Improved Deep Reinforcement Learning with Expert Demonstrations for Urban Autonomous Driving

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Improved Deep Reinforcement Learning with Expert Demonstrations for Urban Autonomous Driving
Improved Deep Reinforcement Learning with Expert Demonstrations
 for Urban Autonomous Driving
 Haochen Liu, Zhiyu Huang, and Chen Lv, Senior Member, IEEE

 Abstract—Currently, urban autonomous driving remains chal- demonstrations or from the agent’s self-experiences. This often
 lenging because of the complexity of the driving environment. refers to the end-to-end framework, which takes as input the
 Learning-based approaches, such as reinforcement learning (RL) state of the driving scene and outputs the motion controls
 and imitation learning (IL), have indicated superiority over rule-
 based approaches, showing great potential to make decisions directly. With the recent breakthroughs in deep learning and
 intelligently, but they still do not work well in urban driving deep reinforcement learning, such an end-to-end framework is
 situations. To better tackle this problem, this paper proposes a becoming viable. With enough data, the learning-based method
arXiv:2102.09243v1 [cs.RO] 18 Feb 2021

 novel learning-based method that combines deep reinforcement can handle large state and action spaces and complicated
 learning with expert demonstrations, focusing on longitudinal situations that are common in urban driving scenarios. In
 motion control in autonomous driving. Our proposed method
 employs the actor-critic structure and modifies the learning essence, there are two paradigms to learn the motion control
 process of the policy network to incorporate both the goals strategies, namely imitation learning (IL) [6] and reinforce-
 of maximizing reward and imitating the expert. Moreover, an ment learning (RL) [7]. For IL, suppose that the trajectories
 adaptive prioritized experience replay is designed to sample from the expert demonstration are close to optimal, IL can
 experience from both the agent’s self-exploration and expert effectively learn to approximate the expert driving policy by
 demonstration, so as to improve the sample efficiency. The
 proposed method is validated in a simulated urban roundabout reproducing their actions given states, which could guarantee
 scenario and compared with various prevailing RL and IL a lower bound of performance. For RL, the agent interacts
 baseline approaches. The results manifest that the proposed with the environment and aims to optimize long-term reward
 method has a faster training speed, as well as better performance and make better decisions using its collected experiences.
 in navigating safely and efficiently. Unfortunately, both these two paradigms have their own dis-
 Index Terms—Autonomous driving, deep reinforcement learn-
 ing, expert demonstrations, motion control, urban condition. advantages. For IL, its ability is limited since its performance
 can at best amount to expert demonstrations. Besides, IL can
 I. INTRODUCTION easily encounter the distributional shift problem [8] because
 it only relies on static datasets. For RL, results from existing
 ECENT years have witnessed a big leap in the de-
 R velopment of autonomous driving techniques, moving
 from academic progress to practical use [1], [2]. Never-
 works indicate that its performance in urban scenarios is not
 satisfactory, probably because it only relies on reward signals,
 while in complex driving situations, the reward is sparse
 theless, autonomous driving in urban scenarios remains a
 and hard to specify. Moreover, RL training consumes a huge
 major challenge [3], primarily due to the following aspects:
 amount of data and time. In order to mitigate the problems in
 1) complicated driving conditions, including great variance
 both RL and IL and facilitate the development of the learning-
 of traffic density and agent interactions; 2) requirement of
 based motion control strategy, a method that integrates rein-
 delicate balance among efficiency (speed), comfort (smooth),
 forcement learning and learning from demonstrations should
 and safety [4]. Current motion control strategies concentrate
 be concerned. Combining the merits from RL with ones from
 on the rule- or model-based methods [5]. These methods
 IL, reinforcement learning from demonstration (RLfD) [9] is
 excel in interpretability but are with several drawbacks that
 expected to not only accelerate the initial learning process of
 could impede their application in urban scenarios: 1) they
 RL with the help of expert data, but also gain the potential of
 cannot perform continual improvement; 2) they might lead
 surpassing the performance of experts.
 to bias since the rules or models are designed manually with
 In this paper, we propose a novel framework combining
 potentially inaccurate assumptions, consequently losing their
 reinforcement learning and expert demonstration to learn a
 compatibility in changing environments.
 motion control strategy for urban scenarios. The experiments
 To properly tackle the challenges, we employ a model-
 are carried out in a roundabout scenario in the high-fidelity
 free method that learns to control the vehicle from expert
 CARLA driving simulator. To reduce the complexity, we
 This work was supported by the SUG-NAP Grant (No. M4082268.050) of decompose the full motion control of the vehicle into lat-
 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. eral control governed by a PID controller for path tracking
 H. Liu is with School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang and longitudinal control enabled by the proposed learning
 Technological University, Singapore, and the School of Automation Science
 and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China. (E-mail: framework. We first collect human driving data as the expert demonstration dataset and then utilize the designed frame-
 Z. Huang and C. Lv are with the School of Mechanical and Aerospace work, which samples the experiences from both the expert
 Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 639798, Singapore. (E-mails:, demonstrations and the agent’s self-exploration, to learn a
 Corresponding author: C. Lv motion control strategy. The results reveal that the proposed
Improved Deep Reinforcement Learning with Expert Demonstrations for Urban Autonomous Driving
framework can effectively accelerate the learning process and imitation learning. Inspired by the generative adversarial net-
accomplish better performance. The contributions of this paper work (GAN) and its improved versions, Kuefler et al. proposed
are listed as follows. generative adversarial imitation learning (GAIL) for imitating
 1) An off-policy actor-critic-based reinforcement learning human driving behavior considering the states of multiple
 algorithm is proposed, in which the learning process of surrounding vehicles [18].
 the policy network is modified to accordingly combine
 maximizing the Q-function and imitating the expert C. Combining RL with expert demonstrations
 The concept of combining RL with IL for a more efficient
 2) A dynamic experience replay is proposed to adaptively
 learning process has attracted much attention recently. By
 adjust the sampling ratio between the agent’s self-
 incorporating small sets of expert demonstration data in pre-
 exploration and the expert’s demonstration in the learn-
 training and experience replay, deep Q-learning from demon-
 ing process.
 strations (DQfD) shows a massively accelerated training pro-
 3) A comprehensive test is carried out in a simulated
 cess and better performance than the original DQN algorithm
 challenging urban driving scenario, where various RL
 [9]. Soft-Q imitation learning (SQIL) [19] provided a similar
 and IL baselines are compared against our proposed
 structure but served as a pure imitation learning approach.
 Approaches that deal with continuous actions also emerged,
 II. RELATED WORKS such as DDPG from demonstrations (DDPGfD). Their applica-
 tions in autonomous driving were closely followed. Liu et al.
A. Deep reinforcement learning [20] utilized DDPG with expert data in track following in The
 Much effort has been made and excavated in deep reinforce- Open Racing Car Simulator (TORCS). Liang et al. brought
ment learning (DRL), expanding its applications in a wide forward controllable imitative reinforcement learning (CIRL)
variety of domains, such as recommending systems, robotic built upon DDPG and imitation learning for urban navigation
manipulation, and autonomous driving. Previous works have [21]. Deep imitative model [22] proposed by Rhinehart et al.
shown that the model-free DRL-based approach is promising combined R2P2 and imitation learning for improved goal-
for applications in motion control strategies. Zhang et al. directed planning. To sum up, the existing approaches that
implemented a vehicle speed control strategy using the double combine RL and IL mostly employ a DDPG-based framework,
deep Q-network (DDQN), which utilizes visual representation while the framework based on maximum entropy RL is less-
as system input [10]. Chen et al. investigated four model- explored.
free DRL algorithms for motion control in a roundabout
results demonstrated that the SAC algorithm outperforms the IMITATION LEARNING FOR MOTION CONTROL
other methods. DRL has also been applied in specific motion
control modules on the vehicle, which delivers favorable A. System overview
and robust performance. Chae et al. adopted DQN with a As shown in Fig. 1, the motion control system is composed
carefully-designed reward function for an adaptive braking of three main parts shown in different colors. The blue part
system, which could effectively avoid collisions [11]. Ure et is the driving environment, which receives the actions of the
al. and Chen et al. successfully introduced DRL to tune the agent and then emits the states of the environment in the form
parameters in MPC [12] and PID [13] controllers, in order to of bird-view images. A route planner generates a goal path that
achieve better and more stable performance in path tracking. the vehicle should follow, given the start point and destination.
 Here, we assume that the perception information is perfect,
B. Imitation learning including the states of the ego vehicle and all surrounding
 Recent developments in the field of deep learning have objects, and all the information can be projected into a bird-
led to a renewed interest in imitation learning for end-to-end eye view map showing the location of the ego vehicle, the
autonomous driving. Dating back to ALVINN [14] decades planned route, and surrounding vehicles. The red part is the
ago, the behavior cloning method is prevailing in end-to-end expert demonstration dataset that we collected in the same
autonomous driving, especially recently with the significant environment from a human expert using the steering wheel and
improvement brought by deep neural networks. Xu. et al. pedals. The motion control strategy is explicitly decomposed
proposed a combination of the fully convolutional network into two modules, which are longitudinal (acceleration) control
(FCN) and long-short term memory (LSTM) network for with neural network (learnable) and lateral (steering) control
learning driving policy [15]. Codevilla et al. designed a with pure-pursuit and PID control (non-learnable) that tracks
conditional imitation learning framework which incorporates the predefined route. The learnable module can be trained
navigational command inputs [16]. Huang et al. presented with any IL or RL algorithms using expert demonstrations or
a multimodal sensor fusion-based end-to-end driving system specific rewards, and we train it using the proposed learning
with imitation learning and scene understanding [17]. More framework combining those two together, which is illustrated
recently, generative adversarial training has been applied in below.
Improved Deep Reinforcement Learning with Expert Demonstrations for Urban Autonomous Driving
RL agent CARLA urban driving environment Human expert
 +1 +1 

 Motion control Manual control

 Control signal
 Data store Data store
 Learning-Based Module

 Sample Sample

 Agent experience buffer Expert demonstration buffer

Fig. 1. An overview of our motion control system. The learnable module (deep policy network) receives bird-eye observations and generates throttle command.
The lateral motion controller generates the steering command adaptively according to the throttle, predefined route, and vehicle states.

B. Learning framework with an adaptive ratio at each gradient update step. An off-
 policy DRL learner (SAC) integrated with imitation learning
 The learning process follows the discrete-time Markov is introduced to carry out the training and the details of the
decision process (MDP). At every timestep t, the agent re- learning framework are given in the following subsections.
ceives the state st of the environment and executes an action
at in line with its policy, and the environment returns a C. Soft actor-critic with imitation learning
reward rt and transitions to the next state st+1 . The goal We implement the SAC algorithm, augmented by the pro-
of RL is to optimize the policy πφ parameterized by φ, so posed experience replay mechanism and improved imitation
as to maximizePthe long-term expected returns (Q value): learning loss functions, to train the policy network. SAC
Qπ (s, a) = Eπ [ t γ t r (st , at )]. On the other hand, imitation optimizes a stochastic policy in an off-policy manner and com-
learning targets to imitate the expert demonstrations, i.e., bines the actor-critic framework with the maximum entropy
reproducing the expert’s actions at given states. Assuming principle [23], which helps mitigate the issues on exploration-
that expert demonstrations are gathered in the dataset DE exploitation. The objective of SAC is to maximize a trade-off
in the format of state-action n pairs along witho the reward between expected long-term return and entropy of the policy:
 E E
and state transition, D : (st , at , rt , st+n ) , we need
 " #
 T ∗ t
to minimize the discrepancy (L2 norm) between the policy’s π = argmax E γ (r(st , at ) + αH (π(·|st ))) , (1)
 π τ ∼π
action and the expert’s action, mathematically represented t
 where st and at are the state and action respectively, and
by: minφ πφ sE , aE 2 . The core idea of our proposed
approach is to add the IL target when using RL to train the α is a non-negative temperature parameter that controls the
motion control strategy, in order to accelerate the training optimization goal leaning to reward or entropy. The parameter
process and hopefully achieve better performance. α can be automatically adjusted over the course of training
 To that end, as shown in Fig. 2, we maintain two experience through the following objective:
replay buffers to store the agent’s self-exploration experiences α∗ = argmin Eat ∼π −α log π (at |st ) − αH̄ ,
DS and expert demonstrations DE separately. The training α
process has two stages. The initial pre-training stage only where H̄ is the desired minimum expected entropy.
involves data from the expert buffer that has been recorded SAC concurrently learns a policy network πφ , two Q-
previously. Training the policy network with our proposed IL function networks Qθ1 , Qθ2 , and a value function network
loss function on the expert demonstration, we get a pre-trained Vψ . The Q-function networks are updated according to the
policy network denoted as πφE . In the second stage, we initial- following loss function:
ize the RL training with the pre-trained policy network πφE and h
sample a batch of mixed experiences from those two buffers L(θi )n = E (Qθi (st , at ) − yQ ) , (3)
 (st ,at ,r,st+n )∼D
Expert Buffer = ℒ ( ) + ℒ 1 + 

 1-Step Imitation 

 Ratio Control Strategies
 Q ( , ) Output
 Agent Buffer ( )
 DRL Learner
 1-Step Priority

 = ℒ ( ) + ℒ 1 + 

Fig. 2. The diagram of the proposed learning framework combining RL and IL. Training process consists of IL pre-training and DRL training. Batched tuple
data from agent and expert is sampled from two adaptive prioritized replay buffers, which contain mapped 1-step and N-steps transitions.

where i = 1, 2, n stands for n-step Q-learning, D is composed For the policy network, it can be trained with both imitation
of the experience collected by both the agent’s self-exploration learning and reinforcement learning leveraging the experiences
and the expert’s demonstration D = DE ∪ DS , and yQ is the from the expert demonstration and the agent’s exploration,
target. Using n-step loss enables the agent to consider a series respectively. For reinforcement learning, the policy network
of transitions to look further into the future and prevent the should be updated to maximize the expected future return plus
policy from a bad local optimum. The n-step return is defined expected future entropy. Making use of the reparameterization
as: trick, in which a sample from the stochastic policy πφ (·|st ) is
 X drawn by computing the following deterministic function:
 r (st , at , n) = γ k r (st+k , at+k ) . (4)
 k=0 ãφ (st , ξ) = tanh (µφ (st ) + σφ (st ) ξ) , ξ ∼ N (0, I),
 Therefore, the target for Q-function update is given by:
 the loss function for the policy network πφ when learning from
 yQ = r (st , at , n) + γ n Vtarget (st+n ) , (5) the agent’s experience should be:
where Vtarget is the target value function network, which is L(φ)RL = E [α log πφ (ãφ (st , ξ) |st )
obtained by polyak averaging the value network Vψ parameters st ∼D S ,ξ∼N
at each gradient step. We use a mix of 1-step and n-step losses − min Qθi (st , ãφ (st , ξ))].
when updating the Q-function networks, i.e., L(θi ) = L(θi )1 +
L(θi )n . For learning from expert demonstrations or imitation learn-
 The value function network Vψ gets update through the ing, the loss function for updating the policy network πφ
following loss function: becomes:
 h i
 h i
 L(ψ) = E (Vψ (st ) − yV ) , (6) 2
 st ∼D
 L(φ)IL = E (ãφ (st ) − at ) , (9)
 (st ,at )∼D E

and the target for value function is given by:
 where DE is the buffer that contains expert demonstrations.
 yV = min Qθi (st , ãt ) − α log πφ (ãt |st ), (7) In the imitation loss function Eq. (9), the agent’s ac-
 tion ãφ (st ) is the mean value of the stochastic policy
where the actions are sampled fresh from the policy ãt ∼ tanh (µφ (st )), instead of a sample from the action distribution.
πφ (·|st ), whereas the states should come from the replay buffer In addition, we add a Q-value regularization so as to combat
st ∼ D. the overfitting issue and boost the learning speed, which means
the imitation loss is only referred to if the following condition of experiences and β is another hyper-parameter that controls
is satisfied: how much prioritization to apply.
 We sample the experiences separately for expert and agent
 Qθj sE E
 ≥ min Qθi sE E
 t , at t , aφ st , (10) buffers for RL training while updating the priorities of them,
 and the ratio of the samples from the two sources is dynami-
where j = 1, 2, meaning any of the two Q-function networks cally adjusted using the following equation:
can trigger the condition.
 B ← ρB ∼ DS ∪ (1 − ρ)B ∼ DE ,
 Eq. (10) illustrates that the policy network will cease (14)
imitation loss update when the agent’s performance (Q-value)
 where B is the mini-batch, and ρ ∈ [0.75, 1] is the sampling
outweighs the expert. Empirically speaking, adding this con-
 ratio, calculated as:
straint can effectively adjust the imitation learning process and !
filter the suboptimal demonstrations, and avoid overfitting the 2
 ρ←ρ+ 1
 A E
policy to expert demonstrations. rt ≥ r , (15)
 N t
 Putting it all together, the loss function for the policy
network πφ in SAC with imitation learning is: where NB is the current size of the mini-batch, rtA denotes the
  agent’s step reward, and rE represents the average episodic
 α log π φ (ãφ (st , ξ) |st ) − min i=1,2 Qθ (st , ãφ (st , ξ))
  if s ∼ DS ,
  i
 reward of the expert demonstration.
L (φ) = 2 Eq. (15) indicates a dynamic update rule that the sampling
 (ã (s ) − at )
  φ t ratio for the agent buffer will gradually increase if the episodic
 if (st , at ) ∼ DE and Eq. (10). reward for the agent is greater than the average performance
 of the expert.
 In the initial offline per-training stage, the policy network
gets trained using behavior cloning with the recorded expert IV. E XPERIMENTS
demonstrations (state-action pairs). This helps the actor’s per- A. Experimental Setup
formance quickly amount to the level of expert, which could
significantly accelerate the training process. In the subsequent We employ the CARLA simulator [25] as the experimental
online training stage, to balance the sources of experience the platform, since it possesses abundant vehicle models and maps
agent learns from (i.e, the ratio of the agent’s experience and close to the real world, thus being suitable for urban driving
expert’s demonstration), we design a mechanism of experience simulation. In the experiment, the vehicle needs to run safely
replay that can adaptively sample experiences from the two and efficiently through a roundabout consisting of multiple
sources, which is explained below. intersections in the urban area, shown in Fig. 3(a). An agent
 vehicle is first spawned randomly in the starting area and
D. Adaptive prioritized experience replay follows the planned route to the destination, while avoiding
 collisions with the surrounding vehicles in the dense traffic.
 Following the prioritized experience replay (PER) mecha-
 A total of Nvehicle surrounding vehicles are randomly spawned
nism [24], each transition tuple in the two replay buffers will
 in the scene, each is assigned with a random route in one
be assigned a priority, such that more important transition
 training episode, and they can perform emergency stop when
tuples with greater approximation errors can more likely
 encountering red light or vehicles.
be sampled. This way, the sampling process becomes more
efficient and goal-directed, which is essential to deal with
the problems with sparse reward. The devised priority pi for
transition tuple i in the agent replay buffer is
 pi = λπ Lπ (φ)RL + λQ LQ (θ1 ) + , (12)
where λπ and λQ are the weights to balance the importance Destination

of each error term, and  is a small positive constant to ensure
that all transitions are sampled with some non-zero probability.
Likewise, the priority pi for transition tuple i in the expert (a) (b)
replay buffer is
 Fig. 3. Overview of the urban driving task and processed scene representation:
 pi = λπ Lπ (φ)IL + λQ LQ (θ1 ) + . (13) (a) overview of the roundabout; (b) an example of bird-view image input.

 The probability for a transition tuple being sampled is We take the bird-eye view image shown in Fig. 3(b) as the
P (i) = P ipα , in which α is a hyper-parameter that deter- scene representation because it contains rich information of
 k k
mines the level of prioritization. To correct the bias intro- the agent vehicle and its route, the road topology, and sur-
duced by not uniformly sampling during backpropagation, a rounding vehicles. The historical positions of the ego vehicle
importance-sampling weight is assigned to the loss regarding are also shown in the bird-eye view image to incorporate
the transition tuple ω(i) = ( N P1(i) )β , where N is the number the information from the time domain. The image is with
a size of 64×64×3 and collected every time step dt. The where λs is a weight balancing the importance of the two
continuous action space is the normalized throttle and brake areas, di is the distance of the ego vehicle to the nearest vehicle
control [−1, 1], where [−1, 0] is for brake input and [0, 1] for in each area Zi , and vsafe is a speed-related regulator:
throttle input, while the discrete action space consists of three
 vsafe = (1 + v) [1 − 1 (v ≤ vm , at ≤ 0)] , (19)
actions corresponding to the normalized throttle and brake,
which are {−1, 0, 1}. The lateral control (steering) is governed where vmin is a speed threshold and at is the agent’s action.
by a combination of a PID controller and a pure-pursuit
controller to track the target waypoint. In the data collection
stage, we record a human expert’s continuous data on pedal
control via a Logitech G29 racing set, and discrete maneuvers
by pressing the keyboard. Overall, a total of 50 trajectories 1
of expert demonstrations are collected, with approximately
15,000 transition tuples.
 The policy network utilizes the convolutional neural net- 2
 1 2
work (CNN) structure as the feature extractor and generates
the mean and standard deviation of a Gaussian distribution
through two fully connected layers each with 64 hidden units.
The critic networks’ feature extractors share the same CNN
structure. Agent position
 Overtaking Vehicle
B. Reward function Front vehicle
 Considering that safety is the most critical in autonomous
driving, we design a reward function that focuses on safety Fig. 4. Illustration of the front-detection area for the ego vehicle.
factor while keeping a balance on efficiency and ride comfort.
After some trials, the reward function is devised as a combi- Eq. (18) directs the ego vehicle to avoid collisions, since
nation of four features: the normalized term will be close to 1 if two vehicles are too
 close, and thus the penalty will increase. If there is no vehicle
 rt = rv + rstep + rcol + rsaf e . (16)
 in the detection zone, the normalized term will be 0 due to the
 The first term rv is for travel efficiency, which stimulates indicator term, and no penalty is given. We also add a regulator
the agent to run as fast as possible but within the speed limit (Eq. (19)) to the safety penalty, which increases the penalty if
vmax : the ego vehicle is running fast when there is a potential danger
 rv = v + 2 (vmax − v) 1 (v ≥ vmax ) , (17) in the front zone and removes the penalty if the ego vehicle
where v is the speed of the ego vehicle. decelerates or waits when facing traffic congestion.
 The second term rstep is a small constant penalty (-0.1) also C. Comparison baselines
devised for travel efficiency, which is to encourage the agent To make a comprehensive evaluation of the performance
to complete the task as quickly as possible. of the proposed approach, we compare it with other existing
 The other two terms are set for ensuring safety. First of methods from the field of deep reinforcement learning, imita-
all, rcol is a penalty for collision, as large as -10 if any tion learning, and reinforcement learning from demonstrations.
collision happens. However, such supervision could be too The baseline DRL algorithms are:
weak and lead to spurious correlations between some irrelevant 1) DQN [26]: one of the first and most-commonly known
features and actions. Therefore, to provide more information DRL methods. It is a value-based method and Q-function loss
into the reward signal, we consider the potential danger in gets update through one-step temporal difference error.
a front-detection area shown in Fig. 4. It consists of two 2) PPO [27]: an on-policy method and has been widely
fan-shape areas Z1 (α1 , r1 ) and Z2 (α2 , r2 ), where αi is the used in robotics control.
detect angle and ri is the radius. Z2 is a long-range detection 3) TD3 [28]: an improved method with twin delayed Q-
area originating from the vehicle center (xA , yA ) for tasks networks based on the DDPG algorithm.
such as car following. Z1 , centered at (xA + L2wb , yA ) where 4) A3C [29]: an on-policy actor-critic framework with
Lwb is the length of the wheelbase, is responsible for short asynchronous sampling and advantage estimation.
distance sensing like a car passing by in front of ego vehicle. 5) SAC [23]: the basis of our approach, which has been
If multiple vehicles are in an area Zi , only the nearest vehicle recently reported with higher performance in practical appli-
is detected and its distance to a certain center point di will be cations.
returned. Utilizing the information above, we can derive the The imitation learning baseline methods are listed as fol-
safety reward rsaf e : lows:
 1) BC: behavioral cloning is a supervised learning method,
 r1 − d1 r2 − d2
 rsafe = − λs 1(d1 ) + (1 − λs ) 1(d2 ) vsafe which has been commonly used in learning driving policy from
 r1 r2
 (18) expert demonstrations.
2) SQIL [19]: a regularized behavioral cloning method, from expert demonstration, the agent is basically imitating the
which combines the maximum likelihood of BC with regu- expert demonstration with high rewards. Then, our proposed
larization that can stimulate the agent return to demonstrated adaptive prioritized replay will gradually lower the ratio to
states upon encountering new states. sample more experience from the agent’s self-exploration, and
 3) GAIL [30]: a variant of imitation learning using gener- thus the training process naturally transits to the reinforcement
ative adversarial training, in which the generator is RL-based learning.
and the reward function comes from the discriminator that tries Compared with other RL baseline methods, our proposed
to tell apart the demonstrated and generated trajectories. method shows a faster convergence speed and better perfor-
 mance at the end. We can find out that the average episodic
D. Implementation details reward of the proposed method quickly climbs to a very
 In the pre-training stage, the policy network gets pre- high level and gradually improves and finally converges after
trained with the imitation learning loss for 10k steps using roughly 40k step. For the other methods, A3C behaves signif-
the expert demonstration dataset. In the online training stage, icantly poor and is unable to even reach the entrance of the
our proposed approach and other baseline methods are trained roundabout. It is because the traffic scenario for each training
for 100k steps. The neural networks are trained on a single epoch is notably different, and the A3C policy easily falls into
NVIDIA RTX 2070 Super GPU using Tensorflow and Adam a local minimum of staying close to the starting point. PPO
optimizer with a learning rate of 3 × 10−4 , and the online can skip the local optimal problem and learns efficiently, but
training process takes roughly 6 hours. The parameters related cannot learn to reach the destination with dense traffic. The
to the experiment are listed in Table I. three off-policy algorithms can basically reach the destination.
 SAC performs the best but takes longer steps to converge.
 TABLE I DQN actually performs well in this case by adding double Q-
 PARAMETERS USED IN THE EXPERIMENT networks, dueling branch, and PER. This is because the value-
 Notation Meaning Value
 based method can at least guarantee the training progress, but
 is heavily relied on the design of the reward function. TD3
 Nvehicle Number of surrounding vehicles 150
 dt Time step (s) 0.1 takes the longest steps to actually improve the policy, and is
 vmax Speed limit (m/s) 8 very unstable in performance during our experiment: it shows
 vmin Speed threshold (m/s) 0.1 no progress without adding noise, but after adding the noise,
 αi=1,2 Angles of front detection area (deg) 60, 30
 ri=1,2 Radius of front detection area (m) 10, 18 its performance still varies greatly.
 λs Safety balance weight 0.8
 Lwb Wheelbase (mm) 2850
 γ Discount rate 0.995 7UDLQLQJSHUIRUPDQFHV5/
 H̄ Desired minimum expected entropy -1 
 n N-step Q-learning 10
 Nbuffer Agent buffer capacity 50000 
 NB Mini-batch size 64
 α Hyperparameter for PER 0.6 
 β Hyperparameter for PER 0.4 → 1

  Hyperparameter for PER 10−6 
 λπ Priority balance weight 1
 λQ Priority balance weight 1 

A. Training results 332 6$&
 We evaluate the training performance of our proposed
method in comparison with other RL and IL methods intro-      
duced in the previous section. In Fig. 5, we take the best 7UDLQLQJVWHSV
training result of each baseline algorithm for 100k training
 Fig. 5. The training curves of RL baselines and our approach. Our approach
steps, the black dotted line represents an average episode shows the highest episode reward than other methods.
reward (940.81) that an agent can get reaching the destination
area, and the grey shade in Fig. 6 is the performance of our In comparison with other IL baseline methods, our approach
collected expert demonstrations with an average of 1060.4 and converges quite fast and reaches the level of the human expert.
standard deviation of 227.0. SQIL can also converge very fast but performs notably worse
 As seen in Fig. 5, our approach shows the highest average in terms of average episodic reward than our method as it
episodic reward and is basically above the average reward line only uses expert demonstration data. GAIL shows the worst
to reach the destination. It starts with a relatively high reward performance even with 10k steps of pretraining, probably due
because of the pretraining phase with imitation learning. At the to its insensitive response to image input, which has also
beginning of the training process, with a larger ratio of samples been mentioned by [8] and [19]. The results show that our
approach not only imitates the expert demonstrations but also means the agent has successfully finished the task. However,
improves its behavior to some extent because of adding RL to the faint yellow points indicate the failure cases, which are
the framework. mostly owing to collisions with the front vehicle or overtaking
 vehicles from the side. The collisions that happened right into
 the roundabout mainly come from the vehicles from the left
 7UDLQLQJSHUIRUPDQFHV,/ or right side since the blind angle for the detection area gets
  larger when going into the roundabout. There are some failure
 cases at the very beginning because of the control failure of
 the surrounding vehicles, which cause a collision with the ego

 Start & Destination Area Trajectory End Point



Fig. 6. The training curves of IL baselines and our approach. Our approach
shows a faster convergence as well as steady progress.

B. Testing results
 The summary of test performance of all the methods is given
in Table II. Each method is tested 100 times in the roundabout
with different traffic participants, and the success rate, as well
as the average episodic reward and steps are recorded. The
results reflect that our proposed approach shows a high success
 Fig. 7. An overview of vehicle trajectories of the proposed method during
rate, as well as reaching the destination in a shorter time. As the test. The orange areas represent the starting and destination zones. The
discussed above, A3C does not perform well, and the vanilla yellow points show where the trajectory end.
BC method also suffers from a low success rate due to the
distributional shift during the test. SAC and DQN show good
performance during the test, and SQIL is also quite effective
in solving this problem. $JHQWYHKLFOH6SHHG
 3URSRVHG 7' 64,/
 +XPDQ 6$& %&
 332 *$,/ 6HWVSHHG

 Approach Success rate (%) Episode reward Episode length

 DQN 79 1006.3 ± 191.28 384 ± 84
 PPO 65 903.69 ± 253.74 321 ± 83
 TD3 67 802.45 ± 184.66 316 ± 59 
 A3C 18 39.844 ± 42.764 493 ± 25
 SAC 76 1050.9 ± 205.80 410 ± 84
 BC 16 987.37 ± 248.60 487 ± 104
 GAIL 65 769.32 ± 235.47 245 ± 64
 SQIL 78 966.35 ± 199.13 382 ± 82
 Ours 90 1205.3 ± 135.79 239 ± 65
 Here, we give some qualitative results by showing some of 7LPHVWHSVV
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in Fig. 7, where the ego vehicle is able to cruise at a safe first 20 seconds after the initial acceleration
distance following the front vehicle. The agent can go through
the roundabout scene with smooth turnings and decelerate To have a more intuitive sense of the safety and efficiency
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