the end it was a great day and we were lucky enough to have fantastic weather. A very big thank you to all the staff for
planning and making the day such a success, thank you also to the dedicated Yarrells fans that cheered us on.

Adam T M (Year 4 A Team) reports… It was a pleasure to be Captain of the Year 4 team. I thought my team played excellently
and it was amazing to be there. Everybody gave their best and with the support of the amazing coaches we became
stronger as a team.

Oliver N (Year 4 A Team Vice -Captain) reports… Our Year 5 and 4 football teams played at our home ground against Park
School and Castle Court. We had a brilliant performance where Park School took 1st spot, our Year 5’s coming 2nd and 3rd
spot was taken by Castle Court. We look forward to the next game. Huge thank you goes to the PE teachers for all their

                            Years 5 Football Match v BCS Junior School
                                             Wednesday 22nd September 2021

Alek R (A Team Captain) reports… Today we played our first football match of the season! We were very happy at half time
because we were 1-0 up but we ended up losing 3-2. Hopefully we can win next time. Well done to all who played against
BCS and well done Freddie and Elliot for scoring the goals.

Will M-P (Year 5 B Team Captain) reports… On Wednesday we all played matches against BCS. Mr Williams made sure all of
the Year 5 boys got to play. I was B team captain. My team played impressively well. They worked really hard. Mo did some
brilliant skills, Harry and Tom made loads of great tackles. Well done to all of my team. The final score was 2-1 to BCS.

Austin (Year 5 C Team Captain) reports… We played football against BCS on Wednesday. It was lots of fun and I thought
Freddie played really well on our team. Will scored a really good goal. We need to work harder to win the ball back when
we lose possession. Well done to my team. The final score was 2-1 to BCS.

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Year 8 Games                                     Congratulations Lily!
 The Year 8’s sailed a Drascom boat during games this week.        Lily D (Year 4) competed in her first Mini One Day Event
 It was extremely windy and everyone had a go at steering.         on her pony Blue and WON her class. The competition
 It was a beautiful afternoon                                      was at Furzedown in Weymouth on Sunday 26th
                                                                   September 2021. She scored 31.74 in her first ever
                                                                   dressage test and then rode clear in show jumping &
                                                                   cross country. Lily competed with her friend and former
                                                                   Yarrellian Phoebe, and they both had a fabulous day.

                                                                                                  YOU CAN
                                                                                                  ENTER ON
                                                                                                   THE DAY

  Whether you’re a runner or a walker everyone’s welcome. It promises to be a great day! After the
  fun run & walk we will be gathering for refreshments & BBQ at Old Harry Bar.

  Cost: Cost of entry is £10 per walker/runner          Location: Knoll Beach, Studland, Dorset. BH19 3AH
  Times: Registration opens: 08:30-10.45 - located at Knoll Beach by the cafe.

             WALKERS: 9:45am: Pre-walk briefing and warm-up.               10:00am: Walkers start on Knoll Beach
             RUNNERS: 10:45am: Pre-run briefing and warm-up                11:00am: Runners start on Knoll Beach
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