GVHS Activities and Clubs - 2021-2022 School Year - Great Valley School District

Page created by Yolanda Morales
GVHS Activities and Clubs - 2021-2022 School Year - Great Valley School District
GVHS Activities and
   2021-2022 School Year
GVHS Activities and Clubs - 2021-2022 School Year - Great Valley School District

 Be on the look out for information about meeting times. Please see Mrs. Jamie Mozzone
        in room 152 or email jmozzone@gvsd.org for details. All are welcome!
GVHS Activities and Clubs - 2021-2022 School Year - Great Valley School District
American Sign Language Club
GVHS Activities and Clubs - 2021-2022 School Year - Great Valley School District
Involving students in community service
                          through art!

                          • Volunteer at Arts Night for Kids hosted by
                            our club
                          • Enter art competitions
                          • Host art classes for younger students
                          • Join us on our end-of-the-year field trip to
                            Shriners Hospital

                          Frau Bauer – ybauer@gvsd.org
                          Sahitya Suresh – ssuresh22@student.gvsd.org
                          Nandini Bhatt - nbhatt22@student.gvsd.org
     Join our Remind:     Anya Patel – apatel24@student.gvsd.org
Text @gvac2021 to 81010   Varunavi Raghuraman – vraghuraman23@student.gvsd.org
                          Shravani Chellapilla – schellapilla23@student.gvsd.org
GVHS Activities and Clubs - 2021-2022 School Year - Great Valley School District
Understand the experiences
                                      of various Asian ethnic

• Cultural festivals for Lunar New
                                                           Sahitya Suresh – ssuresh22@student.gvsd.org
  Year, Diwali, Ramadan, Holi, and
                                                           Mr. Venarchik – avenarchik@gvsd.org
• Cultural workshops
• Conducting intersectional activities                     Join our Remind:
  with other student unions                                Text @gvasu2021 to 81010
GVHS Activities and Clubs - 2021-2022 School Year - Great Valley School District
GVHS Activities and Clubs - 2021-2022 School Year - Great Valley School District
GVHS Activities and Clubs - 2021-2022 School Year - Great Valley School District
Fall Play & Spring Musical
 Technical & Performance Theatre
   Trips, Social Gatherings & Workshops

       Student Officer:
         Sadie Jackson
Kit Niesen (kniesen@gvsd.org)
GVHS Activities and Clubs - 2021-2022 School Year - Great Valley School District
                            •   This club consists of members who are passionate
                                about the environment and are interested in what
                                humans can do to promote sustainability, reduce
                                waste, and overall, preserve our planet and climate for
                                future generations.

                            •   We go on hikes, have trash cleanups, spend time
                                outdoors, and present to GV students about recycling
                                and how we can decrease our carbon and ecological
One of our 2020 cleanups!
                            •   Our meetings occur every otherTuesday, timeTBD that
                                week. We use Zoom to host our meetings.
                            •   We have a remind group! Send @kd48fe to 81010 to sign
                                up and receive messages!
                            •   To get in contact with our club leaders, you can DM our
                                club instagram account: @gv.enviro.enthusiasts
                            •   Our Officers:
                            President- Pujitha Masireddy                    Club advisor: Mr. Bradley
                            pmasireddy22@student.gvsd.org                      jbradley@gvsd.org
                            Vice President- Bobby Zimmerman
GVHS Activities and Clubs - 2021-2022 School Year - Great Valley School District
GVHS Envirothon Team
   The Chester County Envirothon is a
    competition that takes place in
    April at Hibernia Park. Teams
    compete for monetary prizes!
   The team competes against the              Our 2021 team was all seniors so
    other Chester County schools in the         we are looking for new members!
    categories of Forestry, Soil and Land       Freshmen have the ability this year
    Use, Aquatics, and Wildlife.                to be on our A team!
   The top team in Chester County will        If you are interested – please
    attend the PA State Envirothon.             contact the Team’s Advisor: Mr.
   The team will meet once a week              Bradley
    starting in Early October after                jbradley@gvsd.org or see him in
    school (or occasionally before                  Room 88 (downstairs, science
    school) in Mr. Bradley’s room to                wing)
    learn and gather resources, meet
    with experts and have fun!                 More information available at
Great Valley Finance Club
• Purpose: To educate Great Valley students about the stock market
  and investing along with introducing them to the corporate finance
• Activities: An intra-club investing competition based around
  strategies, occasional out of school test competitions, and Q & A
  with professionals from the finance world.
• Contact:
    • Mr. Balderson – kbalderson@gvsd.org
    • Jugat Singh- jsingh22@student.gvsd.org
    • Kashyap Nathan- knathan22@student.gvsd.org
    • Instagram: @greatvalleyfinance
    • Remind: Text @gvfin to 81010
Future Business Leaders of America
                Do you want to start your own business, learn about
                computers, study journalism, or even pursue graphic
                     design? Then FBLA at GVHS is for you! 
                Through competitions, programs, and local business
                assistance, our chapter prepares students for a life of
                                business and beyond!

                    Text @gvfbla2022 to 81010 to join the remind!

                You can also reach out to our advisor Mr. Venarchik
                 (avenarchik@gvsd.org) or our President Riya Kinny

               Our officers also include Jugat Singh (Vice President),
                   Ben Dai (Treasurer), Phillip Zhang (Recording
                 Secretary), or Leon Li (Corresponding Secretary)
Great Valley Healthy Hoopers
                                       — a fun way to stay fit! —

              Hooper Duper
               Fun Time!!
             Meet a few happy hoopers!

                  Any questions? Reach out to:
Club President: Mridula Shanker (mshanker22@student.gvsd.org)
          Club Advisor: Mr. Oswald (poswald@gvsd.org)

 Purpose: To encourage a passion for the Spanish language and culture
          To give back to the local and global Hispanic community
 How to Join: All eligible students will receive an invitation to apply in the fall
 Pre-requisites: A- or above after completing Spanish 3 or higher, and at least a 3.2 cumulative GPA

• Past Events: Soccer Tournament, Christmas Gift Boxes, and ESLtutoring
• Contact Information:
    • President: Katrina Verano (kverano22@student.gvsd.org)
    • Vice President: Riya Kinny (rkinny22@student.gvsd.org)
    • Advisor: Señora Berryman (mberryman@gvsd.org)
    • Advisor: Señora Catalano(ecatalano@gvsd.org)
H O S A C L U B - F U T U R E H E A LT H C A R E P R O F E S S I O N A L S
  Mission: The mission of HOSA is to empower HOSA-Future Health Professionals to become leaders in the global health
  community through education, collaboration, and experience.​ HOSA provides a unique program of
  leadership development, skill development, community service​

• Community Service Projects/Fundraisers (Service

• Leadership Conferences

• Competitive Events-State and National: Individual
  tests, Team events, and speaking/skill
  demonstrations (40+)
  -Including: Medical Law, Nutrition, and Biomedical

  Advisor: Alison Morse amorse@gvsd.org
  Student: Divya Kothakapa dkothakapa22@student.gvsd.org
The Interact
                     club                             The Interact Club is a community
Contact Mrs. Crisi at                             service organization affiliated with the
kcrisi@gvsd.org                                    local Rotary, an international service
                                                    organization. Service projects may
Or Zoe Chasinoff at
                                                    include the Giving Tree (to benefit
zchasinoff22@studen                                outreach programs), annual clothing
t.gvsd.org                                             drives, holiday food drives, the
Or check the                                         Pulsera Project, working in a soup
                                                    kitchen, visiting retirement homes,
information area                                     adopting families for the holidays,
outside room 85!                                     Tastykakes for Troops, and many
                                                       seasonal activities. In addition,
  Click here to view a   Click here for a video     students work with our elementary
 summary of our yearly   documenting our past       schools in various school activities
        projects               service! :)         and service projects. The club is open
                                                         to all students in all grades.
Great Valley Math Club

               Join us to participate in math competitions, solve problem sets, and other math
                                             activities after school!
                         Competitions include AMC, Math Madness, PAML, and more.

                                           Contact the Officers:                            Club Advisors:
                                    Allen Sun– bsun22@student.gvsd.org               Mrs. Crabb – kcrabb@gvsd.org
Text @gvmc21 to 81010 to
                                 Justenn Wang – jwang22@student.gvsd.org            Ms. Valliere – kvalliere@gvsd.org
      join our remind!
                                 Phillip Zhang – pzhang22@student.gvsd.org          Ms. Jochym – ejochym@gvsd.org
                                 Nandini Bhatt – nbhatt22@student.gvsd.org
•   Learn about TRIAL LAW
•   Showcase your PUBLIC SPEAKING, ACTING, and
•   Compete in a REAL trial against other high schools in the state!
•   Text @gvmt2022 to 81010 to join the REMIND!
•   Follow us on INSTAGRAM @gvhsmocktrial
•   Any questions? Contact...
     •    Club President Ria Kokkengada
     •    Head Lawyer Lousie Dupont
     •    Head Lawyer Kashyap Nathan
     •    Secretary Elana Pikounis
     •    Club Advisor Mr. Alexander Venarchik
Practice debate and public speaking
        through conferences

      Learn about foreign policy,
international relations, and diplomacy

Gain valuable leadership experience
         and win awards                  •   Mr. Morabito (advisor)
                                         •   Sahitya Suresh
           Join our Remind!              •   Riya Kinny –
     Text @gvmunc2021to 81010            •
                                             Ria Kokkengada –
                                         •   Katy Feddish –

                                      Description: Design, Build, Test, and Compete
                                      in Robotics Competitions both at home and in
                                      neighboring schools. Robotics Club is team
                                      based and highly competitive with local,
                                      state, and world level competitions.

Time Commitment: Build Days 2X
per week 2:30-4PM (days TBD by
vote) Plus multiple competitions on
Satudays from 7AM-4PM or later
Great Valley Rocketry Club                         • Club Description
Model and 3D print                                                                       • The GV Rocketry Club will be participating in the
                                                                                           American Rocketry Challenge, a nationwide
  your designs!                                                                            competition for high school and middle school

                                                                                         • This year’s challenge is to have the rockets achieve
                                           Text @gvroc to 81010 to join the                a height of 835 feet and land back on the ground
                                                                                           between 41 and 44 seconds- while carrying 2
                                           Remind for meeting dates and                    unbroken eggs.

                                           critical updates!                             • For those interested in building something, this club
                                                                                           gives a hands on, fun introduction to the design
                                                                                           process, and will enable students to cultivate the
                                                                                           critical thinking skills to bring their own ideas into
                                                                                           reality in the future.

                                                                                         • Students will be working in teams of between 3 and
                                                                                           5 (tell your friends!!) to achieve this goal, and will
                                                                                           be responsible for designing, simulating, and
                                                                                           manufacturing their rockets.
        Advisor: Mr. Johnson                                                             • Doing well offers many future opportunities- one of
        Email Address:                                                                     which is a summer camp at NASA.

        Questions?                                                                                 Competition Website
                                                                                                   Our Flights and Fails ;)
        Or join our discord server
        https://discord.gg/6N2uZQqh                                                         ALL SKILL LEVELS WELCOME!!
                                       Details like club fees will be discussed at our
                                       informational meeting. If you are unsure,               Even complete novices!
                                       just come!
Great Valley Science Olympiad Club
                                     Interested in Science, Math, and Engineering?
                                                       JOIN GV SCIOLY!!!
                                        Text @gvrsci to 81010 to join the
                                        Remind for meeting dates and critical                •   Science Olympiad is a competition that tests
                                                                                                 students’ proficiency in multiple branches of
                                        updates!                                                 science, including biology, chemistry and

An example of a Boomeliever (a                                                               •   Science Olympiad has two types of events-
wall mounted arm designed to                                                                     Build and Test Events
hold as much weight as possible)
                                                                                             •   In build events, students design, build, and
                                                                                                 test contraptions designed to perform a task
This year, we are bringing some                                                                  as well as possible.
changes, and students will work
more with emerging technologies                                                              •   In test events, students are tested on their
like 3D printing and computer                                                                    knowledge of certain scientific principles
simulations to create better         Students working in a lab at the forensics test event
builds                                                                                       •   Students will be participating in teams of 2 in
                                                                                                 3 events at the competition
Students will also have more         Advisor: Mr. Johnson - rjohnson@gvsd.org
guidance and resources from          Questions??                                             •   The best part about Scioly is that you get to
officers to help them achieve        Presidents: Jay Jagani & Brennan James                      experience multiple kinds of science and
higher scores in their test events   jjagani22@student.gvsd.org                                  participate in a diverse array of events to find
                                     bjames22@student.gvsd.org                                   your interests and enjoyment in science
Club de Español
El Club de Español is for any student who is interested
 in Hispanic culture. Membership is open to all students,
 no just students enrolled in a Spanish class!
Activities include games, music, cultural activities and
 crafts, movies, and more!
Advisor: Señora Catalano (ecatalano@gvsd.org)
Officers: We are looking for new officers this year!
Student Council
Providing opportunities for students to build leadership by planning
and carrying out school events and service projects.
            • Student Body (Seniors only)
                                                                  Applications for Class Officers will be collected
            • Class Officers (9-12)                                          the first week of school!
            • Homeroom Reps (2/HR)                                    Pay attention to Canvas and Morning

 2021-22 Student Body Officers:
 Patrick Hanlon—President         Jugat Singh—Treasurer (jsingh22@student.gvsd.org)                    Ms. Lutz
                                  Kate Bevec—Recording Secretary (kbevec22@student.gvsd.org)
 Ian Wong—Vice President                                                                               Ms. Daney
                                  Rose Bleahen—Corresponding Secretary                                 (mdaney@gvsd.org)
 (iwong22@student.gvsd.org)       (rbleahen22@student.gvsd.org)
Great Valley Students Demand Action
                             is a group of students who are passionate
                             about ending gun violence in our
                             community and state. We are a non-
                             partisan club that focuses on gun safety
                             education and policy changes.

For more information email
                                           Join our remind and
Mrs. Wesley –                              follow us on Instagram!

Charlotte Borger –
cborger22@student.gvsd.org                          @gv_studentsdemandaction

       Text @gvhswise
        to 81010 to join                          WISE is a community of passionate individuals who are
          our remind!                             interested in many aspects of science! Throughout the
                                                  year, there are opportunities to watch surgeries, hear
             Contact the Officers:
Ria Kokkengada – rkokkengada22@student.gvsd.org   from inspiring speakers, and research interesting topics.
      Riya Kinny – rkinny22@student.gvsd.org      Some of the main events are Science day, an interactive
     Nandini Bhatt – nbhatt22@student.gvsd.org    day of fun experiments with the school district's 4th
  Sonya Kalianda – skalianda23@student.gvsd.org
    Maegan Sojan – msojan24@student.gvsd.org
                                                  graders, and Annenberg, a conference where we choose a
                       Advisor:                   fascinating. WISE is an incredible club to be a part of and
       Mr. Venarchik – avenarchik@gvsd.org        we can't wait for new members to join!
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