HYLAND HOUSE SCHOOL REMOTE EDUCATION PROVISION - During COVID-19 National Lockdown January 2021 - Hyland House ...

Page created by Denise Tran
HYLAND HOUSE SCHOOL REMOTE EDUCATION PROVISION - During COVID-19 National Lockdown January 2021 - Hyland House ...

                  REMOTE EDUCATION
           During COVID-19 National Lockdown
                     January 2021

Date: 21st January 2021
Remote education provision: information for parents
This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or
carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions
require pupils to remain at home.

The remote curriculum: what is taught to pupils at home

 •   We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible
     and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some
     subjects. Half term plans for each class are provided separately.

Remote teaching and study time each day
We expect that remote education (including remote teaching and independent work) will
take pupils broadly the following number of hours each day:

 Early Years                              As teacher decides is appropriate

 Key Stage 1                              An average of 3 hours daily

 Key Stage 2                              An average of 4 hours daily

Accessing remote education
 Our digital platform is Microsoft Team. Each child has been given access to this
 platform. Children will be able to upload and download work using this platform and
 communicate with teachers via Microsoft Teams Chat. Email is also available, as and
 when needed.

 Home learning activities are uploaded daily or weekly.

 Teaching will be a mix of online lessons and printed materials. Teachers will be using
 Microsoft Teams video and zoom to introduce/deliver some lessons. Children will
 then work independently and upload work to be marked and receive feedback.
 We will also make use of zoom for some lessons, ie French and Music.

 Some classes will have access to StudyLadder

 Teachers will use YouTube for ‘PE with Joe Wicks’ or alternative

 Children will be encouraged to access BBC Bitesize and other websites as

 As usual, we will continue to contact you via:

    •   Text messaging
    •   Emails
    •   Microsoft Teams
    •   The school website

Support for children who do not have digital or online access to
remote education
We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home.

 As an independent school, we are not eligible for the laptops or other technology from
 government funds.
 If you do not have online access, please contact the school to discuss alternative
 arrangements or contact your child’s teacher to arrange a time to pick up and return
 pupil work.
 Hyland House School is committed to supporting parents and pupils in the education
 of all children.

Remote teaching
We use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:

 Some examples of remote teaching approaches:

    •   live teaching (online lessons) via Microsoft Teams and Zoom

    •   recorded teaching (particularly if needed in Early Years)

    •   printed paper packs produced by teachers (e.g. workbooks, worksheets)

    •   textbooks and reading books pupils have at home

    •   audible books

    •   commercially available websites supporting the teaching of specific subjects or
        areas, including video clips or sequences

    •   long-term project work and/or internet research activities

Engagement and feedback

Parental support and pupil engagement for remote learning

 Expectations for pupils’ engagement with remote education:
    •   Check Microsoft Teams for details of lessons
    •   Be on time for teaching sessions
    •   Speak to the teacher if unsure of what to do or for support
    •   Complete assignments, to be best of your ability, by date given
    •   Upload work for marking and feedback
    •   Remember that rules are to ensure they are kept safe

 Expectations of parental support for each child’s education:
    •   Encourage and support your child’s work
    •   Find an appropriate place for your child to work (ie safe, quiet and free from
    •   Ensure your child attends and is on time for teaching sessions, are dressed
        appropriately (eg school uniform) and treat others with respect
    •   Inform your child’s teacher if your child in unable to attend live sessions
    •   Check that work set is completed
    •   Contact class teacher with any concerns
    •   Upload work for younger children (Early Years and Key Stage 1)
    •   Be present for any 1:1 work
    •   Ensure the child’s face can be seen (you may use a virtual background if you
        do not wish your home to be seen)
    •   Ensure live sessions are not recorded or shared (eg on social media)

Checking that children are engaging with their work

and how will I be informed if there are concerns?

Pupil engagement will be checked:

    •   Teachers will monitor pupil engagement daily and make a record of, and
        contact parents via email or Microsoft Teams, if they are concerned about pupil
        engagement with remote education
    •   Parents are asked to contact their child’s teacher with any concerns

Assessing children’ work and progress?
Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments
for individual children. For example, whole-class feedback or quizzes marked
automatically via digital platforms are also valid and effective methods, amongst many

 Our approach to feeding back on pupil work is as follows:

    •   Indivdiual marking and feedback of uploaded work
    •   Whole-class feedback
    •   Quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms (ie StudyLadder)
    •   Pupils will receive feedback within 2 school days

Safeguarding of our children remains paramount. We have an addendum to our
Safeguarding and Child Protection policy which is available on the website. However, we
hope you find the following documents useful:

Remote Learning for Children

Remote Learning for Parents

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