Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Licensing Policy - Harrogate ...

Page created by Edgar Henry
Hackney Carriage & Private Hire

       Licensing Policy
Further information relating to this policy can be obtained from:

e-mail: taxi@harrogate.gov.uk
tel: 01423 500600
web: www.harrogate.gov.uk/taxis

Taxi Licensing
Harrogate Borough Council
Civic Centre
St Luke’s Avenue

1.   Powers, Duties, Implementation & Review                6-7
2.   Objectives                                             7-8
3.   Licensing Methods                                      8
4.   Decision Making                                        9
5.   Rights of Appeal                                       9-10
6.   Consultation & Partnership Working                     10
7.   Equalities                                             10

8.   Specifications/Suitability                             11-13
9.   Limitations on Numbers                                 13
10. Private Hire Vehicles                                   13-14
11. Hackney Carriage Vehicles (Taxis)                       14
12. Accessibility                                           14
13. Insurance                                               14
14. Signage                                                 14
15. Executive Vehicles                                      15
16. Stretch Limousines                                      16
17. Taximeter                                               16

18. Security Measures                                       16
19. Vehicle Testing / Certificate of Compliance             16-17
20. Application Procedure                                   18
21. Renewal of Licences                                     18
22. Refusal, Suspension & Revocation of a Vehicle Licence   19
23. Term of Licence                                         19
24. Transfer, Change of Vehicle, Etc.                       19
25. Convictions                                             19

26. Licences                                                20
27. Driving Experience                                      21
28. Safeguarding and Knowledge / Locality Test              21
29. Determining the Suitability of Applicants and Licensees as Drivers in Taxi &
    Private Hire Licensing - Convictions and Disclosure and Barring Service Check   21-22
30. Disclosure and Barring Service Update Service                                   22-23
31. Applicants who have resided outside the United Kingdom                          23
32. Medical Examination                                                             23-24
33. New Applicants                                                                  24
34. Application Procedure                                                           24-25
35. Licensed Drivers DVLA Driving Licence Records                                   25
36. Renewal of Licences                                                             25
37. Term of Licence                                                                 25
38. Refusals, Suspension & Revocation of a Driver Licence                           25-26
39. Referrals and Sharing Information                                               26
40. Optional Training                                                               26

Private Hire Operators
41. Requirements and Obligations                                                    27
42. Disclosure and Barring Service Checks                                           27
43. Bookings and Dispatch Staff                                                     27-28
44. Conditions                                                                      28
45. Insurance                                                                       28
46. Planning Consent                                                                28
47. Application Procedure                                                           28-29
48. Record Keeping                                                                  29
49. Change of Home Address, Partners, Directors, Secretary or Chairman              29
50. Material Change                                                                 29
51. Business Name and Vehicle Side Plates                                           29
52. Renewal of Licences                                                             29
53. Term of Licence                                                                 30
54. Refusals, Suspension & Revocation of an Operator Licence                        30
55. General                                                                         31
56. Table of Fares                                                                  31
57. Receipts                                                                        31
58. Overcharging                                                                    31

59. General                                     32
60. Variations to Fee Structures                32
61. Payment Refunds                             32

62. Enforcement                                 32
63. Roadside Checks                             32

64. Joint Working with the Police and/or DVSA   32


Appendix 1 - Private Hire Vehicle Licence Conditions                             33-36

Appendix 2 - Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence Conditions                         37-40

Appendix 3 - Hackney Carriage Byelaws                                            41-45

Appendix 4 - Policy for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles                           46-47

Appendix 5 - Conditions Under Which Signage on Hackney Carriage & Private        48
             Hire Vehicles will be Permitted

Appendix 6 - Dual Driver’s Licence Conditions                                    49-51

Appendix 7 - Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Driver Training Policy              52-54

Appendix 8 - A Policy on Determining the Suitability of Applicants & Licensees
             as Drivers in Taxi and Private Hire Licensing                       55-63

Appendix 9 - Private Hire Vehicle Operator Licence Conditions                    64-66


1.    Powers, Duties, Implementation & Review

1.1   On 1 October 1977 Harrogate Borough Council (The council) adopted Part 2 of the Local
      Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 (the 1976 Act). This legislation, together
      with the provisions of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 (the 1847 Act), places a duty on
      the council to carry out its licensing function in respect of hackney carriage and private hire
      licensing. As such the council is responsible for the licensing of private hire drivers,
      vehicles and operators and hackney carriage drivers and vehicles. The council is also
      responsible for the setting of Byelaws in relation to hackney carriage drivers and vehicles.

1.2   The first purpose of the Local Authority when licensing hackney carriage and private hire,
      vehicles, drivers and operators is to protect the public. We expect that the public should
      have reasonable access to safe and comfortable hackney carriage and private hire vehicles
      because of the role that they play in the local transport system.

1.3   We recognise and welcome the important contribution that the hackney carriage and
      private hire trade makes to the local transport system within the authority area.
      a) They provide a flexible form of public transport, providing a service in situations where
         other forms of transport are not available (rural areas and late evenings).
      b) They can play an increasingly important role in improving accessibility to those with a
         range of impairments such as mental health conditions, sensory impairments and
         dementia as well as physical disabilities in accessing services, communicating and
         travelling independently. The value of a high quality experience can have an impact on
         the confidence of passengers and their ability to carry out daily activities.
      c) They are also used by all social groups.

1.4   This document sets out the policy that the council will apply when making decisions about
      new applications and licences currently in force.

1.5   In formulating this policy the council has considered the advice contained in the ‘Taxi and
      Private Hire Vehicle Licensing: Best Practice Guidance’ issued by the Department for
      Transport (DFT), in March 2010, and the Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards
      issued by the DFT in July 2020.

1.6   In exercising its discretion in carrying out its regulatory functions, the council will have
      regard to this policy and the objectives set out in paragraph 2.1.

1.7   Notwithstanding the existence of this policy, each application or enforcement measure will
      be considered on its own merits. Where it is necessary for the council to depart from the
      policy, clear and compelling reasons will be given for doing so.

1.8   This policy was considered by the Licensing Committee on 04 April 2022, and approved by
      the council on 13 April 2022 and takes effect from this date. Certain provisions within the
      policy will not take effect until a date specified within the schedule of implementation. In
      exercising the non-executive taxi licensing functions of the Authority the relevant
      Committee and Authorised Officers shall have regard to this Policy and to the standard
conditions contained within the appendices when considering each licence application and
      shall apply such conditions as they think fit in each case.

1.9   The council expect licence holders to comply with the terms of this policy immediately or,
      where appropriate, from the renewal of a current licence or those timescales defined in the
      implementation plan. Where it is not possible to comply with part of the policy due to an
      outstanding action required by us information will be provided as to an implementation date
      for that part.

1.10 The council will review this policy at least once every five years or sooner in light of any
     significant changes to legislation or guidance and will consult where appropriate on
     proposed revisions. The seven district council authorities and the county council local
     authority (NYCC) in North Yorkshire are undergoing a review and will form a combined
     authority on 1 April 2023. It is anticipated that the next review of policy will be conducted by
     the new combined authority with a view to harmonisation.

2.    Objectives

2.1   The council shall seek to promote the following objectives within the decision making
      a) Protect the interests of the travelling public by:

             i)   Maintaining a professional and respected hackney carriage and private hire
                 trade, by ensuring that safe, clean, reliable and accessible vehicles are available
                 for all who require them.
             ii) Ensuring that drivers of such vehicles and private hire operators are ‘fit and
                 proper’ persons.
      b) Provide clarity and consistency to licence holders and applicants with regard to the
         council’s expectations and the decision making process.
      c) Provide the travelling public access to an efficient, effective and safe public transport
         service in line with the objectives laid out in the Local Plan.
      d) Protection of the environment by;

          Collaborative working to underpin the Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Strategy which sets
           out an action plan to help the uptake of electric vehicles across the district through the
           provision of infrastructure and assessing opportunities to encourage the uptake of
           electric powered public transport services including taxi and private hire.
          Setting vehicle age and emission requirements to address vehicle emissions from the
           taxi fleet, and in doing so impacting the reduction of pollution across the district and
           specifically in air quality management areas.
          Promoting and supporting any activities that will help reduce environment and climate
           change in line with the principles of the council’s carbon reduction strategy and Air
           Quality Action Plan and NYCC’s Local Transport Plan
      e) To provide, maintain and encourage a professional and respected taxi and private hire
         trade by the continued monitoring and improvement of standards of service.
      f) Where possible, protect the interests of holders of vehicle, driver and operator licences.

2.2   This policy shall apply in respect of applications, renewals, transfers and any other related
      matters connected to the following licences:
      a)   Hackney carriage/private hire dual drivers
      b)   Hackney carriage vehicle
      c)   Private hire vehicles
      d)   Private hire operators

2.3   When we deal with hackney carriage and private hire vehicle drivers, proprietors and
      operators we will endeavour to be;

      a) Courteous
      b) Timely
      c) Responsive
      d) Fair

2.4   We expect all licence holders and prospective applicants to act similarly in their dealings
      with us. Where licence holders and prospective applicants do not uphold the expectations
      placed upon a professional licensed service, consideration will be given to suspending or
      revoking their licence, or refusing their application. Such examples of unsuitable behaviour
      can include, but is not limited to, licence holders who are rude and confrontational to staff;
      not complying in a timely manner with reasonable requests of the council; avoiding their
      responsibilities; or any example of other, similar unprofessional conduct towards the council
      or others.

3.    Licensing Methods

3.1   The methods we shall use are as follows:
      a) Setting the standards for the licensing of drivers, vehicles and operators.
      b) Annual licensing and regular inspections of vehicles, with appropriate follow up action.
      c) Routine inspection of insurance policies and Certificates of compliance/MOT certificate,
         with appropriate follow up action.
      d) Checks on driver’s medical health, driving ability, criminal records, tax checks and the
         right to work.
      e) Making sure drivers are adequately trained on matters such as safeguarding, disability
         awareness and knowledge of the borough.
      f) Investigate complaints and take action in line with the Safer Communities enforcement
      g) Liaison with the Police and other agencies regarding issues of mutual concern in
         relation to offences or the conduct of licence holders.
      h) Liaison with the hackney carriage and private hire trade as and when required.
      i) Taking enforcement and/or disciplinary action including the issuing of prosecution
         proceedings, verbal and written warnings, simple cautions, suspension or revocation of
         licences for breaches of legislation or conditions in line with the Safer Communities
         enforcement policy.
      j) Conditions added to licences.
      k) The issuing of guidance notes.

4.    Decision Making

4.1   The Licensing Committee has been established by the council, and part of its remit is for
      the committee to make recommendations to full council with regards to policy matters
      relating to hackney carriage and private hire licensing. A Licensing Sub Committee (three
      Members) of this committee will be established if required, and if it is in the public interest
      to do so, to determine to:

         Refuse an application for the grant or renewal of a hackney carriage or private hire
          vehicle licence
         Refuse an application for the grant or renewal of a dual drivers licence
         Refuse an application for the grant or renewal of a private hire operator’s licence
         Suspend or revoke a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle licence
         Suspend or revoke a dual drivers licence
         Suspend or revoke a private hire operator’s licence

4.2   Authorised officers within Taxi licensing have delegated powers to:

         Refuse an application for the grant or renewal of a hackney carriage or private hire
          vehicle licence
         Refuse an application for the grant or renewal of a dual drivers licence
         Refuse an application for the grant or renewal of a private hire operator’s licence
         Suspend or revoke a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle licence
         Suspend or revoke a dual drivers licence
         Suspend or revoke a private hire operator’s licence

4.3   A decision to refuse to grant, refuse to renew, suspend or revoke a vehicle licence will be
      taken if the vehicle is not considered to be fit, for example:

         vehicle fails an inspection
         vehicle fails to attend an inspection
         vehicle no longer complies with the vehicle licence conditions
         required documentation relating to the vehicle is not submitted when requested, for
          example insurance or compliance certificate
         the vehicle has been involved in an accident and is no longer considered road worthy

4.4   A decision to refuse to grant, refuse to renew, suspend or revoke a drivers licence will be
      taken if the applicant or licensed driver is not considered to be a fit and proper person to
      hold a licence.

4.5   A decision to refuse to grant, refuse to renew, suspend or revoke an operator’s licence will
      be taken if the applicant or licensed operator is not considered to be a fit and proper person
      to hold a licence.

5.    Rights of Appeal

5.1   Following a decision to;
           refuse to grant
           refuse to renew
   suspend
               revoke

       a licence, the applicant or licence holder has the right to appeal to the relevant court.

5.2    A licence holder has the right to appeal any conditions placed on a licence.

5.3    An appeal must be lodged with the appropriate Court within 21 days of the decision.

6.     Consultation & Partnership Working

6.1    In preparing this policy we have consulted with the following agencies:
       a)   Licence holders
       b)   North Yorkshire Police
       c)   Equality groups
       d)   Disability groups
       e)   Highways Authority
       f)   School Transport Division, NYCC
       g)   Safeguarding Children’s Board
       h)   Other council departments
       i)   Service Users

6.2    To promote the policy objectives we will work in partnership with the agencies detailed
       above, along with other agencies such as:
       a)   Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA)
       b)   HM Revenue and Customs
       c)   Department of Works and Pensions
       d)   Home Office Immigration Services

7.    Equalities

7.1    The council is committed to ensuring equality in employment and service delivery. To
       achieve this the council is aware of its duties under the following legislation:

       a) Equality Act 2010
       b) Human Rights Act 1998


A licensed vehicle is always a licensed vehicle and cannot be driven by anyone other than a
Hackney Carriage and/or Private Hire Vehicle licensed driver.

8.    Specifications/Suitability

8.1   The DFT Best Practice Guidance suggests that local licensing authorities should adopt the
      principle of specifying as many different types of vehicle as possible. They are, however,
      encouraged to make use of the ‘type approved’ rules within any specifications they

8.2   We accept that there are a wide range of vehicles available that are suitable for use as a
      hackney carriage or private hire vehicle. In accordance with Best Practice Guidance, all
      vehicles therefore shall have an appropriate ‘type approval’ which is either:
      a) European Community Whole Vehicle Type Approval;
      b) British National Type Approval; or
      c) British Single Vehicle Approval (SVA) or subsequent and Individual Vehicle Approval

8.3   As a guide, most large volume production vehicles produced in the UK and EU States after
      1987 will satisfy British and/or European Whole Type Approval. Specialist vehicles or any
      vehicle that has been structurally modified, converted or imported from a non-EU State
      since its original manufacture will require separate ITA and /or DFT Approval and such
      documentation must be submitted with an application.

8.4   Vehicles will be licensed for the carriage of not more than eight passengers.

8.5   A vehicle will not normally be granted a licence if it has sustained accident damage. Right
      off categories A, B and S will not be licensed. Consideration will be given to licensing
      repaired category N vehicles. Please see the consumer guide - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

8.6   The suitability of a vehicle is determined by the mechanical and general condition of the

8.7   In the case of first applications for a vehicle licence the vehicle must be under five years of
      age from the date of first registration, and not more than nine years in the case of any
      subsequent application for renewal of licence.

8.8   In the case of first application for a vehicle licence, for a council approved wheelchair
      accessible vehicle, the vehicle must be under five years of age from the date of first
      registration, and not more than 12 years in the case of any subsequent application for
      renewal of licence.

8.9   The age of the vehicle is as specified in the vehicle registration document.

8.10 The maximum age limit for licensing a vehicle (or extending its life) may only be exceeded
     if the vehicle is presented in exceptional condition to a Licensing Sub-Committee.

8.11 In the Harrogate district vehicle exhaust emissions are a principal source of air pollution at
     a number of locations. This has resulted in the declaration of four Air Quality Management
     Areas at Low and High Skellgate, Ripon, York Place and Bond End Knaresborough and
     Wetherby Road, Harrogate. The council’s Air Quality Action Plan sets out measures that
     are to be taken in order to reduce emissions and improve air quality. It is therefore
     important to set standards which make improvements to air quality and that are common to
     all within the taxi fleet, to ensure consistency and a level playing field for proprietors,
     operators and drivers. The age of vehicles and the exhaust emission specification are
     critical to the level of pollutants emitted. Consequently, to improve air quality and reduce
     emissions from the licensed fleet, the following standards relating to the exhaust emissions
     will apply in addition to the requirements regarding the age of vehicles.

8.12   In terms of expected emission standards all licensed vehicles which are submitted for:

       Licensing for the first time from 1st April 2022 (or date policy effective) and all renewal
       applications from 1 January 2025, must meet or exceed Euro 6 emission standards (Euro 6
       compliant being registered from 1 September 2015).
       From 1 January 2030 we will only licence hackney carriage and private hire vehicles (new
       and renewal) which are Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEV), as defined by the Vehicle
       Certification Agency or any successor organisation.

8.13 Any vehicle with a “Q” registration will not be licensed if in excess of five years old from the
     date of manufacture. Where the age of a “Q” registered vehicle is not identifiable the age
     will be calculated as three years old at the date of “Q” registrations in line with the policy of
     the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).

8.14 Left-hand drive vehicles will not normally be licensed.

8.15 A vehicle will not normally be licensed if it requires any passenger to move any seat to
     enter or egress from any seat they may occupy, or that would require them to climb over
     any seats or luggage in the vehicle.

8.16 The licensed vehicle shall be of a sufficient size to comfortably accommodate the number
     of passengers the vehicle is licensed to carry, (the minimum number being 4), and have a
     rear seat width not less than 48 inches being clear of any obstruction such as handles or
     arm rests.

8.17 A certificate of fitness, as well as any other certification required by law, must be presented
     before a vehicle that has been converted to liquefied petroleum gas will be licensed.
     Permission shall be obtained from us, in writing, prior to a licensed vehicle being converted
     to gas.

8.18 Vehicles must carry a spare wheel and the tools required to undertake a change of wheel.
     Exemption from this requirement will be granted under the following circumstances:
       a) The use, in emergency only, of a space-saver tyre, run flat tyres (when punctured) or
          puncture repair kit for all vehicles that are manufactured and delivered with such tyres
          or kits as standard.
       b) That in the event of a space-saver tyre, run flat tyres (when punctured) or puncture
          repair kit being used, it is only to complete a fare and must comply precisely with the
manufacturers’ recommendations. Any such defective wheel should be replaced before
         taking another fare to ensure passenger safety.
      c) In cases where a rear loading wheelchair accessible conversion or a LPG conversion
         where the tank occupies the usual site of the spare wheel, is considered suitable, the
         vehicle should be exempt from the requirement to carry a spare wheel matching those
         fitted to the vehicle. This would be subject to the vehicle meeting the luggage criteria
         and being approved by the specialist converters. In these instances an alternative
         space saver type or puncture repair kit must be carried on the vehicle for emergencies.

9.    Limitations on Numbers

9.1   No powers exist for the licensing authority to limit the number of private hire vehicles that
      they licence.

9.2   The current legal provision on quantity restrictions for hackney carriages is set out in
      section 16 of the Transport Act 1985. This provides ‘that the grant of a licence may be
      refused for the purpose of limiting the number of hackney carriages in respect of which
      licences are granted, if, but only if, the person authorised to grant the licences is satisfied
      that there is no significant demand for the services of hackney carriages (within the area to
      which the licence would apply) which is unmet’.

9.3   The council does not restrict the number of hackney carriage licences issued, but any new
      licences will only be issued to wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAV).

10.   Private Hire Vehicles

10.1 A private hire vehicle is a motor vehicle constructed or adapted to seat no more than eight
     passengers which is provided for hire with the services of a driver for the purpose of
     carrying passengers. Every hiring of a private hire vehicle must be pre-booked through a
     licensed private hire operator. Any vehicle used as a private hire vehicle must be licensed
     under the provisions of the 1976 Act.

10.2 Before granting a private hire vehicle licence we must be satisfied that the vehicle meets
     the following criteria:
      a) Is suitable in type, size and design for use as a private hire vehicle.
      b) Is not of such design and appearance as to lead any person to believe that the vehicle
         is a hackney carriage.
      c) Is in a suitable mechanical condition.
      d) Is safe.
      e) Is comfortable.

10.3 Conditions may be attached to the grant of a licence as are considered reasonably

10.4 In addition to the legislative requirements the council has approved conditions relating to
     the specifications of the vehicle and other matters. Standard conditions are attached at
     Appendix 1.

10.5 General conditions are also attached to private hire vehicles licences relating to the
identifications of the vehicle, (including door signs and artwork) and safety issues. These
       are attached at Appendix 1.

11.    Hackney Carriage Vehicles (Taxis)

11.1 A taxi is a wheeled vehicle used in standing or plying for hire that is required to have a
     numbered plate fixed upon it. The legal definition of a hackney carriage is contained in the
     Town Police Clauses Act 1847.

11.2 A taxi can ply for hire and also wait at a taxi stand (rank).

11.3 Conditions can be imposed upon the grant of a taxi proprietor’s licence and the council has
     Byelaws to control the conduct of both the proprietors and the drivers. Standard conditions
     and Byelaws are attached at Appendices 2 and 3.

11.4   The maximum overall length of any vehicle licensed as a hackney carriage must not
       exceed 5.0 metres (5.2 metres for a WAV hackney carriage).

12.    Accessibility

12.1 Taxis and private hire vehicles are an essential mode of transport for many disabled and
     older people. The combination of the personal service they offer, their wide availability and
     door to door operations enable them to respond particularly well to the travelling needs of
     people with disabilities.

12.2 The council has determined that new hackney carriage vehicle licences will only be granted
     to WAV. The policy for WAV is in Appendix 4.

12.3 The council expects that private hire operators understand the importance of having WAV
     as part of their fleet which are available to be booked 24/7 and this is a requirement under
     the conditions attached to WAV.

13.    Insurance

13.1 All vehicles must have a current valid policy of insurance at all times appropriate to the
     vehicle. The original documentation must be provided by the proprietor (scanned or photo
     copies will not be acceptable). Alternatively the documentation must be provided to us
     directly from the insurer or their broker.

13.2 It is an offence to drive a vehicle without the appropriate insurance in place. Requests to
     produce insurance may be made during the term of the licence. These requests must be
     complied with in accordance with the timescales stipulated in the request. Failure to
     comply with a request could lead to the vehicle licence being suspended or revoked.

14.    Signage

14.1 Where vehicle licence conditions permit, vehicles licence holders may place advertising
     material in or on their vehicle in accordance with their licence conditions. Approval must
     first be sought from the Taxi Licensing Office. Conditions under which signage (including
     advertising) on vehicles will be permitted are attached at Appendix 5.
15.    Executive Vehicles

15.1   The issues around the operating of a business involving executive vehicles has the same
       business, legal and public safety principles as other areas of hackney carriage and private
       hire licensing administered by the council, with public safety being paramount.

15.2   This policy sets out our requirements with regards to the operators of executive private hire
       vehicles who wish to apply for or already hold an exemption with regards to the displaying
       of licence plates and signage.

15.3   Operators who wish to use their vehicle for executive contract hire work only can apply to
       licence their vehicle as executive private hire and complete the prescribed application form
       requesting an exemption from the requirements of having to display the front and rear
       licence plates and the door signage. Each application will be considered on its own merit.

15.4   Each new application will require submission of 3 expressions of interest from potential
       clients for use as an executive private hire vehicle giving full reasons why a vehicle that
       doesn’t display standard private hire door and rear plates is required.

15.5   Our decision to refuse to grant an exemption is final and there is no statutory right of

15.6   An exemption from displaying licence plates and signage is a privilege rather than a right
       and the benefit of the exemption will be granted at our discretion. We have the power to
       withdraw the exemption if the related conditions are not adhered to.

15.7   The following conditions must be followed at all times

         a) The vehicle will be in immaculate condition with no visible defects, dents or
            blemishes to the external bodywork or internal trim.
         b) The service provided must only be for executives and other VIPs,
         c) No meter or data head shall be fitted to the vehicle.
         d) There must be a written contract in place from any hirer wishing to employ the
            services of an executive private hire vehicle. Such contracts must be in place for no
            less than 24 hours prior to the commencement of the journey and the work must be
            of an executive nature.
         e) It is expected that the operator will have made reasonable enquiries with the hirer
            and keep a written record for a period of 36 months as to why a vehicle with an
            exemption to display door and rear plates is required for the booking(s).
         f) Vehicles with an exemption from displaying door and rear plates may not undertake
            standard private hire work (inclusive of schools contracts).
         g) The driver must follow a formal dress code, suit or smart jacket and trousers and
            collared shirt. The suit jacket may be removed in warmer weather.
         h) There should be a copy of the executive private hire licence in the vehicle at all times.
         i) No advertising or identification (including company logos) may be displayed on or in
            the vehicle at any time.
         j) No fare will be payable in the vehicle. The hirer will be invoiced separately for the
            pre-agreed fare.
         k) Other standard private hire operator conditions apply.
16.    Stretch Limousines and Special Event Vehicles

16.1 We recognises the role of stretched limousines or special event vehicles, their use
     generally includes all private hire work plus special occasions such as days at the races,
     stag and hen parties and school proms. The licensing regime for executive vehicles will
     apply to such vehicles.

16.2 Most stretched limousines are imported for commercial purposes and are required to have
     undertaken an Individual Vehicle Approval (IVA) test. The IVA Scheme is an inspection
     scheme for vehicles that are not approved to British and European Standards, and its
     purpose is to ensure that the vehicle meets modern safety standards and environmental
     standards before being used on public roads. When presented for IVA, the vehicle is
     produced with a declaration that it will never carry more than eight passengers. The
     importer must inform any person who may use it of this restriction. Any subsequent
     purchasers must also be informed of the restriction.

16.3 Any stretched limousines, which are offered for private hire, and have 8 seats or less must
     be licensed as Private Hire Vehicles. Applications for a licence will be treated on their

16.4   If required we will nominate a testing centre in relation to the inspection of stretched
       limousines. Any costs will be borne by the applicant/licence holder.

17.    Taximeters

17.1   It is a legal requirement that taximeters must be fitted within hackney carriage vehicles, but
       are optional for private hire vehicles.

17.2   Taximeters must be approved by us prior to the use of the vehicle as a taxi. If required
       vehicles equipped with a taximeter must submit the meter for a test by a Licensing
       Enforcement Officer or the council’s approved tester.

18.    Security Measures

18.1 The DFT Best Practice Guidance recommends that licensing authorities look
     sympathetically on or even actively encourage the installation of security measures such as
     a screen between the driver and passengers or CCTV systems as a means of providing
     some protection for the driver and passengers.

18.2 If CCTV is installed within a licenced vehicle, the vehicle licence proprietor must make sure
     the requirements of the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and the General Data
     Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 are met with regards to
     controlling the recordings.

19.    Vehicle Testing / Certificate of Compliance

19.1 We need to be satisfied that licensed vehicles operating within its area are safe. A vehicle
     cannot operate as a licensed vehicle (be available for hire) unless a current certificate of
     compliance is in force.
19.2 The main purpose of the vehicle compliance test is to ensure that it is in a road worthy
     condition, and this will be in the form of an MOT standard examination conducted in
     accordance with the requirements of DVSA. However it should be noted that our Testing
     Standard is above that of an MOT. The remainder of the inspection is to ensure that the
     vehicle is both safe and comfortable and suitable for transporting members of the public.

19.3   Licensed vehicles will have a compliance test prior to being licensed and as required by
       this policy thereafter. Vehicles passing the inspection will be issued a certificate of
       compliance. The vehicle licence proprietor will be notified in advance of the expiry date of
       its current certificate of compliance in order to book in a test at a nominated testing centre.

19.4   The requirement for certificate of compliance (mechanical inspection) applies to all vehicles
       except those new vehicles with less than 500 miles on the odometer from date of first
       registration, which will be exempted for the first year from the date as verified by the vehicle
       registration document. Compliance tests are required annually until the vehicle is 5 years
       old, and thereafter every six months.

19.5   Authorised officers may call in the vehicle for inspection if there are grounds to suspect that
       the safety or condition of the car has fallen below the required standard.

19.6   If the vehicle fails to meet the required standards the licence may be suspended or revoked
       until such time that the faults are remedied. Unless exceptional circumstances apply,
       failure to comply within two months will result in automatic revocation of a licence.

19.7   Any vehicle called for inspection that fails to be presented may have its licence suspended
       immediately and subsequently the licence may be revoked. Proprietors whose vehicles
       fails to attend the mechanical inspection may have to pay an additional fee prior to
       attending an inspection.

19.8   It will be the proprietor’s responsibility to ensure that their licensed vehicle is roadworthy,
       maintained to the council’s standards and fit for purposes of hire and reward at all times.

19.9   The vehicle must comply with the following:
       a) Rust - Any vehicle presented should be free from visible rusting.
       b) Dents - Any vehicle with minor dents on three or more panels where such dents are
          more than five cms in diameter/length or a single scratch of more than 20 cms in
          diameter/length, should be failed.
       c) Scratches - All vehicles with unrepaired scratches down to bare metal on three or more
          panels, of five cms in length, or a single scratch of more than 20 cms in length, should
          be failed.
       d) Paint work - All panels on all vehicles shall be uniformly painted. Panels should not be
          painted in unmatched colours or in primer.
       e) Vehicle door sill step height - At each passenger door the vehicle must not have a
          ground to door sill step height in excess of 45cms, otherwise a step should be fitted to
          the vehicle on at least one passenger door.
       f) Seats - In conventional vehicles where it is intended that the licence be for four
          passengers, the rear seat must be at least 48 inches (122 cm) in width. All seats shall
          have a minimum of 16 inches (41cm) per person and in respect of seating comply with
the Road Vehicle (Registration and Licensing) Regs 1971. All seats, including the
              driver’s must be free from repaired cuts, tears or cigarette burns, except of a very minor
              nature. Any repairs must have been carried out in a professional and neat manner.
         g)   Carpets/floor covering - All carpets and floor covering shall be complete and free from
              cuts, tears, serious staining or soiling.
         h)   Headlining and other trim - All interior trim, including headlining, shall be clean,
              complete, properly fitted and free from serious cuts, tears, staining or soiling.
         i)   Window operation - All windows that are designed to be openable should remain fully
              operational at all times.
         j)   Boot/luggage compartment - This should be empty, except for spare wheel and
              essential tools. The compartment should be clean and any covering free from major
              cuts, tears or other damage or staining.
         k)   Interior - The interior must be kept clean, tidy and free of any litter or other rubbish.

19.10 Vehicle licence proprietors shall notify the Licensing team within 72 hours following any
      accident and/or damage to the licensed vehicle. On receipt of this information the following
      action may be taken:
      a) The vehicle may be inspected by an authorised officer as soon as reasonably practicable, a
         decision will be made as to whether or not the vehicle is in such condition to continue in
      b) If any damage is considered by the authorised officer to be extensive enough to affect the
         safety or general appearance the authorised officer may issue a suspension notice until
         such time that the faults are remedied
      c) Licenses for vehicles that cannot be repaired to the standard of the compliance test within a
         period of two months will be revoked.

20.      Application Procedure

20.1 The application procedure for a vehicle licence is not legally prescribed, but is a matter for
     each council to determine. We require an application to be made on the specified
     application form available on our website.

20.2     Applications will normally be processed within 10 working days, unless it has to be
         determined by a sub-committee in which case it will be determined within 28 working days.
         Applications will not, however, be determined until we have received all relevant
         documentation and the vehicle has passed the certificate of compliance test.

20.3 We will consider all applications on their own merits once we are satisfied that the
     appropriate criteria have been met and the application form and supporting documents are

20.4 As part of the application the applicant(s) will submit a basic disclosure from the Disclosure
     and Barring Service (DBS), unless they are licensed with the council as a driver.

21.      Renewal of Licences

21.1 Vehicle licence proprietors will be invited to renew their licence prior to the expiry date. It is
     the licence holder’s responsibility to ensure that the licence is renewed prior to its expiry.
21.2 The renewal application and all documentation required as part of the renewal process
     must be received two weeks prior to the expiry of the existing licence, to allow time for any
     issues to be resolved prior to commencement of the new licence. Failure to abide by this
     may result in the delay to the issuing of the new licence.

21.3 Vehicle licence proprietors will submit a basic disclosure from the DBS as part of the
     vehicle licence renewal process, unless they are licensed with the council as a driver.

22.    Refusal, Suspension and Revocation of a Vehicle Licence

22.1 As part of the grant or renewal process and at any time during the duration of the licence,
     we can determine/review if the vehicle is considered fit to be used as a licensed hackney
     carriage or private hire vehicle.

22.2 If we determine that the vehicle is not fit to be a licensed vehicle the application to grant or
     renew will be refused, or the vehicle licence will be suspended or revoked.

23.    Term of Licence

23.1 Vehicle licences are valid for a maximum period of one year, or for such lesser period,
     specified in the licence as we think appropriate in the circumstances of the case.

24.    Transfers, Change of Vehicles, Etc.

24.1 Every transfer of interest in a plate or vehicle, change of vehicles (either permanent or
     temporary), change of vehicle colour, engine, signs or other variation in licensing conditions
     or criteria, accident report or other reportable information which affects the conditions or
     criteria upon which a licence is based must be made known to the Licensing team in writing
     and/or on the correct form.

24.2   Vehicles over five years old that are currently licensed may be relicensed by another
       proprietor within a period of 14 days.

25.    Convictions

25.1 Licence holders shall notify us in writing within 48 hours of an arrest, release, charge or
     conviction of a sexual offence, any offence involving dishonesty, violence or drugs and any
     motoring offence. Licence holders shall notify us within 48 hours of any convictions
     (including cautions, fines and penalty points on a DVLA driving licence) being recorded
     against them or any company of which they are a secretary or director.


26.    Licences

26.1 We issue driver’s dual licences for private hire and hackney carriage drivers. We must be
     satisfied that applicants and licensed drivers are ‘fit and proper’ persons to hold such

26.2   We consider that licensed drivers are in a position of trust, and therefore we must ensure
       that applicants/licence holders are and remain fit and proper to hold a licence. This
       requirement is contained within Sections 51 and 59 of the Local Government
       (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 (Part II). The term “Fit and Proper Person” for the
       purposes of taxi and private hire licensing is not legally defined. However, in determining
       whether a person is fit and proper to hold a licence, those tasked (in accordance with the
       DFT Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards 2020) with determining
       licences/applications are effectively asking the following question of themselves:
       “Without any prejudice, and based on the information before you, would you allow a person
       for whom you care, regardless of their condition, to travel alone in a vehicle driven by this
       person at any time of day or night?”
       If the answer to the question is an unqualified ‘yes’, then the person can be considered to
       be fit and proper. If there are any doubts in the minds of those who make the decision, then
       further consideration should be given as to whether a licence should be granted to that

26.3   Licensing authorities have to make difficult decisions as to whether a licence should be
       granted (or retained) but the safeguarding of the public is paramount. All decisions on the
       suitability of an applicant or licensee should be made on the balance of probabilities. This
       means that an applicant or licensee will not be ‘given the benefit of the doubt’. If the
       committee or delegated officer is only “50/50” as to whether the applicant or licensee is ‘fit
       and proper’, they should not hold a licence.

26.4   Conditions can be imposed upon the grant or renewal of a drivers’ licence. Standard
       conditions imposed upon the dual drivers licence are attached at Appendix 6.

26.5 Licences are issued subject to proof of eligibility:
       a)   birth certificate;
       b)   certificate of naturalisation – if born abroad but now a British citizen;
       c)   immigration status and permission to work;
       d)   driving licence;
       e)   driving assessment (by a provider approved by the council);
       f)   safeguarding/child sexual exploitation(CSE) training and testing (by a provider approved
            by the council)
       g)   knowledge/locality testing (by a provider approved by the council)
       h)   oral and written proficiency in English
       i)   criminal records, DVLA and tax checks;
       j)   medical assessment.

27.    Driving Experience

27.1 A driver’s licence cannot be granted to anyone who has not held a full driving licence
     issued in the UK, for less than 12 months.

27.2 Applicants are required to have passed the driving assessment test, and if driving a WAV,
     applicants are also required to have passed the council approved wheelchair assessment.
     Applicants must produce the pass certificates.

28.    Safeguarding and Knowledge / Locality Training

       New Driver Applicants

28.1 In order to determine the fitness of a person to hold a licence, all applicants are required to
     undertake and pass training delivered by a training provider approved by us on local
     knowledge, regulatory framework, professional standards, safeguarding/CSE and

28.2   New drivers failing the knowledge and locality test on two occasions will not be granted a
       licence within the following 12 months and applicants must wait one year to be tested

28.3 All applicants will also be required to pass an advanced taxi driving test and English test,
     delivered by training providers approved by us.

28.4 Applicants wishing to drive a WAV will need to pass a practical wheelchair test, delivered
     by training providers approved by us.

28.5 A driver licence will not be issued without the applicant first passing these training
     requirements. Further information can be found at Appendix 7.

       Licensed Drivers

28.6 In order to determine that a licensed driver remains a fit and proper person to hold a licence
     they are required to undertake appropriate refresher training every three years, to ensure
     that drivers remain up to date with current industry legislation and practice. The training will
     be delivered by training providers approved by us. Further information can be found at
     Appendix 7.

29.    Determining the Suitability of Applicants and Licensees as Drivers in Taxi and
       Private Hire Licensing – Convictions and Disclosure and Barring Service Check

29.1 Our policy with regards to ‘Determining the Suitability of Applicants and Licensees as
     Drivers in Taxi and Private Hire Licensing’ can be found at Appendix 8. It will be taken into
     consideration when determining the suitability of applicants and licensed drivers.

29.2   A criminal record check on a driver is an important safety measure. Enhanced Disclosure
       through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) is required as this disclosure includes
       details of both spent convictions, police cautions and intelligence by virtue of the
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exception) Order 1977.

29.3 The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 does not apply to applicants for hackney carriage
     or private hire driver licences. Applicants are required therefore to disclose all convictions,
     including those that would normally be regarded as spent.

29.4 Before an initial application for a drivers’ licence will be considered, the applicant must
     apply for an Enhanced Disclosure of criminal convictions through our chosen provider. The
     application will not be determined until the results are received. DBS checks are not
     transferable, unless they have been carried out under the correct ‘workforce’ requirement,
     under the occupation as a taxi driver and are issued within six months of the licence
     application being fully submitted to us.

29.5 The DBS disclosure report will be sent to the applicant’s home address. We do not receive
     a copy of the disclosure report, and it is the responsibility of the applicant to produce the
     disclosure report to the Licensing team, this will form part of their application.

29.6 All applicants for a new or renewed licence are required to provide details of all criminal,
     motoring and licensing convictions including fixed penalties, spent convictions and

29.7 Licensed drivers shall notify us in writing within 48 hours of an arrest, release, charge or
     conviction of a sexual offence, any offence involving dishonesty, violence or drugs and any
     motoring offence. This includes convictions (including cautions, fines and penalty points on
     a DVLA driving licence) being recorded against them or any company of which they are a
     secretary or director. On receipt of this information we may have reasonable cause to
     issue a written warning, require the driver to attend a driving assessment, suspend the
     licence for a specified period or revoke the licence.

29.8 Failure to declare convictions received during the lifetime of the licence could lead to the
     renewal applications being refused.

30.   Disclosure and Barring Service Update Service

30.1 It is a requirement that all licensed drivers subscribe to the DBS Update Service. The driver
     is required to keep the Update Service updated of personal details such as a change of
     name or address.

30.2 Information with regards to subscription to the Update Service will be supplied to new
     applicants as part of the applications process. Applications for the grant of a drivers licence
     will be refused if the applicant does not register with the Update Service.

30.3 Existing licensed drivers will be required to subscribe with the Update Service when they
     are next requested to complete a criminal record check. Applications for the renewal of a
     drivers licence may be refused, or a driver’s licence may be suspended or revoked, if the
     licensed drivers does not subscribe to the Update Service.

30.4 Licensed drivers must have continuous registration with the Update Service to enable us to
     routinely check for new information every six months. If at any point during the a driver
     being licensed registration within the update service lapses the dual drivers licence will be
suspended until successful re-registration to the update service is achieved.

31.   Applicants who have resided outside the United Kingdom (UK)

31.1 In addition to an enhanced DBS Disclosure, where an applicant has worked or resided
     outside of the UK for a continuous period of three or more months since the age of 18, a
     criminal record check or a ‘Certificate of Good Character’* from the country/countries in
     which they have previously resided must be provided in English. This may usually be
     obtained from the relevant embassy. Should an applicant be unable to provide a criminal
     record check, they must provide a separate signed declaration detailing the attempts made
     to obtain a check. The declaration must also state whether or not they have been found
     guilty or have been convicted or charged with any offence against the law in any country.
     This declaration must be signed in the presence of a suitably qualified lawyer and be duly
     * For Home Office guidance on Certificate of Good Character -

     Where an individual is aware that they have committed an offence overseas which may be
     equivalent to those listed in the Table A of Appendix 8 to this document, they are advised to
     seek independent expert or legal advice to ensure that they provide information that is
     truthful and accurate. This must be provided in English.
32.  Medical Examination
32.1 Under Section 57 of the 1976 Act we require an applicant for a dual drivers’ licence to
     produce a certificate signed by their own registered medical practitioner to demonstrate that
     they are medically fit to be a driver of such a vehicle. We require the medical certificate
     upon an initial application for a licence. If the medical certificate produced is not
     satisfactory in any respect, the applicant may be required to provide additional medical
     evidence concerning their fitness and to submit to a further examination by a doctor
     selected by us.
32.2 In line with DFT recommendations, the council applies the DVLA Group 2 (Group 2) driver
     standard for medical fitness for hackney carriage and private hire drivers. This is a higher
     medical standard than that required of drivers of other motor vehicles. This is required due
     to the length of time the driver may spend at the wheel and the responsibility they have for
     the safety of their passengers and the public.

32.3 The medical shall be carried out by the driver’s general practitioner (GP) practice. If the
     practice cannot complete the medical the driver must confirm the reason in writing. The
     medical must confirm that:
      a)   they have examined the applicant;
      b)   the applicant is registered with the practice; and /or
      c)   they have had full access to the applicant’s medical records;
      d)   the medical examination was carried out to Group 2 standards;
      e)   they consider the applicant to be fit to act as the driver of a hackney carriage or private
           hire vehicle in accordance with this standard.

32.4 Licensed drivers shall submit a Group 2 standard medical certificate on first application that
     is dated within six months of the application being fully made and then every five years until
     the age of 65. Annual medical certificates are required for all drivers over the age of 65.
Drivers failing to have their medical within the required timeframe will have their licence
      suspended or revoked.

32.5 Licence holders must advise us of any deterioration or other change in their health that may
     affect their driving capabilities within 48 hours of the change occurring. At this time we may
     request that the driver undertakes a Group 2 standard medical.

32.6 If any further clarification is required we may also request that the driver undertakes
     additional Group 2 standard medicals or further medical assessments.

32.7 If we are not satisfied as to the medical fitness of an applicant a licence will not be granted.
     If we are not satisfied as to the medical fitness of a licensed driver there will be reasonable
     cause to suspend, revoke or refuse to renew the licence under Section 61 of the 1976 Act.
     This suspension may also be undertaken in accordance with Section 52 of the Road Safety
     Act 2006 on the grounds of public safety. This means that the suspension takes immediate
     effect and although the driver may appeal to the Magistrate’s Court they are unable to drive
     pending the appeal.

33.   New Applicants

33.1 At the time that a driver’s licence is granted, the DBS Disclosure Certificate, criminal record
     check from abroad (if applicable) and medical form must be dated within six months
     preceding the issue of the licence. It will be necessary for an applicant to undertake an
     additional DBS Disclosure (unless already signed up to the update service), criminal record
     check from abroad and medical if any of these documents are outside of this timescale.

33.2 New applicants who have previously held a drivers’ licence must complete the full
     application process unless they meet the following criteria:
      a) It is three months or less since their previous drivers’ licence expired – new applicants
         will not be required to take the safeguarding and knowledge/locality training or the
         driving assessment.
      b) It is three months or less since their previous drivers’ licence expired – new applicants
         will not be required to provide DBS criminal records check if it is six months or less
         since the last DBS check was undertaken and they are still subscribed to the DBS
         Update Service.
      c) It is three months or less since their previous drivers’ licence expired – new applicants
         will not be required to provide a medical certificates if it is six months or less since the
         last medical was undertaken.
      d) It is one year or less since their previous drivers’ licence was suspended or revoked on
         medical grounds – new applicants will not be required to take the safeguarding and
         knowledge/locality training or the driving assessment.

34.   Application Procedure

34.1 The application procedure for a drivers’ licence is not legally prescribed, but is a matter for
     each council to determine. We require an application to be made on the specified
     application form available on our website.

34.2 New applications will be considered at the point which includes the receipt of all
documentation, checks and training certificates and at this stage will normally be processed
       within 10 working days, unless it has to be determined by a sub-committee in which case it
       will be determined within 28 working days.

34.3 We will consider all applications on their own merits, once we are satisfied that the
     appropriate criteria have been met and the application form and supporting documents are

35.    Licensed Drivers DVLA Driving Licence Records

35.1 In order for us to be able to check DVLA driving licence records as part of the on-going
     maintenance programme for licensed drivers, we may appoint a company to undertake
     driving licence checks. These checks will confirm the drivers’ entitlement to drive with the
     DVLA and any unspent endorsements.

35.2 That being the case, licensed drivers, shall within one month of the initial grant of their
     licence, register with the company appointed by the council to undertake on going DVLA
     driving licence checks.

36.    Renewal of Licences

36.1 Licensed drivers will be invited to renew their licence prior to the expiry date. It is the
     licence holder’s responsibility to ensure that the licence is renewed prior to its expiry.

36.2 The renewal application and all documentation required as part of the renewal process
     must be received a minimum of two weeks prior to the expiry of the existing licence to
     enable any checks of official records to be made prior to the issues of a new licence. The
     driver licence will not be renewed until all relevant documentation is received.

36.3 Drivers who fail to submit renewal applications and relevant documentation in accordance
     with paragraph 36.2 will be required to reapply as a new applicant.

37.    Term of Licence

37.1 In accordance with Section 53 of the 1976 Act, as amended by Section 10 of the
     Deregulation Act 2015, all driver licences are valid for a maximum period of three years, or
     for such a lesser period, specified in the licence as the council thinks appropriate in the
     circumstances of the case.

37.2 DVLA driving licence checks will be carried out every twelve months or alternatively at any
     time in order to satisfy the Licensing Authority.

37.3 Medicals will be carried out in accordance with paragraph 33.4.

38.    Refusal to renew, Suspension and Revocation of Drivers Licence

38.1 Under Common Law Police Disclosure the police can notify the council, if they believe
     there is a public protection risk, of any driver who has been arrested or charged. Following
     the receipt of such information we will review if the licensed driver continues to be fit to hold
     a licence.
38.2 As part of the renewal process and at any time during the duration of the licence, we can
     review if the licensed driver is fit to hold a licence, following notification of an arrest,
     release, charge or conviction. A driver’s suitability is also taken into consideration following
     the receipt of any complaints.

38.3 If we determine that the driver is no longer fit to hold a licence the application to renew will
     be refused, or the drivers licence will be suspended or revoked.

38.4 Where the licensed driver has been served an immigration penalty or convicted of an
     immigration offence the licence shall be revoked. When a driver does not have ‘a right to a
     licence’, i.e. is disqualified by their immigration status, a licence shall be revoked. See the
     Home Office Guidance for Licensing Authorities to Prevent Illegal Workers.

38.5 There is a right of appeal against the council’s decision to refuse to renew, suspend or
     revoke a driver’s licence to the Magistrates Court. An appeal must be lodged with 21 days
     of the decision.

39.   Referrals and Sharing of Information

39.1 We may refer refusal to grant or renew, suspension or revocations of a drivers licence to
     the DBS and the Police if it is thought that the driver poses a risk.

39.2 The Licensing team will share relevant information with regards to refusal to grant or renew,
     suspension or revocations of a drivers licence with the other council services, for example
     services that deal with the contracts for the transportation of school children and vulnerable
     adults, if it is thought that the driver poses a risk. Please refer to the council's privacy
     notice for more information on data sharing.

39.3 We will share relevant information with regards to refusal to grant or renew and revocations
     of a drivers licence with other licensing authorities. We will do this through the national
     register of taxi and private hire vehicle driver refusals and revocations. This register is
     known and has been developed by the National Anti-Fraud Network (NAFN). The council
     is registered with NAFN to use this register.

40.   Optional Training

40.1 We actively encourage and support drivers to take additional training, in areas such as
     equalities. Drivers can also become a ‘dementia friends’, further information regarding the
     training sessions is available on the Dementia Friends website:

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