COLLEGE COUNSELING HANDBOOK 2019-2020 - University Prep

Page created by Leroy Morgan
COLLEGE COUNSELING HANDBOOK 2019-2020 - University Prep

Choosing the right college? Is there really a college for everyone? How does one start and complete the task of
applying to, and selecting, a college? As we look to find answers to these and countless other college-related
questions, UPrep’s College Counseling Office has compiled the following handbook for juniors, seniors, and their
parents. Written with the intent to minimize the pressure associated with the college application process, this
“how to” manual strives to guide students and families through an exciting educational milestone.

While embarking on the college selection process, it is important to remember that the college counseling program
at UPrep is an extension of our educational program. We believe strongly that students should carry the responsi-
bility for as much of the process as possible because it is the student who is the candidate. Collecting information,
soliciting recommendations, and organizing components of the application are all good learning experiences for
college-bound students.

You can expect from the College Counseling Office a well-developed college counseling program that will not only
assess a student’s college options but also has methods in place for:

      •   addressing a student’s search for identity;
      •   dealing with the many facets of separation anxiety;
      •   coping with the expectations that students and families bring to the table; and
      •   confronting the feelings of vulnerability and apprehension with which students and families wrestle.

The College Counseling Office is an office that:

      •   helps create a college list for each student;
      •   hosts admissions representatives from more than 200 colleges and universities;
      •   provides pertinent information regarding application responsibilities;
      •   holds individual meetings with students from the second semester of their junior year through
          their senior year;
      •   presents college informational evenings throughout the year; and
      •   offers ongoing support and advocacy.

The exciting task of the College Counseling Office is to remain alert to the issues and trends facing our students,
provide clarity about the pressures of the college process, and support each student in his or her college search.
We are confident that all students will come through the process feeling that they have succeeded and have a
range of options. We feel most fortunate to work with you during this very exciting period.

Warm regards,

Kelly Herrington
Director of College Counseling


DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE ................................... 2                        RESUME ........................................................ 24
                                                                                  Why a Resume?....................................................24
ANATOMY OF A CANDIDATE ........................ 4
                                                                                  Resume Examples........................................... 26-28
COLLEGE SEARCH .......................................... 5
  SCOIR—A Dynamic New Online College                                            STANDARDIZED TESTING ............................ 29
                                                                                  The PSAT ............................................................ 29
    Counseling Tool ................................................ 5
                                                                                  The SAT .............................................................. 29
    SCOIR Student .................................................. 5
                                                                                  The ACT ............................................................. 29
    SCOIR Parent .................................................... 6
                                                                                  The Advanced Placement Tests (AP) .................... 29
  Naviance: Getting Started with Family Connection. 6
                                                                                  Important Note Regarding Standardized Testing . 29
  Colleges ................................................................ 6
                                                                                  Test-Optional Colleges ........................................ 30
  Careers ................................................................. 6
  About Me.............................................................. 7      ATHLETICS .................................................... 30
  My Planner............................................................ 7        Athletics and College Admission ........................ 30
  Book Recommendations: The College Search
                                                                                RESOURCES FOR STUDENTS ........................ 31
     Process ............................................................. 7
                                                                                  Learning Services ............................................... 31
  College Visit........................................................... 8
                                                                                  African American Students ................................. 32
  College Visit Checklist .........................................10
                                                                                  Artistic Students ............................................ 33-34
JUNIOR AND SENIOR YEARS........................ 11                                Hispanic/Latino Students ..................................... 33
  Junior Year.......................................................... 11        Jewish Students .................................................. 34
  Senior Year ......................................................... 11        LGBT Students .................................................... 34
                                                                                  Muslim Students ................................................. 35
THE COLLEGE APPLICATION ........................ 13
                                                                                  Native American Students ................................... 35
  Application Options .............................................13
                                                                                  Students with Learning Needs ............................ 35
  Applying to the University of California System . ...14
                                                                                  Service Academies .............................................. 36
  Glossary of College-Related Terms ........................15
  Applying to International Schools..........................15                 FINANCIAL AID ............................................. 37
  Applying to the University of Washington ............16                         Steps in the Financial Aid Process..........................37
  Applying to Canadian Schools ..............................16                   Financing College.................................................41
  Teacher Recommendations ...................................16                   Types of Scholarships............................................41
                                                                                  Where to Find Scholarships ................................. 42
THE COLLEGE ESSAY......................................16
                                                                                  Additional Financing Options .............................. 42
  Sample Essays ................................................18-21
                                                                                  Glossary of Financial Aid Terms ........................... 43
SUPPLEMENTS .............................................. 22
                                                                                MAKING A FINAL DECISION ........................ 44
THE COLLEGE INTERVIEW ............................ 23                             Wait List ............................................................. 44
  Why an Interview?................................................23             Making a Final Decision Worksheet .................... 45
  Preparing for the Interview ...................................23               Final College Decision Worksheet ....................... 46
  The Interview .......................................................24         Book Recommendations: Transitioning from
  After the Interview ...............................................24             High School to College .................................... 47
  The Interview Sheet..............................................25

Front Cover Art: Hand-Made Book Cover: Ruth L., Grade 9
                                                                                   COLLEGE COUNSELING AT UNIVERSITY PREP 2019 – 2020                           3


                Helpful                         Wild Cards

               Strength of                       Athletics/Arts      Unsolicited Contact
            Academic Program                   Service/Leadership       from Parents

                                                    Objective            Too Many
            Standardized Testing                  Extracurricular      Ungrounded
                                                    Excellence       Recommendations

                 School                      Demonstrated Interest   Overly Aggressive
             Recommendation                     in the School        School Lobbying

                                               Child of Alumnus/a

             Limited and Polite
           Additional Information


                                                Financial Need

COLLEGE SEARCH                                                 SCOIR Student
                                                               The student page consists of three areas related to the
The first and most important task to complete when
                                                               college search: My Profile, College Search, and
starting your college search is to decide what is impor-
                                                               My Colleges.
tant to you in a school. Search for a school that fits you
well academically, socially, and culturally. Don’t eliminate      My Profile
a school solely because it’s outside of your comfort zone.        After you have logged into SCOIR, you will arrive
The challenge of dealing with the unfamiliar can help             at the My Profile page. This is also known as the
you grow as a person.                                             Landing page. This is where you will find all of the
The University Prep Website                                       personal information linked to you. In addition
                                                                  to academic stats, standardized test scores, and
This is a gateway to information about the college
                                                                  parent information found in the My Profile section,
counseling program at UPrep. The site also has addi-
                                                                  SCOIR gives students the ability to upload web
tional information on gap year programs, summer op-
                                                                  links, social media posts (that are college relevant),
portunities, and test prep information, https://www.
                                                                  and important documents (transcripts, resumes, a
                                                                  graded assignment that you might need for a col-
School-Specific Websites                                          lege application) into a “My drive” portal. Students
                                                                  can also share activities they are involved in and
Individual college and university websites have a pleth-
                                                                  achievements they are proud of in this section.
ora of information for students and parents. These sites
provide you with detailed information on a variety of             College Search
topics ranging from planning a campus visit to depart-
                                                                  SCOIR’s college search engine empowers students
mental information.
                                                                  to find colleges that best meet their individual needs
College Representative Visits to University Prep                  and preferences. Students can search for schools
                                                                  using the drop down menus. There are over ten
UPrep hosts more than 200 college representatives
                                                                  choices for search criteria: Name, Personal Interest
throughout the fall. All juniors and seniors are encour-
                                                                  & Activities, Academic, Undergraduate Degrees,
aged to attend.
                                                                  Location, Number of Undergrads, Acceptance Rate,
A list of visiting colleges can be found in Naviance              School Type, Campus Setting, ROTC Programs, and
and on the bulletin board outside of the College                  Application type.
Counseling Office. You will need a permission slip with
teacher approval to attend.                                       My Colleges
                                                                  Once a list of colleges is created, students will
SCOIR—A Dynamic New Online College                                choose to “follow” a school so that it remains on
Counseling Tool                                                   their prospective college list. Students can save and/
                                                                  or share the schools they’re following with other
The college counseling office is excited to introduce
                                                                  stakeholders (parents or counselors) in the college
SCOIR, a new online college counseling platform, to
                                                                  process. SCOIR provides comprehensive information
students and parents beginning with the class of 2021.
                                                                  and analysis about each college on a college list.
SCOIR is a dynamic and visual college search, selection,
                                                                  The in-depth information is found in three areas:
and application tool for students, parents, and college
                                                                  Overview which includes many of the nuts and
counselors. Each stakeholder in the college process will
                                                                  bolts (Academic, Admission, Student Life) infor-
have their own individual accounts in SCOIR as there
                                                                  mation about a school, the Wall which is a visual
are features in the program that are uniquely tailored
                                                                  representation of the school through photos, social
to the student and parent role in the college process.
                                                                  media posts and school websites, and Analysis
Students and parents will receive an email to “invite”
                                                                  where students can compare their academic back-
them to initiate their SCOIR account, giving them ac-
                                                                  ground to students who have previously applied.
cess to this powerful and fun resource. Members of the
class of 2021 will receive their SCOIR login information
in the fall of 2019.

                                                                  COLLEGE COUNSELING AT UNIVERSITY PREP 2019 – 2020      5
SCOIR Parent                                                   mend that your username be the email address you
Parents are an integral part of the college search pro-        use most frequently) and password. If you lose your
cess. SCOIR provides each parent with their own login          password, simply send us an email and we can easily
information to access to SCOIR’s interactive college           reset it.
search tools. Parents can assist their student in discov-      If, at any time, you forget your password, you can
ering schools that may be of interest to them by sug-          enter via the “Guest Entrance” window. Enter “puma”
gesting schools to Follow; Students decide whether or          as your password (all lower case) and you will have
not to “Accept” this suggestion. SCOIR also provides a         access to the “Colleges” section of Naviance.
comprehensive Net Price Calculator to assist families in       Naviance provides a range of services for students,
seeing the cost of attendance at each school a student         parents, and college counselors. Users can:
is Following.                                                  • view individualized displays of their personal aca-
The parent page consists of three areas: College,                   demic information and test scores;
College Search, and Profile.                                   • send and receive email from the college office and
                                                                    get automatic email reminders about colleges
                                                                    visiting University Prep;
    Here you will find the Net Price Calculator (NPC)          • search for colleges and start a list of potential
    tool. The more detailed financial information a fami-           schools to explore more in depth.
    ly can provide, the more accurate information about
                                                               • Additionally, the College Counseling Office uses
    the cost of attendance at each school is found.
                                                                    Naviance to submit application materials to most
    Families only need to fill out the NPC once; the in-
                                                                    colleges online.
    formation is stored and applied to each school in the
    student’s Following, Applying, and Applied list.           • Once logged into the system, there are four tabs at
                                                                    the top of the page: Colleges, Careers, About Me,
    College Search                                                  and My Planner.
    Parents will have full access to college search crite-
    ria. Parents can complete their own college search,        Colleges
    independent of their student. If a student has saved       My Colleges: Students, parents, and the college
    their last college search, parents will have the ability   counselors can create both prospective college lists
    to see the schools on this list.                           (“colleges I’m thinking about”) as well as an active list
                                                               of college applications (“colleges I’m applying to”).
    Profile                                                    There is also a section listing which of those colleges
    This is where you will find all of the personal, aca-      will be visiting U Prep soon; students can sign up to
    demic, and extracurricular activities your student has     receive email reminders about upcoming visits.
    listed in their SCOIR account. Parents can also view       College Research: Here students and parents can
    any documents that their student has uploaded into         conduct extensive college searches. Start broadly by
    MyDrive.                                                   limiting your preferences to a few important factors
                                                               (size, location, selectivity, major, athletic interest). Later,
Naviance: Getting Started with Family Connection
                                                               you can specify more; the pickier you get, the fewer
In the junior year, each student and parent is assigned        the matches. You can also visit the Scattergrams, where
a personal password-protected account through                  you can see charts that show how recent U Prep
Naviance Family Connection, a web-based program                students have fared when applying to specific colleges.
that supports the College Counseling Office. To access         Under Enrichment Programs, you can see a variety of
University Prep’s Naviance Family Connection, go to:           different summer and school year programs to enrich                   your co-curricular and academic studies.
New users should click on “I need to register” and in-         Scholarships and Money: Students and parents
put the password distributed by the College Counsel-           can search for local scholarships, view scholarship
ing Office; after the initial visit to the Naviance web-       applications, and conduct national scholarship searches.
site, the password can be personalized. Returning
users simply log on with their username (we recom-

Explore Careers: Students can search for information        Book Recommendations:
on various careers and potential related fields to help     The College Search Process
identify potential majors in colleges.
                                                            Antonoff, Steven R. and Friedemann, Marie.
What are my interests? Students can take person-
                                                            College Match: A Blueprint for Choosing the
ality quizzes to learn more about their learning style,
                                                            Best School for You. Alexandria, VA: Octameron
or use the Career Interest Profiler, a tool that can help
                                                            Associates, 2014.
you discover the types of work activities and careers
that match your interests. The Do What You Are®             Barker, Theresa and Thompson, Michael. The
survey will help you learn about your personality, your     Pressured Child: Help Your Child Find Success
strengths, your blindspots, as well as suitable careers.    in School and Life. New York: Random House
The Learning Style Inventory™ will help you under-          Publishing Group, 2004.
stand your learning and working style. These are all
helpful tools to find out which types of colleges and       Bruni, Frank. Where You Go is Not Who You’ll
careers might be the best fit for you and your learning     Be. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2015.
                                                            Delahunty, Jennifer. I’m Going to College – Not
                                                            You: Surviving the College Search With Your
About Me
                                                            Child. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2010.
Interesting Things About Me: Allows students to
access and share surveys with the College Counseling        Ferguson, Andrew. Crazy U: One Dad’s Crash
Office, upload documents, create resumes, and orga-         Course in Getting His Kid into College. New
nize checklists.                                            York: Simon and Schuster, 2011.
Official Things: Is where information on grades, stan-      Fiske, Edward. The Fiske Guide to Colleges.
dardized tests scores, and the student profile are kept.    Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, 2018.

My Planner                                                  Lythcott-Haims, Julie. How to Raise an Adult.
                                                            New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 2016.
Create a calendar of goals and tasks, and enter due
dates for college applications.                             Mathews, Jay. Harvard Schmarvard: Getting
                                                            Beyond the Ivy League to the College That Is
                                                            Best for You. New York: Prima Publishing, 2003.

                                                            Robbins, Alexandria. The Overachievers:
                                                            The Secret Lives of Driven Kids. New York:
                                                            Hyperion, 2006.

                                                            Steinberg, Jacques. The Gatekeepers: Inside
                                                            the Admission Process of a Premier College.
                                                            New York: Viking Penguin, 2008.

                                                            COLLEGE COUNSELING AT UNIVERSITY PREP 2019 – 2020   7
College Visit                                                       impressions will help you distinguish schools from
                                                                    one another. Remember, a picture is worth a
One of the most important parts of your college search
                                                                    thousand words!
is the campus visit. Visiting colleges on your list will give
you a firsthand impression of the students, faculty, staff,     •   Contact former UPrep students you might know
facilities, and programs. On a visit you can learn what             at the school before you plan to visit. They’ll give
the admissions office is looking for in its applicants, gain        you an insider’s look at the campus.
a feeling for the academic and social atmosphere, see           •   Before you go, make a list of items that are
the study/living/recreation facilities, talk with students,         important to you so you know what to evaluate:
and get a sense of the surrounding community. We en-                Start thinking about location, size, diversity, aca-
courage college visits starting in the spring of junior year.       demic programs, social atmosphere.

Why Visit?                                                      What to Do When You Visit
A college website, catalog, or view book can only show          Keep these things in mind:
you so much. To get a feel for the school, you need             1. Focus on the people, place, and programs. Engage
to walk around the campus, sit in a class, and visit the           as many people as possible in conversation about
dorms. It’s also an opportunity to see and experience              the school.
everyday life on campus.                                        2. Look at campus publications to get more informa-
When to Visit?                                                     tion about the community at large. A college news-
                                                                   paper will give you a sense of what the students are
Admissions offices are open all year, but visiting when            concerned about—something a tour guide is not
classes are in session is best. Check a school’s website           likely to share.
for visit information; many ask you to sign up online for
                                                                3. Wander through the student center, cafés, and
tours and information sessions.
                                                                   bookstore and observe how students interact with
•   One of the best times to visit is spring break of your         each other.
    junior year. At UPrep we suggest you visit one large,       4. Go on an admissions tour and attend an informa-
    one medium, and one small school to get a feeling              tion session. Think about questions that you may
    for each. If possible, include a large state and a             want to ask. Listen to the tour guide, but don’t
    small private school on your tour for comparison.              jump to conclusions about a school based solely
•   Some schools offer special visit days. These are               on your experience with the tour guide.
    usually day-long programs that will introduce you
    to many areas of the school.                                Sit In a Class:
Planning Your Visit                                             1. Do the professors seem knowledgeable? Are they
Things to do or consider in your plan:                             accessible for questions or concerns?

•   A good campus visit takes 2-4 hours, including              2. What is the roll of a Teaching Assistant (TA) in the
    time to get a sense of the surrounding town or                 classroom? Do they replace the professor or assist
    area. Don’t try to visit more than two schools in              the professor?
    one day.                                                    3   Are the students participating in classroom
•   Contact the admissions office or visit the school’s             discussion? Are they engaged? Disengaged?
    website for tour information.                               4. What kinds of work are the students doing?
•   In addition to a campus tour and information                   Are they conducting advanced research?
    session, you may want to include an admissions                  Doing group projects?
    interview, a meeting with a faculty member in your
                                                                5. What size are the classes? Is this representative of
    area of interest, a meeting with a coach, and attend-
                                                                   all classes on campus (or do intro courses tend to
    ing a class (allow extra time to schedule these).
                                                                   be bigger than advanced)?
•   Take lots of pictures. You’ll be amazed by how
    much information you’ll collect from photos.                Speak With Current Students:
    Having a camera and jotting down a few notes and            1. What is their opinion of the professors? Do they

find that they can approach their professors?           •   Write a thank you note to any admissions persons
2. Do the professors spend time with students to be             you met during your visit. This makes a valuable
   sure they understand the material?                           impression.

3. How much time is expected for studying and other         Student and Parent Roles and Responsibilities
   work outside of class?                                   During the College Process we encourage students and
4. What do they like most/least about the school?           parents to abide by the following precepts.
5. How do they spend their free time? Ask a student         Student Roles and Responsibilities
   what he or she did the previous weekend: Was it          •   Know thyself
   balanced between social activities and academics?
                                                            •   You are in the driver’s seat
   Did he or she remain on campus?.
                                                            •   Be an informed consumer
Speak With an Admission Counselor:                          •   Do your research
1. Does the school offer Early Action (EA) or Early         •   Don’t let this process affect your self-esteem
   Decision (ED) options to students?                       •   Focus on your needs
2. Do I need to declare a major on my application?          •   Avoid the “rumor mill”
3. What unique programs does the school offer? Is           •   Be mindful of deadlines
   there an honors program?                                 •   You represent more than yourself in this process
4. Are internships available? In the community? For         •   Communicate
   credit during the school year? During the summer?
                                                            Parent Roles and Responsibilities
5. Based on my academic information, do I fit within
   the range of your profiled students?                     •   Be realistic
                                                            •   You are in the passenger seat
6. Are there any unique admissions requirements? Is
                                                            •   Focus on the right fit
   the Common Application accepted? Is there a
   supplement?                                              •   Use many sources to research colleges
                                                            •   Help your student think about who he/she is
Speak With a Financial Aid Counselor:
                                                            •   Avoid the “rumor mill”
1. Are there any school-specific scholarships available?    •   Avoid pronoun confusion (“We are applying”)
   How do I apply?                                          •   Value and celebrate these last two years
2. What is the total cost of attendance, including          •   If you went through the college process, recognize
   tuition, room and board, books, supplies, inciden-           that both schools and the process are different
   tals, parking, travel, and health insurance?
                                                            •   Where your student is admitted to college is not a
3. When is tuition due? Is there a payment plan?                reflection of your parenting
4. What types of financial aid do you offer? Is financial   •   Communicate
   aid need-based, merit-based, or both? What per-
   centage of aid is in the form of loans? Grants? Schol-
   arships? Work-Study awards?
5. What financial aid forms and/or scholarship applica-
   tions do you require?
6. What is the average financial aid award?
7. When do you notify families about their financial
   aid award?

After the Visit
•   Fill out the college comparison worksheet on the
    following page to help you remember the school.

                                                                COLLEGE COUNSELING AT UNIVERSITY PREP 2019 – 2020    9

COLLEGE: ______________________________ DATE: ____________________

 TO DO CHECKLIST:                     CITY/STATE:

                                      Size: 			Rural  Small City                               Big City 
     talk to professors

     visit the library               ADMISSION CRITERIA:
                                      ACT: eng: 		             read:		       math:		             sci:       comp:
     tour campus
                                      SAT: ebrw: 				math:			 comp:
     sit in a class
                                      SAT Subject Tests Required?
     eat at the cafeteria
                                      Acceptance Percentage?
     talk to admissions              Admissions Rep:
     read the college                Email/Phone:
                                      EXPERIENCE: Rated: 1 = Low / 5 = High
     talk to students
                                      People:            1   2   3   4   5      Social Life: 1     2    3   4   5
     visit student housing
                                      Classrooms:        1   2   3   4   5      Dorms: 	1          2    3   4   5
     read bulletin boards            Campus Food: 1         2   3   4   5      Town: 	 1          2    3   4   5
     check out rec facilities
                                      ASK A STUDENT:
     check out student
      activities                      What is the best part of this college?

     tour area around                What is the worst part of this college?
                                      What is a typical day like?
     eat at an off-campus
      hang out                        What do students do on weekends?

     picture yourself                How are classes structured?
      living here
                                      Why did you choose this college?

                                      MY IMPRESSIONS:

                                      Best features of this school?

                                      Best part of my visit?

                                      Worst part of my visit?

JUNIOR AND SENIOR YEARS                                        Responsibilities for the Senior Year
                                                               •    Complete in Naviance (by July 1, prior to the start
Junior Year                                                         of your senior year) your senior inventory and
The goal of the junior year is to begin to develop a rela-          parent questionnaire.
tionship between the student and the college counsel-          •    Narrow your choices.
ing staff. By learning more about each student, we help        •    Meet with your college counselor. Visit often;
them define areas of interest and figure out subject                we like to know how the college process is pro-
areas that they would like to pursue. It’s a starting point         gressing.
for the conversations we’re going to have about college.       •    Complete your applications on time.
It’s a time of tremendous growth and self-discovery            •    Complete financial aid information by
when the students begin to see themselves as emerging               November 1.
                                                               •    Present yourself in the most positive fashion
Responsibilities for the Junior Year                                to the colleges of your choice. At UPrep, virtually all
                                                                    applications and supplemental application materials
•    Complete junior questionnaire in Naviance.
                                                                    (transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc.) are
•    Meet with your college counselor during spring                 submitted electronically via Naviance. Although
     semester. Parent meetings are scheduled after your             there are some schools that maintain their own
     initial student meeting.                                       individual application, they still offer students the
•    Determine criteria for colleges.                               ability to complete the application online.
•    Participate in college admission testing programs:        •    Plan to attend college representative visits
     PSAT, SAT reasoning test, SAT subject tests, ACT,              held at UPrep as well college fairs in Seattle,
     AP exams. We encourage all students to take the                especially if you can’t meet with representatives
     SAT and the ACT with writing during the second                 at UPrep. Remember that the representatives who
     semester junior year.                                          come to the Northwest are the ones most likely to
•    Attend college representative meetings at school.              read your application and to be your advocate on
•    Sign (you and your parents) and return your Release            their admission committee. Therefore, it is to your
     of Records form.                                               advantage to get to know these representatives.
•    Attend college fair programs in Seattle (National              A list of visiting colleges can be found in Naviance
     College Fair and the Seattle Area Independent                  and on the bulletin board outside of the College
     School Fair).                                                  Counseling Office.
                                                               •    Avoid senioritis. Colleges always predicate
Senior Year                                                         acceptance upon satisfactory completion of the
                                                                    senior year. Students are urged to consult with the
It’s not where a student goes to college; it’s the
                                                                    director of the College Counseling Office about any
journey that should be memorable. The goal of the
                                                                    substantial changes in senior year courses or
senior year is to help students on their journey. We
                                                                    grades. If a student’s academic situation changes at
guide students and parents in the college process and
                                                                    any time during the senior year, colleges will be
assist them every step of the way; we communicate
                                                                    notified. Self-disclosure by the student of any
with and advocate for each student during our con-
                                                                    academic inconsistencies is the preferred way for
versations with college admissions colleagues; and we
                                                                    colleges to learn of these changes.
celebrate each student’s accomplishments. We wish
them success and happiness in their college choice as          Communication with Colleges
they complete the journey.                                     We know many parents will help with certain aspects
                                                               of the admissions process. Parents are encouraged to
                                                               support students but to refrain from contacting ad-
                                                               mission offices except under unusual circumstances. It
    You are responsible for checking your college deadlines!   is the students’ responsibility to communicate directly
                                                               with admission offices to make their own tour and
                                                               interview appointments, to request information, and to

                                                                   COLLEGE COUNSELING AT UNIVERSITY PREP 2019 – 2020     11
check on the status of their files. It is incumbent upon    •    any suspension from school lasting one week or
each student to complete his or her senior year with             more occurred during the freshman and sophomore
the same (or better) commitment to studies and re-               year;
sponsibilities as in past years. Each student’s academic    •    any suspension from school longer than three days
transcript will be reported to colleges at the following         occurred during the junior or senior year.
times during senior year: First quarter for EA/ED candi-
dates, mid-year, and end of senior year.
Many college applications now ask the student and/or            Myth:
counselor whether the applicant has ever been sus-
                                                                Grades are the most important factor in college
pended or taken a leave of absence from school. To
avoid integrity issues during the college admission pro-
cess, students should self-disclose disciplinary records        Reality:
when asked by colleges. The College Counseling Office
                                                                The quality of the curriculum, not grades, is the most
is obligated to report disciplinary actions when:
                                                                important factor in admission decisions. Most colleges
•    asked specifically to report a student’s discipline        like to see four years of all five academic majors: Math,
     record;                                                    Science, English, History, and a Foreign Language on an
                                                                applicant’s transcript.
•    any pattern of violations of UPrep’s Community
     Expectations occurred during a student’s Upper
     School career;

                                   THE    COMMON APPLICATION
                                        FOR UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS

      Filling out a College Application?

      Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
      •   UPrep School Code: 48-1169. UPrep Address: 8000 25th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98115
      •   You enrolled in high school in August 2016. You anticipate graduating June 14, 2020.
      •   There are 83 students in your class. Your grades are on a 4.0 unweighted scale, and there is no
          class rank.
      •   Kelly Herrington, Director of College Counseling,, 206-832-1226
      •   Britten Nelson, Associate Director of College Counseling,, 206-832-1111
      •   Attend college fair programs in Seattle (National College Fair and the Seattle Area Independent
          School Fair).
      •   There are 52 weeks/calendar year, roughly 9 weeks/quarter, 19 weeks/semester, 38 weeks/school year.
      •   Each sports season lasts approximately 11-12 weeks.

THE COLLEGE APPLICATION                                         communicate admission decisions via web portals, so
                                                                you will need these to check your application status.
The College Counseling Office stands ready to assist
you with advice and answers to questions to make this           Application Options
a positive experience. You can contact us at any time:          Early Action (EA): A process whereby a student can
  Kelly Herrington:                                             submit an application by a designated date (typical-        206.832.1226          ly in November or December) and receive a decision
                                                                one month later. The EA student, if accepted, is not
  Britten Nelson:
                                                                bound to enroll. Students are not required to notify the            206.832.1111
                                                                college of their enrollment decision until May 1. They
  Wendy Robbins:                                                can also apply to other colleges early action or early           206.832.1127          decision as well.
Here are some practical suggestions to ensure that you          Restrictive Early Action (REA), sometimes referred
have a successful college application process.                  to as Single Choice Early Action(SCEA): An early appli-
                                                                cation process used by a few Ivy League universities
Register early for SATs and ACTs. If you do not adhere
                                                                and Stanford where students typically apply by mid-
to this suggestion, it is possible you could be assigned as
                                                                November and receive a decision by mid-December.
far away as Tacoma, Bremerton, or Centralia on popular
                                                                Students are not required to notify the college of their
test dates.
                                                                enrollment decision until May 1. Under the SCEA poli-
Fill out your test applications for SATs and ACTs               cy, students are not allowed to apply to other colleges
the same way every time. For example, inserting a               under ED or EA programs. They can, however, apply to
middle initial in the second application for a test can         other colleges through regular decision programs.
confuse the computers and make it difficult to recover          Early Decision (ED): A process whereby a student
your scores.                                                    can submit an application by a designated date (typi-
Make copies of everything you send colleges, finan-             cally in November or December) and receive a decision
cial aid offices, ETS (the testing arm of the College Board),   one month later that carries a binding commitment to
and ACT.                                                        enroll, if accepted, to the college. Student and parent
                                                                must sign a statement of intent that, if admitted, the
Read and act on school announcements about                      student will attend the college/university regardless
college visits, deadlines, and meetings.                        of financial aid award. Colleges will share ED lists, so
Check your email! This is how colleges communicate              all other applications must be withdrawn. Students
with you about upcoming deadlines, programs, events,            not admitted under ED are either denied or deferred.
scholarships, and interviews.                                   Deferred applicants are reconsidered with the regular
                                                                decision applicant candidates. Students and parents will
Be visible in the College Counseling Office; the                not be informed of financial aid prior to admission. A
better we get to know you, the better we can repre-             small number of colleges have a second round of this
sent you to colleges.                                           process called Early Decision II. This deadline is usually
Make appointments for college interviews and                    around January 15 with notification one month later.
tours early. This is especially true if you are visiting in     Regular Decision (RD): The most common application
the Northeast. A two-to-three-month lead time is not            process in this country. Most colleges offer some form
unusual.                                                        of RD among their application choices. Students usually
                                                                apply to colleges between January 1 and January 15, are
Missing school for college visits and interviews is
                                                                notified of the decision by April 1, and then must let the
not advised, but sometimes cannot be avoided. Be
                                                                college know whether they will matriculate by May 1.
sure that you complete all assignments and meet all
school deadlines despite any interruptions caused by            Candidate Reply Date: May 1 is the date by which all
the college admission process.                                  colleges require an admitted student to commit
                                                                to attending their school. This commitment usually
Write down all your user name and passwords.                    requires an enrollment deposit. Students can only
You will be asked to use them frequently. Most schools          commit to one school.

                                                                  COLLEGE COUNSELING AT UNIVERSITY PREP 2019 – 2020      13
Fast Applications/Priority Applications/                           * These applications often create more of a logistical
Pre-Applications*: In an effort to increase the                      headache for you. We encourage you to avoid these
number of applications received (which helps colleges                “fast track” offers—an EA (or RD) application submit-
reduce their admission rate, which makes them ap-                    ted through the Common Application will actually be
pear more selective), many colleges are offering “Fast               easier for you in the long run.
Apps.” These alternative applications often waive the
application fee and/or an essay requirement.

Thinking about applying to one of the schools in the University of California System?
Nine Campuses: One Application. University of California system includes over 200,000 students attending one of nine under-
graduate campuses at:

     •   Berkeley           •   Irvine             •   Merced              •   San Diego           •   Santa Cruz
     •   Davis              •   Los Angeles        •   Riverside           •   Santa Barbara

While each campus is unique, students submit one application to the UC system as a whole, indicating which specific
campus(es) he or she is applying to. Applications for the fall term are due between November 1 and November 30.

Before a student applies for admission to any of the campuses within the University of California system, he or she must
first determine if the minimum eligibility requirements for admission in three areas have been met:

1. Scholarship Requirement: Non-California residents MUST HAVE A 3.4 CUMULATIVE GPA in classes taken in 10th
   and 11th grade, and no grade lower than a C in the courses listed below in section 2:

2. Subject Requirement: Students must complete a minimum of 15 college preparatory courses, with at least 11
   finished prior to the beginning of the senior year. These courses are the traditional courses required for graduation
   from University Prep, including our history, English, math, lab science, and foreign language requirements. HOWEV-
   ER, it is also a requirement of one full year of Visual and Performing Arts, which is different than UPrep’s graduation
   requirement. Some UPrep students aren’t eligible to apply to the UC system because they have two semesters of
   visual or performing arts from different disciplines (for example, Photography I in one semester, and Stagecraft in
   another), instead of two consecutive semesters in one discipline (Photography I in the fall, Photography II in the
   spring). Please talk to your college counselor if you suspect that you have not satisfied the Visual and Performing
   Arts requirement.

3. Examination Requirement: You must take the ACT + Writing or the SAT Reasoning Test by December of your senior
   year. The UC System doesn’t require the SAT Subject Tests, but certain programs on some campuses recommend them.
   For more information, visit:

Because non-residents pay more for tuition, the UC System has seen an increase in admission for out-of-state and inter-
national applicants, even as the overall admit rate has decreased. However, the California state legislature recently capped
out-of-state enrollment at 18%, which means that UPrep students will be at a disadvantage at a few of the more com-
petitive UC schools (Berkeley, UCLA, San Diego, and Irvine, which all had out-of-state enrollment above 18% last year).
Furthermore, four-year graduation rates on UC campuses range from 40% to 70% and six-year graduation rates range
from 65% to 90%. If admitted, you may want to anticipate paying out-of-state tuition (which is significantly higher than
in-state tuition), for more than four years; it is very difficult to gain residency. For more information on applying to the
UC System, visit:

Glossary of College-Related Terms                           A regular academic year includes the fall, winter, and
                                                            spring quarters. Example: University of Washington.
Admissions Index: A system of ranking applicants for
                                                            The fourth or summer quarter is usually optional. If
automatic admission to a university. SAT/ACT scores are
                                                            only three terms are offered, the system is usually
often the only factors in an index. This practice for
                                                            referred to as a trimester schedule. These three terms
admitting students is not common; it is used primarily
                                                            are usually twelve weeks each. Example: Carleton
by large public universities.
                                                            College, Minnesota.
Block Plan: A curriculum based on one course at
                                                            Semester System: The organization of the college
a time for periods of three to seven weeks each.
                                                            year into two periods of approximately eighteen weeks
Example: Cornell College, IA; Colorado College, CO;
                                                            each. A regular academic year includes the fall and
Quest University, Canada.
                                                            spring semesters. Example: Colby College, Maine.
Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success:
                                                            SSD: Services for Students with Disabilities is a branch
A group of 130 colleges and universities across the U.S.
                                                            of the College Board that oversees extended time and
that offers college planning tools and an online applica-
                                                            special accommodations for students with learning
tion for admission. The University of Washington is an
                                                            differences or physical disabilities.
exclusive user of the coalition application. For informa-
tion, visit             3/2 Programs: An opportunity for students who wish
                                                            to combine a professional program with a liberal arts
College Board: The “umbrella” organization that
                                                            education. Students attend a liberal arts college for
produces high school, college, and graduate assessment
                                                            three years and a professional program, such as engi-
tests, proposes educational policy, and works on
                                                            neering or architecture, for two. Example: Whitman’s
curriculum reform. Visit
                                                            3/2 program with Duke University for forestry.
for more information.
Common Application: More than 750 colleges and              Applying to International Schools
universities participate in the Common Application
program whereby a student fills out one application         The United Kingdom and Europe have become popular
and can use it for more than one college. The Com-          destinations for college-bound Americans. You will
mon Application is available in the College Counseling      probably find that most colleges require a high school
Office or online at                      diploma, a minimum of 600 on each of the two sections
                                                            of the SAT, and 2 or 3 SAT Subject Tests with a minimum
CO-OP Program: A study and work system that allows          of 600 on each.
students to gain practical experience related to their
course work. Example: Northeastern University,              •    Oxford, Cambridge, and the London School of
Massachusetts.                                                   Economics are not very realistic choices for Ameri-
                                                                 can students, as their programs are not chronologi-
Educational Testing Service: The Educational Testing             cally in synchrony with ours. Better choices are the
Service is responsible for the creation and administra-          Scottish universities. The University of St. Andrews
tion of the SAT Reasoning Test, SAT Subject Tests,               has the longest history of recruiting Americans and
TOEFL, and APs.                                                  has by far the highest proportion of them in its
Liberal Arts: College studies comprising the arts,               undergraduate population. The Universities of
natural sciences, mathematics, social studies, and               Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Stirling are
humanities, as distinguished from applied studies in             other prominent names, as well as Trinity in Dublin.
such specialized areas as pharmacy, engineering,                 Fortunately, many schools in the UK, including the
agriculture, home economics, etc.                                Universities of St. Andrews, Aberdeen, Stirling, and
NCAA Clearinghouse: The National Collegiate                      Strathclyde, now accept the Common Application,
Athletic Association’s agency that processes academic            which makes it easier for students from the US to
qualification forms for all Division I and II athletes.          apply for admission. Prices are about $36,000 per
Visit for more              year, including tuition, room, and board, with little
information.                                                     financial aid available.
                                                            •    On the continent, the primary option is the net-
Quarter System: The organization of the college year
                                                                 work of American-style institutions such as the
into four periods of approximately twelve weeks each.
                                                                 American Universities in Paris and Rome. There is

                                                                COLLEGE COUNSELING AT UNIVERSITY PREP 2019 – 2020    15
a newer one in Bremen, Germany, with ties to Rice        •   Once a teacher has agreed to write your recom-
     University in the U.S., and several places in Switzer-       mendation, please add their name to Naviance. This
     land. Webster University in St. Louis has a number           allows them to see your application deadlines and
     of campuses abroad. Most of these institutions are           your college list. In order to complete this process,
     small, with about 1,000 students.                            students need to log into Naviance Family Connec-
                                                                  tion and click on “Colleges.” Under “My colleges,”
Applying to The University of Washington                          click on “letters of recommendation,” then pick the
The University of Washington has a unique application             names of the two teachers completing recommenda-
process in which students self-report classes and grades,         tions from the drop down list. This allows the teach-
and UW doesn’t want to see transcripts or letters of              er to complete their recommendation online (your
recommendation. The University of Washington applica-             designated college counselor will automatically
tion is a part of the Coalition Application (http://www.          submit your letter of recommendation as well—you, an application plat-              do not have to select them). Please have teachers
form comprised of nearly 130 schools. Visit www.                  selected in Naviance by September 1. Some teachers to apply.                              may request additional information from you prior to
                                                                  completing a recommendation letter for you; please
Applying to Canadian Schools                                      provide this information in a timely manner.
                                                              •   Some teachers have forms they will ask you to fill
More University Prep students are singing “O Canada.”
                                                                  out before they write your recommendation. It pro-
A recent newspaper article noted: “Today, our quiet
                                                                  vides them with data regarding why you liked their
neighbor to the north shines as a sanctuary from sky-
                                                                  class. A copy of your resume or a list detailing your
high college bills.” And so the parents of our alumni
                                                                  outside activities is also encouraged. This inform-
attending college in Canada are singing “O Canada”
                                                                  ation is essential to teachers. It will help them
even louder than their children. Most importantly, many
                                                                  evaluate you in the context of their class and your
Canadian universities are referred to as “ivy among the
                                                                  other pursuits.
maple.” The educational quality of Canadian universities
is strong.                                                    •   At the end of the process, write thank-you notes
                                                                  to all the teachers who wrote recommendations for
Teacher Recommendations
Recommendations from teachers help the admission
committee learn information about you that test scores        THE COLLEGE ESSAY
and grades do not reflect. Give careful thought to
                                                              Writing Your Essay
which teachers you would like to write your teacher
recommendation as they provide insight and perspective        Most college applications require at least one main es-
about your classroom learning style and experience.           say, and many also include additional shorter questions
                                                              as well. The purpose of this is twofold: colleges want to
•    Ask two teachers for a recommendation. You
                                                              assess your writing skills, but they also want to learn
     should select teachers from two different disciplines
                                                              more about you.
     (i.e., one from English, foreign language or history,
     and one from math or science). Ask late in your          •   Be as honest and introspective as possible.
     junior year if they would be interested in writing a         Take this opportunity to tell the admissions
     recommendation for you.                                      counselor things about yourself that cannot be
•    Always ask the teacher in person, never in                   learned from any other part of the application
     passing or via email, to write your recommenda-              you submit. If there are any inconsistencies in your
     tion. Teachers are asked by numerous students for            academic, athletic or creative record, you can use
     recommendations and many limit the number of                 this space to explain them.
     recommendations they agree to write. By doing so,        •   Application essay topics. Try to discover what
     they do not over commit themselves. They want to             makes you unique. They also show what you care
     give your recommendation the same effort and                 about and the kind of person you are. Essay topics to
     consideration as others.                                     consider: family history, events, or people that have
                                                                  been important to you and why; a challenging or

interesting experience and what you learned from it;     Other Words of Advice
    an obstacle you’ve faced and how you dealt with or       •    Focus small, think big. Don’t try to tackle too much
    overcame it; your goals, ambitions, or dreams; what           in the essay. Stick to one experience, event, or activ-
    you hope to learn or gain in college; or what other           ity. You’ll be surprised at how much you can reveal.
    college students can learn or gain from you; issues of
                                                             •    Have fun! Sit down and start writing; your opening
    personal, local, or national concern.
                                                                  sentence doesn’t have to be perfect yet (that’s why
•   Creating a theme for your essay such as risk                  we call it a rough draft).
    taking, intellectual independence, or love of the
                                                             •    Have a good opening line that will capture the
    outdoors often brings up interesting examples of
                                                                  reader’s (bleary-eyed admission counselor’s) atten-
    your life to support your chosen theme. Specific
    incidents to illustrate general observations are
    considered essential.                                    •    Ask for advice from the people who know you the
                                                                  best, but write it yourself.
•   The typical length of an essay is about 500 words,
    or no more than two double-spaced pages, which           •    You are different from anyone else. Make admission
    means that you will have to choose your words very            counselors see that!
    carefully. The essay process should encourage good       •    Humor can help, but don’t force it.
    writing, and good writing, by definition, is brief.      •    Show, don’t tell (i.e., use the senses—smell, touch,
                                                                  taste, hear, see). Add details, details, details.
Practical Considerations                                     •    Enliven your language with descriptive verbs.
Write more than one draft, edit, and revise—this             Actual Questions from Colleges and Universities
process takes time and you should not expect to finish
it in one sitting.                                           •    Describe an event in your life that either demon-
                                                                  strates your character or helped to shape it.
•   Do not try to be too unique or too creative. Make
                                                             •    Some students have a background or story that is
    sure to use your own voice!
                                                                  so central to their identity that they believe their
•   Check for misspellings and have it proofread by               application would be incomplete without it. If this
    actual human beings (do not rely on spell check).             sounds like you, then please share your story.
Grammar and mechanics do matter.                             •    Recount an incident or time when you experienced
•   Keep it to one or two pages. Concise is nice.                 failure. How did it affect you, and what lessons did
                                                                  you learn?
•   It’s economical to send the same essay to more
    than one school (as long as you answer the ques-         •    Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or
    tion asked).                                                  idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make
                                                                  the same decision again?
Potential Topics
                                                             •    Describe a place or environment where you are
•   Avoid overused, trendy, or hot topics, such as                perfectly content. What do you do or experience
    politics, privilege, sex, and religion.                       there, and why is it meaningful to you?
•   Write about what you know. Be yourself!                  •    Discuss an accomplishment or event that marked
•   Keep the topic simple—choose one idea or situa-               your transition from childhood to adulthood within
    tion (this is one page in your life, not the entire           your culture, community, or family.
•   Your choice of topic does not matter nearly as
    much as your approach.
•   Make sure it reflects who you are and what you
•   Write about what you have learned, what you have
    observed, and how you have changed.
•   Highlight an accomplishment.

                                                                 COLLEGE COUNSELING AT UNIVERSITY PREP 2019 – 2020    17
Sample Essay #1                                           atmosphere, finding comfort in the dark places my
                                                               shadow didn’t inhabit, settling into corners I hadn’t
     Speaking on Behalf of a Simple Hope                       claimed as my own during that golden time when
                                                               we were one.
     The search bar waits, expectant. I only hesitate for a
     moment.                                                   Three. I’m at my desk, trying to tease useful out-
                                                               put from strings of code. The numbers start to swim
     “D-E-F-I-N-E,” my fingers tap out. Shift, colon.
                                                               as I pull up graph after graph, lost in monotony. Scan
     “D-E-P-R-E-S-S-I-O-N.” Click. In 0.21 seconds:
                                                               for red. Delete, new input, compile. Scan for green.
                                                               Find the p-values, the correlation coefficients, the
     Noun: severe despondency and dejection, feelings
                                                               last shreds of my sanity. How much more of me can
     of hopelessness and inadequacy.
                                                               be lost to Excel?
     Zero. The medicine cabinet swung open with a sick-
                                                               Each number represents some characteristic of a
     eningly quiet squeal, and she was in. Red, yellow,
                                                               living, breathing life, an anonymous connection I’ll
     blue, white, they spilled into her hands and she
                                                               never be able to fulfill. I picture 174b as a troubled
     looked at them, slowly, inspecting the integrity of
                                                               ballerina; she dances four times a week but has a
     her army. Xanax, Ritalin, Prozac. Her fingers close
                                                               scarily skewed perception of Ecstasy risk. 1352y is an
     over a fistful, scattering the rest in a ripple of men-
                                                               introverted Sunday school attendee; a history of good
     acing color. Beautiful.
                                                               grades and measured social awkwardness. 721_Z is
     One. It’s 6:54 AM and I’m already late for the Metro.     the perfect child; popular, smart, happy home. But
     Halfway down the stairs I realize only one of my          she never answered the self-harm questions.
     socks is on, something that usually wouldn’t send
                                                               My mission is to model adolescent depression, to
     me back but does this time. It’s not a wasted trip—I
                                                               determine what risk factors drive five- and eight-
     grab my badge, along with the phone I forgot. My
                                                               een-year-olds alike to suicide. The initial research
     best friend left a voice-mail last night, but there’s
                                                               puzzled me, intrigued me, scared me. Now, it con-
     just no time. Twenty minutes later I’m slumped,
                                                               sumes me.
     barely lucid, against Plexiglas coolness. Vibrations
     swallow me whole, and I barely feel my pocket buzz        The last command key stops the program. Finally,
     before slipping into oblivion.                            I hit “CALL.”
     In the conference room, my mind keeps wandering           Four. BECAUSE I could not stop for Death–
     back to the phone. I imagine the orange notification      He kindly stopped for me – Emily Dickinson,
     light pulsing, blinking slowly in the darkness.           “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”
     Two. Each action has an equal and opposite reaction.      It was her first failure. The stomach pump’s undig-
     That’s when the distance starts, a widening chasm         nified brutality had cheated death, had delivered
     of missed calls and canceled plans. Our presence in       her bruised and shaken, but back. “The medicine
     someone’s life shrinks and shrinks, until inevitably,     cabinet, I saw—I left you a voice-mail, did—I love
     it’s not there at all. The girl you rescued earthworms    y—I’m sorry. Friends?”
     with, the nexus of pinky swears and friendship brace-
                                                               I want to fight her demons for her. Instead, I bring
     lets, an elementary promise of forever—gone.
                                                               more soup.
     In a way, I was lucky. I was falling apart but in a
                                                               Five. I’m onstage now, heart going one eighty,
     closed room, the walls of my research and assump-
                                                               mouth going faster. Energy rockets out of me as I
     tions boxing me into an uncomfortable safety. But I
                                                               invoke tables, graphs, and most importantly, an
     had been her safety, and without me she splintered
                                                               explanation. I am fighting for her. I am fighting to
     apart. What was left of her whirled around the

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