Hyperurikämie Unispital Basel Rheumatologie

Page created by Paul Campos
Hyperurikämie Unispital Basel Rheumatologie
Unispital Basel


                  Ulrich Walker
Hyperurikämie Unispital Basel Rheumatologie
Sogar „Sue“ hatte

Sue starb im Alter von 28 Jahren

                Rothschild BM "Tyrannosaurs suffered from gout" Nature 1997
Hyperurikämie Unispital Basel Rheumatologie
Akute Gichtarthritis

Rubor, Tumor, Calor, Dolor, Fieber, Frösteln, Tachykardie, Nausea
Extrem schmerzhaft, innert 12 h maximal, in 2/3 als Monarthritis
MTP I-Gelenk typisch, untere Extremität : obere Extremität = 10:1
Spontane Resolution innerhalb von Tagen
Hyperurikämie Unispital Basel Rheumatologie
Mechanism of the inflammation in gout

                                            Entzündung, Fieber
                                            Rekrutierung von Neutrophilen

          Kötter I, Z Rheumatol 2009 ; Martinon F Nature 2006 ; Pope RM Arthritis Rheum 2007
Hyperurikämie Unispital Basel Rheumatologie
Akuter Gichtschub – Therapieoptionen

                    Rider TG Rheumatology 2010 ; Jordan K Rheumatology 2007
Hyperurikämie Unispital Basel Rheumatologie
Prävention weiterer Gichtschübe

Hyperurikämie Unispital Basel Rheumatologie
Harnsäure Homöostase

     Urat Pool: ♂1200 mg, ♀ 600 mg; Turnover 60%/ Tag

  Produziert Harnsäure aus endogenen u. alimentären Purinen

GI Trakt
  Entfernt 1/3 der Harnsäure
  durch passive Exkretion vom Blut ins intestinale Lumen
  Darmbakterien bauen Harnsäure ab (intestinale Urikolyse)

  Eliminiert 2/3 der Harnsäure
  durch glomeruläre Filtration, Reabsorption, Sekretion
Hyperurikämie Unispital Basel Rheumatologie
Ursachen der Hyperurikämie
             Hyperurikämie Definition >420uM (7 mg/dl)

90%        Untersekretion         Überproduktion                 10%
Primär                            Primär
    Transporterpolymorphismen         HPRT Defekt
    (URAT-1 et cet.)                  PRPP-Synthetase Überfunktion
   Niereninsuffizienz             Sekundär
   Art. Hypertonus                    Exzessive Purinaufnahme
   Hypothyreose                       Hämatologische Erkrankung
   Diuretika                      Medikamente
   Cyclosporin A                      Zytotoxische Substanzen
   Alkohol                            Alkohol

                                                 Rider TG, Rheumatology 2010
Hyperurikämie Unispital Basel Rheumatologie
Epidemiologie der Gicht
• 2-4% in westlicher Hemisphäre
• 95% Männer
• Hyperurikämie : Gicht = 10 : 1
Jährliche Peak-Inzidenz
•   ♂ 30.-45. Lebensjahr
•   ♀ 55.-70. Lebensjahr

Harnsäurespiegel                 Gichtinzidenz
                                   über 5 Jahre (%)
< 7,0 mg/dl (10 mg/dl (>600 µmol/l)                 30,5
                                        Doherty M Rheumatology 2009 ; Campion, Am J Med 1987
Hyperurikämie Unispital Basel Rheumatologie
BMI: Gout risk

Bariatrische Chirurgie induziert Gewichtsverlust und vermindert die Harnsäure
(um durchschnittlich 100 µmol/L)

      Chio KH, Arch Int Med 2005, Dalbeth N, Ann Rheum Dis 2014, Richette P, Arthritis Care Res 2015; Dalbeth N, Ann Rheum Dis 2013
Erhöhtes Gichtrisiko
 Fleisch       RR 1,41
 Fisch / Meeresfrüchte RR 1,51
 Fruktose (Süssgetränke, Saft, Äpfel, Orangen) RR 1,64-1,85

Protektive Faktoren
 Milchprodukte RR 0,56
 Vitamin C (>500 mg/ Tag)

                                                                    Choi HK JAMA 2010 ; Dalbeth N Ann Rheum Dis 2010
  Rider TG Rheumatology 2010 ; Choi HK New Engl J Med. 2004 ; Choi HK Arthritis Rheum 2005; Choi HK Arthritis Rheum 2007
Alkohol induziert Hyperurikämie u. erhöht das Risiko von

Gichtrisiko im Vergleich zu Alkoholabstinenz
 10 - 14,9 g   Alkohol/ Tag → + 32%
 15 - 29,9 g   Alkohol/ Tag → + 49%
 30 - 49,9 g   Alkohol/ Tag → + 96%
 >50 g         Alkohol/ Tag → + 153%
Bier: höheres Risiko als Spirituosen
Moderater Weinkonsum: Kein Risiko

                                                   Choi HK Lancet 2004
Allele renaler Urattransporter
        Blut                                                    Urin


Pyrazinamid, Ketonkörper, Laktat, Diuretika stimulieren Anionentransport an URAT-1
Alkohol induziert Anionen durch Dehydration und Azidose

                                                        Terkeltaub G, Nat Rev Rheumatol 2010
Komorbiditäten bei Gicht
Possible interactions in the association
between gout and cardiovascular disease

                             Abeles AM Curr Opin Rheum 2019
Mechanism of the CVR in gout

                       Singh JA Ann Rheum Dis 2015
Urate is associated with incident hypertension
  Mixed race (African-American & White) cohort, established in 1985 with 20
  years of follow-up

  Men                                        Hazard increase was more pronounced
                                             for men than for women, possibly a
                                             reflection of higher absolute urate
                                             levels in men.


                                                          Gaffo AL Ann Rheum Dis 2012
Allopurinol decreases blood pressure

Diastolic              Systolic

            1.4 mmHg                   3.3 mmHg

                                  Agarval V J Clin Hypertension 2013
Predictors of CVD in patients with gout
      700 gout patients and 276 controls
      Prevalence of CVD in gout 47%, in controls 24%

      Independent predictors of CVD:
      • Gout duration ≥ 2 years
      • Oligo- or polyarthritis
      • Serum urate > 0.55 mmol/l at presentation
      • Joint damage

                                            Disveld IJM J Rheumatol 2018
Hyperuricemia is an independent CVR factor
                  in gout

                              Singh JA Ann Rheum Dis 2015
Atrial fibrillation by hyperuricemia

Prospective cohort study of 123 238 Chinese patients from 2006 to

Serum urate concentrations measured every 2 years
Incident AF cases were identified via biennial 12-lead ECG

 High serum urate levels associated with increased risk of
  incident AF

 Participants with the highest quintile of serum urate had 1.91-
 fold higher risk of AF (adjusted hazard ratio)

                                                      Li S J Am Heart Assoc 2019
Atrial fibrillation by elevated urate
• associated with increased left atrial diameter, a known
  marker of atrial fibrosis
• promotes development of arrythmogenic substrate by
  activation of the renin-angiotensinaldosterone (RAAS)
  system and increased xanthine-oxidase mediated
  free radical generation.
• Promotes systemic inflammation and atrial fibrosis via
  increased TGF-β activity

Elevated risk for AF also in ankylosing spondylitis (HR
1.35), psoriatic arthritis (HR 1.46) and RA (HR 1.29)

                                Black Maier E Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 2019
Serum urate levels predict outcome
     in chronic heart failure

                            Anker SD Ciculation 2002
Allopurinol ameliorates cardiac function in non-
hyperuricaemic patients with chronic heart failure
Objective: To observe the effects of allopurinol on the cardiac function of non-hyperuricaemic
patients with chronic heart failure.
Patients and methods: 125 consecutive cases of non-hyperuricaemic patients with chronic heart
failure who were randomly divided into allopurinol (300 mg/day) group (n=62) and control group
(n=63). During the six months treatment period, levels of cardiac function, brachial artery
endothelial function, inflammatory cytokines, and biochemical markers were routinely examined.
Results: After three months of allopurinol treatment, patients exhibited an increase in flow-
mediated vasodilatation (FMD) of brachial artery, whereas, after six months of treatment, the
cardiac function classification was improved; plasma levels of brain natriuretic peptide and tumour
necrosis factor-a were decreased; left ventricular internal diameter was diminished; and the ejection
fraction was increased (p
Gievertz MM Circulation 201
ULT lowers mortality and strokes
                 in patients with gout
Retrospective cohort study
Incidence rates (IRs) of hospitalized CAD, stroke, HF, and all-cause mortality
in gout patients who use ULT and those who do not

                                                                  Yen FS PLOSone 2020
Allopurinol is associated with a reduced risk of MI

Population-based case–control study: 3171 cases of non-fatal AMI and
18 525 controls

• AMI cases had a lower prevalence of allopurinol use (0.82%) than
  controls (1.03%)  OR 0.52 (95% CI 0.33 to 0.83)

• The protective effect of allopurinol was
   – only observed at 300 mg or greater (OR=0.30)
   – with prolonged treatments >180 days OR=0.21

• Allopurinol also showed a significant reduced risk of AMI
  recurrence (OR=0.16)

                                                        De Abajo FJ Heart 2015
Benefits from ULT on cardiovascular mortality?
               Metaanalysis of 18 RCTs

                                         Most of the studies were
                                         • underpowered
                                         • of short duration
                                         • low-risk populations
                                              Zhang T Rheumatology 2017
Benefits from ULT on cardiovascular mortality in gout?
   Second metaanalysis

   • Mostly studies of hyperuricemic patients without gout (only 12 of
     93 studies had majority-gout patients)

   • Larger, included only studies assessing XOI use, mainly in high-
     risk populations.

    Allopurinol reduces incident cardiovascular disease
    Febuxostat does not

                                                 Bredemeyer M Cardiovasc Disord 2018
Allopurinol vs. Febuxostat
            in CV-disease of gout patients (1)
•   Population based cohort study from US Medicare claims data (2008–2013)
•   Primary outcome: hospitalization for myocardial infarction or stroke
•   Secondary outcome: all-cause mortality

                             No differences
                                                         Zhang MA Circulation 2018
Cardiovascular safety of
        Allopurinol vs. Febuxostat in gout (2)
CARES RCT in gout patients with major cardiovascular disease

Lack of an untreated control group
 impossible to determine if the greater rate of events with febuxostat
represents an actual increase in events, or a less dramatic risk reduction
compared with allopurinol.
                                                        White WB New Engl J Med 2018
Cardiovascular safety of
          Allopurinol vs. Febuxostat in gout (3)
FAST RCT in gout patients with major cardiovascular disease

                                  Hospitalisation for non-fatal myocardial
                                  infarction, acute coronary syndrome; non-
                                  fatal stroke; or cardiovascular death.

Febuxostat is non-inferior to allopurinol with respect to cardiovascular events
                                                              Mackenzie IA Lancet 2020
 Febuxostat reduces cerebral, cardiovascular,
     and renal events in hyperuricemia

RCT of 1070 patients with hyperuricaemia (serum uric acid >7.0 to
≤9.0 mg/dL) at risk for cerebral, cardiovascular, or renal disease

  Febuxostat delays the progression of renal dysfunction

                                                           Kojima S Eur Heart J 2019
Treating hyperuricemia in chronic kidney disease
Several observational studies showed elevated SUA levels are strong and
independent predictors of early GFR decline and albuminuria

Nephroprotective and absent effects of ULT in CKD-studies

                                                            Russo E J Clin Med 2021
Colchicine and XOI
     both improve endothelial dysfunction in gout
38 untreated gout patients receiving colchicine and staggered XOI (allopurinol
or febuxostat)

• 4 weeks after achieving target sU concentration on colchicine plus an XOI,
  FMD was significantly improved
• hsCRP, ESR, IL-1β, and IL-6 also all significantly improved

                                                        Toprover M Ann Rheum Dis 2020
Colchicine and CVR in gout
Single-center retrospective cross-sectional study in gout patients
• Colchicine associated with a lower incidence of myocardial infarctions
   (1.2 vs. 2.6%, hazard ratio 0.46)
• Colchicine duration unknown, study was not adjusted for confounders

Medicare database study in gout patients
• Colchicine had markedly lower rates of cardiovascular events (hazard
  ratio 0.51)
• 73% reduction in all-cause mortality (hazard ratio 0.27)

   Nidorf SM J Am Coll Cardiol 2013 ; Crittenden DB Arthritis Rheum 2014 ; Solomon DH Ann Rheum Dis 2018
Does Colchicine lower CVR in patients without gout?
 Double-blind RCT involving patients within 30 days after myocardial infarction
 Colchicine 0,5 mg/d

  Death from cardiovascular causes, resuscitated cardiac arrest, myocardial
            infarction, stroke, or urgent hospitalization for angina

                                                         Tardif JC New Engl J Med 2019
Canakinumab and CVR in patients without gout?
CANTOS trial: Patients with a history of myocardial infarction and hsCRP>2mg/L

                                      first definitive proof-of-principle
                                    that an antiinflammatory strategy
                                    can reduce cardiovascular risk

Secondary analysis revealed that canakinumab also reduced incident gout rates
(e.g. prevented first gouty attack)

                                                        Ridker PM New Engl J Med 2017
Summary (1)
• Cardiovascular risk factors are more prevalent in gout than in RA
• Gout is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and
  cardiovascular mortality.
• Lowering serum urate may improve cardiovascular outcomes, but
  data are conflicting.
• It remains unclear whether allopurinol confers more favorable
  outcomes than febuxostat
• Other medications, including colchicine, may have salutary effects
  on cardiovascular disease in patients with gout and non-gout
Gout patients should be screened for
    cardiovascular risk factors?

Gout patients older than 35 years should be screened with
• Fasting lipid profile
• HbA1c monitoring
• Blood pressure measurement
• Current smoking status

                                                Singh JA Ann Rheum Dis 2015
Warum haben Menschen keine Urikase ?

Menschen und höhere Primaten haben keine Urikase
Andere Säugetiere: Uratspiegel
Hyperuricemia associated with low risk of
                   Parkinson’s disease

 Higher plasma concentrations of urate predict a reduced risk of Parkinson’s

                                                      Weisskopf MG Am J Epidemiol 2007
Hyperuricemia associated with low risk of
                Parkinson’s disease

Metaanalysis of cohort studies

The pooled rate ratio of Parkinson’s disease associated with a standard
deviation increase in urate (1.32 mg/dl) was 0.80 (p = 0.000074)
                                                    Weisskopf MG Am J Epidemiol 2007
 is associated with incident vascular dementia

A community-based prospective French cohort study of healthy 4931 elderly
people 65 years or older, examined at six clinical visits
Patients on ULT were excluded

Multivariable-adjusted HR with the highest (≥5.8 mg/dL in men, ≥4.9
mg/dL in women) versus the lowest sUA quartile (≤4.37 and ≤3.51 mg/
dL, respectively) was 1.79 for incident dementia (95% CI 1.17 to 2.73;
Strong association with vascular or mixed dementia (HR=3.66 (95% CI
1.29 to 10.41), p=0.015)
No significant association with Alzheimer’s disease (HR=1.55 (95% CI
0.91 to 2.61), p=0.10).

                                                    Latourte A Ann Rheum Dis 2018
ULT is not associated with incident dementia
US Medicare claims DB analysis

                                  Singh JA Ann Rheum Dis 2018
EULAR guidelines

2016 EULAR gout treatment guideline statew that for patients with gout being
treated with ULT, sUA level
Summary (2)
• Cardiovascular risk factors are more prevalent in gout than in RA
• Gout is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and
  cardiovascular mortality.
• Lowering serum urate may improve cardiovascular outcomes, but
  data are conflicting.
• It remains unclear whether allopurinol confers more favorable
  outcomes than febuxostat
• Other medications, including colchicine and statins, may have
  salutary effects on cardiovascular disease in patients with gout and

• Hyperuricemia is associated with increased vascular dementia and
  neuroprotection in Parkinson’s
• So far no real signal that ULT has adverse CNS effects
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