HANDBOOK - Global Education

Page created by Ethel Wise
HANDBOOK - Global Education

                                           A WORLD OF OPPORTUNITY AWAITS
                                          AT OVER 400 GLOBALLY RECOGNISED
                                         UNIVERSITIES - GET IN TOUCH TODAY!

This mini-publication is designed to provide you with access to comprehensive
information, valuable resources and our expert guidance for those looking to
further their education abroad!


HANDBOOK - Global Education
Message from
                                                     the Director
                          NICO ELEFTHERIADES
                          Managing Director - Global Education

Dear Students,

Welcome to Global Education!
Deciding which international university to apply to is an important decision, made harder if you are
unfamiliar with the processes, which is why you need guidance.

Global Education has consistently sent students overseas for the last 15 years which is why we
are the experts in Southern Africa in regards to overseas education. We are directly contracted to
over 400 universities and colleges around the world such as USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
United Kingdom, Europe, Ireland, Cyprus, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Greece, UAE and

We assist self-funded students to study overseas by handling the application and student visa
process. We also help counsel students in making the best decisions and where necessary, we
assist students secure on-campus accommodation and airport pick-up. Our offices are IELTS
booking centres and we are also a registered UCAS center for all UK university applications. Come
in for a free consultation to explore your options abroad and let us make your dream of studying
overseas become a reality!

Our services include:
•   Counseling every student individually to find out what their needs are and on what campus,
    and country they are interested in
•   Assisting students on exactly what documents are required to apply and how they need to
    be verified
•   Assisting with admissions and placement at international universities
•   Assisting with obtaining student accommodation
•   Assisting with student visa applications

As a past student of Global Education I can confidently say that going through the whole process
was seamless and straight forward. It has always been and will always be Global Education’s
mission to put our students first and help them make the best decision possible.

In short, leave the worrying, chasing and sorting out of all paper work to us. We are your direct link
to the universities worldwide, and handle everything directly. Our aim is to ensure the application
process to study abroad is as stress-free as possible.

A world of opportunity waits for you.
Nico Eleftheriades

                                                                            +27 (0)11 268 6545
HANDBOOK - Global Education
HANDBOOK - Global Education

Whether you wish to study for a diploma,
undergraduate or postgraduate degree,
Global Education will find the right
international college or university for you.
Prospective students are empowered with all the knowledge
required of them to begin their studies in a new country with ease
and confidence. This is all part of the professional and personal
service offered by the company, including individual counselling
                                                                     STUDY ABROAD
and student advice.

Representatives come out regularly throughout the year and host
free interview sessions for interested students. These events are
extensively advertised in local and national newspapers, as well
as on the internet, and are extremely popular.                       STUDY ABROAD

...a world of opportunity awaits!
HANDBOOK - Global Education
HANDBOOK - Global Education
A foundation programme is a study programme designed to fill the gap
between your current level of education and the level required to be
admitted to a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree at an international university.

Foundation degrees, also known as pathway programmes, complement
any education or grades that you might still be in need of after completing
high school.

They assist students coming from different education systems around
the world to align their qualification to the education system of the
country where they want to study abroad. English language classes are
also included to improve your academic proficiency.

Foundation programmes are designed to prepare the student to start a
degree in a certain field, for example, foundation programmes in
Business, in Computer Science, in Humanities and more.

Foundation programmes don’t award students an academic qualification
upon completion but upon successful completion of the foundation,
allows students to progress to a university degree such as a Bachelor’s or
Master’s programme.

A foundation programme is the perfect option when you have decided to
study a degree at an international university, but you don’t have all the
required qualifications/grades to meet the direct entry criteria of the

HANDBOOK - Global Education
                            OPPORTUNITY AWAITS
                            AT OVER 300 GLOBALLY
                             UNIVERSITIES - GET
                               IN TOUCH TODAY!

Advantages of completing
a foundation programme:

01   Allows you time to become
     familiar with the university   04    Allows you time to adapt to
                                          the country and the culture
     before you start the degree          before you start the degree

02   Increased chances of
     university admission into      05    Prepares you academically
                                          and mentally for the
     well ranked international            challenges of completing a
     universities                         degree in a foreign country

03                                  06
     Improve academic English             Smaller classes with more
     language proficiency                  individual attention
HANDBOOK - Global Education
HANDBOOK - Global Education
HANDBOOK - Global Education
Tammy van Niekerk
Global education assisted me to get my visa and do my applications and submit them at Uni
and College in Australia. I’m pleased with their service,they answer your calls fast and are on
their game.They assisted me every step of the way and also happy to give answers to all million
qeustions I had.Panos(the agent that assisted me) was very helpful and I would recommend him
and his team to anyone in need of help with their education abroad as well as their visa.I would
definitely use them in the future again!

Cai Yixiao
This is the best place for school application and visa application. All the staff are very easy to
communicate and they reply super quickly. They help you to the end including the visa and
I appreciate it so much. They are professional and they don’t make mistake! This is the best
organization I have ever known!
5 Reasons to Consider
                          Applying at St. George’s University
                                 School of Medicine

               SGU is the largest source of
      1        physicians licensed in the US—
               more than any other medical
               school in the world 1
In fact, SGU has actually contributed over 19,000
physicians to the global physician workforce, with
students, graduates, and faculty from over 150
countries. They have practiced in every state in the
US, as well as in more than 50 countries, including
South Africa.

               Students at SGU can experience
     2         up to 4 countries, including
               Grenada, the UK, US and India.
Thanks to an international partnership with
Northumbria University, students can earn a Doctor                                   SGU admits multiple classes each
of Medicine (MD) degree and complete up to 50%
of the MD in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, along with
                                                                             4       year. Hitting application
                                                                                     deadlines can be stressful.
preclinical studies for eligible students. In addition,
in association with Ramaiah Group of Institutions,                         If you’re late during the process, you typically have
Bangalore, medical aspirants can start their journey                       to wait until the following year to continue your
to becoming a doctor in India.                                             application. However, at SGU, you can start medical
                                                                           school in August, September3 , January, or April and
With SGU’s network of over 75 affiliated hospitals and                     applications remain open right up until a few weeks
health centers in the US and UK, all eligible students                     before the term starts.
will have the possibility to complete their clinical
rotations in these two countries.                                                    The True Blue Campus in Grenada

               SGU has a 97% USMLE Step 1 pass
                                                                             5       is a great place to learn and live

                                                                                      Enjoy the great outdoors, get involved with
               rate for international first-time test                      organized sports at the on-campus facilities, or
               takers over the last three years2                           join one of over 65 student organizations. You’ll get
Passing the United States Medical Licensing                                to know your fellow students and enjoy a culturally
Examination (USMLE) series is a crucial milestone for                      diverse environment on chocolate tours, hiking
medical students looking to practice in the US.                            through the rainforests, and joining in a slew of water
                                                                           activities. The True Blue campus is equipped with the
So why do SGU students do so well on this essential                        high-quality amenities you’ll need for a productive
test? Their Department of Educational Services                             study environment including state-of-the-art labs,
conducts more than 450 workshops a week to assist                          newly redesigned accommodation halls, student
students in time management skills, test taking,                           centers and more.
and learning strategies, as well as subject-specific
workshops.                                                                 As you can see, the SGU School of Medicine has a lot
                                                                           to offer. The program provides real-world medical
                                                                           experience and extends opportunities to students of
     According to FSMB physician licensure data, 2020                      all backgrounds.
     Based on the latest three years of available data: Average of 2018,
     2019, and 2020 scores. International students are non-US students.
     September intake is available to students on UK or India pathways
University Costs
     Per Country
    Tuition  Fees
    & Expenses
  UNITED KINGDOM                                         UNITED STATES
  FEES:                                                  FEES:

   1 Year’s Tuition Fees: £13,000 - £28,000              1 Year’s Tuition Fees: $18,000 - $47,000 USD
   (R 273,000 - R 589,000)                               (R 300,000 - R 784,000)
   Living Costs: £9,207 - £12,006                        Living Costs: $20,000 USD
   (R 190,000 - R 256,000)                               (R 333,000)
   Health Insurance: £624 per year (R 13,320)            Health Insurance: TBC
   Flights: ± £550 (R 11,500)                            Flights: ± $950 USD (R 15,500)

          1 Year’s Tuition Fees: $32,000 - $42,000 AUD

          (R 373,000 - R 489,000)
          Living Costs: $21,041 AUD
          (R 245,000)
          Health Insurance: ±$2,500 AUD (R 29,000)
          Flights: ± $1,500 AUD (R 17,500)

NEW ZEALAND                                    IRELAND
FEES:                                          FEES:

1 Year’s Tuition Fees: $22,000 - $37,000 NZD   1 Year’s Tuition Fees: €9,850 - €25,500 EUR
(R 241,000 - R 406,000)                        (R 186,000 - R 483,000)
Living Costs: $20,000 NZD                      Living Costs: €10,000 - €20,000 EUR
(R 164,000)                                    (R 189, 000 - R 379,000)
Health Insurance: $590 NZD (R 6,500)           Health Insurance: €500 EUR (R 9,500)
Flights: $1,600 NZD (R 17,500)                 Flights: ± €500 EUR (R 9,500)

CANADA                                         MAURITIUS
FEES:                                          FEES:

1 Year’s Tuition Fees: $12,000 - $18,000 CAD   1 Year’s Tuition Fees: Rs235,000 RUPEES
(R 147,000 - R 221,000)                        (± R 98,000)
Living Costs: $18,000 CAD                      Living Costs: Rs144,000 – Rs300,000 RUPEES
(R 221,000)                                    (R 60, 000 - R 125,000)
Health Insurance: TBC                          Health Insurance: Rs15,000 RUPEES (R 6,200)
Flights: $1,500 CAD (R 18,000)                 Flights: ± Rs16,000 RUPEES (± R 6,700)

NETHERLANDS                                    CYPRUS
FEES:                                          FEES:

1 Year’s Tuition Fees: €8,350 - €20,000 EUR    1 Year’s Tuition Fees: €9,120 - €27,720 EUR
(R 144,000 - R 345,000)                        (R158,000 - R 479,000)
Living Costs: €11,000 EUR                      Living Costs: ± €8,000 - €12,000 EUR
(R 190,000)                                    (R140,000 - R210,000)
Health Insurance: €650 EUR (R 11,200)          Health Insurance: ± €250 EUR (± R 4,300)
Flights: ± €500 EUR (R 9,000)                  Flights: ± €500 EUR (R 9,000)
       Over 27,000 students       A world-class,      Our virtual tours.          One of the best
     from over 150 countries.   research-intensive                           universities in the world.1

Global Education is the authorised
education counsellor for
the University of Exeter in
South Africa and
Zimbabwe. For more
information please scan
the barcode or contact
Global Education directly:

Find out what makes the
University of Exeter
one of the most exciting
and dynamic places to
study in the UK

 Download a                                                  For more information,
 prospectus here:                                            including entry
                                                             requirements and fees
                                                             and scholarships,
                                                             please scan here:

     164th QS World Rankings 2021 174th Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021.
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       Lecturers with current industry
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                  RTO provider number 52395
                CRICOS provider code 00020G
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Our courses provide you with the skills
and real-world experience you need to
develop an exciting career

/ Expert British teaching by industry
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  practical industry experience
/ Generous scholarships with up to £5,000
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  friendliest people you’ll meet

          FILM ACADEMY
                    College of Visual & Performing Arts

Hands-on, Intensive
Degrees* & Programs

Undergraduate Programs*
Graduate Programs*
Conservatory Programs
Short-Term Workshops
Teen and Kids Camps

•   Filmmaking
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•   Screenwriting
•   Cinematography                Join Us           Scan to Learn More 
•   Producing
•   Photography            • Auditions
•   3D Animation & VFX
                           • Portfolio Reviews
•   Documentary
•   Game Design            • One on One Meetings
•   Musical Theatre        • Open Houses
•   Broadcast Journalism
•   Editing                  Year Round             NYFA.EDU/LEARN

New York* • Los Angeles* • South Beach, Miami* • Australia • Italy • Online
                                                       Not all programs are offered at all locations.
Our university
                                                                                                                                  partners worldwide
Achieve your                                                                                            Australia and New Zealand
with us

                                                     Europe and United Kingdom

                                       GLOBAL                                                                                            International College
                                       STUDY CENTRE

                            USA                                                                                          Canada

           Singapore                                                   UAE                                 Please visit
                                                                                                           to use our course
                                                                                                           finder tool.

Registered Company names and CRICOS provider codes: Colleges of Business and Technology (WA) Pty Ltd trading as Curtin College
02042G; Curtin University 00301J, Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University; Melbourne Institute of Business and
Technology Pty Ltd trading as Deakin College 01590J; Deakin University 00113B; Edith Cowan College Pty Ltd 01312J; Edith Cowan
University 00279B; Educational Enterprises Australia Pty Ltd trading as Eynesbury College 00561M; The University of Adelaide
00123M; Queensland Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd trading as Griffith College 01737F; Griffith University 00233E;
Navitas Bundoora Pty Ltd trading as La Trobe College Australia 03312D; La Trobe University 00115M; Murdoch University
00125J: South Australian Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd 02193C; University of South Australia 00121B; Sydney
Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd 01576G; Western Sydney University International College Pty Ltd 03663C;
Western Sydney University ABN 53 014 069 881 is a registered provider under the Commonwealth Register of Institutions
and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). CRICOS Provider Code 00917K; University of Canberra/University of
Canberra College 00212K. Navitas Pty Ltd ABN 69 109 613 309. REGME220225-0820 0222_AW

    Katelyn                         Maxine                     Marlone
   Barkhuizen                       Cadiz                       Mpofu

   Master of Marketing           MA Economics with        Management or Corporate
Extension at the University   Finance at the University    Law at the Nottingham
  of Technology Sydney             of Edinburgh               Trent University

     Takunda                     Rizwaan                       Michael
     Gumbie                     Ghodiwala                       Ford

 Mechanical Engineering       BEng (Hons) Aeronautical      Bachelor of Arts in
   at the University of          Engineering at the        Economics at Durham
      Hertfordshire           University of South Wales         University
Creating the Citizens of the Future

Become a Future
Leader by Studying
Internationally Today!
How Global Education is Critical to Success is a tour guide for
those individuals who want to study internationally but are
unsure about the process and what to expect once they arrive in
their host country.
This guide walks you through applying for international study, what
to expect, and ways to prepare before entering your host country. Liza         Introducing award
also shares some of the challenges of studying internationally and tips          winning author,
to make the most of your experiences. Her honest approach gives you              Liza Manoussis!
the tools to benefit from an international study, allowing it to shape you
                                                                                Liza is a global citizen, author,
or your student into a leader for the future. Creating the Citizens of the       entrepreneur, and founder of
Future is also full of practical tips for first-time international students       Global Education. Her work
a n d                  covers areas including handling homesickness             focuses on assisting students
                                    and exploring your host country.             in their quest to achieve their
                                                                                   goals regarding studying
                                                                              internationally by assisting them
                                                                               with the process of applying for
                                                                              various universities and colleges
                                                                               around the world. Her team also
                                                                               assists students with visas and
                                                                               other aspects of their transition
                                                                                      to their host country.

                                                                                 FOR MORE INFO VISIT:

Shene Jehring
Global education has shown great quality and professionalism with the level of service received.
They provided clear communication of what was needed from start to finish, assisting right
from the get go with options and applications, through to the end and visa processing. They
have always been willing to help and provide guidance through the process, and come highly
recommended. A big thank you to Pano’s, Maria and the Global Education team for all your efforts.

Sheugnet Powell

A big THANK YOU to Global Education for their assistance for my student visa! Panos and his team
were excellent to work with and would highly recommend to anyone wishing to study abroad.
They were always available to take my call and provided me with invaluable information whenever
needed. I am truly grateful that I had the opportunity to have them as my representatives. This
would have not been possible without them, so thank you thank you thank you a million times!

Panashe Bopoto
A great and bit thank you to Global Education for all their help with my University and Visa
application process. I dealt with Jess and she was amazing from the beginning and through
it all! She was extremely professional and thorough in each application process. She was
patient and also super encouraging especially due to the all the issues caused by the
pandemic. Best agent ever! Thank you

Katherine Rolfe

My experience with Global education was phenomenal. With the difficulties that Covid brought,
they met every challenge head on and were beyond helpful with my move to Australia. My
Global Education assistant, Panos, was dedicated, patient and understanding. I would highly
recommend this company to anyone wanting to study overseas. Thank you again to the people
who made this journey so much easier.

  From application advice to student visas…we’ve got you covered!
  Whether you wish to study for a diploma, undergraduate or postgraduate degree, Global Education will
find the right international college or university for you. Prospective students are empowered with all the
      knowledge required of them to begin their studies in a new country with ease and confidence.



   General Manager: Panos Manoussis            Branch Manager: Ashleigh Blume
   Tel: +27 11 268 6545 / +27 71 226 4629      Tel: +27 21 140 1530
   Email: panos@global-education.co.za         Email: ashleigh@global-education.co.za

DURBAN BRANCH:                              ZIMBABWE BRANCH:
   Branch Manager: Miguel Rodrigues            Branch Manager: Nzwanai Kanyangarara
   Tel: +27 31 830 5556 / +27 82 573 6537      Tel: +263 24 288 4128/9
   Email: miguel@global-education.co.za        Email: nzwanai@globaleducation.co.zw

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