Greetings Church! - Pastor Alexis - Cason United Methodist Church

Page created by Julio Casey
Greetings Church! - Pastor Alexis - Cason United Methodist Church


Greetings Church!                              He was right in 1975. And what he says is
                                               still true in 2019! Just check out this       9 Love should be shown
As many of you know late March marked          Cason Point or talk to Emily or Tricia, our   without pretending. Hate evil,
a year since my dad died. Feeling              Council Chairs, or even to David or to me     and hold on to what is
nostalgic, I thumbed through one of the        and get the names of the Team Leaders
                                               for our strategic ministry pillars: Salty
                                                                                             good. 10 Love each other like
many albums my mother has put
                                               Service, Passionate Worship, Intentional      the members of your family. Be
together through the years and I came
across an article dated July 2, 1975
                                               Discipleship, Radical Hospitality or          the best at showing honor to
                                               Extravagant Generosity. Find out what
which my dad had written for a local                                                         each other. 11 Don’t hesitate to
                                               they are doing and get involved. Life is
Montgomery County, Maryland paper in           too short to be sedentary or to just be       be enthusiastic—be on fire in
a section called, “As I See It.”               about pleasing yourself!                      the Spirit as you serve the
                                                                                             Lord! 12 Be happy in your hope,
He writes: How would you like something        Dad finishes the article with these words:
fantastic to happen for you, your group or What is needed in today's’ society is
                                                                                             stand your ground when you’re
your friends. As I see it, there is a secret
                                           passionate participation and intrepid             in trouble, and devote
quality known to the sages of old, which   imagination. …This is an age fraught with         yourselves to
when used with abandon, makes things       human need. It calls for super solutions –        prayer. 13 Contribute to the
happen. You show me a place where          not preoccupations with problems. This
                                           age demands daring dreams, not
                                                                                             needs of God’s people, and
there is something significant going on
and I’ll show you a place where there is   elaborate excuses if we are to keep pace          welcome strangers into your
personal passion.                          with this world. …And while I’m talking,          home.
                                           here is a word for any Christian who may                   Romans 12:9-13 (CEV)
                                           have given up on his or her religion. What
I guess I can best describe what I mean by
                                           is needed is not a gift from your religion for
a story some colleagues shared with me.                                                      Listen to Paul when he writes in Romans:
                                           you. That gift is already there and has
It seems they have a friend, a bachelor.   been. What I suspect is needed is for you         Don’t hesitate to be enthusiastic—be
He loves to entertain but he lacks the     to “dive in” right up to your elbows with         on fire in the Spirit as you serve the
funds to serve an elaborate meal. So what passion for Jesus the Christ. …If life has         Lord! Will you live that life…don’t
does he do? He serves meatloaf. And        become a ritual of similarity; a hum-drum         squander it away. Find your personal
you should see him prepare it. He gets     affair; or downright depressing and you           Passion in the Lord and dive in!
out a bowl and rolls up his sleeves above want something fantastic to happen for
                                           you; may I suggest a little personal              Joy, Joy…I sure do love being your
his elbows. …The result is the greatest
                                           passion for life. Dive in, life’s the greatest.   Pastor!
meatloaf you’ve ever tasted. And this is
probably true because the man has
thrown himself wholly into what he is
                                           I couldn’t have said it better myself.
                                                                                             Pastor Alexis
doing. That is what I mean by personal     As we move from the Lenten Season into
passion…                                   the Easter season and all the Celebration
                                               that comes with it in the spring, Cason
                                               don’t waste another moment. Stop and
Dad goes on: I don’t know how long the
                                               examine your heart, your head, your
Lord has given you but I know that there
                                               attitude. What in the ministry that God
is plenty for you to do here in this           has given you? Are you passionate about
community for God and your neighbors.          it?
Greetings Church! - Pastor Alexis - Cason United Methodist Church
Ignite News                              Chocopalooza 2019 was a rousing        "Pack a Sack" focuses on feeding
                                         success, raising over $800 to          children over the weekend when
by David Schmidt                         help us with the cost of camp and      School meals were not available.
                                         our mission trip. Thank you so         The youth are committed to do as
It's hard to believe that the first      much to all of you who entered,        much as they can for these
quarter of the year is already done.     attended, or just helped eat all       children, for as long as they can,
Soon, schools will be letting out        of the chocolate.               Newsletter Volume 10
                                                                                and for as many as they can in
and summer will be upon us.                                                     love. The mindset is each bag
                                         A special thanks to Betty Crane,       delivered weekly and box of food
Our summer plans are set and we          Sandra Schmidt and Tricia              delivered for the school breaks
are gearing up for what should be        Foreman for all they did to make       will deliver love to the families
a great time of fellowship, fun and      the event a success!                   they touch and offer hope.
of course, service.
                                          The youth continue to gather on       The Pack a Sack is program is in
We will spend the week of                 Wednesday evenings as part of         churches and schools across
June 24 - 29 at Warren Willis for         community dinner and small            the South Florida area, and we
summer camp. Our own Youth                groups. Throughout Lent, they          are excited to step up and help
Assistant, Sam Owen, will be staying      have been participating in            those in need in our area.
the week as a small group leader,         inter-generational groups and
having an opportunity to work with        studying the Gospel of John.          While the makeup of our ministry
many youth from around the state.         After Easter they will be focusing    has changed significantly over
                                          on Grace and Forgiveness, two         the past few years, the heart of
The cost of camp continues to rise.       concepts that help to form and        those involved has not. We
This year it is $440 dollars per student. shape all of our relationships.       continue to look for ways to serve
As always, if you wish to help                                                  others, worship passionately and
underwrite the cost of one of our         In February, the youth attended       learn about our God. Special
youth to go to camp. please see Sam or the South East District Youth            thanks to Sherm Casebolt,
myself.                                   Event "Hope In Action", with          Patti Alexander and Judd Parsons
                                          250 other youth from around our       for their love of the youth and
July 14-20 we will be in Baton Rouge,     district. Along with an amazing       the time they take to pour into
Louisiana for Revive 225, a mission       time of worship, those in             each and every soul.
week devoted to helping those still       attendance participated in a few
impacted by Hurricane Katrina as well     service activities. Our youth         As always, we are looking
as others in need. We will be joined      were part of the "Pack a Sack"        for those who have a heart for
by the youth group from First UMC         initiative, very similar to our own   youth. If you have ever thought
Ormond Beach and their Youth              bag lunch program, but focusing       about giving of your time to pour
Minister, Michah Keech. I'm excited       specifically on school aged           into youth, we have a spot for
about this partnership as Micah is one children.                                you! I'd love to talk to you about
of my covenant brothers from my days                                            what it might look like to be an
at YMI. Look for more information on      Upon returning, the youth formally    adult leader for Cason's youth.
this mission in the coming weeks.         decided to adopt "Pack a Sack" as     Please feel free to reach out to
                                          their service project for the year.   myself or Sam.

                                                                                David Schmidt
Greetings Church! - Pastor Alexis - Cason United Methodist Church
Sunday School News
                                                             In the Month of April, the children
                                                             will continue with the unit of
                                                             “Observing Lent with Your Family”.
                                                             During this time in Sunday School
                                                             the children will be learning about
          Child Care                                         what happens the weeks before Jesus enters
There will be Child Care for infants to                      Jerusalem. In May, the children will begin
five year olds on:                         a new unit, focusing on “Family Friends”. Please join us
Choir Cantata                              during the 9:15 Kickstart service and 11:00am Traditional
Sunday, April 14th @ 3:00 pm              service.
Maundy Thursday
April 18th @ 7:00 pm                       April’s Bible Verse: “I’ve seen the Lord” (John 20:18)
Good Friday                               April 7th- “Peter Pretends” – (Matthew 26:69-75)
April 19th @ 7:00pm                       April 14th- Palm Sunday “Jesus Enters Jerusalem”-
      Easter Egg Hunt                     (Matthew 21:1-11)
                                          April 21st- Easter Sunday “Jesus Lives”- (John 20:1-18)
    April 20, 10:00 a.m. - Noon
                                          April 28th- “Feed the Sheep”- (John 21:1-19)
The Egg Hunt will be separated into
three groups: 1-3 year olds,
                                          May’s Bible Verse: “Friends love all the time and kinsfolk
4-7 year olds and 8-11 year olds
                                          are born for times of trouble”. (Proverbs 17:17)
We are in need of items for inside
the eggs. Please no jellybeans or         May 5th- “Best Friends” (1 Samuel 18:1-5; 20:1-42)
chocolates (due children allergies/       May 12th- “Courageous Friends” (Daniel 3:1-30)
choking hazards). If you would like       May 19th- “The Four Friends” (Mark 2; 1-12)
to volunteer to help prior to the day
                                          May 26th- “Prayerful Friends” (Acts 9:36-43)
or you would like to help on Saturday,
April 20th, contact Andrea Rawls at

Sermon Series April/May                                      Greetings from Kickstart
by Pastor Alexis                                             by David Schmidt
                 April 7 - John 13:3-5, 15 ,17                               Greetings from Kickstart! We are
                 The Servant and His Life                                    thrilled with the true joy that we see
                 April 14 - John 19:14b-20                                   from those of you who join us at
                 The Arrest, Trial and Crucifixion of a                      9:15 on Sunday mornings. We never
                  King                                       get tired of hearing how the service touches each of
                                                             you in such different ways!
April 21 – John 20:1-18
Resurrection Day
                                                             We are in the last two weeks of our study of John,
Three Simple Rules , by Ruben Job.                           which will lead us up to Easter. Starting in May, we
Beginning, Sunday, May 5:                                    will spend some time with John Wesley' s 3 Rules:
                                                             1. Do No Harm, 2. Do Good and 3.Stay in Love with
                                                             God. Seems simply, yet we all struggle with at least
May 5 - Galatians 5:15,
                                                             one of those rules, don' t we?
Do No Harm. Communion Sunday
May 12 - 3 John 11b, Acts 10:38,
                                         We are extremely excited to announce that starting
Do Good. Mother’s Day – Worship Leader David Schmidt
                                         April 28th, Doug Carter will be joining Covenant full
May 19 - Psalm 105:4,                    time. As I' m sure you all know, Doug is an amazing
Stay in Love with God - Graduate Sunday – Sam Owen
                                         pianist and musician, and we are blessed to have him
Reception to follow.                     handling the keyboard parts for us. This means
May 26 – Psalm 67; Acts 16:9-15          that Covenant has grown to 7 musicians, adding
Memorial Day         MAKE AN APPOINTMENT!Bob on lead guitar, Tricia on violin and Doug on
                                         keyboards in just the last year! 2019 is going to be
MAKE AN APPOINTMENT!                     a very special year for Kickstart!

Pastor Alexis would love to meet with you in her             Don' t forget to look for our CD "The Perfect Sacrifice"
                                                             which will be available as of Easter. All proceeds
office, in your home or for lunch or a cuppa.
                                                             from the $15.00 suggested donation will go back
Call the church office and leave a message for her.
                                                             into the Kickstart Music Fund.
She will call you back so that you can get together.
Greetings Church! - Pastor Alexis - Cason United Methodist Church
United Methodist Men Update                                 United Methodist Women Update
by Rich Stewart                                             by Nancy Reames
                  We have a dedicated Cason UMM
                                                                             We literally sprung into action this
                  email now:
                                                                             spring with two major events right after
                  so you can reach me there or by
                                                                             the other. The 2nd Annual Bingo Blast
                  phone or text at (561) 809-3937 which
                                                                                 was a huge success and we thank
also has voice mail. I did not send the survey I
                                                            Lois Straight for her quick and thorough coordination
mentioned in the previous newsletter, so if you thought
                                                            of this event as well as the support of many key
you missed it don’t worry. I sent it by e mail last week.
                                                            players. Mal Bates coordinated the games, Fred O
Only one response so far, so please be so kind as to
                                                            called the numbers, Charles Straight kept the board
return that to me either by email, church office, or
                                                            updated and Marlene Weir coordinated all the prizes.
offering plate.
                                                            In addition to that, we had the help of many of our
                                                            great guys from Cason and a couple of our youth. The
Dick Weir spurred me to set up a "get acquainted"
                                                            catered event was yummy with many different types
breakfast,which I very much appreciate. We met on Sat
                                                            of hors d'oeuvres served by our handsome waiters
Feb 2, in the church library and had a great time
                                                            along with “mocktails.” Nancy Reames created a huge
and good discussion about what our men need and
                                                             gift basket full of chocolate, treats, nuts, a
would like to receive from UMM. We had six attendees
                                                            bestselling book, an inspirational table top devotion,
and agreed to meet at the church on Wednesday nights
                                                            cheese, crackers and even fine glass dispenser.
at the church at 7 pm for fellowship and further
                                                            Loreley Hinderling sold lots of tickets for this raffle
                                                            and our own Karen Cullen, a new member of UMW,
                                                            won the prize. It was a fun day for all who came and
I challenge you to Connect yourself:
                                                            we thank all those who participated by donating prizes,
-Check out (Note the expedition
                                                            preparing centerpieces, setting up the fellowship hall
 to Coral Springs 30 March 2019)
                                                            and selling tickets. The profits from this event will
                                                            bless many local charities and our global mission in
-Pray and commit. We need volunteers for: Boy Scout
Liaison to Cason's scout troop; small group All-
Pro Dad Liaison ( to help set
                                                            On Sunday, March 24th, we honored Lois Straight with
up a program, for boys with no dads, to work with UMW
                                                            a special recognition pin for her faithful and dedicated
at Banyan Creek Elementary), and other ministries
                                                            service to our Unit over all her years of being part of
(more about this later).
                                                            the United Methodist Women. This annual award is
                                                            given to one individual who has given above and
-Pray for Pastors Alexis and David. Pray for our church
                                                            beyond to make our unit one of the best units in the
leadership. Pray for our brother, Stanley Reames,
                                                            district and helps makes Cason UMC shine! Thanks
who is recovering from having a kidney removed.
                                                            to Betty Crane and her committee for their work on
                                                            considering who our Unit should honor.
-Think about what Cason's strategic pillars mean
                                                            Congratulations Lois!
to you: Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship,
Intentional Discipleship, Extravagant Generosity, and
                                                         Our Unit hosted the District Day Apart here at
Salty Service.
                                                         Cason. There were 140 women from all over the
                                                         district to grace our doors. As we celebrate the 150th
- Think about how you, individually or in a small group,
                                                          anniversary of UMW, it was a day of great music
can enhance these aspects of the Body of Christ at
                                                         provided by our own Covenant, food, fellowship, and
Cason Church and in our community. Here is a statement
                                                         special guest speaker, Dr. Dianne Gutierrez who
of how one Florida congregation sees them:
                                                         brought the message as we celebrate the theme,
                                                         “Expanding the Table.” Wehas a beautiful day
                                                         greeting our sisters from all over the district for this
-Be aware. Become involved. Make a difference for Christ
                                                         day of celebration and reflection.
at Cason and in our community.
                                                            Our unit normally meets the 3rd Saturday of the month
Thank you for reading this!
                                                            at 10:30 am. Some gatherings are in our member’s
 -If you are a Cason man, or an interested person (man or homes, some are at church. Please note that our
woman) me please contact me: Call (561) 809-3937 or         meeting for April will the 27th at Cason and NOT the
text or voice mail. If you are a man who is not interested, 20th as many of us will be involved in the Easter Egg
please contact me and tell me why (not to be publicized), Hunt. Our last meeting until summer break will be in
and what we can do better.                                  May so we encourage you to come out soon and find
                                                            out what we are all about. You won’t be sorry!
Let’s make 2019 a great year in Christ. Pray for Holy
Spirit revival in Cason Church, stepping out of our
comfort zone and stepping out in faith with Christ!
Greetings Church! - Pastor Alexis - Cason United Methodist Church
Cason Community Garden
                                     by Candy Evans
                                     Greetings to all from our 11th season at CCG. We’ve been very busy in the
                                     garden since September; planting natives, weeding, tilling, mulching and
                                     transplanting our seedlings which were started in August at garden
                                     members’ homes.

                                     Gardeners have been instructed in organic practices, drip irrigation and
                                     water conservation, cold weather practices, soil amendments and pest

                                     The herb cross has been planted with basil, sage, dill, black cumin,
                                     summer savory, parsley, thyme, oregano, and cilantro. Pollinators include
                                     teddy bear, mammoth and dune sunflowers, bee’s friend, nasturtium,
                                     zinnia, Echinacea, calendula, Bay Cedar, Jamaican Caper, Coontie and
                                     muhley grass.

                                     Veggies varieties are numerous and include Tuscan Kale, Pac Man
                                     broccoli, beans, peas, 4 onion varieties, white, purple and Black Beauty
                                     eggplant, Kaleidoscope carrots (white, yellow, orange, red & purple),
                                     dozens of types of tomato’s including yellow pear, Better Boy, Everglades
                                     and Black Krim. Peppers include Key West peppers, chocolate, orange
                                     blaze, and several hot kinds like jalapeño. Purple Top turnips, Filderkraut
                                     and Caraflex cabbage and many lettuces and greens like arugula, romaine,
                                     Pac Choi,and heat tolerant varieties including Tetragonia spinach from
                                     New Zealand and Hawaiian Anuenue.

                                     The Caring Kitchen benefits with multitudes of veggies including
                                     favorite’s collard greens, carrots and beans. Our first delivery this season
                                     was 12/31/18 adding to our donation of 5239 pounds to help serve Delray
                                                             IT'S HARVEST TIME
                                     ~ Weekly deliveries to the Caring Kitchen are on Mondays. Donations
                                     should be washed and root balls removed prior to leaving produce in the
                                     kitchen refrigerator (fridge is labeled). Harvesting should take place
                                     Saturday or Sunday to ensure freshest produce.
                                     ~ please email me your March and April total in pounds for your personal
                                     consumption. This total should come from your little notebook/journal.
                                     Personal consumption includes everything you harvested with the
                                     exception of what was given to the Caring Kitchen.

                                     Michael, our Master Gardener, is indeed a MASTER. He regularly inspects
                                     the garden for any issues and can determine if you are having a problem
                                     with your plants. However, to be a successful gardener, you must always
                                     be checking for any signs of issues so they can be remedied quickly.
                                     Questions to ask yourself:
                                     Do leaves have holes in them? It may be wind damage or caterpillars.
                                     Do leaves touch the ground and water splash lower leaves? You may have
                                     a bacterial issue.
                                     Are leaves cupping? You may have wind damage.
                                     Are lady bugs present? You may have aphid or other pest problem.
                                     Is fruit damaged or scarred? You may have thrips.
                                     Are tomato leaves chlorotic (yellowing)? You may need fertilizer.

                                     Upcoming events

                                     April - Closing of garden for the season.
  For further information contact:
Candy Evans at   Please join our Facebook page Cason Community Garden where many
        or call 561-374-2434         pictures, articles and garden tips, and recipes can be shared.
Greetings Church! - Pastor Alexis - Cason United Methodist Church
The Kindness Project                                           Congregational Council Update
Coming June 29 – August 10!                                    by Tricia Foreman
               In 2018, Cason launched an initiative to                              In 2019 the Congregational
              reach out in Christian love to our                                     Council meetings took on a
              surrounding community. Armed with toilet                               new format which includes
              brushes, brownies, cookies and much more                               overseeing the Discovery Plan
              we set out to share the love of God outside                            approved earlier this year.
the walls of the church.                                       Council meetings now include council business,
                                                               calendar planning for missions and ministry events,
Good news! The Kindness project returns for it's second        and workshop style break out sessions to implement
year! If you are interested in helping to organize this six    the initiatives within the discovery plan. The
week outreach program, please see Pastor Alexis. We            breakout sessions are interactive and include teams
would like 6 kinds souls with kind ideas! Youth and Adults     made up of members representing each pillar. The
are welcome! This year let's plan to reach out differently!    goal in 2019 is for each of the pillars to accomplish
                                                               one of the strategies outlined in the plan. We are
                                                               already seeing the results with much of the
An all New!                                       planning well under way.
              After a couple of months planning, we are
                                                               The initiative selected by each group includes:
              delighted to announce the launch of our
                                                               Radical Hospitality- Host a Ministry Fair in Fall 2019
              newly redesigned website. We wanted a
              fresh, new look to better reflect our vibrant,
                                                               Intentional Discipleship- Develop and implement a
              growing ministries and to provide up to
                                                               Shepherding Program
date information about our church.
                                                               Passionate Worship- Get “Celebrate Recovery” up
In today's digital age, people look at church websites to
                                                               and running
decide where to show up on Sunday. Knowing that the
vast majority of people who discover our church will
                                                               Salty Service- Promote Lifelong Learning
do so online, it’s important to recognize that first
impressions of our church are being made every single
                                                               If you want to get involved in one of these teams it
day. And these first impressions are being made on our
                                                               is not too late. We encourage you to attend the
website. That’s not all: once a first impression is made,
                                                               Council meetings which take place on the 4th
it usually sticks. And it requires considerable effort to
                                                               Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm. It is the best way
undo a poor first impression.
                                                               to stay informed on important church business and
                                                               help Cason implement the discovery plans!
With that in mind, please explore our new site and
let us know what you think. It you have a ministry at the                        Church Staff
church, please make sure that the information you want
people to have is available, and if not, please submit it to                 Rev. C. Alexis Talbott
David at
As part of the new site, we will be rolling out a new online
                                                                              David M. Schmidt
giving system that will make it easier to give and easier to      Contemporary Worship Leader/Youth Minister
designate where money you give goes. Besides online,          
you'll be able to give through your phone or even text
a tithe or donation to the church!                                                 Doug Carter
                                                                                  Music Director
Please look for more information on the giving system in                  musi cdi r ecto r @caso numc.o r g
the bulletin and your email in the next few weeks.
                                                                                 Jani c e Heffer nan
            Church-wide Emails                                                    Church Treasurer
  If you are not receiving church-wide emails (usually
  sent out about three times a month including this                              Andrea Rawls
  newsletter) and would like to, please go to the following                  Child Care Coordinator
  link to subscribe:               

  This link will also work for those of you who used to be                        Bill Burton
  subscribed but were unsubscribed by your email                                  Audio/Video
  server’s spam filter. If you have any trouble, please       
  email David Schmidt at
  and he can manually sign you up.                                        Church Office: 561-276-5302
Greetings Church! - Pastor Alexis - Cason United Methodist Church
Wednesday Night Dinner &                                      New Member Class
Small Groups                                                                    Have you been coming to
                                                                                Cason for more than six weeks?
                   Join us on Wednesday nights for                              Do you find yourself thinking
                   a time of food, fellowship and                               more about the ministries?
                   study. Dinner is served 5:45 and                             Do you think, “Boy, I ’d like to
                   Adult and Youth Bible Study begin                            be more involved?” Or , would
                   at 6:30                                  you just like to know more?

Lenten Study                                                If you have been worshiping with us, and you would
Watch Cason’s Church weekly bulletin in February for        like to learn more about our church, or if you think
Group Times and the Church Wide Lenten Study                you might be interested in becoming a member, we
through Easter.                                             invite you to consider attending our upcoming new
                                                            member class. Participation in the class does not
Would you like to facilitate a Small Group? Thorough        commit you to church membership, but it is an
training is available to give you all the tools you need.   opportunity for you to find out more about the life
Just think of your involvement with helping to make         and ministry of our church and to give prayerful
disciples for the Kingdom. Contact Rich Stewart,            consideration to whether you want to enter into
Shelby Norris or Patti Alexander to find out how.           membership. You are invited to the Pre-membership
                                                            4 session Seminar .
Monday Night Study
Terranova meets Monday nights at 8:00 at the                ORIENTATION CLASS Sunday, May 19, 2019 –
Panera Bread on Federal Highway here in Delray              bring a snack to share. The class and pastor will
Beach. This inter-generational group will be                collaborate to set the remaining 3 sessions.
studying the Gospel of John along with Adam                 To reserve your place in the class, call the church
Hamilton right through Easter. Terranova is a laid          office, or see Pastor Alexis before May 15th.
back,open minded group that encourages discussion           Membership Sunday is scheduled for June 23rd
and openness. There' s always room for one more!

Music Ministry                                               Trustees Update
by Doug Carter
                                                             by Gene Guertin
             On April 14, 2019, Palm/Passion Sunday
                                                                                The installation of the new
             at 3:00 pm the Cantata Choir will
                                                                                windows at the parsonage will
             present “Calvary’s Love” in our
                                                                                began on April 2nd and estimates
             sanctuary here at Cason United
                                                                                have come in and will be voted
             Methodist Church. It is written by
                                                            on at the next meeting for painting and repairs to
             Lloyd Larson and Jay Rouse and
                                                            the exterior.
             depicts Christ’s sacrifice and triumph
             which is the cornerstone of our
                                                            The Board has been approached by Menin
             faith. Following the cantata there will
                                                            Construction who is building a hotel in the
             be a reception given by the United
                                                            downtown area to rent a section of the West Lawn as
Methodist Women.
                                                            a staging area and parking Monday through Friday
                                                            from 8am to 5pm for approximately twenty two
The Chancel Choir os rehearsing every Thursday
                                                            months. This will not affect any of our current
night and singing every Sunday through the month of
                                                            ministries such as Pumpkin Patch or Fall Festival.
                                                            We are in discussions at this time. We have also had
                                                            a request from Pastor Mitch Thompson of The Avenue
The Chancel Bell Choir will play for the last time this
                                                            Church to use part of the west lawn for overflow
season on April 7 during the 11:00 am service. They
                                                            parking on Sunday mornings during their services
are playing two familiar tunes based on hymns.
                                                            for an undetermined amount of time. They are using
                                                            Trinity's gymnasium for their services and parking
Beginning on June 2 we will welcome any soloists
                                                            but depending on attendance may need to use us
or groups who would like to sing or play during the
                                                            for overflow.
offertory on Sunday mornings during the summer
months. Please see Doug Carter if you are interested!
                                                            The repair of the chandelier was completed and it
                                                            was rehung in March. If you have any questions
                                                            please contact Gene Guertin at
Greetings Church! - Pastor Alexis - Cason United Methodist Church
Update from Cason’s                                          A Special Thank You!
  Welcoming Ministry Team                                      by Pastor Alexis and David Schmidt
  by Paula Dorhout
                                                                           Special thanks to the 33 Casonnites
                     At Cason, we have many exciting                       and friends of Cason who attended
                     events happening now through                          the Council meeting on March 26
                     Easter, and that means we will have                   which focused mainly on the history,
                     the awesome opportunity to               definition and speculation of A Way Forward .
welcome many visitors to our worship gatherings. Some         Thanks to Rev. Michelle Shrader, Missions
of these guests may step into a church service for the        Initiative Specialist (go to person) for her wisdom
first time or it may be the first time in a very long time.   and her direction.
Our guests could be families celebrating the Easter
season together or old friends returning. Whomever            Watch your bulletin in May for our next
our visitors and guests are, let’s make sure we give          gathering for dialogue and listening as we discern
them a great big LOVING Cason welcome.                        God’s call to Cason as United Methodist in Mission
                                                              to Transform the World.
Here are some gentle reminders how we can help
guests feel welcome and at home each Sunday, but
especially this coming Easter Sunday

                                                               Worship Design Team
ENTRANCES FOR OUR GUESTS.                                      by Sandi Schmidt
Honor guests by leaving these spaces open for visitors.
                                                                          The Worship Design Team has been busy
                                                                          planning the services for Lent, Holy Week
                                                                          and Easter. There will be opportunities
                                                                          for you to participate in the excitement of
From the time you step out of your vehicle, greet
                                                                          Palm Sunday, to experience the passion
everyone with a friendly smile and tell them how glad
                                                               of Christ during Holy Week and to share the joy of
you are to see them. Use the time from the parking lot to
                                                               His Resurrection on Easter Sunday. We certainly
the pew to greet visitors and to get to know other
                                                               hope that you will join us during this holy season.
                                                               Palm Sunday - April 14th - 9:15am /11:00am
If you don’t know someone, take the time to greet them
                                                               Maunday Thursday - April 18th - 7:00 pm
and introduce yourself. And try to meet a new person or
family each Sunday, not just on Easter Sunday.
                                                               Good Friday - April 19th - 7:00 pm
                                                               Easter - April 21st
Remember, we may know where everything is in our
                                                               Sunrise Service - 6:30 am -
church building, but our guests are not familiar with our
                                                               Kickstart Modern Worship - 9:15 - Front Portico
campus. Take time to show them around, and offer to
                                                               Traditional Worship - 11:00 am - Sanctuary
take them to where they need to go.
                                                               (Butterfly release at both 9:15 & 11:00)
                                                               Another project we have been working on in
                                                               conjunction with the Memorial Committee is the
If you fill the seats up front (and scoot in toward the
                                                               remodeling of the Communion Table. Our
middle), visitors and late comers can slip in without
                                                               Communion Table is very large and takes up a great
having to walk in front of the entire congregation.
                                                               deal of room in the chancel area. However, we are
                                                               aware of the fact that it has been a
                                                               part of the church for a long time and has sentimental
Instead, take a few minutes to greet visitors and other
                                                               meaning. Therefore, we have arranged to have it
members you do not normally see. Thank them for
                                                               redesigned and made smaller to better serve our
attending your services and invite them to come again.
                                                               current needs, while still maintaining it's historical
                                                               As a reminder, the Worship Design Team meets the
You will be amazed how much weight a personal
                                                               first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm. All are
invitation carries. Encourage visitors to return and
                                                               welcome to attend. If you can not attend but wish to
worship with you on a regular Sunday.
                                                               bring something before the team, feel free to email
                                                               me at
Greetings Church! - Pastor Alexis - Cason United Methodist Church
2019 Florida Annual Conference                          Fill Out A "Getting to Know You" Form
 June 5-8, 2019                                                               One of life’s best experiences is
                    The Florida Annual Conference                             finding a person who shares your
                    stretches more than 700 miles from                        interests, comes from your town, or
                    just west of Tallahassee to the                           lives a few blocks from you. Better
Florida Keys. Between are 700 churches with more                              yet when you realize they seek to
than 280,000 members from African-American, Anglo,        grow their faith in a Cason pew with you.
Filipino, Haitian, Hispanic, Korean, Native American,
                                                          The "Getting to Know You" forms, and the box to hold
Russian and Vietnamese backgrounds making up one
                                                          the completed ones, are on the communion rail at the
dynamic church. Each year an equal number of clergy
                                                          front of the Sanctuary every Sunday. Please take one,
members and lay members attend Annual Conference
                                                          scribble in your stuff and place it in the box.
annual conference session for worship, fellowship,
and to conduct the business of the conference.            Of the 82 received so far . . . 38 of you have interesting
2019 marks the 177th session of the Florida United        collections; 23 like playing board games; 14 are
Methodist Annual Conference.                              aspiring actors. Only nine of the 82 were born in Florida.
                                                          Surprise? How about helping the Cason family get to
Please pray for Pastor and David (Lay Delegate) as        know YOU? Grab a form and DO IT!
they travel to Annual Conference in Lakeland this year.

If you would like to be considered as a delegate to
Annual Conference or to be nominated as a delegate    by Carol Cullen
to General Conference (May 15-20, 2020 in Minnesota),
please let Pastor know by May 15.                     Reflection Group – 10:15 a.m. Sunday mornings
                                                      between services!

                                                          Now in case you’ve never investigated the little
  In God We Trust                                         Upper Room magazine (copies available in the
                                                          Fellowship Hall), it’s not “preachy”. Ordinary people
  by Kim Michaud, Finance Chair                           from here and there… and across the seas… suggest a
               The Finance Committee worked hard          short scripture and relate it to their life experience.
                                                          In the Parlor Sundays at 10:15 a.m. there six or seven
               this past fall and winter to submit a
                                                          of “us” . . . and the invisible presence of the seven
               balanced budget. Unfortunately, based
                                                          other people whose reflections we’ve read during the
               on the current commitment of tithes        week. Conversation flows around the stories and
             submitted during the Stewardship             scripture that had special relevance to anyone in the
 Campaign and reasonable expectations for income          group who wishes to share.
 based on the past 3 years, we anticipate a shortfall
                                                          The only thing we are missing is your input and
 of a little over $33,000. We have a little over
                                                          point of view. Can you fix that? Questions? Call
 $124,000 in the General Investment Fund which is
                                                          Carol Cullen at 561-278-7601.
 sufficient to cover the shortfall, although we are
 prayerfully optimistic that at least some of the
 difference will be made up by additional Fundraising
                                                          UMW Book Circle
 and Commitment Card giving throughout the year.          by Mal Bates
                                                                             All are invited to the Book Circle
 The Finance committee is determined to keep our                             meetings held in the Church
 expenses down and several expense items have been                            Library once a month. The last
 designated as “TBD” meaning these expenditures will                            review of the season will be on
 only be made only if there is money to support them.            May 1 at 1:30 pm to discuss "Hiding in the Light."
 This presents the congregation several underwriting
                                                           Rifqa Bary grew up in a devout Muslim home, but God
 opportunities this coming year.
                                                           called her to give up everything for Christianity.
                                                           This is the untold story of how she ran from her
 The Finance Committee will continue to review the
                                                           father's threats to find refuge with strangers in
 budget on a quarterly basis throughout the year and       Florida, only to face a controversial court case. It is
 make adjustments accordingly. Please feel free to         a heart-wrenching true story that will inspire a
 see me or Pastor if you would like more information       challenging discussion. Join us!
 about underwriting a budget item.
                                                           The Book Circle now has extra books on a book
 The final budget was submitted and approved by the        shelf in the Church Library that may be borrowed by
 Congregational Council in February.                       checking one out in the Church Office.
Greetings Church! - Pastor Alexis - Cason United Methodist Church
Family Promise
by Barbara Johnston
                                                                                        Prayer Requests
                                                                               God hears and answers our prayers.
                                                                               Cason is blessed to be able to pray for
                                                                               you! As we continue to receive prayer
                                                                               requests, we want to ensure that our list
                                                                               is the most accurate and up-to-date it can
                                                                               be. Please review the Prayer Requests in
                                                                               the weekly bulletin and notify us of any
                                                                               changes or updates. Please feel free to
                                                                               send any updates to the Office Manager
      Our next host week at Cason is June 9th - 16th
                                                                               Prayer Requests may also be submitted
Thank you to all of the following people who helped with                       through the church website
Family Promise the first week of April: Phil & Faye Young,           
Cajon, Andi Young, Shirelle Azia, Barbara Wooden,
Carol Traylor, Holly Pearson, Carol Cullen, Norm Price,                       Sunday Prayer Request Submission
Doris Braunworth, Kirk & Paula Dorhout, Nancy Reames,                         You can find prayer request forms in the
Sherm & Nancy Casebolt, Steve & Patty Alexander,                              pew pockets printed on blue paper.
Marlene & Dick Weir, Jessica Weir, Donna Nardo,                               As before, complete your request and
Chris Del Mastro & daughter, Jack Tallentire, John Gormley,                   drop it in the offering plate or bring it to
Janice & Stuart Schartz, the Schmidts, Linda & Tony Thompson,                 the Welcome table after worship.
Tracy Harrison & Ed Jansen, Rich Stewart, Andrea Rawls,
Jean Cooke, Rod McKinney and thank you to all those doing                     In an effort to keep the list current, we
laundry for us.                                                               will be publishing requests for one month.
                                                                              If a request needs to stay on the prayer
Our next host week begins June 9th. Sign up sheets will be                    list longer than a month, simply fill out a
available 2 weeks prior.                                                      new request or indicate as such on your
                                                                              original request.
If you have never volunteered and would like to learn more,
visit our website for more information.

 Our remaining June 9th – 16th, September 1st – 8th (tentative) and                     Ushers Needed!
                     November 10th – 17th.
                                                                               What is an Usher? The Usher is a servant
                                                                               position to be honored. Ushers are on the
Cason Outside the Walls                                                        front line of new comers and regulars.
                                                                               Ushers set the tone for those coming to
Making a difference from
                                                                               worship. A church usher is a person who
Veteran’s Park, Delray Beach
                                                                               helps ensure a smoothly running church
                                                                               service and who ministers to people in a
          On Thursdays, Pastor, Sandi, Patti, and Holly, along                 variety of practical ways. The ushers’
          with others from Cason, spend time at Veteran’s Park                 duties include:
          showing love in a practical way, sharing the Gospel;                 Greeting people as they arrive for the
and bringing coffee and a loaf of Ms. Mable’s banana bread.                    service, assisting people with special
If you would like to join them Thursday mornings ministering                   needs, and receiving the offering. If you
to our under-served friends, see one of them or just show up                   would like to know more about being an
around 8:00 a.m. for an hour. If you would like to provide                     usher at Cason or would like to volunteer,
juice or coffee or funds for a light breakfast, please schedule                please see Tom Johnston or Betty Crane
with Pastor or Patti in advance.                                               this Sunday in the Narthex.

                                               Covenant sure doesn't play music from your grandma’s hymnbook.
                                               They’re a violin playing, guitar-strumming, sweet harmony-singing
                                               praise and worship band that leads our Kickstart worship service. The
                                               band formed to back the singers on Youth Sunday and then went on to
                                               lead modern worship for the past 6 years. After numerous requests,
                                               they have recorded their first CD, The Perfect Sacrifice , with the help
                                               of Sound Guru Mike Utter and Cason's AV Specialist Bill Burton. The
                                               CD will be released at Easter and is available for a suggested donation
                                               of $15.00. All money goes to the Kickstart Music fund.
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