IMPULSE WELCOME Promoting Unitarianism in London and the South East - SUMMER edition 2021 Come to our Musical Summer Quarterly! - LDPA Unitarians

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IMPULSE WELCOME Promoting Unitarianism in London and the South East - SUMMER edition 2021 Come to our Musical Summer Quarterly! - LDPA Unitarians

                  Promoting Unitarianism in London and the South East

SUMMER edition 2021        Come to our Musical Summer Quarterly!

DM in Ditchling          Students Valediction   PRIDE in Surrey
IMPULSE WELCOME Promoting Unitarianism in London and the South East - SUMMER edition 2021 Come to our Musical Summer Quarterly! - LDPA Unitarians
In this edition                                                Coming together at Horsham!
                              Our Musical Summer Quarterly                               3   We are hoping for a good turnout (and good weather!) for our Summer
                                                                                             Quarterly gathering at Horsham Unitarian Church on Saturday 28th
     8                        District Minister’s message                                4
                                                                                             August, as we enjoy each other’s company in the District once again.
                              FUSE 2022                                                  6   It’s been a while!
                              LDPA students’ valedictory service at Oxford               8

                                                                                                       n exciting programme of music
                              PRIDE in Godalming                                         9             and song is planned, both for
                              Red Cross Appeal                                      10                 the service and afterwards.
                              LDPA Autumn Quarterly                                 12       Composers from Vivaldi to Gershwin,
     9                                                                                       Gustav Holst to Vaughan Williams will
                              Stratford launch their first exhibtion                12       help us celebrate ‘Summertime’ – with
                              Masters in Theology grants offered                    13       solos and duets by some of our
                                                                                             Unitarian stars!
                              Council News                                          14
                              Poem by Bert Clough                                   16       The service will be led by the District
                                                                                             Minister, Rev’d Jim Corrigall, and entitled
                                                                                             ‘To see a world in a grain of sand …’.        beforehand, mindful that we are
     10                                                                                      inspired by the famed words of William        emerging from a pandemic. Please let us
                                                                                             Blake, Jim will explore links between         know if you are planning to attend and
                                                                                             poetry, music and spirituality. Afterwards,   whether you intend to stay for tea.
                                                                                             the plan is to sit outside and enjoy          Email:
                                                                                             musical performances and a choir –
                                                                                             before tea.                                   Timetable:
LDPA District Minister                                                                                                                     From 12 noon – Lunch in the garden
Rev’d Jim Corrigall                                                                          Many thanks to Horsham for agreeing to        Please bring your own sandwiches
EMAIL                                                   be our hosts. Their church has ample          1.30pm – Service of worship
District Administrator and Designer                                                          space within, as well as beautiful            2.45pm – Concert and choir singing
Helen White EMAIL                                           gardens for outdoor seating. Careful          3.30pm – Tea + departures
Website                                                               thought will be given to safety
Facebook @LDPAUnitarians
@FUSE: Festival of Unitarians in the South East
“We Unitarians value the freedom of thought, to explore and understand faith from
each individual’s perspective. Therefore every word spoken and written ultimately
reflects the thoughts and beliefs of the person speaking or writing.
We welcome your responses in the spirit of mindful discussion and debate.”

Published by the District Minister of the London District and South Eastern Provincial
Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches (incorporated No. 649091) Registered
Address: Essex Hall, 1-6 Essex Street, London WC2R 3HY Registered charity no. 233390

 2    IMPULSE                                                                                                                                                                   3
IMPULSE WELCOME Promoting Unitarianism in London and the South East - SUMMER edition 2021 Come to our Musical Summer Quarterly! - LDPA Unitarians
Message from the
District Minister

         irstly, as the new District Minister   Our advice from the District is that each
         for London and the South East,         congregation should itself decide as we
         let me begin by sending greetings      go forward, but based on available
to you all! It’s less than two months (at       guidance. And it is important that
time of writing), since I started this job,     decisions by congregations are made
but I’m settling in, helped by the warm         through consultation.
welcome I’ve had from congregations.
I’ve only visited a small number so far,        Cause to feel optimism
but look forward to meeting many more           I’ve enjoyed getting ‘out and about’ in
of you in coming months.                        the District over these past weeks, as
                                                worship spaces have been re-opening
As England emerges from Covid                   more fully. So far, I’ve visited two London
restrictions, it’s sadly true the future        congregations where ‘live’ services were
remains uncertain. A few weeks ago, our         being held (with both ‘in-person’ and
District issued guidance for this coming        online attenders), and I’ve led services
period (sent to all congregations,              at Ditchling and Horsham. It was
ministers and worship leaders), in which        encouraging to see good numbers in our
we recommended a cautious approach.             chapels at these services. Of course,
Almost all official restrictions have now       I’ve also been viewing impressive online
been lifted for communal worship,               services from all over the District. We do
weddings and other ‘life events’,               have cause to feel optimism.
including the limits on numbers and the
restrictions on singing and dancing. But        Let me end by saying that it’s an honour
the government is still urging caution.         and privilege to follow Rev’d Martin
                                                Whitell in this post. My warm thanks to
We are all advised to limit close contact       Martin for all his help over this transition,
with those we do not normally live with,        and for his work during the past five years
particularly when indoors – including           in creating a healthy District with healthy
wearing face-masks on crowded public            congregations. We are in his debt.
transport (while London has made
masks compulsory). For our chapels and          Journey well, and safely!
meeting houses, the size of our indoor          Jim
spaces will be a key factor in deciding
how many we can safely accommodate              RIGHT Jim leading the Ditchling service
at worship and other gatherings.                then admiring this lovely Sussex village.

IMPULSE WELCOME Promoting Unitarianism in London and the South East - SUMMER edition 2021 Come to our Musical Summer Quarterly! - LDPA Unitarians
Fuse festival 2022                                                                                                                                     19th-20th
We’re delighted to have secured two renowned speakers for our                                                                                            2022
Festival of Unitarians in the South East (FUSE) in February 2022.
                                                                                            F E S T I VA L O F U N I TA R I A N S                         +
                                                                                                 IN THE SOUTH EAST

        he theme of the festival is ‘The     Both our theme speakers are Quakers,
        Pilgrimage of Life’, and the first   and Jennifer Kavanagh is no stranger to
        presenter will be the ecologist      FUSE – she is well-remembered for her
and spiritual writer Alastair McIntosh.
He aims to lead us on ‘a pilgrimage of
the mind’, reflecting on our lives as
                                             role three years ago as speaker and
                                             workshop leader.                             The Pilgrimage of Life
‘journeys of spiritual unfolding’ in three   FUSE 2022 online
classic stages: Departure, from where
we start; the Initiation, where we
                                             We’ve decided with some regret to host
                                             FUSE 2022 online, via Zoom, on the
                                                                                          Journeys of spiritual unfolding
struggle with life’s deepest challenges,     weekend of February 19th and 20th. It
and finally the Return, where we bring       will follow the slimmed-down format of
our experience and spiritual grounding       FUSE earlier this year, with fewer
to be elders in our communities.             sessions and space in-between. There’ll
                                             be morning prayer, worship service and
Our other speaker is the writer, teacher     a workshop (and fun too!).
and social activist Jennifer Kavanagh.
             Her latest book, Let Me         Why online? We needed to take an
              Take You by the Hand,          early decision for forward-planning
              explores the lives of 200      reasons, and there’s always commercial
              people who live and work       risk when booking hotels. The future
               on London’s streets – the     seemed too uncertain to risk a big two-      Alastair McIntosh                           Jennifer Kavanagh
               homeless, casual              day indoor conference early in 2022.
               workers, buskers, traders,
                                                                                          Ecologist and spiritual writer                   Writer and social activitist
                sex workers. Her talk will   This autumn we’ll launch FUSE on our
                richly complement our        website
                2022 festival theme.         where you can sign up. Look out for our

Jennifer's motivation for writing Let Me
                                             promotional video. Once again we’ll
                                             make the whole of FUSE 2022 available
                                                                                            Programme: Online Zoom Gathering + Themed Talks
Take You by the Hand was to give a           to individuals for a single charge of £25.     Morning Devotions + Worship + Workshops + Epilogue
voice ‘to those ignored or unseen’, and      With no travel involved, we hope
to spur radical change. The author spent     Unitarian friends and seekers from
15 months tramping the streets               around the country will once again join        From November, bookings and further details:
interviewing people in order to gather       us for this weekend.
the material for her widely acclaimed
                                                                                            We hope Unitarian friends and seekers will join us, at a cost of only £25
IMPULSE WELCOME Promoting Unitarianism in London and the South East - SUMMER edition 2021 Come to our Musical Summer Quarterly! - LDPA Unitarians
LDPA students valediction                                                                  PRIDE in Surrey
                                                                                           Pride in Surrey Parade will be taking place on
                                                                                           Saturday 25 September in Godalming Town Centre.

                                                                                                   odalming Unitarians are             If you are interested in joining us please
                                                                                                   delighted that Pride in Surrey      contact Christine Martin of Godalming
                                                                                                   will be held in Godalming Town      Unitarians before 31 August on
                                                                                           Centre on Saturday 25 September. The
                                                                                           event will run from 10am till 8.30pm.
                                                                                           Both the parade and park are within         The organisers website is
                                                                                           easy walking distance (approx 10  
                                                                                           minutes) of Godalming Station.

                                                                                           There will be a parade (gathering at
                                                                                           10am) and registration is needed by
                                                                                           31 August to join the parade (free for
                                                                                           individuals). The total parade will cover
                                                                                           750m and finish in the park. People on
                                                                                           the parade will have free entry to the
                                                                                           park with their wristbands

                                                                                           At 11am the park will be open where
                                                                                           Godalming Unitarians will have a stall.
                                                                                           People on the parade will have free entry
                                                                                           to the park with their wristbands. Others

         ur LDPA District is proud of our    PICTURED ABOVE    Michael (left) and Robin
         two new Unitarian ministers         (right) seen after the ceremony with          will need to book tickets (minimum
         who’ve formally ‘passed out’ of     their ministerial studies tutor, Rev’d Alex   donation is £1) for entry.
Harris Manchester College, Oxford, after     Bradley.
successfully completing their ministerial                                                  The park event will have music, stalls,
studies there.                               Unfortunately, Covid again affected the       food outlets etc and is family friendly.
                                             service this year, and only close family      Well behaved dogs on leads allowed.
The College chapel provided the setting      were able to be present. It was,                                                          Godalming Unitarians at PRIDE in 2019
for the Valedictory Service on 22 June       however, a happy occasion, and our
for the two new Unitarian Ministers, Rev’d   District wishes the two new Ministers
Michael Allured and Robin Hanford.           both success and fulfillment as they go          Update: Pride in London Parade is cancelled. The organisers
Michael in fact qualified in 2020, but       forward to serve.                                say that current government Covid restrictions for large scale
lockdown forced the cancellation of the
                                                                                              events have made it impossible to go ahead.
Valedictory Service that year.

 8   IMPULSE                                                                                                                                                                    9
IMPULSE WELCOME Promoting Unitarianism in London and the South East - SUMMER edition 2021 Come to our Musical Summer Quarterly! - LDPA Unitarians
Red Cross Appeal
Please act now to save lives!

          n emergency national appeal           This appeal surely embodies our core
          for the Red Cross Global              Unitarian religious values. It is in the
          Coronavirus Appeal has been           spirit of, and builds upon, previous GA
launched by our General Assembly, in            resolutions. These include the 2011
response to unprecedented global crises.        resolution affirming the Charter for
Supported by our GA President, Chief            Compassion, the 2014 resolution in
Officer, Executive Committee and the            support of Red Cross lifesaving
Unitarian Peace Fellowship, it honours          emergency appeals, and our 2016
and implements our 2021 GA resolution           resolution calling for urgent humanitarian
in support of the Red Cross Memorial            aid to millions of victims of war and to
Peace Appeal, which funds life-saving           destitute refugees whose lives remain in
Red Cross appeals.                              acute and immediate danger.

Two million children are suffering acute
malnutrition in war-torn Yemen, which                          Donation
faces the threat of the most devastating
famine in decades. In Syria, over 5              If you wish to make a donation,
million people have fled the country             please make it payable to the
since 2011, and another 6 million have           British Red Cross and send it to
been internally displaced. According to          the charity’s offices at
UNICEF, 90 per cent of Syrian children           44 Moorfields, London EC2Y 9AL
are in need of food, medical and other           and kindly specify the appeal to
humanitarian aid. In both countries,             which you wish to donate.
millions of children suffer acute
psychological distress resulting from            Or phone 0300 023 0811
exposure to violence, shock and trauma.          Or donate online at
A surge in coronavirus infections has   or at
been devastating India, and has reached
more than 18 million. Hospital beds are          appeal/global-coronavirus-appeal
full and essential medical supplies and
treatment facilities are desperately

                     The British Red Cross warmly thanks all committed and generous Unitarian donors
                     who have contributed to the Red Cross Memorial Peace Appeal. The latter is an
                     umbrella appeal which sends donations to the Red Cross emergency appeal of the
                     donor's choice. No money is kept in any fund and there are no administrative
                     charges of any kind, as all donations go directly to the British Red Cross.

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IMPULSE WELCOME Promoting Unitarianism in London and the South East - SUMMER edition 2021 Come to our Musical Summer Quarterly! - LDPA Unitarians
LDPA Autumn Quarterly                                                                     Masters in Theology grants

        roydon Unitarian Church has
        agreed to host our Autumn
        Quarterly Meeting – it is to be
held on Saturday 16th October. The
main service, entitled ‘Still Here!’, will be
led by the Croydon minister, Rev’d Art
Lester. A warm thanks to Croydon
Unitarians for their generosity here.

The service will include an Induction
ceremony to welcome the new LDPA

                                                                                                  he Dr Williams’s Trust and the      The statement continues: Preference
District Minister, Rev’d Jim Corrigall, and                                                       University of Glasgow are           may be given to candidates belonging to
there will also be a special welcome for                                                          seeking applicants for a Masters    one of the three Qualifying
new ministers in the District. Those                                                      in Theology degree – in Ministry,           Denominations (this includes
attending are invited to gather at the                                                    Theology and Practice. This is a part-      Unitarians). An undertaking is required
Croydon Church from 2pm for the 2.30                                                      time Masters (over two years) “intended     that it is the intention of the candidate to
service and ceremonies – which will be                                                    for pastoral professionals to develop and   remain in the Protestant Dissenting
followed by tea and social time.                                                          enhance their abilities, and help open up   Ministry in the United Kingdom.
Please note this date.                                                                    new directions for faith and mission”.
Hope to see you there!                                                                    The course focuses on the practice and      The programme is intended to support
ADDRESS Croydon Unitarian and Free Christian Church, No 1 The Croydon Flyover,            theory of church life, and will be taught   those in ministry and to enhance their
Croydon CR0 1ER.                                                                          one day a month in central London.          expertise and capacity in key areas of
                                                                                                                                      ministerial practice. This is reflected in
                                                                                          A statement says the programme has          the four core courses:
                                                                                          been developed as part of a long-           Resourcing Congregational Ministry
                                     Sacred Spaces                                        standing collaboration between the Dr
                                                                                          Williams’s Trust, London and the
                                                                                                                                      Homiletics and Biblical Hermeneutics
                                                                                          University of Glasgow, in supporting the    Bible, Doctrine and Freedom of Inquiry
                                                                                          development of Christian ministry. The      Creative Ministry
                                     Stratford Unitarians launch their first exhibition   Trust dates back to the early eighteenth
                                     on 4 September from 2-6 pm: Sacred Spaces,           century. Dr Williams (1643-1716) was        For further information about the
                                     architectural etchings and drawings by Alison        himself awarded an honorary doctorate       programme and details about the
                                     Neville. Our policy is to showcase new and           of the University of Glasgow.               individual courses, please contact:
                                     established artists, and to involve the local                                          
                                     community and the wider art world.                   The Dr Williams’s Trust is offering
                                     Contact Julian Meek email:       bursaries to cover the part-time tuition    For information on funding provision
                                     Visit Stratford Unitarian Church, West Ham Lane      fees to candidates from England, Wales      through the Dr Williams’s Trust, please
                                     (corner of Mark Street) Stratford E15 4PH            or Northern Ireland who are accredited      contact: Dr Hugh Maguire at
                                             Ministers among Protestant Dissenters.
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IMPULSE WELCOME Promoting Unitarianism in London and the South East - SUMMER edition 2021 Come to our Musical Summer Quarterly! - LDPA Unitarians
News from the Council                                                                  District Council

         ur August meeting was a            LDPA new website relaunch package
         special occasion for two           One such project involves Helen
         reasons: welcoming Rev’d Jim       White’s working with six congregations
Corrigall to his first Council as our new   that have expressed interest in being
District Minister and having the pleasure   part of the LDPA new website relaunch
of Robert Ince join us as the General       package. Council has agreed to fund
Assembly Executive Committee link with      the annual additional running costs for
the LDPA.                                   each congregation using the LDPA           Bruce Bebington                    Rev’d Michael Allured              Professor Jacqueline
                                            website platform to promote themselves.    Secretary                          Chair                              Woodman Vice Chair
It was good to hear Jim had already         The designer we are working with has       29 Salterford Road,                E:                E:
been enjoying visits to congregations       created a generic template that would      Tooting, London SW17 9TE
across the District. Plans for FUSE         be duplicated for each congregation. So    T: 07710 415 922
2022 online are underway. Although it’s     far he has created three of our
disappointing not to meet up in person      congregations’ websites.
we understand the reasons. The
uncertainty around Covid-19 also means      Helen has designed some welcome
we also shan’t have the opportunity to      posters for three churches and is also
carry our Unitarian Pride banner and        updating our LDPA Directory. Please
wave rainbow flags at this year’s London    look out for that and note that she will
Pride parade, which has been cancelled.     resume pre-lockdown arrangements for
                                            sending copies of IMPULSE to
Our LDPA finance officer, Bruno Martin,     congregations.                             Eleanor Chiari                Carol Chambers                  Robin Hanford                Shana Begum
presented his report and will be asking                                                E:     E: E:         E:
Council to agree a budget for our new       Our next regular Coucnil meetings are
financial year. This agenda item is a       on 7 October and 13 January. In
good reminder to Council that looking       November we look forward to meeting in
after our money and spending it to          person for a team building away day.
ensure Unitarian communities in London
and the South East are supported to         Warmest wishes
grow and flourish is one of the most        MICHAEL ALLURED
important aspects of our work.              Chair LDPA District Council

“Looking after our money and spending it to                                            Bruno Martin                       Wade Miller-Knight                Rev’d Jim Corrigall
                                                                                       Finance officer                    President                         District Minister
ensure Unitarian communities in London and the                                         E: Email:   E:
South East are supported to grow and flourish is
one of the most important aspects of our work”
14 IMPULSE                                                                                                                                                                                            15
IMPULSE WELCOME Promoting Unitarianism in London and the South East - SUMMER edition 2021 Come to our Musical Summer Quarterly! - LDPA Unitarians
Poem: Ever Increasing Circles

Walk around the frozen lake                         Walk around the thawing lake
Companionless.                                      Egoless.
Then stop                                           Search for your selfless self.
To etch your name
On the hard-blue ice.                               There is no destination.
                                                    You find your new self
Walk around the frozen lake.                        In the journey.
Then stop
To watch the sun
Melt your name away.                                Bert Clough
                                                    December 2020
Now you are the Nameless One
Whose selfish past has melted
Whose future craving has vanished.

Forthcoming events
August 28th                    Summer Quarterly at Horsham
September 25th                 Pride Parade in Godalming
October 7th                    LDPA Council meeting
October 16th                   Autumn Quarterly at Croydon
October 23rd                   Brighton Bicentenary service
November                       Launch of FUSE online

Contributions are welcome
Please submit articles and photos for inclusion in the autumn edition
of IMPULSE by 1st September to
Previous editions of newsletter visit
Facebook @LDPAUnitarians @FUSE: Festival of Unitarians in the SouthEast

           Promoting Unitarianism in London and the South East
IMPULSE WELCOME Promoting Unitarianism in London and the South East - SUMMER edition 2021 Come to our Musical Summer Quarterly! - LDPA Unitarians
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