Happy Halloween from all of us on the SOAAR Team! We hope you all have a safe, fun, and spooky time celebrating this year! Click on the link below ...

Page created by Donald Bauer
Happy Halloween from all of us on the SOAAR Team! We hope you all have a safe, fun, and spooky time celebrating this year! Click on the link below ...
1/24/2019                                                                *|MC:SUBJECT|*

                    Happy Halloween from all of us on the SOAAR Team!
            We hope you all have a safe, fun, and spooky time celebrating this year!
               Click on the link below to see what you could do in preparation for
                                  Halloween and the aftermath.

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Happy Halloween from all of us on the SOAAR Team! We hope you all have a safe, fun, and spooky time celebrating this year! Click on the link below ...
1/24/2019                                                                *|MC:SUBJECT|*

                    7 Ways to Prepare for Halloween with Allergies and Asthma

                                             Research News

             New Pediatric and Adult Food Allergy Prevalence
                 Manuscripts Accepted for Publication!

       We are very excited to announce that our updated data on the national
       prevalence of food allergy in children and adults will be published in early
       November and December!

       Between October 2015-2016, our team administered a survey to a
       representative sample of over 80,000 US households to estimate the national
       prevalence of food allergy. We aimed to determine how many children and
       adults in the US have food allergy and assess the type, severity, and
       demographic and atopic predictors of food allergy among these groups. We are
       eager to share the updated results.

       Be on the lookout for "The Public Health Impact of Parent-Reported Food
       Allergies in the United States" in Pediatrics come November 19th and "The
       Public Health Impact of Adult Food Allergies" in JAMA Network Open in

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Happy Halloween from all of us on the SOAAR Team! We hope you all have a safe, fun, and spooky time celebrating this year! Click on the link below ...
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            *Data from the original groundbreaking 2011 Study, The Prevalence, Severity,
                    and Distribution of Childhood Food Allergy in the United States

                                               Recent Events

                                FARE Food Allergy Heroes Walk

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Happy Halloween from all of us on the SOAAR Team! We hope you all have a safe, fun, and spooky time celebrating this year! Click on the link below ...
1/24/2019                                                                *|MC:SUBJECT|*

                  Pictured left to right: Dr. Ruchi Gupta, Madeleine Kanaley, Jennifer Chung, Jialing Jiang,
                                              Pamela Newmark, Dr. Waheeda Samady

                                            On October 13th, team SOAAR participated in the
                                            FARE Food Allergy Heroes Walk located on Montrose
                                            Harbor this year! This walk/event was to show support
                                            for the community and families living with food allergies
                                            through fundraising and advocacy. Team SOAAR is
                                            grateful to be a part of such a wonderful fundraiser
                                            and looks forward to next year’s event.

                                                            Learn more

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                                          Upcoming Events

                             ACAAI Conference November 2018

       Dr. Gupta is invited to speak at the American College of Allergy, Asthma &
       Immunology conference this November 18th and 19th, 2018. Her first
       presentation titled “Role of Shared Management Between Specialists and
       Primary Care in Food allergy” falls under the session called “Addressing Unmet
       Needs in Food Allergy Research.” Here, she will give insight to identifying
       unmet needs in Food Allergy prevention, acknowledging pediatrician, allergist
       and food allergy families’ roles in management.

       Her second presentation is titled, “What Can Population Data Teach Us about
       Food Allergy?” This presentation will show the evolving evidence surrounding
       how population data directly affects food allergy health care costs, the number
       of ED visits for children each year early-life interventions, and how allergists
       can further assist their own recommendations to families of food allergy.

                                                         More on ACAAI

                     Oral and E-Poster Presentations at ACAAI
       The SOAAR team is pleased to announce that Dr. Gupta and the team will be
       presenting all accepted abstracts at the American College of Allergy, Asthma, &
       Immunology (ACAAI) this November in Seattle, WA. Below you will find the
       abstracts broken down by corresponding project:

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       Project: US Prevalence, Distribution and Determinants of Adult and
       Childhood Food Allergy

            1. Updated Pediatric Peanut Allergy Prevalence in the United States
            2. Prevalence, Severity, and Distribution of Adult-Onset Food Allergy
            3. Physician Diagnosis of Adult Food Allergy
            4.   The Prevalence of Eczema in Children with Food Allergy
            5.   The Epidemiology of Milk Allergy in US Children: An Update
            6.   Egg Allergy in US Children
            7.   Parent Report of Physician Diagnosis in Pediatric Food Allergy: An

       Project: Understanding Diagnosis and Management of Childhood Food
       Allergy Among Medicaid Enrolled Children

            1. Prevalence and Correlates of Food Allergy Among Medicaid-
               Enrolled U.S Children
            2. Measuring Indicators of Quality Care among Medicaid-Enrolled
               Children with Food Allergy

       Project: iTRACC ; Improving Technology-Assisted Recording of Asthma
       Control in Children

            1. Caregiver Quality of Life and Management Self-Efficacy in a
                 Technology-Based Asthma Medication Monitoring Clinical Trials

                                                            Learn More

                                World Food Championship 2018

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       On November 9th, Dr. Gupta will speak during the Addressing Allergies in Food
       Service seminar at the 6th annual World Food Championship,in Orange Beach,
       AL with Elizabeth Faulkner and Tonya Winders. The WFC is the largest
       competition event in food sport and strives to educate their attendees, which
       includes many chef about the impact food allergies have on the restaurant

       During this seminar sponsored by Allergy & Asthma Network, Dr. Gupta will
       present to attendees about the prevalence, burden and psycho-social impact of
       food allergies while Elizabeth Faulkner teaches chefs how to substitute top
       allergens when preparing meals.

        Photo taken at the World Food Championship in 2017. (Pictured L to R): Dr. Gupta, Dr. Michael Pistiner,

            celebrity chef Elizabeth Falkner, and Tonya Winders, CEO/President of Allergy & Asthma Network

            For more information on scheduling, guests, celebrity chefs and more, visit
                                      Allergy & Asthma Network's page below!

                                              World Food Championships

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                                            FABlogCon November 2018

       Dr. Gupta and a few members of team SOAAR will be attending the Food
       Allergy Blogger Conference in Denver on November 10th. FABlogCon is a
       gathering of medical experts, advocates of food allergy, communities, and
       bloggers based on a foundation to connect people with food allergies through
       social media. This conference will be touching on how to use social media
       outlets such has Facebook, and blogging platforms to help advocate and reach
       out to people of food allergies.


                                                   In the News

            Read the latest Chicago Sun Times Article about living with asthma in
                         neighborhoods with higher pollution risk in Chicago.

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                                                             Read more

                                           Partner Spotlight

                    Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities (ARCC)

       About: The Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities (ARCC) is a
       program of the Center for Community Health (CCH) and serves
       Northwestern’s Institute for Public Health & Medicine (IPHAM) and the
       Northwestern University Clinical & Translational Sciences Institute (NUCATS).
       Guided by a steering committee of community- and faith -based organizations,
       public agencies and Northwestern researchers, ARCC supports the full
       spectrum of community-engaged research (CEnR), including community-based
       participatory research (CBPR), by providing partnership facilitation, capacity-
       building workshops and one-on-one technical assistance, seed grants, monthly
       information and resource updates, advocacy for supportive institutional policies,

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       and other activities. They support the CCH Principles of Engagement in their
       approach and the research they support.

       Congratulations to ARCC for 10 amazing years! On Tuesday, October 30th, the
       ARCC 10th Anniversary Celebration and Town Hall: Moving Community &
       Equity Driven Research Forward took place and was a wonderful opportunity to
       showcase the community engagement in research at Northwestern and

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