Growing Tikkun Olam Temple shines the light on our social justice partners - COVER STORY PP. 8-10 - Temple Emanu-El

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Growing Tikkun Olam Temple shines the light on our social justice partners - COVER STORY PP. 8-10 - Temple Emanu-El
FEBRUARY 2021 | Shvat/Adar 5781 | Vol. 47 No. 5

                      Tikkun Olam
                        Temple shines the light on our social justice partners.
                                            COVER STORY PP. 8-10

                         PURIM                            PASSOVER                ANNUAL FUND
                          P. 11                            P. 12, 16                 SPOTLIGHT
                                                                                          P. 15
Growing Tikkun Olam Temple shines the light on our social justice partners - COVER STORY PP. 8-10 - Temple Emanu-El

In a Year of Distance,
       Seek God’s Closeness
                                 s Purim arrives, we’ve nearly come          As I have inched through the year since Purim 5780, I’ve
                                 full circle. Many of us remember the   come to understand that my own spiritual and psychological well-
                                 joy-filled celebration as we cheered   being suffers when I concede that God is, for now, out of touch.
                        on talented Temple members in the epic          In response, my practice of prayer, reflection and meditation has
                        Elton John Purim spiel last spring. I had a     taken on a new form — that of an active searcher rather than a
                        bittersweet moment recently while I scrolled    passive receiver. For me, it’s the difference between happening to
Rabbi Daniel Utley
                        through the photos on my phone and realized     notice a beautiful tree or flower on a hike and choosing to hike on
that Purim 5780 was the last time we had all gathered normally          the trails that have the best trees and flowers around. Or, for some,
inside of 8500 Hillcrest. Purim is the holiday when we pretend the      it could be the intentional habit of keeping a gratitude journal
world is turned upside down, and ironically, last Purim kicked off a    in order to best take note of all the good you see (the practice of
year that has been inverted beyond all expectations.                    hakarat hatov).
     The commandment to celebrate Purim ad lo yada, with                     God cannot hide from us when we become good seekers just
unbridled silliness, helps us cope as we recall a time of utter         as in the Megillah, Esther cannot be ignored when she stands “in
disruption: Long ago in Persia the terrifying Haman tried               the inner court,” directly facing the king to bring her plea (Esther
to destroy the Jews. Such an evil intent reflects an absolutely         5:1). Learn from Purim — and especially from Esther: when
unbalanced, and even godless world, so to affirm the miracle of         God feels distant, don’t leave it to chance. Go and stand directly
Haman’s defeat, we celebrate until we can no longer discern.            before God — actively seek God’s presence inside ourselves, in our
     While Purim is as ridiculous as it gets (I’ll never turn down      awesome natural world and in the sacred actions of each other.
a good opportunity to dress up!), behind the masks, cheers and
“boos,” we sense an awareness of underlying danger. We know the
truth — that life can easily be turned upside down by people’s
evil actions just as it can by biological misfortune, or even just by
circumstance. Such difficult times challenge our faith, and we may
rightly ask: How can I believe in God when there’s so much loss                    Such difficult times challenge
and brokenness in our world? Why should I keep praying if God
isn’t listening?                                                                our faith, and we may rightly ask:
     The author(s) of the Book of Esther (the Megillah) knew that
people ask these questions in every age. God is not mentioned
                                                                                 How can I believe in God when
even once in this book. Perhaps they benched God from Purim to               there’s so much loss and brokenness
remind us that when we experience God’s [social] distance from
our lives, it’s to be expected. The rabbinic sages, too, grapple with           in our world? Why should I keep
God’s absence in the Megillah as they interpret Esther’s name in
the Talmud. Rav Mattana explains that the name Esther derives
                                                                                   praying if God isn’t listening?
from God’s own prediction in Deuteronomy 31:17, haster astir
panai, that there will come a time when, “I [God] surely will hide
My face.” (Hullin 139) Concealment and deception are certainly
major plot themes in the Megillah and as the Talmudic sages
suggest, evil times in the world may indeed involve God’s distance
or even absence.

2   The Window     | FEBRUARY 2021
Growing Tikkun Olam Temple shines the light on our social justice partners - COVER STORY PP. 8-10 - Temple Emanu-El
Becoming an Antiracist                                       EXPLORING SYSTEMIC RACISM: Derrick Johnson,
                                                             president of the NAACP, calls systemic racism "systems

                                                             and structures that have procedures or processes that
                                                             disadvantage African Americans." Wikipedia defines
                                                             the term as “the formalization of a set of institutional,
                                                             historical, cultural and interpersonal practices within a
Temple Emanu-El continues its work in eliminating racism     society that more often than not puts one social or ethnic
and promoting awareness and education throughout our         group in a better position to succeed, and at the same
congregation, our city and our world. We are sharing terms   time disadvantages other groups in a consistent and
studied in our Facing Our Truths small groups, as well as    constant manner that disparities develop between the
framing questions for the topics.                            groups over a period of time.”

                                                             To learn more: Temple’s Facing Our Truths small groups

                                                             are delving into the work with a starter pack of resources
                                                             to enhance our understanding of racism. We will be
                                                             sharing them on our website. You may also want to get

 AND BEYOND                                   CHANGE
                                                             started with the documentary “13th,” about the history of
                                                             race and the criminal justice system, on Netflix.

                                                             Questions for consideration:
                                                             1. What systems or structures have you been a part of
                                                                 that might be contributing to systemic racism?

                                    ACTION                   2. What are ways you have benefited from the color
  RACISM                                                         of your skin in your life (e.g. schools attended,
                                                                 neighborhoods you’ve lived in?)
                                                             For more information, contact Alexandra Horn,

February contents
                                                                                         Clergy Message
                                                                                         Our Community
                                                                                         Temple Cares
                                                                                         Shabbat Services             5
Congregation                                                                             A Blessing for B'nai Mitzvah 5

                                11                                                       Temple Book Club             5

                                                                                         Goin' to the Chuppah
                                                                                         Rabbi Zimmerman Class
                                                                                         Chocolate Fix with WRJ
                                                                                         Yoga Emanu-El               12
for all Seasons
                                                                                         Contributions               13
                                                                                         Temple Annual Fund          15

Psalms for
                                                                                         Back Cover: Passover

a Pandemic

                                                                                            FEBRUARY 2021 |   The Window   3
Growing Tikkun Olam Temple shines the light on our social justice partners - COVER STORY PP. 8-10 - Temple Emanu-El

                                                             OUR COMMUNITY
BECOMING B’NAI MITZVAH                                                         CONVERSION                               WEDDINGS                                NEW & RETURNING
                                                                               Meredith Deitelbaum
                                                                               Juan Carlos Martin
                                                                                                                        Lauren Englander and Ryan
                                                                                                                                                                Jerry and Suzi Candy

                                                                               IN MEMORIAM
Jonah Kaufman | Feb. 6                Chloe Weiner, Feb. 13
Son of Anissa and Richard Kaufman     Daughter of Lauran Weiner and            Roger Asch                                  Beverly Epstein                               Evelyn Muntz
Murphy Middle School                  Steven Weiner                            Husband of Donna Asch                       Mother of Mark Epstein, Bruce Epstein,        Mother of David Muntz
Tikkun Olam: North Texas Food         Shelton School                           Father of James Asch, Toni Lacerte and      Janice Leventhal and Linda Biderman           Martin Price
Bank meal assembly; Boy Scouts        Tikkun Olam: VNA Meals on                Lee Ann Harris                              Sister of Lois Asher
                                                                                                                                                                         Hector Rangel Rodriguez
of America Flags for Vets             Wheels for Pets                          Ramon Burstyn                               Eleanor Fafel                                 Brother of Sonia Gould
                                                                               Father of Pearce Burstyn                    Sister of Barbara DuBois
                                                                                                                                                                         Maurice Rose
                                                                               Sybil Carsley                               Joan Geiger                                   Father of Gail Soliz
                                                                               Mother of Barbara Solomon                   Mother of Beverly Bonnheim, Susan
                                                                                                                                                                         David Rosenberg
                                                                               Marty Coben                                 Murray, Steven Geiger and Mindy
                                                                                                                                                                         Husband of Susan Soll
                                                                               Husband of Beverly Coben                    Humphrey
                                                                                                                                                                         Father of Michelle Levy, Lisa James and
                                                                               Father of Debbie Coben Dreyfuss, Steve      Marhsall Lustig                               Alan Rosenberg
                                                                               Coben and Chad Coben                        Wife of Mary Ann Lustig                       Brother of Barbara Rudoff
                                                                               Brother of Nancy Hoober                     Martin Matyas
Jack Louis Levy | Feb. 6              Alex Meyer | Feb. 20                                                                                                               Samuil Shusterman
                                                                               Stefani Eisenstat                           Husband of Sherrie Matyas                     Wife of Rivvera Shusterman
Son of Allison and Alan Levy          Son of Adriana Meyer and Saul Meyer      Wife of Gary Eisenstat                      Father of Dr. Michael Matyas and David
St. Mark’s School of Texas            Greenhill School                                                                                                                   Linda Steinberg
                                                                               Mother of Lauren Eisenstat and Kara         Matyas
Tikkun Olam: Hope Supply Co.          Tikkun Olam: Building stoves for rural                                                                                             Mother of Ilana Steinberg
                                                                               Eisenstat                                   Paul McIntosh
                                      communities in Guatemala                                                                                                           Sister of Robert Goidel
                                                                               Daughter of Bud and Rena Silverberg         Husband of Ellen McIntosh
                                                                               Sister of Andra Litman and Kaylen                                                         Victor “Vic” Trubitt
                                                                                                                           Father of Simcha McIntosh and James
                                                                               Silverberg                                                                                Father of Richard Trubitt
                                                                                                                                                                         Brother of Barbara Sherman and
                                                                               Jerry Ely                                   Brother of Kathleen McIntosh, Kerry
                                                                                                                                                                         Sue Gilford
                                                                               Father of Richard Ely and Robert Ely        Thompson, Kevin McIntosh and
                                                                               Brother of Marilyn Lieberman                Sheila McIntosh                               Jim Walter
                                                                                                                                                                         Father of Jacob Walter
                                                                                                                                                                         Harold “Sonny” Zweig
Charlotte Juliette Rosuck | Feb. 13                                                                                                                                      Father of Brian Zweig
Daughter of Stephanie and             Sadie Spett | Feb. 27
Scott Rosuck                          Daughter of Stephanie Spett and
Sudie L. Williams TAG Academy         Eric Spett
Tikkun Olam: Family Gateway
                                                                                                                             Temple Cares
                                      Parkhill Junior High School
                                      Tikkun Olam: Jewish Family Service

ADULT B’NAI MITZVAH                                                            GRIEF SUPPORT                                                      LET US KNOW
                                                                               Tuesdays, Feb. 9 and 23, 11:30am-1pm, via Zoom                     Temple clergy and staff are available to support
                                                                               Contact Meredith Pryzant at for              members of our community dealing with mental and
                                                                               more information about group and/or Zoom link.                     physical health issues. Please reach out to us if you or
                                                                                                                                                  a friend or family member is dealing with COVID-19,
                                                                               PANDEMIC ONGOING SUPPORT                                           depression, addiction, grief, cancer, chronic conditions,
                                                                               We are grateful that Jewish Family Service provides                infertility, mobility issues, housing transition, job loss or
Lottye Brodsky | Dec. 17                                                       ongoing opportunities for group support about the                  other conditions.
Whitney Strauss | Jan. 7
                                                                               pandemic. See
                                                                               health-resources for specific information about the                NO BARRIERS
                                                                               groups.                                                            Finances should never be a barrier to participation in
                                                                                                                                                  Temple life. Confidential financial assistance is available
                                                                               DIVORCE SUPPORT                                                    for most Temple events, tuition and dues.
BABY NAMINGS                                                                   Temple is gauging interest in a support group for
                                                                               congregants who have recently experienced divorce.
Lily Asen                             Hannah Goodman                           Let us know if this would be helpful to you.
Daughter of our members Elizabeth     Daughter of Lauren and
and Josh Asen                         Jeff Goodman
Frida Estelle Cohn                    Judah Daniel New
Daughter of Massiel and               Son of Lauren and Seth New
Seth Cohn                             Benjamin Levi Utley                          To join our community in caring or let us know if you are in need of help, please contact Meredith Pryzant,
Preston Levi Estrada                  Son of Rabbi Daniel and                                  Director of Member Support, at or 214.706.0000 ext. 122.
Son of Danelle and Mario Estrada      Rachel Utley

4   The Window              | FEBRUARY 2021
Growing Tikkun Olam Temple shines the light on our social justice partners - COVER STORY PP. 8-10 - Temple Emanu-El

     All services are online; access links will be given in the congregational email the Thursday prior to the service.

                                    
                                                                         
                                                                                                                        
  Yitro                                 Mishpatim                                      T’rumah                              T’tzaveh
  Exodus 18:1-20:23                     Exodus 21:1−24:18                              Exodus 25:1−27:19                    Exodus 27:20−30:10

  Friday, February 5                    Friday, February 12                            Friday, February 19                  Friday, February 26
  6pm                                   6pm                                            6:15pm                               6pm
  3-6 Shabbat                           Tot Shabbat                                    Rabbi Debra Robbins                  Sababa
  Rabbi Amy Ross                        Rabbi Amy Ross                                 Rabbi Daniel Utley                   Rabbi Amy Ross
  Ian Simpson, Songleader               Shelly Sender                                  Cantor Leslie Niren                  Ian Simpson, Songleader
                                        Ian Simpson, Songleaderr
  6:15pm                                                                               Saturday, February 20                6:15pm
  Rabbi Debra Robbins                   6:15pm                                         10:30am                              Purim
  Rabbi David Stern                     Rabbi David Stern                              Rabbi David Stern                    Rabbi David Stern
  Cantor Vicky Glikin                   Rabbi Kimberly Herzog Cohen                    Cantor Vicky Glikin                  Rabbi Kimberly Herzog Cohen
                                        Cantor Leslie Niren                                                                 Cantor Vicky Glikin
  Saturday, February 6
  10:30am                               Saturday, February 13                                                               Saturday, February 27
  Rabbi Kimberly Herzog Cohen           10:30am                                                                             10:30am
  Randy Pearlman, Cantorial Soloist     Rabbi Debra Robbins                                                                 Rabbi Daniel Utley
                                        Hallie Weiner, Cantorial Intern                                                     Cantor Leslie Niren

A Blessing
for the                                                                                                      Temple Book Club
B’nai Mitzvah                                                                                                The Temple Book Club meets virtually on the
                                                                                                             first Monday of the month at 2pm. To sign up

Journey                                                                                                      and receive Zoom links, contact Anjelica Ruiz

                                                                                                                         February 1: “The Atomic City
On Feb. 19, the congregation is invited to
                                                                                                                         Girls,” by Janet Beard
share in a meaningful step in the journey
with students from August 2021 to August 2022                     Regan, Sandler and Patrick Fitzgerald
who are preparing for b’nai mitzvah.

In advance of the service, parents will either
                                                                                                                         April 5: “Strangers and Cousins,”
                                                                                                                         by Leah Hager Cohen
write or select a reading to place on the cover
of the siddur, or prayer book, that their
children will use in the process of preparing
for their b’nai mitzvah ceremonies.
                                                                                                                         June 7: “Rachel’s Legacy,”
During the candle lighting at the Feb. 19                                                                                by Julie Thomas
service, families will receive a special blessing
as parents present the siddur to their children.
We invite all to share in the joy of these families
during this special moment on their paths to
b’nai mitzvah.                                                    Chloe and Lauran Weiner

                                                                                                                           FEBRUARY 2021 |    The Window     5
Growing Tikkun Olam Temple shines the light on our social justice partners - COVER STORY PP. 8-10 - Temple Emanu-El

    for all
This month we celebrate Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion month.                      ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT
At Temple, making people with physical and cognitive disabilities welcome and valued is a priority
for all times of the year. We share some best practices from Youth Learning + Engagement for               Temple Emanu-El is
treating all members of our community with love and sensitivity.                                           committed to ensuring
                                                                                                           accessibility for individuals

        Avoid labels: Use “people first” language when speaking or writing about someone with              with disabilities. We are
        a disability. Instead of saying someone is “disabled,” try saying “person with a disability.”      actively working to add
        Instead of calling someone “wheelchair bound,” try saying “uses a wheelchair.” This                more accommodations
language emphasizes the person, not the disability. While this is the model we use at Temple, it           and supports to improve
is important to note that some individuals do not prefer this language, so when addressing an              engagement for all Temple
individual directly, it is most inclusive to ask.                                                          members. If you or a loved
                                                                                                           one could benefit from

        Talk directly to the person: Sometimes we might find ourselves talking to a caregiver or           enhanced attention in this
        family member instead of to the individual directly. Always address the individual, even if        area, please contact us at
        he or she cannot respond verbally.                                                       

3        Don’t force the help:“ It is kind and thoughtful to help someone with a disability if it
         appears they need it. However, in most cases it’s best to ask first. Sometimes what appears to
         one person as needing help may appear to another as a healthy challenge. Try to make it a
habit to ask and then wait for a response before jumping in to help.

        Think inside the screen: Here are some quick accommodations to make your online
        content more accessible to those with disabilities: include correct closed captions on videos,
        add alt text to all photos and use the “check accessibility” feature on your word processor.
You can also add this on Google Chrome, Safari and Microsoft Edge as an extension. If you need
help, contact

        Lead and share: If you have a disability and/or training about disabilities, be a leader in
        your community by sharing your knowledge with others. Education is key to creating aware
        and accepting communities.

                                                                                                          The Lomdim program at Temple, part of Youth
 Don’t miss “What Makes Me Tic: Comedy Disability and the Inclusive Community,” with Pamela               Learning + Engagement, is a longstanding
 Schuller on Feb. 20 at 7pm on Zoom. Details on p. 11.                                                    leader in inclusion.

6   The Window     | FEBRUARY 2021
Growing Tikkun Olam Temple shines the light on our social justice partners - COVER STORY PP. 8-10 - Temple Emanu-El

                                                                            FOR COUPLES


     Psalms for a                                         Goin’ to the Chuppah is Temple’s class for engaged and
                                                          newly married couples in their 20s and 30s. Couples learn

                                                          about building a Jewish home and form relationships with
                                                          others in the same stage of life. The class will be held on four
                                                          consecutive Wednesdays beginning Feb. 17, all at 7:30pm

                                                          on Zoom. Register at

                                                          This is a great way to meet other couples who are in a similar
                                                          life stage as you. Chuppah is open to any couple who is
                                                          interested in creating a Jewish home. Jewish, interfaith, LGBTQ
             Thursdays in February                        — all are welcome! This class is required for those being
               9-9:45am on Zoom                           married by Temple Emanu-El clergy. We strongly encourage
                                                          couples to attend at least three of the four sessions to form
  As we enter the 11th month of living in a pandemic,     relationships with the other participants.
    the words of Psalms continue to offer us ancient
   words to confront the modern-day challenges that       Contact: Alexandra Horn, to sign-up!
            come with loss and loneliness.

      In February we also begin the month of Adar,
   with its tone of hope and joy and the Psalms offer
  us a taste of that promise as well. Join us weekly or                        A New Class with
  drop in when you can to continue the work started
    in January with our exploration of Psalms. Each
                                                                               Rabbi Zimmerman
     Thursday morning from 9-9:45am Rabbi Debra
                                                                               Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman will teach
    Robbins will open a different psalm with varied
                                                                               a class on five consecutive Tuesdays
     translations, music, heart opening questions, a
                                                                               beginning February 2 on the book, “A
   writing practice, shared silence and small group
                                                                               Touch of the Sacred: A Theologian’s
   conversation. We want to see your faces; please
                                                                               Informal Guide to Jewish Belief.”
       turn those video cameras on so that we can
               all be together in community.
                                                          The book is a theological memoir, a collection of powerful,
                                                          soul-strengthening musings from Dr. Eugene Borowitz, the
         February 4: Psalm 81 for Thursdays               leading theologian of liberal Judaism. In it, Borowitz explores
  February 11: Psalm 104:31-35 for a New Month            such themes as Seeking the Sacred One, Doing Holy Deeds,
                                                          Creating Sacred Community, Reading Sacred Texts, Thinking
    February 18: Psalm 16 for Feeling [some] Joy
                                                          about Holiness, Learning from Holy Thinkers and much more.
          February 25: Psalm 124 for Purim
                                                          Classes will take place on February 2, 9, 16, 23 and March 2 at
  Watch The Weekly email for Zoom links. Questions?       12pm on Zoom. Please purchase the book in advance of class
    Contact Rachel Tucker at        on Amazon or at Barnes and Noble. Thanks to an anonymous
             For more informations visit:                 donor we have a few complimentary copies available. To        receive your copy or for questions, contact Rachel Tucker,


                                                                                           FEBRUARY 2021 |   The Window      7
Growing Tikkun Olam Temple shines the light on our social justice partners - COVER STORY PP. 8-10 - Temple Emanu-El
Hannah and Ava Blum                       Supplies for Family Gateway during the Hanukkah drive   Brotherhood President Ivan Edelman delivers a check to
                                                                                                  North Texas Food Bank.

                                                                                                          hen the pandemic closed our doors,

Loving Our
                                                                                                          we opened our hearts even bigger.
                                                                                                          We embraced sun and soil and put in
                                                                                                  sweat equity to grow vegetables for our Vickery
                                                                                                  Meadow neighbors. We stepped away from our
                                                                                                  screens to bake holiday cookies for our friends
                                                                                                  at Family Gateway; we purchased coats to keep
                                                                                                  schoolchildren warm and assembled thank-you
                                                                                                  gifts for their teachers. We ordered supplies

                                                                                                  to help make families’ lives a little more
                                                                                                  comfortable. We diverted money from our
                                                                                                  monthly mitzvah cooking to support a variety of
                                                                                                  organizations involved in eliminating hunger.

                                                                                                  Not only did we shine the light brighter for
                                                                                                  those around us, but also touched some
                                                                                                  wellsprings in ourselves. We turned isolation,
                                                                                                  worry and fear into tikkun olam, into healing a
                                                                                                  broken world by shining light into the darkness.

                                                                                                  Rabbi Debra Robbins turned to the words of
                                                                                                  the Babylonian Talmud to describe Temple’s
                                                                                                  deep connection to this work.

                                                                                                  "The rabbis teach, if something is hurting you
                      V’ahavta l’rei-a-cha kamocha ani Adonai                                     (a knee, your neck) go out and do a mitzvah.
                                                                                                  The response to our own suffering is to care
                                                                                                  for others. This guides our congregation too.
        You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am Adonai.                                    despite the grief, the distance, despite the many
                                                                                                  hardships we face, we have reached out into
                                    Leviticus 19:18                                               our community. We feel the pain together and
                                                                                                  we respond together bring healing and hope
                                                                                                  outside our walls and beyond our campus.”

                                                               Be the Light
           Temple invites everyone in our community to get involved with our social justice partners.
           Let’s keep shining that light brighter! For more information about available opportunities,
                                   contact Debbie Fuqua,

8   The Window        | FEBRUARY 2021
Growing Tikkun Olam Temple shines the light on our social justice partners - COVER STORY PP. 8-10 - Temple Emanu-El
Delivering Winter Warmth:
Jill Stone Elementary School
Temple received word in November from our
friends in the Vickery Meadow community that
30 children at Jill Stone Elementary School
did not have coats. At the direction of the
Social Justice Council, funds were provided to
buy the children new coats in all sizes. They
were delivered to the school’s new principal, a
grateful Selena Deboskie.

The mitzvah then multiplied. Women of
Reform Judaism organized teacher gifts of
various teas, honey, biscotti and other items
that they use every day. Gluten-free treats were
also included so that everyone could enjoy the

“It was a real joy to give back to teachers who
have had to manage an unprecedented school
year,” said Rachel Newburn, co-president of
WRJ and happy deliverer of the gifts.

                                                                   Rachel Newburn of WRJ with Jill Stone Elementary School Principal Selena Deboskie.

                                                                                        Supply and Cookie Drive for
                                                                                        for Family Gateway
                                                                                        In December, more than half our Temple families donated
                                                                                        2,500 items to give to families experiencing homelessness.
                                                                                        The supplies included snack bags, laundry pods, sanitation
                                                                                        kits and Amazon Wishlist items to Family Gateway, our partner
                                                                                        agency that provides stability and support services to those
                                                                                        experiencing homelessness.

                                                                                        This also included delivery of 228 dozen cookies baked by our
                                                                                        members for a project spearheaded by WRJ.

                                                                                        “The supply drive for Family Gateway organized by Temple
 Kristen Davis, Courtney Johnson, Peyton Johnson, Maddie Johnson, Emma Johnson          Emanu-El will help children experiencing homelessness and
                                                                                        their families as they regain stability and self-sufficiency,” said
“Making this project especially meaningful was, not only                               Kathy Kidwell, Director of Community Engagement at Family
  knowing that our efforts benefitted some of Dallas’ most                              Gateway. “Snacks, laundry detergent pods, and hygiene items
  in-need families, but also that this project was led by two                           are needed daily. These donations provide comfort and hope
                                                                                        for families when they first move in to shelter and get back on
  mother-daughter teams. What a wonderful example of
                                                                                        their feet. This important work would not be possible without
  multiple generations of women helping the community.”                                 partners like Temple Emanu-El. From the bottom of our hearts,
  —Rachel Newburn, co-president WRJ                                                     thank you!”

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Mitzvah Meals Reimagined
by Brotherhood
Every year for many years, a stalwart group of
Brotherhood chefs has met in predawn hours
one Sunday a month to cook a month’s worth
of meals for local organizations. This year, with
Temple closed, Brotherhood instead allocated
funds reserved for those meals to go directly as
cash donations to the agencies to help combat
the effects of COVID-19.

The agencies that received funds were Bryan’s
House, CHAI Dallas, Jewish Family Service,
Jonathan’s Place, North Dallas Shared
Ministries and North Texas Food Bank.

“The Board took this action to allocate these
funds based upon the fact that Judaism gives
us all a vital set of values, a deep sense of
community and a powerful pride that comes
with being part of an extraordinary and
ancient people,” said Brotherhood President
Ivan Edelman.

                                                    Ivan Edelman delivers a check from Brotherhood to Jonathan's Place..

                                                                                                The Nourishing Garden:
                                                                                                Stocking the Food Pantry
                                                                                                Gardeners of Temple’s Jill Stone Community
                                                                                                Garden harvested 269 pounds to send to the
                                                                                                Vickery Meadow Food Pantry in December.
                                                                                                This took the garden to its latest of many
                                                                                                milestones: 5,062 pounds for all of 2020.

                                                                                                The organic produce helped support the
                                                                                                efforts of the food pantry, which served 9,425
                                                                                                families in 2020, more than double from 2019.
                                                                                                Each person received 13.5 pounds of food per
                                                                                                visit in 2020 compared to 8.0 pounds of food
                                                                                                per visit in 2019.

                                                                                                Interested in helping out in the garden?
                                                                                                Contact Kay

10   The Window     | FEBRUARY 2021
Something’s shakin’ in Shushan! Drop in on Esther,
Mordechai, the king and Haman for plenty of
pandemonium to celebrate this seriously silly holiday.

Purim Prep with                                 Purim Spiel
Pamela Schuller                                 ”Pandemic in Persia“
Saturday, Feb. 20, 7pm on Zoom                  Thursday, Feb. 25, 7pm
Laugh your way into Purim with Pamela,          The spiel goes online with a tour-de-force
whose insight as a teen with Tourette           performance by our clergy and executive
Syndrome will give you a glimpse of life        director. Grab your groggers and make
for those with disabilities. Appropriate        some noise. (Mac ‘n’cheese boxes work
for teens and adults.                           great; shake ‘em and take ‘em to Temple
RSVP:        after Purim help feed the hungry.)
YL+E Live: Special
Purim Edition!                                 Caravan Carnival
Sunday, Feb. 21, 9:30am
                                               Sunday, Feb. 28, 3-6pm, parking lot
Get your costumes ready and tune in
                                               Put on your Purim costume and mask and
to think about the masks you wear and
                                               play carnival games, get a goody bag
learn some of Purim’s little known facts.
                                               and see the story of Purim unfold before
Watch on Facebook or TE Live.
                                               you, all from the comfort of your car.
                                               Focused on families with children up to
                                               fourth grade, and open to all.

 Volunteer Opportunity to Create Purim Baskets
 Mishloach manot, or Purim baskets, are traditional gifts of food and other treats to give
 to friends and loved ones during Purim. Middle and high school students and their
 families are invited to participate in the practice of preparing Purim baskets for older
 adults in our community. Sign up by contacting Debbie Fuqua,

 In the coming weeks, we’ll be compiling ideas for you to create your own baskets.
 Know someone artsy? A tech whiz, an insatiable learner or fitness fanatic? You’ll
 get inspired, we promise! Send your ideas to Erika Purdy-Patrick at the address below.

          For further information and questions, contact Erika Purdy-Patrick,

                                                       FEBRUARY 2021 |   The Window     11

                               Women on the Chocolate Trail
                               Rabbi Deborah Prinz, author of the book “On the Chocolate Trail,” will combine the enjoyment of
                               chocolate with an exploration of women’s roles in the ancient Jewish trade and marketing of chocolate.
                               The event, sponsored by WRJ, will be held at 7pm on Feb. 9 on Zoom.

                               Rabbi Prinz’s book, published in 2017, examines the role of religion in the chocolate trade since it
                               was first introduced in Europe. It is also the subject of a traveling museum exhibit. Rabbi Prinz also
                               co-authored another book, “The Boston Chocolate Party,” coming in October.

                               So get comfortable with a mug of Mexican hot chocolate from her book and settle in to hear Rabbi
                               Prinz’s fascinating tale of everyone’s favorite flavor.

                               Register for Zoom link: Info:
                               Get the Mexican hot chocolate recipe here:

               Creating Your Passover Journey                                                    Yoga Through a Jewish Lens
Passover begins on Saturday, March 27, and Temple will be with you every step
                                                                                                  Join certified yoga instructor
of the way to prepare for your home celebration. Watch for your own Creating                   Debbi K. Levy for this weekly online
Passover at Home mailing in March.                                                                 live session on Facebook.

Remember the fun and community of assembling the Creating Your Sanctuary
kits? Volunteers are needed, once again, to help, this time with a special letter-
                                                                                             Tuesdays at 4pm | Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23
writing project that will take place in early March. Are you looking for a way to          Contact: Rachel Tucker,
spend your time productively? This project is for you! It’s a great way to see friends
safely at Temple and to help write letters (and address and stuff envelopes) to
everyone in our community.

To our students: Your volunteer hours count as community service!

Watch for details in the coming weeks. In the meantime, get those writing hands
and open hearts ready!

For information, contact: Alexandra Horn,

12   The Window     | FEBRUARY 2021

                                                     GIFTS OF MEMORY, HONOR AND GRATITUDE
                                                                               Tributes for Sustaining Temple
OUR                                            Memory of Martin Coben                By Jacqueline & Byron Sandfield                 Memory of Martin Coben                          RABBI GERALD J. KLEIN
                                               By Ellen Presby & Tom Mills           Bat Mitzvah of Lottye Lyle                      By Connie Rudick
CONGREGATION                                   By Karen & Jim Reisman                By Frieda & Bob Hudspeth                        Memory of Stefani Eisenstat
                                                                                                                                                                                     GARDEN FUND
                                                                                                                                                                                     Maintenance of the Klein Garden
                                               By Debbie & David Sheinfeld                                                           By Connie Rudick
DORA ARONSON HELPING                                                                 Birth of Simone Ellenbogen                                                                      Memory of Alvin Golman
                                               Memory of Stefani Eisenstat           By Marcia Grossfeld                             Memory of Lois Jean Kalin Goldberg
HANDS FUND                                     By Rosie Stromberg
                                                                                                                                                                                     By Joanne & Steve Levy
Distributions by Rabbi David Stern to                                                Birth of Benjamin Utley                         By Rita Sue & Alan Gold                         Appreciation of Rabbi Kimberly Herzog
individuals in need of financial assistance,   Memory of Hortense Friedman           By Debbie & Marc Andres                         Memory of Sara S. Goldman                       Cohen
particularly in dire situations                By Natalie Friedman                   By Marilyn, Brad & Abby Golman                  By Beverly & Joe Goldman                        By Catherine & Charlie Rose
Memory of Dora Aronson                         Memory of Alvin Golman                By Joyce & Joe Rosenfield                       Memory of Alvin Golman                          Naming of Paxton Rose
By Artyce Colen                                By Sylvia & Malcolm Cohen             By Rosie Stromberg                              By Rita Sue & Alan Gold                         By Catherine & Charlie Rose
By Irma Grossman                               By Marilyn, Brad & Abby Golman        By Fran, Jeff, Mollie & Dani Toubin             By Joy & Ron Mankoff
Memory of Beverly Blumenthal                   Memory of Stanley Kaye                Birthday of Buddy Rosenthal                     Memory of Nathan Melnick                        ALEX F. WEISBERG LIBRARY FUND
By Marianne Morris                             By The Lyles Family                   By Gary Kahn                                    By Lester Melnick                               Purchases of Judaic books, publications and
Memory of Karen Blumenthal                     Memory of Phoebe Kerness              Honor of Rabbi Kimberly Herzog Cohen            Memory of Alvin D. Plaskoff                     entertainment media
By Marianne Morris                             By Dr. Mel & Jody Platt               By Debbi Levy & Barry Rothschild                By Melissa & Bart Plaskoff                      Memory of Royal Brin
Memory of Riva Bursten                         Memory of Arnold Klein                                                                Memory of Barbara Rabin                         By Arlene Leibs
By Susie & Joel Litman                         By Adrienne & Tom Rosen               ANNE AND SAM KESNER CARING                      By Paula Asinof
By Hillary & Clay Freed                        Memory of Beverly Lande               CONGREGATION FUND                               By Marlene Fischer                              GENERAL
By Carly & Scott Goldman                       By Suellen Rothschild                 Assistance for Temple members through           By Robert H. Maier
Memory of Sybil Carsley                        Memory of Charlotte Lee               all phases of life including hospitalization,   By Connie Rudick                                TEMPLE EMANU-EL GENERAL
By Carol & Mark Wigder                         By Diane & David Birk                 elder care, military service, mental health     By Barbara & Richard Toranto                    OPERATING FUND
Memory of Adele Colen                          Memory of Meyer “Mike” Levine         challenges and grief                            Memory of Erich Rosenbaum                       Support of Temple’s general programs
By Artyce Colen                                By Betty Jo & David Bell              Memory of Sybil Carsley                         By Helaine Trachtenberg                         and events
Memory of Stefani Eisenstat                    Memory of Paul McIntosh               By Betty Jo & David Bell                        Memory of Janet L. Barmak Snyder                Memory of Martin Coben
By Julie & David Kronick                       By Mackie & Alan Kazdoy               Memory of Lowell M. Dryzer                      By Helaine Trachtenberg                         By Debbie & Marc Andres
By Robin & Eddie Stone                         By Richard & Sherilee Trubitt         By Ruth Dryzer                                  Memory of Lois W. Toub                          By Saralynn Busch & Andrew Fenves
By Carol & Mark Wigder                                                               Memory of Stefani Eisenstat                     By Beverly & Joe Goldman                        By Sherri & Alan Darver
                                               Memory of Sherry Rothschild Padilla
                                                                                     By Marian & Ito Perl                                                                            By Cheryl & Paul Gardner
Memory of Alvin Golman                         By Debbi Levy & Barry Rothschild                                                      Memory of Hortense G. Weil
                                                                                     By Nancy Ungerman                                                                               By Jackie & Steve Waldman
By Marianne Morris                             Memory of Barbara Rabin                                                               By Beverly & Joe Goldman
                                                                                     Memory of Beverly Epstein                                                                       Memory of Stefani Eisenstat
Memory of Irwin Grossman                       By Rayna & Michael Loeb                                                               Memory of Anina Weinreb
                                                                                     By Bonnie & Michael Grossfeld                                                                   By Saralynn Busch & Andrew Fenves
By Irma Grossman                               By Bette & Gary Morchower                                                             By Rita Sue & Alan Gold                         By Kim & Jeff Chapman
Memory of Marie Grossman                       By Barbara Rose                       Memory of Eleanor Fafel                         As a Contribution                               By The Dorf Family
By Irma Grossman                               By Joyce & Joe Rosenfield             By Ann & Alan Bogdanow                          By Jay Beck                                     By Liz, Hilton & Pier Goldreich
                                               By Rosie Stromberg                    Memory of Joan Geiger
Memory of Morris Grossman                                                                                                                                                            By Jane Rose
By Irma Grossman                               Memory of Marlene Rapport             By Susan & Allyn Kramer                         TEMPLE EMANU-EL CEMETERY                        By Judy & Jack Schecter
                                               By Suellen Rothschild & John Miller   By Marian & Ito Perl
Memory of Stanley H. Litman                                                                                                          ENDOWMENT FUND                                  Memory of Beverly Epstein
By Susie & Joel Litman & Family                Memory of Janet L. Barmak Snyder      Memory of Tillie Labovitz                       Distribution from the Temple’s foundation       By Judi & Randy Ratner
                                               By Debbie & Marc Andres               By Joan & Jerry Skibell
Memory of Guy Manaster                                                                                                               supporting the maintenance and                  Memory of Eleanor Fafel
                                               By Betty Jo & David Bell              Memory of Beverly Lande                         improvement of the cemetery grounds
By Jane Manaster                                                                                                                                                                     By Macki & Paul Ellenbogen
                                               By Fran, Jeff, Mollie & Dani Toubin   By Irene & Buddy Raden
Memory of Sherry Rothschild Padilla                                                                                                  Memory of David Albert                          Memory of Joan Geiger
                                               Memory of Gerry Stern                 Memory of Martin Matyas                         By Renee & Buddy Gilbert
By Carol & Mark Wigder                                                                                                                                                               By Saralynn Busch & Andrew Fenves
                                               By Charles Stern                      By Sylvia & Malcolm Cohen
Memory of Barbara Rabin                                                                                                              Memory of Alvin Golman                          By Gayle Johansen
                                               Memory of Peggy Trubitt               Memory of Paul McIntosh                         By Renee & Buddy Gilbert                        By Scott McCartney
By Betty (Bootsie) Golden
                                               By Richard & Sherilee Trubitt         By Anjelica Ruiz                                                                                By Judi & Randy Ratner
By Irma Grossman                                                                                                                     Memory of Harold Krom
By Julie & David Kronick                       Memory of Robert Waldman              Memory of Barbara Rabin                         By Renee & Buddy Gilbert                        By Robin Sachs & Bob Farkas
By Marianne Morris                             By The Family of Robert Waldman       By Susan & Arnie Levy                                                                           Memory of Alvin Golman
By OriAnn Phillips                             Memory of Louette Weiser              By Marcia & Henry Rabinowitz                                                                    By Alison & Michael Weinstein
By Carol & Mark Wigder                         By Estelle & Don Singer
                                                                                                                                     DOROTHY AND HENRY JACOBUS
                                                                                     By Linda & Mike Sheff                                                                           Memory of Jean Steirn Edwin
Memory of Janet L. Barmak Snyder               Appreciation of Cantor Vicky Glikin                                                   ARCHIVES FUND                                   By Wendy & Stephen Lieman
                                                                                     Memory of Richard E. Rosenthal                  Support of special exhibits from our Archives
By Carol & Mark Wigder                         By Sherry & Eli Olinick               By Nancy Rosenthal                                                                              Memory of Doris Katten
Appreciation of Rabbi David Stern              Appreciation of Rabbi Kimberly                                                        Memory of Alvin Goodstein                       By Saralynn Busch & Andrew Fenves
                                                                                     Memory of Harry Wigder                          By Richard Rome
By The Children of Richard Freling             Herzog Cohen                          By Sheryl & Gordon Bogen                                                                        By Kim & Jeff Chapman
Bat Mitzvah of Lottye Lyle                     By Sherry & Eli Olinick               As a Contribution                                                                               Memory of Paul McIntosh
By Hanne Klein                                 By The Family of Robert Waldman       By Susan & Allyn Kramer
                                                                                                                                     RABBI GERALD J. KLEIN MEMORIAL                  By The Schecter Family
                                               By Estelle & Don Singer                                                               CEMETERY FUND
Birthday of Harold Kleinman                                                                                                                                                          Memory of Clarice Meer
By Carla Sherman                               Appreciation of Rabbi Debra Robbins   OUR TEMPLE AND                                  Beautification and improvements of the          By Barry Rosson
                                               By Charles Stern                      CEMETERY                                        Temple Emanu-El Cemetery                        Memory of Julian M. Meer
SUSAN SALOM CLERGY GOOD                        Appreciation of Sue Sherman                                                           Memory of Abe Goldberg                          By Barry Rosson
                                               By Gail & Arnold Rubenfield           ROSE MARION AND LEE H. BERG                     By Julie & Michael Lowenberg
Distributions to charitable organizations,     Appreciation of Rabbi David Stern &   BUILDING FUND                                   Memory of Barbara Rabin
individuals in need or community causes by     Temple's Clergy & Staff               Upkeep and maintenance of our                   By Gail Nusinow, Rhona Streit & Glenda
Temple’s clergy                                By Marcia Grossfeld                   historic building                                  Kaufman
                                               By Joan Sandfield Jackson & Family    Memory of David Albert                          Memory of Anina Weinreb
Memory of Ralph Bubis
By Kim & Avrum Schonwald                       Appreciation of Rabbi Dan Utley       By Becky & Tom Abbott                           By Ethel Zale
                                               By Marilyn, Brad & Abby Golman        By Sherry & Ken Goldberg
                                               As a Contribution                     By Lester Melnick
                                               By Cory Clay                          By Mr. & Mrs. David Shrem

                                                                                                                                                                       FEBRUARY 2021 |          The Window                  13

Memory of Barbara Rabin                     Bat Mitzvah of Peyton Olivia Johnson          Memory of Janet L. Barmak Snyder              Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Brown       PAUL LANDE SUMMER CAMP
By Debbie & Marc Andres                     By Ellen & Jerry Jones                        By Helen Feldman & Family                     By Ruthie & Alan Shor                         SCHOLARSHIP FUND
By Beverly & Malcolm Bonnheim               Birth of Benjamin Utley                       Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. John Allman         Bat Mitzvah of Lottye Lyle                    Scholarships for children to attend Jewish
By Macki & Paul Ellenbogen                  By Nancy W. Marcus                            By Lynn & Bob Behrendt                        By Dr. Mel & Jody Platt                       summer camp
By Beth & Jim Gold
                                                                                          As a Contribution                             Birth of Benjamin Utley                       Memory of Linda Ruth Greenberg
By Mary Grimplin                            ADULT PROGRAMS                                By Dennis & Adrienne Drapkin                  By Dr. Mel & Jody Platt                       By Sherry & Ken Goldberg
By Scott McCartney
By Stephanie & Dan Prescott                 KATHERINE F. BAUM ADULT                       Bat Mitzvah of Peyton Olivia Johnson          Birthday of Allyson Brown                     Memory of Beverly Lande
By Joan Silverstein                                                                       By Ellen & Jerry Jones                        By Ruthie & Alan Shor                         By Debbie & Marc Andres
By Phyllis & Ron Steinhart
                                            EDUCATION FUND                                Bat Mitzvah of Lottye Lyle                    Birthday of Jim Gold                          By Cindy & Jay Anthony
                                            Support for adult education programs
By Julie Stone                                                                            By Lynn & Bob Behrendt                        By Ruthie & Alan Shor                         By Jean & Jim Barrow
By Marilyn & Max Edward Tonkon              Memory of Marshall Lustig                     By Bette & Gary Morchower                                                                   By Linda Biderman
                                                                                                                                        Birthday of Cynthia Hirsch
By Karen & Jim Wiley                        By Rita Kahn                                                                                                                              By Candy & Ike Brown & Family
                                                                                          Birth of Benjamin Utley                       By Ruthie & Alan Shor
Appreciation of Temple Emanu-El Clergy      Memory of Barbara Rabin                       By Helen Feldman & Family                                                                   By Lotty & Peter Casillas
& Staff                                     By Rita Kahn                                                                                                                              By Scynthia & David Donohue
                                                                                          By OriAnn Phillips                            SOCIAL JUSTICE FUND FOR YOUTH                 By Evey & Chip Fagadau
By June Leib                                Bar Mitzvah of Brendan Baum                   Celebration of Lottye Lyle                    EDUCATION
                                            By Suzi & Jack Greenman                                                                                                                   By The Feltman Family
Birth of Benjamin Utley                                                                   By Cindy & Bruce Bernbaum                     Support of worthwhile educational causes      By Jeri & Bill Finkelstein
By Judi & Randy Ratner                      Birthday of Michael Baum                                                                    for youth in need
                                            By Suzi & Jack Greenman                                                                                                                   By Sherry & Ken Goldberg
Birthday of Sandy Diamond                                                                 THE JILL STONE TIKKUN                         Memory of Tommy Christiansen                  By L ynne, Andy & Lauren Greene and Erin
By Debbie & Marc Andres                     By Peggy & David Millheiser
                                                                                          OLAM FUND                                     By Debbie & Winn Fuqua                            & Adam Groom
Marriage of Sophie Barnes & Lawrence                                                      Support of Temple’s social justice programs   Memory of Martin Coben                        By Cathy & Reggie Guettner; Allison &
Kogan                                       LEONARD M. COHEN ADULT                        including initiatives, advocacy, projects     By Bette & Gary Morchower                        Tem Nieto
By Debbie & Marc Andres                     EDUCATION FUND                                and lectures                                  Memory of Joan Geiger                         By Sara & Jim Haynes
Marriage of Elise & Mitchell Plaksen        Support of adult education programs                                                                                                       By Lynn & Bill Hidell
                                                                                          Memory of Royal Brin                          By Karen & Jim Reisman
By Debbie & Marc Andres                     Memory of Anina Weinreb                       By Annette & Jack Corman                                                                    By Patricia & Howard Kraines
Marriage of Sophia Williams & Guy           By Kathy & Morris Palefsky
                                                                                          Memory of Sybil Carsley                       YOUTH AND EARLY                               By Gayle Leitman
                                                                                                                                                                                      By Linda & Stuart Lieberman
Baron                                                                                     By Sally & Rick Rosenberg                     CHILDHOOD                                     By Susan Pizette Mandel
By Debbie & Marc Andres                     HENRY D. SCHLINGER ETHICS                     Memory of Stefani Eisenstat                   EDUCATION                                     By Ann & John McReynolds
                                            SYMPOSIUM ENDOWMENT FUND                      By Karen & Mike Ablon                                                                       By Candy & Ed Meyerson
TEMPLE EMANU-EL                             Support of the ethics symposium               By Stacy & Stuart Simon & Family              WILLIAM P. BUDNER YOUTH                       By The Rabinowitz Family
ENDOWMENT FUND                              Memory of Beverly Epstein                     Memory of Joe Kaufman                         LIBRARY FUND                                  By Sherri & David Romanoff
Distribution from the Temple’s foundation   By Suellen Rothschild & John Miller           By Gail Nusinow                               Purchases of Judaic books and publications    By Lana & Steve Royal
supporting Temple’s programs                As a Contribution                             Memory of Paul McIntosh                       for students                                  By Raina Rubin
Memory of Ralph Bubis                       By Norma Schlinger                            By Paula & Norm Feldman                       Memory of Sidney Dorfman                      By F red Shapiro, Karen Bradshaw &
By Deanne & Ray Termini                                                                                                                 By Roz & Art Kaplan                               Melinda Shapiro
                                            SOCIAL JUSTICE                                Memory of Barbara Rabin                                                                     By Lynne & Brad Stein & Family
Memory of Stefani Eisenstat                                                               By Annette & Jack Corman                                                                    By Barbara & Larry Traub
By Lindsay & Jeffrey Steinberg              HUNGER RELIEF PROJECTS                        Memory of Albert Sheppard                     EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION                     By Marguerite Burtis & Peter Vogel
Memory of Beverly Epstein                   Collection of funds for hunger relief         By Jenene & Mitchell Perry                    CENTER (ECEC) FUND                            Memory of Paul Lande
By Cheryl & Paul Gardner                    throughout the year, especially during High   Memory of Janet L. Barmak Snyder              Support of ECEC programs                      By Sidney Lande
Memory of Barbara Rabin                     Holy Days and Passover                        By Annette & Jack Corman                      Memory of Martin Coben                        Memory of Harlan Pollock
By Sandy & Rabbi Barry Diamond              Memory of David Albert                        Bat Mitzvah of Lottye Lyle                    By Lynn & Jay Staub                           By Scynthia & David Donohue
Bat Mitzvah of Lottye Lyle                  By Joyce & Joe Rosenfield                     By Phyllis & Ron Steinhart                    Memory of Paul McIntosh
By Cheryl Sutterfield-Jones & Ron Jones     Memory of Ruth Blatt                          Birth of Benjamin Utley                       By Wendy & George Palmer                      LOMDIM PROJECT
                                            By Mary Spector & Julius Blatt                By Helaine Trachtenberg                       Memory of Edwin Daniel Staub                  Support of an open and inclusive
MUSIC AND PRAYER                            Memory of Royal Brin                          Celebration of Benjamin Utley                 By Lynn & Jay Staub                           community for YL+E children with
                                            By Kitzi Ball                                 By Annette & Jack Corman                      Memory of Sam Tannebaum                       special needs
MUSIC FUND                                  By Miriam Vernon
Enhancement of Temple music programs                                                      Naming of Benjamin Utley                      By Nita Mae Tannebaum & Family                Memory of Julian Stern
                                            Memory of Sybil Carsley                       By Jane Manaster                              As A Contribution                             By Debbie & David Friedman & Family
Memory of Royal Brin                        By Karen & Jim Reisman
By Nancy W. Marcus                                                                                                                      By Samantha & Jon Bader                       Appreciation of Rabbi Debra Robbins
                                            By Linda & Randy Winski                       PRISCILLA R. STERN MEMORIAL                                                                 By Elizabeth & Josh Asen
Memory of Martin Coben                                                                                                                  Birth of Benjamin Utley
                                            Memory of Joan Geiger
By Michelle & Ricky Rickoff                 By Linda & Randy Winski                       LITERACY FUND                                 By Macki & Paul Ellenbogen
By Rosie Stromberg                                                                        Support of literacy projects in the general   Honor of James Campfield                      MARTIN AND CHARLOTTE WEISS
                                            Memory of Alvin Golman                        and Jewish communities                        By Ashley & Stephen Campfield                 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND
Memory of Shirley Eichenwald                By Helen Feldman
By Harriet Silverman                                                                      Memory of Martin Coben                        Honor of Nancy Morton                         Scholarships for YL+E fees, books and
                                            Memory of Helen Grossfeld                     By Suellen & A. J. Rosmarin                   By James M. & Nancy J. Hoak, The Hoak        additional expenses
Memory of Barbara Rabin                     By Bonnie & Michael Grossfeld
By Tricia Michaelson                                                                      Memory of Stefani Eisenstat                      Foundation                                 Memory of Justin Aurbach
                                            Memory of Harvey D. Kirk                      By Suellen & A. J. Rosmarin                   Honor of Teddy Morton                         By Carol & Robert Hirsh
Memory of Maurice Rose                      By Mary Ann Lustig
By Barbara Thorman                                                                        Memory of Joan Geiger                         By James M. & Nancy J. Hoak, The Hoak        Conversion of Steven Reiter
                                            Memory of Paul McIntosh                       By Marcia Grossfeld                              Foundation                                 By Carol & Robert Hirsh
Memory of Janet L. Barmak Snyder            By Emily Browning & Kevin Udolph
By Joan A. Becker & Robyn Sills                                                           Memory of Louie Kissner
By Sheryl & Gordon Bogen                    Memory of Barbara Rabin                       By Ettie & Melvin H Weinberg                  GINA ROSENFIELD LEVY GREENE                   YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND
By Sylvia & Malcolm Cohen                   By Lynn & Bob Behrendt                                                                                                                    Financial assistance to families for
                                            By Lynne Bogart                               Memory of Barbara Rabin                       FAMILY CAMP SCHOLARSHIP                       participation in youth programs
By Macki & Paul Ellenbogen                                                                By Dr. Mel & Jody Platt
By Nancy W. Marcus                          By Evey & Chip Fagadau                                                                      FUND                                          Memory of Sybil Carsley
                                            By Bonnie & Michael Grossfeld                 By Suellen & A. J. Rosmarin                   Financial assistance to families for Greene
By OriAnn Phillips                                                                        By Ruthie & Alan Shor                                                                       By Sherri & Alan Darver
By Joyce & Joe Rosenfield                   By Leslie & Bob Krakow                                                                      Family Camp
                                            By Irene & Buddy Raden                        Memory of Jules Sachson                       Memory of Martin Coben
By Connie Rudick                                                                          By Dr. & Mrs. R. Sachson
By Stacy & Stuart Simon & Family            By Sally & Rick Rosenberg                                                                   By Margie Glazer
By Rosie Stromberg                          By Debbi Levy & Barry Rothschild              Memory of Milton H. Schonwald                 Memory of Stefani Eisenstat
                                            By Ettie & Melvin H. Weinberg                 By Kim & Avrum Schonwald                      By Margie Glazer
Appreciation of Randy Pearlman & Jon
Schweikhard                                 Memory of Naomi G. Roberts                    Memory of Harry Wigder                        Memory of Herbert P. Weiss
By Dorothy Borschow                         By Jacque & Freddy Roberts                    By Rabbi Gene & Bobbye Levy                   By Phyllis & Phil Stoup

14       The Window               | FEBRUARY 2021

                                    TEMPLE EMANU-EL ANNUAL FUND
Spotlight on
Dr. Zeck Lieberman
The Annual Fund is the highest fundraising priority of Temple.
The funds raised help make Temple the vibrant place that it is,
and provide resources for unwavering help and support for
you and your loved ones. As Temple looks ahead to its 150th
anniversary, we take time to share stories with you of today’s
Annual Fund leaders who are helping to assure a strong
Dr. Zeck Lieberman, 92, retired oncology surgeon, co-chair,
90s & 100s cohort

You “grew up” in a sense with the current
Temple building:
We came to Dallas in 1957; that’s the first thing I did, join the
temple, and I’ve been here ever since.

What are some activities you’ve been involved in
Wise Aging, Yoga Emanu-El

Why does the synagogue matter to you?
The Jewish religion has been a key part of my life. I’m crazy
about the teachings. Rabbi Stern has done an outstanding job
as well as the other rabbis and cantors. They are marvelous
examples of what we stand for. I definitely support everything
that’s going on at Temple and think it’s a wonderful institution.

Why did you say “yes” to supporting the
Annual Fund?                                                                                                      Please join our Temple family in generously supporting
                                                                                                             The Annual Fund, Temple’s most important annual fundraising
It takes a lot of money to run the functions of Temple. Giving to
                                                                                                              initiative. Let’s continue Creating Possibilities Together today.
the Annual Fund allows us to support its activities. People who
are able to give should give, and people who are not able to
give don’t have to give, and they can still be supported.                                                     Contribute today at

WRJ                                            YES FUND OF SISTERHOOD                Memory of Joan Geiger               YOLANDA CLARK FUND
                                               Support of the Youth, Education and   By Miriam Cohen                     Provision of scholarships for immersive
FREDA GAIL STERN FUND                          Service program of Women of Reform    As a Contribution                   Jewish youth learning experiences
Support of social action projects consistent   Judaism                               By Debbi Levy                       As a Contribution
with WRJ’s mission                             Memory of Barbara Rabin                                                   By Sheri Berk
By Debbie Levy                                 By Miriam Cohen                                                           By Debbie Levy
By Wendy Palmer                                By Debbie Levy                                                            By Wendy Palmer
                                               By Rachel Swerdlow

                                                                                                                                                          FEBRUARY 2021 |   The Window   15
                                                                                                                                           Time Sensitive Material

8500 Hillcrest Road | Dallas, Texas 75225

                                  TEMPLE EMANU-EL
           Founded in 1872 | 214.706.0000 | Fax: 214.706.0025 |
                            TEMPLE EMANU-EL CEMETERY
                    Jeff Friedman, Director of Cemetery Operations
            3501 Campbell St. | 214.706.0000, Ext. 240 | Fax: 214.754.8088
            TEMPLE                                 WRJ                              BROTHERHOOD
           PRESIDENT                           PRESIDENTS                             PRESIDENT
                                             Jennifer Hoffman
          Chris Cheniae                                                               Ivan Edelman
                                              Rachel Newburn
  MAIN NUMBER...................................................................... 214.706.0000
  Rabbi David Stern.........................................................................214.706.0015                     Passover Preview
  Rabbi Debra J. Robbins..................................................................214.706.0017
  Rabbi Kimberly Herzog Cohen........................................................214.706.0026
  Rabbi Daniel Utley........................................................................214.706.0026
  Cantor Vicky Glikin........................................................................214.706.0018         Passover begins at sundown on Saturday,
  Cantor Leslie Niren........................................................................214.706.0018
                                                                                                                     March 27. Join us online for a first
  Meredith Fried.......................................................................................Ext. 130    night congregational seder, a warm-up
  DEPARTMENT OF CONGREGATIONAL ADVANCEMENT                                                                        lecture by ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt,
  Sandy Diamond, Senior Director.......................................................... Ext. 198
  DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION & ENGAGEMENT                                                                                  a special Passover mailing to
  Rabbi Amy Ross, Senior Director................................................ 214.706.0020                       each member of Temple, a virtual
  Erica Drogoszewski, Director of Brand Marketing & Communications.............Ext. 136                                 Archives exhibit and more!
  Connie Dufner, Editorial Director.................................................214.706.0000
  Ann Wilson, Graphic Designer..................................................................Ext. 171
  Amy Principe, Digital/Social Media Coordinator......................................Ext. 167

  The Window (USPS #017-824) is published monthly with a combined
  issue in June/July by Temple Emanu-El Congregation, 8500 Hillcrest
  Road, Dallas, TX 75225-4204. Periodicals Postage Paid at Dallas,
  Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Temple Emanu-El
  Window, 8500 Hillcrest Road, Dallas, TX 75225-4204.
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