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FALL 2 0 18

              ENHANCING DIAGN
                            NOSTICS AND TREAT

                ANGING LIVES WIITH
              Cordd Blood Trraansplantss
                   TING CHRO
               AIN WIITH
              Medical Marijuana
                                                SCIIG fooor
              The Groowthh of Biosimilars
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                                                DP Maainteenance
              NEW THERAP
                       PEUTIC OPTIONS             Therapyy p. 46
8              Critical Sttep
                                      At FFF, we only purchase products from thhe manufacturer–never from
                                      another distributor or source. This means the integrity of our products
                                      is never in question from tampering or mishandling.

We store and transpoort viable protein compounds that are sensitive
to temperature variattions. Temperature controlled, monitored 24/7,
and supported with bbackup generators in the event of power loss.

                                          Speciialty Packaging
                                          WHXVHRQO\FHUWLƓHG,TXDOLƓHG, environmentally-friendly
                                          packaging, taking extra precautions for frozen and
                                                  a products.

Interactive Allocation
Assures responsible, demand-based distribution of critical-care
products in challenging market conditions. Reduces potential for
gray-market purchasing to accommodate critical demand issues.
To Guarannteed
Channel Integrity ™
                                         We deliver only to facilities with a state-issued license, and onnly to the
                                         adddress on the license. We make no exceptions. It is our comm   mitment
                                         too do everything in our power too prevent products from enterring a
                                         seecondary distribution channel..

Monitoring aand adjusting for extreme weather
                                           a    conditions
allows time-ssensitive delivery to ensure product integrity.

                                         In compliance with DSCSA requuirements, every product shippedped
                                         froom FFF is accompanied by a packing
                                                                        acking slip that includes information
                                         reegarding the manufacturer andd presentation, as well as the three T's:
                                         Transaction Information, Transaction
                                                                        ction History and Transaction Statement.

To meet DSCSA requirements, FFF providess product traceability
information on all packing slips. In addition, Lot-Track®
electronically captures and permanently stores each product lot
number, matched to customer informationn, for every vial of drug we supply.

            Our commitment to a secure pharmaceutical supply chain
                      is demonstrated by our flawless safe
                                                         ety record.

                             More than 29 counterfeit-free years
                                                                                     Since 1988
FALL 2018 | Special Focus: INNOVATION

16       Artificial Intelligence and
         Big Data — A Crossroads
                                                                                           54 BioResources
         of Interoperability                                                                      Literature for the
         and Capability                                                                           industry
         By Amy Scanlin, MS
                                                                                      20   55 BioResearch
20       The Future of Cord Blood
         By Ronale Tucker Rhodes, MS
                                                                                                  biopharmaceuticals research
                                                                                           56 BioDashboard
28       Biosimilars: From
         Concept to Reality
                                                                                                  Product availability, average
                                                                                                  wholesale prices and
                                                                                                  reimbursement rates
         By Trudie Mitschang

32       Medical Marijuana
         and the Opioid Crisis                                                             About BioSupply Trends Quarterly
                                                                                           BioSupply Trends Quarterly is the definitive source for industry
         By Diane L.M. Cook                                                                trends, news and information for healthcare professionals in the
                                                                                           biopharmaceuticals marketplace.

36       Update on Migraines
         By Jim Trageser
                                                                                           BioSupply Trends Quarterly (ISSN 1948-2620) is a national
                                                                                           publication, with quarterly themed issues.
                                                                 36                        Publisher: FFF Enterprises, Inc., 44000 Winchester Road,
                                                                                           Temecula, CA 92590
41       Myths and Facts: Complex
         Regional Pain Syndrome
                                                                                           Subscriptions to BioSupply Trends Quarterly are complimentary.
                                                                                           Readers may subscribe by calling (800) 843-7477 x1351.

         By Ronale Tucker Rhodes, MS                                                       The opinions expressed in BioSupply Trends Quarterly are
                                                                                           those of the authors alone and do not represent the opinions,
                                                                                           policies or positions of FFF Enterprises, the Board of
                                                                                           Directors, the BioSupply Trends Quarterly Advisory Board
                                                                                           or editorial staff. This material is provided for general
Up Front                                               BioFocus                            information only. FFF Enterprises does not give medical
                                                                                           advice or engage in the practice of medicine.
5 Publisher’s Corner                                   46 Industry Insight                 BioSupply Trends Quarterly accepts manuscript submissions
     Exciting Advancements in                             Subcutaneous Immune Globulin     in MS Word between 600 and 2,500 words in length.
     Disease Diagnosis and Treatment                      Maintenance Therapy for CIDP:    Email manuscripts to or request submission guidelines
     By Patrick M. Schmidt                                An Idea Whose Time Has Come      at editor@BSTQuarterly.com. BioSupply Trends Quarterly
                                                          By Keith Berman, MPH, MBA        retains the right to edit submissions. The contents of each
                                                                                           submission and their accuracy are the responsibility of the
                                                                                           author(s) and must be original work that has not been,
BioTrends Watch                                        52 Patient Profile                  nor will be, published elsewhere, without the written
                                                          Medical Marijuana:               permission of BioSupply Trends Quarterly. A copyright
6 Washington Report                                       A Patient’s Perspective          agreement attesting to this and transferring copyright to
     Healthcare legislation                               By Trudie Mitschang              FFF Enterprises will be required.
     and policy updates                                                                    Advertising in BioSupply Trends Quarterly
                                                                                           BioSupply Trends Quarterly has a circulation of 40,000,
8 Reimbursement FAQs                                   53 Physician Profile                with an approximate readership of more than 100,000
                                                          Medical Marijuana:               decision-makers who are comprised of general practice
     Proposed 2019 OPPS Rules                             A Physician’s Perspective        physicians, hospital and clinic chiefs of staff and buyers,
     By Bonnie Kirschenbaum, MS, FASHP, FCSHP             By Trudie Mitschang              pharmacy managers and buyers, specialist physicians and
                                                                                           other healthcare professionals.
10 Industry News
     Research, science and                                                                 For information about advertising in BioSupply Trends Quarterly,
     manufacturer updates                                                                  you may request a media kit from Ronale Tucker Rhodes
                                                                                           at (800) 843-7477 x1362, rrhodes@bstquarterly.com.

 4        BIOSUPPLY TRENDS QUARTERLY   |   Fall 2018
UP FRONT Publisher’s Corner

                                    Exciting Advancements in
                                    Disease Diagnosis and Treatment

                            LOOKING BACK AT the history of medicine underscores just
                            how far we have come — from making diagnoses “based on what
                            ancient physicians could observe with their eyes and ears,” to the
                            development of the microscope that “revealed not only the cellular
structure of human tissues, but also the organisms that cause disease,” to the establishment of
the clinical laboratory and the development of new biological treatments in the 20th century.1
Today, modern methods of diagnosing and treating diseases continue to make exciting
advances, several of which we highlight in this issue.
   Some tout artificial intelligence (AI) as the future of medicine. As we explore in our article
“Artificial Intelligence and Big Data — A Crossroads of Interoperability and Capability,” there
are different forefronts of AI. One, known as “deep learning,” provides the potential for
machines to learn via repetition to detect diseases far more accurately and faster than could ever
be possible by humans. Another, known as the “deep patient,” allows machines to sift through
vast amounts of data and link comparative trends to help humans make decisions that will
develop better roadmaps to care. But AI also comes with many unknowns — especially when
looking at its capabilities for altering genes. Clearly, as AI moves forward, it will be necessary
to scrutinize its ethical and legal ramifications.
   Another area of treatment predicted to radically transform medical strategies over the next few
decades is the use of cord blood in transplants. While cord blood was once considered a useless
byproduct, it is now known to contain stem cells that can be harvested, stored and used to save
the lives of people with more than 80 different diseases. In our article “The Future of Cord
Blood,” we explain the importance of cord blood for hematopoietic stem cell transplants. We
also delve into cord blood’s advantages and limitations, because while there is no denying it is
lifesaving, especially for those with blood and immune system disorders and for ethnic
minorities who are limited in locating potential bone marrow donors, its benefit in transplants
for adults is hampered due to the small volume of stem cells collected in one cord blood unit.
As such, considerable research is being conducted to expand the usefulness of cord blood
transplants, as well as to assess its ability to treat a host of other diseases.
   On another front, while not as favorable as generics in reducing the cost of drugs, biosimilars
will undoubtedly have an impact, with many predicting a reduction in price by about one-third
or more. Biosimilars have been widely available in Europe for more than a decade, and finally,
the number of approvals in the U.S. is starting to make headway. Even so, manufacturers of
biosimilars in the U.S. face many challenges, as we explain in our article “Biosimilars: From
Concept to Reality.” These include patient satisfaction and safety, demonstrating interchange-
ability and extrapolating indications. Nevertheless, biosimilars have support from payers and
regulators, so it will be essential to create policy frameworks to ensure their continued approval.
   As always, we hope you enjoy this issue of BioSupply Trends Quarterly, and find it both
relevant and helpful to your practice.

Helping Healthcare Care,

Patrick M. Schmidt

1. Berger D. A Brief History of Medical Diagnosis and the Birth of the Clinical Laboratory. MLO, July 1999. Accessed at www.academia.dk/Blog/wp-

                                                                                                                                                   BIOSUPPLY TRENDS QUARTERLY   |   Fall 2018   5
BIOTRENDS WATCH Washington Report

CMS Launches New                                                       HHS Loosens Restrictions on
Voluntary Bundled                                                      Short-Term Health Plans
Payment Model
                                                                              A final rule issued by the U.S.
   In a continued move toward value-                                       Department of Health and Human
based care that shifts to information                                      Services (HHS) allows insurers to once
technologies that better manage care,                                      again sell short-term health insurance for
risk and cost, the Centers for Medicare                                    up to 12 months, as well as makes the
and Medicaid Services (CMS) has                                            plans renewable for up to three years. The
launched a new voluntary bundled                                           rule overturns an Obama administration
payment model that qualifies as an                                         directive that limited these plans to 90
advanced alternative payment model                                         days. Short-term plans differ from other
(APM) under its quality payment                                            Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans because
program (QPP). The new model,                                              they can bar people with preexisting
called Bundled Payments for Care                                           health conditions, limit coverage, set
Improvement (BPCI) Advanced, is                                            annual and lifetime caps on benefits,
part of the BPCI initiative developed                                      and cover fewer prescription drugs.             in 2018. Factors driving the increase
by the Centers for Medicare and                                            Most exclude benefits for maternity             include medical inflation, but CBO also
Medicaid Innovation to test innovative                                     care, preventive care, mental health services   cited the administration’s decision last fall
payment and service delivery models                                        or substance abuse treatment.                   to drop payments to insurers for lowering
that could reduce Medicare, Medicaid                                          Administration officials estimate short-     deductibles for certain low-income policy-
and Children’s Health Insurance                                            term plan premiums could be half the            holders. The same report expects premi-
Program expenses while preserving or                                       cost of the more comprehensive ACA              ums for ACA plans to increase 15 percent
enhancing the quality of care for bene-                                    plans, and predict approximately 600,000        in 2019, partly due to consumers being less
ficiaries. Participants will receive pay-                                  people will enroll in the plans in 2019,        likely to purchase coverage without the
ments for performance on 32 different                                      with 100,000 to 200,000 of those                threat of a tax penalty. v
clinical episodes such as major joint                                      dropping ACA coverage to do so. Just
replacement of the lower extremity                                         over 14 million people are enrolled in          Appleby J. Trump Administration Loosens Restrictions on Short-Term
                                                                                                                             Health Plans. Kaiser Health News, Aug. 1, 2018. Accessed at
(inpatient) and percutaneous coronary                                      ACA plans this year. According to a               khn.org/news/trump-administration-loosens-restrictions-on-short-
intervention (inpatient or outpatient).                                    recent Congressional Budget Office                %20Policy%20Report&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email
   “BPCI Advanced builds on the earlier                                    (CBO) report, premiums for the average            &utm_content=64888976&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--5OhM5pXfdCB2BV-
success of bundled payment models                                          benchmark ACA plan rose by 34 percent             Dyk9Rxy3m1ggLf-HlnVUNQxZQ&_hsmi=64888976.

and is an important step in the move
away from fee-for-service and toward
paying for value,” said CMS
Administrator Seema Verma. “In                                         CMS Restores Risk Adjustment Program
BPCI Advanced, participants will be
expected to redesign care delivery to                                         After a brief suspension of the Centers      rule will restore operation of the risk-
keep Medicare expenditures within a                                        for Medicare and Medicaid Service’s             adjustment program and mitigate some of
defined budget while maintaining or                                        (CMS) risk-adjustment program, the              the uncertainty caused by the New Mexico
improving performance on specialty                                         agency adopted an interim final rule to         litigation,” said CMS Administrator
quality measures. Participants bear                                        restore $10.4 billion in funding to insurers    Seema Verma.
financial risk, have payments under the                                    to help them provide coverage to sick and          The risk-adjustment program is not
model tied to quality performance and                                      costly enrollees. The final rule makes no       funded by taxpayer dollars; rather, it is
are required to use Certified Electronic                                   changes to the program other than restor-       collected from insurers that have healthier
Health Record Technology.” v                                               ing it. CMS cited its reason for stopping       enrollees overall and then given to insurers
                                                                           payments was a court ruling from a federal      with sicker, more expensive enrollees to
                                                                                                                           help cover their costs. v
Slabodkin G. CMS Launches New Voluntary Bundled Payment
   Model. Health Data Management, Jan. 10, 2018. Accessed at               judge in New Mexico who found the
   voluntary-bundled-payment-model.                                        administration had not fully justified its      Weixel N. Trump Admin Restarts Key ObamaCare Payments. MSN News,
                                                                                                                            July 25, 2018. Accessed at www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-
                                                                           formula for dispensing the funds. “This          admin-restarts-key-obamacare-payments/ar-AAAnnCw.

    6           BIOSUPPLY TRENDS QUARTERLY               |     Fall 2018
Washington Report

FDA Introduces Biosimilar Action Plan
   On July 18, the U.S. Food and Drug                                                             comparator products;
Administration (FDA) introduced its                                                                  • Establishing an Office of Therapeutic
Biosimilar Action Plan (BAP) to help                                                              Biologics and Biosimilars;
speed up approvals to enhance access to                                                              • Continuing to provide education to
lower-cost biologics. With biologics rep-                                                         healthcare professionals about biosimilar
resenting 40 percent of all prescription                                                          and interchangeable products;
drug spending, FDA says it is trying to                                                              • Publishing guidance on biosimilar
better manage review and licensure                                                                product labeling;
pathways to facilitate competition and                                                               • Providing additional clarity on
modernize policies to make review more                                                            demonstrating interchangeability;
efficient. According to Scott Gottlieb,                                                              • Providing additional support to product
FDA’s commissioner, the BAP seeks to                                                              developers regarding product quality and
preserve the “balance between innovation          • Developing and implementing new               manufacturing processes; and
and competition [through] efficient, pre-      FDA review tools such as standardized                 • Engaging in public dialogue about the
dictable and science-based pathways for        review templates for biosimilar and inter-         biosimilar program.
drug review.”                                  changeable products;                                  Additionally, FDA has committed to
   Specifically, the BAP focuses on four          • Creating information resources and            holding public meetings and hearings, as well
areas: efficiency of development and           development tools for biosimilar sponsors;         as prioritizing the development of guidance
approval; scientific and regulatory clarity;      • Enhancing the Purple Book to make it          on various aspects of the Biologics Price
effective communication; and reducing          more useful;                                       Competition and Innovation Act. v
gaming of FDA requirements or other               • Exploring data-sharing agreements             Koblitz SW. Biosimilar Action Plan Introduced to Kick-Start the
delays in competition. As part of the          with foreign regulatory authorities to facil-        Biosimilar Market. U.S. Food and Drug Administration Law Blog, July
                                                                                                    20, 2018. Accessed at www.fdalawblog.net/2018/07/biosimilar-action-
BAP, FDA is:                                   itate increased use of non-U.S.-licensed             plan-introduced-to-kick-starting-the-biosimilar-market.

CMS Proposes Paying for Telehealth
and Overhauling Medicare Billing
   The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid          With current Medicare billing standards,
Services (CMS) is proposing a plan to pay      doctors bill Medicare for patient visits
doctors for virtual visits and overhaul        using a set of codes that distinguish level of
Medicare billing standards put in place in     complexity and site of care. Instead, CMS
the 1990s.                                     is proposing allowing practitioners to
   For telehealth, doctors would be paid       designate the level of a patient’s care needs
for their time spent reaching out to benefi-   using their medical decisionmaking or
ciaries via telephone or other telecommu-      time spent with the patient rather than
nications devices to decide whether an         applying the coding. In addition, CMS
office visit or other service is needed, as    seeks to eliminate the requirement to justify      a statement. “Physicians tell us they con-
well as when they review a video or image      the medical necessity of a home visit in lieu      tinue to struggle with excessive regulatory
sent by a patient seeking care or diagnosis.   of an office visit, and is considering             requirements and unnecessary paper-
“This is a big issue for [the] elderly and     eliminating a policy that prevents pay-            work that steal time from patient care.
disabled population for which transporta-      ment for same-day visits with multiple             This administration has listened and is
tion can be a barrier to care,” said CMS       practitioners in the same specialty within a       taking action.” v
Administrator Seema Verma. “We’re not          group practice. “Today’s proposals deliver
intending to replace office visits, but        on the pledge to put patients over paper-          Dickson V. CMS Proposes to Overhaul Medicare Billing Standards, Pay
rather to augment them and create new          work by enabling doctors to spend more               for Telehealth. MTelehealth, July 12, 2018. Accessed at www.mtele
access points for patients.”                   time with their patients,” Verma said in             pay-for-telehealth.

                                                                                               BIOSUPPLY TRENDS QUARTERLY             |   Fall 2018             7
BIOTRENDS WATCH                   Reimbursement FAQs

Proposed 2019 OPPS Rules
By Bonnie Kirschenbaum, MS, FASHP, FCSHP

The long-awaiTed proposed                                     3) Specified covered outpatient drugs           payable) or SI N (items and services
2019 Outpatient Prospective Payment                        (SI K)                                             packaged into ambulatory payment
System (OPPS) rules have been pub-                            In the second category (not separately          classification [APC] rates). For 2019,
lished in the Federal Register and will take               payable) (SI N), these include:                    new drugs and biologicals will be paid
effect on Jan. 1. As anticipated, the focus                   4) Lower-cost packaged products cost-           at wholesale acquisition cost (WAC)
is on a patient-driven healthcare system                   ing (proposed) less than $125 per day (up          plus 3 percent (rather than WAC plus 6
with reimbursement across the episodic                     from $120 in 2018)                                 percent) before ASP is available. If WAC
care journey rather than on single                            5) Regardless of cost, products used in         is not available, CMS will continue to
encounters in a healthcare facility. The                   policy packaged services.                          pay 95 percent of average wholesale
proposed payment rule set has several                         Payment for all packaged drugs, biolog-         price (AWP). Proposed provisions
prominent themes for the pharmacy                          icals and radiopharmaceuticals is included         reducing transitional pass-through
sector: 1) simplify electronic health                      in the services and procedures with which          payments for policy-packaged drugs,
record requirements, reporting and                         they are reported. These include:                  biologicals and radiopharmaceuticals to
regulations, 2) cut costs and save money                      • All diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals           offset costs packaged into APC groups
and 3) address the opioid crisis.                             • All contrast agents                           is being developed for diagnostics and
                                                              • Anesthesia drugs                              skin substitutes, and will be published
Paying for Part B Drugs                                       • Implantable biologicals that are              by CMS as decisions are made.
Under OPPS                                                 surgically inserted or implanted into the             Drugs and biologicals: The threshold for
   Part B drugs are those used in an outpa-                body through a surgical incision or natural        drugs and biologicals that are separately
tient setting pursuant to a physician’s                    orifice                                            payable has increased to $125 per day
order and are usually injectables. The                        • Drugs, biologicals and radiopharma-           based on ASP, an increase of $5 over this
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid                          ceuticals that function as supplies when           year. These will continue to be paid at
Services (CMS) pays for Part B drugs in                    used in a diagnostic test or procedure             ASP plus 6 percent (minus 2 percent
five different ways divided into two cate-                    • Drugs and biologicals that function as        sequestration) under the statutory default
gories: 1) separately payable with line-item               supplies or implantable devices in a surgical      payment policy adopted in 2013. CMS
reimbursement and 2) not separately                        procedure                                          will pay all non-pass-through separately
payable without line-item reimbursement                       Average sales price (ASP) for these drugs       payable therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals
(since they’re paid as part of a bundle/                   can vary from one quarter to another, and          at ASP plus 6 percent (minus 2 percent
package). Regardless of where the drug                     this year, CMS is proposing to change SIs          sequestration) as well. However, radio-
falls in these categories, it’s essential to bill          to reflect a shift from SI K to SI N and           pharmaceutical manufacturers are not
for each and every drug. CMS uses claims                   back again as needed.                              required to submit ASP (although some
information to set rates in future years and                                                                  manufacturers do voluntarily submit data,
makes them available to big data pools for                 OPPS 2019 Proposed Payment                         and CMS will use if for a patient-ready
analytic purposes. Any missing or erro-                       Transitional pass-through status: Non-          dose). If ASP data are not available, CMS
neous data skews the accuracy of the pools                 pass-through separately payable drugs will         will base payment on mean unit cost from
and leads to faulty pathway development                    continue to be paid for at ASP plus 6              its claims data.
or decision-making.                                        percent (minus 2 percent sequestration).              To respond to these changes, pharmacy
   In the first category (separately payable),             Some of these will expire in the quarter           providers should ensure all drugs with SIs
these include:                                             that is as close to three full years as possible   G, K and N are billed regardless of
   1) New drugs not yet assigned a unique                  after the products were first covered with         whether they are separately payable. The
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding                         pass-through payment status. The proposed          updated addendum B (a voluminous Excel
System code                                                rule lists 45 drugs with new/continuing            spreadsheet that is updated quarterly
   2) New pass-through drugs, biologicals                  pass-through status and 23 that lose pass-         throughout the year) will be published
and radiopharmaceuticals (status indicator                 through payment status and move from SI            later this fall and will indicate the status
[SI] G)                                                    G (pass-through) to SI K (separately               indicators of Part B drugs and their

  8         BIOSUPPLY TRENDS QUARTERLY     |   Fall 2018
Reimbursement FAQs

payment rates. One of the simplest ways           pocket or through secondary insurance.              Exparel as an example. In other rules,
to use it is to sort the SI column and look       When payment rates decrease, this positively        CMS is proposing getting rid of pain-
only at SI G, K and N drugs. In addition,         affects patients by lowering their costs.           management questions from Hospital
pharmacy providers should prepare for                Biosimilar products in 2019: There are           Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
changes in their list of waste billing drugs by   no proposed changes to the 2018 CMS                 Providers and Systems in response to the
determining which on the current list have        revised payment policy for biosimilar               opioid epidemic.
moved from K to N status and will no longer
be eligible for waste billing as of Jan. 1.

   Payment rate changes for certain Medicare
Part B drugs purchased by hospitals through
340B: Understanding what is proposed is                     The proposed 2019 OPPS rules retain
essential before working on any statistics or
predictions. First and foremost, this is not              the 2018 rates that cut reimbursement for
a Health Resources and Services
Administration rule change, although                        340B facilities, as well as the modifier
many administrative changes to the 340B
program are anticipated in the new year.                       requirement that is the trigger to

These OPPS changes apply only to Medicare
patients treated in an OPPS setting.                             identify drugs with rate cuts.
   The proposed 2019 OPPS rules retain
the 2018 rates that cut reimbursement for
340B facilities, as well as the modifier
requirement that is the trigger to identify       products that established separate coding              Also of interest to pharmacies are the
drugs with rate cuts. Products acquired           and a separate payment rate for each                proposed site-neutral payments under
under 340B and used in an outpatient set-         biosimilar product, even if they have the           which hospital clinic visits will be reim-
ting for Medicare-eligible patients will          same biological reference product as                bursed at the same rate as physician
continue to be paid at ASP minus 22.5             another biosimilar product. All biosimilar          offices and other ambulatory facilities.
percent, WAC minus 22.5 percent or                biological products are eligible for pass-          The PFS rule proposes telehealth/virtual
69.46 percent of AWP, as applicable.              through status, not just the first biosimilar       care reimbursement that will offer many
Remember that OPPS reimburses in five             for a reference product. Biosimilar prod-           new opportunities. v
different ways (pass-through before and           ucts purchased under 340B also are subject
after ASP is established, separately payable,     to the payment cuts.
and bundled or packaged either due to cost                                                            bonnie kirschenbaum, MS, FASHP,
or statute). Only separately payable drugs        Responding to the Opioid Crisis                     FCSHP, is a freelance healthcare consultant with
(SI K) are affected; drugs on pass-through           In response to recommendations from              senior management experience in both the pharma-
status (SI G) and vaccines continue to be                                                             ceutical industry and the pharmacy section of large
                                                  the President’s Commission on Combating
                                                                                                      corporate healthcare organizations and teaching
excluded. Nonexcepted, off-campus hospital        Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis, the
                                                                                                      hospitals. She has an interest in reimbursement
departments defined as outpatient facilities      proposed rule set contains extensive discus-        issues and in using technology to solve them.
located away from the hospital’s main             sions of practice changes that could be             Kirschenbaum is a recognized industry leader
facility paid under physician fee service         beneficial. For example, CMS is proposing           in forging effective alliances among hospitals,
(PFS) will also be subject to the reduction       to unpackage and pay separately for the             physicians, pharmaceutical companies and
in 2019 and will be paid ASP minus 22.5           cost of non-opioid pain management                  distributors and has written and spoken
percent for drugs acquired through the            drugs that function as surgical supplies            extensively in these areas.
340B program. This is a change from this          when they are furnished in the ambulatory
year when they were the exception to the          surgery center setting in 2019. An equi-            Sources
                                                                                                      1. CMS Proposes Medicare Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment
payment cut rule. Also remember that              table payment adjustment in the form of                System and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System Changes for
                                                                                                         2019 (CMS-1695-P). Accessed at www.cms.gov/Newsroom/
CMS covers 80 percent of the payment              an add-on payment for APCs that use a                  MediaReleaseDatabase/Fact-sheets/2018-Fact-sheets-items/2018-
with the remaining 20 percent the                 non-opioid pain management drug, device                07-25.html.
                                                                                                      2. Billing Code 4120-01-P. Accessed at s3.amazonaws.com/public-
patient’s responsibility, either out of           or service is also being discussed, with               inspection.federalregister.gov/2018-15958.pdf.

                                                                                                  BIOSUPPLY TRENDS QUARTERLY            |   Fall 2018             9

Flu Vaccine Recommendations Updated by CDC and AAP
                                                   use of seasonal influenza (flu) vaccines and           In addition, the American Academy of
                                                   guidance for vaccine providers about the            Pediatrics (AAP) issued its annual flu rec-
                                                   use of flu vaccines for the 2018-19 season.         ommendations that state all children ages 6
                                                   These include:                                      months and older should receive the
                                                      1) The vaccine virus composition for             influenza vaccine as soon as it becomes
                                                   2018-19 U.S. seasonal influenza vaccines;           available. With 179 flu-related deaths in
                                                      2) A recommendation for the 2018-19              the 2017-18 season, AAP said the vaccine
                                                   season that the live-attenuated influenza           “significantly reduces a child’s risk of
                                                   vaccine is an option for flu vaccination of         severe influenza and death.” “The flu virus
                                                   persons for whom it is appropriate;                 is common and unpredictable,” said Flor
                                                      3) A recommendation that persons with            M. Munoz, MD, FAAB, member of the
                                                   a history of egg allergy may receive any            AAP Committee on Infectious Diseases.
                                                   licensed, recommended and age-appropriate           “Being immunized reduces the risk of a
                                                   influenza vaccine; and                              child being hospitalized due to flu.” v
                                                      4) Recent regulatory actions, including
                                                   new vaccine licensures and labeling                 Prevention and Control of Seasonal Influenza with Vaccines:
                                                                                                          Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization
                                                   changes for previously licensed vaccines.              Practices — United States, 2018–19 Influenza Season. Centers for
                                                                                                          Disease Control and Prevention, Aug. 24, 2018 Accessed at
  The Centers for Disease Control and                 The complete set of recommendations                 www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/67/rr/rr6703a1.htm?s_cid=rr6703
Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee              can be viewed at www.cdc.gov/mmwr/                     a1_e.
                                                                                                       AAP Issues Flu Vaccine Recommendations for 2018-2019. American
on Immunization Practices has updated its          volumes/67/rr/rr6703a1.htm?s_cid=rr                    Academy of Pediatrics press release, Sept. 3, 2018. Accessed at
2017-18 recommendations regarding the              6703a1_e.                                              Issues-Flu-Vaccine-Recommendations-for-2018-2019.aspx.

FDA Chooses Influenza Vaccine Strains for the 2018-19 Season
   In March, the U.S. Food and Drug                                                                    months to 8 years. The vaccine was 67
Administration’s (FDA) Vaccines and                                                                    percent effective against A(H1N1)pdm09,
Related Biological Products Advisory                                                                   and 42 percent effective against influenza B
Committee chose the Northern Hemisphere’s                                                              (mostly B/Yamagata, not in inactivated
2018-19 influenza (flu) vaccine strains                                                                influenza vaccine, trivalent).
based on the World Health Organization’s                                                                  “In terms of last year’s vaccine … even
recommendations. For the trivalent vaccine,                                                            though we’ve had a bad flu year, the strains
the committee voted unanimously to                                                                     that were selected … were really good selec-
include an A/Michigan/45/2015 (H1N1)                                                                   tions,” said Jack Bennink, PhD, a tempo-
pdm09-like virus and an A/Singapore/                                                                   rary voting member on the committee and
INFIMH-16-0019/2016 (H3N2)-like virus,                                                                 senior managing epidemiologist at the
the latter of which is a change from the                                                               National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
2017-18 vaccine. And, the committee                                                                    Diseases. “They were as good as one could
voted 11-1 to include a B/Colorado/                                                                    guess and make at the time. I don’t think
06/2017-like virus (B/Victoria/2/87 line-                                                              we could’ve done any better, and I’m
age), which is also a change from the                     For the 2017-18 season, interim results      encouraged by the fact that particularly [in
2017-18 vaccine. The committee also                    show the vaccine lowered the number of          children aged 6 months] to 8 years old, it’s
voted unanimously to include a B/Phuket/               cases of medically attended flu illness by 36   almost 60 percent effective.” v
3073/2013-like virus (B/Yamagata/16/88                 percent. Vaccine effectiveness against
lineage) as the second influenza B strain in           influenza A(H3N2) was 25 percent for all        Brown T. FDA Committee Recommends 2018-2019 Influenza Vaccine
                                                                                                          Strains. Medscape, March 1, 2018. Accessed at www.medscape.com/
the quadrivalent vaccine.                              ages and 51 percent for children aged 6            viewarticle/893314.

  10      BIOSUPPLY TRENDS QUARTERLY   |   Fall 2018
Industry News

Heart Failure Death Risk Drops 50% in Those Who Receive Flu Vaccine
   A new study shows people with heart                                                     in the risk of being hospitalized for cardio-
failure who receive a seasonal influenza                                                   vascular problems.
(flu) vaccine have a 50 percent drop in the                                                   “It is well-known that influenza infection
risk of death during flu season and a 20                                                   is associated with increased risk of mortality
percent drop in the risk of death during the                                               in heart failure patients,” said Hidekatsu
rest of the year. In the meta-analysis,                                                    Fukuta, MD, a cardiologist at Nagoya City
researchers analyzed six studies conducted                                                 University Graduate School of Medical
in the U.S., Europe and Asia that included                                                 Sciences in Nagoya, Japan, and the study’s
data for more than 78,000 patients with                                                    lead author. “Given the high mortality rate
heart failure. Five of the studies were obser-                                             and the relative low influenza vaccination
vational and one was a retrospective analy-                                                rates in heart failure patients worldwide,       Fukuta, “Randomized controlled studies
sis of clinical trial results. They found get-                                             our study supports a wider use of influenza      should be planned to confirm our observed
ting the flu vaccine reduced the risk of                                                   vaccination in heart failure patients.”          potential survival benefit of influenza
dying (from any cause) by about half dur-                                                     The study’s authors caution, however,         vaccination in these patients.” v
ing flu season and by about one-fifth dur-                                                 that while observational studies can show        Getting Influenza Vaccine Linked to 50% Drop in Risk of Death for Heart
ing the rest of the year. Vaccination was                                                  associations, they do not necessarily prove         Failure Patients. News Medical, March 1, 2018. Accessed at www.news-
also associated with a 22 percent reduction                                                cause and effect. Therefore, said Dr.               5025-drop-in-risk-of-death-for-heart-failure-patients.aspx.

Research                                                                                   Vaccines
Cell-Based and                                                                             CDC OKs FluMist for 2018-19 Influenza Season
Recombinant Vaccines                                                                                                                        AstraZeneca, manufacturer of FluMist,
More Effective in                                                                                                                           that addressed a possible root cause of poor
                                                                                                                                            effectiveness against the influenza AH1N1
2017-18 Flu Season                                                                                                                          virus and a potential solution to address it,
   New data shows cell-based and recombinant                                                                                                which includes using a different type of
vaccines were more effective in the 2017-18                                                                                                 influenza AH1N1 virus in the vaccine.
influenza (flu) season, according to U.S. Food                                                                                              Specifically, AstraZeneca presented posi-
and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner                                                                                                  tive results from a U.S. study in children
Scott Gottlieb, MD. “The data aren’t final yet,                                                                                             ages 2 years to 4 years that evaluated their
but I’m comfortable saying that I think it’s going                                                                                          responses to the H1N1 strain in the
to be about 20 percent improved efficacy for                                                                                                quadrivalent formula of the spray, which
the cell-based vaccine relative to the egg-based                                                                                            protects against four different influenza
vaccines,” said Dr. Gottlieb. “As we consider                                                                                               viruses. Results showed the H1N1 strain in
greater investment in alternative vaccine                                                     The Centers for Disease Control and           the 2017-18 vaccine performed signifi-
development processes, it’s important to note,                                             Prevention's advisory committee has voted        cantly better than the H1N1 strain in the
however, that there are also challenges with these                                         12-2 to recommend FluMist, the nasal             2015-16 vaccine.
newer cell-based approaches. To help address                                               spray version of the influenza vaccine, be          Even though FluMist has not been rec-
these challenges, the FDA is working to help                                               used during the 2018-19 influenza (flu)          ommended for the past two flu seasons,
develop more effective cell lines that can be                                              season. FluMist is a live attenuated             the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
better scaled through continuous manufacturing.                                            influenza vaccine licensed for use in other-     (FDA) has still approved it. The availability
We’re also looking at how we develop a                                                     wise healthy, nonpregnant people ages 2          of FluMist in the U.S. for the 2018-19
more robust recombinant vaccine manu-                                                      years through 49 years. For the past two flu     influenza season is pending annual strain
facturing process to increase yield while                                                  seasons, FluMist has not been recom-             approval from FDA. v
reducing cost.” v                                                                          mended because of poor performance
Keet E. FDA Says Cell-Based Flu Vaccine May Be 20% More Effective Than Egg-Based           compared with the flu vaccine.                   Scutti S. FluMist Set to Return for Next Flu Season. CNN, Feb. 21, 2018.
   Vaccine. Contagion Live, March 28, 2018. Accessed at www.contagionlive.com/                                                                 Accessed at www.cnn.com/2018/02/21/health/flumist-returns-cdc-
   news/fda-says-cell-based-flu-vaccine-may-be-20-more-effective-than-egg-based-vaccine.      The decision was based on data from              bn/index.html.

                                                                                                                                        BIOSUPPLY TRENDS QUARTERLY               |   Fall 2018             11

Research                                                                Research
Study Finds Asthma                                                      Mumps Vaccine Protection Wanes Over Time,
Treatments for Kids                                                     According to Meta-Analysis
More Likely to Fail                                                        A recent meta-analysis of six studies of       immunity to mumps played a major role
Without Flu Shot                                                        mumps vaccine effectiveness conducted             in the recent reemergence of mumps
                                                                        in the U.S. found protection against              among young adults. The findings suggest
                                                                        mumps lasts an average of 27 years after          that in addition to the recommended two
                                                                        the last dose of the vaccine. In addition,        doses of mumps vaccine in childhood,
                                                                        researchers estimated 25 percent of               adding a third dose or booster shot at age
                                                                        Americans who were vaccinated against             18 could help maintain protection. v
                                                                        mumps as children may lose protection
                                                                        within about eight years, 50 percent              Mumps Vaccine Protection May Be Waning, Driving Rise in U.S. Cases.
                                                                        within 19 years and 75 percent within               United Press International, March 21, 2018. Accessed at www.upi.com/
                                                                        38 years. They also found weakening                 waning-driving-rise-in-US-cases/2411521663206.

   New research shows an annual influenza
(flu) shot is crucial for children with asthma.
In the study, researchers examined approxi-
mately 1,000 children treated for moderate
or severe asthma attacks in emergency rooms                             Researchers Find Vaccines Don’t
at five Canadian hospitals. In addition, they                           Weaken Babies’ Immune Systems
analyzed nose swabs taken from those kids to
determine if they also had the flu or another                              In response to concerns from parents           from birth through age 23 months.
respiratory virus. Of the nearly two-thirds                             about whether multiple vaccines in early             Among the 944 participants (mean age
tested positive for a viral infection, 19 per-                          childhood could weaken their children’s           32.5 months; 45 percent female), the esti-
cent who were given the standard treatments                             immune system, researchers conducted a            mated mean cumulative vaccine antigen
for an asthma attack (including oral cortico-                           study that examined whether the vaccine           exposure was 240.6 for cases and 242.9 for
steroids and inhaled bronchodilators) didn’t                            schedule was associated with an increased risk    controls, with a between-group difference
respond to their medications. They found                                of infections not targeted by vaccines            for estimated cumulative antigen exposure
that those with influenza or parainflunza had                           (referred to as “nontargeted infections”).        -2.3. The researchers concluded that
a 37 percent higher chance of not respond-                              They found no statistically significant differ-   “among children from 24 through 47
ing to asthma treatments compared to 13                                 ences in estimated cumulative vaccine antigen     months of age with emergency department
percent without the virus. Asthma treat-                                exposure through the first 23 months of life.     and inpatient visits for infectious disease
ments were also more likely to fail among                                  The nested case-control study examined         not targeted by vaccines, compared with
children with respiratory sincytial virus.                              193 children with nonvaccine-targeted infec-      children without such visits, there was no
However, human rhinoviruses (the usual                                  tions and 751 controls without nonvaccine-        significant difference in estimated cumula-
cause of common colds) did not reduce the                               targeted infections in six U.S. healthcare        tive vaccine antigen exposure through the
effectiveness of asthma treatments.                                     organizations participating in the Vaccine        first 23 months of life.” v
   According to Francine Ducharme, MD,                                  Safety Datalink. Participants were children
                                                                                                                          Glanz JM, Newcomer SR, Daley MF, et al. Association Between Estimated
a pediatrician and co-author of the study,                              ages 24 months through 47 months born                Cumulative Vaccine Antigen Exposure Through the First 23 Months of
                                                                                                                             Life and Non-Vaccine-Targeted Infections From 24 Through 47 Months
“We now know that if these kids get the flu,                            between Jan. 1, 2003, and Sept. 31, 2013,            of Age. JAMA, 2018;319(9):906-913. Accessed at jamanetwork.com/
the risks are very high that emergency treat-                           who were followed until Dec. 31, 2015.               journals/jama/article-abstract/2673970?redirect=true.

ment for an asthma attack will fail. Instead                            Cases of nonvaccine-targeted infection were
of having an 18 percent risk of treatment                               matched to controls by age, sex, healthcare
failure, with flu, the risk rises to 40 percent.                        organization site and chronic
These kids should get their flu shot and they                           disease status. Cumulative
should get it systemically; it’s worth it.”                             vaccine antigen exposure
   The study was published in the June 4                                was estimated by
issue of Pediatrics. v                                                  adding the number
Dallas ME. Kids with Asthma Need a Flu Shot: Study. WebMD, June 4,      of antigens in each
   2018. Accessed at www.webmd.com/asthma/news/20180604/kids-
   with-asthma-need-a-flu-shot-study.                                   vaccine dose received

  12           BIOSUPPLY TRENDS QUARTERLY               |   Fall 2018
Industry News

Updated C. Diff Guidelines Reflect New
Treatment Options and Recommendations
   The Infectious Diseases Society of             metronidazole. They also rec-
America (IDSA) and Society for Healthcare         ommend both drugs for a first
Epidemiology of America (SHEA) have               and second recurrence of C.
updated guidelines for diagnosis and man-         diff. But, for patients who have
agement of Clostridium difficile (C. diff),       had several bouts and have
which has become the leading cause of             failed all appropriate antibiotic
diarrhea in hospital patients and one of the      treatments, the guidelines recommend                                        testing be limited to
most common healthcare-associated infec-          fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT),                                 those patients with more
tions that sickens nearly 500,000 Americans       a procedure that involves the transfer of stool               than three episodes of new-onset
and is associated with 15,000 to 30,000           from a healthy donor into the colon of an          diarrhea within 24 hours, specifically
deaths annually. The last IDSA/SHEA               infected patient. FMT is still considered an       patients whose symptoms aren’t attributable
guidelines for C. diff were issued in 2010.       investigational treatment by the U.S. Food         to underlying conditions or use of laxatives.
And, while many of the recommendations            and Drug Administration, but it has pro-           In addition, it is recommended molecular
remain the same, the updated guidelines           duced strong results in anecdotal reports and      tests, which have become increasingly popu-
reflect new treatment options and recom-          in randomized clinical trials. “An important       lar in recent years due to their high sensitiv-
mendations for who should be tested and           aspect of susceptibility to C. difficile, if not   ity and quick diagnosis, be used on their own
which diagnostic tests are most appropriate.      the majority of susceptibility, is due to dis-     only when hospitals have established criteria
   The previous guidelines recommended            ruption of the microbiota by antibiotics,”         for patients who are most likely to be at risk
metronidazole as first-line therapy for initial   said Clifford McDonald, MD, senior advi-           for C. diff. When the criteria don’t exist, a
cases of mild-to-moderate C. diff and van-        sor with the Centers for Disease Control and       two- to three-step process that includes a
comycin for more severe cases. But, the           Prevention. “These patients can have multi-        toxin immunoassay plus a molecular test
updated guidelines recommend either van-          ple recurrent C. diff, they’re failing over and    and/or an antigen test are recommended. v
comycin or fidaxomicin as the drug of choice      over again, and that’s where FMT is now            Dall C. New C Diff Guidelines Incorporate Fecal Transplant. Center for
for all initial episodes based on high-quality    another tool in the toolbox.”                         Infectious Disease Research and Policy, Feb. 16, 2018. Accessed at
evidence that both drugs are superior to             The new guidelines also recommend                  lines-incorporate-fecal-transplant.

Zika Virus Blood Screening Guidelines Revised by FDA
     The U.S. Food and Drug Admini-                                                                  unknown course of the epidemic and the
stration (FDA) has revised its recommen-                                                             observed severe effects from the disease
dations for testing blood donations for the                                                          indicated that individual donor testing was
Zika virus, allowing for pooled testing of                                                           needed to ensure the continued safety of
donations using a screening test it has                                                              the blood supply,” explained Marks.
licensed. The revised guidance replaces                                                              “Now, given the significant decrease in
guidance announced in August 2016 that                                                               cases of Zika virus infection in the U.S.
recommended universal nucleic acid test-                                                             and its territories, we are moving away
ing for Zika virus of individual units of                                                            from testing each individual donation to
blood donated in U.S. states and territo-                                                            testing pooled donations. [However, FDA]
ries. Roche’s cobas Zika test for use on the      plasma specimens from individual human             will continue to monitor the situation
cobas 6800 and 8800 PCR systems enables           blood donors. According to Peter Marks,            closely, and as appropriate, reconsider
streamlined screening of multiple individ-        director of FDA’s Center for Biologics             what measures are needed to maintain the
ual blood or plasma donations that have           Evaluation and Research, the new                   safety of the blood supply.” v
been pooled together. The test is a qualita-      approach is usually more cost-effective and        FDA Revises Zika Virus Screen Guidance, Recommends Pooled Testing
tive in vitro nucleic acid screening test for     less burdensome for blood establishments.            of Blood. Genomeweb, July 6, 2018. Accessed at www.genomeweb.
the direct detection of Zika virus DNA in            “When Zika virus first emerged, the               recommends-pooled-testing-blood#.W0SuniOZM1g.

                                                                                                 BIOSUPPLY TRENDS QUARTERLY              |   Fall 2018             13

CDC Expects Shortage of New Shingles Vaccines
   The Centers for Disease Control and                                  percent of the time. This is 97 percent of            and causes a painful blistering rash along
Prevention (CDC) is warning about a                                     the time. And, remember, over a third of              with possible complications, including
shortage of Shringrix, the newest shingles                              the population will get shingles, so this is          searing nerve pain and pneumonia.
vaccine recommended for individ-                                                   something for everybody over               Individuals are encouraged to get on the
uals 50 years and older, due                                                             the age of 50,” said David           list to receive it. “Every week, [the compa-
to greater-than-expected                                                                    Agus, MD. “Even peo-              ny is] releasing more of [the vaccine], so
demand. “It’s a really                                                                         ple who have the old           get on the list. Figure out where it is. It’s
potent, excellent vac-                                                                          vaccine need to get           not a critical shortage, but it’s a shortage,”
cine. I got it myself.                                                                            the new vaccine.”           said Dr. Agus. v
And this is a vaccine                                                                                 Shingles    is
where the old vac-                                                                                 triggered by the           CDC Warns of Shingles Vaccine Shortage. CBS News, June 29, 2018.
                                                                                                                                Accessed at www.cbsnews.com/news/cdc-warns-of-shingles-vaccine-
cine worked 30, 40                                                                                 chicken pox virus            shortage-shingrix.

Medicines                                                                  Research
FDA Approves First                                                         Current Pertussis Vaccine Mounts a Weaker
Treatment for High-                                                        Recall Response with Booster Shots
Risk Prostate Cancer                                                          Researchers at the La Jolla Institute for       bacteria that came with unwanted side effects)
   The U.S. Food and Drug Admini-                                          Allergy and Immunology have found individ-         or the acellular pertussis (aP) vaccine (the new
stration (FDA) has approved Erleada (apa-                                  uals who had been inoculated with the newer        vaccine that relies on purified bacterial pro-
lutamide) to treat men with prostate cancer                                pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine as part of      teins to induce immunity) in infancy and
that has not yet spread but has a quickly                                  their initial series of shots mount a weaker       administered booster vaccinations with aP in
rising PSA level while on treatment with                                   recall response when receiving booster shots       middle and high school and as adults, and
hormone therapy, which causes concern                                      later on. Specifically, the study found the new    analyzed their immune response at regular
for cancer growth and spread. This is the                                  vaccine, which replaced the original vaccine in    intervals. Their results showed that priming in
first FDA-approved treatment for this                                      1996, fell short of generating a robust T cell     the first few months after birth with the aP or
high-risk type of prostate cancer known as                                 response, which provides the long-term             wP vaccines induces different T-cell responses.
nonmetastatic castration-resistant prostate                                memory that allows the immune system to            And, while both are initially capable of gener-
cancer. Erleada works by blocking the                                      mount a rapid response if exposed to the           ating protective immunity, differences evolve
effects of androgens, a type of hormone, on                                pathogen. “Ideally, you should engage both         over more than 15 years. In addition, T cells
the tumor. Androgens such as testosterone                                  arms of a protective response against              originally primed with aP gradually lose the
can help tumors grow.                                                      pathogens — B cells that produce antibodies        ability to respond to booster vaccination.
   Approval under FDA’s priority review                                    and T cells that generate long-term memory,”       “These cells just sit there and do nothing
program was based on a randomized clini-                                   said Ricardo Antunes, PhD, a postdoctoral          while T cells primed with wP respond with a
cal trial of 1,207 men with high-risk                                      researcher and first author of the study. “But,    pronounced boost,” said Dr. Antunes.
nonmetastatic castration-resistant prostate                                apparently, the new vaccine fails to generate         The study was conducted because the birth
cancer that measured the amount of time                                    an adequate T cell response. Although B cells      years of the teenagers and young adults most
patients’ tumors did not spread (metasta-                                  are a very important component of vaccine          affected by the sudden increase in pertussis
size). All men in the trial received hormone                               efficacy, the important role of T cells is being   cases coincided with the nationwide switch
therapy, but only some also received                                       more and more appreciated and the key              from the wP to the aP vaccine. According to
Erleada. Those who received Erleada had                                    point of our study is to show that there are       the researchers, unraveling the differences
no metastasis for an average 40.5 months                                   striking differences in the T-cell response to     between the two vaccines is key to understand-
compared to 16.2 months for men who did                                    the two different vaccines.”                       ing how to better prevent whooping cough
not receive the drug. v                                                       In the study, researchers recruited 114         and may also provide important lessons on
FDA Approves Erleada (Apalutamide) for Some Prostate Cancers.
                                                                           healthy adults who had been originally vacci-      vaccine efficacy in general. v
  American Cancer Society, Feb. 15, 2018. Accessed at www.cancer.org/      nated with the whole pertussis (wP) vaccine        Whooping Cough Vaccine: The Power of First Impressions. La Jolla Institute for
  latest-news/fda-approves-erleada-apalutamide-for-some-prostate-                                                               Allergy and Immunology, July 9, 2018. Accessed at www.sciencedaily.
  cancers.html.                                                            (the original vaccine crafted from dead              com/releases/2018/07/180709143912.htm.

   14            BIOSUPPLY TRENDS QUARTERLY                |   Fall 2018
Industry News

Research                                                                 Guidelines
Immune System                                                            WHO Recommends Typhoid Vaccine
Response Discovery in                                                    in Children in Endemic Countries
Newborns Could Lead                                                         The World Health Organization (WHO)
to Earlier Vaccine                                                       is recommending a single dose of the
Administration                                                           typhoid conjugate vaccine (Typbar-TCV)
                                                                         for use in infants and children older than
     Researchers at the TCD School of                                    6 months and a catch-up vaccine in
Medicine and the National Children’s                                     children up to 15 years in countries where
Research Centre (NCRC) in Ireland have                                   the infection is endemic. The recommen-
discovered a distinct immune response in                                 dation is a result of a review of the vaccine
newborns that could lead to both earlier                                 by WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of
vaccine administration and reduced need                                  Experts on Immunization in October              vaccines,” said Adwoa Bentsi-Enchill,
for multiple booster shots. According to                                 2017 that considered data on vaccine            MD, medical officer of the Department of
the researchers, their discovery is a “class                             safety, efficacy, feasibility and afford-       Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals
of danger signals” that are highly efficient                             ability, as well as growing rates of drug-      at WHO. “The recommendation for the
at triggering an immune response in                                      resistant typhoid. The Typbar-TCV vaccine       typhoid conjugate vaccine to be included
young infants.                                                           provides longer-lasting protection and          in routine immunization programs will
   The discovery was made after scientists                               fewer doses than previous vaccines.             help pave the way for national authorities
theorized newborns may retain a more                                        “Studies have shown that TCV is safe,        to introduce this vaccine in countries
robust immune response to viruses and                                    effective and can provide protection for        where they are needed most.” v
found a class of adjuvants (one of two key                               infants and children under 2 years of age,      First Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine Recommended by WHO. Contagion
                                                                                                                             Live, April 3, 2018. Accessed at www.contagionlive.com/news/first-
components in vaccines) that activate spe-                               unlike the previous available typhoid               typhoid-conjugate-vaccine-recommended-by-who.

cialized sensors that drove a very strong
immune response in newborns where other
microbial infections arise. “These sensors                               Research
are normally activated in response to viral                              Tuberculosis Vaccine May Reverse Type 1 Diabetes
infection and direct the immune system to
clear up viral infections,” said Sarah Doyle,                                                                            them below the cutoff point for a clinical
MD, of the NCRC. “Harnessing these effi-                                                                                 diagnosis. And, after being followed for an
cient antiviral immune responses will help                                                                               additional eight years, most retained the
in the design of targeted adjuvants for                                                                                  reduction. In contrast, those who received
pediatric vaccines by directly activating                                                                                a placebo and followed normal diabetic
immune responses that are fully functional                                                                               management saw their blood sugar
in neonates and infants.”                                                                                                measurement rise by a few percentage
   “Many adjuvants used in vaccines today                                                                                points during the same periods. All
were developed in adults; however, babies                                                                                study participants continued to use
and children are not simply little adults,                                                                               insulin during the study period.
and because of this, a child’s immune                                       A recent study shows two injections of          “Nobody thought you could inter-
system responds differently than an                                      the bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG)              vene with an immunotherapy in people
adult’s immune system does,” said Kiva                                   vaccine (used to prevent tuberculosis) a        10, 20 years out,” said the study’s prin-
Brennan, MD, at TCD School of                                            few weeks apart may reverse the causes of       cipal director Denise Faustman, MD,
Medicine and lead author of the study.                                   type 1 diabetes over several years. In the      director of the Massachusetts General
As a result, the key to improving vaccine                                study of 52 participants, nine received the     Hospital Immunobiology Laboratory.
efficacy is the design of adjuvants that                                 injections and three received a placebo.        “To have data showing durability for
specifically target and kick the newborn                                 Those who received the injections had a         eight years, without revaccination, is
immune response into action.” v                                          substantial reduction in the blood-sugar        remarkable.” v
O’Sullivan K. Irish Scientists Find Distinct Immune System in Newborn
                                                                         marker HbA1c used to diagnose diabetes:         Fleishman G. Tuberculosis Vaccine Could Reverse Type 1 Diabetes,
   Babies. The Irish Times, July 16, 2018. Accessed at www.irishtimes.   a 10 percent reduction after three years            Study Shows. Fortune, June 21, 2018. Accessed at fortune.com/
   com/news/health/irish-scientists-find-distinct-immune-system-in-                                                          2018/06/21/tuberculosis-vaccine-reverse-juvenile-diabetes-
   newborn-babies-1.3566105.                                             and 18 percent after four years, bringing           study-shows.

                                                                                                                     BIOSUPPLY TRENDS QUARTERLY              |   Fall 2018             15
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