GCSE (9-1) Spanish - TRANSLATION BOOKLET: ANSWERS Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Spanish (1SP0) First teaching from September 2016 ...

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GCSE (9-1) Spanish - TRANSLATION BOOKLET: ANSWERS Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Spanish (1SP0) First teaching from September 2016 ...
GCSE (9-1)

Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Spanish (1SP0)
First teaching from September 2016
First certification from 2018
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Written by: Karen Sherwood
With thanks to Rachel Hawkes for translation strategies
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© Pearson Education Limited 2016

Strategies for translation into EnglishError! Bookmark not defined.
                                                                 Strategies for translation into Spanish    8
Mark grids                                              2       Mark grids                                  9
Translations into English                               3       Translations into Spanish                  10
 Foundation tier Translation 1                          3         Foundation tier Translation 6            10
 Foundation tier Translation 2                          3         Foundation tier Translation 7            10
 Foundation tier Translation 3                          4         Foundation tier Translation 8            11
 Foundation tier Translation 4                          4         Foundation tier Translation 9            11
 Foundation tier Translation 5                          5         Foundation tier Translation 10           12
 Higher tier Translation 1                              5         Higher tier Translation 6                12
 Higher tier Translation 2                              6         Higher tier Translation 7                13
 Higher tier Translation 3                              6         Higher tier Translation 8                13
 Higher tier Translation 4                              7         Higher tier Translation 9                14
 Higher tier Translation 5                              7         Higher tier Translation 10               14
Please note: this Translation Booklet contains
translation activities to support teaching of the Edexcel
GCSE (9–1) Spanish specification.
Strategies for translation into English                                                              My notes

        Read the whole text through and get a sense of the overall
         meaning or gist.
•        Work then at sentence or phrase level. For each, try to
         produce an English equivalent that sounds right.
•        You cannot often translate word for word. Mostly, you need
         to paraphrase: i.e. find a phrase that has the same meaning,
         but uses different words.
•        Try to work out the meaning of any unfamiliar words in the
         sentence. Consider words surrounding the unfamiliar word
         and try out words that would fit, using an English sentence
         with gaps. E.g. Ellos leen un libro = They *?* a book.
•        Think about the context and use common sense. What
         makes sense in the context of the rest of the text?
•        Once you have the meaning of the sentence in your head,
         play with the order of the words until you have English that
         sounds natural when you read it.
•        The golden rule: read aloud what you have written. If it
         doesn’t sound right to you, it probably isn’t.

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Mark grid – foundation tier                                                Mark grid – higher tier

    Mark   Descriptor                                                          Mark       Descriptor
    0      No rewardable communication.                                        0          No rewardable communication.
    1-2    Only isolated sentences or phrases are                              1-3        The meaning of the passage is partially
           communicated. There are many major                                             communicated. Some errors in the
           errors and omissions in the translation                                        translation prevent meaning being
           that prevent meaning being conveyed.                                           conveyed, e.g. frequent use of
                                                                                          incorrect words, omitted phrases,
    3-4    The meaning of the passage is partially                                        incorrect tenses.
           communicated. Some errors in the
           translation prevent meaning being                                   4-6        The meaning of the passage is mostly
           conveyed, e.g. frequent use of                                                 communicated. Occasional errors affect
           incorrect words, omitted phrases,                                              the flow or clarity of the translation,
           incorrect tenses.                                                              e.g. incorrect words, omitted words,
                                                                                          inexact syntax.
    5-6    The meaning of the passage is mostly
           communicated. Occasional errors affect                              7          The meaning of the passage is fully
           the flow or clarity of the translation,                                        communicated. Any errors do not
           e.g. incorrect words, omitted words,                                           detract from the overall effectiveness of
           inexact syntax.                                                                the translation.
    7      The meaning of the passage is fully
           communicated. Any errors do not                                     Please note: the example answers for both foundation and
           detract from the overall flow or clarity                            higher tiers show one way that the texts could be correctly
           of the translation.                                                 translated and there may be several other ways -
                                                                               professional judgement should be used to determine
                                                                               whether meaning has been correctly transferred when
                                                                               marking students’ work.

2                                                     © Pearson Education Ltd 2016. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Translations into English
Foundation tier Translation 1                                                                        Foundation tier Translation 2

(Identity and culture: socialising with friends)                                                     (Local area, holiday and travel: town places to see/things to do)

Translate the passage into English.                                                                  Translate the passage into English.

Tengo muchos amigos. Salimos en nuestro tiempo libre. A menudo                                       Vivo en una ciudad grande. Es interesante porque hay mucho que
vamos al parque o de compras. El fin de semana pasado fuimos al                                      ver y hacer. Se puede visitar el museo moderno. En el pasado había
cine para ver una película divertida. En diciembre nos gustaría ir a                                 un mercado que era muy antiguo. Un polideportivo nuevo va a abrir
un concierto de música rock.                                                                         el mes próximo.

Example response:                                                                                    Example response:

I have a lot of friends. We go out in our free time. Often we go to                                  I live in a big town. It’s interesting because there are lots to see and
the park or shopping. Last weekend we went to the cinema to see a                                    do. You can visit the modern museum. In the past there was a
fun film. In December we would like to go to a rock concert.                                         market which was very old. A new sports centre is going to open
                                                                                                     next month.

                                                  (Total for Question = 7 marks)                                                            (Total for Question = 7 marks)

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Foundation tier Translation 3                                                     Foundation tier Translation 4

    (School: school trips)                                                            (Future aspirations, study and work: jobs)

    Translate the passage into English.                                               Translate the passage into English.

    Me gustan las ciencias. Mi colegio organiza muchas excursiones.                   Mi hermano es cocinero. Trabaja en un hotel de lunes a viernes. Su
    Siempre son divertidas y educativas. En abril fuimos al museo de                  trabajo es difícil y su jefe es muy severo. El mes pasado ganó
    Artes y Ciencias en Valencia y lo pasamos genial. Me encantaría                   ochenta euros más porque trabajó el sábado también. Quisiera
    volver allí en el futuro con mi familia.                                          comprar un coche con su dinero.

    Example response:                                                                 Example response:

    I like science. My school organises lots of trips. They are always fun            My brother is a chef. He works in a hotel Monday to Friday. His work
    and educational. In April we went to the Arts and Science museum                  is difficult and his boss is very strict. Last month he earned 80 euros
    in Valencia and we had a great time. I would love to go back there                more because he worked on Saturday as well. He would like to buy
    in the future with my family.                                                     a car with his money.

                                          (Total for Question = 7 marks)                                                                (Total for Question = 7 marks)

4                                                            © Pearson Education Ltd 2016. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Foundation tier Translation 5                                                                        Higher tier Translation 1

(International and global dimension: access to natural resources)                                    (Identity and culture: role models)

Translate the passage into English.                                                                  Translate the passage into English.

Me llamo Jorge y soy peruano. Mi pueblo está en las montañas y es                                    Para mí la Navidad siempre ha simbolizado tiempo para la familia.
muy pequeño. La vida es difícil porque no hay muchos recursos.                                       El año pasado lo pasamos genial cuando nos reunimos toda la
Ayer solo tuvimos dos horas de electricidad por la noche. Tenemos                                    familia para cenar el veinticuatro, la Nochebuena. El último día del
que ahorrar agua también.                                                                            año es la Nochevieja, cuando comemos las doce uvas. Los niños
                                                                                                     esperarán hasta el cinco de enero para abrir sus regalos.
Example response:
                                                                                                     Example response:
My name is Jorge and I’m Peruvian. My village is in the mountains
and is very small. Life is difficult because there aren’t many                                       For me Christmas has always meant time for the family. Last year
resources. Yesterday we only had electricity for two hours at night.                                 we had a great time when we got the whole family together for
We also have to save water.                                                                          dinner on the 24th, Christmas Eve. The last day of the year is New
                                                                                                     Year’s Eve when we eat the twelve grapes. The children will wait
                                                                                                     until the 5th January to open their presents.

                                                  (Total for Question = 7 marks)                                                           (Total for Question = 7 marks)

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Higher tier Translation 2                                                        Higher tier Translation 3

    (Local area, holidays and travel: weather)                                       (School: subjects)

    Translate the passage into English.                                              Translate the passage into English.

    Chile es un país largo, estrecho y montañoso. Esto afecta el tiempo              Creo que es muy importante disfrutar tus estudios. Voy bien en las
    que hace allí porque en un día cambia según la situación geográfica.             asignaturas que he escogido, pero a mi amigo Marcos no le gustan
    El jueves hizo calor en el desierto del norte pero también hubo                  las ciencias en este momento. Sacó buenas notas el año pasado
    inundaciones en el centro. El boletín meteorológico muestra que                  pero este año no entiende bien las lecciones. Creo que debería
    mañana habrá nieve en el sur.                                                    cambiar a una asignatura que le guste más.

    Example response:                                                                Example response:

    Chile is a long, thin, mountainous country. This affects the weather             I believe that it is really important to enjoy your studies. I am doing
    there because in a day it changes according to the geographical                  well in the subjects I have chosen but my friend Marcos does not
    location. Last Thursday it was hot in the desert in the north but                like science at the moment. He got good marks last year but this
    equally there were floods in the centre. Tomorrow’s weather                      year he can’t understand the lessons well. I think he should change
    forecast shows that it will be snowing in the south.                             to a subject which he likes better.

                                         (Total for Question = 7 marks)                                                                (Total for Question = 7 marks)

6                                                           © Pearson Education Ltd 2016. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Higher tier Translation 4                                                                            Higher tier Translation 5

(Future aspirations, study and work: training)                                                       (International and global dimension: sports events)

Translate the passage into English.                                                                  Translate the passage into English.

Mi hermana acaba de empezar su formación para ser profesora de                                       Este octubre habrá un concurso internacional de deporte en
primaria en Madrid. Habrá cuatro cursos y tiene que hacer prácticas                                  Lanzarote. Espero participar este año porque he entrenado duro
en una escuela local. Le gustaría mucho especializarse en la                                         cada día en natación, ciclismo y carreras. Mi amigo Rafa llegó el
enseñanza de inglés porque piensa que los idiomas son                                                primero el año pasado pero soy mejor que él. Lo mejor de todo
importantes. Hace dos años fue a estudiar a Gales y ahora habla                                      sería competir contra deportistas de todo el mundo.
con fluidez.

Example response:                                                                                    Example response:

My sister has just started her training to be a primary school                                       This October there will be an international sports competition in
teacher in Madrid. There will be 4 courses and she has to do                                         Lanzarote. I hope to take part this year because I’ve trained hard
teaching practice in a local school. She would really like to specialize                             every day in swimming, cycling and running. My friend Rafa won
in teaching English because she thinks that languages are                                            last year but I’m better than him. The best thing would be
important. Two years ago she went to study in Wales and now she                                      competing against sports people from all over the world.
speaks fluently.

                                                  (Total for Question = 7 marks)                                                          (Total for Question = 7 marks)

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Strategies for translation into Spanish                                        My notes

       Read the whole text through once.
      • Work then at sentence level. For each, try to produce a
        Spanish equivalent.
      • As you build each sentence, use a mental checklist for
        Subject – Verb agreement (Who is doing what?)
        Tense (When?)
        Position in the sentence
        Masculine / Feminine
        Singular / Plural
        Definite / Indefinite article
        Noun – Adjective agreement
      • If you don’t know a word, try to think of a synonym or
        similar word
      • If you can’t think of a suitable replacement word, use a short
        paraphrase to describe it
      • If a whole sentence is too complex, try to express the
        meaning with a simpler expression
      • Go through your work thoroughly. Imagine you have been
        given the job of marking it. Check for spelling, accents, and
        the items on your grammar checklist.

8                                                         © Pearson Education Ltd 2016. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Mark grid – foundation tier                                                                          Mark grid – higher tier

This mark grid applies to sentences (a), (b) and (c) which are worth                                 Mark       Descriptor
2 marks each. The mark grid will be applied to each individual
sentence.                                                                                            0          No rewardable communication.
                                                                                                     1-4        • The meaning of the passage is partially communicated,
Mark       Descriptor                                                                                           some words and phrases are omitted/incorrectly
0          No rewardable communication.                                                                         communicated
                                                                                                                • Linguistic structures are used with accuracy in some
1          Meaning partially communicated with inaccuracies that                                                phrases and sentences but inaccuracies sometimes
           disturb clarity or prevent meaning being conveyed.                                                   disturb clarity or prevent meaning being conveyed
2          Meaning fully communicated with occasional inaccuracies                                   5-8        • The meaning of the passage is mostly communicated,
           that disturb the flow                                                                                occasional words are omitted/incorrectly communicated
                                                                                                                • Generally accurate application of grammar;
This mark grid applies to sentences (d) and (e) which are worth 3                                               inaccuracies rarely affect the flow or clarity of the writing
marks each. The mark grid will be applied to each individual
sentence.                                                                                            9-12       • The meaning of the passage is fully communicated
                                                                                                                • Sustained accurate application of grammar throughout;
Mark       Descriptor                                                                                           any inaccuracies do not hinder the overall flow or clarity
                                                                                                                of the writing
0          No rewardable communication.
1          • Some words are communicated but the overall meaning
           of the sentence is not communicated
2          • The meaning of the sentence is partially communicated                                   Please note: the example answers for both foundation and
           • Linguistic structures and vocabulary are mostly                                         higher tiers show one way that the texts could be correctly
           accurate with some inaccuracies that disturb clarity or                                   translated and there may be several other ways -
           prevent meaning being conveyed                                                            professional judgement should be used to determine
                                                                                                     whether meaning has been correctly transferred when
3          • The meaning of the sentence is fully communicated                                       marking students’ work.
           • Linguistic structures and vocabulary are accurate with
           only occasional inaccuracies that disturb the flow

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Translations into Spanish
                                                                                       Foundation tier Translation 7
     Foundation tier Translation 6
                                                                                       (Local area, holiday and travel: holidays)
     (Identity and culture: friends and family)
                                                                                       Traduce las frases siguientes al español.
     Traduce las frases siguientes al español.

                                                                                       a) I like holidays.
     a) My sister is called Ana.
                                                                                       Example response: Me gustan las vacaciones.                                           (2)
     Example response: Mi hermana se llama Ana.                          (2)
                                                                                       b) I go to the coast in the Summer.
     b) She is very pretty.
                                                                                       Example response: Voy a la costa en el verano.                                         (2)
     Example response: Es muy bonita.                                    (2)
                                                                                       c) You can do lots of different activities.
     c) I get on well with her.
                                                                                       Example response: Puedes hacer muchas actividades
     Example response: Me llevo bien con ella.                           (2)
                                                                                       diferentes.                                                                            (2)
     d) Last night we watched a film at home.
                                                                                       d) Last year I went swimming in the sea every day.
     Example response: Anoche vimos una película en casa.                (3)
                                                                                       Example answer: El año pasado nadé en el mar todos los días.                           (3)
     e) We like to spend time together as it is lot of fun.
                                                                                       e) I think holidays are important because you can relax.
     Example response: Nos gusta pasar tiempo juntos porque es
                                                                                       Example answer: Pienso que las vacaciones son importantes
     muy divertido.                                                      (3)           porque se puede relajar.                                                              (3)

                                           (Total for Question = 12 marks)
                                                                                                                                        (Total for Question = 12 marks)

10                                                            © Pearson Education Ltd 2016. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Foundation tier Translation 8                                                                        Foundation tier Translation 9

(School: school day)                                                                                 (Future aspirations, study and work: employment)

Traduce las frases siguientes al español.                                                            Traduce las frases siguientes al español.
a) The school day is long.                                                                           a) I love to speak Spanish.
Example response: El día en el instituto es largo.                                    (2)            Example response: Me encanta hablar español.                    (2)
b) There are eight classes in total.                                                                 b) I practice a lot.
Example response: Hay ocho clases en total.                                           (2)            Example response: Practico mucho.                               (2)
c) We go home for lunch and return at four.                                                          c) It is important to learn languages.
Example response: Vamos a casa para el almuerzo y volvemos                                           Example response: Es importante aprender idiomas.               (2)
a las cuatro.                                                                          (2)
                                                                                                     d) Last year I worked in a restaurant in Madrid and I spoke
d) Yesterday school finished later because I had a football match.                                   to the customers.
Example response: Ayer el instituto terminó más tarde porque                                         Example response: El año pasado trabajé en un restaurante en
tuve un partido de fútbol.                                                             (3)           Madrid y hablé con los clientes.                                (3)

e) I prefer the weekend but I always have lots of homework.                                          e) I hope to work in the same place next year.

Example response: Prefiero el fin de semana pero siempre tengo                                       Example response: Espero trabajar en el mismo lugar el año
muchos deberes.                                                (3)                                   próximo.                                                        (3)

                                                (Total for Question = 12 marks)                                                           (Total for Question = 12 marks)

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Foundation tier Translation 10                                                     Higher tier Translation 6

     (International and global dimension: being ‘green’)                                (Identity and culture: social media and technology)

     Traduce las frases siguientes al español.                                          Traduce el texto al español.
     a) I walk to school.                                                               Mobile phones are a part of normal daily life for the majority of
     Example response: Voy al colegio a pie.                             (2)            young people in Spain. They are used for everything from making
                                                                                        calls to watching films. It is hard to believe that 10 years ago not
     b) It is good for the environment.                                                 many people had a mobile phone. In fact, people say that they
                                                                                        could not live without one.
     Example response: Es bueno para el medio ambiente.                  (2)
     c) I also recycle bottles and paper.                                               Example response:

     Example response: También reciclo botellas y papel.                 (2)            Los móviles son una parte de la vida diaria normal para la mayoría
                                                                                        de los jóvenes en España. Se utilizan para todo, desde hacer
     d) Last weekend I helped to plant trees in my local park.
                                                                                        llamadas hasta ver películas. Es difícil creer que no mucha gente
     Example response: El fin de semana pasado ayudé a plantar                          tenía móvil hace 10 años. De hecho la gente dice que no podría vivir
     árboles en mi parque local.                                       (3)              sin uno.

     e) In the future I would like to do more to protect the planet.

     Example response: En el futuro me gustaría hacer más para
     proteger el planeta.                                                 (3)

                                            (Total for Question = 12 marks)                                                            (Total for Question = 12 marks)

12                                                             © Pearson Education Ltd 2016. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Higher tier Translation 7                                                                            Higher tier Translation 8

(Local area, holiday and travel: holiday experiences)                                                (School: school types)

Traduce el texto al español.                                                                         Traduce el texto al español.

Last year many Spanish people travelled to the Northern coast for                                    Education is so important in Cuba that they opened five new schools
their summer holidays. In this part of Spain it is cooler so you can                                 in Havana last year. Cuban children must attend school between the
visit places of interest. Tourists do not visit the region of Aragón                                 ages of six and sixteen. Most students continue with their studies
very often. I would recommend Aragón if you would like to                                            after the age of sixteen. The Cuban system is based upon three
experience something different.                                                                      things: discipline, hard work and love for the country.

Example response:                                                                                    Example response:

El año pasado muchos españoles viajaron a la costa del norte en sus                                  La educación en Cuba es tan importante que abrieron cinco escuelas
vacaciones de verano. En esta parte de España hace más fresco así                                    nuevas en la Habana el año pasado. Los niños cubanos deben asistir
que puedes visitar sitios de interés. Los turistas no visitan la región                              a la escuela entre las edades de seis y dieciséis años. La mayoría de
de Aragón muy a menudo. Recomendaría Aragón si quieres                                               los estudiantes continúan con sus estudios a partir de los dieciséis
experimentar algo diferente.                                                                         años. El sistema cubano está basado en tres cosas: disciplina,
                                                                                                     trabajo duro y amor por el país.

                                                (Total for Question = 12 marks)                                                          (Total for Question = 12 marks)

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Higher tier Translation 9                                                        Higher tier Translation 10

     (Future aspirations, study and work: careers and professions)                    (International and global dimension: music events)

     Traduce el texto al español.                                                     Traduce el texto al español.

     My grandmother is a doctor and she enjoys her job. I was lucky to                This year we are going to the Burgos Music Festival, which started
     be able to do work experience in a hospital. I want a career helping             nine years ago. It will take place in the middle of July. I always like
     people and I loved working with the children. My dream would be to               to take violin classes because I want to improve my skills. On the
     have a career in medicine after studying it at university.                       last night we play everything we have learned in a concert in the
     Example response:
                                                                                      Example response:
     Mi abuela es doctora y disfruta de su trabajo. Tuve suerte de hacer
     experiencia de trabajo en un hospital. Quiero una carrera donde                  Este año vamos al festival de música de Burgos que empezó hace
     pueda ayudar a la gente y me encantó trabajar con los niños. Mi                  nueve años. Tendrá lugar a mediados de julio. Siempre me gusta
     sueño sería tener una carrera en medicina después de estudiarlo en               tomar clases de violín porque quiero mejorar mis habilidades. La
     la universidad.                                                                  última noche tocamos todo lo que hemos aprendido en un concierto
                                                                                      en la catedral.

                                         (Total for Question = 12 marks)                                                               (Total for Question = 12 marks)

14                                                           © Pearson Education Ltd 2016. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
May 2016

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