Information Brochure 2018 - Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences (FEFS) Feel the Pulse; Live Education; Unleash your Potential - UJ

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Information Brochure 2018 - Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences (FEFS) Feel the Pulse; Live Education; Unleash your Potential - UJ
Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences (FEFS)

Information Brochure 2018
            Feel the Pulse; Live Education; Unleash your Potential.
Faculty Structure and Contact Details                                        02
Vision and Mission                                                           02
Admission Requirements – Key Information                                     03
Undergraduate Programmes: Admission Requirements
> Diploma Programmes                                                         06
> Advanced Diploma Programmes                                                07
> Extended BCom Degrees Programmes                                           09
> Degree Programmes                                                          10
Postgraduate Programmes: Summary                                             11

The right to add, withdraw or in any way change any part or any regulation without prior notification,
remains vested in the University. Information correct at the time of printing – March 2017
Feel the Pulse; Live Education; Unleash your Potential.
The Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences offers a selection of degree and diploma
programmes aimed at the growing demand for skills in the fields of accountancy, economics and
econometrics, and finance.
The Faculty is well-recognised for the following:
> A national leader in producing candidate chartered accountants and chartered management accountants;
> A provider of choice for tax consultants and internal audit trainees;
> The provision of competitive programmes in the fields of financial management, financial planning,
   investment management and property valuation and management;
> Up-to-date training of economists and econometricians, endowing them with relevant quantitative
   and financial skills; and
> Market-related range of diplomas in Accountancy and Financial Services Operations.
The Faculty has long standing relationships with various professional bodies. Some of the Faculty’s
programmes are in fact accredited by the following professional bodies:
> Bachelor of Accounting and the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Science programmes –
   accredited by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA);
> BCom (Accounting) accredited by the South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA);
> BCom (Finance) and the relevant Honours/Postgraduate Diploma programmes – accredited by the
   Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), the Financial Planning Institute of Southern
   Africa (FPI), and the South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession (SACPVP); and
> Diploma in Accountancy – accredited by the Association of Accounting Technicians (SA) – AAT(SA). | 011 559 4555                                                                              01
To be a faculty of academic distinction
by internationally recognised
standards, embracing the challenges                                  FACULTY STRUCTURE
of complexity and diversity of its
                                                                EXECUTIVE DEAN – Prof Amanda Dempsey
African environment, in its endeavour                                 VICE DEAN – Prof Sivan Chetty
to advance knowledge and skills aimed                     HEAD OF FACULTY ADMINISTRATION – Ms Maria Manyana
at capacity-building in the fields of                                      FACULTY OFFICERS
Economics and Econometrics, Finance                          Faculty Marketer – Mr Muzi Fakude (011 559 3965)
and Accountancy.

           FACULTY                           DEPARTMENT           DEPARTMENT OF        DEPARTMENT OF        DEPARTMENT OF
                                                   OF               COMMERCIAL         ECONOMICS AND         FINANCE AND
                                             ACCOUNTANCY            ACCOUNTING         ECONOMETRICS          INVESTMENT
              Head of Department    Head of Department   Head of Department     MANAGEMENT
     AUCKLAND PARK KINGSWAY                  Prof Ben Marx            Mr Christo         Prof Hardus       Head of Department
                                              011 559 3153           Ackermann              van Zyl        Mr Niël Oberholzer
            CAMPUS (APK)
                                       011 559 5080      011 559 2046/2101      011 559 3484
          Mrs Karin Pitamber                            
     011 559 3861 /
          Miss Zoleka Ntozini             MISSION
   011 559 5592 /      >   Engage the national and international academic community
                                          >   Advance quality research
                                          >   Provide first-class education
                                          >   Establish an enabling academic/working environment
                                          >   Add to the productive capacity of the country through quality research,
                                              effective teaching and relevant programmes.
Admission Requirements – Key Information
Each of the programmes in this prospectus has specific admission
requirements. As part of the undergraduate admission requirements
students are required to have obtained a minimum Admission                                          Abbreviations
Points Score (APS). Points are awarded for the six symbols obtained                                 NSC         National Senior Certificate (completed Grade 12 in and after 2008)
                                                                                                    SC HG       Senior Certificate Higher Grade (completed Grade 12 before 2008)
in Grade 11 or Grade 12 according to the scale below:
                                                                                                    SC SG       Senior Certificate Standard Grade (completed Grade 12 before 2008)
> The achievement level (rating) obtained for Life Orientation is NOT                               IEB         Independent Examination Board
    included in the calculation of the Admission Point Score (APS).                                 HIGCSE      Higher International General Certificate of Secondary Education
                                                                                                    IGCSE       International General Certificate of Secondary Education
                                                                                                    NSSC(HL) Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (Higher Level)
  School Subjects                                              Marks          APS                   NSSC(OL) Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (Ordinary Level – Cambridge)
  First Language (Language of teaching and learning)            65%               5                 AS          Advanced Subsidiary Level (Cambridge)
                                                                                                    A Level     Advanced Level (Cambridge)
  Additional Recognized Language                                71%               6
                                                                                                    IB(HL)       International Baccalaureate Schools (Higher Levels)
  Mathematics                                                   61%               5                 IB(SL)      International Baccalaureate Schools (Standard Levels)
  Accounting                                                    68%               5                 WAEC        West African Examination Council
  History                                                       81%               7                 KCSE        Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
                                                                                                    Diplome/Exam D’Etat Diplome d’Etat or d’Etudes Secondaire du Cycle
  Geography                                                     86%               7
                                                                                                    CHL/EM      Certificado de Habilitacoes Literarias (Mozambique) / Ensino Medio (Angola)
  Total                                                                           35                Baccalaureate Gabonese School Leaving

                          NATIONAL                                                                                      INTERNATIONAL

                                                                                                                                                              Exam D’Etat
                                                                                       AS LEVELS


                                                        NSSC (HL)

                                                                      NSSC (OL)

                                                                                                   A LEVELS


                                                                                                              IB (HL)

                                                                                                                            IB (SL)
                          SC HG

                                      SC SG




  10                                                                                                 A          7
   9                                                                                                B           6
   8                                                                                                 C          5
   7        7 (80-100%)      A                    7        1                             A          D           4             7                     A
   6        6 (70-79%)       B           A        6        2                             B           E          3             6                    B
   5        5 (60-69%)       C           B        5        3             A               C                      2             5          A          C        80-100%        16-20      16-20
   4        4 (50-59%)       D           C        4        4             B              D                       1            4          B          D         70-79%         14-15       14-15
   3        3 (40-49%)       E           D        3                      C               E                                    3          C          E        50-69%         10-13       10-13     03
   2        2 (30-39%)       F           E        2                    D/E                                                    2       D/E           F        30-49%          8-9        8-9
   1         1 (0-29%)       G           F         1                   F/G                                                    1       F/G          G          0-29%          0-7        0-7
A National Certificate (Vocational) – NC(V) (level 4) issued by the
     Council for General and Further Education and Training

          Admission requirements for candidates with National Certificate (Vocational) – NC(V)
      In the Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences, NC(V) candidates are considered only for Diploma and Extended Degree Programmes.
                                                            Fundamental Component                                  Vocational Component
            Programme                                               Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy
                                          English                 Mathematics            Mathematical Literacy

       Diploma Programmes                                                                                            60% in 3 compulsory
                                           60%                        60%                        70%
             (3 years)                                                                                                vocational subjects

      BCom Extended Degree
                                                                                                                     70% in 3 compulsory
          programmes                       70%                        70%                        80%
                                                                                                                      vocational subjects
            (4 years)

      NOTES: The BCom (Accounting) extended degree programme does not provide direct access to the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting
             Science. However, students who complete the BCom (Accounting) extended degree, may apply for admission to a bridging programme
             (subject to space, admission requirements and the continued future offering of this programme).
             Upon completion of this bridging programme and compliance with specific performance requirements, candidates may then apply
             for admission to the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Science.

Disclaimers                                 Additional information
> In order to be considered for selection   > Minimum entry requirements for studies as legislated by the
  for a programme, an applicant               government do not guarantee a student admission to any programme
  is required to comply with the              or field of study.
                                            > Also note, meeting the Faculty’s minimum admission requirements for
  programme’s minimum admission
                                              a particular programme does not necessarily guarantee admission to
  criteria in respect of the total APS
                                              that programme as specific selection criteria may be applied.
  and required subjects.                    > There could be changes in the site/s of offering of
> Due to ongoing programme reviews            programmes(meaning that programmes could be moved to an
  may be changes in diploma and               alternative campus).
  degree programmes in terms of             > Preliminary admission is based on the results obtained in the final Grade
  range and mix of qualifications,            11 examination. Final admission is based on the final Grade 12 results.
  curricula, and                            > Applicants must also meet the criteria set by other faculties with
                                              regard to their chosen academic subjects. All additional criteria for
  admission requirements. Please
                                              specific learning area specializations, and/or subject methodologies
  consult the Faculty’s website for
                                              have to be met as well.
  latest developments.                      > Applicants may also be required to write admission/placement tests.
> NC(V) candidates are only considered      > It is compulsory for applicants to have completed the National Bench­
  for Diploma and Extended                    mark Test (NBT) prior to registration.
  Degree Programmes.                        > The University of Johannesburg and its faculties have the right to
> NASCA candidates are only considered        change the admission requirements for a specific field of study.
  for Diploma programmes.                   > A restricted number of students are accepted in certain fields of study.
                                            > In addition to the general minimum admission requirements,
                                              programme-specific entry requirements may apply.
In order to obtain entry into a diploma programme in the
     U N D E R G R A D U AT E P R O G R A M M E S : A D M I S S I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S
                                                                                                                                                    Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences, a candidate

                                                                                                                                                    must meet the minimum requirements in the National
                                                                                                                                                    Senior Certificate (NSC) or the National Certificate

                                                                                                                                                    (Vocational) (NC(V)) or the National Senior Certificate for
                                                                                                                                                    Adults (NASCA) for entry into a diploma. The following are
                                                                                                                                                    specific admission requirements in respect of diploma
                                                                                                                                                    studies in the Faculty.

                                                                                         Minimum APS


                      PROGRAMME                                   CODE                                                                                       POSSIBLE CAREERS

                                                                                   20 with
                                                                                                             3            3              5               Accounting Technician,                       SWC
                       Accountancy                              D3A15Q             22 with
                                                                                                                                                       Bookkeeper, Cost Accountant

                                                                                   20 with                                                               Middle and back office
                                                                                 Mathematics                 3            3              5           operations: Financial Operations
           Financial Services Operations                        D3F15Q             22 with                                                              Administrator, Operations                     SWC
                                                                                 Mathematical                                                         Analyst, Risk and Compliance
                                                                                   Literacy                                                                       Officer.

     NOTE: The achievement level (rating) obtained for Life Orientation is NOT included in the calculation of the Admission Points Score (APS).



                                      CODE                                          ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS                                                         CONTACT INFO

                                                     The entry requirements for the Advanced Diploma in Accountancy are a
                                                     Diploma or National Diploma with Financial Accounting, Auditing or Internal
                                                     Auditing and Taxation at a 3rd year level and Grade 12 Mathematics with
                                                     minimum APS score of 4. Students, whom enrolled as a first year for a                                       Contact person:
                                                     Diploma in UJ in 2015 or later, with an APS score below 4 for Mathematics or                                Belinda Schutte
                                                     with Grade 12 Mathematic Literacy will only be considered after completion of                                  Telephone:
     *In Accountancy                ADIA01           the Mathematics for Finance and Business 1A and 1B modules offered by the                                     011 559 2794
                                                     Faculty of Science at the University of Johannesburg to all first year Diploma                                   Email:
                                                     students. For students, who enrolled for the first time for a Diploma in UJ                      
                                                     before 2015 or students from another university, with an APS score below 4 for
                                                     Mathematics or with Grade 12 Mathematic Literacy will only be considered after
                                                     completion of the Mathematics for Diploma students module offered by the
                                                     Faculty of Science at the University of Johannesburg or equivalent.
* Preparatory study and an entrance examination may be required by the relevant department. Application forms and information are obtainable from the relevant department.

PROGRAMME                      CODE                                           ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS                                                        CONTACT INFO

                                                         The entry requirements for the Advanced Diploma in Financial Management are a Diploma
                                                         or National Diploma with Financial Accounting and Management Accounting at a 3rd
                                                         year level and Grade 12 Mathematics with minimum APS score of 4. Students, whom                             Contact person:
                                                         enrolled as a first year for a Diploma in UJ in 2015 or later, with an APS score below 4 for               Ms Melissa McGill
                                                         Mathematics or with Grade 12 Mathematic Literacy will only be considered after completion
           *In Financial                                                                                                                                               Telephone:
                                        ADFM01           of the Mathematics for Finance and Business 1A and 1B modules offered by the Faculty of
           Management                                    Science at the University of Johannesburg to all first year Diploma students. For students,
                                                                                                                                                                       011 559 3351
                                                         who enrolled for the first time for a Diploma in UJ before 2015 or students from another                         Email:
                                                         university, with an APS score below 4 for Mathematics or with Grade 12 Mathematic                
                                                         Literacy will only be considered after completion of the Mathematics for Diploma students
                                                         module offered by the Faculty of Science at the University of Johannesburg or equivalent.

                                                         The admission requirements for this programme will adhere to the University                                      Contact:
                                                         of Johannesburg’s Policy for Admission and Selection. A student should have                                    Telephone:
            *In Financial
                                        A3F17Q           one of the following: NEW/OLD NQF level 6 qualification with 3 years’ relevant                                 011 559 3351
                                                         work experience in financial markets; NEW/OLD NQF level 6 qualification in                                        Email:
                                                         Finance; or 5 years’ relevant work experience in financial markets.                               

                                                         The entry requirements for the Advanced Diploma in Property Valuation and Management
                                                         are a Diploma or National Diploma with specialisation in property management or
                                                         equivalent and Grade 12 Mathematics with minimum APS score of 4. Students, whom
                                                         enrolled as a first year for a Diploma in UJ in 2015 or later, with an APS score below 4 for                     Contact:
           *In Property
                                                         Mathematics or with Grade 12 Mathematic Literacy will only be considered after completion                      Telephone:
                                        ADPVM1           of the Mathematics for Finance and Business 1A and 1B modules offered by the Faculty of                        011 559 3351
                and                                      Science at the University of Johannesburg to all first year Diploma students. For students,                       Email:
           Management                                    who enrolled for the first time for a Diploma in UJ before 2015 or students from another          
08                                                       university, with an APS score below 4 for Mathematics or with Grade 12 Mathematic
                                                         Literacy will only be considered after completion of the Mathematics for Diploma students
                                                         module offered by the Faculty of Science at the University of Johannesburg or equivalent.

     * Preparatory study and an entrance examination may be required by the relevant department. Application forms and information are obtainable from the relevant department.
U N D E R G R A D U AT E P R O G R A M M E S : A D M I S S I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S


                                                                      In order to obtain entry into an Extended degree programme in the Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences, a candidate
                                                                      must meet the minimum requirements in the National Senior Certificate (NSC) or the National Certificate (Vocational) (NC(V))
                                                                      for entry into a degree. The following are specific admission requirements in respect of extended degree studies in the Faculty.

                                                                               Minimum APS


                PROGRAMME                                CODE                                                                                     POSSIBLE CAREERS

                                                                           25 with
                                                                         Mathematics                                                         Financial Manager, Accountant,
                  Accounting                           B3AE7Q                                       4              3              6                                                         APK
                                                                        28 with Maths.                                                       Internal Auditor, Tax Consultant
                                                                           25 with
                                                                                                                                               Economist, Econometrician,
     Economics and Econometrics                        B3NE4Q                                       4              3              6           Economic Analyst, Forecaster,                 APK
                                                                        28 with Maths.
                                                                                                                                                   Economic Planner
                                                                                                                                                    Financial Manager,
                                                                                                                                                 Stockbroker, Accountant,
                                                                          25 with
                                                                                                                                             Financial Consultant, Chartered
                                                       B3FE7Q                                                                                    Management Accountant,
                    Finance                                               28 with                   4              3              6                                                         APK
                                                                                                                                              Investment Advisor, Securities
                                                                                                                                                Trader, Portfolio Manager,
                                                                                                                                                Certified Financial Planner,
                                                                                                                                             Wealth Manager, Private Banker
NOTES:   • The achievement level (rating) obtained for Life Orientation is NOT included in the calculation of the Admission Points Score (APS).
         • All extended degrees mentioned above are presented in English only.
         • The BCom (Accounting) extended degree programme does not provide direct access to the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Science. However, students who complete the
           BCom (Accounting) extended degree, may enroll for a bridging programme (subject to space, admission requirements and the continued future offering of this programme). Upon
           completion of this bridging programme and compliance with specific performance requirements, candidates may then enrol for the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Science.
In order to obtain entry into a Bachelor / BCom / Bachelor
     U N D E R G R A D U AT E P R O G R A M M E S : A D M I S S I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S
                                                                                                                                         of Commerce degree programme in the Faculty of

     DEGREE PROGRAMMES (3 years)
                                                                                                                                         Economic and Financial Sciences, a candidate must
                                                                                                                                         meet the minimum requirements in the National Senior

                                                                                                                                         Certificate (NSC) for entry into a bachelor’s degree
                                                                                                                                         programme. The following are specific admission
                                                                                                                                         requirements in respect of Bachelor / BCom / Bachelor of
                                                                                                                                         Commerce degree studies in the Faculty.

                                                                                    Minimum APS


                     PROGRAMME                                CODE                                                                        POSSIBLE CAREERS

                      *Accounting                            BCA012                 33                 4             5              Chartered Accountant – CA (SA)                       APK

                                                                                                                                Financial Manager, Accountant, Internal
                     **Accounting                           B3A17Q                  28                 4             4                                                                   APK
                                                                                                                                        Auditor, Tax Consultant
                                                                                                                                 Economist, Econometrician, Economic
         **Economics and Econometrics                       B3N14Q                  28                 4             4                                                                   APK
                                                                                                                                 Analyst, Forecaster, Economic Planner
                                                                                                                                     Financial Manager, Stockbroker,
                                                                                                                                    Accountant, Financial Consultant,
                                                                                                                                   Chartered Management Accountant,
                       **Finance                             B3F17Q                 28                 4             4                                                                   APK
                                                                                                                                  Investment Advisor, Securities Trader,
                                                                                                                                   Portfolio Manager, Certified Financial
                                                                                                                                Planner, Wealth Manager, Private Banker.

       • The achievement level (rating) obtained for Life Orientation is NOT included in the calculation of the Admission Points Score (APS).
       • The BCom (Accounting) degree programme does not provide direct access to the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Science. However, students who complete the BCom (Accounting)
10       degree, may enroll for a bridging programme (subject to space, admission requirements and the continued future offering of this programme). Upon completion of this bridging programme
         and compliance with specific performance requirements, candidates may then enrol for the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Science.


                                                     (COURSE WORK)                       (RESEARCH)

      Accounting              Accounting              Competition and                      Accounting           Accounting
  Accounting Science          Accounting          Economic Regulation*                       Auditing            Auditing
    Estate Planning        (specialisation in        Computer Auditing                    Econometrics         Econometrics
Financial Management    Chartered Accountancy)   Development Economics                      Economics           Economics
   Financial Markets         Econometrics                 Finance                    Financial Management        Finance
                              Economics             Financial Economics             Investment Management        Taxation
                        Financial Management     International Accounting              Quantitative Finance
                          Financial Planning          Local Economic                    South African and
                           Internal Auditing            Development                   International Taxation
                       Investment Management         South African and
                        Property Valuation and     International Taxation
                         Quantitative Finance           MASTER’S
                               Taxation               PROGRAMME
                        Treasury Management            PHILOSOPHY                                                             11
                                                     Industrial Policy
                                                 * Awaiting external approval.
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