Hot-carrier generation in plasmonic nanoparticles: Atomic-scale structure matters

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Hot-carrier generation in plasmonic nanoparticles: Atomic-scale structure matters
Hot-carrier generation in plasmonic nanoparticles: Atomic-scale structure matters

                                                                                   Tuomas P. Rossi,1, ∗ Paul Erhart,1, † and Mikael Kuisma2, ‡
                                                                             Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
                                                                        Department of Chemistry, Nanoscience Center, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
                                                                                                     (Dated: February 28, 2020)
                                                                    Metal nanoparticles are attractive for plasmon-enhanced generation of hot carriers, which may be
                                                                 harnessed in photochemical reactions. In this work, we analyze the coherent femtosecond dynamics of
                                                                 photon absorption, plasmon formation, and subsequent hot-carrier generation via plasmon dephasing
                                                                 using first-principles simulations. We predict the energetic and spatial hot-carrier distributions in
arXiv:2002.12087v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 27 Feb 2020

                                                                 small metal nanoparticles and show that the distribution of hot electrons is very sensitive to the local
                                                                 structure. Our results show that surface sites exhibit enhanced hot-electron generation in comparison
                                                                 to the bulk of the nanoparticle. While the details of the distribution depend on particle size and
                                                                 shape, as a general trend lower-coordinated surface sites (e.g., corners, edges, {100} facets) exhibit
                                                                 a higher proportion of hot electrons than higher-coordinated surface sites (e.g., {111} facets). The
                                                                 present results thereby demonstrate how hot-carrier distributions can be tailored by careful design
                                                                 of particle size, structure, and composition.

                                                        Plasmon-enhanced technologies enabled by metal                 atomistic, parameter-free, and generally applicable de-
                                                     nanoparticles (NPs) provide promising avenues for, e.g.,          scription of plasmonic HC generation based on Kohn–
                                                     harvesting and converting sunlight to chemical energy1            Sham (KS)-density-functional theory (DFT)35,36 and
                                                     and driving photochemical reactions.2 The underlying              time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT).37
                                                     processes rely on the decay of plasmonic excitations
                                                     and the subsequent generation of non-equilibrium car-
                                                     rier distributions.3 The latter are often collectively re-                                  RESULTS
                                                     ferred to as hot carriers, even though the actual distri-
                                                     butions vary substantially with time after excitation.4,5            Real-time dynamics of localized surface plas-
                                                     Hot carriers (HCs) generated by plasmon decay can                 mons. We start with a comprehensive description of
                                                     in principle be transferred to a chemically attached              plasmon formation and subsequent dephasing. For illus-
                                                     acceptor such as a semiconductor or a molecule,                   tration, we consider an icosahedral Ag561 silver NP with
                                                     a process that is potentially useful for technologies             a clear plasmon resonance (Fig. 1a).38 The ground-state
                                                     such as photovoltaics,6 photo-detection,7,8 photon up-            electronic structure of the NP is with DFT calculated us-
                                                     conversion,9 and photocatalysis,2,10–13 and that is poten-        ing the GLLB-SC exchange-correlation (XC) potential39
                                                     tially relevant for NP growth processes.14                        for an improved d-band description27,40 and the response
                                                        There are, however, substantial gaps in our under-             is calculated with TDDFT using the random-phase ap-
                                                     standing that limit the exploitation of plasmon-generated         proximation (RPA) or the adiabatic GLLB-SC27 (see
                                                     hot carriers in applications. To resolve these questions,         Methods for details).
                                                     a purely experimental approach is limited both due to                We consider the real-time dynamics of the electrons
                                                     time constraints and the difficulty associated with dis-          under a monochromatic ultrafast Gaussian light pulse
                                                     entangling different contributions.15–17 In the context of
                                                     photocatalysis, in particular, it is paramount to discern                    E(t + t0 ) = E0 cos(ω0 t) exp(−t2 /τ02 ),     (1)
                                                     processes at the atomic scale. Here, theoretical and com-
                                                     putational approaches can provide highly valuable insight         where the pulse frequency ω0 = 3.6 eV is tuned to the
                                                     as they enable us to scrutinize the relevant microscopic          plasmon resonance, the pulse duration is determined by
                                                     processes on the electronic and atomic scale.                     τ0 = 3 fs, and the pulse is centered at t0 = 10 fs (Fig. 1b).
                                                        Earlier theoretical studies on plasmonic HC generation         The pulse strength is weak, E0 = 51 µV/Å, putting the
                                                     have mostly focused on flat metal surfaces18,19 or jellium        response in linear response regime. In frequency space,
                                                     NPs neglecting the underlying atomic structure.4,5,20–25          the pulse is wide enough to cover the whole plasmon res-
                                                     While atomic-scale effects in nanoplasmonics has been             onance (Fig. 1a).
                                                     increasingly addressed in recent years,26–31 an atomic               We use the dipole approximation, where the light pulse
                                                     scale description of plasmonic HC generation is only              creates a time-dependent external potential vpulse (t) =
                                                     emerging.32–34 In this work, we directly analyze the ef-          zE(t) that causes the time evolution of the KS states
                                                     fect of local structure on HCs generation and demon-              |ψn (t)i and excitation of the localized surface plasmon
                                                     strate that the distribution of HCs after plasmon decay           resonance (LSPR). The light pulse induces a strong
                                                     is in fact very sensitive to the atomic scale details. We         dipole-moment response [Fig. 1c(1–3)]. The correspond-
                                                     quantitatively resolve the effect of surface orientation,         ing electron density oscillations [Fig. 1d(1–3)] are com-
                                                     step edges, corner sites, and ultimately NP shape and             posed of a surface-to-surface component associated with
                                                     size on HC distribution. To this end, we develop a fully          delocalized valence electrons near the Fermi energy and
Hot-carrier generation in plasmonic nanoparticles: Atomic-scale structure matters

 (a)                                               (d)       (1)        (2)          (3)                               (4)         (5)
                2     3       4   5
 (b)        Photon (eV)                 (1 3)                                                                                            (1 3)                (4)                          (5)
        50 ( V/Å)                                            (4)                           (e)
                                                                                                                  9                                                 resonant transitions

                                                                                            Stored energy ( eV)
            0                                                                                                                                                         (~ hot carriers)
 (c) 50                                                                        (5)
            2 (10         2 eÅ)
                                                                                                                                  total             non-resonant transitions
                                                                                                                                                     (~ screened plasmon)


            2                                                                                                     00
             0               5         10           15             20   25     30                                             5          10          15             20        25           30
                                                 Time (fs)                                                                                        Time (fs)

FIG. 1. Real-time dynamics of a localized surface plasmon in a silver NP. (a) Photoabsorption spectrum of the Ag561
NP (shaded) and the intensity profile of an impacting electric field pulse (green). Absorption is determined by the imaginary
part of the polarizability, Im[α], and the real part Re[α] is shown as dashed line. (b) Electric field pulse impacting the plasmon
resonance of the NP. (c) Time-dependent dipole moment response of the NP. (d) Electron density oscillations in the NP at
selected time instances (red and blue isosurfaces denote density increase and decrease, respectively). (e) Time evolution of the
energy stored in the excited electronic system. The total energy (black) is divided into the energy of non-resonant electron-
hole transitions constituting plasmon excitation (purple) and that of resonant electron-hole transitions constituting mainly hot
carriers (orange). A part of the plasmon energy is in the form of Coulomb energy (grey).

atom-localized contributions that correspond to screen-                                    t ≈ 5 . . . 15fs). After the pulse has ended (t & 15 fs),
ing due to virtual excitations from the d-band.38 As                                       the absorbed energy remains in the system and the to-
time proceeds to t ≈ 17 fs, the excited electrons start                                    tal energy has attained a new constant value given by
to lose their collective plasmonic motion via a dephas-                                    the photoabsorption cross section [Fig. 1a; Eq. (11) in
ing process commonly referred to as Landau damping,                                        Methods].
which takes places due to the presence of multiple exci-                                      While the total energy remains constant, the elec-
tation eigenstates forming the broadened plasmon peak                                      tronic energy does not stay equally distributed among
in the photoabsorption spectrum.41 As the plasmon de-                                      the electron-hole transitions i → a excited by the light
phases, the dipole moment decays [Fig. 1c(4–5)] corre-                                     pulse. To quantify this effect, we consider a decomposi-
sponding to vanishing surface-to-surface density oscilla-                                  tion in electron-hole transitions that is based on the linear
tion [Fig. 1d(4–5)].32                                                                     response of the KS density matrix, δρia (t), expressed in
   Time-dependent energy contributions. Since the                                                                              (0)
                                                                                           the basis of the eigenstates (n , ψn ) of the ground-state
pulse is tuned to the LSPR, the electronic system absorbs                                  Hamiltonian. The electron-hole decomposition of energy
energy from the incident light and remains in an excited                                   is (see Supplementary Note 1 for derivation)
state after the pulse has vanished. To analyze the distri-
bution of this energy, consider the total time-dependent                                                                                 fX
                                                                                                                                          i >fa
energy of the system given by                                                                                                ∆E(t) =                             C
                                                                                                                                                  ωia Pia (t) + Eia (t),                   (4)
                    Etot (t) =        Etot   + ∆E(t) + Epulse (t),            (2)                                                          ia

             is the ground-state energy, ∆E(t) is the time-
               Etot                                                                        where the sum is restricted by ground-state occupation
dependent energy stored in the excited state (Fig. 1e,                                     numbers fn so that the indices i and a correspond to
black line), and Epulse (t) = −µ(t)E(t) is the potential                                   the created hole and electron states, respectively. Here,
energy of the system under the external electric field.                                    ωia = a − i is the transition energy (the KS eigenvalue
   The incident light pulse pumps energy into the system,                                  difference), Pia (t) is the transition probability defined as
i.e, it does work on the system as ∆Ė(t) = δ µ̇(t)E(t),                                                                                                            2
where dots indicate time derivatives and δµ(t) = µ(t) −                                                                                      δρia (t)
                                                                                                                                  Pia (t) = √                           ,                  (5)
µ(0) is the induced dipole moment. Thus, the total accu-                                                                                      fi − fa
mulated electronic energy can be written as
                          Z t                                                              and Eia
                                                                                                   (t) is the Coulomb energy given by the Hartree–
                  ∆E(t) =     δ µ̇(τ )E(τ )dτ.          (3)                                exchange-correlation kernel (defined in Supplementary
                                             0                                             Note 1).
The electronic energy increases through absorption in a                                      Plasmon formation and dephasing are scrutinized by
step-wise manner following the pulse intensity (Fig. 1e,                                   considering the energy stored in the electronic system in
Hot-carrier generation in plasmonic nanoparticles: Atomic-scale structure matters

                                               (b)                          (1) 10.2 fs            (2) 11.0 fs            (3) 11.9 fs                (4) 18.2 fs             (5) 30.0 fs

                                                Electron energy (eV)
                                                                       4    101 [ eV/(eV)2]
                            +                                          2
 Electron energy (eV)

                        2                                                   4        2        0    4     2       0        4        2       0         4     2       0         4        2    0
                                                                           Hole energy (eV)
                                                                           Holes Electrons
                              4     2      0
                            Hole energy (eV)   probability

                                                                           4 20 0 2 4             4 20 0 2 4            4 20 0 2 4                  4 20 0 2 4             4 20 0 2 4
                                                                             Energy (eV)

FIG. 2. Electron-hole transition contributions to plasmon formation and decay. (a) Electron-hole contributions to
the photoabsorption at the resonance energy visualized as a transition contribution map (TCM). Density of states (DOS) is
also shown along the energy axes. (b) Electron-hole contributions to the time-dependent electronic energy visualized as TCM
on a logarithmic color scale. The solid diagonal line corresponds to the transition energies √
                                                                                             matching with the pulse frequency
ω0 and the dotted diagonal lines are drawn at ω0 ± 2σ to indicate the pulse width σ = 2/τ0 , defining the boundaries for
resonant and non-resonant transitions (Fig. 1e). (c) Occupation probabilities of hole and electron states. Solid blue and red
lines denote state occupations from resonant transitions, and dashed lines denote occupations from all transitions (resonant
and non-resonant). The figure columns (1–5) show panels (b) and (c) for the time instances labeled in Fig. 1. The color scale
and axis limits are the same in all the columns.

terms of the electron-hole transition energy ωia with re-                                                        spondingly, the time-domain response can exhibits occa-
spect to the pulse energy (Supplementary Fig. 1). The                                                            sional energy transfer back from the resonant transitions
plasmon is formed by constructive coupling of low-energy                                                         to the plasmon32,45 (Supplementary Fig. 4) due to the
transitions [ωia . 2 eV; see time instances (1–3) in                                                             incomplete Landau damping enabling the re-emergence
Fig. 2b].38,41,42 Simultaneously, high-energy virtual d-                                                         of coherence between plasmonic transitions.
electron transitions (ωia & 4 eV) screen the plasmonic                                                              Since the coupling of transitions via Coulomb interac-
density oscillation. These non-resonant transitions carry                                                        tion is recognized as an essential characteristic of plas-
most of the energy during plasmon excitation (Fig. 1e,                                                           monic excitations,38,41,42,46 it is
                                                                                                                                                   Pinstructive   to consider
purple line). As the plasmon dephases, the absorbed en-                                                          the Coulomb energy EC (t) =           E C
                                                                                                                                                     ia ia (t).  This  energy
ergy is redistributed to electron-hole transitions that are                                                      exhibits strong oscillations (Fig. 1e, grey line) analogous
resonant with the pulse (Fig. 1e, orange line; correspond-                                                       to the dipole moment (Fig. 1c) as only the electron den-
ing to the diagonal in the transition contribution maps                                                          sity oscillation contributes to the Coulomb energy. At
in Fig. 2b; see time instances (4–5)]. Thus the transi-                                                          the maxima of the surface-to-surface density oscillation
tions comprising the plasmon are active during absorp-                                                           [time instances (1) and (3) in Figs. 1d–e], the Coulomb
tion (Fig. 2a), and subsequently, the plasmon decays into                                                        contribution is a significant part of the plasmon energy,
hot holes and hot electrons, instead of the HC transitions                                                       but at the minima in between [e.g., time instance (2)] the
absorbing the light directly (shown in detail in Supple-                                                         Coulomb energy is vanishing as the electronic energy is
mentary Fig. 2).                                                                                                 stored in the electron current flowing through the parti-
   After plasmon dephasing, the energy remains almost                                                               Temporal evolution of HC distributions. Now
exclusively stored in the resonant transitions [Fig. 2b(5)],                                                     that we have established the real-time picture of plasmon
which constitute the plasmon-generated hot carriers. At                                                          formation and decay, we are in the position to analyze
larger time scales, the electronic system would dissipate                                                        the distributions of electrons and holes during the pro-
the absorbed energy to the environment via radiation,                                                            cess. The probabilities for creating a hole in the initially
atomic motion, or other processes, but such decay path-                                                          occupied state i or an electron in the initially unoccupied
ways are not included within the description used here,                                                          state a are given directly by the transition probability of
and there is no significant dynamics at time scales beyond                                                       Eq. (5) as
t & 30 fs due to the strong dephasing in Ag561 (Supple-
mentary Fig. 3). However, the dynamics can be very                                                                               fX
                                                                                                                                  i >fa                                    fX
                                                                                                                                                                            i >fa

different in small clusters with discrete excitation spec-                                                           Pih (t) =            Pia (t)    and       Pae (t) =            Pia (t), (6)
trum. For example, in Ag55 cluster individual electron-                                                                            a                                         i
hole transitions couple strongly to plasmon,38 which is
often referred to as plasmon fragmentation.43,44 Corre-                                                          respectively. Pih and Pae determine exactly the diago-
Hot-carrier generation in plasmonic nanoparticles: Atomic-scale structure matters

   (a)                               Holes       Electrons     (b)                        Ag561     (c)               Holes            Electrons   Electrons > 1 eV
                                Ag561                                core (309 atoms)
Occupation propability / atom

                                                                     {111} facets (120 atoms)
                                Ag309                                                                         z

                                                                     edges (120 atoms)                    x       y
                                                                                                                              50% of max

                                                                     corners (12 atoms)

                                 4      2 0     0      2   4         4   2 0       0      2     4                       y
                                         Energy (eV)                       Energy (eV)

FIG. 3. HC distributions after plasmon decay. (a) Occupation probabilities of hole and electron states in icosahedral
silver NPs of 55–561 atoms. (b) Occupation probabilities at different atomic sites of Ag561 . All the panels use the same axis
limits (normalized by the number of atoms). (c) Spatial density profiles of all induced holes and electrons and induced electrons
with energy of more than 1 eV in Ag561 . Plots show isosurfaces corresponding to 10% and 20% of maximum value, respectively,
and slices are taken through the center of the NP.

nal elements of the second order response of the density                                            distribution of plasmon-generated hot carriers in space
matrix (Supplementary Note 1); in other words, they cor-                                            and the impact of local structure. We start by consider-
respond to the increase of the occupation of the initially                                          ing the series of icosahedral silver NPs Ag147 , Ag309 , and
unoccupied state a and the decrease of the occupation of                                            Ag561 , the photoabsorption properties of which we have
the initially occupied state i, respectively.                                                       described in detail in earlier work27,38 (see Supplemen-
   The occupation probabilities given by Eq. (6) show                                               tary Fig. 5 for photoabsorption spectra and densities of
strong oscillations during the time evolution [Fig. 2c(1–                                           states). The light pulse is tuned to the plasmon resonance
3); dashed lines]. These oscillations are explained by                                              of the NPs and the initial HC distributions are analyzed
the oscillation of Coulomb energy. As the Coulomb en-                                               after the plasmon has dephased, i.e. at time t = 30 fs.
ergy contribution is carried only by non-resonant tran-                                             The HC distributions show a very pronounced depen-
sitions, the occupation probabilities of the electron and                                           dence on NP size (Fig. 3a) and local structure (Fig. 3b–c)
hole states contributing to these non-resonant transitions                                          as discussed in the following.
oscillate analogously to the Coulomb energy. The oscil-                                                As particle size increases, the HC distributions are in-
lations are especially visible in the occupations of elec-                                          creasingly dominated by interband d-electron transitions
tron and hole states that form the plasmon, i.e., the                                               (hole ∼ −4 eV → electron ∼ 0 eV) converging toward
states near the Fermi energy, often referred to as Drude                                            the distributions obtained for flat surfaces.18,19 In con-
carriers.47 The oscillatory population and depopulation                                             trast to extended systems, geometry confinement effects
of these states indicate that they would not likely be in-                                          are significant for plasmonic HC generation in nanoscale
dividually separable while they are a part of the plas-                                             systems.49 Due to the broken crystal symmetry in NPs,
mon as Coulomb interaction is an essential part of the                                              additional “intraband” transitions are available for HC
excitation.48                                                                                       generation in comparison to extended systems. This al-
   The resonant transitions have zero Coulomb energy                                                lows the population of higher-energy electron and hole
contribution and the occupations of the corresponding                                               states (Fig. 3a; electrons > 0.5 eV, holes > −3.5 eV). The
electron and hole states grow steadily as the plasmon                                               relative contribution of these states is most pronounced
decays (Fig. 2c; solid lines). At the end of the dynamic                                            in smaller NPs (Ag147 , Ag309 ) but they are even non-
evolution considered here [Fig. 2c(5)], electrons and holes                                         negligible in Ag561 . Similar size-dependent trends are
are still coupled in the form of electron-hole transitions,                                         also present in silver NPs of other shapes, while the de-
and the distribution at t = 30 fs corresponds to the initial                                        tailed relative contributions of different transitions vary
non-thermal HC distributions. At longer time scales (not                                            (Supplementary Fig. 6).
described here) these carriers would separate and ther-                                                Considering the icosahedral Ag561 NP, the calcu-
malize via electron–electron and electron–phonon scat-                                              lated spatial probability distributions (see Methods) re-
tering processes.5 The slight asymmetry between the hole                                            veal that plasmon-generated holes and electrons are dis-
and electron distributions is caused by a non-zero width                                            tributed spatially differently (Fig. 3b–c): Holes are local-
of the pulse in frequency space (Fig. 1a).                                                          ized at atomic sites throughout the particle, which is ex-
   Energetic and spatial distributions of hot car-                                                  pected as the majority of holes originates from the atom-
riers: Role of structure. We can now analyze the                                                    localized d-states. As a result, their energy distribution is
Hot-carrier generation in plasmonic nanoparticles: Atomic-scale structure matters

                                                                            Ih                                                          Cub-Oh                                              RTO
                                                       Ag147               Ag309               Ag561                 Ag147               Ag309               Ag561               Ag201               Ag586
Normalized hot-electron probability / atom

                                                       Hot electrons                                                 core
                                             2.0            all                                                      {111} facets
                                                              > 1 eV                                                 {100} facets
                                             1.5                                                                     edges

                                                                                                                 {111} facets (8)
                                                           core (55)
                                                   {111} facets (20)

                                                                       {111} facets (60)

                                                                                                                                    {111} facets (24)
                                                                                                                                    {100} facets (54)

                                                                                                                                                        {111} facets (48)
                                                                                                                                                        {100} facets (96)

                                                                                                                                                                             {100} facets (6)
                                                         edges (60)

                                                                                                                        core (55)
                                                                                                                {100} facets (24)
                                                                                                                      edges (48)

                                                                                                                                           core (147)

                                                                                                                                          edges (72)

                                                                                                                                                               core (309)

                                                                                                                                                              edges (96)

                                                                                                                                                                                    core (79)
                                                                                                                                                                            {111} facets (56)
                                                                                                                                                                                  edges (36)

                                                                                                                                                                                                {111} facets (152)
                                                                                                                                                                                                 {100} facets (24)
                                                                                                                                                                                                       edges (72)
                                                       corners (12)

                                                                              core (147)
                                                                             edges (90)
                                                                           corners (12)

                                                                                                   core (309)
                                                                                           {111} facets (120)
                                                                                                 edges (120)
                                                                                                 corners (12)

                                                                                                                    corners (12)

                                                                                                                                        corners (12)

                                                                                                                                                            corners (12)

                                                                                                                                                                                corners (24)

                                                                                                                                                                                                        core (314)

                                                                                                                                                                                                      corners (24)

 FIG. 4. Atomic-scale distributions of hot electrons in silver NPs. Spatial distribution of hot electrons generated on
 different atomic sites in icosahedral (Ih), cuboctahedral (Cub-Oh), and regularly truncated octahedral (RTO) NPs. Sites with
 lower coordination exhibit a higher proportion of hot electrons than core sites. A spatially uniform distribution corresponds to
 a normalized probability of unity. The insets show the atomic structures with the different atomic sites colored.

 very similar for core and surface sites. Hot electrons, on                                                                             dral NPs the corner sites do, however, not show an as
 the other hand, are more delocalized and primarily reside                                                                              extreme proportion of hot electrons as in the icosahe-
 in the surface region. The surface contribution is even                                                                                dral Ag561 particle. This further underlines the sensi-
 more pronounced for higher-energy hot electrons (> 1 eV                                                                                tivity of HC generation to atomic scale details and the
 electrons in Fig. 3c). Especially at low-coordinated edge                                                                              exact electronic structure of the NP and site(s) in ques-
 and corner sites the probability density for hot electrons                                                                             tion. As a general trend, lower-coordinated sites exhibit
 with more than 1 eV is strongly enhanced compared to                                                                                   an enhancement of hot electrons compared to higher-
 sites in the core and on flat surfaces (Fig. 3b).                                                                                      coordinated sites. This is observed for corner and edge
    A more quantitative view is obtained by considering                                                                                 sites, but one also finds that more hot electrons are gen-
 the total per-atom occupation probability of hot electrons                                                                             erated on the lower-coordinated {100} surface than on
 at a particular atomic site in comparison to the total                                                                                 the {111} surface. In contrast to strong spatial variation
 per-atom occupation probability throughout the system                                                                                  of hot electrons, plasmon-generated holes do not show
 (Fig. 4). Hot electrons with more than 1 eV are almost                                                                                 strong spatial dependence (Supplementary Fig. 7).
 three times more likely to be found in the vicinity of a
 corner site than on any other site in a icosahedral Ag561
 NP on average. We emphasize that these are per-atom                                                                                                               DISCUSSION
 considerations, that is, as the 12 corner atoms consti-
 tute only around 2% of the atoms in the particle, it is                                                                                   For practical utilization, HCs need to be transferred
 expected that 6% of the electrons with more than 1 eV                                                                                  to the environment. In general, HC transfer can occur
 would be generated in the vicinity of the corner atoms.                                                                                indirectly, i.e. carriers are first produced in the metal
 Hot electrons with more than 1 eV constitute 30 to 60%                                                                                 and subsequently transferred to the acceptor,2,3,50,51 or
 of all hot electrons depending on system (Supplementary                                                                                directly, i.e., plasmon dephasing leads directly to the in-
 Fig. 6). The absolute total number of HCs generated                                                                                    jection of HCs in empty acceptor (and occupied donor)
 depends on the light energy that is absorbed, which is                                                                                 states.52–57 (The direct transfer process has also been
 in turn determined by photoabsorption cross-section and                                                                                referred to as coherent charge transfer,53,54 plasmon-
 light intensity.                                                                                                                       induced interfacial charge-transfer transition when the
    Similarly to icosahedral shapes, hot electrons in the                                                                               acceptor is a semiconductor,52 and chemical interface
 cuboctahedral and regularly truncated octahedral NPs                                                                                   damping in the case of adsorbed molecules.2,33,58,59 ) Both
 are more likely to be generated at surface sites than in                                                                               experiments60–62 and calculations20,49,62,63 indicate that
 the core (Fig. 4). The preference for surface sites is even                                                                            HCs generated in the metal can quickly relax back to the
 more pronounced for hot electrons with more than 1 eV.                                                                                 Fermi level via electron-electron scattering, which ren-
 For the cuboctahedral and regularly truncated octahe-                                                                                  ders the indirect pathway inefficient. The direct-transfer
Hot-carrier generation in plasmonic nanoparticles: Atomic-scale structure matters

process, on the other hand, can overcome the problem of         principles account of the real-time dynamics of plasmon
fast HC relaxation and presents an opportunity to obtain        formation and its dephasing into incoherent HCs. In
more efficient plasmonic HC devices.51,58,59 Moreover, in       larger particles, the HC density usually decays away from
principle it enables the injection of HCs in particular ac-     the surface due to propagation of electronic modes. In
ceptor states, which is of special interest for applications    smaller NPs, as demonstrated in this work, HCs are, how-
in catalysis.                                                   ever, well defined electronic resonances within the parti-
   In this work, we have quantitatively analyzed the im-        cle apt to assist for example in heterogeneous photocat-
pact of local atomic structure on plasmon decay and HC          alytic redox reactions. The present results further show
generation using a predictive and material specific first-      that the energetic distribution of hot electrons is very
principles framework without resorting to empirical pa-         sensitive to the local structure and higher energy elec-
rameters. The simulations allow us to follow the real-time      trons are preferentially generated at sites with low co-
dynamics of localized surface plasmons during the first         ordination. First-principles predictions of plasmonic HC
50–100 fs or so after excitation, which includes plasmon        generation, as presented here, can thereby open avenues
formation and decay into the initial non-thermal HC dis-        for tuning and optimizing photocatalytic systems down
tribution. The latter is immediately relevant for direct        to the atomic scale.
transfer processes either across interfaces64,65 and onto
molecules.66 This HC distribution also represents the
initial condition for longer-time scale dynamics, which                               METHODS
are governed by electron-electron (100 fs . t . 1 ps) as
well as electron-phonon (100 ps . t . 10 ns) scattering            Computational details. The ground-state electronic
processes3,5 and are relevant for indirect excitation trans-    structures were calculated with KS-DFT35,36 using the
fer.                                                            GLLB-SC exchange-correlation potential.39 The time-
   We find that in the silver NPs considered here the dis-      domain responses were calculated with TDDFT37 start-
tribution of hot electrons is very sensitive to local struc-    ing from the ground state. The dynamical response was
ture whereas the distribution of hot holes is relatively        described with RPA for the data in Figs. 1–2 and in Sup-
homogeneous. These features can be traced to the elec-          plementary Figs. 1–4, while all the other data was calcu-
tronic structure as hole and electron states exhibit lo-        lated with the adiabatic GLLB-SC.27 The two response
calized d and delocalized s-type character, respectively.       kernels yield very similar results (Supplementary Fig. 8),
We therefore expect the present insight to be qualita-          but the GLLB-SC potential is not suitable for obtaining
tively transferable to other late transition metals, which      the total energies.
exhibit similar electronic structure. By studying a series         All the calculations are carried out with the open-
of NPs of increasing size and considering different parti-      source GPAW code package67 using localized ba-
cle shapes, we were able to correlate the local structure       sis sets68 and the real-time propagation TDDFT
with the HC distribution. Specifically, we observe that         implementation.27 We used 11-electron projector
hot electrons are more likely to be present on lower coor-      augmented-wave69 setups for Ag, treating the remaining
dinated sites. The details are shape dependent. For ex-         electrons as frozen core. We used an extended “p-valence”
ample on icosahedral NP, the proportion of hot electrons        basis set that includes diffuse 5p functions, which are
at corner and edge sites can be strongly enhanced com-          important for describing plasmon resonances.70 The
pared to flat surface and bulk sites, whereas in cubocta-       basis set is similar to the ones used in Refs. 27 and 38.
hedral and regularly truncated octahedral particles, more          The photoabsorption spectra were calculated using the
hot electrons are generated per site on lower-coordinated       δ-kick technique71 yielding linear impulse response. The
{100} than on denser {111} facets.                              photoabsorption of icosahedral particles is isotropic and
   The prevalence of hot electrons on lower-coordinated         the electric field was aligned along the x direction. The
surface sites described here facilitates their utility in di-   resulting HCs do not exhibit a strong variation between
rect transfer processes. It is, however, crucial to also        different sites (Fig. 3c). For the time propagation, we
consider the hybridization of the surface electronic states     used a time step of 10 as and total propagation time of at
with acceptor states, where the latter can originate e.g.,      least 30 fs. The spectra were broadened using Gaussian
from an adsorbed molecule66 or a semiconductor.64,65 To         damping with σ = 0.07 eV corresponding to a full width
maximize the efficiency for direct excitation transfer the      at half-maximum of 0.16 eV. The real-time response to a
emitting (surface) receiving (acceptor) states should be        pulse was calculated as a post-processing step via convo-
energetically aligned and spatially overlap. Going for-         lution as described below in detail. In the convolution
ward, the framework introduced here enables one to an-          Fourier transforms or time-domain response there is no
alyze and quantify these transfer processes at the atomic       artificial damping.
scale with material specificity without resorting to empir-        A grid spacing parameter of h = 0.3 Å was chosen to
ical parameters. This provides the opportunity to iden-         represent densities and potentials and the nanoparticles
tify promising surface-acceptor combinations and design         were surrounded by a vacuum region of at least 6 Å. The
future experiments.                                             Hartree potential was evaluated with a Poisson solver
   In conclusion, we have presented a comprehensive first-      using the monopole and dipole corrections for the poten-
Hot-carrier generation in plasmonic nanoparticles: Atomic-scale structure matters

tial. Fermi-Dirac smearing was applied to the occupation         Total absorbed energy. By invoking Fourier trans-
numbers to facilitate convergence. The KS electron-hole        formation, the total absorbed energy after the pulse has
basis included electron-hole pairs with occupation num-        vanished is obtained as
ber difference fi − fa ≥ 10−3 .                                     Z ∞
                                                                                         1 ∞
   Before the response calculations, all geometries were                 δ µ̇(t)E(t)dt =
                                                                                              S(ω) |E(ω)| dω,      (11)
relaxed using the BFGS optimizer in the open-source                  0                   2 0
ASE package.72 The relaxation calculations used the
Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE)73 functional, double-ζ            where S(ω) = 2ωπ Im[α(ω)] is the dipole strength function,
polarized (dzp) basis sets, and h = 0.2 Å.                     which equals the photoabsorption cross section safe for a
   Pulse response from convolution. The photoab-               constant multiplier.
sorption spectrum can be efficiently calculated from real-        HC distributions. The hot-electron energy distribu-
time propagation using the δ-kick perturbation71 as in         tions corresponding to the state occupation probabilities
the linear-response regime all the frequencies are inde-       Pae of Eq. (6) are obtained as (time-dependence is not
pendent of each other. We utilize this property in the         explicitly marked)
present work for calculating the linear response of the                                             fi >fa
density matrix to the Gaussian pulse of Eq. (1) as a post-                  X                      1 X 2
                                                                 Pe () =       Pae δ( − a ) =           (qia + p2ia )δ( − a ),
processing step. First, the time-propagation is carried                                            2 ia
out for perturbation vkick (t) = zK0 δ(t) yielding the im-                                                                     (12)
pulse response of the system and the corresponding time-
dependent density matrix δρkickia (t). Then, in the linear-    where qia and pia correspond to scaled real and imaginary
response regime, the response to the pulse of Eq. (1) is       parts of δρia (see Supplementary Note 2 for definitions).
obtained via convolution                                       For visualization purposes, Gaussian smoothing (convo-
                        Z ∞                                    lution) is applied with respect to the  axis.
          δρia (t) =         δρkick
                                ia (τ )E(t − τ )dτ,     (7)      The spatial probability density of hot electrons is
                     K0 0
                                                               obtained by using the full electron-electron part of
which can be very efficiently calculated in frequency          the second-order density matrix as (see Supplementary
space via the convolution theorem and inverse Fourier          Note 1 and note that only the real part contributes due
transformation                                                 to the hermiticity of the density matrix)
                      Z ∞
       δρia (t) =         δρkick (ω)E(ω)e−iωt dω, (8)                           fi >fa
                  2πK0 −∞ ia                                                fa =f 0
                                                                          1 Xa                                      (0)
                                                                 Pe (r) =           (qia qia0 + pia pia0 )ψa(0) (r)ψa0 (r). (13)
where δρkick                                                              2
            ia (ω) and E(ω) are Fourier transforms of the                        0
respective time-domain quantities. Here, δρkickia (ω) can
be efficiently calculated from the impulse response by         The diagonal and degenerate states dominate the spatial
using the computational framework developed in Ref. 38.        density contributions, which allows us to define a spatio-
The time derivatives required for calculating the energy       energetic distribution
(Supplementary Note 4) are obtained similarly as                                fi >fa
                                                                             a = 0
                                                                           1 Xa
                      Z ∞
                   i                                                                                                 (0)
  δ ρ̇ia (t) = −          ωδρkick
                               ia (ω)E(ω)e
                                                dω,   (9)      Pe (, r) =           (qia qia0 + pia pia0 )ψa(0) (r)ψa0 (r)δ( − a ),
                 2πK0 −∞                                                   2      0
                      Z ∞
  δ ρ̈ia (t) = −          ω 2 δρkick
                                ia (ω)E(ω)e
                                                 dω. (10)
                 2πK0 −∞
                                                               which is used to calculate the spatial density of hot
In practice E(ω) is non-vanishing only on a finite fre-        electrons
                                                               R∞          with e.g., more than 1 eV as Pe>1 eV (r) =
quency interval (see, e.g., Fig. 1a), which narrows the             P
                                                                1 eV e
                                                                       (, r)d, and the energy distributionR of hot elec-
integration limits.                                            trons in a spatial volume V as Pe () = V Pe (, r)dr.

   It should be emphasized here that the time-dependent        The distribution at a specific atomic site (e.g., corner
density matrix δρia (t) is a complex quantity in time do-      atoms) is obtained by integration over the Voronoi cell
main, so in practical calculations it is convenient to carry   associated with the site.
out Fourier transformations for the real Reδρia (t) and           The spatial and energetic distributions of hot holes are
imaginary Imδρia (t) parts separately to utilize the prop-     calculated analogously to the electrons.
erties of Fourier transformations of real quantities.             Software used. The GPAW package67,75 with lin-
   We also note in passing that the impulse response           ear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) mode68 was
   ia (ω) can be equivalently calculated from the Casida
δρkick                                                         used for DFT calculations. The real-time propagation
linear-response frequency-space formalism.38,74 Hence,         LCAO-TDDFT implementation in GPAW27 was used for
the linear real-time response to any pulse can also be         the TDDFT calculations. Density-matrix-based analysis
calculated from the Casida solutions via convolution of        tools in frequency space38 and in real time (present work)
Eq. (8).                                                       were used for analysis. The ASE library72 was used for

constructing atomic structures and geometry relaxation.           Council. T.P.R. acknowledges support from the Euro-
The NumPy76 and Matplotlib77 Python packages and the              pean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
VMD software78,79 were used for processing and plotting           gramme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agree-
data.                                                             ment No 838996 and also thanks the Adlerbert Re-
                                                                  search Foundation and the Wilhelm and Martina Lund-
                                                                  gren Foundation for support. M.K. acknowledges fund-
                                                                  ing from Academy of Finland under grant Nr. 295602.
                                                                  We acknowledge generous computational resources pro-
                                                                  vided by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Com-
                                                                  puting (SNIC) at PDC (Stockholm), NSC (Linköping),
  We acknowledge financial support from the Knut and              and C3SE (Gothenburg) as well as by the CSC – IT Cen-
Alice Wallenberg Foundation and the Swedish Research              ter for Science (Finland).

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