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WELCOME                  Australian Automotive Dealer Association

                                                      CONTENTS ISSUE 21 | DECEMBER 2017
CONTACT AADA                                          From The AADA Chairman.................................................................................................4
P.O. Box 4530
Eight Mile Plains, QLD 4113                           From The AADA CEO..........................................................................................................4
CONTACT AUTOMOTIVE DEALER                             POLICY
Level 1, 350 South Rd
                                                      New Car Dealers Must Have An Automotive Industry Code....................................... 5-7
Hampton East, VIC 3188
                                                      AADA Delivers Input Into Reforms To Sale Of Add-On Insurance.................................8
Issue No. 21 | DECEMBER 2017
                                                      AADA Welcomes Mandated Comprehensive Credit Reporting......................................9
                                                      Treasurer Morrison Bullish About Australia’s Economic Future................................10
MANAGING EDITOR: Luke Prendergast
                                                      Takata Air Bag Recall Could Be Compulsory.................................................................11
                                                      Flex Commissions Banned From 1 November 2018......................................................12
                                                      We Are Starting To Make Our Presence Felt In Canberra............................................13
geoff@automotivedealer.com.au                         FEATURES
Mobile: 0413 854 779
                                                      Record Sales In October.............................................................................................14-15
Phone (03) 9576 9944 | Fax (03) 9576 7277
                                                      Toyota’s Exit Party.............................................................................................................15
                                                      Brisbane Fuel Rip-Off.......................................................................................................16
(03) 9576 9944 or                                     Ferrari To Add More Australian Dealerships.................................................................17
                                                      Dealer Satisfaction Down In UK.................................................................................18-20
                                                      Join Our Study Tour To NADA 2018.................................................................................25
                                                      The Move To Single Touch Payroll Reporting Sets A New Standard
Lvl 1, 350 South Rd, Hampton East, VIC 3188           For Payroll Reporting In Australia...................................................................................27
                                                      Get Serious About Cyber Security.............................................................................37-38
No responsibility is accepted by the publisher        Good News On The Tax Front..........................................................................................39
for the accuracy of information contained
in advertisements in the Automotive Dealer            The Future Of Mobility................................................................................................40-42
magazine. Publication of any advertisement does
                                                      In The Age Of Disruption, You Need To Provide An 'Experience'...........................43-45
not constitute endorsement by the publisher
of any product, nor warrant its suitability.          The Demise Of Local Manufacturing.........................................................................46-47
Advertisements are published as submitted by
advertisers.                                          Why You Need To Train Your Sales Staff – And Keep Training Them....................48-49
COPYRIGHT                                             Much To Learn On 2018 China Study Tour.....................................................................50
No part of this magazine may be reproduced
without the publisher’s written permission.           MOTORSPORT
CONTRIBUTORS                                          The 2017 Supercar Season In Review.......................................................................22-23
The views expressed in Automotive Dealer by
external contributors and advertisers are not         2017 AADA NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO FEATURE
necessarily those of AADA.
                                                      Greatest Ever Dealer Principal Attendance At Convention....................................28-29
                                                      INDUSTRY REPORT FEATURE
       @AADA_ASN               AUTOMOTIVE DEALER      Directions In Australia’s Automotive Industry..........................................................30-31
                                                      National Vehicle Fleet – Key Facts............................................................................33-34

We’d like to hear from you about what’s been       schools, supporting junior sporting clubs or                       It’s a pity that the community work being
happening at your dealership that you think        sponsoring a charity event.                                        done by Dealers is a well-kept secret. We
could be worth passing on to our readers.                                                                             intend to change that. AADA is determined
                                                   We would like to know.                                             to generate a greater respect for new car
It can be anything from a unique sale, a fleet                                                                        franchise Dealers as compassionate business
deal or a story about a member of your staff       Whatever the story you have, it will be good                       people. Part of our strategy is to remind the
who recently accomplished a notable feat.          reading. Send us the information and key                           media, politicians and opinion makers that,
                                                   contact details and we will follow it up. If you                   by employing over 66,000 people, AADA
It could be a ‘feel good’ community initiative     have photographs of the endeavour so much                          members make a substantial contribution to
you have undertaken involving local                the better.                                                        the Australian economy.
WELCOME            Australian Automotive Dealer Association

                                                       Well, they are wrong. The industry is alive and        these investments are flowing and represent great
                                                       well. Indeed it is us, as new car Dealers, who         protection for our business model.
                    Terry Keating                      are now the motor industry. Our investment in
                                                       facilities and inventory; our employment and           As you all know, common sense prevailed on
                    AADA Chairman
                                                       training of staff; and our economic impact on          the direct import licence for new cars. Many
                                                       our local markets right across Australia mean we       unforeseen risks for consumers have been averted.
                                                       represent more than two per cent of national GDP.      A couple of years ago we achieved a similar result
                                                                                                              with potential used car imports.

 t is interesting how things change and often, after   This transformation has not escaped the attention
 much debate, we just move on.                         of our regulators and legislators. Much of the         Those with a vested interest in bringing in these
                                                       ‘education’ of these groups has come via our           vehicles are now claiming trade opportunities
 Our members are resilient and resourceful, and        secretariat.                                           with Japan have been lost. What a joke. Using this
generally adapt quickly to these changes.                                                                     country as a dumping ground for used cars no
                                                       Hence, the people who represent us every day on        longer fit for purpose in their own country is an
So it is with the end of manufacturing in Australia.   matters with these bodies have become                  opportunity we can do without. Your Association
As Dealers, we all got plenty of notice of these       well-respected by these regulators and legislators.    will act in the best interests of its members with
events and we made appropriate adjustments.            In fact, we are often invited to closed sessions       one very significant caveat. Consumer harm is not
However, the media would have one believe this         to help them better understand not only our            on our agenda. Let’s hear the proponents of selling
was all a very current decision.                       industry but also the role we play as businesses       vehicles with no provable history make that claim.
                                                       and sometimes the problems we face. Often these
With the demise of local automotive assembly           problems emanate from ill-considered policy            As this may be our last edition for 2017, I take the
the question arises: “Who is the motor industry?”      proposals or simple misconceptions.                    opportunity on behalf of our board to wish you
Again, some media and politicians would have us                                                               all the best for year end. And what a year it has
believe there no longer is an industry.                We have invested heavily in our secretariat to make    been. We live in hope that 2018 will see a lot less
                                                       them as effective as they can be. The dividends of     disruption. But that may be a little naïve.

                                                       As mentioned in the latest CEO's Newsletter, we        Now we ARE the go-to organisation, well-
                                                       should not allow the final closure of Holden's         recognised in Canberra as the face of the new car
                     David Blackhall                   Elizabeth Plant to pass without making a brief         business in Australia.
                     AADA CEO                          comment.
                                                                                                              To keep that important momentum building, we
                                                       While the demise of local assembly has been            have a full agenda of meetings and contacts with
                                                       widely written about in the media and while            senior political leaders, regulators and bureaucrats

          hat a fabulous AADA Convention               it undoubtedly has had negative impacts on             between now and the end of the year. Your voice is
          we enjoyed in September at the               manufacturing employment, it's not all bad news.       being heard – and increasingly so.
          International Convention Centre Sydney       Collectively we directly employ around 60,000
at Darling Harbour!                                    Australians at the retail level and close to 200,000   We are also making important progress on
                                                       in the value chain. Franchised new car Dealers         the longstanding issue of creating a specific
I know that many of you were there in person,          contribute over $12 billion to Australia's GDP         Automotive Industry Code that will set standards
but equally – and as is often the case – I know that   annually.                                              for franchise agreements in Australia. This is
business pressures kept many of you hard at work                                                              probably the single most important task before us
at the dealerships.                                    A year ago almost no-one among the important           as we set out our agenda for next year.
                                                       decision-makers in Parliament knew much about
The Convention generated massive amounts               the Australian Automotive Dealer Association. In       Please enjoy this, the final hard-copy version of
of highly relevant material on topics of vital         an article in this magazine entitled “Making Our       our magazine.
interest to Dealers across the entire gamut of our     Presence Felt” we spell out just what a significant
regulatory and advocacy agenda. So if you were                                                                The next version you receive will be clearly
                                                       challenge that lack of recognition presented – and
unable to make it to Sydney – and even if you                                                                 stamped "NOW PRODUCED IN 21st
                                                       the effort required to get us to where we are today.
did – this edition of Automotive Dealer provides                                                              CENTURY MODE!"
an unparalleled opportunity to catch up on all the     To many influential MPs, we were just part of the
                                                                                                              Good luck and good selling!
latest developments that are likely to impact your     ‘automotive alphabet soup’ that confronted the law
business in the next year or two.                      makers and regulators.

4 | DECEMBER 2017 | automotivedealer.com.au
POLICY       Australian Automotive Dealer Association

     he ACCC can significantly improve
     consumers’ new car retail experiences
     in Australia by recommending the
adoption of an Automotive Industry Code
when it publishes its findings from the New
Car Retail Industry Market Study, expected
before year end.

                    In a supplementary
                    submission to the ACCC
                    in October, AADA
                    proposed an Automotive
                    Industry Code.               is not a lot of discretion in some franchise         the consistent feedback from the Australian
                                                 agreements,” he said.                                Motor Dealer Council, could not be ignored
                   The AADA’s submission                                                              and encouraged the AADA to lodge the
                   drew attention to the         “In certain instances, some manufacturers can        supplementary submission.
                   structural imbalance          assume direct control of consumer complaints
    Rod Sims,
 Chairman, ACCC
                   between new motor             and dictate Dealer responses in quite specific       The Australian Motor Dealer Council consists
                   vehicle franchise             detail.”                                             of the Chairs of leading dealer councils for all
Dealers and manufacturers. This currently                                                             the significant brands in Australia. The AMDC
disadvantages Dealers and leaves consumers       Mr Blackhall said the imbalance in                   has been advocating strongly for an Industry
vulnerable.                                      the relationship between Dealers and                 Code for the last several years.
                                                 manufacturers was highlighted at the AADA
The submission stated that for some brands       National Convention when ACCC Chairman,              Dealer franchise agreements are currently
the imbalance is caused by one-sided             Rod Sims, said “manufacturers need to                covered under the broad Franchising Code
Dealer agreements and related policies and       step up to meet their consumer guarantee             that covers everything from fast food chains to
procedures, including restricting what Dealers   obligations under the Australian Consumer            Jim’s Mowing franchises.
are allowed to say to consumers.                 Law and stop putting the squeeze on Dealers
                                                 through dealer agreements, policies and              “What we have is a bit of an issue with scale.
AADA CEO, David Blackhall, commented,            procedures”.                                         The average new car Dealer is investing tens of
“Dealers are required to adhere strictly to                                                           millions of dollars in very specific, purpose-
manufacturers’ policies regarding warranties     Mr Blackhall said this clear signal from the         built facilities,” Mr Blackhall said.
and potential product defect claims. There       ACCC Chair, when taken in combination with


                                                                                                automotivedealer.com.au | DECEMBER 2017 | 5
POLICY           Australian Automotive Dealer Association

“You can’t take a BMW showroom and turn it                              code that would govern just retail automotive                                They can, therefore, place Dealers in positions
into a McDonald’s franchise all that easily.”                           new cars,” Mr Blackhall said.                                                where the recoupment of the investment
                                                                                                                                                     over the period of the term of the agreement
Mr Blackhall said that, in the worst examples                           “As a Dealer you are asked to make a series                                  is almost impossible, no matter how good a
of the existing system, some Dealers have low                           of significant investments in a specific set of                              Dealer you are.”
or no security of tenure; some can be served                            assets, but the franchising arrangement – the
with non-renewal notices on commercially                                agreement that governs your tenure as a                                      The AADA submission called for a minimum
unacceptable short terms or without reasons                             Dealer – might be as short as 12 months. One                                 tenure of five years and one renewal period of
being given, and some agreements are                                    highly promoted brand consistently adopted                                   five years, with any right of renewal exercisable
completely silent on significant business                               that approach in recent years. No surprise to us                             by a Dealer, so long as the Dealer is not in
considerations such as, for example, future                             when the same brand also suffered high levels                                breach of the Dealer agreement.
capital expenditure requirements.                                       of consumer dissatisfaction.
                                                                                                                                                     “Our submission specifically requested
These types of arrangements provide                                     “One of the challenges for the car                                           prohibiting manufacturers from issuing non-
manufacturers with significant commercial                               manufacturers as a group is that there’s a range                             renewal notices to Dealers without first issuing
leverage compared with the average Dealer.                              of behaviours here. You’ve got companies                                     reasons why in writing, setting out the steps
                                                                        – large, well-known, strong global brands                                    the Dealer could take to address those reasons
“We’ve been hearing about these types of issues                         – that are very good citizens. They behave                                   and detailing the rights the Dealer has to
with the Original Equipment Manufacturers’                              in commercially reasonable ways and their                                    challenge those reasons.” Mr Blackhall said.
franchise agreements for a very long time.                              franchise arrangements are, to a large extent,
Aside from the negative business impacts, the                           exemplary. You’ve got others – maybe newer                                   “We’re also concerned about some of the
risk to consumers is there. That’s why we’re                            arrivals that we might call ‘challenger brands’                              behaviours internally for some of these
asking the ACCC to take a look at framing up                            – that maybe don’t get it so much that this                                  companies – and, again, this is quite specific,
some of these issues in a proposed separate                             business is a marathon, not a 100-metre sprint.                              so generalisations aren’t that helpful. But, to

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6 | DECEMBER 2017 | automotivedealer.com.au
POLICY        Australian Automotive Dealer Association

give an example, the margins on new cars            the power balance in the relationship between        well, perhaps the time has come to support a
have, over the last 20 or 30 years, shrunk to the   them and the Dealers who actually put their          clear, practical and fair Industry Code. It is the
point where I can confidently say if you were       money on the line and sell the cars for a living,”   21st century after all…”
going to buy a new car today from one of the        he said.
mainstream franchises – or even the luxury                                                               “In this regard, the AADA aim is to work with
franchises – you’d stand a very good chance of      “At the end of the day, this is about two key        the Chief Executive of the FCAI, Tony Weber,
driving that car off the showroom floor with        principles: First, not allowing Australian           expressing our concerns and seeking a meeting
zero margin in it for the Dealer, zero profit       business owners and entrepreneurs to be              to work through how a sensible collaborative
on the actual cost of the car. Many cars are        treated shabbily by offshore multi-nationals         approach can develop a specific automotive
delivered on a negative cash-to-cash basis.         with low investment and employment levels            industry code that will offer better protection
                                                    locally – you know, the old Aussie ‘fair go’         for Dealers and consumers alike.
“That is because the mechanisms inside the          principle.
industry now have shifted to what I’ll call a                                                            “We’re optimistic that we’ll get some traction
back-end reward system. So yes, you sell the        “But secondly, and certainly more importantly        on this. We’re not going to kid ourselves that
car, there’s no money in the car, but if you        for the regulators, consumers have to be             we’ll get a wish list of everything we’d like,
achieve certain objectives and targets at the       able to be protected in the manner that the          but if we can get some dialogue and get some
back of the business you may be rewarded            government has enshrined in the black-letter         discussion around some of the more obvious
with a bonus at the end of the month or the         law of the ACL. Any importer who thinks that         areas of concern for our members, we’d
end of the quarter. That is a very problematic      they can write an agreement that prevents,           consider that to be progress.”
business model for somebody to be putting           impedes or slows down their Dealers from
                                                    delivering on the ACL guarantees is living in        Once the ACCC releases its findings in
millions of dollars on the line.”
                                                    the past.                                            December, the matter will go before the
“We’re not interested in going to war with the                                                           Minister for Small Business, Michael
people who make the cars – we’re in business        “I would have thought the best response to our       McCormack, whose department will produce
with them. But we’re interested in redressing       initiative from thinking importers would be –        a series of recommendations.

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                                                                                                  automotivedealer.com.au | DECEMBER 2017 | 7
POLICY     Australian Automotive Dealer Association

       response to ASIC in October by          distribution channels that include           the consumer the opportunity to opt-out.
       the Australian Automotive Dealer        novated leasing companies, banks and
       Association on the sale of add-         credit unions.                               The submission stated the process
on insurance and warranties made it                                                         should not distinguish between a new
clear it would support reform proposals        ASIC has proposed a deferred sales           or used car and the model should apply
that lead to better consumer outcomes,         model for the sale of add-on insurance.      uniformly to all add-on products.
informed decision making, improved             In particular it has sought feedback on
                                               the commencement and duration of the         The AADA submission addressed 26
sales processes, greater transparency
                                               deferral period.                             detailed questions put by ASIC covering
and more competition.
                                                                                            every aspect of add-on insurance.
The AADA submission states that to             The AADA submission recommends               ASIC has been seeking feedback by
reduce market distortions ASIC should          a deferral period should commence as         stakeholders on the proposed direction.
look beyond the dealership channel             soon as the consumer communication is
and implement proposals across all             received, be as short as possible and give

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8 | DECEMBER 2017 | automotivedealer.com.au
POLICY        Australian Automotive Dealer Association

     he Australian Automotive Dealer              The Treasurer said the four major banks would        information in credit files to allow competitors
     Association (AADA) has welcomed              be the first to face mandated reporting, given       to the big banks to better assess risk and price
     the decision by the Turnbull                 that they account for approximately 80 per           products and to broaden assess to finance.
Government to legislate mandatory                 cent of the volume of lending to households.
comprehensive credit reporting (CCR)                                                                   This includes identifying credit limits and loan
from 1 July 2018.                                 The banks will be required to have 50 per cent       repayment history to enable lenders to have
                                                  of their credit data ready for reporting by 1 July   a better view of customer risk profiles and
Federal Treasurer, Scott Morrison, said the       next year, increasing to 100 per cent in 2019.       potentially offer risk-based pricing that could
Government had made it clear in the Budget                                                             be cheaper for consumers with good credit
that CCR would become mandatory if credit         AADA CEO, David Blackhall, said CCR will             histories.
providers did not meet a threshold of 40 per      give lenders access to stronger data that will
cent of data reporting by the end of this year.   encourage competition for small businesses           Mr Blackhall also urged the Government to
                                                  and retail customers with positive credit            work towards the creation of a national credit
He said less than one per cent of credit          histories.                                           scoring system available to all license holders,
providers have met the threshold and it was                                                            similar to the model currently used in the US.
obvious the target would not be met.              He said CCR will increase the level of
POLICY        Australian Automotive Dealer Association

     ADA Chief Executive Officer, David                                                               Investment capital not flowing sufficiently to
     Blackhall, and Executive Director                                                                drive economic activity has had a numbing
     Operations, Brian Savage, were                                                                   effect on jobs, wage growth, inflation and non-
among guests at the Australian British                                                                mining profits.
Chamber of Commerce breakfast on 3
November to hear Federal Treasurer, Scott                                                             He said, however, the final budget outcome
Morrison, deliver an address on Australia’s                                                           for 2016-17 was $4 billion smaller than
ongoing economic performance.                                                                         forecast and that real growth in government
                                                                                                      expenditure was running under 2 per cent –
The Treasurer was bullish in his remarks,                                                             the lowest of any government for 50 years.
stating how in January this year he forecast a
real GDP growth of 2 per cent in 2016-17 that                                                         His comprehensive speech only allowed time
turned out to be right and further predicted                                                          for two questions from the packed audience,
a 2.75 per cent growth for 2017-18 due to the                                                         one of which came from Mr Blackhall.
economic pick-up.
                                                                Scott Morrison,                       Mr Blackhall asked the Treasurer about the
Mr Morrison said the Government was                               Federal Treasurer                   likelihood of the abolition of the 5 per cent
focused on jobs growth and pointed out                                                                import duty and the dropping of the LCT as
Australia had just experienced the strongest      cent to its current rate of 19 per cent in 10       part of as post-Brexit Free Trade Agreement
full-time jobs growth on record, with nearly      years and it still has a few more per cent to go.   negotiation.
20,000 jobs created in September. This was the
                                                  “In resource-rich Canada, the corporate rate        Obviously not wanting to make any firm
twelfth consecutive month of jobs growth and
                                                  has plummeted from over 40 per cent in the          promises, the Treasurer said his priority was
the longest run in over 23 years.
                                                  early 2000s to 26.7 per cent,” he said.             to continue to build towards a budget surplus
Mr Morrison reminded the audience the                                                                 and that when that is achieved the LNP
Turnbull Government had already legislated        Mr Morrison said that France and China also         Government will be keen to reduce as many
progressive tax cuts for businesses with a        believe in lowering taxation and President          taxes as possible.
turnover less than $50 million, taking their      Trump has declared a target of 20 per cent.
                                                                                                      Mr Morrison said Australia has one of the
tax rates down from 30 per cent to 25 per cent
                                                  He said the growing gap between our                 highest corporate tax revenue as a percentage
over a 10-year period.
                                                  corporate tax rate and those of some of our         of GDP in the world at 4.4 per cent due to its
“Now we need that extended to all businesses      trading partners is an obvious barrier for          resource bias, compared to the vast majority
by freeing them from the shackles of high tax     new investment which is steadily leaving our        of Europe and the US, which are under 3 per
and allow them to grow their businesses and       businesses uncompetitive.                           cent.
deliver more better-paid jobs to Australians,”
                                                  The Treasurer’s commitment to extending             In summary, the Treasurer said that
he said.
                                                  corporate tax cuts would have been welcome          opportunities abound as the shackles of
“This would generate a sustained lift in GDP of   news to automotive dealers, many of which           uncompetitive tax rates are being released.
just over one per cent,” he added.                have a turnover exceeding $50 million, but
                                                  operate on relatively low profit margins.           There is evidence of more jobs, investment and
“The UK has dropped its tax rate from 30 per                                                          more exports, from the economic data we have
                                                                                                      seen in recent months, he said.

10 | DECEMBER 2017 | automotivedealer.com.au
POLICY        Australian Automotive Dealer Association

     he Takata air bag recall saga                 Mr Savage has been attending a series of               Dealer concerns continue to focus on
     trundles on, with the ACCC poised             industry stakeholder meetings convened                 workshop capacity, which could become
     to decide upon the recall becoming            by the ACCC to investigate the issues                  unmanageable if the compulsory recall is
compulsory, according to Australian                surrounding the recall.                                announced and customers all turn up at
Automotive Dealer Association (AADA)                                                                      dealerships at once. They are also concerned
Executive Director Operations, Brian               He said the ACCC has raised concerns about             about the potential buy-backs and having to
Savage.                                            the advice manufacturers have given to                 provide loan vehicles, both ideas that ACCC
                                                   Dealers and customers and the capacity of              has been exploring.
It depends on the findings of the ACCC’s           Dealers to complete the recall.
investigation into the logistics and progress of                                                          An earlier proposal by the ACCC – to allow
the recall, about which the regulator continues    The Regulator also wants to know what                  independent repairers to perform the recall
to raise questions.                                arrangements manufacturers have put into place         – has been dismissed on the grounds that the
                                                   with their Dealer networks to ensure the work is       risks far outweigh any perceived benefit.
The ACCC already has a draft compulsory            completed.
recall notice that will come into effect only                                                             A compulsory recall potentially includes an
after it recommends its enactment through          Several manufacturers have opposed a                   additional 877,000 vehicles more than the 2.49
the Minister for Small Business, Michael           compulsory recall, arguing the recall is progressing   million already recalled for rectification by 31
McCormack, which will most likely be before        as well as can be expected and that Dealers can        December 2020.
the end of this year.                              meet the demand with the available level of
                                                   replacement airbags.

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POLICY        Australian Automotive Dealer Association

      stute Dealers will be rethinking their business model on how
      best to deal with receiving payments from finance companies
      when flex commissions are prohibited from 1 November 2018.

Notice was given by ASIC when, in September, it registered a Legislative
Instrument stating it will, as from 1 November 2018, prohibit existing
practices in the payment of flex commissions to Dealers.
The final Legislative Instrument is quite different from initial ASIC
drafts in that it no longer seeks to ban all commissions on contracts
written at more than 200bps below lenders’ nominated rates.
AADA CEO, David Blackhall, said it also preserves the Dealers’ rights
to receive payments on discounted contracts, capping the amount
payable at the 200bps level regardless of the actual discount beyond
He said it also preserves Dealers’ rights to receive from finance
providers payments that are not directly linked to the effective rate paid
by a consumer for a particular loan.
We anticipate the Legislative Instrument will be made law at the next
Parliamentary sitting, he said.
POLICY        Australian Automotive Dealer Association

    welve months ago, few people in                his shoes are almost threadbare from walking     “It has been a huge education process, but we
    the political circles of Australia             the corridors and offices of government          are starting to make headway,” Mr Blackhall
    knew anything about the Australian             ministers, backbenchers, members of the          said.
Automotive Dealer Association (AADA).              opposition, regulators and bureaucrats – but
                                                   now they know what the AADA is and who           “Over the past year I have had more than 80
The irony is, of course, that the destiny of the   we represent.                                    one-on-one meetings with various Federal and
automotive industry was – and still is – in the                                                     State government ministers, shadow ministers
hands of these very same people. It is fair to     “We were part of what ministers referred to      and regulators, who now know what we are all
say some had a smattering of knowledge about       as ‘the alphabet soup of organisations’ that     about,” he said.
our industry, but had no idea of the size or the   regularly knocked on their doors.
impact we have on the national economy.                                                             Mr Blackhall said that, fortunately, the
                                                   “We were just another motoring association.      workload is now being shared by James
They were unaware we contribute just over          They knew nothing about the AADA and were        Voortman, the recently appointed Executive
two per cent to the national economy, that we      confused as to which organisation should be      Director Policy and Communications, who is
employ around 70,000 people with an annual         perceived as the peak industry body.             well respected and connected on all sides of
wage bill in excess of $4 billion and that we                                                       the political spectrum.
have more than $17 billion invested in plant       “They now know we represent only new car
and facilities.                                    franchise Dealers – not the car manufacturers,   He said that having James based in Canberra
                                                   repairers or the insurance and finance           means he can meet with a Minister or
AADA CEO, David Blackhall, said the soles of       companies – and that we are well organised.      Regulator at a moment’s notice.

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                                                                                             automotivedealer.com.au | DECEMBER 2017 | 13
FEATURES           Australian Automotive Dealer Association

       mall cars and SUVs, together with a            (up 6.1%). Among the states and territories,             sales (18.5%); and the Heavy Commercial
       continued strong demand for light              Western Australia posted the largest sales               Vehicle Market is up by 412 vehicle sales
       commercials, have driven Australia’s           increase, up by 11.6 per cent on October                 (13.7%) versus October 2016.
new vehicle market to a record October sales          2016. South Australia recorded the second
result, according to data released by the motor       largest gain of 7.0 per cent, followed by             • Toyota was market leader in October,
industry’s official statistical service, VFACTS.      Queensland (+5.9%), the Northern Territory              followed by Hyundai and Mazda. Toyota
                                                      (+4.3%), the ACT (+2.6%) and Victoria                   led Hyundai with a margin of 9,036 vehicle
October sales reached a new high of 95,763,           (+2.0%). Only NSW (-1.2%) and Tasmania                  sales and 9.4 market share points.
surpassing the previous October record set back       (-3.5%) declined.
in 2012. Two small cars and a light commercial                                                            Sales dipped in September
vehicle were the nation’s top three sellers for       Japan remains our biggest source of imported
                                                                                                          October was a great result after the overall
October, reflecting the surge in demand within        vehicles (27,062 during October), followed by
                                                                                                          market dipped 2.4 per cent in September
those segments. With two months remaining,            Thailand (22,826) and Korea (15,395). Toyota
                                                                                                          compared with the same month last year.
total industry sales are 0.5 per cent ahead of last   remained Australia’s marker leader with an 18.6
year’s record. Total industry sales year to date      per cent share of the October market. Hyundai       A total of 100,200 new vehicles sales were
are at 984,931, compared with 980,433 this time       surged to second place with an October share of     recorded nationally for September, a fall of 2.4
last year. Six record months of sales have now        9.2 per cent, followed by Mazda (8.4%), Holden      per cent compared with September 2016.
been posted during 2017.                              (8.1%) and Ford (6.0%).
                                                                                                          Pick-up and cab-chassis 4X4 light commercial
Australia’s overall passenger car sales declined      The nation’s best-selling vehicle during October    vehicles, together with small and medium Sport
by 3.8 per cent in October despite the 9.7 per        was the Hyundai i30 (3,983), followed by the        Utility Vehicles (SUVs) were the three growth
cent upsurge in the demand for small passenger        Toyota Hilux (3,812), Toyota Corolla (3,088),       segments during September. The 4X4 light
cars. Year to date, passenger cars are down by        Ford Ranger (3,074) and Holden Commodore            commercials were up 11 per cent, small SUVs
6.9 per cent on the same ten-month period in          (2,418).                                            rose 7.9 per cent and medium SUVs increased
2016. However, SUVs and light commercials                                                                 3.3 per cent compared with September 2016.
continue their strong climb. The SUV market           Key Points:
grew by 1.2 per cent for the month of October,                                                            SUV and light commercials remain the two
                                                        • The October 2017 market of 95,763 new
compared with the same month last year, while                                                             robust areas of the market, accounting for a
                                                          vehicle sales is an increase of 2,406 vehicle
light commercials soared by 18.5 per cent in the                                                          58.8 per cent share of total sales year to date,
                                                          sales or 2.6% on October 2016 (93,357)
same period on the back of a very strong market                                                           up from 56 per cent in 2016. Importantly,
                                                          vehicle sales. October 2017 (25.4) had the
demand for 4X4 cab-chassis models (up by a                                                                the overall market remained slightly ahead
                                                          same number of selling days as October
remarkable 25.2 per cent in October, compared                                                             (0.2%) of last year’s record total on a year to
                                                          2016, which resulted in an increase of 94.7
with the same month in 2016).                                                                             date basis.
                                                          vehicle sales per day.
Both business (+19.1%) and private (+15.6%)                                                               All passenger car segments were affected by the
                                                        • The Passenger Vehicle Market is down by
light commercial sales were strong during                                                                 downturn although sales of sports cars (+4.1%)
                                                          1,421 vehicle sales (-3.8%) over the same
October. Within the SUV segment, the star                                                                 and people movers (+5.0%) remain ahead of
                                                          month last year; the Sports Utility Market
performers for October were in the small                                                                  2016 year to date.
                                                          is up by 429 vehicle sales (1.2%); the Light
category (up 12.6%) and medium category
                                                          Commercial Market is up by 2,986 vehicle
FEATURES           Australian Automotive Dealer Association

All the states and territories experienced a         said that while there was a modest sales fall in    Key Points:
decline in sales although New South Wales (          September, strong activity was recorded across
0.7%), Victoria (-2.3%) and Queensland (-2.7%)       several key segments.                                 • The September 2017 market of 100,200
were the least affected. On a year to date basis,                                                            new vehicle sales is a decrease of 2,496
Victoria’s 3.3 per cent growth significantly         “Any month over 100,000 total sales has to              vehicle sales or -2.4% on September 2016
outstrips that of all the other states and           be seen as a strong outcome, proving there              (102,696) vehicle sales. September 2017
territories.                                         is continued value for the consumer in the              (25.6) had the same number of selling days
                                                     market,” Mr Weber said.                                 as September 2016, which resulted in a
Private sales of light commercial vehicles                                                                   decrease of 97.5 vehicle sales per day.
provided stimulus during September, increasing       “To keep this outcome in perspective, it has to
by 9.6 per cent over the same month last year.       be remembered that the September results of           • The Passenger Vehicle Market is down by
Business sales of light commercials, too, were       2015 and 2016 were both very strong, and both           3,929 vehicle sales (-9.3%) over the same
up by 7.9 per cent, with 4X4 utilities and cab-      those years ended in records.”                          month last year; the Sports Utility Market
chassis models as the segment’s strongest sellers.                                                           is down by 494 vehicle sales (-1.3%);
                                                     Market leader Toyota recorded a 1.07 per cent           the Light Commercial Market is up by
Diesel remains the overwhelming engine type
                                                     rise in sales during September for a dominant           1,485 vehicle sales (8.1%); and the Heavy
preference in the light commercial market, up
                                                     17.3 per cent share overall, followed by Mazda          Commercial Vehicle Market is up by 442
by 10.5 per cent in September to both private
                                                     with 10.3 per cent, Hyundai (8.1%), Mitsubishi          vehicle sales (15.4%) versus September
and non-private buyers. In a month where SUV
                                                     (7.1%) and Holden (6.9%). The Ford Ranger               2016.
sales were down 1.3 per cent overall, business
                                                     light commercial was Australia’s top-selling
(+1.7%) and government (+6.7%) sales both
                                                     vehicle for September with 4,318 sales,               • Toyota was market leader in September,
absorbed some of the shortfall from an 8.5 per
                                                     followed by the Toyota Hilux (3,822), Toyota            followed by Mazda and Hyundai. Toyota
cent decline in private sales.
                                                     Corolla (3,055), Mazda 3 (2,776) and Holden             led Mazda with a margin of 7,049 vehicle
Chief Executive of the Federal Chamber of            Commodore (2,547).                                      sales and 7.0 market share points.
Automotive Industries (FCAI), Tony Weber,

       housands of Toyota Australia staff            In 1963 Australia became the first country          The Toyota Community Foundation Australia
       attended closing-down celebrations at         outside Japan to build Toyota cars. The             will contribute to the region, expecting to
       the company’s Altona manufacturing            shutdown also makes Australia the first             start with a $32 million (AUD) funding boost
plant in October, marking the last                   country where Toyota has closed a mass              to support students in economic difficulty
shift for 3,000 workers after 54 years of            production car and engine factory.                  and schools with disadvantaged educational
manufacturing in Australia.                                                                              environments.
                                                     The Altona plant opened in 1994 with the
Production line workers, supervisors,                production of the Corolla. The Camry,
engineers and managerial staff watched               formerly built in Port
a celebratory parade of various models,              Melbourne, followed
including the first locally-built Toyota, the        in 1995.
Toyopet Tiara, as well as Celicas, Camrys,
Corollas, Coronas, Avalons and Crowns.

Toyota Australia President, Dave Buttner, said
the company’s passionate workers would leave
a global legacy.

“Thanks to everyone’s longstanding
efforts, Toyota became the top automobile
manufacturer in Australia, and the vehicles
produced here became a byword for quality
and reliability not only in Australia but also
in the world, as the vehicles were exported to
other regions like the Middle East,” he said.

                                                                                                  automotivedealer.com.au | DECEMBER 2017 | 15
FEATURES           Australian Automotive Dealer Association

       n investigation by the Australian            The investigation came after the Queensland       independents resulted in prices as much as
       Competition and Consumer                     Government ordered a Fuel Price Summit last       3.8c per litre below average.
       Commission (ACCC) has found that             year, which itself followed a campaign by the
Brisbane motorists are paying too much for          Courier-Mail/Sunday Mail.                         The report pointed out that the Queensland
fuel – a combined $50 million per year.                                                               Government had scrapped its petrol subsidy
                                                    The ACCC wrote to 10 major fuel sellers but       eight years ago after an inquiry found that
ACCC Chairman, Rod Sims, said a lack of             has not found any justification for the higher    only 7.8c of the 9.2c per litre subsidy was being
competition was behind the high prices at the       Brisbane prices.                                  passed on to motorists.
bowser, with service stations enjoying high
profit margins at the expense of consumers.         “The responses received by the ACCC were          “This lack of competitiveness appears to have
                                                    largely disappointing,” the report said.          persisted in the Brisbane market beyond the
According to the report, the average net profit                                                       cessation of the subsidy in mid-2009.”
per service station in Brisbane is 55 per cent      “Most retailers stated that they were unable to
higher than other capital cities.                   provide an explanation, with a few noting that    Mr Sims said the ACCC did not have the
                                                    their pricing policy was to follow the market.”   power to regulate fuel prices.
“It’s a huge gap,” Mr Sims said.
                                                    Mr Sims said the lack of competition from         “It would be strange if we did,” he said,
“And from a motorist’s point of view, it’s          independent chains in Brisbane, compared to       pointing out that it was up to motorists to use
simply unacceptable. The cost to motorists          Sydney and Melbourne, was behind the price        apps such as GasBuddy and MotorMouth to
in Brisbane of higher petrol prices has been        difference.                                       save.
significant, at around $50 million per annum.
Over the eight-year period, the estimated cost      “This is simply a case of (them saying) ‘we are   “You can save 20c or more per litre by
is in the region of $400 million.’’                 not facing the same competition so we can         choosing when and where to buy,” Mr Sims
                                                    make more profit’,” he said.                      said.
The investigation found that even though
wholesale fuel prices were slightly lower in        Brisbane has four independent chains –            “By timing their purchases of petrol and
Brisbane than other cities, retail prices for the   7-Eleven, Puma Energy, Freedom Fuels and          choosing to buy from the lowest-priced
past eight years have been an average of 3.3c       United – making up 34 per cent of the market.     retailer, motorists filling up a vehicle with
per litre higher than in Sydney, Melbourne,                                                           a 60-litre tank could save themselves in the
                                                    Sydney has seven independent chains               region of $10 to $15 per tank.’’
Adelaide and Perth.
                                                    accounting for 40 per cent of all service
Coles Express is the worst offender, with           stations.                                         Mr Sims said the inquiry did nothing to
prices more than 4c per litre above the market                                                        explain the regular petrol price cycle.
                                                    Not only does Brisbane have fewer
                                                    independents, but they do not price as            “It is one of life’s most baffling unknowns. It
BP-owned and operated outlets were the next         aggressively as in other states.                  drives motorists mad. They feel they are being
highest, followed by Freedom Fuels and Caltex                                                         ripped off and it does the industry enormous
                                                    The cost of fuel from Brisbane independents       damage as a result.”
owned and operated. The lowest average prices
                                                    averaged only 1.3c per litre below the market
were 7-Eleven, followed by Woolworths, Puma
                                                    average, while Sydney’s bigger number of
and United.

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FEATURES           Australian Automotive Dealer Association

      ollowing a 2016 report that showed             new. We’ve found new partners in some states
      Australia has the greatest ratio per           where we wanted to change the partnership,
      capita of new Ferrari owners, the              so every dealership around Australia and New
Italian icon plans to almost double its              Zealand – six of them – has been updated.
presence down under by the end of 2018.
                                                     “We’re building new service facilities in South
Australia has even outstripped China and oil-        Island, New Zealand, new showrooms – a
rich Middle Eastern countries when it comes          second one in Sydney and Melbourne – and
to the percentage of first-time Ferrari buyers.      we’re currently evaluating who the partner will
                                                     be on the Gold Coast.”
Just on 61 per cent of Ferraris sold in Australia
in 2016 were to first-time buyers of the brand.      Mr Appleroth said the booming economy was
According to internal Ferrari data this was the      the reason more aspiring owners were keen to
highest percentage of any country around the         join the Ferrari family.
                                                     “We obviously closely limit the number of cars
Ferrari Australasia Chief Executive, Herbert         coming in, but there has never been as high a
Appleroth, said the brand’s record new car           popularity in Australia for Ferrari,” he said.
sales in Australia encouraged expansion along                                                          “We’re growing up the global volume ranking
the east coast.                                      “Nothing helps Ferrari sales more than            every year. We sold out our entire life cycle
                                                     confidence and the economy is going very,         of 812 Superfasts, and, thankfully, Ferrari has
“We’ve never seen a point in time where              very well, plenty of people are gaining           allowed us to take more volume, to the point
Ferrari sales have been this successful,” he said.   wealth, especially in the property market, in     we’re now well and truly in the top ten,” he
                                                     construction; the real estate boom means a        said.
“The market is extremely buoyant and I have          lot of people are making a lot of money and
no problem saying it’ll be another record from       people love to celebrate that with a Ferrari.     The LaFerrari will only make it to Australia
Ferrari this year, a measured year-on-year                                                             in single digits, and there are regulatory
increase.”                                           “We’re not a car manufacturer any more, we’re     restrictions on the local Ferrari operation Mr
                                                     a dream factory, whether it’s a pre-owned 355,    Appleroth wants to see changed.
Mr Appleroth said the number of Ferrari              a new modern-day Ferrari or a Ferrari hat as a
dealerships would increase from five                 five-year-old.”                                   “Our customers are global and with the way
showrooms to nine by the end of 2018.                                                                  taxes and registrations are at the moment in
                                                     Mr Appleroth said the Australasian increased      Australia, hopefully regulations will change
“The first part of our focus with this growth        sales to 167 vehicles in 2015, from a global      in the future where our customers can bring
was to redevelop all our facilities and we’ve        pool of around 8000. Australia/New Zealand is     left-hand drive cars into the country and drive
had every one of them updated or made brand          rising up the ranks.                              them,” he said.

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FEATURES          Australian Automotive Dealer Association

      ritish franchised new car Dealers are          • Kia also had the highest average score         Future profit return
      less satisfied with their relationships          (8.5) across all questions of the survey.
      with manufacturers than they were                                                               Dealers showed more satisfaction with their
six months ago.                                      • Suzuki and Toyota closed out the               predicted future profit than their current one
                                                       top five with 8.0 and 7.8 points               with 15 out of 29 responses above the neutral
The National Franchised Dealers Association            respectively. Toyota experienced a             score of 5.0. The average score was 5.2, 0.4
(NFDA), which represents franchised car                significant improvement of 1.1 points          points lower than the last survey. Of the Dealer
and commercial vehicle Dealers in the UK,              on last winter’s score of 6.7.                 networks surveyed, 19 saw their levels of
conducted its Summer 2017 Dealer Attitude                                                             satisfaction decrease, eight saw an increase and
Survey, which found an average satisfaction          • The least valued networks were Jeep            two did not change.
score of 5.6 out of 10 amongst Dealers                 (2.9), Citroen (2.8), and Nissan (2.6).
regarding their overall relationship with                                                             Top performer:         Kia            8.5 points
                                                     • Audi was the most improved Dealer
manufacturers.                                                                                        Bottom performer: Jeep                2.6 points
                                                       network, with an increase of 1.5 points.
That is -0.5 points down from the last survey          Audi gained a total of 61.8 points             Most improved:Audi & Volkswagen+1.5 points
and -0.6 lower than the same time last year.           across the whole survey, achieving the
                                                       highest overall improvement.                   Biggest decline:       Peugeot       -2.6 points
NFDA Director, Sue Robinson, said the Summer                                                          Average score:		                      5.2 points
2017 survey had 1,754 respondents from a total    “Although average scores across the majority
of 29 participating franchised networks, which    of the questions have generally declined,           Total margin
equates to a response rate of 42%.                some networks continued to perform well
                                                  following recent success and others showed          With regard to satisfaction with total margin
“The Summer 2017 survey had an                    significant improvements. Notably, Kia              on new vehicles, 20 Dealer networks saw their
encouraging response rate, with considerably      reached the first place in the all-important        score decline, eight saw an increase and one
increased response return from smaller            question and Audi recorded the highest              remained unchanged. On a positive note,
dealerships, highlighting the importance          increase in score across all the questions of       nearly half of the Dealer networks (14) gave
of the survey for both Dealers and                the survey,” Ms Robinson said.                      a score above the neutral point of 5.0. The
manufacturers, enabling them to monitor and                                                           average Dealer rating is 5.5, 0.5 lower than the
evaluate the health of their relationship,” Ms    “In a period of uncertainty, where a                Winter 2017 survey.
Robinson said.                                    coordinated and combined approach is
                                                  needed to deal with a number of important           Top performer:         Kia            8.4 points
“The results of the survey show that external     issues currently facing the industry, it is vital
factors might have put a strain on the            that manufacturers and Dealers continue to          Bottom performer: Jeep                2.5 points
Dealer-manufacturer relationship. However,        work together to safeguard the interests of         Most improved:         Audi          +1.6 points
despite the substantial decline in the average    the automotive sector.”
score of the manufacturer rating question,                                                            Biggest decline:       BMW           -3.0 points
more than 60 per cent of the Dealer               Other results:                                      Average score:		                      5.0 points
networks surveyed returned a score above
                                                  Current profit return                               Return on investment – required capital
the neutral point of 5.0.”
                                                  With 11 responses out of 29 better than             Of the Dealer networks surveyed, 19 saw
As with previous surveys, respondents were
                                                  neutral (5.0), the average response decreased       a decrease compared with the last survey,
asked a series of questions covering a range
                                                  by 0.6 points from 5.4 to 4.8 points                nine saw an increase and one remained the
of business aspects and their impact on the
                                                  compared to the previous survey. Only               same. Slightly less than half of the Dealers, 13
relationship with manufacturers. Responses
                                                  six Dealers saw their level of satisfaction         networks, gave a response better than 5.0. The
are scored from 1 (extremely dissatisfied) to
                                                  increase, while 22 saw a decrease and one           average score across all Dealers was 5.1 which
10 (extremely satisfied).
                                                  remained the same.                                  is 0.4 down from the last survey.
Key results:
                                                  Top performer:       Mercedes         8.6 points    Top performer:         Kia            8.6 points
  • Kia became the highest scoring                Bottom performer: Alfa Romeo          2.4 points
    franchise with 9.2 points. Kia                                                                    Bottom performer: Alfa Romeo          1.7 points
    surpassed Mercedes, which now                 Most improved:       Audi            +2.2 points    Most improved:         Audi          +1.8 points
    follows with 9.0 points. Lexus                Biggest decline:     BMW             -2.8 points
    remained the third placed network                                                                 Biggest decline:       Alfa Romeo    -2.5 points
    with 8.4 points.                              Average score:                        4.8 points    Average score:		                      5.1 points

18 | DECEMBER 2017 | automotivedealer.com.au
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