Impact Summary 2020 - WWW.AGDEVCO.COM

Page created by Monica Miller
Impact Summary 2020 - WWW.AGDEVCO.COM

Impact Summary 2020 - WWW.AGDEVCO.COM
2 - AgDevCo                                                                                                       3 - AgDevCo

 Our vision:
 A thriving
    $28 Million* $138 Million* 48 Investments*
    New commitments in 2020                           Portfolio value                         In ten countries1

 * As of the end of 2020

1 11 with Senegal, where AgDevCo’s Smallholder Development Unit has worked with one partner
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Benefitting both
people and planet

   AgDevCo is a specialist investor in              AgDevCo provides more than capital; we              Our vision is a thriving commercial           AgDevCo is part of the solution to climate
   early-stage African agribusinesses,              are long-term partners for growth and               agriculture sector which benefits both        change in Africa. We support our partners
   providing growth capital through debt and        impact. We help our investees grow into             people and planet. We contribute to this by   to work towards sustainable, and where
   equity. Our investments range between US$        profitable businesses by providing specialist       investing in and supporting businesses to     possible, regenerative solutions. We
   2 million and US$ 10 million targeting           technical support in agriculture, financial         grow, create jobs, produce food, and link     perform portfolio carbon accounting to
   primary food production and processing           management, supply management and                   farmers to markets. We reinvest the income    identify emissions sources and sequestration
   firms. We invest across the agricultural value   Environmental, Social and Governance.               from our investments back into early-stage    in line with industry good practice which is
   chain, from inputs to logistics, and in all      In 2021 we will launch an integrated                businesses– maximising impact from every      helping inform our climate strategy and route
   sub-Saharan African countries except those       technical assistance facility, building on the      dollar of capital.                            to net zero.
   with upper middle-income status.                 work of our successful Smallholder
                                                    Development Unit.
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We invest in early-stage
agribusinesses in Africa

   3 Investments 22 Investments 18 Investments                                                                                    A diverse portfolio

           In West Africa                              In East Africa                          In Southern Africa                 We work in a variety of sectors and
                                                                                                                                  crops, including high-value export
                                                                                                                                  crops like avocados and lychees;
                                                                                                                                  nutritious food industries for domestic
Since 2010, AgDevCo has                                                                                                           markets, and affordable meat protein
invested in 78 agribusiness                                                                                                       like poultry and fisheries. Portfolio
across the continent. Our                                                                                                         companies are involved through the food
current investment portfolio                                                                                                      sector from primary production, through
is comprised of 48                                                                                                                processing to retail.
companies (including a
number of small, legacy                                                                                                           The portfolio has a mix of investment
investments) with a value of                                                                                                      instruments from short-term working
$138m. These companies                                                                                                            capital, to secured and mezzanine debt,
are spread across ten2                                                                                                            to equity and control positions in five
different countries:                                                                                                              businesses.

●	Countries with active investments/projects
  Countries eligible for investment
  Regional office
  Local presence

2 11 with Senegal, where AgDevCo’s Smallholder Development Unit has worked with one partner.
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Working with more
small-scale farmers in
2020 than any year to date
                                                                                                       To date, AgDevCo’s portfolio created or                                 To date, AgDevCo’s portfolio has engaged
                                                                                                       sustained 15,600 jobs (23% women)3                                      764,000 (39% women) small-scale farmers3

AgDevCo has an impact framework which              In 2020, AgDevCo’s investments sustained
allows us to project, track, and understand        the same number of jobs at the portfolio
the changes brought about by our                   level as in 2019 despite challenges related to                                                                                                                 760,000
investments. In addition, we undertake case        the Covid-19 pandemic, while increasing                   15,300                         15,600                                 516,000                        Small-scale Farmers,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Traders, and Customers
studies which go deeper into the detail of our     opportunities for small-scale farmers.                    Jobs Created and              Jobs Created and
                                                                                                                Maintained                    Maintained                           Small-scale Farmers,
impact, including multiplier effects. Giving                                                                                                                                     Traders, and Customers
consideration to climate change and gender         Average incomes for employees and
equality are part of our approach at every stage   smallholder farmers in 2020 increased by
of the investment process.                         11% and 4% to $1,860 and $345 respectively.                     2019                          2020                                     2019                         2020
                                                   This means that in 2020 employees and farmers
We assess and report on our impact                 received $20.5m and $70.9m in income, almost
annually. The direct impacts of our active         $100m in total.
portfolio in 2020 are summarised below.                                                                Employees working in AgDevCo’s portfolio                                Even during Covid, the small-scale farmers,
These numbers exclude the ongoing impact of                                                            earned more money in 2020 than in 20194                                 customers, and traders in AgDevCo supply
investments that we have exited. The direct                                                                                                                                    chains in 2020 maintained a similar income
impact numbers are calculated on an attribution                                                                                                                                level as 20194
basis, which means that in cases where
AgDevCo is not the only capital provider, we
only claim our proportional share of direct
impacts. This is a conservative approach
compared with other impact investors.
                                                                                                             $1,670                         $1,860
                                                                                                                                             Income per job                          $350                            $345
                                                                                                              Income per job                    per year                                                          Income per person
                                                                                                                 per year                                                        Income per person                     per year
                                                                                                                                                                                      per year

                                                                                                                   2019                          2020                                   2019                           2020

                                                                                                    3 Created by our investments and technical assistance, including current and exited investments.
Tropha                   Afri Oils                 Uzima                  GADC                      4 A weighted average per job, small-scale farmer, trader or customer in 2020 only at current investments.
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FOOD SECURITY                                                                                   CLIMATE RESILIENCE

Produced 33 million                                                                             AgDevCo is part of the
nutritious meals in 2020                                                                        solution to addressing
                                                                                                climate change in Africa

                                                                                                African countries are facing a wide range of
                                                                                                climate change risks as well as some                 Organic pest control
                                                                                                opportunities. Temperatures and rain patterns
                                                                                                                                                     The Gulu Agricultural Development
                                                                                                are changing, and weather is less predictable
                                                                                                                                                     Company (GADC) in northern Uganda
                                                                                                and more extreme. There are also climate             works with 20,000 smallholder farmers to
                                                                                                exacerbated risks, such as locust outbreaks.         produce organic cotton. Production is often
                                                                                                There may also be opportunities for some             challenged by the large numbers of pests
                                                                                                businesses as growing conditions become              which attack the crop. In 2020, the AgDevCo
                                                                                                more optimal for crops in some areas.                agriculture team trained staff at GADC to
                                                                                                                                                     make a cheap spray from maize and yeast
                                                                                                AgDevCo is part of the solution to                   that attracts ‘natural enemies’ that prey on
                                                                                                addressing climate change in Africa, our             the cotton pests.
                                                                                                technical specialists work with the                  When GADC trained their suppliers to use
                                                                                                companies in our portfolio to improve their          this organic method, it was a great success.
                                                                                                resilience to these climate changes. In 2020,        There were fewer pests on the sprayed
                                                                                                we supported agroforestry projects in Ghana,         cotton and yields increased by up to 65%.
                                                                                                reviewed key emissions and sequestration             92% of farmers said that they wanted to use
                                                                                                across the active portfolio, and worked with         the food sprays in the future. Farmers really
                                                                                                                                                     liked that they could make the spray
                                                                                                investees to assess hydrological risks in
                                                                                                                                                     themselves in a cheap and easy way.
                                                                                                Mozambique and Malawi.
   AgDevCo tackles food security in Africa    In 2020, our investments produced 60
   in two ways. The portfolio increases       million eggs, 2,000 tonnes of staple crops,       AgDevCo has committed to be a carbon
   income for hundreds of thousands of        and 8,250 tonnes of fortified maize, all          neutral portfolio within a decade. We will do
   people every year. When people have        sold to low-income households. That is            this through climate-smart business plans, and
   more money, one of the first things they   equivalent to 33 million nutritious meals, or a   measures like planting more trees, supporting
   do is buy more, and better, food.          year of meals for 30,000 people. In 2021 we       sustainable timber, and sustainable land
   AgDevCo also makes a direct contribution   will be working with the aquaculture industry     management. We will offset emissions from
   by investing in companies that supply      to bring 12,000 tonnes of quality fish            necessary land clearing activity in our portfolio.
   locally produced nutritious foods and      products a year to rural and peri-urban           We will also continue to support regenerative
   improve equal access for the poor,         Kenya.                                            agricultural methods such as low tillage, reusing
   especially vulnerable women.                                                                 animal waste as fertiliser and managing soil
                                                                                                carbon which are already used in the portfolio.
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We invest to transform

Ultimately, our biggest impact will be where      >	
                                                    Jacoma is a macadamia and chilli farm in
our investments lead to transformational            Malawi. Its success has attracted interest
change (e.g., through catalysing the                from Nando’s. In 2020, Nando’s tested the
development of a new industry; demonstration        idea of procuring birds eye chillies. They set
effects and / or driving economic development       up contracts with 50 of Jacoma’s
around our investee business). Although             outgrowers and were so impressed with the
difficult to capture, we are confident that the     produce they have tripled their order for next
indirect impacts of our investments will be         season.
many multiples of the direct impacts that we
                                                    Our investment with Westfalia in central
measure annually. Examples that we see in the
                                                    Mozambique has created, for the first time,
2020 portfolio are as follows and the box
                                                    an export industry for litchis. Litchis sourced
                                                    from local farmers are now sent to Europe in
  ECA, a maize milling business in central          the valuable seasonal window before
  Mozambique which buys from over 4,000             Christmas, a few weeks ahead of litchis from           Starting new industries                         market for 500 small-scale maize and soya
                                                                                                                                                           farmers. In 2020 Nakifuma started selling
  smallholder farmers, has stimulated growth        Madagascar.                                            Protein dietary levels in Uganda are lower      improved breeds to small-scale pig farmers
  in the local livestock sector during 2020 by                                                             than the recommended levels. Most of the
                                                    Great Lakes Coffee company in Uganda is                                                                in Uganda and more recently for export to
  supplying reliable, cheap, and accessible                                                                meat available in Uganda is poor quality
                                                    pioneering “Farm to Cup” traceability                                                                  South Sudan and Democratic Republic of
  animal feed.                                                                                             or imported. Nakifuma Farming Company
                                                    systems and is now successfully roasting                                                               Congo. In comparison to the local breeds,
                                                    coffee in Uganda to capture more value                 is an AgDevCo investment in Uganda.             the Nakifuma pigs produce more piglets,
                                                    which can be shared with its growers.                                                                  grow much larger, and have a better meat to
                                                                                                           Nakifuma has established the first              fat ratio. This increases the farmers’
                                                                                                           commercial-scale pork production unit in the    revenues and the price they get for the pigs
                                                                                                           country to meet a growing demand for pork.      and meat. Nakifuma is also trying to be a
                                                                                                           Starting a commercial pork industry in          model of sustainable meat protein
                                                                                                           Uganda has created growth all along the         production. Feed is procured from Ugandan
                                                                                                           supply chain. Restaurants and shops that        suppliers and animal waste is being used for
                                                                                                           buy Nakifuma pork are getting extra revenue     fertilizer promoting regenerative agricultural
                                                                                                           and increasing clients because of the quality   practices and minimizing the carbon
                                                                                                           pork they can now offer. Nakifuma company       footprint of production.
                                                                                                           estimates that their additional demand for
                                                                                                           animal feed in 2020 created an additional
ECA                      Jacoma                   Westfalia                Great Lakes Coffee Company
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Gender equality is crucial
to commercial success
                                        42 %                            39 %                              25 %
                                     Of portfolio have a         Of our portfolio’s small-scale     Of portfolio sells products
                                  quarter of their leadership        suppliers are women             specifically benefitting
                                   teams filled by women                                                      women

                                Gender equality and women’s
                                empowerment are crucial to the                       Empowering women
                                commercial success of our investments
                                and the quality of the development impact            A third of employees at GADC are
                                those investments deliver. There is a lot to         women, which is unusual in northern
                                do as part of the journey towards gender             Uganda. In 2020, we did some
                                equality, but we are already making a real           research that showed how employment
                                difference in the portfolio.                         with GADC makes women feel proud
                                                                                     and confident. Working at GADC has
                                Women benefit from AgDevCo’s                         improved women’s capacity to save,
                                investments throughout the supply chain.             purchase assets, invest in business,
                                Women farmers are proactively included in            and deal with shocks.
                                contracts and training initiatives. More             Employment with GADC also increased
                                women supplied goods to our investee                 women’s confidence because as part
                                companies in 2020 than in any previous               of their job they have to train large
                                year. Women employed at our investees are            groups of farmers. This has improved
                                protected by anti-discrimination and                 their communication skills and made
                                anti-harassment policies, and increasingly           them less afraid of speaking or sharing
                                access opportunities to develop and grow.            their opinions in public. Another
                                                                                     important part of employment with
                                In 2020, more of our companies set up                GADC is the agricultural and budgeting
                                child-care and breast-feeding facilities at          training provided by the company. This
                                work. Women employees also received                  training has made women feel more
                                training on topics like gender equality in the       aspirational.
                                workplace, personal budgeting, and
                                operating farming equipment. As
                                consumers, women are supported with
                                accessible and nutritious food for them and
                                their families.
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TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE                                                                              COVID-19

“AgDevCo are one of the                                                                           Supporting our portfolio
few impact investors                                                                              through the Covid-19
who can empathize and                                                                             pandemic
understand on-the-
ground operations and
the challenges we face”.                                                                          In general, our investment portfolio has been     >	
                                                                                                                                                      There was an increase in small-scale farmers
                                                                                                  resilient to the economic impacts of                buying and selling from investee companies,
                                                                                                  Covid-19. However, for some investees, the          but in a number of countries the currency
                                                                                                  pandemic stifled trade, reduced prices, and         devaluation and price reductions meant
                                                                                                  increased costs for AgDevCo investee                those farmers did not earn much more than
                                                                                                  companies.                                          they did in 2019.
                                                                                                  We supported our portfolio investees with         >	
                                                                                                                                                      Almost 20% of the jobs filled by women in
                                                                                                  flexibility on repayments and extending             2019 were lost in 2020. 12% of jobs filled by
                                                                                                  existing investments. The Smallholder               men in 2019 were lost in 2020. For example,
                                                                                                  Development Unit Covid-19 Facility allowed          one company had to reduce employment to
                                                                                                  some partners to roll-out targeted agricultural     ensure social distancing in its factories;
                                                                                                  or health interventions within their businesses     which also led it to purchase less supplies
                                                                                                  and with the small-scale farmers they work          from smallholder farmers. Other companies
                                                                                                  with. It supported the procurement of personal      did hire more people during 2020, but we
                                                                                                  protective equipment and covered increased          note that only 23% of these new jobs were
                                                                                                  logistical costs incurred during certification      filled by women.
                                                                                                  audits. Over 18,000 small-scale farmers are
                                                                                                  expected to benefit from the support under the    We estimate that without the pandemic, the
                                                                                                  SDU Covid-19 Facility.                            employment and the number of small-scale
   AgDevCo goes beyond just capital; we           > Partnered with 23 agribusinesses.
                                                                                                                                                    farmers, traders, and customers engaged
   partner for long term growth. A large                                                          Over recent years AgDevCo’s direct impact
                                                    Rolled-out improved agricultural practices                                                      would be more than 10-15% higher.
   part of this support is provided through                                                       metrics have increased by 15-20% per annum.
                                                    across more than 115,000 hectares of
   our grant and technical assistance facility,                                                   Due to Covid-19 we did not see this in 2020:
   the Smallholder Development Unit (SDU).
                                                                                                    Some investee companies cancelled
   The SDU was started by Mastercard and          >	
                                                    Recruited and trained 1560 field staff.
                                                                                                    expansion plans and reduced their costs in
   the FCDO in 2015 and gave grants and
                                                    Committed US$8.7m                               response to the pandemic. This meant that
   advice to companies to improve how they
                                                                                                    as a portfolio there was no increase in the
   work with small-scale farmers in their         >	
                                                    Trained 143,000 women and 195,000 men
                                                                                                    number of jobs.
   supply chains.                                   farmers
   The SDU will end in March 2021 after six
                                                  In 2021 the SDU work will continue as part of
   years of impactful work:
                                                  a new AgDevCo technical assistance facility.
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additional jobs
in our portfolio
by 2030

   In 2021 we expect to confirm additional        We will also grow our technical assistance         In 2020, we will continue to assess our         AgDevCo has remained open for
   funding that will allow us to continue         support to businesses – launching a new            portfolio’s carbon footprint scope out          business. In 2020, we supported our
   investing over the next decade –               Technical Assistance Facility. This will           potential new revenue streams associated        portfolio through the Covid-19 pandemic
   improving our resilience as a business         provide our businesses with dedicated time         with carbon and natural capital. We will        at the same time as investing in new
   and achieving more impact. If we achieve       from industry experts in agriculture,              assess climate risks and opportunities in our   partners. In 2021, we will continue to
   our business plan, we expect to create         employment, finance, operations,                   portfolio and set up climate resilience plans   expand our portfolio and contribute towards
   opportunities for over 25,000 employees and    sustainability and supply chain management.        with our investee businesses.                   Africa’s inclusive growth, food security, and
   520,000 small-scaler farmers a year by 2030.   It will support sustainable agricultural                                                           climate resilience.
   This will generate an estimated $590m of       practices and gender equality; as well as
   income for low-income families annually.       climate resilience and the achievement of our
                                                  carbon objectives.
AgDevCo UK (HQ)
Peer House
8-14 Verulam Street
United Kingdom
T + 44 (0) 20 7539 2650

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