How can you support your child in Mathematics? - Mr Craig Mr Nunn Head of Mathematics I/C Year 7 Mathematics

Page created by Harry Miles
How can you support your child in Mathematics? - Mr Craig Mr Nunn Head of Mathematics I/C Year 7 Mathematics
How can you support your child in Mathematics?

• Mr Craig                Head of Mathematics
• Mr Nunn                 I/C Year 7 Mathematics

The following slides summarise the information given in our online parents’ forum in October 2021.
How can you support your child in Mathematics? - Mr Craig Mr Nunn Head of Mathematics I/C Year 7 Mathematics
What do we teach?
                    Our Scheme of Learning guides
                    students from year 7 through to the
                    end of their GCSEs.

                    The content is split into 15 units
                    covering number, algebra, shape, and
                    statistics and probability.

                    Each year, we revisit the units and
                    explore them further, building on
                    previous skills and knowledge.

                    The full outline of what we teach can
                    be found on the website.
How can you support your child in Mathematics? - Mr Craig Mr Nunn Head of Mathematics I/C Year 7 Mathematics
Do we set our students?

Side 1   Side 2   In September, we give all our year 7 students a baseline test. We
                  used this in conjunction with information from primary schools to
Set 1    Set 1    organise students into sets. In years 7 and 8, the year group is
                  organised into two sides, each with parallel sets.
Set 2    Set 2
Set 3    Set 3    We regularly review our sets and make changes when necessary
Set 4    Set 4    throughout the year to help all our students reach their full potential
                  in Mathematics.
Set 5    Set 5
Set 6    Set 6
How can you support your child in Mathematics? - Mr Craig Mr Nunn Head of Mathematics I/C Year 7 Mathematics
How do we assess our students?
During the lesson, teachers will check students’ understanding through questioning and checking their written

There are two types of homework:
• Prior to each unit, students complete a self-marking online homework which is a check of skills they have
  covered previously.
• After each unit, students complete a written homework on what has just been taught, this is then marked
  by their teacher. Written feedback is given and time is allocated in lessons to allow students to address any
  misconceptions and correct their errors.

Each year there will be three written tests in Mathematics.
These assess both calculator and non-calculator skills
How can you support your child in Mathematics? - Mr Craig Mr Nunn Head of Mathematics I/C Year 7 Mathematics
How can I support my child in Maths?
How can you support your child in Mathematics? - Mr Craig Mr Nunn Head of Mathematics I/C Year 7 Mathematics
Make sure they have the all the correct equipment
Each lesson, students are expected to bring:
• Pen                                                               In year 7, a standard, non-
• Pencil                                                            scientific calculator is
• Ruler                                                             adequate.
• Rubber
• Sharpener                                                         In later years, students will
• Calculator                                                        need a scientific calculator.
It is also helpful if students have:                                We recommend the following
• Glue stick                                                        models:
• Highlighter                                                       • Casio fx-83GTX (pictured)
• Mini whiteboard pen                                               • Casio fx-85GTX
In tests and for certain units, students will also need to bring:
• Protractor
• Compasses
(we will let students know when they need these items in class)
How can you support your child in Mathematics? - Mr Craig Mr Nunn Head of Mathematics I/C Year 7 Mathematics
Find somewhere quiet for them to do their homework
        and help them to get into a routine.
                               If they are using a communal area to do
                               homework, such as a kitchen table, try to
                               provide them with a time when they can
                               focus on their homework without

                               Try to get into a routine of sitting down at
                               the same time each evening to do
                               homework. Find a time that works for the
                               family that is not too late. E.g. when they
                               get home from school or after tea.
How can you support your child in Mathematics? - Mr Craig Mr Nunn Head of Mathematics I/C Year 7 Mathematics
If they don’t know them already…
Help them to learn their multiplication facts.
                           Having a quick recall of all the tables facts (up to
                           10 x 10) is key to accessing more advanced
                           mathematical skills.

                           After October half-term, we shall be launching
                           Times Tables Rockstars with our year 7s.

                           This fun, engaging website / app allows students
                           to practise their tables and then compete against
                           others in the school.

If they can’t already…
Help them to tell the time from an analogue clock
                                Telling the time using an
                                analogue clock is an
                                important skill that many
                                students who start
                                secondary school lack
                                confidence in.

                                These students then
                                struggle to perform
                                calculations involving time
Guide them towards one of our learning platforms if
they need any extra help.

Contains:                                  Contains:

• Hundreds of short videos which cover     • Interactive slides which go all the way
  all the skills required from Y7 to Y11     up to A-Level

• Self-marking interactive questions       • Self-marking interactive questions

• Worksheets for extra practice            • Games to practice key skills
Login details for our Mathematics learning platforms:

                        Username:      network login number @burford
                        Password:      factor

                        Username:     burford        This is the number they use
                        Password:     number         to log on to the computers
                                                               at school.

                                                     Year 7 login numbers start
                                                         with the digits 21
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