INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021-22 - ACS International Schools

Page created by Roberto Howell
INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021-22 - ACS International Schools
BOOKLET 2021-22
INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021-22 - ACS International Schools

We have created this brochure to answer common questions
about life at ACS Hillingdon – everything from “what
curriculum options do you offer?” to “where are you located?”

Of course, no brochure could possibly say everything
about such a vibrant, inclusive school environment.
To find out more, including how our distinctive approach
to education ensures our students are ready for the rest
of their lives, we encourage you to visit us – either for an
individual tour or as part of one of our regular Open Days.

To arrange your visit, just email our admissions
department at
or call us on +44(0) 1895 818402.

INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021-22 - ACS International Schools
INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021-22 - ACS International Schools
ABOUT OUR SCHOOL                                     ADMISSIONS

ACS Hillingdon is a co-educational day school        Application procedure
for around 570 students aged 4–18 from over          We operate a rolling admissions process that
50 countries, supported and taught by around         enables students to join us in any Grade and
150 expert staff and teachers. We offer world-       at any time of the academic year, subject to
renowned programmes of study – including the         acceptance and availability.
International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBDP), IB
Career-related Programme (IBCP), AP Capstone         Our online application process takes a holistic
Diploma and Advanced Placement (AP) courses.         approach, assessing each candidate individually
                                                     by reviewing previous school records, references,
Our campus boasts a stunning mansion house           questionnaire answers and standardised test scores.
and a modern extension that is home to our           This helps us understand the complete student,
three libraries, science and IT labs, art studios,   giving us a real insight into who they are today and
cafeteria, gym, auditorium and a dedicated           how we can make them ready for tomorrow.
music and technology centre, affectionately
known as Harmony House. Our delightful               Offer and acceptance of place
grounds feature an all-weather playing field,
                                                     We ask that each application is accompanied
tennis and basketball courts and adventure
                                                     by a non-refundable application fee, paid online.
play areas, supported by 14 acres of off-site
                                                     If your application is successful, we will then
facilities for football, rugby, swimming and
                                                     contact you with an offer of a place for your child.
track and field.
                                                     To secure the place, we require a non-refundable
                                                     enrolment deposit, which we set against the
                                                     second semester tuition fees. For more details
                                                     of application fees, deposits and tuition costs,
                                                     see the School Fees section of our website.

                                                     Practicalities for international families
                                                     We have many years’ experience of helping
                                                     international families with the practicalities of
                                                     moving to a new country. Our Welcome Guide
                                                     provides useful information on settling in the
                                                     UK, while our Welcome Committee (part of our
                                                     exceptionally active parents’ association) are always
                                                     there to help your family settle in quickly and easily.

INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021-22 - ACS International Schools

ACS Schools is a registered charity with the              Calculating the bursary award
mission of advancing education for all. To help           Our financial awards are for up to seven years and
us achieve our philanthropic goals, we offer              range from 10% to 100% of the full tuition fees.
financially assisted programmes in the form of            In exceptional circumstances, these awards can
bursaries and scholarships.                               also include additional school-related expenditure,
                                                          so students can participate in every aspect of school
Our bursary programme enables us to offer                 life. We calculate the size of each bursary based on
places to talented students who would benefit             an assessment of parental income and other financial
from our world-class education, but whose family          assets, so we ask for appropriate documentation
circumstances make it difficult to meet our usual fees.   as part of each application. We review bursary
                                                          awards on an annual basis to ensure they reflect
These financial awards range from 10% to 100%             any changes in parents’ financial circumstances.
of our full fees. All bursaries are means-tested, with    Our next in-take of bursary students will be in
each award dependent on the student’s individual          August 2022, and we welcome applications from
circumstances. In line with our values, we look for       June to November 2021.
students with enquiring minds, an international
perspective and a strong desire to make a difference.

We offer Upper School bursaries for students
aged 11, 13 or 16 (Grades 6, 8 or 11). Students
applying for the International Baccalaureate (IBDP)
bursary should display the ability to benefit from
an academically-rigorous programme.

Our criteria for awarding bursaries
We welcome applications from parents
who believe their child will benefit from our
international curriculum and who will make a real
contribution to life at ACS Hillingdon. We ask only
that candidate pupils are resident in the UK and
have the right to remain. Following an application,
we assess the student information and financial
data provided, and reach a decision in the March
prior to the academic year of entry.


Divisions                                                   Grade placement
ACS Hillingdon is organised into two divisions: Lower       Children come to our school from a wide range
School for our youngest students aged 4–10, and             of countries and schools. This table shows
Upper School for those aged 10–18. (This covers             the equivalent class age and curriculum for
middle school for those aged 10 to 14, and high             different education systems.
school for students aged 14 to 18). Each division is
led by a highly experienced Principal, ably assisted
by superb teaching staff and support specialists.

AGE         US / ACS HILLINGDON GRADES                                UK YEARS          PROGRAMMES

4           Pre-Kindergarten              Early childhood             Reception         –

5           Kindergarten                  Early childhood             Year 1            –

6           1st Grade                     Lower school                Year 2            –

7           2nd Grade                     Lower school                Year 3            –

8           3rd Grade                     Lower school                Year 4            –

9           4th Grade                     Lower school                Year 5            –

10          5th Grade                     Middle school               Year 6            –

11          6th Grade                     Middle school               Year 7            –

12          7th Grade                     Middle school               Year 8            –

13          8th Grade                     Middle school               Year 9            –

14          9th Grade (Freshman)          High school                 Year 10           –

15          10th Grade (Sophomore)        High school                 Year 11           Advanced Placement

16          11th Grade (Junior)           High school                 Lower 6th /       IB Diploma
                                                                      Year 1 College    IBCP
                                                                                        Advanced Placement

17          12th Grade (Senior)           High school                 Upper 6th /       IB Diploma
                                                                      Year 2 College    IBCP
                                                                                        Advanced Placement


     Lower School          Upper School


Our academic programmes are based on world-class
educational standards and qualifications, including
those of the International Baccalaureate and the
Advanced Placement programmes.

These are complemented by a Personal Development
Programme (PDP), which focuses on students’
personal, social and emotional learning, and
culminates in the Global Citizen Diploma.

Together, these enable us to create resilient,
balanced, high-achieving individuals who are ready
for whatever the future has in store for them.

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                                                                         PSHE • Service Learning

                                                                 Character Education • Digital Citizenship
                                                                           Fundamental Values •
                          BASED ON                               Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Activities
                           SUBJECT                                        • Global Citizen Diploma
                                                                          TAUGHT THROUGH
                        ANCHORED IN
                                                                    Advisory Programme • Assemblies
                         STANDARDS                                  Field Trips • After-school Activities
                                                                        Clubs • Sports Programme

                                                                          Some aspects taught within
                                                                             academic curriculum



Global perspective                                        Developed independently of national standards,
All ACS International Schools offer a unique              the IB incorporates best practice drawn from
educational experience for students aged 4 to 18,         research and a global community of more than
characterised by a bold international approach that       4,000 top-performing schools, encouraging
proudly asserts our common global citizenship.            students of all ages to think critically, challenge
At the heart of this experience is a commitment to        assumptions and adopt a global perspective –
providing exactly the right support for each student,     with some students choosing multilingual learning.
so they thrive within our culture of high expectations.
As part of our commitment to diversity and inclusion,     Our other premier academic programme is the
we support a wide range of student interests and          College Board’s Advanced Placement Programme
abilities, including the language requirements            (AP), leading to the AP Capstone Diploma. This
of globally-mobile students and their families.           is designed to help motivated students pursue
                                                          US university-level studies while still in High
Another distinctive feature of ACS culture is our         School, giving them the opportunity to dig deep
attitude to assessment, which is based on identifying     into subjects that interest them, developing their
what each individual student needs to do to improve       skills and analytical potential in the process. This
and excel. We use high-quality data and feedback          is significant for students likely to study further
regarding each student’s achievement to adjust our        in the USA, as many US colleges and universities
teaching strategies, improve individual performance       offer credit or placement based on successful AP
and celebrate learning.                                   examination results. AP results are also widely
                                                          accepted in UK universities.
The result is a flexible system that works for each
student, regardless of their previous achievement.        Well-respected national and
At the heart of this is our rigorous academic             international standards
programme, designed to help highly-ambitious              The curriculum at ACS Hillingdon is informed
learners excel in widely-respected international          by well-established, professional standards that
qualifications that support strong applications to        provide students with clear milestones to guide
the world’s top universities. At the same time, we        their academic development. Our standards
encourage all our students to pursue individual           are research and evidence-based, helping to
passions and explore personal interests – with a          prepare students for the demands of university,
particular emphasis on sport, visual and performing       career and civic life.
arts, enterprise and service to the community.
                                                          By identifying and prioritising significant
Put all this together and ACS schools deliver             content, standards promote deep learning
transformational learning. We help students help          that connects with the individual student’s
themselves, by teaching them how to become                knowledge and skills. Standards also provide
effective learners, confident individuals and caring      a common language for parents, teachers and
contributors – ready for success in a changing world.     students to discuss education topics, and enable
                                                          students to transfer to other schools – national
Premier academic programmes                               or international – with the minimum of disruption.
At ACS Hillingdon, the International
                                                          You can find more information on our academic
Baccalaureate Diploma (IBDP) and the IB Career-
                                                          standards at www.acs-hillingdon-public.
related (IBCP) Programmes for students aged
16–18 encourage both personal and academic
achievement, challenging students to excel in
their studies and in their personal interests.

Blended learning                                        IBDP students take responsibility for their
As ACS schools move into an era that demands            own learning, developing critical and creative
greater flexibility, the technology-forward,            thinking as well as collaboration, research,
blended learning-friendly curriculum designs are        self-management and communication skills.
flourishing. These models ‘blend’ where and how
learning happens between online at home and             The IBDP’s broad and balanced curriculum
in person at school. In a blended model, learning       requires students to study six subjects during
happens both online (at a distance) and at school       their final two years of school – three at higher
(in person) together in a unified instructional         and three at standard level. The curriculum
design. Online activities do not take the place of      includes languages, science, history, social
face-to-face instruction; instead, the two ways         sciences, business management, mathematics
of delivering and interacting with the curriculum       and the arts. IBDP results are based on a
complement each another. They truly “blend”             combination of end-of-course examinations
to create an enriched and more personalised             and externally marked course work.
learning experience – often driven by students’
own choices and changing needs.                         In the IBDP’s signature Theory of Knowledge
                                                        course, students examine the nature of knowing
                                                        and deepen their understanding of knowledge as
Blended learning:
                                                        a human construct. IBDP students also complete
•   Relies heavily on contemporary educational          a major independent research project in the form
    technologies.                                       of an Extended Essay, in which they conduct an
•   Roots teaching practices in contemporary            in-depth study of one of their IBDP subjects.
    cognitive psychology (current understandings
    about how people learn).                            The IBDP also encourages self-directed learning
•   Supports on-campus learning, hybrid-flexible        through its Creativity, Activity and Service
    models of delivery (where students may be           (CAS) element. Based on the idea of reciprocal
    learning in class and remotely at the same time),   service, CAS involves students taking part in
    situations in which groups may need to pivot        a range of activities alongside their academic
    quickly again to learning exclusively at home.      studies – helping promote healthy lifestyles,
•   Is supported by an international network of good    original thinking and active participation in
    practice in the Modern Classrooms Project.          local and global communities.
• Focuses on student mastery through
                                                        Importantly, the IBDP helps students gain
  personalised, self-paced learning structure.
                                                        offers from prestigious universities around the
• Strengthens students’ academic self-                  world. Higher education institutions in more
  management skills.                                    than 90 countries accept students based on
•   Develops students’ digital competencies.            their IBDP credentials, while many US public
•   Helps students develop a sense of                   and private colleges and universities offer credit
    responsibility for their own learning.              or accelerated courses of study in the light of
                                                        strong IBDP results.
Renowned qualifications
                                                        The IBDP is ACS Hillingdon’s most demanding
The IB Diploma Programme                                and frequently-chosen academic programme.
The IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) is an                   It requires commitment, resilience, excellent time
academically-challenging programme that                 management and determination. In return, a
ensures students aged 16 to 18 are ready for            substantial body of evidence shows the IBDP is
success at university and beyond. It addresses          excellent preparation for university – ensuring
students’ intellectual, social, emotional and           that students are ready for advanced study,
physical wellbeing, and has gained recognition          helping them achieve results that go beyond
and respect from the world’s leading universities.      anything they thought possible.

IB Career-related Programme                                helps students develop key academic skills that
The IB Career-related Programme (IBCP) was                 will help them in university and beyond, enabling
specifically developed for students who want to engage     them to become confident, independent thinkers
in career-related learning while gaining transferable      and problem-solvers. AP courses give students a
skills in applied knowledge, critical thinking,            first taste of demanding university-level work. AP
communication and cross-cultural engagement.               students build confidence and learn the essential
                                                           time management and study skills needed for college
IBCP students undertake a minimum of two IB                and career success. Importantly, higher learning
Diploma Programme (DP) courses, as well as core            institutions value he rigour of AP courses, giving
studies and a career-related study. Career-related study   applicants a competitive advantage for admission.
supports the programme’s academic strength and
provides practical, real-world approaches to learning.     ACS High School Diploma
Core studies help students develop the knowledge,          All ACS students who successfully complete
skills and attitudes required for lifelong learning.       the relevant studies receive an accredited High
                                                           School Diploma. As part of this, students choose
Today’s careers make great demands on graduates;           from an extensive range of traditional and
the IBCP prepares students to meet those demands           contemporary subjects, to create stimulating
in the form of self-confidence, accomplished personal      programmes of study that reflect their interests.
and professional skills, an understanding of global        Importantly for our American students, the
languages and the ability to make ethical decisions.       ACS High School Diploma meets the admission
                                                           requirements of US colleges and universities.
The IB Career-related Programme leads to higher
education and is increasingly valued as a university       À la carte AP and IBDP courses offer advanced
entrance credential.                                       academic rigour in many subjects. Students can
                                                           choose courses of study that specialise in particular
IBCP – Expressive Arts                                     areas of interest and ability, or meet the admission
This course consists of three components: the              requirements of more narrowly-focused national
theory section, the skills-based career-related            education systems.
component and the LAMDA Course. Students cover
courses which will be taken at Pinewood Studios            Global Citizen Diploma
with Creative Media Skills, learning skills including      As the world becomes increasingly interconnected,
set design, prosthetics, sound design, VFX and             it is essential to identify opportunities for student
animation. The LAMDA component covers Speech               engagement and action beyond the traditional
and Drama with Performance studies but can also be         curriculum. Inspiring individual pathways for global
done as a stand-alone qualification. Each student will     awareness and encouraging students to think
build their own portfolio which will become part of        beyond their immediate context gives authenticity
their application for any related courses at university.   to their learning.

IBCP – Digital Arts                                        The Global Citizen Diploma (GCD) is an additional
This course is new for the academic year 2021/22.          high school credential, which is earned alongside
The course includes animation, game design, visual         and complements the IBDP, IBCP, AP Capstone or
effects and computer science, working towards              the ACS High School diplomas. Through the GCD,
a personal portfolio. Students will benefit from           students identify and validate the range of learning
collaboration with industry specialists and mentors.       they have done, creating a platform for publication
                                                           of these achievements with an audience beyond
Advanced Placement (College Board)                         their immediate context. The various elements
                                                           of the GCD encourage students to move outside
• AP Capstone Diploma
                                                           of their comfort zones and foster a sense of self-
• AP Seminar and Research Certificate                      awareness and self-directedness in relation to their
• AP courses                                               experiences locally and globally. Ultimately, the
                                                           learning journeys that students capture through
Students who display exceptional ability across            the GCD demonstrate authentic engagement and
a variety of disciplines can study for globally-           action, and celebrate personal growth and change.
recognised qualifications, designed to recognise           By identifying their passions, each student who
and reward outstanding academic achievement                earns the GCD becomes more inclined to act in an
with a global perspective. The AP Capstone                 ethical and responsible way as a global citizen.

Programme for Grades 5-8                                  We have a 1-to-1 iPad environment in Grades 5
Our approach to learning in the middle years              to 8, and students can access desktop and laptop
emphasises intellectual curiosity, encouraging            computers as needed. Grades 9-12 students are part
students to look for connections between what             of our “bring your own device” (BYOD) programme.
they learn in school and the world beyond the
classroom. We develop communication, intercultural        Consistent with our interdisciplinary approach,
understanding and global engagement through a             the teaching of technology skills are appropriately
curriculum that improves self-confidence and builds       embedded into our lessons. Students benefit from
background knowledge. As students develop from            a stimulating array of on-line educational resources.
childhood into adolescence, our Upper School offers       We work closely with teachers and parents to
a caring and supportive environment that prepares         support students to be balanced, informed and
them for their final years of school, establishing good   respectful as we learn in the digital rich world. With
habits of mind that encourage lifelong learning.          regular opportunities to explore, investigate, create
                                                          and reflect, students develop into effective learners,
Programme for Pre-K to Grade 4                            confident individuals, and caring contributors to build
                                                          skills that will be employed beyond the classroom
Our broad and balanced primary curriculum (more
                                                          both whilst at school and after.
commonly called “elementary” in the US) prepares
students for independent learning through core
studies in language, mathematics, science, and
social studies. Students work with specialists            ENGLISH LANGUAGE
to explore language and culture, art, music and
physical education, celebrating our diverse
                                                          AND LITERATURE
cultural backgrounds and participating in a huge
range of activities – including assemblies, musical       Our language and literature programme is designed
performances, field trips and community service.          to help students acquire the ability to write and
                                                          speak well, and to examine, process and use
Our programme for Pre-K and Kindergarten focuses          information gained through listening and reading
on purposeful play, active learning, creativity and       skills in English. Our primary goal is to encourage
critical thinking. We encourage our young learners        children to become enthusiastic, motivated, and
to explore the world as part of a dynamic and joyful      confident lifelong communicators. Students are
community with solid educational foundations.             encouraged to find their voices as writers and refine
                                                          their tastes as readers by developing skills that will
                                                          benefit them long after leaving ACS.
                                                          JAPANESE LANGUAGE
Digital teaching and learning continues to
                                                          AND LITERATURE
enhance and transform how we learn, teach and
interact with each other and the world around             From Grade 9 and onwards, we offer Japanese
us. We prepare students for a changing world by           A Language and Literature for students who are
practising the use and application of technology          native Japanese speakers. Students study Japanese/
to solve authentic problems. Lower School                 non-Japanese fiction and non-fiction as texts.
coding and media classes lead to Grade 5-8                The focus is on reading, speaking, writing and
coding, media and design classes, ensuring our            thinking in Japanese. Students are given various
students learn to research, evaluate and utilise          tasks such as analysing the text, expressing
appropriate, relevant and reliable information and        opinions and interpretations orally, creating novels,
tools. Options in Grades 9-12 include courses             poems and mock radio broadcasting. Students
in Digital Arts, Film, and AP Computer Science.           are encouraged to view Japan and the world from
Every Lower School student has access to a                broader perspectives to understand how the world
class set of iPads, and laptops are also available.       is shaped and how they can contribute to the world.

LANGUAGE ACQUISITION                                    Music is compulsory from Kindergarten, and drama
                                                        is compulsory from Grade 5. Both become elective
                                                        options in Grade 9. Film is also an elective option
Language learning is fundamental to our students’       from Grade 9. These three disciplines contribute
cognitive, intellectual, social and emotional           to the school curriculum by developing students’
development. In Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 2,            abilities to work as part of a group, present in
languages and cultures lessons celebrate our            any given circumstance, refine performance skills,
international student body as cultural differences      analyse and evaluate work and develop independent
are explored alongside the spoken and written           thinking. The performing arts significantly contribute
language, focusing on geography, architecture,          to students becoming well-rounded, empathetic,
and the arts. From Grade 3, students can access         and confident individuals. The skills developed in
Spanish or French lessons depending on enrolment        performing arts are essential in everyday life and
requests. From Grade 5 and onwards, students            in many forms of employment. Ultimately, we want
may learn French or Spanish with additional options     to foster a lifelong interest in and enjoyment of
for school-supported, self-taught languages in          performing arts.
Grades 11 and 12. Our goal is to motivate students
for further foreign language study while broadening     Performing arts thrive at ACS Hillingdon. We
our students’ understanding of the world.               organise productions throughout the year for the
                                                        different divisions, including Hairspray, Beauty
                                                        and the Beast, The Wizard of Oz, Seussical
MATHEMATICS                                             and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Our students
                                                        travel throughout Europe to participate in ISTA
                                                        (the International School Theatre Association)
Skill mastery and conceptual understanding are at       festivals. Music is equally important, with our
the core of our engaging and inclusive programme.       after-school rock band club, jazz band and choirs.
Problem-solving, critical thinking, and mathematical
computation skills, including mental math, are          Our film programme enables students to develop
emphasised to foster a positive attitude towards        their skills based on key artistic influences from
the study of mathematics. Our maths curriculum          around the world. Students are given the opportunity
focuses on understanding mathematical concepts          to create film in a variety of genres and styles, using
to be applied in a meaningful and purposeful way        industry standard film technologies and software.
and to stay with our students for a lifetime.
Students often engage in hands-on activities to         As part of the IB Careers-related Programme
build understanding to increase their confidence        (IBCP), ACS Hillingdon has a unique partnership
in maths in real-life situations. The various           with Pinewood Studios located close to the school,
mathematical models throughout the curriculum           offering career-related internships in some of the
build from concrete to abstract. There are explicit     creative skills involved in film production currently
opportunities for students to engage in mathematical    make-up and prosthetics. Students in the IBCP
discussions to focus on reasoning and constructing      develop skills that are genuinely valued by employers
mathematical arguments. Instruction is differentiated   as well as gain valuable real-life work experience.
to equip all students with the mathematical skills      Students taking the film courses as part of the IBCP
needed for life in a modern, technological society.     can also chose film-related themes for their reflective
                                                        projects e.g. Environmental Impact of Film Locations,
                                                        Body Image in Films (Unrealistic Expectations).


The performing arts programme places great value
on engaging students in learning through a rigorous
and challenging music, film, and drama programme.

PERSONAL, SOCIAL, HEALTH                                Student learning experiences incorporate current
                                                        technology and include hands-on activities, reading,
                                                        research, discussion and engineering practices.
                                                        As science is collaborative, the development of
Personal, Social, Health and Economic                   effective communication skills is emphasised.
education (PSHE) offers learning opportunities          The science programme’s complexity level increases
and experiences which reflect our students’             as students progress through the school, moving
increasing independence and physical and social         from guided inquiry to independent investigations.
awareness. PSHE helps our students to be
active participants in the wider world. Students
learn to develop effective relationships, assume
                                                        SOCIAL STUDIES
greater personal responsibility, manage personal
safety and well-being. Themes of community,
environment and wellbeing are central to our            The overarching aim in social studies is to
school-wide PSHE programme.                             enrich the learning experience by focusing on
                                                        the interactions of people, cultures and the physical
                                                        and intellectual environment. Students will embrace
                                                        the concept of change, a constant in our global
                                                        community. Over time, students will learn to
HEALTH EDUCATION                                        respect others’ perspectives, attitudes and values
                                                        as they encounter course content that inspires
                                                        them to become ethical, responsible and productive
Physical and health education provides students
                                                        world citizens. We incorporate disciplines including
with opportunities that foster a lifetime
                                                        history, geography, economics, psychology,
commitment to physical activity and motivation
                                                        government and international politics to contribute
for making healthy lifestyle choices. Through
                                                        to the development of informed, empathetic,
opportunities for active learning, we aim to
                                                        confident and responsible young people.
instil our students with the skills, knowledge
and values that help foster an awareness of
physical development and health perspectives,
empowering students to make informed decisions          VISUAL ARTS
and promoting positive social interaction and
intercultural understanding. We ensure the equal
inclusion and recognition of all students regardless    Through the visual arts, students develop
of ability. Our students are as active as possible in   observation skills and learn to examine the
all lessons, developing the enjoyment, engagement       objects and events of their lives. At the same
and confidence in physical activity needed to           time, they grow in describing, interpreting,
achieve and maintain a balanced, healthy life.          creating, evaluating, and responding to work in
                                                        the visual arts. By examining their own work and
                                                        that of other people, students learn to unravel
                                                        the essence of artwork and appraise its purpose
SCIENCE                                                 and value. Through these efforts, students begin
                                                        to understand the meaning and impact of the
                                                        visual world in which we live. As students move
We encourage and build on students’ natural
                                                        up through the school, the visual arts programme
curiosity and inquisitiveness through science.
                                                        places great value on engaging students in
The science curriculum enables students to
                                                        learning through a rigorous and challenging
become scientifically literate and passionate
                                                        programme as it changes from a compulsory
about exploring the natural world. By learning
                                                        subject to an elective subject in Grade 9
how to think scientifically, students are equipped
                                                        that is individualised and student-centred.
with critical thinking skills that will allow them
to make sense of our rapidly changing society.
Our inquiry-based programme provides a balanced
study of the biological and physical sciences,
designed to challenge learners at all levels.

The Visual Arts department at ACS stay up-to-          Lower School      Football, cooking, golf, fencing,
date with the latest in arts education – through       		                chess, dance, mad science, Pilates,
our partnership with the education team at             		                multi-sports, basketball, zumba
Tate Modern and annual trips to Brighton, where        		                and more.
students create and learn alongside working artists.
                                                       Upper School      Fencing, tennis, chess, kickboxing,
                                                       (Grades 5-8)      golf club, rock bands, arts,
                                                       		                Pilates, fashion, ISTA, debating
SPORT                                                   		               club and more.
                                                       Upper School      Duke of Edinburgh Award,
                                                       (Grades 9-12)     tech club, STEAM, newspaper,
ACS Hillingdon is a full member of the London
                                                       		                mentoring, year book, Model
Schools Sports Association (LSSA), which provides
                                                       		                United Nations, Save the Children,
weekly fixtures and end-of-season tournaments.
                                                       		                Amnesty International, drama,
We are also a member of an international league
                                                       		                student council, CAS rock band,
for varsity teams. Importantly, this league offers a
                                                        		               club eco, TED Talks, writers club,
new route to success in the International Schools
                                                       		                music tech, psychology club, jazz
Athletics Association (ISAA), with Hillingdon
                                                       		                band, service committee and more.
students competing in the Netherlands, Switzerland,
Austria, Germany, Belgium and Spain.

As a relatively small school, we are proud of our      LANGUAGE AND CULTURE
ability to put forward competitive, successful
teams of student athletes. We celebrate each
sport season with an awards ceremony, and hold         Our after-school Native Language Enrichment
a banquet at the end of the school year. In the        (NLE) programmes support students learning
same spirit, we hold two Hawks Nights annually,        away from their home languages and cultures.
to showcase our varsity volleyball and basketball      Students attend cultural exchange and language
teams, and to promote school spirit by bring our       development classes in small groups led by teachers
community together to cheer on our young athletes.     (and sometimes parents) with native language
                                                       fluency. Classes are designed to be fun and gently
Sporting Calendar                                      instructive, inspiring a love for language and a
                                                       lived experience of multilingualism. NLE promotes
Autumn Football, volleyball and cross country          language development, cultural identity; it builds
Winter    Basketball, rugby and swimming               community and promotes international mindedness
                                                       for today’s highly mobile global families.
Spring    Tennis, track and field, baseball
          and softball

                                                       PRIVATE MUSIC TUITION
                                                       Students have the opportunity to take private music
                                                       lessons on campus. The programme is available to
Our co-curricular and extracurricular activities       students for violin, viola, cello, flute, clarinet, alto
play an essential part in creating a well-rounded      saxophone, tenor saxophone, trumpet, trombone,
and balanced school life. We encourage all             baritone, bass guitar, guitar, drums, voice (singing),
students to be adventurous, try new things and         piano and ukulele. The private music lessons are
be actively involved in school life. We believe        30 minutes long once per week and occur during
success beyond the classroom is just as critical       regular classes on a rotating basis.
as success within. We offer a range of clubs,
activities during and after school.

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT                                 In addition, ACS provides up to six sessions of
                                                     counselling intervention assessment by British
                                                     Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
                                                     therapists for early identification and referral to
Our Personal Development Programme focuses           social services or private practice for longer-term
on personal, social and emotional learning through   mental health support services.
classroom lessons. The programme helps young
people develop effective relationships, assume
greater personal responsibility, manage personal
                                                     STUDENT SERVICES
safety and become active participants in the
wider world.
                                                     ACS schools welcome students who need services
Our counsellors work closely with parents and        for English as an Additional Language (EAL)
teachers to identify and address the specific        and Special Education Needs and Disabilities
needs of every student, from goal-setting and        (SEND). Students are challenged and supported
decision-making, to coping strategies, crisis        in inclusive classrooms and specialist teaching
intervention and transition planning. From your      environments so that they can equitably access the
first day with us, your child is part of a caring    curriculum. Personalised learning accommodations
classroom community in which everyone is valued.     and assessment access requirements empower
                                                     students to progress academically and strengthen
Our high teacher-to-student ratio enables our        their capabilities as life-long learners.
students to be supported by personal learning
mentors who, guide our students to care for          English Language Support is available for all
others, engage in healthy activities and be          ages, with proficiency requirements from Grade
ready to contribute to the wider world.              8. For older students, EAL courses are offered.
                                                     ACS serves students with mild to moderate
Throughout the school, we embrace opportunities      learning needs at all Grade levels, both subject
for students to learn beyond the classroom – from    to admission requirements and available spaces.
bushcraft for our youngest children, to hiking,      We are not able to support students with severe
camping and international expeditions for our        behavioural, emotional, or learning difficulties;
older students. Our extensive programme of after-    or older students with very limited English.
school activities supports students in pursuing
their existing passions and developing new ones.

An age-appropriate programme of Relationships,       OUTREACH PROGRAMMES
Sex and Health Education helps children and
young people remain happy, health and safe.
                                                     We have a growing programme of service-learning,
                                                     as our students learn to become caring contributors
                                                     in their local and global community. This includes
MENTAL HEALTH                                        our annual expedition to different countries. It is a
                                                     superb opportunity for ACS Hillingdon students
                                                     to gain a different cultural perspective, by serving
As part of our overall commitment to wellbeing       a community in a meaningful way – taking part in
and mental health, qualified school counsellors      sustainable projects that help the local community
support students facing social-emotional,            achieve educational, environmental and ecological
developmental and personal challenges.               goals, learning with humility and exploring the rich,
Counsellors work with school support teams,          stimulating environment of another country.
Designated Safeguarding Leads and curriculum
experts to offer short-term individual and
group assistance and education.

OUTDOOR LEARNING                                         UNIFORM

Our attractive grounds, spacious facilities, and easy    Our students do not wear a uniform, reflecting
access to several outdoor spaces near our campus         our belief in the importance of individuality, while
make it possible to take our students into the school    encouraging our students to make sensible choices.
grounds and beyond for learning and exploration,         There is a dress code for guidance which all ACS
whether for a lesson, a day trip, or on a residential    students are expected to respect and follow.
trip. We know that learning should not be contained
only within the walls of a classroom. Our learning
experiences in outdoor environments encourage
staff and students to see each other in a different
                                                         UNIVERSITY AND
light, build positive relationships, and improve self-   CAREERS COUNSELLING
awareness and the understanding of others.

                                                         ACS university and careers counsellors work with
                                                         high school students to plan and manage the
LIBRARY                                                  application process for post-secondary studies.
                                                         Through events (like career fairs), group meetings
                                                         and self-service information resources, counsellors
We have dedicated library spaces and librarians          help students in Grades 9–12 develop personalised
who promote reading, build information and digital       plans of study, explore opportunities, and realistically
literacy skills. Our librarians champion intellectual    assess challenging university destinations that align
freedom to support members of our multi-national         with students’ aptitudes and ambitions. Counsellors
communities in their growth as passionate readers        assist students with local and international university
and lifelong learners, responsible global and            applications for selective and highly-selective
digital citizens, and ethical, effective handlers        institutions, and support students as they seek and
of information. We have an impressive print              choose among admission offers. Counsellors support
collection and interlibrary loan system form other       students as they research university options, choose
ACS campuses. We also provide 24/7 access to             courses, develop personal statements, explore
electronic databases, e-books, audiobooks and            careers, navigate the selection process and prepare
student-created digital resources. Our libraries
                                                         for standardised tests – paving the way for a smooth
are collaborative and welcoming spaces where
                                                         transition to university.
our international community thrives. All ACS
community members are welcome to explore
and use our valuable library resources.
                                                         HIGHER DESTINATIONS
                                                         AND DEGREES
                                                         Our students attend a wide range of university
                                                         destinations including the following:
ACS Hillingdon’s catering department is operated
in-house, enabling us to employ and train all our own
                                                         United Kingdom
chefs. We take great pride in producing delicious,
fresh and nutritious food that appeals to our            •   Bath University
international community.                                 •   Bournemouth University
                                                         •   Cambridge University
Our seasonal menus follow the School Food
                                                         •   Cardiff University
Trust’s nutritional guidelines. We source all our
fresh ingredients from nominated and approved            •   City and Guilds of London Art School
suppliers. Most of our daily deliveries of vegetables,   •   Imperial College London
fruit, dairy and meat come from local producers,         •   King’s College London
so we can trace each meal from “farm to fork”.           •   MetFilm School (London)

•   Queen Mary University of London            •   Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands
•   Regent’s University London                 •   Universiteit Maastricht, Netherlands
• The University of Edinburgh                  •   Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
• The University of Manchester                 •   Bergen University, Norway
•   University of the Arts London              •   National University of Singapore
•   University College London                  •   IE University, Spain
•   University for the Creative Arts
•   University of Bristol                      Courses undertaken include:
•   University of Durham                       • Architecture
•   University of Exeter                       •   Biomedical science
•   University of Oxford                       •   Business management
•   University of Sussex                       •   Computer science
•   University of Warwick                      •   Drama
                                               •   English
United States
                                               •   Fine art
•   Bentley University
                                               •   Graphic design
•   Byrn Mawr College
                                               •   History
•   Colorado College
                                               •   History of art
•   Columbia University
                                               • Journalism
•   Dartmouth College
                                               •   Law
•   Georgetown University
                                               •   Mechanical engineering
•   Harvard University
                                               •   Media and communications
•   Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                                               •   Neuroscience
•   New York University
                                               •   Pharmacology
•   Northeastern University
                                               •   Philosophy and law (PPL)
•   Princeton University
                                               •   Politics
•   Rice University
                                               •   Psychology
•   Rhode Island School of Design
• The University of Texas, Austin
• Tufts University
                                               ACADEMIC RESULTS
•   University of California - Los Angeles
•   University of California - Santa Barbara
•   University of Chicago                      We’re proud to say that ACS Hillingdon students
                                               have a long tradition of achieving excellent exam
•   University of Florida
                                               scores in both the International Baccalaureate
•   University of Oregon                       and Advanced Placement, consistently achieving
•   University of Pennsylvania                 well above the world average scores.
• Wake Forest University
                                               Our graduates go on to attend some of the most
• Yale University
                                               prestigious universities in the world, with the
                                               majority gaining places at their first-choice institution,
Rest of the World                              including Russell Group and Ivy League universities.
•   University of Calgary, Canada
•   McGill University, Canada                  Our latest academic results can be found on our
•   University of Toronto, Canada              website or requested
                                               from our admissions team.
•   EDHEC Business School, France


ACS Hillingdon is accredited by the New England
Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and
is authorised by the International Baccalaureate
to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma
Programme. The school holds memberships
in the US College Board Advanced Placement
programme, the European Council of International
Schools, the Council of International Schools and
the Independent Schools Association.



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Location and transport                               Shuttle service
ACS Hillingdon is close to junction 16 of the M25.   Selected areas also offer a Shuttle service
To find us, just enter our postcode UB10 0BE into    to pick up and drop off students at specific
your satnav. Heathrow and Gatwick airports are       points along a designated route:
around 15 and 60 minutes away respectively.
                                                     •    Hillingdon (Zone 1)
Busing service                                       •    Northwood (Zone 1)
                                                     •    Beaconsfield (Zone 2)
                                                     • Chiswick (Zone 2)
                                                     •    Ealing (Zone 2)
                                                     • Gerrards Cross (Zone 2)
                                                     •    Kew (Zone 2)
                                                     •    Putney (Zone 2)
                                                     •    Pinner (Zone 2)
                                                     •    Richmond (Zone 2)
                                                     •    Kensington (Zone 3)
                                                     •    Marylebone (Zone 3)
                                                     •    Notting Hill (Zone 3)
                                                     •   St John’s Wood (Zone 3)

                                                     Average one-way journey times
                                                     • Central London: 45 minutes
                                                     • Gerrards Cross: 35 minutes
                                                     •    Middlesex: 40 minutes
From your door to ours – ACS Hillingdon
                                                     •    Richmond: 45 minutes
operates an extensive busing service for
families, to transport children safely and
efficiently between home and school.                 Shuttle service
                                                     •    Beaconsfield: 30-40 minutes
•   Door-to-Door and Shuttle options                 • Central London: 40-45 minutes
•   Experienced and safe drivers                     •   South and West London: 25-35 minutes
•   Fees charged to recover costs only               *After school activities late buses are shuttle service only.

We understand the many challenges facing             For up-to-date busing fees please refer
both local and relocating families. Our School       to our website
Transport Co-ordinator will make every effort        hillingdon/admissions/fees or email us on
to arrange busing for your children from their
first day of school. In order to ensure the          or call +44 (0)1895 818403.
process runs smoothly, we would appreciate
your assistance by informing us of your home         Open mornings and individual visits
address as soon as possible.                         You can book a place through our website.
                                                     Alternatively, you can email our administration
Door-to-Door service                                 team on
All families living within the Zone 1–3 shaded       or call us on +44 (0) 1895 818402
areas on the map can apply to use our                to arrange an individual tour.
premium Door-to-Door busing service.

Hillingdon busing area

            Zone boundary

            Zone 1

            Zone 2

            Zone 3

            Shuttle Service

Hillingdon Court,
108 Vine Lane,
Hillingdon, Middlesex,
UB10 0BE, England

+44(0) 1895 818402


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